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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks



    Revelation 6:1 6 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say with a voice like thunder: “Come!” 2 And I saw, and look! a white horse, and the one seated on it had a bow; and a crown was given him, and he went out conquering and to complete his conquest." 


    The expression “until I come” reminds us of Jesus’ reference to “the Son of man coming in his kingdom.” (Matthew 16:28) John remains until Jesus comes in that John is later given a prophetic vision of Jesuscoming in Kingdom power. Near the end of John’s life, while in exile on the isle of Patmos, he receives the Revelation with all its amazing prophetic signs of events that are to occur during “the Lord’s day.” John is so deeply moved by these spectacular visions that when Jesus says: “Yes; I am coming quickly,” John exclaims: “Amen! Come, Lord Jesus.”—Revelation 1:1, 10; 22:20.


    After a cloud caught Jesus up from the disciples’ vision, the angels said: “This Jesus who was received up from you into the sky will come this in the same manner as you have beheld him going into the sky.”—Acts 1:9-11.


    Jesus’ departure was observed only by his loyal followers. As with the transfiguration, there was no public display; the world in general was not even aware of what had occurred. The same would be true when Christ returned in Kingdom power. (John 14:19


    Only his faithful anointed disciples would discern his royal presence. In the next article, we will see how that insight would have a profound effect on them, culminating in the gathering of millions who would become Jesus’ earthly subjects.—Revelation 7:9, 14.





  2. Do YOU not REJOICE? "In that day they will say: “Look! This is our God! We have hoped in him, And he will save us. This is Jehovah! We have hoped in him. Let us be joyful and rejoice in the salvation by him.” (Isa.25:9) - 


    Jehovah’s Hand Becomes High


    How will Jehovah’s enemies react when his counsel against their strong city comes true? “Those who are a strong people will glorify you; the town of the tyrannical nations, they will fear you.” (Isaiah 25:3) It is understandable that the enemies of the almighty God will fear him. How, though, do they glorify him? Will they abandon their false gods and adopt pure worship? Hardly! Rather, like Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar, they glorify Jehovah when they are compelled to recognize his overwhelming superiority.—Exodus 10:16, 17; 12:30-33; Daniel 4:37.


    Today “the town of the tyrannical nations” is “the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth,” namely, “Babylon the Great,” the world empire of false religion. (Revelation 17:5, 18) The principal part of this empire is Christendom. How do the religious leaders of Christendom glorify Jehovah? By bitterly conceding the wonderful things he has accomplished in behalf of his Witnesses. Particularly in 1919 when Jehovah restored his servants to dynamic activity after their release from spiritual captivity to Babylon the Great, these leaders “became frightened and gave glory to the God of heaven.”—Revelation 11:13.*


    Although fearsome when viewed by his enemies, Jehovah is a refuge to the meek and humble who want to serve him. Religious and political tyrants may try everything to break the faith of true worshipers, but they fail because these have absolute confidence in Jehovah. Eventually, he easily silences his opposers, doing so as if he were covering the burning desert sun with a cloud or blocking the force of a rainstorm with a wall.—Read Isaiah 25:4, 5.




  3. "Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool. Isaiah 1:18. 


    What is meant by the words: “Come, now, you people, and let us set matters straight between us”? This is not an invitation to talk things over and reach a mutual agreement by having give-and-take discussions. Instead, the verse refers to establishing a forum of justice in which the righteous Judge, Jehovah, gives Israel an opportunity to change and cleanse herself.


    Crimson was one of the colors of costly dyed material. (2Ch 2:7, 14; 3:14; Na 2:3) Sins are also likened to the deep color of crimson.—Isa 1:18.m


    Steps necessary for attaining reconciliation. Since God is the offended party whose law has been and is being violated, it is man who must become reconciled to God, not God to man. (Ps 51:1-4) Man does not meet God on equal terms, nor is God’s stand as to what is right subject to change, emendation, or modification. (Isa 55:6-11; Mal 3:6; compare Jas 1:17.) His conditions for reconciliation are therefore nonnegotiable, not subject to question or compromise. (Compare Job 40:1, 2, 6-8; Isa 40:13, 14.) While many translations render Isaiah 1:18 to read, “Come now, and let us reason together, says the LORD” (KJ; AT; JP; RS), a more appropriate and consistent translation is: “‘Come, now, you people, and let us set matters straight [“let us settle the dispute,” Ro] between us,’ says Jehovah.” The fault producing the disharmony lies entirely with man, not with God.—Compare Eze 18:25,29-32.


    This does not prevent God from mercifully taking the initiative in opening the way for reconciliation. He did so through his Son. The apostle writes: “For, indeed, Christ, while we were yet weak, died for ungodly men at the appointed time. For hardly will anyone die for a righteous man; indeed, for the good man, perhaps, someone even dares to die. But God recommends his own love [a·gaʹpen] to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 


    Much more, therefore, since we have been declared righteous now by his blood, shall we be saved through him from wrath. For if, when we were enemies, we became reconciled to God through the death of his Son, much more, now that we have become reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. And not only that, but we are also exulting in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.” (Ro 5:6-11) Jesus, who “did not know sin,” was made to “be sin for us,” dying as a human sin offering, to relieve persons of the charge and penalty of sin. Relieved of the charge of sin, such ones could thus appear righteous in God’s eyes, hence “become God’s righteousness by means of him [Jesus].”—2Co 5:18, 21.


    Recognizing the need for reconciliation and accepting God’s provision for reconciliation, namely, the sacrifice of God’s Son, the individual must then repent of his sinful course and convert, or turn around, from following the way of the sinful world of mankind. By appealing to God on the basis of Christ’s ransom, forgiveness of sins and reconciliation can be obtained, bringing “seasons of refreshing . . . from the person of Jehovah” (Ac 3:18, 19) as well as peace of mind and heart. (Php 4:6, 7) No longer an enemy under the wrath of God, one has, in effect, “passed over from death to life.” (Joh 3:16; 5:24) Thereafter the individual must retain God’s goodwill by ‘calling upon him in trueness,’ ‘continuing in the faith, and not being shifted away from the hope of the good news.’—Ps 145:18;Php 4:9; Col 1:22, 23.



  4. ESTHER  was an orphan. When Esther’s parents died, a kindly, much older cousin (Mordecai) took pity on the child treated her as his own daughter; he taught her about Jehovah. 


    A loving loyal bond grew between these two who lived as Jewish exiles. Esther proved to be humble, obedient, courageous. The bible describes her as “pretty in form beautiful in appearance” (Esther 2:7). 


    Even when she out of his sight of her cousin, she still showed the same wise obedient spirit! 


    Many Woman Worry Today They Are Not Beautiful Enough!


    Many women have beauty but not Jehovah! Some are not humbled if they are beautiful, they become haughty! Queen Esther had it all   and a Love ❤️ for Jehovah and His People. In the New World ? I know I will have more beauty as long as I Love ❤️ Jehovah he can see my honest heart. They say beauty is only skin deep! Yes, Godly wisdom and Love of Jehovah are forever! 



  5. 32 minutes ago, Delia Garibay Flores said:

    Its is awesome to see a young one love Jehovah n share the good  new with classmates n teachers. That is great job. And you are bring praise to Jehovah.And you keep on doing sharing Jehovah wonderful promise for a paradise earth.

    @Delia Garibay Flores

    Jehovah knows who belong to Him! She found the "Joy of Jehovah!"

    Thank you for your support!

    Jehovah Bless,


  6. 28 minutes ago, Julie Bayley said:

    Anyone know when the Annual meeting programme will be available for all to watch on broadcast channel?! Ie TV.jw.org

    Everyone who went who tweeted said it was amazing We are so close to the end & interesting that we're moving away from literature distributers to teachers.

    Jehovah's chariot is on the move! 



    @Julie Bayley

    Jehovah's Organization is definitely on the Move! We must keep up and on Pace!

     Thank you for your support!

    Jehovah Bless,


  7.  "Babylon the Great" is falling, get away safe! 


    During the Lord’s day, Babylon the Great has seen the waters, the people who support her, dry up dramatically. (Rev. 16:12; 17:15) 


    For example, when the image of the beast first appeared, the churches of Christendom—an influential part of Babylon the Great—dominated the Western world. 


    Today, the churches and their ministers have lost the respect and support of the masses. In fact, many people believe that religion contributes to or causes conflict. 


    An increasingly vocal and militant group of Western intellectuals is calling for the end of religion’s influence on society.


    False religion, however, will not just fade away. The harlot will remain a potent force, attempting to bend kings to her will until God plants an idea in the hearts of those in power. (Read Revelation 17:16, 17.) 


    Soon Jehovah will cause the political elements of Satan’s system, as represented by the United Nations, to attack false religion. They will destroy her influence and devastate her riches. 


    Such an event may have seemed unlikely just decades ago. Today, the harlot teeters on the back of the scarlet-colored beast. Even so, she will not slip slowly from her seat. Her tumble will be sudden and violent. (Rev. 18:7, 8, 15-19). 



  8. "I have made your name known."—John 17:26. - 


    Jesus wanted his followers to work together unitedly so that they could bring honor to God’s name. So, what did Jesus do? He asked for his Father’s help in the most beautiful prayer that any human will ever have the honor to read. (See opening picture.) This prayer is recorded at John 17:1-26. As we examine this prayer, let us think about these questions: “Has God answered Jesus’ prayer? Am I acting in harmony with it?”


    Jesus taught his disciples many wonderful things until late at night. Then he looked up to heaven and prayed: “Father, the hour has come; glorify your son, that your son may glorify you, according as you have given him authority over all flesh, that, as regards the whole number whom you have given him, he may give them everlasting life.” He added: “I have glorified you on the earth, having finished the work you have given me to do. So now you, Father, glorify me alongside yourself with the glory that I had alongside you before the world was.”—John 17:1-5.


    Jesus began his prayer by mentioning the things that were most important to him. First, he prayed that his Father be glorified. Jesus had started his model prayer by asking for the same thing. (Luke 11:2) Second, he prayed for the needs of his disciples. He asked that “he may give them everlasting life.” Finally, Jesus asked for something for himself. He asked: “Father, glorify me alongside yourself with the glory that I had alongside you before the world was.” Jehovah heard his Son’s prayer and gave him even more than he asked for. God gave him “a name more excellent than” that of all the angels.—Hebrews 1:4.


    In his prayer, Jesus also mentioned what we must do to receive the gift of everlasting life. (Read John 17:3.) He said that we must keep “taking in knowledge” of God and Christ. How can we do this? First, we must do all we can to learn more about Jehovah and his Son. Second, we need to use what we have learned in our life. The apostles had already done these two things, as Jesus said in his prayer: “The sayings that you gave me I have given to them, and they have received them.” (John 17:8) But to receive everlasting life, they needed to keep meditating on God’s Word and to use what they had learned in their daily lives. 


    If we want to live forever, we must keep “taking in knowledge” of God. What does this mean? The Greek word used here can also be translated “should keep on knowing” or “should continue knowing.” So “taking in knowledge” of God means to keep learning more and more about him. But this means much more than just knowing his qualities and purpose. We must love him deeply and have a close friendship with him. And we must show love for our brothers and sisters. The Bible explains: “He that does not love has not come to know God.” (1 John 4:8


    Knowing God also includes being obedient to him. (Read 1 John 2:3-5.) It is a great honor to be among those who know Jehovah! But we must be careful not to lose our precious friendship with him, as Judas Iscariot did. So let us work hard to strengthen our friendship with Jehovah. If we do, Jehovah will give us the wonderful gift of everlasting life.—Matthew 24:13.



  9. “9 year old Tatum from Indiana, USA just became an unbaptized publisher. 

    Having to attend public school she has been able to witness to classmates and teachers helping her become bold along the way by standing up for her beliefs and sharing the good news of God’s Kingdom. 

    A step towards a very happy future!”


  10. On 10/8/2017 at 2:44 PM, Queen Esther said:

    I learned,  JESUS  is our current king?  until to PARADISE !  JEHOVAH is our GOD and CREATOR all over the EARTH ?  In PARADISE,  HE will be our Father❤️ King ?  and still much more?:x  Then we're all  PERFECT & the real life can start, finally :) WONDERFUL...  WHAT A BIG GIFT FROM JEHOVAH and JESUS???

    @Queen Esther

    Jesus Christ Our Lord, he did nothing without praising His Father in Heaven. Jehovah is King ? in Heaven and Earth ? 

     For a child has been born to us,+

    A son has been given to us;

    And the rulership* will rest on his shoulder.+

    His name will be called Wonderful Counselor,+ Mighty God,+ Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.

     To the increase of his rulership*

    And to peace, there will be no end,+

    On the throne of David+ and on his kingdom

    In order to establish it firmly+ and to sustain it

    Through justice+ and righteousness,+

    From now on and forever.

    The zeal of Jehovah of armies will do this."

    (Isaiah 9:6,7).

    Worship Jehovah, the King of Eternity

    “To the King of eternity . . . be honor and glory forever.”—1 TIM. 1:17.

    Throughout his ministry, Jesus glorified his Father. (John 17:4) He did this by preaching about the Kingdom of God. (Luke 4:43) He even taught his followers to pray for that Kingdom to come. (Matt. 6:10) As King-Designate, Jesus could declare to his opposers: “The Kingdom of God is in your midst.” (Luke 17:21) Later, on the evening before his death, Jesus concluded ‘a covenant for a kingdom’ with his followers. He thereby gave some of his faithful disciples the prospect of joining him as kings in God’s Kingdom.—Read Luke 22:28-30.


  11. "Your arrows . . . pierce the hearts of the king’s enemies."—Ps. 45:5.


    Hail Christ, the Glorious King!

    “In your splendor go on to victory.”—PSALM 45:4.

    Read Psalm 45:6, 7. Because Jesus deeply loves what is right and hates anything that could dishonor his Father, Jehovah anointed him as King of the Messianic Kingdom. Jesus was anointed with “the oil of exultation” more than his “companions,” the kings of Judah who were also descendants of David. In what ways? First of all, Jesus was anointed by Jehovah himself. Second, Jehovah anointed Jesus to rule as King and also serve as High Priest. (Psalm 2:2;Hebrews 5:5, 6) Third, Jesus was not anointed with oil but was anointed with holy spirit. Finally, he rules from the heavens, not from the earth.


     In 1914, Jehovah appointed his Son as the Messianic King in heaven. “The scepter” of Jesus’ Kingdom “is a scepter of uprightness,” so we can be sure that his rule will always be fair and righteous. He has the right to be King because God is his throne, that is, Jehovah has appointed him as King. Jesus’ throne will last “forever and ever.” How proud we are to serve Jehovah under the King he has appointed!


    Read Psalm 45:3. Jehovah tells the King to strap his sword on his side. By doing this, he gives Jesus permission to wage war against those who oppose God’s rule and to destroy them. (Psalm 110:2) Because Christ is a Warrior and King who cannot be defeated, he is called “mighty one.” He strapped on his sword in 1914, when he defeated Satan and the demons and threw them out of heaven down to the earth.—Revelation 12:7-9.

    10 That was only the beginning of the King’s ride to victory. He still must “complete his conquest.” (Revelation 6:2) Jehovah has decided that every part of Satan’s world must be destroyed, and the influence of Satan and his demons must be removed. First, Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, will be eliminated. Jehovah will use the world’s political rulers to destroy this wicked “prostitute.” (Revelation 17:16, 17


    Next, Christ will completely remove all governments of Satan’s world. Then, Jesus, who is called “the angel of the abyss,” will complete his victory by throwing Satan and the demons into the abyss. (Revelation 9:1, 11; 20:1-3) Let us see how these exciting events were foretold in Psalm 45.





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