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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. Whole Family Begins To Study ? Joys of Knowing and Teaching About Jehovah!  – ???

    The girl in the middle her name is Astoria. She saw us from far preaching door to door in Tanzania. 

    In middle of the conversation with a householder she asked for a Watchtower to read and Bible study. 

    Then she directed us to her house. We decided to follow her thinking it was only her who need to study the Bible. 

    But to our surprise the whole family welcomed us and they wanted to study the Bible. 

    After the study we told them about the meeting. We hope to see them Sunday.

    ??? Thank you



  2. I know you’re extremely busy but while I have your attention, I was curious if you could share this photo of this brother?

    He has had one of the toughest lives satan could throw on a person in this wicked system. His latest struggle is battling against brain cancer again. ?

    But despite his past and continuing hardship, he is by far the HAPPIEST and sweetest brother you will ever see!!! He often posts updates of his life, but there is NEVER a single word of negativity or complaint.

    If you could share this photo of @happy_hands_bruce_ and let the encouraging words of the friends prove   the scripture Proverbs 17:17 true. We’ve only known him and his wife for a short time since we joined American Sign Language last year, but they are such a tremendous example of having strong faith and truly bring honor to Jehovah’s great name!


    Thank you.


  3. Summary of Annual Meeting More Info 
    In order to put more emphasis on starting Bible studies and reducing the amount of material that our brothers should read, the board of directors recently took a series of interesting decisions. These were announced at the annual society watch tower of the Bible and the Pennsylvania tracts on Saturday, October 7, 2017.

    1.-  from January 2018, the public edition of the watchtower (Watchtower) will be published three times a year instead of six times a year. The same for awake magazine! Wake up! ) for example, the first number of the watchtower for 2018 will be distributed during January and February. The first number of wake up! It will be distributed during the months of March and April. Each theme will focus on a key theme that will have broad and attractive information.

     2._ the number of books, brochures, treaties, contact cards and videos will be reduced to the ministry of field. Articles of essential literature and videos that have proven to be effective in the ministry will remain in our "Teaching Tool Box"

    3._ from January 2018, the specific monthly offers of literature will be discontinued. More emphasis will be placed on initial and continuing talks. The Publishers will be encouraged to use the good judgment to decide which " item " of the " Teaching Tool Box " will offer and when. Regular campaigns to distribute invitations to assemblies and memorial will remain as in the past.

    4._ if the book which teaches us the Bible?, which is the simplified edition of the book teaches, it is available in a particular language, then it will stop producing the book teaches. The Publishers can decide whether to transfer the Bible students to the book teaches us now, or to complete the book of teaching with the student. Until the supplies of the book are exhausted, the publishers must continue to it interested people who show interest in the message of the Bible.

    5._ a simplified edition of the book " stay in love of God ". the new book is entitled " how to stay in the love of God ". once this new book is available in a Language in particular, the production of the book "the love of God" will be discontinued. Publishers can publishers if they transfer Bible students to the new book or complete the book "love of God" with the student.

     6._ encouraging reports about the activity of Jehovah's witnesses in other lands are now regularly provided by jw broadcasting and jw.org. Therefore, the yearbook will no longer be published. When the global field service report for the 2017 service year is available, this information will be published in the "about us" section of jw.org.

    7._ the website will continue to publish the following topics " activities ", " answers to biblical questions ", " frequently asked questions " and " young people ask ". in addition, the website will periodically publish the topics of magazines " help for the family, " copy your faith "," the bible changed your life ", and " chance or design ", "
     8._ no new content will be added to the following sections at jw.org: " letters of biblical character ", " ideas for the night of worship in the family ", " Illustrated Biblical stories ", " my Lessons from the bible ", " Illustrated activities ", " study activities for children, " study guides for what really teaches the Bible?, young people ask the work sheets and the series of videos what their peers say . However, the existing content will remain at jw.org.

    These organizational refinements are expected to help us focus on our objective of teaching " to all those who are properly prepared for eternal life."

  4. Family Boituvense Campaign to Help Save Life of Their Daughter – ??????

    The family of a young boituvense is experiencing a "nightmare" in the last few days. Anonymous Rodrigues Coelho and Chiara Coelho are in a campaign seeking financial resources to help save the life of their daughter Leslie Lucas Coelho, only 16 years old.

    The young lady was present at hospital, where she remained hospitalized for a day and a half. After several examinations the family was informed that the condition was serious and that it would need to be "intubated". the medical team tried to transfer it to the necessary resources, but there was no vacancy in the entire region. The family had no arrangement and in search of saving the daughter, transferred it to the model hospital, private unit located in sorocaba.

    According to her father's Father, she arrived at the model hospital on Tuesday 19, and was immediately admitted to the ICU. Leslie was diagnosed with severe, non-common pneumonia, which contains a type of autoimmune bacteria. In just two days the bacteria evolves dramatically, causing accumulation of water in both lungs, complications complications and paralyzing the kidneys. The young lady is in an induced coma and remains committed to this moment in the hospital ICU. The young woman's father reported our team that the infection that was widespread, was partially controlled, but her condition is very serious. According to him, at present, medical expenses are estimated at the approximate value of R$ 70.000,00 (seventy thousand reais).

    Several friends and family are performing actions such as raffle and "Crowdfundings" to help the family. " any value is welcome to help us save our daughter. We trust in God and we are counting on the help of the people at that moment ", said anonymous, Father of Leslie.

    The TV crew boituva was wanted by a family friend and after making contact with the young man's Father, he was allowed to report the case to encourage the union of the population to help.

    Ways to help:

    - deposit on the father's Father's savings account:

    Anonymous Rodrigues Coelho

    Banco Bradesco - AG. 1952-6-savings account 1000158-7

    Bunch bunch - ag. 6381-Savings Account 25116-1

    - boleto cooperation or credit card:


  5. Jehovah Will Not Delay

    “Even if [the vision] should delay, keep in expectation of it; for it will without fail come true. It will not be late.”—HABAKKUK 2:3.

     “It Will Not Be Late”


    Why must we keep on the watch?


    As Jehovah’s Witnesses sound God’s warning today, they must be ever alert to heed the concluding words of Jesus’ great prophecy: “Keep on the watch, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming, whether late in the day or at midnight or at cockcrowing or early in the morning; in order that when he arrives suddenly, he does not find you sleeping. But what I say to you I say to all, Keep on the watch.” (Mark 13:35-37) Like Habakkuk, and in harmony with Jesus’ words, we must keep on the watch!


    For good reason, Jehovah gave Habakkuk this rousing commission: “Write down the vision, and set itout plainly upon tablets, in order that the one reading aloud from it may do so fluently. For the vision is yet for the appointed time, and it keeps panting on to the end, and it will not tell a lie. Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it; for it will without fail come true. It will not be late.” (Habakkuk 2:2, 3


    Today, wickedness and violence run rampant throughout the earth, indicating that we stand at the very brink of “the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah.” (Joel 2:31) Encouraging, indeed, are Jehovah’s own words of assurance: “It will not be late”!




  6. You Can Not Serve Two Gods! 


    (1 Cor. 10:21) "You cannot be drinking the cup of Jehovah and the cup of demons; you cannot be partaking of “the table of Jehovah” and the table of demons." - 


    What Does the Bible Teach About Spiritism?


    ALTHOUGH many people are skeptical about anything related to the supernatural and spiritism—considering them to be either a hoax or the product of the film industry’s creative scriptwriters—the Bible presents a different view. It provides explicit warnings about spiritism. For instance, Deuteronomy 18:10-13 states: “There should not be found in you . . . anyone who employs divination, anyone practicing magic, anyone who looks for omens, a sorcerer, anyone binding others with a spell, anyone who consults a spirit medium or a fortune-teller, or anyone who inquires of the dead.” Why not? The scripture further states: “Whoever does these things is detestable to Jehovah . . . You should prove yourself blameless before Jehovah your God.”


    Why does the Bible so strongly censure all forms of spiritism?



    The Bible tells us that long before God formed the earth, he created millions of spirit creatures, or angels. (Job 38:4, 7; Revelation 5:11) Each of these angels was endowed with free will—the ability to choose between right and wrong. Some of them chose to rebel against God, and they abandoned their position in heaven to cause trouble on the earth. As a consequence, the earth became “filled with violence.”—Genesis 6:2-5, 11; Jude 6.


    The Bible says that those wicked angels wield great influence, misleading millions of people. (Revelation 12:9) They even exploit mankind’s natural curiosity about the future.—1 Samuel 28:5, 7; 1 Timothy 4:1.


    True, some supernatural powers seem to help people. (2 Corinthians 11:14) In reality, however, the wicked angels are attempting to blind people’s minds to the truth about God.—2 Corinthians 4:4.

    According to the Bible, therefore, contact with wicked spirits is not harmless fun. That is why when potential disciples of Jesus were taught the truth about such activities, “those who had practiced supernatural methods brought their books together and burned them up,” even at a significant financial loss.—Acts 19:19, Byington.


    Likewise, many today have decided to have nothing to do with activities and entertainment rooted in spiritism. For example, when Maria* was 12 years old, she seemed to be able to predict certain future events or dangers. She read tarot cards for her schoolmates, and since her predictions came true, she became fascinated with the occult.


    Maria thought she had a gift from God that enabled her to help people. “But something disturbed me,” she admits. “When I read the cards, I read them for others. I was not able to read them for myself, even though I wanted to know my own future.”


    Perplexed by many unanswered questions, Maria prayed to God and was later contacted by Jehovah’s Witnesses, with whom she began to study the Bible. Maria learned from the Bible that her ability to foretell the future did not come from God. She learned, too, that those who want God’s friendship must get rid of any objects connected with spiritism. (1 Corinthians 10:21) The result? Maria threw away her occult paraphernalia and books. She now shares with others the accurate truths she has learned from the Bible.


    What Is Spiritism?

    Interest in spiritism is reflected in such activities as astrology, witchcraft, and the occult. In many parts of the world, people try to communicate with wicked spirits with the help of a psychic or a witch doctor. Many use divination to try to find out about the future. They look at the stars, search for omens, use a crystal ball, read the palm of a person’s hand, or have their own palm read.

    Books, magazines, and movies present spiritism as harmless or intriguing. Some communication experts suggest that the way TV programs and movies portray the paranormal has strongly influenced what people believe.



  7. Trollstigen , Norway . .


    7 "Then the earth began to shake and rock;The foundations of the mountains trembled And shook back and forth because he had been angered. ... 6 "Your righteousness is like majestic mountains; Your judgments are like vast, deep waters. Man and beast you preserve,* O Jehovah." - Psalms 18:7. 



  8. 1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    “Because Christians can be loyal both to God and to earthly governments they can take oaths of allegiance to defend the Constitution, as is required of citizens in some countries in order to get a passport.” Watchtower 1964 Sep 15 p.551

    Christians refused to . . . sacrifice to the emperor’s genius—roughly equivalent today to refusing to salute the flag or repeat the oath of allegiance.” Watchtower 1975 Aug 15 p. 497


    Learn what the Master says today! The light is brighter! You must see it? The Book we are now studying helps understand the light! Do you study the Bible with JW's or just attack without knowledge of the new light?



  9. 1 hour ago, Donald said:

    Are we free to post details about the annual meeting on social medias such as Facebook?? 


    "That is why, with a clear conscience, we have shared in private in this group, timely and summary comments from the programme. There was nothing confidential.
    We encourage those who even have problems of conscience, to abandon this group. Thank you very much."

  10. Birthday

    Definition: The day of one’s birth or the anniversary of that day. In some places the anniversary of one’s birth, especially that of a child, is celebrated with a party and the giving of gifts. Not a Biblical practice.

    Do Bible references to birthday celebrations put them in a favorable light? The Bible makes only two references to such celebrations:

    Gen. 40:20-22: “Now on the third day it turned out to be Pharaoh’s birthday, and he proceeded to make a feast . . . Accordingly he returned the chief of the cupbearers to his post of cupbearer . . . But the chief of the bakers he hung up.”

    Matt. 14:6-10: “When Herod’s birthday was being celebrated the daughter of Herodias danced at it and pleased Herod so much that he promised with an oath to give her whatever she asked. Then she, under her mother’s coaching, said: ‘Give me here upon a platter the head of John the Baptist.’ . . . He sent and had John beheaded in the prison.”

    Everything that is in the Bible is there for a reason. (2 Tim. 3:16, 17) Jehovah’s Witnesses take note that God’s Word reports unfavorably about birthday celebrations and so shun these.

    How did early Christians and Jews of Bible times view birthday celebrations?

    “The notion of a birthday festival was far from the ideas of the Christians of this period in general.”—The History of the Christian Religion and Church, During the Three First Centuries (New York, 1848), Augustus Neander (translated by Henry John Rose), p. 190.

    “The later Hebrews looked on the celebration of birthdays as a part of idolatrous worship, a view which would be abundantly confirmed by what they saw of the common observances associated with these days.”—The Imperial Bible-Dictionary (London, 1874), edited by Patrick Fairbairn, Vol. I, p. 225.

    What is the origin of popular customs associated with birthday celebrations?

    “The various customs with which people today celebrate their birthdays have a long history. Their origins lie in the realm of magic and religion. The customs of offering congratulations, presenting gifts and celebrating—complete with lighted candles—in ancient times were meant to protect the birthday celebrant from the demons and to ensure his security for the coming year. . . . Down to the fourth century Christianity rejected the birthday celebration as a pagan custom.”—Schwäbische Zeitung (magazine supplement Zeit und Welt), April 3/4, 1981, p. 4.

    “The Greeks believed that everyone had a protective spirit or daemon who attended his birth and watched over him in life. This spirit had a mystic relation with the god on whose birthday the individual was born. The Romans also subscribed to this idea. . . . This notion was carried down in human belief and is reflected in the guardian angel, the fairy godmother and the patron saint. . . . The custom of lighted candles on the cakes started with the Greeks. . . . Honey cakes round as the moon and lit with tapers were placed on the temple altars of [Artemis]. . . . Birthday candles, in folk belief, are endowed with special magic for granting wishes. . . . Lighted tapers and sacrificial fires have had a special mystic significance ever since man first set up altars to his gods. The birthday candles are thus an honor and tribute to the birthday child and bring good fortune. . . . Birthday greetings and wishes for happiness are an intrinsic part of this holiday. . . . Originally the idea was rooted in magic. . . . Birthday greetings have power for good or ill because one is closer to the spirit world on this day.”—The Lore of Birthdays (New York, 1952), Ralph and Adelin Linton, pp. 8, 18-20.

    Wholesome gatherings of family and friends at other times to eat, drink, and rejoice are not objectionable

    Eccl. 3:12, 13: “There is nothing better for them than to rejoice and to do good during one’s life; and also that every man should eat and indeed drink and see good for all his hard work. It is the gift of God.”

    See also 1 Corinthians 10:31.


  11. 6 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

     Mat 1:18- "This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about : ...

    Luke 2:11- "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” 13 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, ..."

    Mat. 2:11- "On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh." 

    This is the third mentioned birthday in the Bible besides two you mentioned. And as we all very clearly can see it is nothing against God if people rejoicing and giving present to person that was born on particular day.

    Children that has been killed by Herod are not killed because birthday party for Jesus (angels, great company of heaven, shepherds, parents, singing, gifts) but because Herod.

    Thanks for good post :)))      


    @Srecko Sostar


    So Read this please, the Jews did not believe in Birthdays neither did Jesus. He instituted the only day for worship. The Memorial of His Death. Why? It was life giving to those that were His Followers. 

    Notice when Birthdays began also! The day or anniversary of one’s birth; in Hebrew, yohm hul·leʹdheth (Ge 40:20) and in Greek, ge·neʹsi·a (Mt 14:6; Mr 6:21).

    The Hebrews kept records of the year one was born, as the Bible’s genealogical and chronological data reveal. (Nu 1:2, 3; Jos 14:10; 2Ch 31:16, 17) The ages of Levites, priests, and kings were not left to guesswork. (Nu 4:3; 8:23-25; 2Ki 11:21; 15:2; 18:2) This was also true in the case of Jesus.Lu 2:21, 22,42; 3:23.

    According to the Scriptures, the day the baby was born was usually one of rejoicing and thanksgiving on the part of the parents, and rightly so, for “look! Sons are an inheritance from Jehovah; the fruitage of the belly is a reward.” (Ps 127:3; Jer 20:15; Lu 1:57, 58) However, there is no indication in the Scriptures that faithful worshipers of Jehovah ever indulged in the pagan practice of annually celebrating birthdays.

    The Bible makes direct reference to only two birthday celebrations, those of Pharaoh of Egypt (18th century B.C.E.) and Herod Antipas (1st century C.E.). These two accounts are similar in that both occasions were marked with great feasting and granting of favors; both are remembered for executions, the beheading of Pharaoh’s chief baker in the first instance, the beheading of John the Baptizer in the latter.Ge 40:18-22; 41:13; Mt 14:6-11; Mr 6:21-28.

    While the expression “on the day of our king,” at Hosea 7:5, may possibly indicate a birthday party for the apostate king of Israel when the princes “sickened themselves . . . because of wine,” it could as easily be the anniversary day of his accession to the throne when similar festivities were held.

    When Job’s sons “held a banquet at the house of each one on his own day” it should not be supposed that they were celebrating their birthdays. (Job 1:4) “Day” in this verse translates the Hebrew word yohm and refers to a period of time from sunrise to sunset. On the other hand, “birthday” is a compound of the two Hebrew words yohm (day) and hul·leʹdheth. The distinction between “day” and one’s birthday may be noted in Genesis 40:20, where both expressions appear: “Now on the third day [yohm] it turned out to be Pharaoh’s birthday [literally, “the day (yohm) of the birth (hul·leʹdheth) of Pharaoh”].” So it is certain that Job 1:4does not refer to a birthday, as is unquestionably the case at Genesis 40:20. It would seem that Job’s seven sons held a family gathering (possibly a spring or harvest festival) and as the feasting made the week-long circuit, each son hosted the banquet in his own house “on his own day.”

    With the introduction of Christianity the viewpoint toward birthday celebrations did not change. Jesus inaugurated a binding Memorial, not of his birth, but of his death, saying: “Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” (Lu 22:19) If early Christians did not celebrate or memorialize the birthday of their Savior, much less would they celebrate their own day of birth. Historian Augustus Neander writes: “The notion of a birthday festival was far from the ideas of the Christians of this period.” (The History of the Christian Religion and Church, During the Three First Centuries, translated by H. J. Rose, 1848, p. 190) “Origen [a writer of the third century C.E.] . . . insists that ‘of all the holy people in the Scriptures, no one is recorded to have kept a feast or held a great banquet on his birthday. It is only sinners (like Pharaoh and Herod) who make great rejoicings over the day on which they were born into this world below.’”The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1913, Vol. X, p. 709.

    Clearly, then, the festive celebration of birthdays does not find its origin in either the Hebrew or the Greek Scriptures. Additionally, M’Clintock and Strong’s Cyclopædia (1882, Vol. I, p. 817) says the Jews “regarded birthday celebrations as parts of idolatrous worship . . . , and this probably on account of the idolatrous rites with which they were observed in honor of those who were regarded as the patron gods of the day on which the party was born.”


  12. @los4moonyoze shares with us: “This is our 4 year old daughter, Emily. We gave her teacher a folder filled with kid’s activities printed from JW.ORG.


    Anytime they do a holiday related project or story, she sits Emily off to the side with something from her folder.


    It was nice to hear the teacher say Jehovah quite a few times, since she had to read Emily the instructions!”


    Thank you


  13. "This is our son Caleb who is five years old from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.


    For Family Worship we dressed up as a mystery Bible character and had to guess. Caleb wanted to dress up like young David who was getting ready to fight Goliath with his sling, bag of rocks and with the Word of Jehovah.


    He had so much fun that he didn’t want to take off his costume. He already knows which Bible character he wants to dress up for next Family Worship.”

    Thank you,  Carol Peters 


  14. 2 hours ago, Ann O'Maly said:

    That whole letter-writing campaign to influence Putin and his government to intervene and halt the ban on JWs in Russia ... what was that? Wasn't that political lobbying? Wasn't that meddling in political affairs?

    @Ann O'Maly

    No we did it in other times! Even during Hitler! We make NO COMPROMISE! If we meddle we take sides! Jesus Christ opposed his rulers! Yet, he proclaimed God's Kingdom as their Government only! So likewise we do! Opposition is for our determination to fight opposers to a Government we believe in! 


  15. World News Media. Org 

    The Annual meeting whose first presentation ended yesterday Saturday continues today to repeat the programme twice for other guests in the us.
    This information is not given to any other country at the moment.
    As with all of these events, the president of the meeting often asked that recordings of speeches should not be hung on the internet. But you can make recordings for private use.
    We have literally obeyed this request by not hanging on the internet any complete or partial recording or sound of this important meeting, even though there are such recordings.

    How do we know what I'm talking about at the meeting?
    Because the attendees themselves say it anecdotally giving the main points without giving more information from their notes, which are very abundant.
    It is clear that they will not comment on the us brothers who were still going to the meeting today, and so enjoy the new events.

    But in no way were the assistants banned from their mouths, who absolutely no one will comment on the great new and prudent slave. Because if that was the case, the rest of the planet won't know anything about it until months and months later, something absurd.
    Finished Sunday shows, brothers feel free to talk to anyone who wants to, always avoid hanging on the internet.

    That is why, with a clear conscience, we have shared in private in this group, timely and summary comments from the programme. There was nothing confidential.
    We encourage those who even have problems of conscience, to abandon this group. Thank you very much.


  16. Beliefs and Customs That Displease God


    What kind of beliefs and customs are wrong? (1)

    Should Christians believe that God is a Trinity? (2)

    Why do true Christians not celebrate Christmas, Easter, or birthdays? (3, 4)

    Can the dead harm the living? (5)

    Did Jesus die on a cross? (6)

    How important is it to please God? (7)

    1. Not all beliefs and customs are bad. But God does not approve of them if they come from false religion or are against Bible teachings.—Matthew 15:6.

    2. Trinity: Is Jehovah a Trinity—three persons in one God? No! Jehovah, the Father, is “the only true God.” (John 17:3; Mark 12:29) Jesus is His firstborn Son, and he is subject to God. (1 Corinthians 11:3) The Father is greater than the Son. (John 14:28) The holy spirit is not a person; it is God’s active force.—Genesis 1:2; Acts 2:18.

    3. Christmas and Easter: Jesus was not born on December 25. He was born about October 1, a time of year when shepherds kept their flocks out-of-doors at night. (Luke 2:8-12) Jesus never commanded Christians to celebrate his birth. Rather, he told his disciples to memorialize, or remember, his death. (Luke 22:19, 20) Christmas and its customs come from ancient false religions. The same is true of Easter customs, such as the use of eggs and rabbits. The early Christians did not celebrate Christmas or Easter, nor do true Christians today.

    4. Birthdays: The only two birthday celebrations spoken of in the Bible were held by persons who did not worship Jehovah. (Genesis 40:20-22; Mark 6:21, 22, 24-27) The early Christians did not celebrate birthdays. The custom of celebrating birthdays comes from ancient false religions. True Christians give gifts and have good times together at other times during the year.

    5. Fear of the Dead: The dead cannot do anything or feel anything. We cannot help them, and they cannot hurt us. (Psalm 146:4; Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10) The soul dies; it does not live on after death. (Ezekiel 18:4) But sometimes wicked angels, called demons, pretend to be the spirits of the dead. Any customs that have to do with fear of or worship of the dead are wrong.—Isaiah 8:19.

    6. Cross: Jesus did not die on a cross. He died on a pole, or a stake. The Greek word translated “cross” in many Bibles meant just one piece of timber. The symbol of the cross comes from ancient false religions. The cross was not used or worshiped by the early Christians. Therefore, do you think it would be right to use a cross in worship?—Deuteronomy 7:26; 1 Corinthians 10:14.

    7. It may be very hard to abandon some of these beliefs and customs. Relatives and friends may try to convince you not to change your beliefs. But pleasing God is more important than pleasing men.—Proverbs 29:25; Matthew 10:36, 37.



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