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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. "Be courageous and strong . . . You will bring the sons of Israel into the land."— (Deut. 31:23)


    Joshua Appointed as Moses’ Successor. 

    Name Means: 

    (Joshʹu·a) [shortened form of Jehoshua, meaning “Jehovah Is Salvation”].


    Toward the close of Israel’s wandering in the wilderness, Moses and Aaron, for failing to sanctify Jehovah respecting the miraculous provision of water at Kadesh, also lost the privilege of entering the Promised Land. (Nu 20:1-13


    Therefore, Jehovah instructed Moses to commission Joshua as his successor. In the immediate presence of the new high priest, Aaron’s son Eleazar, and before the assembly of Israel, Moses placed his hands upon Joshua. Although appointed as Moses’ successor, Joshua was not to be like him in knowing Jehovah “face to face.” Not all of Moses’ dignity was transferred to Joshua but only that which was needed for him to have the respect of the nation. Rather than the more direct communication Moses had been able to enjoy with Jehovah, “face to face” as it were, Joshua was to consult the high priest, to whom had been entrusted the Urim and Thummim by which the divine will could be ascertained.—Nu 27:18-23; De 1:37, 38; 31:3;34:9, 10.


    As divinely directed, Moses gave certain instructions and encouragement to Joshua so that he might faithfully discharge his commission. (De 3:21, 22, 28;31:7, 8) Finally, as the time of his death was nearing, Moses was to station himself with Joshua at the tent of meeting. Jehovah then commissioned Joshua, confirming the earlier appointment made by the imposition of Moses’ hands. (De 31:14, 15, 23) Subsequently Joshua participated in some way in writing and teaching the Israelites the song that was given to Moses by inspiration.—De 31:19; 32:44.


    Activities as Moses’ Successor. After Moses’ death Joshua prepared to enter the Promised Land. He dispatched officers so that these might instruct the Israelites about getting ready to cross the Jordan three days from then; he reminded the Gadites, Reubenites, and the half tribe of Manasseh of their obligation to assist in the conquest of the land; and he sent out two men to spy out Jericho and the surrounding area.—Jos 1:1–2:1.


    Final Admonition to Israelites, and Death. Toward the end of his life, Joshua assembled Israel’s older men, its heads, judges, and officers, admonishing them to serve Jehovah in faithfulness and warning them of the consequences of disobedience. (Jos 23:1-16) He also called together the entire congregation of Israel, reviewed Jehovah’s past dealings with their forefathers and the nation, and then appealed to them to serve Jehovah. Said Joshua: “Now if it is bad in your eyes to serve Jehovah, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve, whether the gods that your forefathers who were on the other side of the River served or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are dwelling. But as for me and my household, we shall serve Jehovah.” (Jos 24:1-15) Thereafter the Israelites renewed their covenant to obey Jehovah.—Jos 24:16-28.


    At the age of 110 years, Joshua died and was buried at Timnath-serah. The good effect of his unswerving loyalty to Jehovah is evident from the fact that “Israel continued to serve Jehovah all the days of Joshua and all the days of the older men who extended their days after Joshua.”—Jos 24:29-31; Jg 2:7-9.




  2. "If . . . it produces fruit in the future, well and good; but if not, you shall cut it down."—Luke 13:9. - 


    Jesus used trees in some of his illustrations stressing the need for fruitfulness in true righteousness, as John the Baptizer had done before him. (Mt 3:10; 7:15-20) Since fruit trees were taxed in Palestine in that time, an unproductive tree (as good as dead) was an undesirable burden to the owner and, hence, a tree to be chopped down and destroyed. (Lu 13:6-9


    Not to be presumed upon. While Jehovah has great mercy toward those who draw near to him in sincerity, he will by no means exempt from punishment those who are unrepentant and really deserving of punishment. (Ex 34:6, 7) A person cannot presume on God’s mercy; he cannot sin with complete impunity or be exempted from the natural results or outworking of his wrong course of action. (Ga 6:7, 8; compare Nu 12:1-3, 9-15; 2Sa 12:9-14.) 


    Jehovah may mercifully show patience and long-suffering, giving persons the opportunity to correct their wrong course; though manifesting disapproval, he may not completely abandon them but may mercifully continue supplying them a measure of aid and direction. (Compare Ne 9:18, 19, 27-31.) But if they do not respond, his patience has its limits and he withdraws his mercy and acts against them for his own name’s sake.—Isa 9:17;63:7-10; Jer 16:5-13, 21; compare Lu 13:6-9.




  3. @Srecko Sostar

    @Gone Fishing

    I grew up in the Truth. A young person "thinks" they "know" enough. I was "spiritually mature" at 16 and "physically mature." Married at 16 1/2 did I "know enough?" NO! Emotional maturity comes with experience, as we age, boy we learn the hard way! I taught my 4 children Jehovah's way and they were all successful even if their Father never set that example. I never went over his head.

    Children today, who have not been disciplined feel that discipline is wrong. Spare the rod and spoil the child? Many young ones perhaps in this article, feel justified in having freedom to even report parents to the court that they are harming them? My hard learned life! 


    These are the children today. Freedom means no direction! What it comes down to by me.Young ones are prone to act on impulse or to give in to “the desires incidental to youth.” (2 Timothy 2:22) The Bible warns: “The rod and reproof are what give wisdom; but a boy let on the loose will be causing his mother shame.” (Proverbs 29:15) A failure to have limits on youthful behavior leaves a child unprepared for the demands and pressures of life away from home.

    In a clear and responsible way, Christian parents should outline for their children the difficulties, pressures, and realities of life in this system of things. Without being pessimistic or negative, they can describe the unpleasant conditions a youth may face if he has to live away from home. This training, coupled with God-given wisdom, will “give to the inexperienced ones shrewdness, to a young man knowledge and thinking ability.”—Proverbs 1:4.

    Parents who instill godly values and moral principles in the hearts of their children enable them to survive the challenges of life. Regular family Bible study, open communication, and genuine interest in their offspring’s welfare, can make the difference between success and failure. Parents should provide godly training in a balanced yet positive and reasonable way, preparing their children to stand on their own feet later in life. By personal example, parents can teach their children that it is possible to be in the world but to be no part of it.—John 17:15, 16.


  4. Is there "Lost Sheep" in Your Kingdom Hall?


    She usually arrives on Sunday, and often comes quite late. 

    Is she baptized or inactive? 

    That's the question for debate. Few folks try to know her; some wonder and just stare. 

    No one tries to dig down deep, to see who?s really there. 

    In her purse is a funeral program, that is ragged around the ears.


    It is yellow and all wrinkled; been soaked with many tears. 

    She's looked at it many times, and knows the resurrection hope. 

    But she still mourns her daughter; sometimes she just can't cope. 

    Many people wonder, but no one ever makes a call. 

    She's one of the lost sheep, sitting in your Kingdom Hall. 


    Her uncle used to rape her, when she was just a child. 

    Her mother did not believe her, and said she was just wild. 

    Jehovah blessed her and now she has the Truth. 

    But she still lives with all the scars, of a stolen youth. 

    They say she's mean and moody, so no one bothers her to call. 

    She's one of the lost sheep, sitting in the Kingdom Hall. 


    She comes to all the meetings, service, even mingles with the friends. 

    But once she goes back home, the heartache soon begins. 

    She grew up in the Truth, and served Jehovah faithful all her life. 

    And all she ever wanted, was to be a Christian wife. 

    Now she's past the bloom of youth, and her dreams have not come true. 


    She's worried, frustrated, tempted; and scared what she might do. 

    You probably think she's strong, and she doesn't need a call. 

    But she's one of the lost sheep, sitting in your Kingdom Hall. 

    When we search from door to door, to bring just one sheep in, Don't forget about the ones who are already in the pen. 

    These are all true stories, of people at the Hall. 


    So take some time, look closely--and see who needs a call. 

    We remember the youth, the sick, single parents and the old, But can we also try add. the others in our fold? 

    Remember that Jehovah, doesn't want anyone to fall. 

    So keep in mind, there just might be  some lost sheep inside your Hall.




  5. 7 hours ago, David Normand said:

    We can expect more like this as this system heats up with political fervor. Government likes freedom of expression as long as those expressions support the government or favorite religion. 

    @David Normand

    Perhaps one day we will look and it will all be gone? By then I think the whole world will want a change, but we know man can't change what will hapoen. We must keep firm in the Faith and pray for one another.


  6. 4 hours ago, David Normand said:

    This sort of case could have been brought by anybody. Interesting that it took a Jehovah's Witnesses to make a case for that. One would have thought that there would have been other religious minded folks who wanted to take some time off on Sunday to worship. 

    @David Normand

    Satan has his agenda! He's on his last leg! He knows what Coming? Let God's Kingdom come! ?☄️?☄️?

  7. Temptation to Do What?


    All of us daily face the temptation to give in to “the snare of the Devil.” (2 Timothy 2:26) The Bible warns us that Satan has especially targeted Jehovah’s worshipers. (1 Peter 5:8; Revelation 12:12, 17) For what purpose? It is not necessarily to take our life. It is no victory for Satan if we die faithful to God. Satan is aware that Jehovah, in His due time, will undo death by means of the resurrection.—Luke 20:37, 38.


    Satan wants to destroy something even more valuable than our present life—our integrity to God. Satan is desperate to prove that he can turn us away from Jehovah. Hence, if we can be induced to be unfaithful—to quit preaching the good news or to abandon Christian standards—that would be a victory for Satan! (Ephesians 6:11-13) So “the Tempter” places before us temptations.—Matthew 4:3.


    Satan’s “deceptive tactics” are varied. (Ephesians 6:11, Jewish New Testament) He may tempt us with materialism, fear, doubt, or pleasure-seeking. But one of his most effective methods involves discouragement. A sly opportunist, he knows that despondency can weaken us, making us vulnerable. (Proverbs 24:10) So especially when we “become crushed” emotionally, he tempts us to give up.—Psalm 38:8.


    As we get deeper into the last days, it seems that causes for discouragement increase, and we are not immune to them. (See the box “Some Factors That Cause Discouragement.”) Whatever the cause, discouragement can sap our strength. “Buying out the opportune time” for spiritual obligations—including studying the Bible, attending Christian meetings, and sharing in the ministry—can be a challenge if you are exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally. (Ephesians 5:15, 16) Remember that the Tempter wants you to quit. But this is no time to slow down or to lose your sense of urgency regarding the times in which we live! (Luke 21:34-36) How can you resist temptation and keep on the watch? Consider four suggestions that can help.




  8. 24 minutes ago, The Librarian said:

    Meanwhile check out these remarks:

    "The Souls Of Those That Passed Are Now At Peace In Heaven" President Trump In Las Vegas

    Prayers as he laughs at the worlds victims in Puerto Rico and others Islands. He might be just the one to cry Peace and Security ? Guess he doesn't know what's really happening in Heaven? Psalms chapter 2 whole chapter sums it up! ?



    Matthew 19:21-24 - Jesus said to him: "If you want to be perfect, go sell your belongings and give to the poor, and you will have treasures in heaven; and come be my follower." When the young man heard this, he went away grieved, for he had many possessions. Then Jesus said to his disciples: "Truly I say to you that it will be difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of the heavens. Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to get through a needle's eye then for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God." 

    Please Visit: JW.Org. 

    A Revelation to John

    18 "After this I saw another angel descending from heaven with great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his glory. And he cried out with a strong voice, saying: “She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen, and she has become a dwelling place of demons and a place where every unclean spirit and every unclean and hated bird lurks! For because of the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality, all the nations have fallen victim, and the kings of the earth committed sexual immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth became rich owing to the power of her shameless luxury.” And I heard another voice out of heaven say: “Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues. For her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind. Repay her in the way she treated others, yes, pay her back double for the things she has done; in the cup she has mixed, mix a double portion for her. To the extent that she glorified herself and lived in shameless luxury, to that extent give her torment and mourning. For she keeps saying in her heart: ‘I sit as queen, and I am not a widow, and I will never see mourning.’ That is why in one day her plagues will come, death and mourning and famine, and she will be completely burned with fire, because Jehovah God, who judged her, is strong. “And the kings of the earth who committed sexual immorality with her and lived with her in shameless luxury will weep and beat themselves in grief over her when they see the smoke from her burning. 10 They will stand at a distance because of their fear of her torment and say: ‘Too bad, too bad, you great city, Babylon you strong city, because in one hour your judgment has arrived!’" 

    (Revelation 18:1-10.)

    Tap on Video Link mp4 ____Time is Short! 


  10. https://tv.jw.org/#en/mediaitems/WebHomeSlider/pub-jwb_201709_13_VIDEO

    ?? H O P E ??

    In light of recent events, a timely update has been provided, and is available to watch on JW Broadcasting. Please take the time, soon, to watch this Special Report. As Brother Sanderson of the Governing Body delivers this Special Report entitled "We Thank God, and Take Courage!", please don't forgot our other Brothers and Sisters affected by other events not mentioned in this broadcast. Please pray for our Brothers and Sisters, and let us do all that we can to help one another in need.

    Tap on Video Link mp4 _____Prayers ??



  11. Australia - Who Decides? - Children? - Children can decide their medical treatments under the only laws of anticipation of victory.

    We are all afraid of a moment when we could lose the ability to decide what medical treatments to accept or reject. This is why Australian governments have promoted advanced care planning, which means discussing and expressing preferences about the type of medical care that you or would not want in a situation where you lack mental capacity to make decisions .

    Writing an early-warning directive is part of the planning process, but a directive means that the person's preferences are bound to be followed by the law. All States and territories have different laws that allow adults to make advanced care plans or directives. In Victoria, the new legislation will enter into force in March 2018, creating clear obligations for health professionals to respect early guidelines.

    A globally unique aspect of the 2016 Victoria medical planning and decision-making act is that it allows children to make early directives. In The Netherlands, children aged 12 or more may make early decisions requesting euthanasia if their parents give their consent. Early palliative care guidelines have also been used in the United States, but they have no legal authority, merely the state of "moral persuasion".
    In Victoria there will be no age limit, so anyone can establish a directive, provided they are competent to do so. This means that a person can understand the nature of the treatment that is taking decisions and the potential results if the advanced care directive is followed.

    At first glance, it may seem irresponsible to give children the power over their future medical treatment, which in many cases are a matter of life and death. But it is important to respect the autonomy of young people in their health-care choices. It encourages its commitment to treatment, gives voice to its values and provides a sense of empowerment at a time when the disease can diminish its control of events.

    Are the children capable?

    While adolescents are more likely to participate in risk behaviour and be influenced by the opinions of their friends, they are less likely to affect their decisions on treatment at the hospital. A recent study showed that 12-Year-olds have the competence to make medical decisions. But, of course, this depends on the kind of decision that is taken.

    A decision involving risky and complex treatment would require a high level of competition. However, children with terminal and chronic diseases will know a lot about their diseases and the impact of treatment. In 2008, a 13-Year-old English girl refused to accept a heart transplant after having spent six operations in two years. She showed her case officer and the hospital that she could make an informed decision and had weighed the risks of surgery and potential benefits (though she later changed her mind).
    We may consider it appropriate to protect young people from taking decisions which are deemed to be harmful and against their interests. Ethical dilemmas usually occur when children do not go with what the doctors propose. The courts have annulled the decisions of the competent minors to refuse treatment in cases where this refusal leads to permanent disability or death.

    For example, in Sydney a 17-Year-old boy refused to receive blood transfusions because of his beliefs as Jehovah's witness. The judge annulled the child's decision after having considered that preserving his life was more powerful than respect for the child's faith.

    A similar case occurred in England in 1993. Here, a 15-Year-old boy, whom the judge described as "smart", rejected a blood transfusion as part of the treatment of leukemia for religious reasons. The judge considered him incompetent to make such a decision because the boy could not understand the pain he would suffer, the fear of dying, and the affliction caused to his family.
    The new laws of victory will mean that the decisions taken before the power is lost will be followed, so the directive cannot be annulled. But there are strict safeguards and requirements for an advanced care directive.

    It must be written in English, signed and attested. At least one of the witnesses must be a doctor who must certify that the person seems to have the ability to make decisions and understand the effect of the statements made. In the case of a child, the doctor may help them to appreciate the implications of the early directive and ensure that it is consistent and practically applicable.

    When a child can write a directive

    Early Directives can be made for any future treatment, not only situations where the person is terminally ill or has a condition that shortens his life. However, minors are likely to write early directives to inform their end-of-life care.

    An early directive enters into force when the child is unable to make decisions as a result of his illness. Victorian legislation provides that if a child has made a valid early directive in which he has included instructions to reject a particular medical treatment, such as dialysis or chemotherapy, a health professional should not provide such treatment.

    The Prior self-determination of the child is respected, although those who treat him do not believe that the decision is in his best interest.

    The law also allows for a securities directive, which is different from the instructive. The Values Directive records the preferences and values of a person for future treatment. A young person diagnosed with cancer can put more emphasis on the rest of the quality of life and death worthy than lasting painful treatment. A Securities Directive will mean that the decision-Maker for medical treatment will have to consider treatment based on the patient's values.

    Parents want to protect their children and health professionals want to do the best for their patients. Early Guidelines should be drafted as a collaboration between the child, health professionals and, ideally, parents. This will make it possible to understand the possible treatment options, their benefits and damage, and the impact of rejecting certain treatments, which will lead to a meaningful and effective advance decision.


  12. Origin of Sea Life. - Jehovah the Creator of all Life! ????? -

    The Genesis account reports that sea life and flying creatures were the first animal life on earth. It reads: “And God went on to say: ‘Let the waters swarm forth a swarm of living souls and let flying creatures fly over the earth upon the face of the expanse of the heavens.’ And God proceeded to create the great sea monsters and every living soul that moves about, which the waters swarmed forth according to their kinds, and every winged flying creature according to its kind. And God got to see that it was good. With that God blessed them, saying: ‘Be fruitful and become many and fill the waters in the sea basins, and let the flying creatures become many in the earth.’ And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a fifth day.”—Ge 1:20-23.


    In saying “Let the waters swarm,” God was not leaving the emergence of life to the seas themselves, to bring forth some primeval form from which all other animals evolved. For the account also says that “God proceeded to create [marine creatures] . . . according to their kinds.” Also in the record of the ‘sixth day’ and the creation of land animals, God is represented as saying: “Let the earth put forth living souls according to their kinds.” God did not command the sea to put forth living things for the land, or let these things evolve from the sea, but “God proceeded to make” each kind to suit the habitat each was to occupy.—Ge 1:24, 25. 

    Tap on Video Link mp4 _____Enjoy! ?



  13. Overview of the Aftermath of Hurricane Irma - ??????

    Barbados branch territories affected—Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Montserrat, Saba, St. Eustatius, St. Kitts and Nevis, and St. Maarten (Dutch side). Severe damage has been reported on Barbuda and St. Maarten.

    Barbuda is a small island with a total population of about 1,800 people. Since most utility services and an estimated 95 percent of all the homes there were damaged, it has been declared a disaster area and a state of emergency has been imposed. Reports confirm that all 11 publishers have been safely evacuated to the nearby island of Antigua, where a Disaster Relief Committee (DRC) is caring for their needs. There are no injuries reported.

    Approximately 700 publishers live on the island of St. Martin (both the Dutch and the French sides). One sister was injured. A delegation, including members of the Barbados and France branch offices as well as medical professionals, was sent to St. Martin to assist the brothers.

    France branch territories affected—Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Barthelemy, and St. Martin (French side). No deaths or injuries were reported in either Guadeloupe or Martinique.

    The island of St. Barthelemy (the French name for St. Barts) was devastated, and it is nearly impossible to communicate with publishers on the island. However, the branch office has received a report from the circuit overseer for the island indicating that all of the 30 publishers have been accounted for and the Kingdom Hall sustained minor damage. A DRC was formed to coordinate shipments of water, food, and other relief supplies from the nearby islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique to the brothers on St. Barthelemy and St. Martin.
    Relief supplies being prepared for shipment at an Assembly Hall in Guadeloupe.

    Dominican Republic branch territory affected. The Branch Committee has established five permanent DRCs to care for the country’s 38,000 publishers. Days before the arrival of Irma, at the direction of the circuit overseers, congregation elders visited all of the publishers to ensure that each one was taking the necessary precautionary measures. In areas prone to flooding along the north coast, the elders evacuated 1,273 publishers to safer sites and 2,068 publishers with less secure housing were directed to take refuge in Kingdom Halls or with other Witness families in more secure dwellings.

    A few recently constructed Kingdom Halls sustained minor damage. The homes of five Witness families were damaged. Repairs are being made by the local congregations or under the direction of the DRCs. There have been no deaths or injuries reported.

    United States branch territories affected—the Bahamas, Florida, Georgia, Puerto Rico, Turks and Caicos Islands, and both the British and U.S. Virgin Islands. We previously reported the deaths of one brother and one sister. While no other deaths have been reported among the brothers, the branch has confirmed that another 6 of our brothers were injured and over 3,000 have been displaced. Hundreds of brothers from central Florida and Georgia have offered their homes to evacuees.

    In Florida, those at the Remote Translation Office (RTO) in Fort Lauderdale were evacuated to the West Palm Beach Assembly Hall, where they stayed for several days. The RTO offices sustained some water damage, and the residence was without power and Internet access for several days. These are now restored, and operations are returning to normal.

    At the school facility in Palm Coast, Florida, all students from an incoming class of the School for Circuit Overseers and Their Wives were evacuated, as well as three classes of the School for Kingdom Evangelizers. A small group of about 20 remained safely at the facility. The property did not sustain any extensive damage though it did lose power.

    Relief supplies being collected in an Assembly Hall in Caguas, Puerto Rico.
    The Disaster Relief Desk in the Service Department and the Local Design/Construction Department are coordinating the relief efforts to ensure that our brothers receive assistance in a safe and timely way.

    Relief Centers have been set up in the U.S. to supply food and water to those affected on the mainland. Additionally, a DRC in Puerto Rico is providing humanitarian assistance to our brothers on the islands.
    In the Caribbean, at least 61 homes received minor damage and 55 homes experienced major damage. Additionally, at least two Kingdom Halls sustained severe damage.

    Flooding outside of a Kingdom Hall in Turks and Caicos.

    Brothers from the branch office and world headquarters are traveling to Florida and the islands to provide assistance to the brothers. Assessments are ongoing.
    Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by Hurricane Irma and with all those involved in the relief efforts as they provide assistance and comfort.—Romans 15:5; 2 Corinthians 1:3, 4, 7; 8:14.





  14. Turkmenistan Continues to Harass Jehovah's Witnesses 

    Teachers and police intimidate Jehovah's witness children in schools, even for refusing to use the national flag.
    Jehovah's witnesses have been dismissed from state jobs.

    The Police and education officials have brought muslim clerics appointed by the state to intimidate non-Muslim children. A woman was expelled from a university in ashgabat ashgabat for meeting Jehovah's witnesses.

    Teachers, school principals, local officials and Muslim clerics have publicly defamed non-Muslims.


    Jehovah's Witnesses are facing additional pressures due to their refusal, for religious reasons, to use the National Flag, to sing the national anthem or to recite the national oath.

    On April 3, a Jehovah's witness was summoned to his son's school in turkmenabad, the professor pressed the boy, who is in second year, to use a bolt with the national flag. The School Director asked the mother to write an explanatory note.


    The next day, the boy's sister, a student at the same school, was convened in a similar manner to the office of the director of studies.


    Later the girl's teacher told her that the documents about her had been handed over to the police inspector. When the girl's mother asked the director to provide the legal basis for the requirement to use a pin, the director began to threaten her. On 14 April, the director of studies summoned the girl to her office for the local police inspector to question her about her religious beliefs.


    On 30 January, the director of school studies in turkmenabad brought two students from Jehovah's witnesses from the tenth and eighth grades to his office. He demanded that they sign a promise that they will "no longer trust other religions", a reference to non-Muslim beliefs.


    The school then called the student s' mother. A police officer demanded that she explain why her children do not wear a pin in the form of National Flag, they do not sing the national anthem and do not recite the national oath. When he asked them to show him the law that forced them to do so, they threatened to find his house.


    On January 14, the National Institute of world languages in Ashgabat expelled a student because he is studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. Before that, the university administration had repeatedly pressed to participate in events that contradicted their religious beliefs, Jehovah's witnesses complained to    forum 18.


    On 21 November 2016, a Jehovah's Witness was invited to visit the director's office in Dashoguz where his children were enrolled when he arrived found his children, several teachers already three law enforcement officers. The officers demanded that the mother explain why their children do not wear a pin in the form of the national flag; they demanded that their son recite the national oath.


    The teachers began to explain to the officers that the women's children behaved well, but the officers were very rude. They asked the Jehovah's witness to bring him his personal Bible. The next day, they made inquiries about her husband.


    On 18 October 2016, a Jehovah's witness in the tenth grade of a school in Turkmenabad was invited to visit the director's office. Two police officers were present at the office, along with Islamic clerics. They asked the student and asked him to write an explanatory note. The agents searched his cell phone.


    In March 2017, the local imam held a series of meetings in schools and kindergartens in the southern city of weaving. He warned about the " danger of the sect called Jehovah's witnesses " and " slandered the moral character of a local witness ", noted Jehovah's witnesses.




  15. “Eye Has Not Seen” - What Does It Mean? 


    1 Corinthians 2:9

    But just as it is written: “Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, nor have there been conceived in the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love him.”


    “Eye Has Not Seen”

    In his letter to the Corinthians, the apostle Paul quoted the book of Isaiah when he wrote: “Just as it is written: ‘Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, neither have there been conceived in the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love him.’” (1 Corinthians 2:9)* 


    Neither Paul’s statement nor the expressions of Isaiah refer to the things Jehovah has prepared for his people in a heavenly inheritance or in a future earthly paradise. 


    Paul is applying Isaiah’s words to the blessings that were already being enjoyed by Christians in the first century, such as understanding the deeper things of God and receiving spiritual enlightenment from Jehovah.


    We can understand deep spiritual things only when it is Jehovah’s due time to reveal them—and even then, only if we are spiritual people with a close relationship with Jehovah. 


    Paul’s words apply to those with little or no spirituality. Their eye cannot see, or discern, spiritual truths, and their ear cannot hear, or understand, such things. Knowledge of the things that God has prepared for those who love him does not even enter into the hearts of such men. But to those who are dedicated to God, as Paul was, God has revealed these things through his spirit.—1 Corinthians 2:1-16.




  16. Greenwood Village Medical company sued for religious discrimination American medical response, a provider of Greenwood and subsidiary of envision healthcare, based in Nashville, violated federal law by refusing to provide religious accommodation to an employee, the equal employment opportunity commission in a lawsuit filed Last week.

    According to the lawsuit, an employee of the Memphis installation of the company, a Jehovah's Witness, asked for Sundays to worship. Amr initially welcomed the request, but after seven months informed the employee that he was not obliged to provide him with religious accommodation.

    Amr finally fired the employee, apparently for receiving two "Non-call / Non-shows" in a period of 12 months, and for a safety belt violation. Eeoc contends that amr illegally downloaded the employee because of his religion and in retaliation.

    Such conduct violates the Civil Rights Act 1964., the filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court after dealing first with an agreement. The requests an interim measure prohibiting amr from discriminating against employees on the basis of their religion, as well as late, compensatory and punitive payments.

    "employers are obliged by law to provide their employees with reasonable religious accommodation", said Katharine w. Kores, District Director of the office in Memphis. " Moreover, only a bad situation worsens if an employee is punished for making such requests. Those who do not comply with these legal requirements, which are also simple common sense, are open to potential disputes and must be prepared to suffer the legal consequences of their illegal actions ".



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