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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. Everlasting Life on Earth—A Hope Rediscovered

    “O Daniel, make secret the words . . . until the time of the end. Many will rove about, and the true knowledge will become abundant.”—DAN. 12:4.

    In the late 1800’s, a number of sincere individuals were searching for an understanding of “the pattern of healthful words.” (2 Tim. 1:13) One such person was Charles Taze Russell. In 1870 he and a few other truth-seekers formed a class for Bible study. In 1872 they examined the subject of restitution. Later, Russell wrote: “Up to that time we had failed to see clearly the great distinction between the reward of the church now on trial and the reward of the faithful of the world.” The reward of the latter will be “restoration to the perfection of human nature once enjoyed in Eden by their progenitor and head, Adam.” Russell acknowledged that he had been helped in his study of the Bible by others. Who were these?

    (a) How did Henry Dunn understand Acts 3:21? (b) Who did Dunn say will live forever on earth?

    Henry Dunn was one of them. He had written about the “restoration of all things of which God spoke through the mouth of his holy prophets of old time.” (Acts 3:21) Dunn knew that this restoration included the elevation of mankind to perfection on earth during the Thousand Year Reign of Christ. Dunn also examined a question that had puzzled many, Who will live forever on earth? He explained that millions will be resurrected, taught the truth, and have the opportunity to exercise faith in Christ.

    What did George Storrs discern about the resurrection?

    In 1870, George Storrs also came to the conclusion that the unrighteous will be resurrected to an opportunity of everlasting life. He also discerned from the Scriptures that a resurrected one who fails to respond to this opportunity “will end in death, even if the ‘sinner be a hundred years old.’” (Isa. 65:20) Storrs lived in Brooklyn, New York, and edited a magazine called the Bible Examiner.

    What set the Bible Students apart from Christendom?

    Russell discerned from the Bible that the time had come to make the good news widely known. So in 1879, he started publishing Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence, now called The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom. Previously, the truth about mankind’s hope was understood by very few people, but now groups of Bible Students in many countries were receiving and studying The Watchtower. The belief that only a few will go to heaven, whereas millions will be given perfect human life on earth, set the Bible Students apart from most of Christendom.

    How did true knowledge become plentiful?

    The foretold “time of the end” began in 1914. Did true knowledge about the hope of mankind become plentiful? (Dan. 12:4) By 1913, Russell’s sermons were printed in 2,000 newspapers with a combined readership of 15,000,000. By the end of 1914, over 9,000,000 people on three continents had seen the “Photo-Drama of Creation”—a program including motion pictures and slides that explained Christ’s Millennial Reign. From 1918 until 1925, the talk “Millions Now Living Will Never Die,” which explained the hope of everlasting life on earth, was presented by Jehovah’s servants in over 30 languages worldwide. By 1934, Jehovah’s Witnesses realized that those hoping to live forever on earth should be baptized. This understanding filled them with renewed zeal for preaching the good news of the Kingdom. Today, the prospect of living forever on earth fills the hearts of millions with gratitude toward Jehovah.


  2. Later, after speaking of Jesus as “the Chief Agent of life,” Peter said to Jews at the temple: “Repent, therefore, and turn around so as to get your sins blotted out, that seasons of refreshing may come from the person of Jehovah.” (Ac 3:15, 19) 

    Philip found it easy to strike up a conversation, since the Ethiopian official was reading aloud, as was the custom in those days. Hence, Philip was able to hear that he was reading from the scroll of Isaiah.

    One simple question from Philip aroused the man’s interest: “Do you actually know what you are reading?” This led to a discussion of Isaiah 53:7, 8.

    Finally, Philip “declared to him the good news about Jesus.”—Acts 8:29-35. “What prevents me from getting baptized?” he asked Philip upon sighting a convenient body of water. Of course, these were special circumstances.

    Here was a man of faith who already worshipped God as a Jewish proselyte. He would probably not have another opportunity to get baptized for a long time.

    More important, this man understood what God required of him, and he wanted to respond unreservedly. Philip happily consented to his request, and the Ethiopian, after being baptized, “kept going on his way rejoicing.” He doubtless became an enthusiastic preacher of the good news in his home country.—Acts 8:36-39. 


  3. @Witness

    "He is specifically saying above, THERE IS NO ONE ELSE.  He is our only rock; yet the picture I placed above shows a rock of high value with a logo that is touted as truth...and holding great power.  Does it replace our only God in the hearts and minds of JWs?  Does it replace Christ?"

    If Jehovah made the "Rocks", Jehovah will place the "Rocks", He is above any "Rock" and "Will Become!" We are grateful for His Food and His Words are we not? Yet, there is NOBODY ELSE THAT REPLACES HIM! One day during the Great Tribulation or Armageddon we might ONLY HAVE HIM TO RUN TOO! Keep strong in Faith of the Almighty and see the Salvation of Jehovah! 

    Thank you for your support!

    Jehovah Bless,


  4. Jehovah will never forget the kindness we show and the support that we give to his people. It is our privilege to assist these in a life-saving work that will soon come to an end. 


    But our work of assisting others will continue right into the new world when we have the unique privilege of participating in the greatest educational campaign ever; that of assisting resurrected ones learn about our Creator Jehovah God. 



  5. Jehovah will never forget the kindness we show and the support that we give to his people. It is our privilege to assist these in a life-saving work that will soon come to an end. 


    But our work of assisting others will continue right into the new world when we have the unique privilege of participating in the greatest educational campaign ever; that of assisting resurrected ones learn about our Creator Jehovah God. 



  6.  Be Kind! ☔️?☂️?☔️

    Pursuing Kindness in a Hostile World

    “The desirable thing in earthling man is his loving-kindness.”—PROVERBS 19:22.


    DO YOU consider yourself to be a kind person? If so, living in today’s world can be trying. True, kindness is identified in the Bible as part of “the fruitage of the spirit,” but why is it so difficult to express kindness even in so-called Christian lands? (Galatians 5:22) As we noted in the preceding article, the answer can in part be found in what the apostle John wrote—the whole world is in the control of an unkind spirit person, Satan the Devil. (1 John 5:19) Jesus Christ identified Satan as “the ruler of the world.” (John 14:30) Thus, this world tends to resemble its rebel ruler, whose attitude is characterized by vicious behavior.—Ephesians 2:2.


    Stressful world conditions may also make it difficult for us to show kindness. For example, mankind in general feels stress because of threats and acts of terrorism, as well as the possible use of biological or nuclear weapons by various national groups. In addition, millions of people are impoverished, existing with minimal food, shelter, clothing, and medical care. Pursuing kindness becomes a challenge when the situation seems hopeless.—Ecclesiastes 7:7.


    Kindness is such an all-embracing quality that it touches every aspect of our lives. We should therefore make it an integral part of our Christian personality. Showing kindness to others ought to become a habit.


    May all of us be kind to others each day and thus individually apply the words of the apostle Paul: “As God’s chosen ones, holy and loved, clothe yourselves with the tender affections of compassion, kindness, lowliness of mind, mildness, and long-suffering.”—Colossians 3:12.



  7. How Do You View the Future?

    Will our world . . .??????

    • stay the same?

    • get worse?

    • get better?


    “God . . . will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”—Revelation 21:3, 4, New World Translation.


    Meaningful and satisfying work.—Isaiah 65:21-23.

    No more sickness or suffering of any kind.—Isaiah 25:8; 33:24.

    A happy, unending life with family and friends.—Psalm 37:11, 29.


    Yes, for at least two reasons:

    • God has the ability to fulfill the promise. In the Bible, Jehovah God alone is called “the Almighty,” for he has unlimited power. (Revelation 15:3) So he is fully able to keep his promise to change our world for the better. As the Bible says, “with God all things are possible.”—Matthew 19:26.
    • God has the desire to fulfill the promise. For example, Jehovah has a longing to restore life to people who have died.—Job 14:14, 15.
      The Bible also shows that God’s Son, Jesus, healed the sick. Why did he do so? Because he wanted to. (Mark 1:40, 41) Jesus perfectly reflected his Father’s personality by his desire to help those in need.—John 14:9.
      So we can be sure that both Jehovah and Jesus want to help us to enjoy a happy future!—Psalm 72:12-14; 145:16; 2 Peter 3:9.


    How will God change our world for the better?

    The Bible answers that question at MATTHEW 6:9, 10 and DANIEL 2:44.


  8. In What Ways Does Jehovah Love Us?


    The Bible does not reveal whether God created life onany of the other planets in the universe. However, astronomers today have not found proof that life exists on any of these planets and, in fact, know of no planet besides the earth that is at present capable of supporting the life of fleshly creatures.


    Consider the earth, which Jehovah, the Maker, “has given to the sons of men.” (Ps. 115:15, 16) Scientists have spent vast amounts of money on space explorations to find other earthlike planets. Although hundreds of planets have been identified, scientists are disappointed that not one of those planets has the intricate balance of conditions that makes human lifepossible, as the earth does. 


    The earth appears to be unique among all of God’s creation. Just imagine, out of the unknown number of planets that exist in the Milky Way and beyond, Jehovah created the earth to be not merely a habitable place but a comfortable, beautiful, and safe home for his human creation! (Isa. 45:18) This reflects how Jehovah must love us.—Read Job 38:4, 7; Psalm 8:3-5.


    Some believe that there is life somewhere out there like us. If there is life like us, Jehovah would have to have been their creator. Is this not true? But he has not mentioned to us anything about their existence.


    We would need to know if he has established his right to rule over them. Because if he has, then perhaps we don’t need to suffer anymore to prove the universal issue of his right to exercise his sovereign rulership over all creation.



  9. @JW Insider

    Everything we have is Jehovah's and our lives are devoted to Him! Mere money ? to me has little value other than rent food ?. I say what I live whole souled I live for Jehovah, if I die, I die for Jehovah. His blessings are poured out to those who People he has drawn to Him! One day soon money ? will be worthless. 

    For if we live, we live to Jehovah,*+ and if we die, we die to Jehovah.* So both if we live and if we die, we belong to Jehovah.*

    (Romans 14:8)

  10. Margaret Keane’s Eyes Are Wide Open .. how her work has changed over the years.

    “It’s changed, I’ve changed,” she says. She credits her decision to join the Jehovah’s Witnesses, which also gave her the courage to tell the truth about who was the painter in the Keane household.

    Since then, “The old sad art colors are gone,” she says. “Now I paint bright colors. I paint paintings which are happy, where children are laughing and playing with animals. I paint paradise on earth,” as her reading of her Bible teaches her about. 

    I was also told her interview on the red carpet for her award she wore a jw.org button! Wonderful gesture! ?




    Trinidad and Tobago
    Elder of congregation fired from his company for revealing to the congregation private data from a sister.

    The Industrial Court considers that there are limits to freedom of religion in the workplace

    Editor's note: due to the nature of this story we have changed the names of the parties involved. We're calling them John and Jane.

    The Industrial Court confirmed the decision of an important commercial bank to dismiss an employee who accessed and disseminated personal information from another employee to members of his church.

    It is a case that reflects exactly the lightness that exists in the right of a person to freedom of religion.

    His Excellency Mr. Herbert soverall presided over the case and rendered his judgement on July 28 The documents were made public.

    In August 2012 (according to a statement written by John to his union) while working the night shift, he and two other employees reviewed the bank's hard disk security in search of checking form.

    Inside the units, John said he stumbled upon sexually explicit material from a colleague who participated in sexual acts with a man, who was not her husband.

    In the statement, John said that he is " an old man in the organization of Jehovah's witnesses ". he said that in his religion such acts are prohibited and " would bring reproaches to the name of our holy Lord Jehovah and also would the free flow of the spirit Saint in the Christian congregation ".

    John approached Jane on more than one occasion telling him what he knew. He begged her to clean up the elders in the church.

    He wanted to "remind him of the vows he made about his baptism and help him restore his relationship with his GOD JEHOVAH".

    In the third attempt, Jane had already had enough, and told her that "out of her business". she reported John to her supervisor, adding that she would even report it to the police if the information he had was made public.

    However, it persisted. John told the elders of the congregation what he had seen on the hard drive that night in his "desire to protect the cleansing of Christian congregations".

    This took three elders from the church to visit the woman's home to confront her on her day off. He wasn't home at the time.

    In December 2012, the bank fired John for "misconduct".

    He had disclosed confidential information to a third party, had accessed information about a staff member without authorization, and had copied the information into an external storage device.

    In the letter of termination, the bank said that it had "violated or violated the staff's rights", which was in violation of the bank's policies. They had lost confidence in him, and they believed he had discredited the bank.

    The General Union of banking insurance workers never sought to justify John's sense of justice in his defense. Instead, they argued that their disciplinary hearings were not properly conducted. The Court ruled that after having filed a written confession, the bank did not have many options, and any attempt to postpone the hearings, as he had tried, was "to waste time and delay the process".

    In the written judgment, the court ruled that it was not appropriate to apply the principles of religion itself.

    "There's a time and a place for everything under the sun", says the trial. "the place of work simply cannot be treated as a church where religion can be observed and practiced with minimum control".

    The Court argued that without control, the workplace could become "devoid of peace, stability and tranquility". each religion would want to be paramount, but no one could be.

    The trial also says, " because of his behaviour and his testimony, the worker was adamant that he was right to reveal the information to the older person of his church. His defence was based on his religious persuasions. Industrial Relations Systems, as any worker could present such a defence in response to an act of misconduct and hope to be exonerated ".

    The Union has not appealed the decision.



  12. A Pagan as Foreign Minister of the Russian Orthodox sect

    This character is doing a European tour to justify the conduct of the Russian government and its sect.

    We missed their political opinions. A journalist asks him about the persecution of Jehovah's witnesses and answers:

    " on religious freedom, metropolitan hilarion said that the concerns of some journalists " in my opinion are unfounded ". he added that the Jehovah's witnesses have recently been banned from activities, as they are considered " not as a Christian church, but as a cult ".



  13. A Place That Will Bring You Praise—Chorus ?????

    1. 1. Jehovah, the Maker of heaven,
      By heaven you can’t be contained,
      Even less an earthly dwelling place.
      But your spirit can here remain.
      Adorning this center of worship
      Are people who walk in your light.
      We rejoice to serve in unity;
      Our devotion is your delight.
      There is nothing we have
      That you haven’t provided.
      From your own hand, we’ve given
      All that we offer you.

      For all you have done, we are grateful;
      Our voices in song we now raise.
      For you’ve made our hope reality
      With this place that will bring you praise.

    2. 2. Jehovah, you knew that we wanted
      A place that will bring to you praise
      And will serve the needs of worshippers,
      Helping others to walk your ways.
      And now may this place serve your purpose.
      There’s work needing yet to be done,
      To pick up the pace and carry on
      In the work given by your Son.
      So we offer the best
      Of our time and possessions.
      You alone are deserving —⁠
      Giver of all good things.

      For all you have done, we are grateful;
      Our voices in song we now raise.
      For you’ve made our hope reality
      With this place that will bring you praise.
    3. Tap on Video Link mp4_____Enjoy! 


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