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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. Can't sleep? It's called "over thinking." What is bothering you? Worries, pain, sadness, stress?


    "The peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus." –(Phil.4:7)


    So many sad things happen to people, humans need comfort and relief. During the Thousand Year Reign of Christ, God “will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.” (Revelation 21:4) 


    It is wonderful to think that there will be no more pain and suffering. It is even more wonderful that God promises to take away death. 


    Try thinking about this when under stress and can't sleep? We are very close to this fulfillment of this wonderful prophecy and you can see this before your eyes come true. 


    Now, get some sleep let go of anxiety and just "look ahead" miracles do come true. 

    Tap on MP4 Video Link ____Enjoy!




  2. 3 hours ago, Edvan Guerra Magalhaes Magalhaes said:

    Lamentamos tal acontecimento,Nós Brasileiros somos tão fevorosos ao no Deus Jeová,Enfim nestes últimos dias temos de estar preparado para tudo que venha dos íniquios.

    @Edvan Guerra Magalhaes Magalhaes

    Jeová Deus não tolerará aqueles que o tratam falsamente. Sem medo, eles não conhecem a Palavra de Verdade de Deus de qualquer maneira. Obrigado firme seu apoio! Jeová abençoe!


  3. Six months as extremists: what happens to "Jehovah's Witnesses" in Russia

    Anastasia Golubeva

    Russian BBC Service

    In May 2017, the inhabitant of Eagle, the Dane Dennis Christensen and several of his co-religionists gathered in the building for worship, in order, in their words, to read the Bible. A month before, the Supreme Court of Russia recognized the activities of "Jehovah's Witnesses" in Russia as extremist and banned the organization. To hold a meeting that May evening in the Oryol community was not possible: officers of the FSB broke into the hall. They detained only Christensen.

    By this time, the Dane lived in Orel for the last ten years, was married to a Russian woman, worked as a carpenter. As a result, Christensen became the first "Jehovah's Witness", who was charged with an extremist article after the organization's ban in Russia.

    According to the lawyer of the Dane Irina Krasnikova, Christensen is accused of continuing the activities of a local religious organization that was already banned.

    "They just gathered to read the Bible, I think it's absurd to blame a person for extremism," says the lawyer. Irina Krasnikova insists: Christensen could not continue the activities of the banned organization, since he was not its founder or leader.

    In June, the Dane was arrested, all the requests for protection to mitigate the measure of restraint, the court rejected and left him under arrest.

    "In SIZO he had chronic illnesses due to lack of heating and hot water in the cell, and he was also restricted in visits from the family," says the lawyer. Long report go to website for whole article. 









    A judge orders a 14-Year-old witness to be baptized with blood.

    A judge from Quebec has decided that a 14-Year-old Jehovah's witness who has cancer must undergo blood transfusions, despite his express desire not to receive them.

    The Adolescent, who is not named, learned in June that she has hodgkin's lymphoma, a rare form of cancer affecting white blood cells. He has an excellent survival rate, if it's early.

    Treatment involves chemotherapy, which often requires blood transfusions. But as Jehovah's witness, the faith of the girl states that it is against God's desires to consume or be transfused with any blood.
    The girl, who had just turned 14 at the time of her diagnosis, refused to accept any transfusion.

    Under the québec law, children under the age of 14 may reject certain health services. However, if the parents of the child or a hospital want to administer these services, they may request the permission of a judge.

    In his decision issued earlier this month, judge lukasz granosik noted that the girl had embraced his religion at an early age and was baptized at 12 years of his own agreement.

    McGill University Health Center, where the girl was being treated, argued that the girl was not mature enough to make those decisions and was under the pressure of her parents to refuse transfusions.
    In his judgement, granosik noted that the girl was brilliant and expressive, but also said he was talking about death "almost with resignation".

    Noting that the law is designed to protect children even from themselves, he ordered the girl to submit to any blood transfusion necessary to save his life

    The girl's Hematologist-oncologist says that the girl's prognosis with full treatment is excellent, with 97 percent of recovery possibilities.

    The hospital has promised to use blood transfusions only if the child's life is in danger, and use other methods to avoid transfusions when possible.
    No update on the current adolescent health status is known.



  5. Important for the appointment of elders

    The Australian government will also decide on the appointment of the elderly.

    New enforcement act requires the bodies of the elderly to be legally examined if the new possible appointments are free of charge of paedophilia.

    Only if the ruling reports that the person has no criminal record of problems with children, he may receive the new card that allows him to deal with children.

    Among other things, it is ascertained whether there is a criminal record and the person in the past was already noticeable in the treatment of children. This method is based on the recommendations of the royal commission which had been investigated by Jehovah's witnesses in 2017 in July 2015 and March.

    Until now the only question to the candidate on the issue of appointments was: " have you ever harassed or sexually abused a child?" And of course, the answer depends on sincerity.

    The appointed elders or service assistants who have successfully passed the check will receive a pass to enable them to work with children. If the appointees act without this card, this results in extreme fines. Possibly even a prison sentence.

    This review also applies to the elderly and previously appointed service workers. On Wednesday, 13 September, during a meeting in Sydney, the appointment of a ministerial servant was announced, with the reference to the working with children check.

    Known by public and Brother Elders Letter 

    Will this spread to the rest of the civilized world?


  6. The organization offers more and more publications in Arabic. The German government watches the Arabs be honest and not looking to stay in the country.

    The Picture is from Germany where many refugees take publications interested in something they have never heard.
    "there are also Arabic-speaking communities of Jehovah's witnesses, where worship services are carried out in arabic", says a spokesman. The Jehovah's witness website is available in more than 800 languages worldwide.

    The fact that refugees are receptive to the community of Jehovah's witnesses is easy to understand. "the refugees are seeking guidance and guidance is exactly what Jehovah's witnesses offer", says christoph grotepass of the-Info Advisory Center in Essen. There are also similarities in the concept of God. "Jehovah's witnesses reject the trinity of God as much as islam", says Rev. Albrecht. So the publishers can argue well with the refugees.

    The world defenders of Protestant and Catholic churches have produced information material to educate refugees and refugees against Jehovah's witnesses.

    The Federal office verifies the credibility of the conversion
    If a refugee becomes the asylum procedure, an official of the federal office for migration and refugees (Bamf) examines the specific circumstances of the change of faith.

    Only if the refugee can convince that he becomes a genuine conviction and not for tactical asylum reasons and wants to follow his new religion also on his return to his homeland, he has an opportunity for asylum.

    If the refugee may submit a certificate of baptism, the bamf does not doubt the conversion as a rule. "it is generally assumed that careful Christian support was given by Christian communities and religious communities", said a ministry spokesman.



  7. 2 hours ago, David Normand said:

    Expect no less from the world in Satan's control. This is the world that he wants us to have and live in and that world which people have for the most part chosen. Only God's Kingdom can correct all of these deficiencies and in addition bring about an end to sickness and death. Though our prayers will not hasten the great day, it will let our Heavenly Father know that there are some on earth who yearn for an end to Satan's rule and the restoration of the world as he wants it. 


    @David Normand

    Yes, it reminded me of when Jesus Christ Our Lord was on trial and Pilate asked the people who do you want released? They chose the criminal! Yet, Jesus Christ was free of any true charges. As the scriptures say, they hated me without cause. Truth is Truth!

     Thank you for your support!

    Jehovah bless!


  8. New World is coming, before it does enjoy these joyful things, for they are many!
    A brilliant sunset
    A butterfly
    A quiet evening
    A cloudless day

    A robin's song
    An apple pie
    A cup of coffee
    A lullaby

    A wedding day
    A daffodil
    A snowy peak
    A rolling hill

    Be the joy great or small
    Fleeting or of no end
    All life's joys are doubled
    ..When shared with a friend 

    Work or Play?
    The right kind of work gives meaning and purpose to life. Proper play refreshes the tired worker, is a welcome change that re-creates a zest for more work. Too much work over too long a time exhausts the body and depresses the spirit. Extended vacations that go beyond the refreshment needed become boring. DonÂ’t overdo the one while ignoring the other.

    Enjoying the Outdoors
    People are turning to beaches, mountains and parks in such vast numbers that in some places overcrowding is becoming a problem. Yet these areas do offer an infinite variety of entertainment—walking, swimming, jogging, backpacking, camping, picnicking, nature study, and so on.

    There are many ways of bringing JehovahÂ’s interesting creations indoors for study and entertainment. Here again it is a matter of using some imagination, and of parents directing the interests of children into the various possibilities.

    Strictly for Fun
    Entertainment does not always have to be educational. It may be just for the fun of it. This will also have value. It will recreate and refresh both young and old for the more serious affairs of life.

    (Job 12:7-10) However, ask, please, the domestic animals, and they will instruct you; Also the winged creatures of the heavens, and they will tell you. 8 Or show your concern to the earth, and it will instruct you; And the fishes of the sea will declare it to you. 9 Who among all these does not well know That the hand of Jehovah itself has done this, 10 In whose hand is the soul of everyone alive And the spirit of all flesh of man?"

    (Psalm 9:1, 2) . . .I will laud [you], O Jehovah, with all my heart; I will declare all your wonderful works. 2 I will rejoice and exult in you, I will make melody to your name, O Most High. . ." ???


  9. Song 134

    See Yourself When All Is New

    Alternate presentation available

    (Revelation 21:1-5)

    1. Just see yourself, just see me too;

    Just see us all in a world that is new.

    Think how you’ll feel, how it will be,

    To live in peace, to be truly free.

    No evil one will then prevail;

    Rule by our God cannot ever fail.

    The time will have come for a new earthly start,

    The song of our praises will pour out from our heart:


    “Jehovah our God, how well you have done!

    All things are new by the rule of your Son.

    The fullness of our heart overflows in our song;

    All glory and honor and praise to you belong.”

    2. Now see yourself, and see me too;

    And look ahead to a world that is new.

    No sight we see, no sound we hear

    Will cause alarm or give rise to fear.

    All has come true, just as he said;

    Now over mankind, his tent is spread.

    He now shall awaken those sleeping in death;

    Their voices will join us with evÂ’ry grateful breath:


    “Jehovah our God, how well you have done!

    All things are new by the rule of your Son.

    The fullness of our heart overflows in our song;

    All glory and honor and praise to you belong.”


  10. The inner core is the very center of the Earth, and the hottest part of the planet. It is a mainly a solid ball with a radius of about 1,220 km (760 mi), according to seismological studies.[1][2] It is believed to consist mostly of an iron–nickel alloy and to be about the same temperature as the surface of the Sun: about 5700 K (5400 °C).[3]

    The inner core was discovered by Inge Lehmann in 1929, using seismology. Lehmann was studying a large New Zealand earthquake. An earthquake makes vibrations which move through the inside of the Earth. The vibrations Lehmann studied seemed to be moving across something solid in the center of the planet. She called this the inner core. She wrote about it for many years, but it was not proved to exist until 1970.

    The inner core is more than 5,000 kilometers below the earth's surface. The pressure in Earth's inner core is about 3,500,000 atmospheres.[4] Iron can only be solid at such high temperatures because its melting temperature increases dramatically at such pressures.[5]





  11. 19 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Might be a good time to get that RV out of Yellowstone National Park.  The entire park is the caldera of an ancient volcano.

    If it blows at least 5 States will CEASE TO EXIST ... in about 15 minutes.

    @James Thomas Rook Jr.

    I did hear on Scientific sites it is ready to blow! ☄️?☄️?☄️Are you not glad your in Jehovah's hands? ???? Let it come! The core of the earth ? is hot and building up to explode. Perhaps it's part of His plan?' 


  12. Tobi - Helmut (@dunkel_feig )myself - diving at “The Boiler” - an awesome spot on San Benedicto Island in the Archipelago Revillagigedo, 250 nautical miles off the coast of Mexico. There is no place on earth that will not be reached by JW.ORG Â…we were trying to do our share.

    P.S. noticed the manta in the picture ?

    Shared by @markus_


  13. Life's Water is Free! “The spirit and the bride keep on saying: ‘Come!’ . . . Let anyone thirsting come; let anyone that wishes take life’s water free.”—REV. 22:17.


    Though literal water is essential for sustaining life on earth, Jesus had in mind a different type of water when he said to a Samaritan woman at a well: “Whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty at all, but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water bubbling up to impart everlasting life.” (John 4:14)


    The extraordinary water that humans are invited to partake of imparts everlasting life.

    Tap on Video MP4 Link ____Enjoy! 




    Dynjandi Waterfall in Iceland is huge! ??

    Video by @alex_michael_green #nature

  14. Who is the true light that can save the world? - Only one, Jesus Christ by His Ransom! - We have the Gift of Salvation - How are you showing that you are in the Light? -


    Yes exercise Faith and Share with Others why he died for all Mankind. Where else would you go like a lighthouse? You stay with the light, for outside their is only darkness. Speak the Truth to one another and Learn about how you too can Live Forever on a Paradise Earth! ~ Ask for a Free Bible Study from Jehovah's Witnesses, they have learn how Bright that Light truly is ~~~


    (John 1:9-12) 9 The true light that gives light to every sort of man was about to come into the world. 10 He was in the world, and the world came into existence through him, but the world did not know him. 11 He came to his own home, but his own people did not take him in. 12 However, as many as did receive him, to them he gave authority to become God’s children, because they were exercising faith in his name."


    (John 3:16-21) 16 “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent forth his Son into the world, not for him to judge the world, but for the world to be saved through him. 18 He that exercises faith in him is not to be judged. He that does not exercise faith has been judged already, because he has not exercised faith in the name of the only-begotten Son of God. 19 Now this is the basis for judgment, that the light has come into the world but men have loved the darkness rather than the light, for their works were wicked. 20 For he that practices vile things hates the light and does not come to the light, in order that his works may not be reproved. 21 But he that does what is true comes to the light, in order that his works may be made manifest as having been worked in harmony with God.”


    (John 8:12) . . .Therefore Jesus Christ spoke again to them, saying: “I am the light of the world. He that follows me will by no means walk in darkness, but will possess the light of life.”


    (John 12:35, 36) . . .Jesus Christ therefore said to them: “The light will be among YOU a little while longer. Walk while YOU have the light, so that darkness does not overpower YOU; and he that walks in the darkness does not know where he is going. 36 While YOU have the light, exercise faith in the light, in order to become sons of light.”. . .


    (John 12:44-47) 44 However, Jesus Christ cried out and said: “He that puts faith in me puts faith, not in me [only], but in him [also] that sent me; 45 and he that beholds me beholds [also] him that sent me. 46 I have come as a light into the world, in order that everyone putting faith in me may not remain in the darkness. 47 But if anyone hears my sayings and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I came, not to judge the world, but to save the world. . ."


    (John 6:40) For this is the will of my Father, that everyone that beholds the Son and exercises faith in him should have everlasting life, and I will resurrect him at the last day.”


    (John 17:3) This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ."


  15. This story is about a beautiful, expensively dressed lady who complained to her psychiatrist that she felt that her whole life was empty, it had no meaning:

    So, the lady went to visit a counselor to seek out happiness.


    The counselor called over the old lady who cleaned the office floors and then said to the rich lady "I am going to ask Mary here to tell you how she found happiness. All I want you to do is listen to her." So the old lady put down her broom, sat on a chair and told her story: "Well, my husband died of malaria and three months later my only son was killed by a car. I had nobody - I had nothing left. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I never smiled at anyone, I even thought of taking my own life.


    Then one evening a little kitten followed me home from work. Somehow I felt sorry for that kitten. It was cold outside, so I decided to let the kitten in. I got it some milk, and the kitten licked the plate clean. Then it purred and rubbed against my leg and, for the first time in months, I smiled.


    Then I stopped to think, if helping a little kitten could make me smile, maybe doing something for people could make me happy.


    So the next day I baked some biscuits and took them to a neighbor who was sick in bed.


    Every day I tried to do something nice for someone. It made me so happy to see them happy.


    Today, I don't know of anybody who sleeps and eats better than I do. I've found happiness, by giving it to others." When she heard that,the rich lady cried. She had everything that money could buy, but she had lost the things which money cannot buy.


    The beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are; but on how happy others can be because of you.


    Happiness is not a destination, it's a journey.


    Happiness is not tomorrow, it is now.


    Happiness is not a dependency, it is a decision.


    Happiness is what you are, not what you have! ???


  16. The Leader of the "Christian state", which threatens to burn theaters and kill directors, was detained and released the next day. Orel's Jehovah's Witness Dennis Kristensen, who did absolutely nothing, and the prosecutor's office does not even know what to blame, is arrested and imprisoned without trial for four months.////




  17. Drinking from the Saucer ?


    I've never made a fortune, 
    and I'll never make one now.
    It really doesn't matter
    because I'm happy anyhow.
    As I go along my journey, 
    I'm reaping better than I've sowed.
    I'm drinking from the saucer
    'cause my cup has overflowed.

    I don't have a lot of riches, 
    and sometimes the going's tough, 
    but with kin and friends to love me
    I think I'm rich enough.
    I thank God for the blessings
    that His mercy has bestowed.
    I'm drinking from the saucer
    'cause my cup has overflowed.

    He gives me strength and courage
    when the way grows steep and rough.
    I'll not ask for other blessings
    for I'm already blessed enough.
    May we never be too busy
    to help bear another load.
    Then we'll all be drinking from the
    saucer when our cups have overflowed.

    Ps 144:13-15  Our garners full, furnishing products of one sort after another,
    Our flocks multiplying by thousands, ten thousand to one, in our streets,
    14 Our cattle loaded down, without any rupture and with no abortion,
    And with no outcry in our public squares.
    15 Happy is the people for whom it is just like [that]!”
    Happy is the people whose God is Jehovah!

    Enjoy the Blessings from Jehovah! 



  18. https://www.jw.org/en/news/

    Please pray for our Brothers and Sisters and others affected by natural disasters.. 



    On September 19, 2017, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck central Mexico, killing over 225 people. Initial reports have been received from the Central America branch office with the following information.

    Unfortunately, it has been confirmed that one of our sisters in Mexico City was killed in the quake. Additionally, one sister is still missing after her building collapsed. In the city of Puebla, a sister was severely injured, and in the State of Mexico, another sister was hospitalized with injuries.

    The branch office had to be temporarily evacuated but has returned to normal operations. There were no injuries and there was no structural damage to the facility.

    We continue to pray for our brothers and sisters during this difficult time, knowing that Jehovah will support them and is aware of their “deep distress.”—Psalm 31:7.






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