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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. "Return to me, and I will return to you,” says Jehovah of armies." (Malachi 3:7)


    Does this mean that those who have left the truth will never be allowed to return to the congregation? Or does it mean that there is no hope for someone who has not yet dedicated his life to Jehovah? No, the opportunity is still there to become Jehovah’s friend before the start of the great tribulation. Jehovah calls out to them: “Return to me, and I will return to you.” (Malachi 3:7) 


    Jehovah really wants those who have left Him to return. The father in the illustration never stopped hoping that his son would return. When he saw his son coming from “a long way off,” he ran to meet him. The father wanted his son to know that he was welcome. The illustration should motivate those who have left the truth to return to Jehovah right away. Their relationship with him might be very weak, they may feel embarrassed, and it could seem too difficult to come back, but it is worth the effort! When they return, Jehovah, Jesus, and the angels will rejoice.—Luke 15:7.




  2. The Quebec court requests the adoption of a collective demand for sexual abuse against Jehovah's witnesses
    A trial proposes to accuse the leadership of the religious organization in Canada and the United States to protect alleged abusers

    The lawsuit is looking for $ 250.000 per plaintiff for moral and punitive damages.

    Radio-Canada says that, if approved by the court, collective action will be the first of its kind against Jehovah's witnesses, a religious movement that is already the subject of several individual trials in the United States.

    It is now up to the québec high court to determine whether the application is sufficiently substantiated to authorize collective action.



  3. "the Bible is the standard"
    Why do Jehovah's witnesses reject blood transfusions? Why don't they choose? Achim Stemler, the regional commissioner for the news, and Evelyn Richter, the community press officer in greven, give answers in an interview.

    In Germany, Jehovah's witnesses were long regarded as a cult, which this year, after many tests, also received the status of a church in nrw. In Reckenfeld, the community maintains a "Royal room" as a meeting room. Editor Monika Gerharz spoke to Evelyn Richter and Achim Stemler, two active witnesses, about how they are understood as Jehovah's witnesses.

    How do you get to Jehovah's witnesses?

    Achim Stemler: I grew up Catholic, my mother was Catholic, my evangelical father. I was fascinated by biblical stories like a teenager, I loved them. But I found no evidence of much of what the Catholic Church taught - about the triad, hell. By Chance, I came in contact with Jehovah's witnesses when I was a teenager, taught me to understand the Bible. When I was 19, I became a member.

    Evelyn Richter: I have grown through education. My mother belongs to Jehovah's witnesses. My Father is evangelical.

    In fact, it is always heard that Jehovah's witnesses only marry one another. Is this a rumor?

    Judge: there is no exclusion if you have a partner who is not part of Jehovah's witnesses. But personally i already wish someone with whom I can go together on the path of faith.

    An important complaint from the critics of his religious community refers to the ban on the acceptance of blood transfusions. How are you?

    Stemler: the basis for this is two bibliographies in the Old Testament and one in the apostelgeschichte, where it is necessary to refrain from blood. This compels us. But this does not mean that we are not allowed to operate, for example, or against organ transplantation. There are very good alternatives to blood transfusions. Many doctors who are not part of Jehovah's witnesses are investigating this, and we have a special committee composed of the hospital that carefully monitors these investigations.

    The Ban on blood transfusion also applies to children, there are court judgments that have forced treatment.

    Stemler: when children are sick, the situation is particularly stressful. I'm glad she never asked me about my kids. However, the Bible is the standard of our actions.

    Jehovah's witnesses have long fought for recognition as a public law corporation and therefore as an officially recognized religious community with the right to vote for the church. They are accused above all of the lack of loyalty to the democratic state, because they do not vote. What's behind this rejection?

    Stemler: I say it sometimes careless: I have already chosen - namely the kingdom of God. We feel compelled to work for it. We live in the world, but it's not our responsibility, and that's why we're not voting - like 25 percent of all the other Germans. But we stick to the laws - with one exception: we reject the war service.

    Many witnesses were placed in the concentration camp in the third reich and killed. Is this denial also behind the prohibition and reprisals that Jehovah's witnesses are currently exposed to in Russia?

    Stemler: honestly, I don't know. We're suspected of being extremists, but we don't know what that means.

    Critics who call Jehovah's witnesses a cult are often told that they leave the community, cut by all the old friends and even their own family. Is this correct?

    Stemler: if a member violates the rules of the bible not only is contrary, but this violation also approves and takes place - as adultery continued - then over time this man has moved away from the community, and therefore with He would like to have no contact.

    Isn't this attitude so attached when you think of the parable of the good shepherd who follows the last lost sheep?

    Stemler: we are not going to drop anyone, who made a mistake. Our elders always try to stay in touch. It's about this opposite, non-repudiation. He's also relentless when someone insists on his behavior.

    Is this also true within families? For example, would your wife stay away from you if she wanted to get rid of her fellowship?

    Stemler: No, I'm sure my wife won't get away. The decision to them was the second best in my life - after the decision of the faith. Our community does not require families in such a case to violate members.

    Could Jehovah's witnesses enter a fruitful ecumenical dialogue with other religions?

    Stemler: No. We see no basis for this.

    Finally, a very personal question: ringing in the doors at regular intervals and making conversation offers, which are rarely accepted. Isn't this disgusting?

    Judge: you can't expect people to have time. We make the offer because we have mission mission - everything else is people's decision.

    Stemler: what seems to me to be a pity, though, is that people are less and less aware of what is in the Bible. There is often only disinterest. There are tears. At least people must have their own opinion of faith.

    How do your neighbors and colleagues react when they hear that they belong to Jehovah's witnesses?

    Judge: there are questions of course when I do not participate in Christmas or birthday parties. Then I declare it, and it is accepted.

    And why don't you party?

    Stemler: we do not celebrate festivals that have a pagan background.

    So you're not a muffle celebration in principle?

    Judge: not at all! My husband and I are celebrating our wedding day, for example.



  4. Twice saved from the Houston floods, but still, mysteriously, a victim
    Houston - it was a difficult choice, but in the end it was not a choice. A small rescue boat had climbed down the road, offering help. Carl Ellis was with his fragile 73-Year-old, Wilma Jean. The boat had room for one.

    The water was already on Mr..'s knees. Ellis, so there was no time to wait for the rescuers with more space. His mother would have to go alone.

    Using the back of a van as a runway, Ellis helped his mother get into the boat, with his belongings tied in trash bags. There were no life jackets, but it was a short trip and the rescuers promised to return to him.

    He never saw them again, or his mother.

    Any catastrophic climate event has its measurable aspects: inches of rain, wind speed, cubic yards of debris. Others are incalculable: photographs photographs, communities, invisible moorings and security sweeps.

    But perhaps the worst things are the unknowable, lost forever in confusion, mysteries like what happened to Ellis, who was rescued not once, but twice, and yet became a victim of the storm.

    When his son thought he was being transported to a higher ground, he was found floating upside down in the water of the flood. In what became one of the moments of the day, Mrs. Ellis was resurrected by a group of civilian navigators in Louisiana, part of an informal organization known as the Cajun Navy. That moment was acclaimed on National Television and social media as an example of heroism and the link between two gulf coast states.

    But with a huge and chaotic rescue effort going on, much of it handled by private citizens who took things into their own hands, few people paid attention to Ellis's next 10 hours.

    A woman saved twice

    The Peak of despair for the residents of Northeast Houston flooded by Hurricane Harvey came on Monday, August 28 Greens Bayou had swollen to a 43,4-foot record where he crossed tidwell road, evicting cars and tearing apart flats to their poles.

    In the middle-class neighborhood, predominantly black, where mrs. Ellis lived in a three-bedroom brick house, people woke up in the early hours to find the water that was leaking. Hundreds, if not thousands, escaped in ships of all kinds. The water became thick and oily, boiling with angry clusters of fire ants.

    At some point around 7 in the morning, three men on a ship were going up to the entrance to Ellis's house at drifting winds drive.

    Mrs... Ellis was a strong woman, an engaged Jehovah's witness who made sausages sausages from scratch, played video games in a sega genesis, drove a giant truck with a grill the size of a portcullis and enjoyed the occasional pressure from Windsor.

    However, a surgery was recently performed, followed by a stroke, said members of the family.

    So Mr. Ellis didn't stop to ask exactly who the men were on the boat - he just helped his mother on board. She was still wearing the hospital's bracelet from her recent treatment. Without knowing, the ship had just arrived at the corner of the corner when his mother somehow fell into the water of the flood.

    "they were trying to make a right, but the boat leaned over", said a neighbor, Desmond Clark, who was looking through the rain from his window on parkway forest drive. And he added, "I didn't see anyone go for it".

    Mr... Clark said that the person in the water was floating in one direction, accompanied by the garbage bags, while the others supported the boat against a truck to drain, then they went back up and headed to the opposite side.

    "I'm not thinking of myself, ' oh, she's drowning ', ' cause she didn't look like she was drowning", Clark said. It looked like he was swimming.

    Soon, three sailors from st. Tammany, the Cajun Navy members, saw something floating in the water. At First, they thought it was a garbage bag. Then they realized it was a body.

    Two of them, identified in news like Ricky Berrigan and Donnie Davenport, jumped while a third, Joshua Lincoln, stayed with the ship, said Lincoln.

    The woman had lost her dentures and the other was blocking the airway, according to Mr. Lincoln. She seemed to be dead.

    "I don't know what made them do it", he said, but they started doing chest compressions. " after that he began to breathe slowly."

    Unable to lift it on the ship, the men recruited two neighbors to help. "she was alive", said one, Brando Flanagan. She was nodding. I just said, " you're gonna be okay, mommy. You're gonna be okay. " he shrank, remembering. " I looked him in the eye. I told him it was gonna be okay

    At that time, hospitals were practically impossible to reach. The Transporters took Mrs... Ellis to the nearest dry corner, where people get into a nursery and a gas station. " I was worried that she would not install too well in a chair ", said Lincoln, " so we asked them to say that they would be more attentive to her ".

    He took a picture of her, still with the black head of style that had left him at home, with a warm brown blanket covered on her. He took a close-up of the hospital bracelet that had his name and date of birth.

    Just after 8 am, another evacuated posted on Facebook that an Wilma Ellis had been rescued and needed help.

    More than 10 hours later, Mrs. Ellis arrived at Lyndon B. Johnson in a body bag. She was brought in, according to the records, by the coast guard - or maybe a hospital spokesman said later, the fire department. The hospital bracelet was missing. Wilma Ellis was a jane doe.

    Acclaimed as a hero

    That night, China Davis was at the hospital where he worked when the phone rang. "someone called me and told me my sister was floating in the water", she said. "' China, your sister's on CNN '".

    Mrs... Davis was confused: His nephew, Carl, had told him that Mrs. Ellis had been taken to a nearby school. I was still waiting to be rescued.

    But there was Mr..'s voice. Lincoln on TV, describing how he'd found mrs. Ellis in an extremely intense current.

    The journalists are to the words of Mr. Lincoln. - were they moved to act? They asked. " how is she now?"

    As it is common in natural disasters, accurate information is scarce. On Tuesday, Mr. Lincoln told MSNBC: " now he's with his family, they say, and he's fine." he had received an address, he said, so he could return his dentures.

    But Ellis's family didn't know where he was.

    They called hospitals and shelters. They got in touch with Mr. Lincoln, who joined the search by posting on social networks and conducting follow-up interviews. A man said he'd seen her in a shelter. But still, no one could find her.

    It wasn't until Thursday that Mrs. Davis got a call from the morgue.

    Combing through tracks

    Mrs... Ellis, who spent his childhood collecting cotton in Northern Louisiana and later became a nurse in Houston, was a matriarchal figure in an extended clan - had seven brothers, six children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. They called her mom, or Jean.

    To find her, they had been eagerly panning through the meager tracks, left as fragments of storm debris hooked on a chain fence. But now that they knew she was dead, those clues refused to add. How, if he had almost drowned, was the turban stuck in his head? In The Photograph taken by Mr. Lincoln, didn't it look dry?

    More importantly, where'd he stay and with whom? Had there been a dirty game? Or did anyone ever wonder, just didn't care enough about a lonely, old black woman?

    The bureaucracy didn't help. His son, Carl Ellis, went to get his medical records, but he came out empty-handed because he didn't have a death certificate. The Autopsy report wouldn't be available for weeks. Mrs... Ellis had been identified using fingerprints, said the medical examiner's office.

    But there was an official cause of death: drowning. Who raised more questions - if he had been revived, how did he drown? Had he been fished out of water to be swallowed again? Could he have gone through something so destructive to boot the bracelet from his wrist?

    "my mom wouldn't have left", said Ellis. He wondered if he had left it to himself. " if I saw an old man or an old woman, I wouldn't do that. I'll stay with them, make sure they're okay.

    But medical experts said that drowning could be listed as the cause of death even if mrs. Ellis initially survived. The Autopsy could have found fluid lurking in his lungs, or the nearby drowning could have led to fatal complications due to weakened organs, blood-Unbalanced Chemistry or a swollen airway. With Immediate medical attention, he could have survived. If the emergency medical workers had tried to treat her at any time, they might well have cut off the hospital bracelet to get her out of the way.

    Ellis could have been watched, but no one seems to remember. A man who worked at the gas station where mrs. Ellis was abandoned for the first time. He said he couldn't remember seeing her during the storm. Less than two miles away, near an emergency station, there was another gas station, where hundreds of evacuees had been taken.

    The employees there didn't remember mrs. Ellis. But one, karim musani, took a second look at the photo that Mr. Lincoln had taken. " I can remember this brown thing," he said, indicating the plush blanket. " I picked him up. When I picked it up, it was so heavy.

    Picking up the pieces

    More than a week after his mother died, Ellis took out his mother's truck on the road to his ruined house; his own car had been flooded. Using a pair of denim monkeys, he prepared for the job of getting rid and sorting.

    The day before, he had avoided a meeting of 13 family members on the road, and still seemed to be lost in self-reproach about what had happened. Asked about what he had thought when he heard about his mother's rescue on the news, he objected. " when my mother left here ", she said, " I thought it was her rescue."

    A few days later, Mr. Lincoln returned to Houston for Mrs..'s funeral. Ellis. Emotionally overwhelmed, he said, lost on the way. Mr... Lincoln said that he had been "drastically" affected by finding, then losing, Mrs. Ellis. "all this sounds spiritual when reborn, or born again, when I found her", he said. It's like I can't lie anymore.

    But in the memorial service, he found a family still under tension of unanswered questions - perhaps never to be answered - about the late hours of Mrs. Ellis.

    Mrs... Campbell, Ellis's sister, said he had tried to help. "I tried to gather them one by one and sit and explain something: time and unforeseen events happen to us all", he said, to paraphrase the scriptures. "there are only two people who know what really happened: Jean, and Jehovah".



  5. THE TROUBLE TREE ???????

    (Prov 11:30)

    "The fruitage of the righteous one is a tree of life, and he that is winning souls is wise."  


    I hired a carpenter to help me restore an old farmhouse. He had just finished a rough first day on the job: a flat tire made him lose an hour of work, the electric saw quit and now his ancient pickup refused to start. While I drove him home, he sat in stony silence. On arriving, he invited me to meet his family.


    As we walked toward the front door, he paused briefly at a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both hands. When opening the door, he underwent an amazing transformation. His tanned face was wreathed in smiles and he hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss.


    Afterwards he walked me to the car. We passed the tree and my curiosity got the better of me. I asked him about what I had seen him do earlier. "Oh, that's my trouble tree," he replied. "I know I can't help having troubles on the job, but one thing's for sure, troubles don't belong in the house with my wife and the children. So I just hang them up on the tree every night when I come home. Then in the morning I pick them up again." "Funny thing is," he smiled, " when I come out in the morning to pick "em up, there ain't nearly as many as I remember hanging up the night before."

    Author Unknown



  6. 6th grader says rights violated when forced to stand for Pledge 

    An 11-year-old boy says his decision not to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance at school got him roughed up by a teacher and lectured by another. Now both are facing disciplinary action for their actions.

    Stone Chaney, 11, says he's been choosing to sit for the Pledge of Allegiance since 2nd grade. He said people have asked him in the past about hsi decision not to stand but has never had an issue - until now.

    On the third day of the 6th grade, that all changed. "A teacher just comes up, puts her arms under my armpits and snatches me out of my chair. I say I don't stand for the pledge, she just glares at me and walks away," Stone said. "I just feel like my rights were violated. And she was the teacher consultant; the person who teaches other people not to put their hands on students. So who knows what other teachers she's taught her way of thinking." The rough start to his first year at East Middle School got even worse when he says he returned the next morning to a substitute teacher driving the point home and ordering him to stand. She also told him he would need a special note to be allowed to sit. "God said don't worship anything other than me, don't worship any idols, and pledging to a flag would kind of be like worshiping it," he said. "It's not if I have a reason or not, it's my right." His parents demanded action at a school board meeting, now both teachers have been placed on administrative leave.

    His mother, Phillina Mullin, said the teacher should not have put her hands on Stone.

    "One of the main issues we're having a problem with is the fact that an adult felt the need to put their hands on my child,

    "Very proud of my son. He's a national hero right now," Brian Chaney, his father, said.

    FOX 2 reached out to Farmington schools for a comment. The superintendent said it supports the rights of all students with this statement:

    Farmington Public Schools offers every student the opportunity each day to participate in the Pledge of Allegiance. The District fully supports the right of each student to participate or not in the daily Pledge.

    In this particular instance, school leaders began their investigation as soon as they were made aware of the situation, which was the day before the most recent Board meeting. The teacher allegedly involved in the incident has been placed on administrative leave pending the conclusion of the investigation.

    At Farmington Public Schools, we expect every child and adult in our district to be treated with dignity and respect. At this time, the District cannot speculate about the outcome of the pending investigation.

    We assure our parents and families that when any situation like this occurs, we remain committed to providing an education of excellence to every student.

    -Dr. George C. Heitsch


    Farmington Public Schools

    Although the family is encouraged by the district's recent action, they're focusing now on the bigger picture.

    "I have three younger brothers and hope it never happens to them, nobody in East (middle school). Nobody in Michigan, nobody all over the country," Stone said.

    Stone is getting national attention for this, doing interviews all day long, and getting attention on social media. He's hoping now to get the attention of Colin Kaepernick. He will likely not be returning to the school.

    The school district is expecting to release another statement tomorrow.




  7. “Of Whom Shall I Be in Dread?”

    “Though against me war should rise, even then I shall be trusting.”—PS. 27:3.


    "Instruct me, O Jehovah, in your way."—Ps. 27:11. 

    While fear can exert a weakening influence, the feeling of dread is even more severe. But no underlying dread should agitate one who fears Jehovah. (1 Pet. 3:14) When we make Jehovah our stronghold, we “will reside in security and be undisturbed from dread of calamity.” (Prov. 1:33; 3:25) 


    The metaphor “Jehovah is my light” draws attention to the fact that Jehovah frees us from ignorance and spiritual darkness. (Ps. 27:1) A literal light may reveal a danger or an obstacle on our pathway, but it does not remove it. We must act wisely on what we see. In a similar way, Jehovah reveals to us the basic meaning of world events. He alerts us to the dangers of this system of things. He provides us with Bible principles that always work, but we must apply what we learn. When we do, we can act with more wisdom than either our enemies or our teachers.—Ps. 119:98, 99, 130.


    David’s words at Psalm 27:1 show that he must have recalled how Jehovah had delivered, or saved, him on previous occasions. For instance, Jehovah had delivered him “from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear.” Jehovah also gave him victory over the giant Goliath. Later, King Saul tried to pierce David with a spear, but each time Jehovah delivered him. (1 Sam. 17:37,49, 50; 18:11, 12; 19:10) No wonder David could say with conviction: “Jehovah is my . . . salvation”! Jehovah will again become to his servants what he was to David—a salvation. How? By delivering his worshippers through the coming “great tribulation.”—Rev. 7:14;2 Pet. 2:9.


    To remain courageous, we need ongoing instruction in God’s way. This is evident from David’s plea: “Instruct me, O Jehovah, in your way, and lead me in the path of uprightness on account of my foes.” (Ps. 27:11) Acting in harmony with this prayer means paying careful attention to any Bible-based direction that we receive through Jehovah’s organization and applying it at once. 


    By allowing Jehovah to instruct us and lead us in the path of uprightness, we will have no cause for fear. 


    David next underscores the necessity of faith and hope by saying: “If I had not had faith in seeing the goodness of Jehovah in the land of those alive—!” (Ps. 27:13) Indeed, where would we be without our God-given hope and our appreciation for the things discussed in Psalm 27! May we, then, continue to pray confidently for strength and deliverance as we face the events leading up to Armageddon.—Read Psalm 27:14.




  8. YOUR HISTORY!! – Its 1918 - 1919 and    the “two witnesses are lying dead in the street”. Brooklyn Bethel is locked up and shut down. All the Directors are in prison.


    The brothers and sisters that could keep things going came back to Pittsburgh on the corner of Federal & Gen.Robinson streets right across the street from C.T.RussellÂ’s haberdashery that was the 2nd main office for ZionÂ’s Watchtower.


    The preaching had stopped but not a single issue of the Watchtower magazine was missed and even many other publications were produced and distributed from the office here on the 3rd floor of the Martin Building. 


     by watchtower_of_allegheny_tour



  9. Is Unfailing Love Possible?


    Even when King Solomon was alive, true love was not common. Why? Solomon explained: “One upright man out of a thousand I found, but a woman among them I have not found. This alone I have found: The true God made mankind upright, but they have sought out many schemes.” (Ecclesiastes 7:26-29, Immoral foreign women who worshipped Baal were living among the Israelites. As a result, many Israelite men and women had also become immoral.* (See footnote.) But about 20 years earlier, King Solomon wrote a poem about a man and a woman who were truly in love. Whether we are married or not, the Song of Solomon can help us to understand what true love is and how we can show it.


    Read Song of Solomon 8:6. Love is described as “the flame of Jah.” Why? Because Jehovah’s greatest quality is love, and he created us with the ability to imitate his love. (Genesis 1:26, 27) After Jehovah created the first man, Adam, he gave him a beautiful wife. When Adam saw Eve for the first time, he felt so happy that he just had to describe how he felt about her. Eve also felt very close to her husband. After all, Jehovah had created Eve from Adam. (Genesis 2:21-23) From the beginning, Jehovah made it possible for a man and a woman to have true and lasting love for each other.


    The Song of Solomon beautifully describes the love that a man and woman can have for each other. The song is about the love between a country girl from the village of Shunem, or Shulem, and a young shepherd. This is their story: The girl was working in her brothers’ vineyards close to where King Solomon and his soldiers were camped. He noticed the girl and ordered his servants to bring her into the camp. Then he told her how beautiful she was and offered her many gifts. But the girl was in love with a shepherd and insisted that she wanted to be with him. (Song of Solomon 1:4-14) The shepherd looked for her and went into the camp. When he found her, they expressed their love for each other with beautiful words.—Song of Solomon 1:15–17.


    When Solomon returned to Jerusalem, he took the young woman with him, and the shepherd followed her. (Song of Solomon 4:1-5, 8, 9) Nothing that Solomon said or did could change the girl’s love for the shepherd. (Song of Solomon 6:4-7; 7:1-10) So Solomon let the girl go back home. Finally, the Shulammite called to her dear one to come running to her “like a gazelle.”—Song of Solomon 8:14.


    The Song of Solomon is a beautiful song. In fact, it has been called “the song of songs.” (Song of Solomon 1:1) But in the song, Solomon did not include the names of the characters when they were speaking. He wanted the beauty of poetry and song to stand out instead of adding many details. Even though the song does not include names, it is still possible to know which character is speaking by what he or she says.*


    If you would like to be married, look for someone you can truly love. When you find that person, work together to keep your love for each other strong. As we learned from the Song of Solomon, true and lasting love is possible, for it is “the flame of Jah.”—Song of Solomon 8:6.


    "A mere saffron of the coastal plain I am, a lily of the low plains."—(Song of Sol. 2:1)

    “Place me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; because love is as strong as death is, insistence on exclusive devotion is as unyielding as Sheol is. Its glazings are the glazings of a fire, the flame of Jah [for it is from him]."

    (Song of Sol. 8:6) 



    • Unfailing love: Love that lasts and stays strong. This love grows because it is loyal and unselfish
    • Expressions of affection: Different ways you show someone that you love him or her. For example, a husband and wife may say things that make each other feel loved. Couples express their affection in ways that show they deeply respect each other



  10. 51 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    There are Many different kinds of TRUTH.

    The Bible does not speak at all what you must truly know to repair a jet turbine aircraft engine.




    @James Thomas Rook Jr.

    Glad Jehovah gave me the instructions I needed for survival! Let them all worry what bolt goes first!

    if He created the Heavens and the Earth ? I'm safe! Many things they have learned by aerodynamics by the dragonflies and the eagles ? amazing God I guess we learn so much from Him!

    Keep your instructions on the turbo aircraft, I hear the suns magnetic waves will force their field away from the Earth. Amazing power is coming! ????

  11. 28 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    I was mentioning that same thing the other day to Bro. Drysdale ............

    zz  beverly-hillbillies-26.jpg

    @James Thomas Rook Jr.

    I thought a simple life would be riding together, gas ?? prices are crazy since Hurricane Irma, but don't know how I could get in the car? ? If I get gas ?? not from Texas why are the prices doubled at the gas ?? tank? Maybe a good thought to share vechiles like you said, ????


  12. Foe or Friend?? ????

    It’s NOT a flower, friends this is the coolest thing ever, This "mantis" resembles a new-bloomed orchid, which presumably lulls its victims into a false sense of curiosity as they admire its color scheme before it beheads them. Imagine a wolf covered in daisies and youÂ’re not far off.

    Thank you Jehovah for your creation it is amazing!

    So what does this mean for us? ?

    Moral of this Story:

    Sometimes a Friend is really a Foe we should be cautious! 

    1 Corinthians 15:33. Please READ 



  13. Praise the Name of Jehovah!


    (Nahum 1:7) Jehovah is good, a stronghold in the day of distress. And he is cognizant of those seeking refuge in him." In stark contrast with what other religions are doing, Jehovah’s Witnesses honor and glorify the divine name. They sanctify it by using it in a dignified way. Jehovah takes pleasure in those who trust in him, and he becomes whatever is necessary to bless and protect his people.


    (Acts 15:14) Sym?e·on has related thoroughly how God for the first time turned his attention to the nations to take out of them a people for his name." (Zephaniah 3:12-13) And I shall certainly let remain in the midst of you a people humble and lowly, and they will actually take refuge in the name of Jehovah. 13 As regards the remaining ones of Israel, they will do no unrighteousness, nor speak a lie, nor will there be found in their mouths a tricky tongue; for they themselves will feed and actually lie stretched out, and there will be no one making [them] tremble.” 



  14. Here’s the Deal. ?????????????

    A teenage boy had just passed his driving test and inquired of his father as to when they could discuss his use of the car. His father said he’d make a deal with his son: ‘You bring your grades up from a C to a B average, study your Bible, and get your hair cut. Then we’ll talk about the car.’


    The boy thought about that for a moment, decided he’d settle for the offer, and they agreed on it. After about six weeks his father said, ‘Son, you’ve brought your grades up and I’ve observed that you have been studying your Bible, but I’m disappointed you haven’t had your hair cut.


    The boy said, ‘You know, Dad, I’ve been thinking about that, and I’ve noticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair, Moses had long hair ~ ~ ~ and there’s even strong evidence that Jesus had long hair.’


    His father saidÂ…Â…Â….. Â’Did you also notice that they all walked everywhere they went?Â’ ???????????




  15. Are You Daily Asking, “Where Is Jehovah?" - Is He In Control? 


    JEREMIAH was in tears. He was affected both by the present condition of his people and by what God had him foretell about their future. He wished that his head were like a water source and his eyes a fountain so that he could cry without stopping. Jeremiah had reason to grieve over the condition of the nation. (Jer. 9:1-3; read Jeremiah 8:20, 21.) The Jews kept rejecting divine law and did not obey Jehovah’s voice, thus calamity would come.—Jer. 6:19; 9:13.


    Have you been regularly asking, “Where is Jehovah?” when you are making decisions and choosing your course? Some may feel that they have not been as conscientious as they should have been. If in some sense that might be true of you, do not be downhearted. Even the faithful patriarch Job struggled in this regard. When he was under pressure, he was wrapped up in himself. Elihu had to remind him of the common tendency of mankind: “No one has said, ‘Where is God my Grand Maker?’” (Job 35:10) Elihu encouraged Job: “Show yourself attentive to the wonderful works of God.” (Job 37:14) Job needed to observe the mighty works of Jehovah in the creation around him and in God’s dealings with humans. Through his own experience, Job came to understand Jehovah’s ways. After he had endured his ordeal and had seen how Jehovah handled the matter, Job said: “I talked, but I was not understanding things too wonderful for me, which I do not know. In hearsay I have heard about you, but now my own eye does see you.”—Job 42:3, 5.


    We may not feel that we have any doubt about God’s justice and the wisdom of how he both accomplishes and will yet accomplish his will. Nevertheless, we can benefit from reflecting on what Jeremiah went through and bringing up in our prayers how we feel at heart. Our expressing ourselves in that way can reinforce our confidence in Jehovah, that his will iscertainly going to be accomplished. Even if we do not fully understand at present why things are developing as they are, or why God’s will is proceeding at the rate it is, we can express in prayer to him our confidence that he is in complete control. His will is going to take place inthe way and at the pace he knows isbest. This is guaranteed; we have no reason to doubt it. We will continue to ask, “Where is Jehovah?” in the sense of prayerfully seeking to comprehend his will and to see evidence of its outworking.—Job 36:5-7, 26.


    If we approach him in prayer even more frequently and fervently. Trust that as we daily keep asking, “Where is Jehovah?” he will show us his way.—Isa. 30:21.


    "We are overturning . . . every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God."—2 Cor. 10:5.


    How can we use God’s Word to overturn the “strongly entrenched” doctrines of evolution and creationism? (2 Cor. 10:4) We can do so by gaining accurate knowledge of the Bible. 




  16. “How did four young Hebrew men in Babylon show appreciation for the truths they had learned?”


    Four young Hebrew men showed that they had learned what was really important. Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah, and Daniel were taken to Babylon in 617 B.C.E.


    They were good-looking, intelligent young men who could easily have just blended into the Babylonian way of life. But they did not.


    It is apparent from their actions that they remembered their heritage, what they had been taught. The four were richly blessed for adhering to the spiritual lessons they had learned when they were young.” Under the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar II, the Babylonian Empire spread throughout the Middle East, and around 607 B.C., King Jehoiakim of Judah was forced into submission, becoming a vassal to Nebuchadnezzar (2 Kings 24:1).


    It was during this time that Nebuchadnezzar took many of the finest and brightest young men from each city in Judah captive, including Daniel, Hananiah (Shadrach), Mishael (Meshach) and Azariah (Abednego).



  17. "Do You Have “a Heart ?to Know” Jehovah?

    “I will give them a heart to know me, that I am Jehovah; and they must become my people.”—JEREMIAH 24:7.


    This is encouraging to us because it means that God wants us to have “a heart to know” him, that is, to be the kind of person who wants to know him and who wants to be part of his people. How do we become that kind of person? We study the Bible and apply what we learn. Then we repent and stop our sinful way of life. In time, we dedicate our life to God and get baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and holy spirit. (Matthew 28:19, 20; Acts 3:19) Have you already taken those steps? Or are you now regularly attending meetings with Jehovah’s Witnesses and in the process of taking those steps?


    Even if we have already taken all those steps, we must continue to have the right attitude and to be careful how we act. Why? We will learn the answer as we discuss what Jeremiah wrote about the heart. Some of the book of Jeremiah was about the nations around Judah. But mostly it was about the nation of Judah during the rule of five of its kings. (Jeremiah 1:15, 16) Jeremiah wrote about people who were already dedicated to Jehovah. In Moses’ day, the people agreed to belong to Jehovah. (Exodus 19:3-8) In Jeremiah’s day too, the people said: “We have come to you, for you, O Jehovah, are our God.” (Jeremiah 3:22) But did they have a good heart?



    Doctors can use machines to look inside our body to see if our heart is healthy. But Jehovah can also see our figurative heart, or the person we are inside. He says: “The heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate. Who can know it? I, Jehovah, am searching the heart, . . . to give to each one according to his ways, according to the fruitage of his dealings.” (Jeremiah 17:9, 10) God can see what we want, how we think, how we feel, what our attitude is, and what we hope to do with our life. God will examine your heart. But you too can make an effort to examine what is in your own heart.


    As we keep making this effort, Jehovah will give us “a heart to know” him. He promised to do that for the anointed, who are in the new covenant. He said: “I will put my law within them, and in their heart I shall write it. And I will become their God, and they themselves will become my people.” He continued: “They will no more teach each one his companion and each one his brother, saying, ‘Know Jehovah!’ for they will all of them know me, from the least one of them even to the greatest one of them . . . For I shall forgive their error, and their sin I shall remember no more.”—Jeremiah 31:31-34.





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