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Bible Speaks

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  1. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Gloria Medina in ''Nowhere to Hide': North Korean Missiles Spur Anxiety in Japan Fishing Town There's nowhere to hide' Japan on alert for North Korea nuclear test WORSE than Fukushima ?⚠️?   
    ''Nowhere to Hide': North Korean Missiles Spur Anxiety in Japan Fishing Town
    There's nowhere to hide' Japan on alert for North Korea nuclear test WORSE than Fukushima
    TERRIFIED Japanese residents fear North Korea may trigger a nuclear disaster more devastating than the Fukushima calamity by testing a hydrogen bomb.
    Japan has been on high alert since North Korea fired two ballistic missiles over the northern island of Hokkaido on September 15.
    The Hermit Kingdom conducted its sixth and largest nuclear test just weeks earlier on September 3.
    North Korea has not carried out further ballistic missile or nuclear tests in recent weeks, marking an eerily quiet period for the secretive state.
    But the silence has done nothing to allay the fears of residents living directly in the firing line of Kim Jong-un’s missile tests.
    Kawamura, who lives in a seaside cottage in Erimo, said: “Now when I hear a loud sound, I look outside, I look out at the ocean.
    “I feel anxious, like I never know when it will come again.”
    For months Japanese authorities have been holding large scale emergency drills in preparation for North Korea testing a missile or nuclear bomb.
    In the event of a missile launch, the government activates sirens and sends alerts to millions of mobile phones.
    “When it's launched, it could land here just moments later,” Kawamura said. “There's nowhere to hide.”

  2. Confused
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in War Memorials Removed Across America   
    "Today's decision sets dangerous precedent by completely ignoring history, and it threatens removal and destruction of veterans memorials across America."

  3. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in I Will Pour Out Flowing Streams and Blessings says Jehovah   
    "For I will pour out water on the thirsty one And flowing streams on the dry ground.I will pour out my spirit on your offspring And my blessing on your descendants."
    (Isaiah 44:3) - 
    Even in hot, dry country, stands of trees can flourish by water sources. When Jehovah provides his life-giving waters of truth and pours out his holy spirit, Israel will flourish mightily, like trees alongside irrigation canals. (Psalm 1:3; Jeremiah 17:7, 8) Jehovah will give his people the strength to carry out their role as witnesses to his Godship.

  4. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in Snowflakes Quiets Sound? ❄️❄️❄️❄️ Miracles of Our Creator   
    When a fresh batch of snow falls to the ground, the world tends to quiet down.
    That could partially be attributed to human factors: it’s likely winter, people arenÂ’t out as much and traffic comes to a halt. 
    However, there are more scientific reasons for the quietude. When a fresh blanket of snow settles down, itÂ’s doing a lot more than turning the world into a winter wonderland.
    “When snow falls, it does absorb some of the soundwaves,” says Bernadette Woods Placky, a meteorologist and director of Climate Central’s Climate Matters program. [x]
    As snowflakes stack up, there is more space left between them, compared to the surface of liquids like water. With all that space, sound is unable to bounce off snow as easily as it would off water. As a result, the sound gets absorbed.
    What a wonderful Creator we have all-loving Jehovah God! ????????

  5. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in ''Nowhere to Hide': North Korean Missiles Spur Anxiety in Japan Fishing Town There's nowhere to hide' Japan on alert for North Korea nuclear test WORSE than Fukushima ?⚠️?   
    ''Nowhere to Hide': North Korean Missiles Spur Anxiety in Japan Fishing Town
    There's nowhere to hide' Japan on alert for North Korea nuclear test WORSE than Fukushima
    TERRIFIED Japanese residents fear North Korea may trigger a nuclear disaster more devastating than the Fukushima calamity by testing a hydrogen bomb.
    Japan has been on high alert since North Korea fired two ballistic missiles over the northern island of Hokkaido on September 15.
    The Hermit Kingdom conducted its sixth and largest nuclear test just weeks earlier on September 3.
    North Korea has not carried out further ballistic missile or nuclear tests in recent weeks, marking an eerily quiet period for the secretive state.
    But the silence has done nothing to allay the fears of residents living directly in the firing line of Kim Jong-un’s missile tests.
    Kawamura, who lives in a seaside cottage in Erimo, said: “Now when I hear a loud sound, I look outside, I look out at the ocean.
    “I feel anxious, like I never know when it will come again.”
    For months Japanese authorities have been holding large scale emergency drills in preparation for North Korea testing a missile or nuclear bomb.
    In the event of a missile launch, the government activates sirens and sends alerts to millions of mobile phones.
    “When it's launched, it could land here just moments later,” Kawamura said. “There's nowhere to hide.”

  6. Like
    A prayer of the oppressed one when he is in despair and pours out his concern before Jehovah. ?????
    16 For Jehovah will rebuild Zion;
    He will appear in his glory.
    17 He will pay attention to the prayer of the destitute;
    He will not despise their prayer.
    18 This is written for the future generation,
    So that a people yet to be brought forth will praise Jah.
    19 For he looks down from his holy height, From the heavens Jehovah views the earth,
    20 To hear the sighing of the prisoner, To release those sentenced to death,
    21 So that the name of Jehovah will be declared in Zion
    And his praise in Jerusalem,
    22 When the peoples and kingdoms Gather together to serve Jehovah."
    Psalm 102:16-22 fin. 

  7. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Russian senators are preparing a bill to protect people FROM THE FRAUD of sects.   
    Russian Senators are preparing a bill to protect people from the fraud of cults.
    A group of Russian Senators is working on a law to protect the people of destructive cults. These include sects of foreign origin, as well as those who disguise themselves as "leadership schools", declared the main initiator of the press bill.
    "Cults are a very dangerous environment, and legislation must be rectified, and we are currently working on proposals to protect our citizens, but today there is not a single region in the country where there are such sects", quoted ria novosti. Senator Elena Misulina.
    He said that the bill was being drafted in cooperation with government experts and was submitted to the Federation Council by 30 November.
    Mizulina noted that many of the fraudulent sects came from abroad. Furthermore, not all should be described as religious groups, as some work as different education and similar courses.
    " these sects deceive our citizens through a variety of psycho and remove their possessions. In widespread cases, cults try to manipulate people's conscience ", the politician explained.
    According to the federation council working group to combat the threat of destructive cults, some 500 of these groups are currently active in Russia.
    In August of this year, the Russian ministry of justice classified Jehovah's witnesses as a prohibited extremist organization. This happened after a long judicial process, which occurred because some members of this group risk the lives of their children by refusing blood transfusions, which is actually according to the beliefs of Jehovah's witnesses.
    Currently, Russian law allows for the formation of religious groups, including those who do not need official registration and no legal structure, and those who must be officially registered. Sects can carry out any activity if they do not violate the applicable law.

  8. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Queen Esther in Russian senators are preparing a bill to protect people FROM THE FRAUD of sects.   
    Russian senators are preparing a bill to protect people FROM THE FRAUD of sects.
    A group of Russian senators is working on a law to protect the population from destructive sects. These include foreign-born sects, as well as those that disguise themselves as "leadership schools,"  said the main initiator of the press bill.
    "Sects are a very dangerous environment, and legislation must be rectified, and we are currently working on proposals to protect our citizens, but today there is not a single region in the country where there are such sects," RIA Novosti quoted. the senator Elena Misulina.
    He said the bill was being drafted in cooperation with government experts and was submitted to the Federation Council before 30 November.
    Mizulina noted that many of the fraudulent sects came from abroad. In addition, not all should be described as religious groups, as some function as different education courses and the like.
    "These sects deceive our citizens through a variety of psychotechnics and take away their possessions. In very widespread cases, the sects try to manipulate the conscience of the people," said the politician.
    According to the Federation Council working group to combat the threat of destructive sects, about 500 of these groups are currently active in Russia.
    In August of this year, the Russian Ministry of Justice classified Jehovah's Witnesses as a banned extremist organization. This happened after a long judicial process, which occurred because some members of this group at risk the life of their children by refusing blood transfusions, which is actually in accordance with the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses.
    Currently, Russian law allows the formation of religious groups, including those that do not require official registration and no legal structure, and those that must be officially registered. Cults can carry out any activity if they do not violate applicable law.
  9. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in 500,000 people left Myanmar since last August. Myanmar security forces targeted teachers, the cultural and religious leadership   
    More than 500,000 people left Myanmar since last August. Myanmar security forces targeted teachers, the cultural and religious leadership, and other people of influence in the Rohingya community in an effort to diminish Rohingya history, culture and knowledge.
    Antonio Faccilongo is an Italian photographer based in Rome. He is represented by Getty Images Reportage. Follow him on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
    Photo editors: Brett Roegiers and Bernadette Tuazon

  10. Sad
    U.N. DEMANDS IMMEDIATE RELEASE OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESS IN KAZAKHSTAN - http://www.worldreligionnews.com/religion-news/u-n-demands-immediate-release-jehovahs-witness-kazakhstan

  11. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in 500,000 people left Myanmar since last August. Myanmar security forces targeted teachers, the cultural and religious leadership   
    More than 500,000 people left Myanmar since last August. Myanmar security forces targeted teachers, the cultural and religious leadership, and other people of influence in the Rohingya community in an effort to diminish Rohingya history, culture and knowledge.
    Antonio Faccilongo is an Italian photographer based in Rome. He is represented by Getty Images Reportage. Follow him on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
    Photo editors: Brett Roegiers and Bernadette Tuazon

  12. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in How Would You Live On the Island ? Of St. Helena?   
    The Island of St. Helena already has airport
    This small volcanic island has a population of 4000 inhabitants and about 122 publishers. A 1-witness ratio for every 33 inhabitants! (Yearbook 2016)
    How will the opening of an airport affect the ministry?
    Maybe he'll give the publishers more territory....... visitors to the island.
    This is the place on earth with the highest proportion of witnesses for the general population.
    With 1 witness for every 30 people, everyone on the island knows a witness. The odds are that every brother or sister works with at least one believer. He'll probably see a witness every day.
    269 attended the commemoration. That'S 1 out of 15 inhabitants
    I think it's a very nice place to live with so many brothers and interested in the truth.

  13. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in New App On JW.org to Locate Kingdom Halls and Conventions   
    New App On JW.org to Locate Kingdom Halls and Conventions. 

  14. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Meet Brother From Oregon Here To Encourage You!   
    Meet @grantasaur’s grandfather from Oregon, USA. Even though heÂ’s been in a wheelchair for several years he still fulfills his assignments and is an encouragement to everyone.
    Thank you

  15. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Our South Korea Brothers can be pretty creative. ?   
    Our South Korea Brothers can be pretty creative. ? Thank you

  16. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in I “SEE” Paradise? – Hold On, Don’t Let Go! ???????   
    Painting at the entrance of Golden Gate Kingdom Hall. Artist match tile, it appears you could walk into Paradise. 
    Tap on Video Link mp4 for a special message! _____Enjoy!


  17. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Why should you serve the true and living God? – ?????   
    Why should you serve the true and living God? ?????
    Revelation 4:11 gives the main reason: “You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created.” Jehovah is the wonderful Creator of everything in existence. How beautiful the earth is! The trees, the flowers, the animals, the oceans, the mountains, and the waterfalls—Jehovah has made them all.
    “The earth is full of [God’s] productions,” states Psalm 104:24. 
    How grateful we can be that Jehovah has lovingly given us a body and a mind that allow us to enjoy the earth and the good things on it! Should not heartfelt appreciation for the wondrous creation make us want to serve him!
    Beautiful Japanese Maple by Stanley Zimny
    Tap on Video Link mp4 ____Enjoy!

  18. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in ARE YOU GROUNDED LIKE THIS TREE? - HOLD ON TIGHT! –?????   
    How solidly grounded should our faith be? Illustrate.
    True faith towers over such things. Recall how the Bible defines it. (Read Hebrews 11:1.) Paul said that faith focuses on two kinds of things that we cannot see. One, it focuses on present realities that are “not beheld.” Our physical eyes cannot see the realities in the spirit realm—such as Jehovah God, his Son, or the Kingdom that now rules in heaven. 
    Two, faith focuses on “things hoped for”—events that have not yet happened. We cannot now see the new world that God’s Kingdom will soon bring about. Does that mean, then, that our faith in such realities and the things we have hoped for is groundless?
    Far from it! Paul explained that true faith is solidly grounded. When he called faith “the assured expectation,” he used an expression that may also be rendered “title deed.”
    Wye Valley by lanavandamme

  19. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Irenerojo in STATEMENT FROM JASON LeROCQUE Husband of Rhonda LeRocque, victim of the Las Vegas shootings. ???   
    Husband of Rhonda LeRocque, victim of the Las Vegas shootings.
    On behalf of Aliyah and our entire family, I would like to acknowledge the deep sadness that is felt by everyone who knew and loved Rhonda and who continue to deeply mourn her senseless and tragic death 11 days ago in Las Vegas.
    Rhonda and I were married for over 21 years.  We, along with our six year old daughter Ali and my father Roy LeRocque had gone to Las Vegas to enjoy some quality family time, as well as for Rhonda, myself and Ali to enjoy parts of the Rt.91 Country music festival. Our daily routine each day in Las Vegas was to spend the morning getting breakfast as a family and then spending time together enjoying the pools at the Mandalay Bay.  
    After this, Rhonda, myself, and Ali would go enjoy the country music festival and all the activities there for a couple of hours together, until Ali would fall asleep.  Rhonda and I would then bring Ali back to the hotel room right across from the festival and my father Roy would watch her while Rhonda and I would go back and enjoy the festival.
    This same routine happened on Sunday October 1.  Rhonda and I had dropped Ali off to my father, returned to the festival and shortly after that the gun shots began. Rhonda was among those who were hit very early on.
    Thanks to the heroic efforts of a few individuals, we could get her to the Trauma Centre at University Medical Centre while still breathing, however after a couple of hours her life tragically ended.  I was with her the entire time.
    Rhonda was a beautiful loving mother and wife and, Ali and our entire family meant the world to her. Rhonda was a very special daughter, sister, and dear friend who will be missed deeply by her family as well as her spiritual family.
    People who had the privilege to know Rhonda would only describe her as the happiest, most caring, sweet, and self-sacrificing person you would ever know.  Throughout her life, she was motivated by her love for neighbours, devoted to spending much of her time sharing the Bible's message of hope and helping others in her community to learn about Jehovah God.
    (Part of an article from by WCVB abc!)

  20. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in STATEMENT FROM JASON LeROCQUE Husband of Rhonda LeRocque, victim of the Las Vegas shootings. ???   
    Husband of Rhonda LeRocque, victim of the Las Vegas shootings.
    On behalf of Aliyah and our entire family, I would like to acknowledge the deep sadness that is felt by everyone who knew and loved Rhonda and who continue to deeply mourn her senseless and tragic death 11 days ago in Las Vegas.
    Rhonda and I were married for over 21 years.  We, along with our six year old daughter Ali and my father Roy LeRocque had gone to Las Vegas to enjoy some quality family time, as well as for Rhonda, myself and Ali to enjoy parts of the Rt.91 Country music festival. Our daily routine each day in Las Vegas was to spend the morning getting breakfast as a family and then spending time together enjoying the pools at the Mandalay Bay.  
    After this, Rhonda, myself, and Ali would go enjoy the country music festival and all the activities there for a couple of hours together, until Ali would fall asleep.  Rhonda and I would then bring Ali back to the hotel room right across from the festival and my father Roy would watch her while Rhonda and I would go back and enjoy the festival.
    This same routine happened on Sunday October 1.  Rhonda and I had dropped Ali off to my father, returned to the festival and shortly after that the gun shots began. Rhonda was among those who were hit very early on.
    Thanks to the heroic efforts of a few individuals, we could get her to the Trauma Centre at University Medical Centre while still breathing, however after a couple of hours her life tragically ended.  I was with her the entire time.
    Rhonda was a beautiful loving mother and wife and, Ali and our entire family meant the world to her. Rhonda was a very special daughter, sister, and dear friend who will be missed deeply by her family as well as her spiritual family.
    People who had the privilege to know Rhonda would only describe her as the happiest, most caring, sweet, and self-sacrificing person you would ever know.  Throughout her life, she was motivated by her love for neighbours, devoted to spending much of her time sharing the Bible's message of hope and helping others in her community to learn about Jehovah God.
    (Part of an article from by WCVB abc!)

  21. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in William Malenfant: Use Your Talents Wisely (Matt. 25:30)   
    William Malenfant: Use Your Talents Wisely (Matt. 25:30)

  22. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Mark Sanderson: Russian Convention Travel Report   
    Mark Sanderson: Russian Convention Travel Report

  23. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Annual Meeting 2017 Place for this year's Annual Meeting. Warwick Auditorium. ???   
    World Headquarters Bethel - Warwick, New York

  24. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to The Librarian in “Let your brotherly love continue.”—HEBREWS 13:1. – ?????   
    The exhortation to hospitality is supported by an encouraging reminder that in times past some who were hospitable were blessed with entertaining angels without even being aware of it. 
    This allusion is most likely to that of Abraham and Sarah’s welcome three visitors who brought the good news of a promised son. 
    I bet you are wondering about past dinners you have presented and the attendees now. 
    Be nice to strangers!!!
  25. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Psalm 13:5, 65 “As for me, I trust in your loyal love; My heart will rejoice in your acts of salvation. 6 I will sing to Jehovah, for he has richly rewarded me.” – ?????   
    Psalm 13:5, 65 Â“As for me, I trust in your loyal love; My heart will rejoice in your acts of salvation. 6 I will sing to Jehovah, for he has richly rewarded me.”
    Anxiety has two faces. One is a liability; the other, an asset. The Bible helps us to recognize both kinds.
    Is it normal to be anxious?
    Anxiety involves feelings of uneasiness, nervousness, or worry. Because we live in an uncertain world, bouts of anxiety can overtake any of us.
    King David wrote: “How long will I have anxious concern, with grief in my heart each day?” (Psalm 13:2) What helped David to cope? He poured out his heart to God in prayer, trusting fully in God’s loyal love. (Psalm 13:5; 62:8) In fact, God invites us to unburden ourselves to him. “Throw all your anxiety on [God], because he cares for you,” says 1 Peter 5:7.
    Often, though, we can allay anxieties by addressing them in a practical way. For example, when the Bible writer Paul felt “anxiety for all the congregations,” he worked hard to comfort and encourage those for whom he was concerned. (2 Corinthians 11:28) In that respect, his anxiety proved to be an asset, for it moved him to extend needed help. The same can be true of us. The opposite attitude—apathy or indifference—would indicate a lack of loving concern.—Proverbs 17:17.
    How can you deal with undue anxiety?
    People may be anxious about past misdeeds, the future, or finances.*
    Concern about past misdeeds: Before becoming Christians, some people in the first century were drunkards, extortioners, sexually immoral, and thieves. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) Rather than dwell on their past, they changed their ways and trusted in God’s great mercy, which he extends willingly. “With you [God] there is true forgiveness, so that you may be held in awe,” says Psalm 130:4.
    Uncertainty about tomorrow: “Never be anxious about the next day,” said Jesus Christ, “for the next day will have its own anxieties.” (Matthew 6:25, 34) His point? Address today’s concerns. Do not compound them by bringing tomorrow’s forward, which can cloud judgment and lead to rash decisions. Also keep in mind that many anxieties may later prove to be unwarranted.
    Money worries: A wise man once prayed: “Give me neither poverty nor riches.” (Proverbs 30:8) Instead, he sought contentment—a feeling that merits God’s approval. At Hebrews 13:5, we read: “Let your way of life be free of the love of money, while you are content with the present things. For [God] has said: ‘I will never leave you, and I will never abandon you.’” Unlike money, which can—and does—fail, God never fails those who trust in him and lead a simple life.
    “I have not seen anyone righteous abandoned, nor his children looking for bread.”—Psalm 37:25.
    Will we ever be free of anxiety?
    “We are entering a new age of anxiety,” said journalist Harriet Green in a 2008 article in The Guardian. In 2014, Patrick O’Connor wrote in The Wall Street Journal that “Americans are registering record levels of anxiety.”
    “Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down, but a good word cheers it up.” (Proverbs 12:25) An especially “good word” can be found in the good news of God’s Kingdom. (Matthew 24:14) That Kingdom, a government by God, will soon do what we alone could never do—eliminate all anxiety by removing the root causes, including sickness and death! “[God] will wipe out every tear from [our] eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.”—Revelation 21:4.
    “May the God who gives hope fill you with all joy and peace by your trusting in him.”—Romans 15:13.
    Note: ? People suffering from serious anxiety disorders may be wise to consult a doctor. Awake! does not recommend any particular therapy or treatment.

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