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Bible Speaks

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Video - Song 18 "Grateful for the Ransom" ?????   
    Thank you  ?????
    Song 18 "Grateful for the Ransom"
    ・・・Tap on Video Link mp4 ____Enjoy! 
  2. Confused
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Cesar Espindola da Silva in Can Christians Use Astrology? – ?♎️♈️♌️♋️♑️♐️?   
    Do the stars and the planets influence events in our lives or provide omens that we should weigh when making decisions?
    What is the origin of astrology?
    “Western astrology can be traced directly to the theories and practices of the Chaldeans and Babylonians of the 2000Â’s B.C.”—The Encyclopedia Americana (1977), Vol. 2, p. 557.
    “Astrology was based upon two Babylonic ideas: the zodiac, and the divinity of the heavenly bodies. . . . The Babylonians credited the planets with the influences that one would expect of their respective deities.”—Great Cities of the Ancient World (New York, 1972), L. Sprague de Camp, p. 150.
    “In Babylonia as well as in Assyria as a direct offshoot of Babylonian culture . . . astrology takes its place in the official cult as one of the two chief means at the disposal of the priests . . . for ascertaining the will and intention of the gods, the other being through the inspection of the liver of the sacrificial animal. . . . The movements of the sun, moon and five planets were regarded as representing the activity of the five gods in question, together with the moon-god Sin and the sun-god Shamash, in preparing the occurrences on earth.”—Encyclopædia Britannica (1911), Vol. II, p. 796.
    What is the viewpoint of mankindÂ’s Creator toward this practice?
    Deut. 18:10-12: “There should not be found in you anyone who . . . employs divination, a practicer of magic or anyone who looks for omens . . . For everybody doing these things is something detestable to Jehovah.”
    To the Babylonians he said: “Let your astrologers, your star-gazers who foretell your future month by month, persist, and save you! But look, they are gone like chaff . . . So much for your magicians with whom you have trafficked all your life: they have stumbled off, each his own way, and there is no one to save you.”—Isa. 47:13-15, NE.
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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Such a privilege to volunteer on a Kingdom Hall construction. ???‍♀️??‍♀️??????‍♀️??‍♀️?????   
    Such a privilege to volunteer on a Kingdom Hall construction.
    Unbelievable experience. Unforgettable memories. Upbuilding association with our brothers and sisters.
    Memorable and happy day indeed. ? #thankful #happy #fulfilling
    Makes US grounded! ?????

  5. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Cesar Espindola da Silva in Kingdom Halls and Bethel Around the World ? – Beautiful! Thank you Jehovah They Beautify Your Name! ????   
    "This is the only Kingdom Hall in Minduri, a small town in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. 9 publishers only. There is an American couple here that came to support us for six months but they’re leaving later this month and the congregation needs lots of help. Minduri has +3,500 inhabitants.” - Thank you 

  6. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Cesar Espindola da Silva in Kingdom Halls and Bethel Around the World ? – Beautiful! Thank you Jehovah They Beautify Your Name! ????   
    Kingdom Hall in Garden Grove, California, USA. 
    Thank you

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  8. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Cesar Espindola da Silva in Kingdom Halls and Bethel Around the World ? – Beautiful! Thank you Jehovah They Beautify Your Name! ????   
    Bethel of Israel in Tel Aviv aka Israel Branch Office of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

  9. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Cesar Espindola da Silva in Kingdom Halls and Bethel Around the World ? – Beautiful! Thank you Jehovah They Beautify Your Name! ????   
    Kingdom Hall in Armenia, Colombia. 
    Thank you

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  11. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Cesar Espindola da Silva in Kingdom Halls and Bethel Around the World ? – Beautiful! Thank you Jehovah They Beautify Your Name! ????   
    Central America Bethel branch in Mexico. 
    Thank you

  12. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Cesar Espindola da Silva in Kingdom Halls and Bethel Around the World ? – Beautiful! Thank you Jehovah They Beautify Your Name! ????   
    Literary Servants in Denmark 
    Siervas de Literatura en Dinamarca

  13. Thanks
  14. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Cesar Espindola da Silva in Kingdom Halls and Bethel Around the World ? – Beautiful! Thank you Jehovah They Beautify Your Name! ????   
    Kingdom Halls and Bethels Around the World ? Beautiful!                                                   Thank you Jehovah They Beautify           Your Name!
    Kingdom Hall in Partinico, Sicily, Italy. 
    Thank you

  15. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Gloria Medina in How Do I Find the Knowledge of God? – ?????   
    Proverbs 2:1-6 – "My son, if you will receive my sayings and treasure up my own commandments with yourself,
    2 so as to pay attention to wisdom with your ear, that you may incline your heart to discernment;
    3 if, moreover, you call out for understanding itself and you give forth your voice for discernment itself,
    4 if you keep seeking for it as for silver, and as for hid treasures you keep searching for it,
    5 in that case you will understand the fear of Jehovah, and you will find the very knowledge of God.
    6 For Jehovah himself gives wisdom; out of his mouth there are knowledge and discernment." 

  16. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, And do not rely on your own understanding.   
    Proverbs 3:5,6 - "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, And do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, And he will make your paths straight."
    Philippians 4:6 - "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus." (NWT)
    Please Visit: JW.Org. 

  17. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in JEHOVAH is fighting your battles, arranging things in your favor, and making a way even when you don't see a way... ??????????   
    Isa. 41:13. Ö  "For I, Jehovah your God, am grasping your right hand, the One saying to you, ‘Do not be afraid. I myself will help you.Â’ "
    JEHOVAH is fighting your battles, arranging things in your favor, and making a way even when you don't see a way...
    Just when we think nothing is happening or when we feel all is lost or there is no way out and all of our cries and prayers are going unheard......
    Jehovah knows how much we can endure.  he never leaves us he only wants us to be faithful.. there are times when we all feel we cant endure.  but we have to keep in mind Jehovah KNOWS!!!
    The hardest thing to do is be patient.... Jehovah has our hand if we grab hold of his.

  18. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Kindness is: ?????   
    Kindness is: ?????
    ?***the oil that takes the friction out of life
    ?***is a hard thing to give away—it usually comes back
    ?***a language deaf people can hear and blind see
    ?***sunshine after the storm
    ?***the ability to love people more than they deserve
    ?***like a boomerang, always returning. 

  19. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Cesar Espindola da Silva in THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF YOUR BODY…MUST READ – ?‍??‍??‍??‍?   
    My mother used to ask me what is the most important part of the body. 
    Through the years I would take a guess at the correct answer. When I was younger, I thought sound was very important to us as humans, so I said, “My ears, Mommy.”
    She said, “No. Many people are deaf yet they manage. I will ask you again soon.” Several years passed before she asked me again. So this time I told her, “Mommy, sight is very important to everybody, so it must be our eyes.” She looked at me and told me, ” Incorrect. There are many people in World who are blind.” Stumped again, I continued my quest for knowledge and over the years, Mother asked me a couple more times and always her answer was, “No. I shall wait for right answer , my child.”
    Then one year, my grandfather died. Everybody was hurt. Everybody was crying. Even my father cried. I remember that especially because I seldom saw him cry.
    My Mom looked at me when it was our turn to say our final good-bye to my Grandfather. She asked me, “Do you know the most important body part yet, my dear?” .
    She saw the confusion on my face and told me, “This question is very important. It shows that you have really lived in your life. For every body part you gave me in the past, I have told you were wrong and I have given you an example why.
    But today is the day you need to get the answer.”
    She looked down at me . I saw her eyes well up with tears. She said, “My dear, the most important body part is your shoulder.” I asked, “Is it because it holds up my head?” She replied, “No, it is because it can hold the head of a friend or a loved one when they cry. Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometime in life, my dear. I only hope that you have enough love and friends that you will always have a shoulder to cry on when you need it.” It is made for others and not for yourself. It is sympathetic to the pain of others.
    People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did . But people will NEVER forget how you made them feel.
    Good friends are like stars. You donÂ’t always see them, but you always know they are there to lend their shoulder.
    Must Share ???????

  20. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in “I, Jehovah Your God, Am Grasping Your Right Hand” – ???????   
    Draw Close to God
    “I, Jehovah Your God, Am Grasping Your Right Hand”
    “Do not be afraid,” urges Jehovah. (Verse 10) These are not empty words. Jehovah explains why his people do not need to fear: “For I am with you.” He is not a distant source of aid, promising only to arrive in time to help in moments of need. He wants his people to know that he is with them—as if by their side—ever ready to support them. Is that not a comforting thought?
    Jehovah further assures his worshippers, saying: “Do not gaze about.” (Verse 10) The Hebrew verb used here can refer to those who “look about in all directions to see whether there is anything that can harm them.” Jehovah explains why his people do not need to look over their shoulder in fear: “For I am your God.” What could be more reassuring than that? Jehovah is “the Most High,” “the Almighty One.” (Psalm 91:1) With the all-powerful Jehovah as their God, why should they fear?
    What, then, can Jehovah’s worshippers expect from him? He promises: “I will really keep fast hold of you with my right hand of righteousness.” (Verse 10) He also says: “I, Jehovah your God, am grasping your right hand.” (Verse 13) 
    What do you think of when you hear those words? “Taken together, these two verses present a powerful picture of parent and child,” explains one reference work. “[The father] does not merely stand by to defend, but he is also physically with the child; he will not allow the child to be separated from him.” Just imagine—Jehovah will not allow his people to be separated from him, even during what may seem to be the darkest moments in their life.—Hebrews 13:5, 6.
    Jehovah’s worshippers today can find much comfort in the words Isaiah recorded. In these “critical times hard to deal with,” we may at times feel overwhelmed by the pressures of life. (2 Timothy 3:1) But we do not have to face such challenges alone. Jehovah is willing to reach out and grasp our hand. Like trusting children, we can hold on to his mighty hand, confident that he will lead us in the right direction and help us in our time of need.—Psalm 63:7, 8.
    Tap on Video Link mp4 ___Enjoy!
    1 GIF Picture also 

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Jehovah Will “Cause Justice to Be Done” – ⚖️???⚖️   
    Jehovah Will “Cause Justice to Be Done” ???????
    “Shall not God cause justice to be done for his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night?”—LUKE 18:7.
    Leading up to the illustration, Jesus stated that the evidence of his presence in Kingdom power would be as widely discernible “as the lightning” that “shines from one part under heaven to another part under heaven.” (Luke 17:24; 21:10, 29-33) 
    Nonetheless, most people living in “the time of the end” would not pay attention to that clear evidence. (Daniel 12:4) Why not? For the same reason that people in the time of Noah and that of Lot ignored Jehovah’s warnings. Back in those times, people ‘were eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, and building until the day that they were destroyed.’ (Luke 17:26-29) They lost their lives because they were so absorbed in those common activities that they did not pay attention to God’s will. (Matthew 24:39) Today, people in general are likewise so caught up in daily affairs that they fail to see the evidence that the end of this ungodly world is near.—Luke 17:30.
    Clearly, Jesus was concerned that his followers too could become distracted by Satan’s world, even to the point that they might “return to the things behind.” (Luke 17:22, 31) And, indeed, this has happened to some Christians. For years such ones longed for the day when Jehovah will put an end to this wicked world. However, when Armageddon did not occur by the time they expected, they became disheartened. Their confidence in the nearness of Jehovah’s day of judgment faded. They slowed down in the ministry and gradually became so involved in the mundane matters of life that little time was left for spiritual matters. (Luke 8:11, 13, 14) In time, they ‘returned to the things behind’—how sad!
     As we recall, Jesus asked: “When the Son of man arrives, will he really find this faith on the earth?” What is the answer to his intriguing question? How happy we are that millions of faithful servants of Jehovah around the earth today prove by their prayers, patience, and perseverance that they do have this faith! Thus, Jesus’ question can be answered in the affirmative. Yes, despite the injustices that Satan’s world presently inflicts upon us, we firmly believe that God shall “cause justice to be done for his chosen ones.”

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Don't let fear and anger, grief, worry, stress take over your body....they destroy the body! - We have a resting place with Jehovah! ?????   
    Don't let fear and anger, grief, worry, stress take over your body....they destroy the body! - We have a resting place with Jehovah! - The wicked will be shown up! -
    We need to Pray for deliverance and put it in Jehovah's hands....He says: "They will do no harm nor cause any ruin in all my holy mountain,” Jehovah has said. This is what Jehovah has said: “The heavens are my throne, and the earth is my footstool."
    (1 Peter 3:10-18) . . .For, “he that would love life and see good days, let him restrain his tongue from what is bad and [his] lips from speaking deception, 11 but let him turn away from what is bad and do what is good; let him seek peace and pursue it. 12 For [the] eyes of Jehovah are upon the righteous ones, and his ears are toward their supplication; but [the] face of Jehovah is against those doing bad things.” 13 Indeed, who is the man that will harm YOU if YOU become zealous for what is good? 14 But even if YOU should suffer for the sake of righteousness, YOU are happy."
    (Isaiah 65:24-66:2) . . .And it will actually occur that before they call out I myself shall answer; while they are yet speaking, I myself shall hear. 25 “The wolf and the lamb themselves will feed as one, and the lion will eat straw just like the bull; and as for the serpent, his food will be dust. They will do no harm nor cause any ruin in all my holy mountain,” Jehovah has said. 66 This is what Jehovah has said: “The heavens are my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where, then, is the house that YOU people can build for me, and where, then, is the place as a resting-place for me?” 2 “Now all these things my own hand has made, so that all these came to be,” is the utterance of Jehovah. “To this one, then, I shall look, to the one afflicted and contrite in spirit and trembling at my word." 

  24. Haha
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from hhhhstar54 in Would You Like to Visit Bethel in Korea With Me? Great Pictures! ???????   
    Enjoyed visit to Bethel in korea ??? 3?? ?? ???????~ ^^
    They found the "Joy of Jehovah "!
    #jwkorea #jwjapan #jw #jwsisters #jwfriends #jwonly #jwbrothers #jworg #mingming??

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in Would You Like to Visit Bethel in Korea With Me? Great Pictures! ???????   
    Enjoyed visit to Bethel in korea ??? 3?? ?? ???????~ ^^
    They found the "Joy of Jehovah "!
    #jwkorea #jwjapan #jw #jwsisters #jwfriends #jwonly #jwbrothers #jworg #mingming??

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