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Bible Speaks

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Srecko Sostar in They were disloyal—Delilah to the man who loved her, Judge Samson. – ???⚖️?⚖️???   
    Both Samson's ladies was manipulators. And Samson was type of person who like that in some way. He personally choosing first and second wife. So, you can not blame one and other not. Both are "guilty as charged" :))))   
  3. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Greetings from India! - ???????   
    Greetings from India!
    Pics 1 & 2: Dehradun, India.
    Pic 3: We greet you From India.
    Pic 4: India.

  4. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "Every loyal one will pray to you While you may yet be found." (Ps.32:6) ???   
    "Every loyal one will pray to you While you may yet be found."
    Pray when you can't think of words. He hears your hearts ?
    Do You Ask, “Where Is Jehovah?”
    “They have become far off from me . . . And they have not said, ‘Where is Jehovah?’”—JEREMIAH 2:5, 6.
    Jehovah is not partial. He invites people of all nations to seek him in prayer. (Psalm 65:2; Acts 10:34, 35) He takes note of what is in the heart of those who petition him. He assures us that he hears the prayers of the righteous ones. (Proverbs 15:29) 
    He lets himself be found by some who formerly showed no interest in him but who now humbly seek his direction. (Isaiah 65:1) He even hears the prayers of those who have failed to keep his law but who now humbly repent. (Psalm 32:5, 6; Acts 3:19) Yet, when the heart of a person is not submissive to God, that person’s prayers are in vain. (Mark 7:6, 7) 
    When under stress, even one who has built up a fine record in Jehovah’s service may fall short. When Job was smitten by a loathsome disease, lost his children and material possessions, and was falsely accused by his companions, his thoughts came to be all wrapped up in himself. Elihu reminded him: “No one has said, ‘Where is God my Grand Maker?’” (Job 35:10) Job needed to get his attention focused on Jehovah and to consider how He viewed the situation. Job humbly accepted that reminder, and his example can help us to do the same.
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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in “See Life With the Wife Whom You Love” - ?????   
    “See Life With the Wife Whom You Love” - 
    Safeguarding the heart calls for more than avoiding dangerous situations. A romantic attraction to someone outside the marriage could be an indication that a husband and a wife are not attentive to each other’s needs. It might be that a wife is continually ignored or a husband is constantly criticized. 
    Try to recapture the warmth you felt toward the person who became your spouse. Think of the good times you have enjoyed together. Pray to God about the matter. The psalmist David implored Jehovah: “Create in me even a pure heart, O God, and put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one.” (Psalm 51:10) Be determined to ‘see life with the wife whom you love all the days of your life that God has given you under the sun.’—Ecclesiastes 9:9. -

  6. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Song 139 "See Yourself When All is New" ?????   
    Thank you ????? - #Repost @jw_kingdommelodiespiano
    Song 139 "See Yourself When All is New" Tap on Video Link mp4 _____Enjoy! 
  7. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Challenged But Pionering to Help Others and Praise Jehovah! ?????   
    "With the exception of two these are the pioneers from Rockwood Park Congregation in Chesterfield, Virginia. Nine of us are new pioneers. 
    The differing circumstances of each of us really proves that with Jehovah’s help anything is possible. One brother is in his 80’s, while another brother started straight out of high school. 
    There are four married couples, and many with full-time jobs. Some of us, like my husband and I, have children at home (we have 4 under 8). One sister is a single mom with two teenagers, while another sister is caregiver to her husband who is wheelchair bound. 
    One sister is a widow, and another young sister is making use of her gift of singleness. 
    Two of our pioneers are elders and two are ministerial servants. Some of this group have been pioneering for years, while others of us are just getting started. 
    Regardless of our circumstances, we are all so thankful to Jehovah to have the privilege of sharing in full-time service. 
    Thank you ? 

  8. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in 12 Preach in Australia Covering 2000 km in One Day! ???   
    "For the first time, one map covering over 2000 km completed in one day! 
    12 friends from Brisbane, Australia, in four car groups travelled over 2000 kms to reach territory not covered in more than three years in outback of western Queensland, Australia to assist the local congregation of just five publishers in St George. 
    What a great experience!” Thank you

  9. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "Praise Jehovah from the earth, You great sea creatures and all deep waters." (Psalms 148:7). – ?????   
    "Praise Jehovah from the earth, You great sea creatures and all deep waters." (Psalms 148:7).
    Oarfish are large, greatly elongated, pelagiclampriform fish belonging to the small familyRegalecidae.[1] Found in all temperate to tropical oceans yet rarely seen, the oarfish family contains four species in two genera. One of these, the giant oarfish (Regalecus glesne), is the longest bony fish alive, growing up to 11 m (36 ft) in length. That is not enough to qualify as the longest fish, however, as some of the cartilaginous fish such as the basking shark and whale shark are even longer.
    The common name oarfish is thought to be in reference either to their highly compressed and elongated bodies, or to the now discredited belief that the fish "row" themselves through the water with their pelvic fins.[2] The family name Regalecidae is derived from the Latinregalis, meaning "royal". The occasional beachings of oarfish after storms, and their habit of lingering at the surface when sick or dying, make oarfish a probable source of many sea serpent tales.
    Although the larger species are considered game fish and are fished commercially to a minor extent, oarfish are rarely caught alive; their flesh is not well regarded for eating due to its gelatinous consistency.[3]
    Picture enclosed of servicemen:'
    United States servicemen holding a 23-foot (7.0 m) giant oarfish, found washed up on the shore near San Diego, California, in September 1996
    This generally translates the Hebrew word tan·nin? (tan·nim?, “sea monster” at Eze 29:3 and “marine monster” at Eze 32:2). This term is rendered “big snake” when not mentioned in connection with the sea or water (Jer 51:34) or when a reference to snakes is definitely indicated by the context. (Ex 7:9, 12; compare Ex 4:2, 3.) Undoubtedly tan·nin? includes a variety of large marine animals (Ge 1:21; Ps 148:7)

  10. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Don't let fear and anger, grief, worry, stress take over your body....they destroy the body! - We have a resting place with Jehovah! ?????   
    Don't let fear and anger, grief, worry, stress take over your body....they destroy the body! - We have a resting place with Jehovah! - The wicked will be shown up! -
    We need to Pray for deliverance and put it in Jehovah's hands....He says: "They will do no harm nor cause any ruin in all my holy mountain,” Jehovah has said. This is what Jehovah has said: “The heavens are my throne, and the earth is my footstool."
    (1 Peter 3:10-18) . . .For, “he that would love life and see good days, let him restrain his tongue from what is bad and [his] lips from speaking deception, 11 but let him turn away from what is bad and do what is good; let him seek peace and pursue it. 12 For [the] eyes of Jehovah are upon the righteous ones, and his ears are toward their supplication; but [the] face of Jehovah is against those doing bad things.” 13 Indeed, who is the man that will harm YOU if YOU become zealous for what is good? 14 But even if YOU should suffer for the sake of righteousness, YOU are happy."
    (Isaiah 65:24-66:2) . . .And it will actually occur that before they call out I myself shall answer; while they are yet speaking, I myself shall hear. 25 “The wolf and the lamb themselves will feed as one, and the lion will eat straw just like the bull; and as for the serpent, his food will be dust. They will do no harm nor cause any ruin in all my holy mountain,” Jehovah has said. 66 This is what Jehovah has said: “The heavens are my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where, then, is the house that YOU people can build for me, and where, then, is the place as a resting-place for me?” 2 “Now all these things my own hand has made, so that all these came to be,” is the utterance of Jehovah. “To this one, then, I shall look, to the one afflicted and contrite in spirit and trembling at my word." 

  11. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Halloween ? How Bad is It? Great Article ?   

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Srecko Sostar in The girl daughter of Jehovah's witnesses to whom court ordered blood transfusion died. ???   
    I am very sad because all kids in the world who died because of various reasons.   
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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in The girl daughter of Jehovah's witnesses to whom court ordered blood transfusion died. ???   
    @Delia Garibay Flores
    You are correct! Thank you for your support and reasoning on this sad consequences for this baby. 
    Jehovah Bless,
  14. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in The girl daughter of Jehovah's witnesses to whom court ordered blood transfusion died. ???   
    @Srecko Sostar
    Jehovah will return those faithful to Him! Are we not happy he loves us even if we die? 
    Jehovah Bless,
  15. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Delia Garibay Flores in The girl daughter of Jehovah's witnesses to whom court ordered blood transfusion died. ???   
    The doctors should respect the parent wishes n not give blood to their baby because it goes against what the Bible saying. Don't eat blood.They parent are obeying what the is saying.The where wrong in forcing the blood to their baby. Because the blood carries many disease and their are other procedures the doctor could have used. If they where trained in the field.
  16. Haha
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from hhhhstar54 in Would You Like to Visit Bethel in Korea With Me? Great Pictures! ???????   
    Enjoyed visit to Bethel in korea ??? 3?? ?? ???????~ ^^
    They found the "Joy of Jehovah "!
    #jwkorea #jwjapan #jw #jwsisters #jwfriends #jwonly #jwbrothers #jworg #mingming??

  17. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Johnny Paulick in The girl daughter of Jehovah's witnesses to whom court ordered blood transfusion died. ???   
    The girl daughter of Jehovah's witnesses to whom court ordered blood transfusion died. ???
    A few days ago, we published the order of a judge in the Dominican Republic who took custody of the parental authority and forced to put a blood transfusion on a baby, despite the refusal of the parents.
    The girl is dead.
    Who is responsible for this death now?
    Is the judge willing to give himself the punishment that he would have put to the parents if he had died without a transfusion?
    And what do the inept doctors say?
    When in the st century a doctor says he only has blood as therapy, he's an inept one.
    Who's responsible?

  18. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from lentaylor71 in They were disloyal—Delilah to the man who loved her, Judge Samson. – ???⚖️?⚖️???   
    They were disloyal—Delilah to the man who loved her, Judge Samson.
    "How loyal and righteous and unblamable we proved to be."—1 Thess. 2:10.
    Disloyalty and betrayal cause pain and suffering. Indeed, such acts are an ominous sign of the times! 
    Samson Triumphs in the Strength of Jehovah!
    VINDICTIVE captors bore out his eyes and consign him to hard labor. Then they bring him out of the prison house into a pagan temple to provide amusement for the crowd. They parade him before thousands of onlookers and make sport of him. The prisoner is neither a criminal nor a commander of an enemy army. He is a worshiper of Jehovah and has served as judge in Israel for 20 years.
    Samson was single-minded in the pursuit of his objective, his fight against the Philistines. His staying at the house of a prostitute at Gaza was for the purpose of fighting against God’s enemies. Samson needed a lodging place for the night in an enemy city, and it could be found in the house of a prostitute. Samsonhad no immoral purpose in mind. He left the woman’s house at midnight, grabbed the city gates and the two side posts, and carried them to the top of a mountain near Hebron, which was some 37 miles [60 km] away. This was done with divine approval and God-given strength.—Judges 16:1-3.
    The way the holy spirit operated in Samson’s case was unique because of the unusual circumstances. Faithful servants of God today can rely on the same spirit to empower them. Jesus assured his followers that Jehovah will “give holy spirit to those asking him.”—Luke 11:13.
    It came about that Samson fell in love with a woman named Delilah. The five axis lords of the Philistines were so eager to eliminate Samson that they enlisted her help. They approached Delilah and said to her: “Fool him and see in what his great power is and with what we can prevail over him.” As a bribe, each of the five axis lords offered her “one thousand one hundred silver pieces.”—Judges 16:4, 5.
    If the silver pieces were shekels, the offer of 5,500 shekels was a huge bribe. Abraham paid 400 shekels for a burial place for his wife, and a slave sold for just 30. (Genesis 23:14-20; Exodus 21:32) The fact that the axis lords—rulers of five Philistine cities—appealed to Delilah’s greed and not to her ethnic loyalty suggests that she was perhaps an Israelite woman. In any case, Delilah accepted the offer.
    Three times Samson gave Delilah misleading answers to her inquiry, and three times she betrayed him by trying to deliver him to his enemies. But “it came about that because she pressured him with her words all the time and kept urging him, his soul got to be impatient to the point of dying.” Samson finally revealed the truth—his hair had never been cut. Were it to be cut, he would grow weak and become like all other men.—Judges 16:6-17.
    That was Samson’s downfall. Delilah maneuvered him into a situation to have his head shaved. Samson’s power, however, was not literally in his hair. His hair merely represented his special relationship with God as a Nazirite. When Samson allowed himself to get into a situation that affected his Naziriteship because of the shaving of his head, ‘Jehovah departed from him.’ Philistines now overpowered Samson, blinded him, and put him in prison.—Judges 16:18-21.
    “Sovereign Lord Jehovah,” prayed Samson, “remember me, please, and strengthen me, please, just this once, O you the true God, and let me avenge myself upon the Philistines with vengeance for one of my two eyes.” Then he braced himself against the two center columns of the building, and “he bent himself with power.” The result? “The house went falling upon the axis lords and upon all the people that were in it, so that the dead that he put to death in his own death came to be more than those he had put to death during his lifetime.”—Judges 16:22-30.
    For physical strength, Samson was without equal among men. His mighty acts were notable indeed. But most important, Jehovah’s Word counts Samson among those strong in faith.—Hebrews 11:32-34.

  19. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Do You Go to the Kingdom Hall OR a Lamentation Hall? ?   
    @Gone Fishing
    Keep up the hard work as times get worse. We need each other. Don't Give Up! Love is the key ? 
    Thank you for your support!
  20. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Evacuated in Do You Go to the Kingdom Hall OR a Lamentation Hall? ?   
    Agreed! The only thing I would add is let's CONTINUE TO love and build up each other and give Jehovah and Lord Christ Jesus Our Praise!
    You make it sound like we are not.....   Which I am sure you didn't mean to.......
  21. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Preaching in Ecuador ???   
    The wheelchair ramp going up into the little church is a nice place for people to sit and read our Quichua literature.  
    In the past, 4-6 family members could be seen seated and calmly absorbed in reading brochures, books and magazines.  
    However, the church evidently was not pleased.  Beginning a few months ago, a diminuitive elderly lady comes out of the church on Thursdays when we are next door and tosses buckets of water on the ramp so no one can sit there.  
    That being the case, we now direct those who take and want to read our literature to public benches about forty feet behind our carts. And the water?  It keeps coming out in buckets but is excellent dust suppression for the city sidewalk!  Thursday after Thursday we continue to approach the bucket lady in a mild and kind manner but she just tells us to leave and runs back into her church.  We will continue to attempt to greet her politely each week and simply ignore her dust control methods.
     Thank you 

  22. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Preaching in Ecuador ???   
    Quichua language public preaching in front of a large bank in Alausi, Ecuador.  In the background, next door to the bank is a small Catholic Church with a cross on the door.  
    People that live in isolated Quichua speaking villages come to do banking and there is no room inside for their families so they stay outside and bored.  
    We place lots of Quichua and Spanish literature to help pass their time.  However, there is no place for them to sit down.  

  23. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Do You Go to the Kingdom Hall OR a Lamentation Hall? ?   
    If we concentrate only on negative things we will not call our meeting places a Kingdom Hall but a Lamentation Hall. 
    Bro Rutherford called it a "Kingdom Hall," let's love and build up each other and give Jehovah and Lord Christ Jesus Our Praise!

  24. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in The girl daughter of Jehovah's witnesses to whom court ordered blood transfusion died. ???   
    The girl daughter of Jehovah's witnesses to whom court ordered blood transfusion died. ???
    A few days ago, we published the order of a judge in the Dominican Republic who took custody of the parental authority and forced to put a blood transfusion on a baby, despite the refusal of the parents.
    The girl is dead.
    Who is responsible for this death now?
    Is the judge willing to give himself the punishment that he would have put to the parents if he had died without a transfusion?
    And what do the inept doctors say?
    When in the st century a doctor says he only has blood as therapy, he's an inept one.
    Who's responsible?

  25. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in They were disloyal—Delilah to the man who loved her, Judge Samson. – ???⚖️?⚖️???   
    They were disloyal—Delilah to the man who loved her, Judge Samson.
    "How loyal and righteous and unblamable we proved to be."—1 Thess. 2:10.
    Disloyalty and betrayal cause pain and suffering. Indeed, such acts are an ominous sign of the times! 
    Samson Triumphs in the Strength of Jehovah!
    VINDICTIVE captors bore out his eyes and consign him to hard labor. Then they bring him out of the prison house into a pagan temple to provide amusement for the crowd. They parade him before thousands of onlookers and make sport of him. The prisoner is neither a criminal nor a commander of an enemy army. He is a worshiper of Jehovah and has served as judge in Israel for 20 years.
    Samson was single-minded in the pursuit of his objective, his fight against the Philistines. His staying at the house of a prostitute at Gaza was for the purpose of fighting against God’s enemies. Samson needed a lodging place for the night in an enemy city, and it could be found in the house of a prostitute. Samsonhad no immoral purpose in mind. He left the woman’s house at midnight, grabbed the city gates and the two side posts, and carried them to the top of a mountain near Hebron, which was some 37 miles [60 km] away. This was done with divine approval and God-given strength.—Judges 16:1-3.
    The way the holy spirit operated in Samson’s case was unique because of the unusual circumstances. Faithful servants of God today can rely on the same spirit to empower them. Jesus assured his followers that Jehovah will “give holy spirit to those asking him.”—Luke 11:13.
    It came about that Samson fell in love with a woman named Delilah. The five axis lords of the Philistines were so eager to eliminate Samson that they enlisted her help. They approached Delilah and said to her: “Fool him and see in what his great power is and with what we can prevail over him.” As a bribe, each of the five axis lords offered her “one thousand one hundred silver pieces.”—Judges 16:4, 5.
    If the silver pieces were shekels, the offer of 5,500 shekels was a huge bribe. Abraham paid 400 shekels for a burial place for his wife, and a slave sold for just 30. (Genesis 23:14-20; Exodus 21:32) The fact that the axis lords—rulers of five Philistine cities—appealed to Delilah’s greed and not to her ethnic loyalty suggests that she was perhaps an Israelite woman. In any case, Delilah accepted the offer.
    Three times Samson gave Delilah misleading answers to her inquiry, and three times she betrayed him by trying to deliver him to his enemies. But “it came about that because she pressured him with her words all the time and kept urging him, his soul got to be impatient to the point of dying.” Samson finally revealed the truth—his hair had never been cut. Were it to be cut, he would grow weak and become like all other men.—Judges 16:6-17.
    That was Samson’s downfall. Delilah maneuvered him into a situation to have his head shaved. Samson’s power, however, was not literally in his hair. His hair merely represented his special relationship with God as a Nazirite. When Samson allowed himself to get into a situation that affected his Naziriteship because of the shaving of his head, ‘Jehovah departed from him.’ Philistines now overpowered Samson, blinded him, and put him in prison.—Judges 16:18-21.
    “Sovereign Lord Jehovah,” prayed Samson, “remember me, please, and strengthen me, please, just this once, O you the true God, and let me avenge myself upon the Philistines with vengeance for one of my two eyes.” Then he braced himself against the two center columns of the building, and “he bent himself with power.” The result? “The house went falling upon the axis lords and upon all the people that were in it, so that the dead that he put to death in his own death came to be more than those he had put to death during his lifetime.”—Judges 16:22-30.
    For physical strength, Samson was without equal among men. His mighty acts were notable indeed. But most important, Jehovah’s Word counts Samson among those strong in faith.—Hebrews 11:32-34.

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