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Bible Speaks

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  1. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in Are You Angry? ? - Tried to Forgive but Can't? Read this it Will Help You!   
    Are You Angry? ? - Tried to Forgive but Can't? Read this it Will Help You! “Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely.” (Colossians 3:13)
    Offended: If you feel offended, you are angry or hurt because someone treated you in a way you did not like.
    Forgive: To stop feeling angry or upset over the wrong conduct of someone else. This does not mean that we have to approve of the wrong conduct or pretend that the conduct did not hurt others. When we forgive, it helps us to feel peaceful inside.
    Jehovah will not be willing to forgive us if we do not truly forgive others. (Matthew 18:35) 
    We are imperfect and sin often. It is not possible for us to obey Jehovah perfectly. But he is willing to forgive us. In fact, he is willing to act as if our sins never happened. So if we want to be a friend of Jehovah, we must forgive other people. 
    This is what Jesus meant when he said in the Sermon on the Mount: “If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; whereas if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”
    (Matthew 6:14, 15) - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/402012846?q=angry&p=par
  2. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in ARE YOU STRUGGLING TODAY? - ♦️????♦️   
    Thank you for your support! Jehovah Bless!
  3. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Stephen Gallaway in New Judicial front against Watchtower In The Quebec Court, Canada, a lawsuit has been filed for 66 million Canadian dollars, against the organization of Jehovah's witnesses in Canada and the United States ⚖️   
    @Srecko Sostar
    All truths will become manifest. No mention of spousal abuse yet? Big    stuff coming! The issue of finding "two Witnesses in abuse cases can not be found. Most of the time those abuse cases were done in secret. I'm a victim    of spousal abuse. No Witnesses. Yet, as myself I had physical proof. They are not judges, the Elders, however the Law is and was. Jehovah did give me justice. Men are imperfect, yet Jehovah uses them. If they make mistakes they will learn too. Jehovah will bring true justice. Children and spousal abuse is there but soon even that will be cleaned by Jehovah. Thank you for your thoughts.
  4. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Sister Rhonda LeRocque lost her life in the Las Vegas mass shooting.   
    Massacre in Las Vegas, USA
    Rhonda Lerocque, Jehovah's witness, is one of the 59 killed in mass murder with more than 500 wounded.
    Rhonda Lerocque, from Tewksbury, Massachusetts, was one of the victims in the shooting, said her family.
    His mother, Priscilla Champagne, told CNN that lerocque was a "beautiful woman inside and out".
    "a mother, a daughter, a wife, an aunt, a sister, a worker and a good good friend, who had a great faith in the Lord God, and who had a wonderful family life, loved Hawaii, Disney and country music". She said.
    "she was the best of the best, she was the host with the major... the glue that kept our family reunions together, she will be sorely missed by all of us".
    Her sister, Korina Champagne, said in a facebook post on Monday that her heart was broken.
    "my beautiful sister Rhonda lerocque lost her life in the Las Vegas shooting", she published korina champagne. " my heart is broken, I'm numb, I feel paralyzed this does not seem real all I can do is to resort to the word of God for comfort, as she loves me she can rest now until her name is called and she She's woken up in paradise. "
    He added a passage from the bible at the end of his message on Facebook: " do not forget about this, because the time comes when everyone in the memorial tombs will hear their voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection Of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment ".

  5. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Are You Angry? ? - Tried to Forgive but Can't? Read this it Will Help You!   
    Are You Angry? ? - Tried to Forgive but Can't? Read this it Will Help You! “Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely.” (Colossians 3:13)
    Offended: If you feel offended, you are angry or hurt because someone treated you in a way you did not like.
    Forgive: To stop feeling angry or upset over the wrong conduct of someone else. This does not mean that we have to approve of the wrong conduct or pretend that the conduct did not hurt others. When we forgive, it helps us to feel peaceful inside.
    Jehovah will not be willing to forgive us if we do not truly forgive others. (Matthew 18:35) 
    We are imperfect and sin often. It is not possible for us to obey Jehovah perfectly. But he is willing to forgive us. In fact, he is willing to act as if our sins never happened. So if we want to be a friend of Jehovah, we must forgive other people. 
    This is what Jesus meant when he said in the Sermon on the Mount: “If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; whereas if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”
    (Matthew 6:14, 15) - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/402012846?q=angry&p=par
  6. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in New Judicial front against Watchtower In The Quebec Court, Canada, a lawsuit has been filed for 66 million Canadian dollars, against the organization of Jehovah's witnesses in Canada and the United States ⚖️   
    @Srecko Sostar
    All truths will become manifest. No mention of spousal abuse yet? Big    stuff coming! The issue of finding "two Witnesses in abuse cases can not be found. Most of the time those abuse cases were done in secret. I'm a victim    of spousal abuse. No Witnesses. Yet, as myself I had physical proof. They are not judges, the Elders, however the Law is and was. Jehovah did give me justice. Men are imperfect, yet Jehovah uses them. If they make mistakes they will learn too. Jehovah will bring true justice. Children and spousal abuse is there but soon even that will be cleaned by Jehovah. Thank you for your thoughts.
  7. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to Srecko Sostar in New Judicial front against Watchtower In The Quebec Court, Canada, a lawsuit has been filed for 66 million Canadian dollars, against the organization of Jehovah's witnesses in Canada and the United States ⚖️   
    In other words - satan deceiving satan?
    Do you negate wrongdoing that WT have done about/to victims of child molestation? 
  8. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Stephen Gallaway in New Judicial front against Watchtower In The Quebec Court, Canada, a lawsuit has been filed for 66 million Canadian dollars, against the organization of Jehovah's witnesses in Canada and the United States ⚖️   
    @Srecko Sostar
    People leave Jehovah and turn against Him! The sign of the times! A Elder that helped me spiritually turned against others and fell to the world. In the end of times this will happen and yes! It will shake our Faith! Read 2 Peter chapter 2. In the times we live it will get worse. In their own words they are "professional" in their ways, like Satan the snake to deceive others. To Jehovah they are slanderers and deceitful men or woman never "professional" in Jehovah's eyes. They deceive even the world, courts and the weak in Faith! Satan means slanderer and they also slander Jehovah God and Our Lord Christ Jesus. We are all being tested as Our Lord Christ Jesus himself was and put to death an innocent man. The law will bring more out if in fact there is injustice. 
  9. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in Divine Light Dispels Darkness – ???   
    Divine Light Dispels Darkness
    “It is Jehovah that makes my darknessshine.”—2 SAMUEL 22:29.
    Jesus is closely identified with spiritual light. Indeed, he spoke of himself as “the light of the world” and said: “He that follows me will by no means walk in darkness, but will possess the light of life.” (John 8:12) This expression helps us to understand the central role Jesus has in conveying Jehovah’s truth to mankind. If we are to avoid the darkness and walk in God’s light, we must listen to all that Jesus says and follow closely his example and teachings as recorded in the Bible.
    What responsibility did Jesus’ followers have after his death?
    A few days prior to his death, Jesus, again referring to himself as light, told his disciples: “The light will be among you a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, so that darkness does not overpower you; and he that walks in the darkness does not know where he is going. While you have the light, exercise faith in the light, in order to become sons of light.” (John 12:35, 36) Those who became sons of light learned the Bible’s “pattern of healthful words.” (2 Timothy 1:13, 14) They then used these healthful words to draw other honesthearted individuals out of the darkness into God’s light.
    What basic truth about?light and darkness do we find at 1 John 1:5?
    The apostle John wrote: “God is light and there is no darkness at all in union with him.” (1 John 1:5) Notice the contrast here between light and darkness. Spiritual light originates with Jehovah, and spiritual darknesscannot be associated with him. Who, then, is the source of the darkness?
    Spiritual Darkness—The Source
    Who is behind the world’s spiritual darkness, and what influence does he have?
    The apostle Paul spoke of “the god of this system of things.” By that expression, he meant Satan the Devil. He went on to say that this one “has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through.” (2 Corinthians 4:4) 
    Many profess belief in God; yet, a growing number of them do not believe in a Devil. Why? They are unwilling to accept that some evil, superhuman power could possibly exist and influence the way they think. Nevertheless, as Paul shows, the Devil does exist and does influence people so that they cannot see the light of truth. Satan’s power to influence human thinking is seen in the prophetic description of him as “the one . . . who is misleading the entire inhabited earth.” (Revelation 12:9) 
    As a consequence of Satan’s activities, the condition foretold by the prophet Isaiah now applies to all mankind except for those who serve Jehovah: “Look! darkness itself will cover the earth, and thick gloom the national groups.”—Isaiah 60:2.
    In what ways do those in spiritual darkness show that they are disoriented?
    In dense darkness it is impossible to see anything. One easily becomes lost or disoriented. Similarly, those in spiritual darkness lack perception and soon become disoriented in a spiritual sense. They can lose the ability to distinguish truth from falsehood, good from bad. The prophet Isaiah spoke of those in such darkness when he wrote: “Woe to those who are saying that good is bad and bad is good, those who are putting darkness for light and light for darkness, those who are putting bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20) 
    Those who dwell in spiritual darkness are being influenced by the god of the darkness, Satan the Devil, and consequently they are alienated from the source of light and life.—Ephesians 4:17-19.
    The psalmist wrote: “Your word is a lamp to my foot, and a light to my roadway.” (Psalm 119:105) Yes, the ‘cramped road leading off into life’ is clearly illuminated by our loving God, Jehovah, “whose will is that all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.” (Matthew 7:14; 1 Timothy 2:4) 
    Applying Bible precepts will safeguard us from wandering off that cramped road into the pathways of darkness. Paul wrote: “All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness.” (2 Timothy 3:16) 
    As we grow spiritually, we are taught by God’s Word. We can, in the light of God’s Word, reprove ourselves or, if needed, be reproved by loving shepherds in the congregation. Likewise, we can set things straight and humbly accept discipline in righteousness to keep our feet on the road to life.
    Tap on Video Link mp4 ____Enjoy! 
  10. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Srecko Sostar in New Judicial front against Watchtower In The Quebec Court, Canada, a lawsuit has been filed for 66 million Canadian dollars, against the organization of Jehovah's witnesses in Canada and the United States ⚖️   
    Will you please explain this terminology. How on earth apostates can be professional :)))
    Merriam-Webster:  Definition of apostate for English Language Learners; someone whose beliefs have changed and who no longer belongs to a religious or political group
    Thousands of ex JW members: childrens, adults, young and old, male or female, ordinary members or ex ministerial, elders, pioneers, missionaries, Bethelite...how can they be professional  apostates. 
    If i am finished some school and be learned by some who know job, maybe i will come to be "professional" some day in future. But what education people have to finished to become "professional apostates"?
  11. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Nana Fofana in New Judicial front against Watchtower In The Quebec Court, Canada, a lawsuit has been filed for 66 million Canadian dollars, against the organization of Jehovah's witnesses in Canada and the United States ⚖️   
    @Srecko Sostar
    People leave Jehovah and turn against Him! The sign of the times! A Elder that helped me spiritually turned against others and fell to the world. In the end of times this will happen and yes! It will shake our Faith! Read 2 Peter chapter 2. In the times we live it will get worse. In their own words they are "professional" in their ways, like Satan the snake to deceive others. To Jehovah they are slanderers and deceitful men or woman never "professional" in Jehovah's eyes. They deceive even the world, courts and the weak in Faith! Satan means slanderer and they also slander Jehovah God and Our Lord Christ Jesus. We are all being tested as Our Lord Christ Jesus himself was and put to death an innocent man. The law will bring more out if in fact there is injustice. 
  12. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Sister Rhonda LeRocque lost her life in the Las Vegas mass shooting.   
    Rhonda LeRocque from Tewksbury Mass, my neice  was at the Jason Aldean concert in Las Vegas, when the shooting took her life. She is survived by a loving husband Jason and a 6 Year old daughter. Rhonda will need to be flown home to her loved ones. We are hoping to fly her mother out to Vegas to say her good byes before creamation,as well as Jason (her husband) will need to adjust to being a single father raising thier daughter.
    Assistance in the financials,of medical expenses, travel, transfer home and the burden of her burial expenses, would be greatly apprieciated.
    Rhonda LeRocque was a person full of life, she loved her family with all her heart . She was a great example of what a Wife, Mother, Sister, Daughter and Niece should be and touched so many others lives.  She was long time member of the congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses and we looking forward to seeing her in the resurrection that Jesus taught us about.
    She will be missed by all.!
    Shear Tranquility in Sebastian Florida is owned by Gloria Murdock, Rhonda's aunt and sister to Pricilla, Rhonda's mother.
    The funds collected will be for any expense incurred in dealing with travel to and from Vegas, funeral costs, and Jason and Ali's future needs.  Funds will be dispersed by Gloria Murdock.

  13. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Melinda Mills in A Gadget That Would Bring Wireless Communication? - April 1922 issue of The Golden Age ...(now AWAKE magazine) ???   
    How amazing to know that the gadgets we're using now a days has long been foretold...believe it or not?
    April 1922 issue of The Golden Age ...(now AWAKE magazine)
    Thank you ???

  14. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in The Power of the Resurrection is My Hope! - ????????   
    This happened 2 months ago. I didn't have the strength to share it with others yet but after today's news about the sister that was shot I feel for the family and want them to know they are not alone. So many senseless tragedies happening right now. The one killed was my daughter. You can google her name Amanda Saldana Corpus Christi to see the rest of the news stories.
    Also the above painting was made for my from my husband 2 yrs ago as a memory of my son who is in Jehovah's memory the one sitting down in red, who would have known 2 yrs later my daughter holding my grandson would be in his memory also. This is my paradise painting. -
    Thank you

  15. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in Rhonda LeRocque of Tewksbury, Massachusetts, was one of the victims in the shooting In Las Vegas - ??????????   
    Rhonda LeRocque of Tewksbury, Massachusetts, was one of the victims in the shooting, her family said.
    Her mother, Priscilla Champagne, told CNN that LeRocque was a "beautiful woman inside and out."
    "A truly great mother, daughter, wife, aunt, sister, worker, and a good, kindhearted friend. She had a great faith in Jehovah God, and had a wonderful family life. She loved Hawaii, Disney, and country music." she said.
    "She was the best of the best. She was the hostess with the mostess ... the glue who kept our family gatherings together. She will be greatly missed by us all."
    Her sister, Korina Champagne, said in a Facebook post on Monday that her heart was broken.
    "My Beautiful Sister Rhonda LeRocque lost her life in the Las Vegas mass shooting," Korina Champagne posted. "My heart is broken, I'm numb, I feel paralyzed. This doesn't seem real. All I can do is turn to God's Word for comfort, just as she would want me to. May she rest now until her name is called and she is awakened in paradise."
    She added a Bible passage to the end of her Facebook post, "Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment."

  16. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Noble Berean in Sister Rhonda LeRocque lost her life in the Las Vegas mass shooting.   
    My Beautiful Sister Rhonda LeRocque lost her life in the Las Vegas mass shooting. My heart is broken, I'm numb, I feel paralyzed. This doesn't seem real.
    All I can do is turn to God's Word for comfort, just as she would want me to. May she rest now until her name is called and she is awakened in paradise. 
    "Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment." John 5:28,29.

  17. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in New Judicial front against Watchtower In The Quebec Court, Canada, a lawsuit has been filed for 66 million Canadian dollars, against the organization of Jehovah's witnesses in Canada and the United States ⚖️   
    New Judicial front against Watchtower
    In The Quebec Court, Canada, a lawsuit has been filed for 66 million Canadian dollars, against the organization of Jehovah's witnesses in Canada and the United States, on behalf of alleged victims of child abuse while they were Jehovah's Witnesses.
    We do not hide that opponents, who are led by professional apostates, are being organized as a group, to attack the finances of the Watchtower, trying for all the means to sink it economically.

  18. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in Do Not Look at “the Things Behind” - Remember the Wife of Lot? – ???????   
    Consequently let him that thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall.
    Do Not Look at “the Things Behind”
    “No man that has put his hand to a plow and looks at the things behind is well fitted for the kingdom of God.”—LUKE 9:62.
    “REMEMBER the wife of Lot.” (Luke 17:32) 
    Jesus Christ gave that strong warning almost 2,000 years ago. That warning is now more important than ever. What did Jesus mean? The Jews he was talking to knew exactly what had happened to Lot’s wife. While she was fleeing from Sodom with her family, she disobeyed Jehovah and looked back. Because of that, she was turned into a pillar of salt.—Read Genesis 19:17, 26.
    Why may Lot’s wife have looked back? What happened to her when she disobeyed?
    But why did Lot’s wife look back? Maybe she wanted to see what was happening. Or it is possible that she turned around because she could not believe that the city was being destroyed. Maybe her faith was weak. Or maybe she wanted to go back to the things she had left behind in Sodom. (Luke 17:31) Whatever the reason for her looking back, she died when she disobeyed. Just think of it! She died the same day as those wicked people of Sodom and Gomorrah. That is why Jesus said: “Remember the wife of Lot.”
    How did Jesus emphasize that we should not look back?
    Lot’s wife should not have looked back at what was behind her. In the same way, we should not look back at, or keep thinking about, the things we left behind. Jesus emphasized this when talking to a man who had said that he wanted to be Jesus’ disciple. The man had said that he first wanted to return to his family to say good-bye. Jesus answered: “No man that has put his hand to a plow and looks at the things behind is well fitted for the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62) 
    Was Jesus’ answer to the man too strong or unkind? No. He knew that the man was just making excuses to avoid the responsibility of becoming a disciple. Jesus said that a person who avoids his obligations to God is looking at “the things behind.” 
    A person who is plowing a field may look back while he is plowing or put the plow down and turn to look back. Either way, he is distracted from what he should be doing, and he is not doing his work properly.
    What should we focus on?
    We must focus on the future and not on the past. The Bible clearly says this at Proverbs 4:25: “As for your eyes, straight ahead they should look, yes, your own beaming eyes should gaze straight in front of you.”
    ?To look at the things behind: To keep thinking about the past in a way that could discourage us or make us stop serving Jehovah
    ?To look at the things ahead: To keep thinking about the future and about serving Jehovah forever
    ?To make sacrifices: To decide not to go after things or opportunities in the world or to leave them behind

  19. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Tonny Blom-Konings in A Gadget That Would Bring Wireless Communication? - April 1922 issue of The Golden Age ...(now AWAKE magazine) ???   
    How amazing to know that the gadgets we're using now a days has long been foretold...believe it or not?
    April 1922 issue of The Golden Age ...(now AWAKE magazine)
    Thank you ???

  20. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in Rhonda LeRocque of Tewksbury, Massachusetts, was one of the victims in the shooting In Las Vegas - ??????????   
    Rhonda LeRocque of Tewksbury, Massachusetts, was one of the victims in the shooting, her family said.
    Her mother, Priscilla Champagne, told CNN that LeRocque was a "beautiful woman inside and out."
    "A truly great mother, daughter, wife, aunt, sister, worker, and a good, kindhearted friend. She had a great faith in Jehovah God, and had a wonderful family life. She loved Hawaii, Disney, and country music." she said.
    "She was the best of the best. She was the hostess with the mostess ... the glue who kept our family gatherings together. She will be greatly missed by us all."
    Her sister, Korina Champagne, said in a Facebook post on Monday that her heart was broken.
    "My Beautiful Sister Rhonda LeRocque lost her life in the Las Vegas mass shooting," Korina Champagne posted. "My heart is broken, I'm numb, I feel paralyzed. This doesn't seem real. All I can do is turn to God's Word for comfort, just as she would want me to. May she rest now until her name is called and she is awakened in paradise."
    She added a Bible passage to the end of her Facebook post, "Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment."

  21. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Sister Rhonda LeRocque lost her life in the Las Vegas mass shooting.   
    My Beautiful Sister Rhonda LeRocque lost her life in the Las Vegas mass shooting. My heart is broken, I'm numb, I feel paralyzed. This doesn't seem real.
    All I can do is turn to God's Word for comfort, just as she would want me to. May she rest now until her name is called and she is awakened in paradise. 
    "Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment." John 5:28,29.

  22. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in The Power of the Resurrection is My Hope! - ????????   
    This happened 2 months ago. I didn't have the strength to share it with others yet but after today's news about the sister that was shot I feel for the family and want them to know they are not alone. So many senseless tragedies happening right now. The one killed was my daughter. You can google her name Amanda Saldana Corpus Christi to see the rest of the news stories.
    Also the above painting was made for my from my husband 2 yrs ago as a memory of my son who is in Jehovah's memory the one sitting down in red, who would have known 2 yrs later my daughter holding my grandson would be in his memory also. This is my paradise painting. -
    Thank you

  23. Like
    Kejan Haynes   Sep 26, 2017 Updated Sep 27, 2017  (40) Trinidad and Tobago
    Elder of congregation fired from his company for revealing to the congregation private data from a sister.
    The Industrial Court considers that there are limits to freedom of religion in the workplace
    Editor's note: due to the nature of this story we have changed the names of the parties involved. We're calling them John and Jane.
    The Industrial Court confirmed the decision of an important commercial bank to dismiss an employee who accessed and disseminated personal information from another employee to members of his church.
    It is a case that reflects exactly the lightness that exists in the right of a person to freedom of religion.
    His Excellency Mr. Herbert soverall presided over the case and rendered his judgement on July 28 The documents were made public.
    In August 2012 (according to a statement written by John to his union) while working the night shift, he and two other employees reviewed the bank's hard disk security in search of checking form.
    Inside the units, John said he stumbled upon sexually explicit material from a colleague who participated in sexual acts with a man, who was not her husband.
    In the statement, John said that he is " an old man in the organization of Jehovah's witnesses ". he said that in his religion such acts are prohibited and " would bring reproaches to the name of our holy Lord Jehovah and also would the free flow of the spirit Saint in the Christian congregation ".
    John approached Jane on more than one occasion telling him what he knew. He begged her to clean up the elders in the church.
    He wanted to "remind him of the vows he made about his baptism and help him restore his relationship with his GOD JEHOVAH".
    In the third attempt, Jane had already had enough, and told her that "out of her business". she reported John to her supervisor, adding that she would even report it to the police if the information he had was made public.
    However, it persisted. John told the elders of the congregation what he had seen on the hard drive that night in his "desire to protect the cleansing of Christian congregations".
    This took three elders from the church to visit the woman's home to confront her on her day off. He wasn't home at the time.
    In December 2012, the bank fired John for "misconduct".
    He had disclosed confidential information to a third party, had accessed information about a staff member without authorization, and had copied the information into an external storage device.
    In the letter of termination, the bank said that it had "violated or violated the staff's rights", which was in violation of the bank's policies. They had lost confidence in him, and they believed he had discredited the bank.
    The General Union of banking insurance workers never sought to justify John's sense of justice in his defense. Instead, they argued that their disciplinary hearings were not properly conducted. The Court ruled that after having filed a written confession, the bank did not have many options, and any attempt to postpone the hearings, as he had tried, was "to waste time and delay the process".
    In the written judgment, the court ruled that it was not appropriate to apply the principles of religion itself.
    "There's a time and a place for everything under the sun", says the trial. "the place of work simply cannot be treated as a church where religion can be observed and practiced with minimum control".
    The Court argued that without control, the workplace could become "devoid of peace, stability and tranquility". each religion would want to be paramount, but no one could be.
    The trial also says, " because of his behaviour and his testimony, the worker was adamant that he was right to reveal the information to the older person of his church. His defence was based on his religious persuasions. Industrial Relations Systems, as any worker could present such a defence in response to an act of misconduct and hope to be exonerated ".
    The Union has not appealed the decision.

  24. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in Margaret Keane’s Eyes Are Wide Open .. how her work has changed over the years. Good Example! ?????   
    Margaret Keane’s Eyes Are Wide Open .. how her work has changed over the years.
    “It’s changed, I’ve changed,” she says. She credits her decision to join the Jehovah’s Witnesses, which also gave her the courage to tell the truth about who was the painter in the Keane household.
    Since then, “The old sad art colors are gone,” she says. “Now I paint bright colors. I paint paintings which are happy, where children are laughing and playing with animals. I paint paradise on earth,” as her reading of her Bible teaches her about. 
    I was also told her interview on the red carpet for her award she wore a jw.org button! Wonderful gesture! ?

  25. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in In What Ways Does Jehovah Love Us? – ?????   
    In What Ways Does Jehovah Love Us?
    The Bible does not reveal whether God created life onany of the other planets in the universe. However, astronomers today have not found proof that life exists on any of these planets and, in fact, know of no planet besides the earth that is at present capable of supporting the life of fleshly creatures.
    Consider the earth, which Jehovah, the Maker, “has given to the sons of men.” (Ps. 115:15, 16) Scientists have spent vast amounts of money on space explorations to find other earthlike planets. Although hundreds of planets have been identified, scientists are disappointed that not one of those planets has the intricate balance of conditions that makes human lifepossible, as the earth does. 
    The earth appears to be unique among all of God’s creation. Just imagine, out of the unknown number of planets that exist in the Milky Way and beyond, Jehovah created the earth to be not merely a habitable place but a comfortable, beautiful, and safe home for his human creation! (Isa. 45:18) This reflects how Jehovah must love us.—Read Job 38:4, 7; Psalm 8:3-5.
    Some believe that there is life somewhere out there like us. If there is life like us, Jehovah would have to have been their creator. Is this not true? But he has not mentioned to us anything about their existence.
    We would need to know if he has established his right to rule over them. Because if he has, then perhaps we don’t need to suffer anymore to prove the universal issue of his right to exercise his sovereign rulership over all creation.
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