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Bible Speaks

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in How Do You View the Future? Will our world . . .??????   
    How Do You View the Future?
    Will our world . . .??????
    • stay the same?
    • get worse?
    • get better?
    “God . . . will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”—Revelation 21:3, 4, New World Translation.
    Meaningful and satisfying work.—Isaiah 65:21-23.
    No more sickness or suffering of any kind.—Isaiah 25:8; 33:24.
    A happy, unending life with family and friends.—Psalm 37:11, 29.
    Yes, for at least two reasons:
    God has the ability to fulfill the promise. In the Bible, Jehovah God alone is called “the Almighty,” for he has unlimited power. (Revelation 15:3) So he is fully able to keep his promise to change our world for the better. As the Bible says, “with God all things are possible.”—Matthew 19:26. God has the desire to fulfill the promise. For example, Jehovah has a longing to restore life to people who have died.—Job 14:14, 15.
    The Bible also shows that God’s Son, Jesus, healed the sick. Why did he do so? Because he wanted to. (Mark 1:40, 41) Jesus perfectly reflected his Father’s personality by his desire to help those in need.—John 14:9.
    So we can be sure that both Jehovah and Jesus want to help us to enjoy a happy future!—Psalm 72:12-14; 145:16; 2 Peter 3:9. TO THINK ABOUT
    How will God change our world for the better?
    The Bible answers that question at MATTHEW 6:9, 10 and DANIEL 2:44.

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in Be Kind! ☔️?☂️?☔️   
    Be Kind! ☔️?☂️?☔️
    Pursuing Kindness in a Hostile World
    “The desirable thing in earthling man is his loving-kindness.”—PROVERBS 19:22.
    DO YOU consider yourself to be a kind person? If so, living in today’s world can be trying. True, kindness is identified in the Bible as part of “the fruitage of the spirit,” but why is it so difficult to express kindness even in so-called Christian lands? (Galatians 5:22) As we noted in the preceding article, the answer can in part be found in what the apostle John wrote—the whole world is in the control of an unkind spirit person, Satan the Devil. (1 John 5:19) Jesus Christ identified Satan as “the ruler of the world.” (John 14:30) Thus, this world tends to resemble its rebel ruler, whose attitude is characterized by vicious behavior.—Ephesians 2:2.
    Stressful world conditions may also make it difficult for us to show kindness. For example, mankind in general feels stress because of threats and acts of terrorism, as well as the possible use of biological or nuclear weapons by various national groups. In addition, millions of people are impoverished, existing with minimal food, shelter, clothing, and medical care. Pursuing kindness becomes a challenge when the situation seems hopeless.—Ecclesiastes 7:7.
    Kindness is such an all-embracing quality that it touches every aspect of our lives. We should therefore make it an integral part of our Christian personality. Showing kindness to others ought to become a habit.
    May all of us be kind to others each day and thus individually apply the words of the apostle Paul: “As God’s chosen ones, holy and loved, clothe yourselves with the tender affections of compassion, kindness, lowliness of mind, mildness, and long-suffering.”—Colossians 3:12.

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life   
    @Rosalie Barry
    The name of the book ? is The Truth! Jehovah opened so many hearts ♥️ with this wonderful book! I loved studying with others too in this book. Many, many found the Truth quickly!
     Thank you for your support!
    Jehovah Bless!
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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life   
    Thank you so much for your support! The progression of the Truth of God's Word was so easy to understand! Are we not grateful for the "light" that keeps getting brighter? 
    Jehovah Bless!
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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life   
    @Tonny Blom-Konings
    Thank you for your support! This Book ? helped so many learn God's Truth! 
    Jehovah Bless! 
  6. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life   
    Anybody Study This Book? ?
    I was Baptized the year it was released?
    What was your experience? 
    The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life
    107,300,000 COPIES
    [120 languages]

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in Now and Then? - We Are Never Forgotten! ???   
    @Rosalie Barry
    Thank you for your support! We can just imagine the joy that's coming! 
  8. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in Now and Then? - We Are Never Forgotten! ???   
    Jehovah will never forget the kindness we show and the support that we give to his people. It is our privilege to assist these in a life-saving work that will soon come to an end. 
    But our work of assisting others will continue right into the new world when we have the unique privilege of participating in the greatest educational campaign ever; that of assisting resurrected ones learn about our Creator Jehovah God. 

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in Preaching in Indonesia - ???   
    Good News! ?????
    This woman says she loves to read the Bible, and has read Romans until chapter 9, then I tell her to continue, find a good verse in Romans 15:4, and this woman read it with a loud voice. ??
    #jwpublicwitnessing #jwpreaching #jwpreachtheworld #jwactivities #jwmandarin #jwindonesia

  10. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in Preaching in Indonesia - ???   
    Morning public witnessing near a market. #jwpublicwitnessing #jwpreaching #jwpreachtheworld #jwactivities #jwmandarin #jwindonesia
    Thank you @jw.liang.de.zun

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in Would You Get Baptized Here? - Philip Got Baptized In Just A Body of Water He Saw? ??????   
    @Melinda Mills
    Yes correct! That was a typo! 
  12. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in Would You Get Baptized Here? - Philip Got Baptized In Just A Body of Water He Saw? ??????   
    Later, after speaking of Jesus as “the Chief Agent of life,” Peter said to Jews at the temple: “Repent, therefore, and turn around so as to get your sins blotted out, that seasons of refreshing may come from the person of Jehovah.” (Ac 3:15, 19) 
    Philip found it easy to strike up a conversation, since the Ethiopian official was reading aloud, as was the custom in those days. Hence, Philip was able to hear that he was reading from the scroll of Isaiah.
    One simple question from Philip aroused the man’s interest: “Do you actually know what you are reading?” This led to a discussion of Isaiah 53:7, 8.
    Finally, Philip “declared to him the good news about Jesus.”—Acts 8:29-35. “What prevents me from getting baptized?” he asked Philip upon sighting a convenient body of water. Of course, these were special circumstances.
    Here was a man of faith who already worshipped God as a Jewish proselyte. He would probably not have another opportunity to get baptized for a long time.
    More important, this man understood what God required of him, and he wanted to respond unreservedly. Philip happily consented to his request, and the Ethiopian, after being baptized, “kept going on his way rejoicing.” He doubtless became an enthusiastic preacher of the good news in his home country.—Acts 8:36-39. 

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in “Keep Your Minds Fixed on the Things Above” – ?????   
    “Keep Your Minds Fixed on the Things Above”
    “Keep your minds fixed on the things above, not on the things on the earth.”—COLOSSIANS 3:2.
    Have we allowed the world’s view of money and possessions to affect us? We show what we really love by what we think about and what we do. Jesus explained this when he said: “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21) We need to ask ourselves what is most important to us. Do we spend a lot of time worrying about money, thinking about getting a better job, or trying to have a more comfortable way of life? Or do we try to live a simple life and focus on our relationship with Jehovah? (Matthew 6:22) Jesus said that if we focus on storing up “treasures on the earth,” we may lose our relationship with Jehovah.—Matthew 6:19, 20, 24.
    We are imperfect, so it is easy for us to do things that are wrong. (Read Romans 7:21-25.) If we do not rely on God’s holy spirit, we might become involved in “wild parties and drunkenness,” immorality, or even “brazen conduct,” having no respect for God’s laws. (Romans 13:12, 13) We are constantly fighting our imperfect tendencies. We can win this fight only if we keep our minds fixed on the things above. This requires effort, which is why Paul said: “I pummel my body and lead it as a slave.” (1 Corinthians 9:27) We too need to be strict with ourselves. Let us discuss the examples of two faithful men who did their best to please God.—Hebrews 11:6.
    “Keep your minds fixed on the things above”: We do this when we put Jehovah and his Kingdom first in our lives. We are always thinking about how Jehovah feels and views matters, and we think about the future blessings he has promised us. These thoughts affect how we behave, speak, and use our life
    ????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/402014767?q=focus+on+jehovah&p=par#h=30

  14. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in WE ARE DUST IS THAT INSUFFICIENT? OUR CREATOR MADE US PERFECT WITH THE EARTH! – ????????   
    Although some may consider dust to be a nuisance, it is a provision of the Creator that is essential to mankind’s existence and comfort. It is an important factor in the condensation of moisture in the form of rain, fog, or mist, which are vital to plant growth. Moreover, without the light-scattering property of atmospheric dust, the eyes of earth’s creatures would be exposed to the unbearable glare of the sun’s direct rays, and the familiar phenomenon of dusk and beautifully colored sunsets would cease to occur.
    The Creator used “dust from the ground” when he formed the first man (Ge 2:7; 1Co 15:47, 48), and when Adam was sentenced for disobeying God’s law, Jehovah decreed: “To dust you will return.” (Ge 3:19) God also pronounced a curse of great prophetic significance when saying to the serpent in Eden: “Upon your belly you will go and dust is what you will eat [or, bite] all the days of your life.”—Ge 3:14.
    Frailty, Mortality, and Lowliness. In view of man’s fall from perfection, dust is sometimes used figuratively for mankind’s frailty. God shows mercy to those fearing him, “remembering that we are dust.” (Ps 103:13, 14;Ge 18:27) It is also symbolic of the mortality ofhumans, for at death “back to their dust they go.” (Ps 104:29; Ec 3:19, 20; 12:1, 7) Since man returns to thedust at death, the grave is sometimes figuratively called “the dust.” (Ps 22:29; 30:9) The dust of theground can denote a lowly condition. Jehovah is “a Raiser of a lowly one from the dust.”—1Sa 2:8; Ps 113:7.

  15. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in Nature by Numbers   
    Nature by Numbers - ?????
    A movie inspired on numbers, geometry and nature, by Cristóbal VilaGo to www.etereaestudios.com for more info about movie Music by Wim Mertens - "Often a bird" from the album "Jardin Clos", - © Usura - Published by Usura - Awesome! Enjoy! 

  16. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in 10 "For every wild animal of the forest is mine, Even the beasts upon a thousand mountains." (Psalms 50:10). - ???????   
    10 "For every wild animal of the forest is mine,
    Even the beasts upon a thousand mountains."
    (Psalms 50:10). - ???????
    A Last Frontier for Endangered Species
    Animals. Many of the larger mammals of Europe once roamed over vast tracts of the continent. But some have been hunted almost to extinction. Wolves, bears, lynx (5), bison, chamois, and mountain goats (6) now survive in just a few mountain ranges or in the far north. The majestic animals in these Pyrenean reserves offer a vivid reminder of the wildlife that once abounded in these mountains. Some thoughtful visitors wonder what the future holds for the few that remain.
    We have reason to be confident that the Creator, Jehovah, the One “to whom the peaks of the mountains belong,” cares about the wildlife of the mountains. (Psalm 95:4) 
    In one of the Psalms, God says: “To me belongs every wild animal of the forest, the beasts upon a thousand mountains. I well know every winged creature of the mountains.” (Psalm 50:10, 11) Jehovah’s concern for the earth and its creatures gives us every reason to believe that he will never allow the beasts of the mountains to disappear.

  17. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in JW Ross on Wye Congregation in Britain witnessing to a storm trooper! ?   
    @Ann O'Maly
    You mean come to the "light side"? 
  18. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in JW Ross on Wye Congregation in Britain witnessing to a storm trooper! ?   
    Myself from the Ross on Wye Congregation in Britain witnessing to a storm trooper ?while on trolley ?witnessing. He said he hasn't had any witnesses call on the death star @the_doctor____
    Thank you. -

  19. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in South Africa ??? – 28,300 Attendees Hundreds of people baptized in the Jehovah's Witness Convention   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr.
    I can count on you for my morning laughs! Have a good day! ????‍♀️
  20. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in South Africa ??? – 28,300 Attendees Hundreds of people baptized in the Jehovah's Witness Convention   
    South Africa
    Brothers and sisters of the newly recognized group supported by the congregation of Menlyn sharing in      lunch during the 2017 Regional Convention in Johannesburg,               South Africa. 

  21. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in South Africa ??? – 28,300 Attendees Hundreds of people baptized in the Jehovah's Witness Convention   
    South Africa ??? – 28,300 Attendees 
    Hundreds of people baptized in the Jehovah's Witness Convention
    Trend of hundreds of baptized in African Convention. The newspaper comments:
    Thousands of Jehovah's witnesses converged on the Moses Mabhida Stadium for their three-day Regional Convention from 15 to 17 September. The delegates of Jehovah's witnesses from all parts of Kwazulu-Natal attended the Convention with the theme " Don't Give Up!"
    Friday attendance was 19 854, Saturday 28 487 and Sunday was 28 300. Total attendance for the three days was 76 641. In the baptism From Saturday before midday break, 348 new Bible students were baptized and are now officially known as ordained ministers of Jehovah's witnesses.

  22. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in NEWS FROM RUSSIA - Testimony of a Russian Lieutenant Colonel.   
    NEWS FROM RUSSIA - Testimony of a Russian Lieutenant Colonel.
    The Father of a sister I met served for many years as lieutenant Colonel at the fsb. In 2014, he returned home and advised his family to leave Russia, due to the situation with Jehovah's witnesses, how much it does not improve. "you have no idea what's waiting for you", he said. In 2015, I ran into an interview with an fsb employee, who told reporters about plans to eliminate several organizations for the 2018. World Cup all worked should be completed by the summer of 2017. A Of these organizations was Jehovah's testimony.
    At that time, I would not have thought that in Russia would come to such an absurd, but the order was received, it must be fulfilled. This Autumn, Jehovah's witnesses will seek justice in the presidium of the supreme court. But something tells me that nothing can be achieved. Even the decision can be completely ignored. If in two years the federal security service announced almost openly the plans to liquidate the activities of Jehovah's witnesses, then no court of the world could do anything against this illegality.
    Admin note
    This is one more of so many testimonies that demonstrate the persecution programmed in Russia against Jehovah's witnesses. All trials and appeals were useless, because it was already decided to annihilate Jehovah's witnesses. And as the high military says, no court in the world can do anything to save the witnesses.
    What plans does the Lord have for this situation?
    Stay tuned.

  23. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in He “Continued Growing Up With Jehovah” – ??????????   
    He “Continued Growing Up With Jehovah”
    Samuel spoke. “I have grown old and gray,” he told the crowd. His whitening hair added weight to his words. He then said: “I have walked before you from my youth until this day.” (1 Sam. 11:14, 15; 12:2) 
    Though Samuel was old, he had not forgotten his youth. His memories of those early days were still vivid. The decisions he had made back then, as a growing boy, had led him to a life of faith and devotion to his God, Jehovah.
    Samuel had to build and maintain faith, although again and again he was surrounded by people who were faithless and disloyal. Today, it is just as challenging to build faith, for we live in a faithless and corrupt world. (Read Luke 18:8.) Let us see what we can learn from Samuel’s example, starting in his early boyhood.
    Let us rejoin him in that tense moment of addressing Israel at Gilgal. There, elderly Samuel reminded Israel of his faithful record of integrity. Then, we read: “Samuel called to Jehovah.” He asked Jehovah for a thunderstorm.—1 Sam. 12:17, 18.
    A thunderstorm? In the dry season? Why, such a thing was unheard of! If there was even a trace of skepticism or scoffing among the people, it did not last long. The sky suddenly darkened with clouds. The winds battered the wheat in the fields. The thunder let out its booming, deafening roars. And the rain fell. The response? “The people were greatly in fear of Jehovah and of Samuel.” At last, they saw how seriously they had sinned.—1 Sam. 12:18, 19.
    Not Samuel, but his God, Jehovah, had reached their rebellious hearts. From his youth to his old age, Samuel put faith in his God. And Jehovah rewarded him. To this day, Jehovah has not changed. He still supports those who imitate the faith of Samuel.

  24. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in WHO WAS ABIGAIL? - HOW WAS SHE AN EXAMPLE FOR WOMEN TODAY? – ??‍♀️??‍♀️????????‍♀️   
    Originally, the wife of wealthy Nabal from Maon, a city on the edge of the Wilderness of Judah, W of the Dead Sea. (1Sa 25:2, 3; Jos 15:20, 55) She was “good in discretion and beautiful in form,” while her first husband, whose name means “Senseless; Stupid,” was “harsh and bad in his practices.”
    Following the prophet Samuel’s death, David and his men moved into the area where the flocks of Abigail’s husband were pastured. David’s men thereafter were like a protective “wall” around Nabal’s shepherds and flocks, night and day. So, when shearing time came, David sent some young men up to Carmel to call Nabal’s attention to the good service rendered him and to request an offering of food from him. (1Sa 25:4-8,15, 16) 
    But miserly Nabal screamed rebukes at them and insulted David as if he were an inconsequential person, and all of them as if they were possibly runaway slaves. (1Sa 25:9-11, 14) This so angered David that he girded on his sword and led about 400 men toward Carmel to wipe out Nabal and the men of his household.—1Sa 25:12, 13, 21, 22.
    Abigail, hearing of the incident through a disturbed servant, showed her wise perception by immediately rounding up an ample supply of food and grain and then sent these ahead of her in care of her servants, much as Jacob had done before making contact with Esau. (1Sa 25:14-19; Ge 32:13-20) 
    Without saying anything to her husband, she rode to meet David, and in a long and fervent plea, which manifested wisdom and logic as well as respect and humility, she convinced David that her husband’s senseless words did not justify the unrighteous shedding of blood or the failure to trust in Jehovah to settle the matter in a right way himself. (1Sa 25:14-20, 23-31) David thanked God for the woman’s good sense and quick action.—1Sa 25:32-35; compare Pr 25:21, 22; 15:1, 2.
    Returning home, Abigail waited for her husband to sober up from a drunken feast and then informed him of her actions. Now “his heart came to be dead inside him, and he himself became as a stone,” and after ten days Jehovah caused him to expire. 
    When the news reached David, he sent a marriage proposal to Abigail, which she did not hesitate to accept. She shared David’s affections along with Ahinoam, a Jezreelitess, whom David had previously taken as wife. David’s first wife, Michal, had already been given by her father Saul to another man.—1Sa 25:36-44.
    Abigail was with David in Gath on the western edge of the Shephelah and later down in the NW Negeb at Ziklag. During David’s absence a raiding party of Amalekites from the S burned Ziklag and carried off all the women and children, including Abigail and Ahinoam. Assured by Jehovah of success, David led his men in pursuit and, in a surprise attack, overcame the Amalekites and retrieved the captives and possessions.—1Sa 30:1-19.
    What initiative did Abigail take?
    Think also of Abigail, the wife of Nabal. When David was fleeing from jealous King Saul, he spent time encamped near Nabal’s flocks. Instead of taking any of this wealthy man’s many possessions, David and his men protected his property. However, Nabal “was harsh and bad in his practices,” and he “screamed rebukes” at David’s men. He was a “good-for-nothing man,” and ‘senselessness was with him.’ 
    When David’s men respectfully asked for some provisions, Nabal refused. How did Abigail respond when she heard what had happened? Without telling Nabal, she “hastened and took two hundred loaves of bread and two large jars of wine and five sheep dressed and five seah measures of roasted grain and a hundred cakes of raisins and two hundred cakes of pressed figs” and gave them to David and his men. Did Abigail do what was right? “Jehovah struck Nabal,” states the Bible, “so that he died.” David later married Abigail.—1 Sam. 25:3, 14-19, 23-25, 38-42.

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in The New Images of the Public Testimony Carts with Unified Signs for all Countries. ???   
    The New Images of the Public Testimony Carts with Unified Signs for all Countries.
    Coming Soon - Unitedly!  ???

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