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Bible Speaks

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Abel Castro in Warwick Bethel Headquarters, Warwick, New York USA - Enjoy! ??   
    Warwick Bethel Headquarters, Warwick, New York USA - Enjoy!
    Video Link mp4 by_______
  2. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Rosalie Barry in Sister Nompumelol, and she is very happy to attend the Regional Convention "Don't Give Up" in South Africa.. ???   
    She is our Sister Nompumelol, and she is very happy to attend the Regional Convention "Don't Give Up" in South Africa.. 
    Hello from south Africa.. ????

  3. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Rosalie Barry in Cleaning in a House after the Earthquake that shook Morelos, Mexico! Congregation Lomasde Atzingo   
    Image of cleaning in a house  after the earthquake that shook Morelos, Mexico! Congregation Lomasde Atzingo - Thank you

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Abel Castro in A Box of Kisses ???   
    A Box of Kisses ???
    Some time ago, a man punished his 3-year-old daughter for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper. 
    Money was tight and he became infuriated when the child tried to decorate a box and give a gift.
    Nevertheless, the little girl brought the gift to her father the next morning and said, “This is for you, Daddy.” He was embarrassed by his earlier overreaction, but his anger flared again when he found the box was empty.
     He yelled at her, “Don’t you know that when you give someone a present, there’s supposed to be something inside it?”The little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes and said,”Oh, Daddy, it is not empty. I blew kisses into the box. All for you, Daddy.”
     The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little girl, and he begged for her forgiveness.It is told that the man kept that gold box by his bed for years and whenever he was discouraged, he would take out an imaginary kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there.
     In a very real sense, each of us as humans have been given a gold container filled with unconditional love and kisses from our children, friends, family and Jehovah God. There is no more precious possession anyone could hold. -

  5. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Abel Castro in Videos From Greece! - Notice!   
    Dear brothers and sisters, on the video of Greece, a sister who lives in Athens informed us that this is an isolated case. It was a recording for a show on youtube. But we do not know if he really is an orthodox priest. She confirm that he is a rude and unbalanced person. It looks like it breaks several things because it's against the system! He is also against the internet, but he has a show on youtube!
    Hostility and Anger Jehovah will repay! No fear Jehovah is Near! ??????

  6. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Abel Castro in Sister Nompumelol, and she is very happy to attend the Regional Convention "Don't Give Up" in South Africa.. ???   
    She is our Sister Nompumelol, and she is very happy to attend the Regional Convention "Don't Give Up" in South Africa.. 
    Hello from south Africa.. ????

  7. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Warwick Bethel Headquarters, Warwick, New York USA - Enjoy! ??   
    Warwick Bethel Headquarters, Warwick, New York USA - Enjoy!
    Video Link mp4 by_______
  8. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in Watchtower's "creation" book in 1927 This is the image of Jesus Christ that we had, beard, long hair and halo. ???   
    Watchtower's "creation" book in 1927
    This is the image of Jesus Christ that we had, beard, long hair and halo.
    We change, we abandon the wrong and we have a more accurate picture of the image of Jesus today. But Babylon follows exactly where we left it.

  9. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Abel Castro in This Circuit in Mexico city was assigned to collect bottled water. Love being shown to one and all and Witness given. ?????   
    This Circuit in Mexico city was assigned to collect bottled water. Love being shown to one and all and Witness given. 

  10. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Abel Castro in Brazil. Volunteers Construction - Happy! ???   
    Brazil. Volunteers Construction
    Happy! ???

  11. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Abel Castro in A Coruña, Spain Portuguese Speaking Congregation   
    A Coruña, Spain Portuguese Speaking Congregation
    Sends Love ?? ????

  12. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Abel Castro in Yesterday in preaching in isolated fields we had a great time Greetings from Hermosillo Sonora (Mexico) ?❤️?❤️?   
    They tell us.....
    Yesterday in preaching in isolated         fields we had a great time
    Greetings from Hermosillo Sonora (Mexico)  Thank you! 

  13. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Brazil. Volunteers Construction - Happy! ???   
    Brazil. Volunteers Construction
    Happy! ???

  14. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in A Coruña, Spain Portuguese Speaking Congregation   
    A Coruña, Spain Portuguese Speaking Congregation
    Sends Love ?? ????

  15. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Yesterday in preaching in isolated fields we had a great time Greetings from Hermosillo Sonora (Mexico) ?❤️?❤️?   
    They tell us.....
    Yesterday in preaching in isolated         fields we had a great time
    Greetings from Hermosillo Sonora (Mexico)  Thank you! 

  16. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in This Circuit in Mexico city was assigned to collect bottled water. Love being shown to one and all and Witness given. ?????   
    This Circuit in Mexico city was assigned to collect bottled water. Love being shown to one and all and Witness given. 

  17. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Abel Castro in Watchtower's "creation" book in 1927 This is the image of Jesus Christ that we had, beard, long hair and halo. ???   
    Watchtower's "creation" book in 1927
    This is the image of Jesus Christ that we had, beard, long hair and halo.
    We change, we abandon the wrong and we have a more accurate picture of the image of Jesus today. But Babylon follows exactly where we left it.

  18. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in WHAT KIND OF ARMOR DO YOU WANT? – ⚖️?⚔️?⚔️?⚖️   
    Armor (Defensive). In order to protect his body from the offensive weapons of the enemy, a soldier employed various kinds of shields and personal armor.
    Shield. A broad piece of defensive armor used by all ancient nations. It was equipped with an inside handle and was carried by the warrior during battle, usually on the left arm or in the left hand, although during the march it may have been hung from a shoulder strap. Isaiah 22:6 indicates that some may have been provided with a cover that was removed at time of combat. In peacetime, shields were often placed in arsenals.—Ca 4:4.
    Shields used in ancient times were often made of wood covered with leather, and such shields could be burned. (Eze 39:9) Whereas wooden and leather shields were in general use, it appears that metal shields were less common, being used especially by leaders, royal guards, or possibly for ceremonial purposes. (2Sa 8:7; 1Ki 14:27, 28) Shields were oiled to make them pliable and moisture resistant, to keep the metal from rusting, or to make them smooth and slippery. (2Sa 1:21) The leather shield was often decked with a heavy center boss (a knob or stud) of metal, which gave added protection.—Job 15:26.
    The “large shield” (Heb., tsin·nah?) was carried by the heavily armed infantry (2Ch 14:8) and sometimes by a shield bearer. (1Sa 17:7, 41) It was either oval or else rectangular like a door. Apparently a similar “large shield” is designated at Ephesians 6:16 by the Greek word thy·re·os? (from thy?ra, meaning “door”). The tsin·nah? was large enough to cover the entire body. (Ps 5:12) It was on occasion used to set up solid-front battle lines with lances protruding. The large shield is sometimes mentioned with the lance or spear as a form of reference to weapons in general.—1Ch 12:8,34; 2Ch 11:12.
    The smaller “shield” or “buckler” (Heb., ma·ghen?) was customarily carried by archers and is usually associated with light weapons such as the bow. For instance, it was carried by Benjaminite bowmen of Judean King Asa’s military force. (2Ch 14:8) The smaller shield was usually round and more common than the large shield, probably being used chiefly in hand-to-hand fighting. That the Hebrew tsin·nah? and ma·ghen? differed considerably in size seems to be indicated by the gold shields Solomon made, the large shield being overlaid with four times as much gold as the smaller shield, or buckler. (1Ki 10:16, 17; 2Ch 9:15, 16) Ma·ghen?, like tsin·nah?, seems to be used as part of a formula for weapons of war.—2Ch 14:8;17:17; 32:5.
    The Hebrew word she?let, rendered ‘circular shield,’ occurs seven times in the Hebrew Scriptures and is evidently similar to the more common ma·ghen? (shield), since it is used in conjunction with ma·ghen? in The Song of Solomon 4:4.
    Helmet. A military headgear designed to protect a fighter during battle and a very basic part of defensive armor. The Hebrew word for “helmet” is koh·va?? (alternately qoh·va??), while the Greek term is pe·ri·ke·pha·lai?a, literally meaning “around the head.”—1Sa 17:5, 38; Eph 6:17.
    Originally, Israelite helmets were probably made of leather. Later these were covered with copper or iron and were worn over woolen, felt, or leather bonnets. Copper helmets were used in Israel as early as the days of King Saul. (1Sa 17:38) While helmets may at first have been reserved for kings and other leaders, later they were in general use, Uzziah furnishing his entire army with them.—2Ch 26:14.
    The Philistines possessed metal helmets; Goliath wore one of copper. (1Sa 17:5) Ezekiel mentioned helmets in connection with Persians, Ethiopians, and others.—Eze 27:10; 38:5.
    Coat of mail. A coat worn for protection during battle. The coat of mail (Heb., shir·yohn? or shir·yan?) consisted of a cloth or leather cloak that had hundreds of small adjoining pieces of metal (somewhat like fish scales) attached to its surface. Often it covered the breast, back, and shoulders, though it sometimes reached to the knees or even the ankles.—1Sa 17:5.
    Among the Hebrews the coat of mail was frequently made of leather covered with metal scales or plates. The wearer enjoyed considerable protection thereby, but, nonetheless, would be vulnerable where the scales were connected or where the coat of mail adjoined other parts of the armor. Thus, King Ahab was mortally wounded by a bowman who “got to strike the king of Israel between the appendages and the coat of mail.”—1Ki 22:34-37.
    Girdle. The military girdle of ancient times was a leather belt worn around the waist or hips. It varied in width from 5 to 15 cm (2 to 6 in.) and was often studded with plates of iron, silver, or gold. The warrior’s sword was suspended from it, and at times the belt was supported by a shoulder strap. (1Sa 18:4; 2Sa 20:8) Whereas a loosened girdle denoted leisure (1Ki 20:11), girding up the loins or hips indicated readiness for action or battle.—Ex 12:11; 1Ki 18:46; 1Pe 1:13, ftn.
    Greaves. Armor consisting of thin plates of metal, covering the leg between the ankle and the knee. The only Biblical reference to them is at 1 Samuel 17:6, where it is shown that the giant Philistine warrior Goliath from Gath had “greaves [Heb., mits·chath?] of copper above his feet.” The Israelites may also have used greaves to some extent.
    Spiritual Armor. Although true Christians do not share in fleshly warfare, they are engaged in a battle and are likened to soldiers. (Php 2:25; 2Ti 2:3; Phm 2) A Christian has a wrestling “against the governments [not made up of flesh-and-blood humans], against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places.” (Eph 6:12) Since physical weapons and armor would be of no value in a battle against superhuman spirits, Christians must “take up the complete suit of armor from God.”—Eph 6:13.
    Paul advises Christians to have their “loins girded about with truth.” (Eph 6:14) Just as a girdle can provide support and protection for the loins, an unbreakable attachment to divine truth can strengthen a Christian in his determination to remain firm despite trials.
    Next, a Christian must put on “the breastplate of righteousness.” (Eph 6:14) A literal breastplate served to protect vital organs, especially the heart. The need of righteousness as a protective breastplate for the figurative heart is especially evident because of the heart’s sinful inclination.—Ge 8:21; Jer 17:9.
    Part of the spiritual armor is to have the feet “shod with the equipment of the good news of peace.” (Eph 6:15) The Greek word he·toi·ma·si?a, translated “equipment,” has the basic meaning “readiness.” (See Int; NIV; TEV.) A Christian’s always being equipped and ready to make known the “good news” to others, and doing so despite hardships, can help him to endure faithfully.
    A prominent part of the spiritual armor is “the large shield of faith.” Like a large shield covering most of the body, faith in Jehovah God and his ability to fulfill his promises will enable a Christian to “quench all the wicked one’s burning missiles.” (Eph 6:16; compare Ps 91:4.) Faith will help a Christian withstand attacks by wicked spirits, resist temptations to immorality, shun materialistic desires, and not give in to fear, doubt, or excessive grief.—Ge 39:7-12; Heb 11:15; 13:6; Jas 1:6; 1Th 4:13.
    As a helmet protects a soldier’s head, so “the helmet of salvation” safeguards the Christian’s mental powers from ungodly influences. (Eph 6:17) Having on “as a helmet the hope of salvation” means looking “intently toward the payment of the reward,” as Moses did.—1Th 5:8; Heb 11:26.
    “The sword of the spirit, that is, God’s word” is indispensable to the Christian in warding off false teachings and traditions of men and in teaching the truth and ‘overturning strongly entrenched things.’—Eph 6:17; 2Co 10:4, 5.
    Tap on Video Link mp4 ______Enjoy!
    Enjoy also one GIF picture 

  19. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Jehovah Hears Prayers of Those in Need of Help!   
    @Queen Esther
  20. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to USASister in Jehovah Hears Prayers of Those in Need of Help!   
    I had not seen this!  Love the photo!  Praise Jehovah!  He needs his ministers back in Armenia. So they are now fee.  What a relief for the famlies. 
  21. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Help Them Return Without Delay! “Whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life.”—JOHN 6:68. ?????   
    Help Them Return Without Delay!
    “Whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life.”—JOHN 6:68.
    Jesus said: “Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life . . . Keep awake, then, all the time making supplication that you may succeed in escaping all these things that are destined to occur.” (Luke 21:34-36) Those who have strayed from the flock but who want to enjoy the happiness they once knew can be encouraged to pray for holy spirit and divine help and to act in harmony with their prayers.—Luke 11:13.
    Because humans are imperfect, personality clashes occur, and this may stumble an individual. Some have been stumbled when a respected person in the congregation acted in an ungodly manner. If an inactive one has been affected in such a way, the visiting elder might point out that Jehovah does not cause anyone to stumble. So why should anyone sever his or her relationship with God and His people? Instead, should one not keep on serving God, confident that “the Judge of all the earth” knows what took place and will handle matters in the right way? (Gen. 18:25; Col. 3:23-25) If a person literally stumbled and fell, he would not deliberately remain in that position without even trying to get up.
    A joyful welcome awaits those returning to Jehovah. (Lam. 3:40) Their past experiences in GodÂ’s service undoubtedly brought them great joy. Untold future blessings await those who return to the flock without delay!
  22. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Lesson I've Learned Well! – "There is more happiness in giving than receiving.” ???   
    "Jesus said, "There is more happiness in giving than receiving.” It is a simple secret, but when applied to your life, it adds complete meaning. 
    I have experienced the veracity in Jesus‘ words when serving in the Dominican Republic. 
    You go with the mentality of giving, but you gain more than what you give. You come back home with a rejoicing heart, real friendships from all over the world that are doing the same, but most important, the satisfaction of serving our Creator to your fullest potential during these last days. 
    Without a doubt I am convinced that the happiness I feel in my heart has always come from giving and serving Jehovah.“ Thank you

  23. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Sister Nompumelol, and she is very happy to attend the Regional Convention "Don't Give Up" in South Africa.. ???   
    She is our Sister Nompumelol, and she is very happy to attend the Regional Convention "Don't Give Up" in South Africa.. 
    Hello from south Africa.. ????

  24. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Wonderful Blessings! – Poka, Epe, Lagos State of Nigeria Christian Congregation. End of 2017 service year! ???   
    Poka, Epe, Lagos State of Nigeria Christian Congregation. End of 2017 service year! 

  25. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Tarrell l Moultak in I drew a picture in charcoal of our united Brother Lett that has the sweetest smile ever!   
    Very talented sister.  If you could can you do one of the pictures I took while at a special convention in Madagascar 

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