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Bible Speaks

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  1. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in 7.0 M Earthquake In Mexico's Capital City   
    New 7 Earthquake In Mexico Capital City
    Two earthquakes in just 12 days
    We hope that the brothers of Mexico will give us information about how they are going!

  2. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Annual Meeting 2017 Place for this year's Annual Meeting. Warwick Auditorium. ???   
    Annual Meeting 2017
    Place for this year's Annual Meeting. Warwick Auditorium.
    The Annual meeting is at Warwick Bethel Headquarters, Warwick, New York

  3. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Can You “Distinguish Both Right and Wrong”? – ?⚖️1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣⚖️?   
    Can You “Distinguish Both Right and Wrong”?
    “Keep on making sure of what is acceptable to the Lord.”—EPHESIANS 5:10.
    Many choices we make in our daily life may be considered routine or trivial. Each day, for example, we go through the process of choosing the clothes we wear, the food we eat, the people we see, and so on. We make these choices almost automatically, with little thought. But are such matters really trivial? 
    For dedicated Christians, it is a matter of deep concern that the choices we make in our attire and appearance, in our eating and drinking, and in our speech and conduct always reflect our role as servants of the Most High, Jehovah God. We are reminded of the apostle Paul’s words: “Whether you are eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for God’s glory.”—1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 4:6; 1 Timothy 2:9, 10.
    Then there are choices that are of even more serious concern. The decision to marry or to remain single, for example, surely has a profound and lasting effect on one’s life. To be sure, choosing the right person to marry, to be one’s lifelong partner, is no small matter.* (Proverbs 18:22) Additionally, our choice in friends and associates, in education, in employment, and in entertainment and recreation plays an influential, even decisive, role in our spirituality—hence, in our eternal welfare.—Romans 13:13, 14;Ephesians 5:3, 4.
    “I shall not set in front of my eyes any good-for-nothing thing. The doing of those who fall away I have hated; it does not cling to me. . . . As for anyone speaking falsehoods, he will not be firmly established in front of my eyes.”—Psalm 101:3, 7.

  4. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in “You Must Love Your Neighbor as Yourself” ???   
    "Love is..........."(1 Cor 13:4-7) 
    “You Must Love Your Neighbor as Yourself”
    “The second [commandment] is this: ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’”—MATT. 22:39.
    Offer people spiritual help. We do this by endeavoring to direct their attention to heartening “comfort from the Scriptures.” (Rom. 15:4) Unquestionably, we are being neighborly when we share Bible truth with others in our preaching activity. (Matt. 24:14) How privileged we are to proclaim the Kingdom message from “the God who gives hope”!—Rom. 15:13.
    Follow the Golden Rule. This rule is expressed in these words spoken by Jesus during his Sermon on the Mount: “All things . . . that you want men to do to you, you also must do to them. This, in fact, is what the Law and the Prophets mean.” (Matt. 7:12) When we treat others as Jesus counseled, we act in harmony with the spirit behind “the Law” (Genesis through Deuteronomy) and “the Prophets” (the prophetic books of the Hebrew Scriptures). From such writings it is clear that God blesses those who show love for others. Through Isaiah, for instance, Jehovah said: “Uphold justice, and do what is righteous . . . Happy is the man who does this.” (Isa. 56:1, 2) We are indeed blessed because we act in a loving and righteous manner toward our neighbor.
    Love your enemies. “You heard that it was said: ‘You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy,’” said Jesus. “However, I say to you: Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you, so that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens.” (Matt. 5:43-45) The apostle Paul made a similar point when he wrote: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.” (Rom. 12:20; Prov. 25:21) According to the Mosaic Law, a person was to help an enemy to free his animal that had fallen under its load. (Ex. 23:5) By working together in such a way, former enemies might become good friends. Because Christians show love, many of our enemies have softened their heart toward us. If we show love for our enemies—even rabid persecutors—how happy we will be if some of them embrace true Christianity!
    9 “Pursue peace with all people.” (Heb. 12:14) Of course, this includes our brothers, for Jesus said: “If . . . you are bringing your gift to the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar, and go away. First make your peace with your brother, and then come back and offer your gift.” (Matt. 5:23, 24) God will bless us when we show love for our brother and take prompt action to make peace with him.
    Do not be a faultfinder. “Stop judging that you may not be judged,” said Jesus, “for with the judgment you are judging, you will be judged, and with the measure that you are measuring out, they will measure out to you. Why, then, do you look at the straw in your brother’s eye but do not notice the rafter in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Allow me to remove the straw from your eye,’ when look! a rafter is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to remove the straw from your brother’s eye.” (Matt. 7:1-5) What a powerful way to tell us not to criticize the small faults of others when we ourselves may have very large faults!
    We have many reasons for loving Jehovah without reservation. There are also numerous ways for us to show love for our neighbor. By displaying love for God and for our neighbor, we are showing respect for what Jesus said about these vital matters. Above all, we are pleasing our loving heavenly Father, Jehovah.

  5. Sad
  6. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Future Newspaper Headline out of Honolulu, Hawaii ?????   

  7. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Women Being Used To Do Roving Microphones ?   
    Just keep the pace, in time more will come! Trying times everywhere. Put our trust in Jehovah he will provide what we need. Thank you for your support! 
    Jehovah Bless!
  8. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Women Being Used To Do Roving Microphones ?   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr.
    Your a good man. 
    Charlie Brown 
  9. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Incredible 3 days! 300 Sisters and Brothers who visited the German Convention in the Paraguayan Bethel, South America! ???   
    Incredible 3 days! 300 Sisters and Brothers who visited the German Convention in the Paraguayan Bethel, South America! ??? 
    Much love from Paraguay! ??????
    Paraguay (/?pær??wa?/; Spanish pronunciation: [pa?a??waj]; Guarani: Paraguái, [pa?a??waj]), officially the Republic of Paraguay (Spanish: República del Paraguay; Guarani: Tetã Paraguái), is a landlocked countryin central South America, bordered by Argentina to the south and southwest, Brazil to the east and northeast, and Bolivia to the northwest. Paraguay lies on both banks of the Paraguay River, which runs through the center of the country from north to south. Due to its central location in South America, it is sometimes referred to as Corazón de Sudamérica ("Heart of South America").[7]Paraguay is one of the two landlocked countries (the other is Bolivia) outside Afro-Eurasia, and is the smallest[8] landlocked country in the Americas.
    ?? #jwmadewithlove #JWBestFriends#jwministry #jwparaguay

  10. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Meeting of LSA Jehovah Witnesses of Chacabuco, Chile ???   
    On September 16, 2017 .. Meeting of  LSA Jehovah Witnesses of Chacabuco, Chile  .. Super Happy View .. Town of Chacabuco and Junín y Salto y Chivilcoy and July 9 Thank you maxighjjw
    Chacabuco is one of the many abandoned nitrate or "saltpeter" towns ("oficinas salitreras" in Spanish) in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. [1] Other nitrate towns of the Atacama Desert include Humberstone and Santa Laura Saltpeter Works. Unlike most of the other ghost towns in the Atacama Desert, Chacabuco became a concentration camp during the Pinochet regime in 1973. To this day, it remains surrounded by approximately 98 lost landmines, left by the Chilean military.
    Tap on MP4 Video Link ______Enjoy! 
    # # Jwdeaf #jwlsa #jw #Jwargentina # lsa
  11. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Annie Abbott in JW.ORG – SEPTEMBER 14, 2017 NEW YORK UNITED STATES Witnesses in the United States Cope With Impact of Hurricane Harvey ??????   
    Witnesses in the United States Cope With Impact of Hurricane Harvey = —Hurricane Harvey made landfall in the coastal city of Rockport, Texas, as a Category 4 storm on Friday, August 25, 2017. By Sunday, the hurricane had been downgraded to a tropical storm but continued to devastate southeast Texas through Wednesday, August 30. The branch office in the United States has received initial assessments of how the storm system has impacted our brothers and sisters.
    Approximately 84,000 Witnesses live in the areas impacted by Harvey. No deaths are reported among our brothers and sisters, although nine were injured and five have been hospitalized. A total of 5,566 Witnesses have been displaced from their homes. The storm caused major damage to 475 homes of our brothers; an additional 1,182 of their homes sustained minor damage.
    Local disaster relief efforts are being coordinated with the assistance of circuit overseers in Austin, Dallas, and San Antonio. Hundreds of brothers in these cities have made rooms in their homes available to displaced Witnesses from Houston and the Texas Gulf Coast. Others have donated nearly 300 tons of food, water, and supplies to those in need.—Proverbs 3:27; Hebrews 13:1, 2.
    Circuit overseers report that all congregations are reestablishing their spiritual routines. Members of the United States Branch Committee are planning to visit the affected areas to provide comfort and support.
    “Our hearts go out to all those suffering due to the effects of Hurricane Harvey, and we are thankful for all who volunteered to help in the wake of this disaster,” states David A. Semonian, a spokesman for Jehovah’s Witnesses. “We especially keep our brothers and sisters who are affected by this storm in our prayers. We also urge them to keep trusting in Jehovah’s loving arm of support.”—Psalm 55:8, 22; Isaiah 33:2; 40:11.

  12. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Joanne Williams in Rules that the American Catholic sect is giving to their parishioners to get rid of Jehovah's witnesses. ?   
    Rules that the American Catholic sect is giving to their parishioners to get rid of Jehovah's witnesses.
    Would you be able to rebut these almost military standards?
    Interaction with a Jehovah's witness
    Answer the door. This may seem counter-intuitive to get rid of someone, but the fact is, if you don't answer the door, it's likely to mark you as "no house" and come back in the near future. If you really want to get rid of them, you'll have to answer the door and let them know.
    Interrupt. Sounds rude, but it doesn't have to be. It is likely to deepen your command sequence and it will only be more difficult to get a word Polly interrupt to take control of the conversation.
    When a Jehovah's witness begins to speak, interrupt with an educated gesture: "excuse me" to draw your attention.
    Try to raise your hand and keep it between the two at the chest level with the palm of your hand to the other person and start your interjection with "wait".
    If you wait until the Jehovah's witness asks a question, you can simply reply with: "I would rather not have this conversation".
    Be honest. If you make up a reason not to want to talk to them, you can see this as an invitation to come back another time. This also starts a conversation.
    Be honest and direct with your answer to get your point through and avoid one of your starters of the conversation.
    Avoid making excuses. They are trained to respond to specific protests and may consider coming back in the future if they are too busy right now.
    We politely. Choose very few words to reject your invitation to speak. It's unnecessary to be rude, and arguing will only stimulate the conversation. A simple and polite decline will do the trick.
    Once I get a chance to talk, try a simple, "No, thank you".
    It can also be direct saying, " I'm not interested, thank you."
    Close the door. Don't hit him in the face, but I understand you've been trained to keep the conversation. Once I have rejected, close the door gently. This is important, because, like the caretakers or any lawyer, they are not likely to accept the first, "no" and will do everything possible to return to you.
    Closing the door may be the only way to end the conversation.
    If this feels rude to you, try to say, "I'm sorry" when you close the door.

  13. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in FINE ART: Nathan The Prophet Reproves King David ?????   
    FINE ART: Nathan The Prophet Reproves King David
    40 x 30 inches
    Oil on canvas 
    Patterson Educational Center 
    Patterson, NY
    #Repost @edsalazarfineart
    The account recorded at 2 Samuel 12:1-13 illustrated in this painting reminds us of the importance of accepting counsel. After Nathan masterfully used an Illustrated to reach David's heart, David did not make excuses for his serious sin but simply said "I have sinned". And because of his humility and genuine repentance he was forgiven. 
    On an artistic note, the use of chiaroscuro focuses the attention on David while adding drama to the scene.
    #edsalazarfineart #nathan #david #jw #oil #painting #biblical #repentance #bible
    Thank you ?????
  14. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Love ❤️ you Mom ??? - Prayers a Hope of Resurrection – ?????   
    Love ?? you Mom ??? - Prayers a Hope of Resurrection ?????
    ”Dear my loving son.
    I do not know what you will do with your precious life Jehovah has given you.
    I can only say, unless you use it to serve Jehovah you will always feel empty.
    Use your life to serve his and you will have joy and happiness.
    Remember: The blessing of Jehovah makes rich, and he adds no pain with it.
    I am confident ,that you will enjoy a precious life of Jehovah 's  service.
    Love your mom ”My Mother, who had enjoyed full time service for 32 years, now has a stroke and can't feel me at all because of the aftereffect.  However, I tell love and gratitude for my mother everyday.
    .Shared by @ko1ro1017_jw

  15. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Julie Bayley in Could this be Peace and Security? Never Before Seen! ????Breaking News: Rising shares of Boeing pulled the Dow Jones Industrial Average up to a record high on Thursday! ???   
    Donald Trump told the UN earlier that the organisation needed to reform to perform better with regard to peace and security 
    He's addressing the UN General assembly tomorrow which might be of interest 
    Lots of world leasders been spouting about peace & security lately about eg North Korea etc too being a global threat etc 
    will the kings of the earth see the need to give the UN teeth imminently? According to the Revelation book the Kings of the Earth would beef the UN up before the Great Tribulation breaks out. ????
  16. Confused
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Could this be Peace and Security? Never Before Seen! ????Breaking News: Rising shares of Boeing pulled the Dow Jones Industrial Average up to a record high on Thursday! ???   
    @Julie Bayley
    I was sent this yesterday! Very interesting! Exciting times we are living in for sure! Remember the Bible also tells us their silver and gold will be of no value, and that it will thrown in the streets. We have had that "crash" in 1929. The Great Depression. Whatever or when things transpire it will certainly be Jehovah's Day!
    19 Â“‘Into the streets they will throw their very silver, and an abhorrent thing their own gold will become. Neither their silver nor their goldwill be able to deliver them in the day of JehovahÂ’s fury.+ Their souls they will not satisfy, and their intestines they will not fill, for it has become a stumbling block causing their error.+ 20 And the decoration of oneÂ’s ornament—one has set it as reason for pride; and their detestable images,+ their disgusting things,+ they have made with it.*That is why I will make it to them an abhorrent thing.+ 21 And I will give it into the hand of the strangers for plunder and to the wicked ones of the earth for spoil,+ and they will certainly profane it." (Ezekiel 7:19-21.)
     Thank you for your support! 
  17. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Mexico They seek the inclusion of deaf and silent people through the Bible in Chihuahua.   
    Mexico ???
    They seek the inclusion of deaf and silent people through the Bible in 
    The Jehovah's witness community conducted one of its special assemblies with the aim of increasing the inclusion of deaf and silent people in society using the Bible.
    The Special Assemblies are carried out three times a year in Mexico, however they have a community in more than 700 languages between 235 countries, although Jehovah's witnesses resurfaced as brotherhood since 1870 in sign language and ethnicity Tarahumara Is 20 years old.
    Part of his work in sign language, is looking for deaf people because not everyone knows the language, so the members of the congregation teach him to not only bring them closer to the Lord but can build a better life and To be included in society is to find a job and not just ask for help on cruise ships by delivering flyers that translate sign language.
    " most of them communicate only with their family and so learning will be able to communicate with other people so much to say what they want, to learn conditions of moral standards and to have a stable job, not just become brothers become better people, equally with the Tarahumara Coming down from the Sierra can be included in a productive way ", said Mr Martinez Organizer of the event.
    There are eleven assemblies in the country during the year, for free some outsiders accept accommodation, other people without knowing them just for being part of a world community.
    On this occasion, the assembly will start on Friday, 15 September 15, at four o'clock in the afternoon and end the 18th of the same month, free of charge for those who practise sign language, speak Tarahumara or community In General.
    On the other hand, those who wish to learn more about Jehovah's witnesses can visit the website jw.org where the information is found at the global level and if you have any concern you can receive the visit a witness for free by providing your personal data Confidential way.

  18. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Annie Pepin in Another international blow to the Russian government Oppressor of Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Another international blow to the Russian government oppressor of Jehovah's Witnesses
    The organization of human rights without borders has presented a speech in the OSCE (organization for security and cooperation in Europe), raising the issue of the persecution of Jehovah's witnesses in Russia at the conference and called it " the most heinous violation Of religious freedom in the euro-Atlantic region after the fall of the USSR."
    They have also denounced the unjust prison that is enduring our brother Dennis Christensen
    The Russian government and its lover the orthodox sect are doing what they want, but the entire planet is knowing what they've tried to hide.
    The video is in English and collects the more than 2 minutes of the time we quoted.
  19. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in “Bethel Chile”, a compilation of photos of the Chilean branch. Enjoy!???   
    Today I ( a Brother wrote did not say name)  wanted to bring to you. A special called “Bethel Chile”, a compilation of photos of the Chilean branch. I hope you enjoy.
    Reception and office buildings. In this building Service Department is located.
    Bethel Library. In the background you can see the original picture of the biblical writer appeared in the pamphlet “What Does God Require of Us?" Lesson 1.
    Housing and body of water to irrigate the gardens.
    View of the main courtyard, parking and reception and office building. This photo has no filters or is digitally altered. It is 100% real. - Betel Chile.
    This plate indicates the divine name of the branch buildings are devoted to the Jehovah God Almighty. - Branch Office Chile
    I hope they liked the photos. Do not forget to click the ? if liked.
    Thank you.
    Brother - ???
    Beautiful Brother! ????????

  20. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Witnessing to Telemarketers.... ☎️??✨?☎️​​​​​​​ – You have got to try this!   
    Witnessing to Telemarketers....
    You have got to try this!
    Keep a script next to your telephone for when telemarketers call.
    When a telemarketer calls, wait until they get to the point where they ask you a question ... they always ask a question!
    Then say:
    "I'm sorry, but this is a dedicated line.
    It's used for family, friends and those calling in for a free home Bible study.
    I know you're not a family member, and you're not a friend yet, so perhaps you'd be interested in a free home Bible study.
    You can have questions answered like (say slowly)
    - "Where Are the Dead?",
    - "Are We Living in the Last Days?", and
    - "Why Does God Allow Suffering?" (All   chapters in "Bible Teach")
    "We can either correspond by mail, or arrange for someone to stop by your home. Which would be better for you"?
    If they decline you can say:
    "I'd be glad to send you some information by mail and you can decide after reading it. It's offered totally at no charge. All I need is your name, address and phone number."
    Try to get their phone number so that you can try to verify everything, lest they give you a phony address.
     If you do get some genuine interest (many of these people are very bored and happy to have a chat esp if we are very friendly and positive), use a 6" x 9" manila envelope and send them a "Bible Teach" book and the tract "Would You Like to Know the Truth", along with a letter saying something like this:
    My name
    Congregation Postal Address
    My phone number
    Dear Mr. XXXX
    Recently you called me through your telemarketing activities to solicit some business from me.
    During our discussion I mentioned that the number you used to call me was a private number that I give to my family and friends and those who wish to have a free home Bible study. First, may I commend you on your friendliness and willingness to listen to what I had to say.
    Jesus said: "Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them." (Matthew 5:3) As I promised, I enclose a copy of the Bible study aid: "What Does the Bible Really Teach."
    Since its release in 2005 it has attained a circulation of over 85,000,000 copies in over 750+  languages.
    Currently more than 8,000,000 families around the world are enjoying a free, weekly Bible study in their own homes, using this book as a guide to understanding the Word of God, the Holy Bible.
    As world events develop, some wonder: "Are these the last days?"
    While Jesus said: "Concerning that day or the hour nobody knows," still he gave his followers a sign that would indicate when humankind would be living in the last days.
    Chapter 9, "Are We Living in Last Days?," discusses the sign that Jesus provided as well as dozens of other scriptures that prove we are living in the last days, and what we personally can do to respond to the evidence.
    I'll contact you again shortly to be sure that you received this letter and the "Bible Teach" book. However, if you have any questions or would like for me to arrange for someone to stop by your home at a time convenient to you please feel free to write back to me or call me at the above phone number. Again, there is no charge whatsoever.
    Yours truly"
     Give it a try? ??????
    It certainly makes dealing with telemarketers more enjoyable and who knows what good results may ensue with patience and persistence.

  21. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Love ? And Greetings From - Don't Give Up Convention 2017 - Oslo, Norway! ???   
    Don't Give Up Convention 2017 - Oslo, Norway! ???
    Love ? and Greetings from the convention in Oslo, Norway! #jw #jwnorway #jworg #jwsmile

  22. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Archbishop of Canterbury admits he sometimes has moments of doubt - ??? Archbishop Justin Welby said sometimes he questions if God exists? LETS HELP HIM!   
    I think he needs a Bible study? Any volunteers? Many Searching for God! 
    Perhaps many more to be found? 
    I sometimes question if God exists: Archbishop of Canterbury admits he sometimes has moments of doubt -
    ??? Archbishop Justin Welby said sometimes he questions if God exists
    He said it is hard for Christians to accept that God allows suffering
    He said he regularly prays while on his morning jog near his London home 
    Asked how to persuade people who think religion is outdated, he said Christians did not have the answer to why God allows suffering. ‘We turn the tide in a number of ways,’ he said. ‘We know about Jesus, we can’t explain all the questions in the world, we can’t explain about suffering, we can’t explain loads of things but we know about Jesus. We can talk about Jesus – I always do that because most of the other questions I can’t answer

  23. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in ARE WE SAFE OUT THERE? NO! – Deaf Community Outraged After a Sign Language Interpreter Signed Nonsense During Hurricane Irma Press Conference   
    Deaf Community Outraged After a Sign Language Interpreter Signed Nonsense During Hurricane Irma Press Conference
    On Sept. 8, an interpreter for the deaf signed a variety of unrelated words while trying to translate a Hurricane Irma evacuation message to hearing impaired residents of Manatee County, Florida.
    County leaders told WFLA they were “in a pinch” and needed to find a sign language interpreter fast, so they turned to Marshall Greene, a lifeguard for the county’s marine rescue unit, who had a deaf older brother.
    But instead of conveying the appropriate message, Greene signed incoherent nonsense like, “Help you at that time too use bear big,” according to the Bradenton Herald.
    Leaders for the deaf community expressed shock over how Manatee County had handled the situation.
    The former president of the National Association of the Deaf Chris Wagner spoke with WFLA through an interpreter to say, “It was obvious to me he wasn’t a professional interpreter. I was totally shocked.”
    “Everybody was talking about it on social media, everyone was shocked, asking leaders in the deaf community to do something about it,” Wagner continued.
    Social media users have likewise been shocked and outraged.
    “This isn’t funny,” wrote one Twitter user. “Either you know ASL or you don’t. Please don’t put Deaf lives in danger because you’re clueless.
    “THAT IS NOT AN INTERPRETER. There’s zero message coming through to ASL USERS. Please value the information and the receivers enough to get a professional,” another Facebook user commented.
    GreeneÂ’s family however maintain that their son just did what we he was supposed to do.
    “He can’t expect to communicate something he doesn’t know,” Greene’s father told WFLA.
    The deaf community has also asked for an apology, according to CBS New York.
    This article was originally published on PEOPLE.com

  24. Confused
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in CAN YOU BE JEHOVAH’S FRIEND? – ?????   
    When some people read about Jehovah’s impressive qualities, they feel afraid and think, ‘God is so powerful, so important, and so far away, why would he care about me?’ But is that how God wants us to feel? Not at all. Jehovah wants to be close to us. The Bible says that God is “not far off from each one of us.” (Acts 17:27) 
    God wants you to draw close to him, and he promises that “he will draw close to you.”—James 4:8. How can you become God’s friend? Jesus said: “This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.” (John 17:3) 
    Keep on learning, and you will come to know Jehovah and Jesus. And then you can have everlasting life. For example, we have already learned that “God is love.” (1 John 4:16) But he also has many other beautiful qualities. The Bible tells us that Jehovah is “merciful and compassionate, slow to anger and abundant in loyal love and truth.” (Exodus 34:6) 
    Jehovah is “good and ready to forgive.” (Psalm 86:5) God is patient and loyal. (2 Peter 3:9; Revelation 15:4) You will learn much more about his beautiful qualities as you read about him in the Bible.  How can you feel close to God if you cannot see him? (John 1:18; 4:24; 1 Timothy 1:17) 
    When you read about Jehovah in the Bible, you get to know him as a real Person. (Psalm 27:4; Romans 1:20) As you learn more about Jehovah, you will love him more and more and you will feel closer to him.  Imagine that. Jehovah, the Creator of the universe, wants you to be his friend! 
    Lesson for today. (James 4:8) 
    https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1102015141?q=god far away&p=par#p23

  25. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Guilt—“Cleanse Me From My Sin” – ?????   
    GuiltדCleanse Me From My Sin”
    GUILT can be a crushing burden. “My errors loom over my head,” King David wrote. “Like a heavy burden, they are too much for me to bear.” (Psalm 38:4) Some Christians have become overwhelmed by excessive sadness, convinced that Jehovah could never forgive them. (2 Corinthians 2:7)
    “Let Us Set Matters Straight Between Us”
    Jehovah does not abandon repentant sinners. In fact, he reaches out to them! In the parable of the prodigal son, Jesus compared Jehovah to a loving father whose son abandoned his family and pursued a debauched life. In time, the son decided to return home. “While [the son] was still a long way off, his father caught sight of him and was moved with pity, and he ran and embraced him and tenderly kissed him.” (Luke 15:11-20) 
    Do you wish to draw closer to Jehovah but feel that you are “still a long way off” from him? Like the father in Jesus’ illustration, Jehovah is moved with tender compassion for you. He is eager to welcome you back.
    But what if you believe that your sins are too serious or too numerous for Jehovah to forgive? Please consider Jehovah’s invitation recorded at Isaiah 1:18: “‘Come, now, and let us set matters straight between us,’ says Jehovah. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they will be made as white as snow.’” Yes, even sins that seem as indelible as scarlet dye on a white garment are not beyond Jehovah’s forgiveness.
    Jehovah does not want you to keep suffering with a guilty conscience. How, then, can you experience the relief that comes from God’s forgiveness and a clean conscience? Consider two steps that King David took. First, he said: “I will confess my transgressions to Jehovah.” (Psalm 32:5) 
    Remember, Jehovah has already invited you to approach him in prayer and to “set matters straight” with him. Accept that invitation. Confess your sins to Jehovah, and share your feelings with him. From personal experience, David could confidently pray: “Cleanse me from my sin. . . . A heart broken and crushed, O God, you will not reject.”—Psalm 51:2, 17.
    “Happy Is the One Whose Transgression Is Pardoned”
    Admittedly, you may feel that confessing your sins to Jehovah God and approaching the elders would be among the most difficult things you could do. David evidently had similar feelings. He “kept silent” for some time about his sins. (Psalm 32:3) Afterward, however, he appreciated the benefits of confessing his sins and correcting his course.
    A major benefit was that David regained his joy. He wrote: “Happy is the one whose transgression is pardoned, whose sin is forgiven.” (Psalm 32:1, footnote) He also prayed: “O Jehovah, open my lips, so that my mouth may declare your praise.” (Psalm 51:15) 
    Relieved of his guilt and grateful for GodÂ’s forgiveness, David was motivated to tell others about Jehovah.
    Jehovah wants you to experience the relief of a clean conscience. And he wants you to tell others about him and his purposes, not with feelings of guilt, but with sincerity and deep joy. (Psalm 65:1-4) Remember his invitation “to get your sins blotted out, so that seasons of refreshing may come from Jehovah himself.”—Acts 3:19.

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