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Bible Speaks

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  1. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Sing ? to Jehovah! No National Barriers! We all Speak and Sing ? the Same Language! ?❤️?❤️?   
    Sing ? to Jehovah! No National Barriers! We all Speak and Sing ? the Same Language! ?❤️?❤️?
    Tap on Video Link ____Enjoy!
  2. Haha
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Children Love ❤️ Jehovah! So do Caleb and Sophia! ????????   
    Children Love ❤️ Jehovah! So do Caleb and Sophia! ????????
    Tap on Video Link ____
  3. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in What type of Government or King do you want to Rule over you? ~ One for Justice? ~ One Forever by means of Righteous? ~ Only One Government left! ???   
    What type of Government or King do you want to Rule over you? ~ One for Justice? ~ One Forever by means of Righteous? ~ Only One Government left ~ Learn how to be part of that Government today! ~ ?????
    6 “The rulership will rest on his shoulder. His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” 
    (Isaiah 9:6,7) 
    7  "To the increase of his rulership And to peace, there will be no end, On the throne of David and on his kingdom, In order to establish it firmly and to sustain it, Through justice and righteousness, From now on and forever. The zeal of Jehovah of armies will do this."
    A Sure Foundation for Hope
    Jesus Christ told his followers: “You must pray . . . this way: ‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.’” (Matthew 6:9, 10) That heavenly Kingdom—a government in the hands of Jesus Christ—is God’s means of expressing His rightful sovereignty over the earth.—Psalm 2:7-12; Daniel 7:13, 14
    The many facets of fear that affect every aspect of life today are a clear indication that divine intervention is needed. Happily, that intervention is near! Now enthroned by God as Messianic King, Jesus Christ is entrusted with authority to vindicate Jehovah’s sovereignty and sanctify His name. (Matthew 28:18) 
    Soon, Kingdom rule will be directed to the earth to do away with all causes of fear and anxiety. Isaiah 9:6 cites credentials that show Jesus to be a worthy Ruler who can relieve us of our fears. For instance, he is called “Eternal Father,” “Wonderful Counselor,” and “Prince of Peace.”
    Consider the endearing expression “Eternal Father.” As such, Jesus has the power and authority—as well as the desire—to give obedient humans the prospect of eternal life on earth by the merit of his ransom sacrifice. This means that they will finally be released from sin and imperfection inherited from the sinful first man, Adam. (Matthew 20:28; Romans 5:12; 6:23) Christ will also apply his God-given authority to bring back to life many who have died.—John 11:25, 26
    When on earth, Jesus proved to be the “Wonderful Counselor.” Because of his knowledge of God’s Word and his extraordinary understanding of human nature, Jesus knew how to solve the problems of daily life. Since his enthronement in heaven, Christ continues to be the “Wonderful Counselor,” serving as the principal figure in Jehovah’s channel of communication to mankind. Jesus’ counsel, recorded in the Bible, is always wise and flawless. Knowing and believing this can lead you to a life free of uncertainty and paralyzing fear.
    Isaiah 9:6 also identifies Jesus as the “Prince of Peace.” In that capacity, Christ will soon use his power to remove all inequality—political, social, and economic. How? By bringing mankind under the one peaceful rule of the Messianic Kingdom.—Daniel 2:44
    Under Kingdom rule, lasting peace will prevail earth wide. Why can you be sure of this? The reason is revealed at Isaiah 11:9, where we read: “They [the Kingdom’s subjects] will not do any harm or cause any ruin in all my holy mountain; because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea.” 
    Eventually, every human on earth will have accurate knowledge of God and will be obedient to him. Does that prospect warm your heart? If it does, do not delay in taking in the precious “knowledge of Jehovah.”
    Learn more at:
    jw.org OR 
    Ask for a Bible study free of charge.

  4. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in JW NEWS ON Hurricane Irma – ??????????   
    @The Librarian
    I hate sad news, but we know more is coming! We must send the warning ⚠️ the times are short now. 
    Satan is now raging war on the earth ? and seas ?. Revelation 12:9. Woe for the earth ? and the seas ? Knowing he's got great anger. 
    Be Safe! 
  5. Confused
    Bible Speaks reacted to Melinda Mills in JW NEWS ON Hurricane Irma – ??????????   
    "??Antigua and barbuda
    There are 489 Jehovah's witnesses.
    Totally devastated, the whole island underwater."
    Antigua and Barbuda are two separate islands in the political union. Antigua is fairly well developed and has not been affected much by the hurricane. However, Barbuda is not well developed and is fairly far from Antigua.  The island has been devastated and is almost uninhabitable now since Hurricane Irma.  It is also in the path of Hurricane Jose.
    See Internet for the news.
  6. Confused
    Bible Speaks reacted to Noble Berean in JW NEWS ON Hurricane Irma – ??????????   
    I have a friend that is honeymooning in Antigua ...hoping and praying that they are safe.
  7. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in JW – Our 2018 Special Conventions ???   
    Our 2018 Special Conventions
    In ancient times, annual festivals and other gatherings for worship strengthened God’s servants spiritually and were joyful occasions.–Exodus 23:15, 16; Nehemiah 8:9-18.
    In modern times, annual regional conventions provide JehovahÂ’s Witnesses with spiritual refreshment and encouragement along with joyful Christian association. Special conventions in various lands give a fine witness, provide an opportunity to experience the international nature of our organization, and offer a taste of life in the new world.
    We are pleased to introduce the cities hosting the 2018 special conventions.  http://jw2018.org

  8. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Edvan Guerra Magalhaes Magalhaes in The Seoul Supreme Court Now Says That Conscientious Objection is Illegal, Revoking the Acquittals in 16 Cases this Year.   
    Judge Kim Jin-Wook, of the south Seoul District Court, dispatched two Jehovah's Witnesses to violate the military service act, in the last addition to a series of judicial rulings in favour of conscientious objectors. Men, both of whom were 23 years old, were accused of disobeying the government's order to enlist in the army in 2014 because of their faith.
    The judge said that his non-compliance had " justifiable reasons " and that it was due to the government's " negligence " to provide alternative ways to serve the country.
    There are about 20.000 conscientious objectors in South Korea who have gone to jail for refusing to serve in the armed forces based on freedom of thought, conscience or religion, as military service became mandatory for all Healthy Men during the 1950-1953 S WAR.
    Conscientious objectors have been uniformly sentenced to 18 month s' imprisonment.
    Only this year, more than 30 conscientious objectors have been acquitted. But the Supreme Court held that conscientious objection is illegal, revoking the acquittals in 16 cases this year.

  9. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Elisabeth Dolewka in Kingdom Hall in Houston, Texas after Hurricane Harvey   
    Kingdom Hall Ready and Helping!
    How I found my Kingdom Hall yesterday in Houston Texas after the Hurricane Harvey! Jehovah is a loving father and he always take care of us! So grateful to be part of this wonderful family! ??? Thank you! 
    By @leli_ballard

  10. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in REGIONAL CONVENTION IN Johannesburg, South Africa. Don't Give Up! ???   
    REGIONAL CONVENTION IN Johannesburg, South Africa.
    Arrangement where provided to use electric cars to help those most in need to approach the meeting room, from the car parks. ??

  11. Sad
  12. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to David Normand in Will We See Literal "Signs" in the Sun, Moon and Stars? ???   
    In hindsight everything is clear. The Kings mentioned in Daniel's prophecy are clear to us now. After Armageddon any who are blessed to live through it will certainly say, "Well now it makes sense", but up till that time even some of God's faithful servants may be unsure of what is happening. The key is to remain faithful and be there to see the manifestation of of all these things and how it all turns out. 
  13. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Will We See Literal "Signs" in the Sun, Moon and Stars? ???   
    @David Normand
    We know the end is closer than ever! When the smoked has cleared from  Armageddon, we will say, yes we have made it! In Matthew chapter 24:13  it says, "he that has endured to the end is the one that will saved." Keep close to Jehovah and never let go! With Jehovah's perfect timing we will see many more things happen. Many older ones and prophets wondered what the times now will be like. Whatever we do, Don't  Give Up!
     Thank you for your support.
  14. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from The Librarian in Jehovah's Witnesses will appeal to the President of the Supreme Court of Russia to overturn the ban   
    Jehovah's Witnesses will appeal to the Presidium of the Supreme Court of Russia to ban them
    On September 11, 2017, at 11:30 am, lawyers of Jehovah's Witnesses filed a supervisory complaint against the decision of the Supreme Court to liquidate and ban all 396 registered religious organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia. The complaint must be scheduled for consideration by the Presidium of the Supreme Court of Russia within 3 months.
    Believers are asked to completely abolish the decision of the Supreme Court of April 20, 2017 and suspend its execution until the end of the proceedings in the court of the supervisory instance.
    The decision of the Supreme Court of Russia, unjustifiably attributed to the "extremists" whole religion, has already resulted in the most negative consequences for believers in the form of dismissals, waves of religious hatred, attacks, police raids, criminal cases and imprisonment of innocent people.
    The international community unanimously condemned this decision of the court. https://jw-russia.org/news/17090417-212.html
    Download as PDF (512 KB) https://jw-russia.org/sites/default/files/170911_uc_nadzor.pdf

  15. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in A heavily damaged Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's witnesses. Martin (Dutch side) after hurricane Irma. ??????   
    A heavily damaged Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's witnesses. Martin (Dutch side) after hurricane Irma where there was no hurt. Brothers and sisters are now preparing for Hurricane Jose (4. Categories) that should pass today (14:00 local time 20:00 CET).
    By  Edmond Jashari

  16. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Will We See Literal "Signs" in the Sun, Moon and Stars? ???   
    @Julie Bayley
    Prophecies are fulfilled! Today we hear more news with technology so advanced! God's Word is Truth! I love the picture I have my Lifeguard walks on water and can calm the storms. Only God's Kingdom will rule soon and we will have Peace! 

  17. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Mucon in WHO can better describe the effect that the rising sun has on the darkness of the night than the very Source of light, Jehovah God? – ?⛅️?☀️?⛅️?   
    WHO can better describe the effect that the rising sun has on the darkness of the night than the very Source of light, Jehovah God?
    (Psalm 36:9) ‘When the morning light takes hold on the ends of the earth,Â’ God says, ‘the earth transforms itself like clay under a seal, and things take their station as in clothing.Â’ (Job 38:12-14) 
    With increasing light from the sun, earthÂ’s features take shape and become clearer, just as soft clay undergoes a transformation upon receiving an imprint from an emblem on a seal.
    Jehovah is also the Source of spiritual light. (Psalm 43:3) 
    While the world remains in dense darkness, the true God continues to shed light upon his people. With what result? 
    The Bible answers: “The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established.” (Proverbs 4:18) 
    Increasing light from Jehovah continues to illuminate the path of his people. It refines them organizationally, doctrinally, and morally. 
  18. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in Kingdom Hall in Houston, Texas after Hurricane Harvey   
    Kingdom Hall Ready and Helping!
    How I found my Kingdom Hall yesterday in Houston Texas after the Hurricane Harvey! Jehovah is a loving father and he always take care of us! So grateful to be part of this wonderful family! ??? Thank you! 
    By @leli_ballard

  19. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in Disaster in Italy – ???????   
    Another Disaster in Italy
    We are asking the Italian brothers to inform us of the situation of ours in the city of Livorno mainly after huge floods.
    Torrential rain that over the last few hours has fallen in several provinces of the west coast of Italy, especially in the regions of Liguria and Tuscany.
    "it is a cataclysm". mixing rage and desolation, the mayor of Livorno, Filippo Nogarin, kept using this word, in the emergency room mounted during this Sunday. There are several dead. (Translated).

  20. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Edvan Guerra Magalhaes Magalhaes in Will We See Literal "Signs" in the Sun, Moon and Stars? ???   
    Do We Have The Start of Signs in The Sun, ? ? and Stars? The Earth ? is Very Agitated With No Way Out!! Oh, This Sunspot is Stronger Today! Keep On The Watch! ???
    Solar déjà vu. The large sunspot that rotated out of view about two weeks ago has returned. Though much reduced in size, it did blast a good-sized coronal mass ejection about a week ago on the far side of the Sun. 
    It was showing off numerous magnetic loops and arches above it as it came into view. We’ll be keeping an eye on this one for more solar activity. Sunspots can last from days to months, so for it to return again is not an unusual event. 
    Credit: NASA/SDO
    #nasa #space #sun #science #solar #solarflare #observatory #solarsystem #sunspot #eruption #rotate #orbit #spacecraft #flare
    MP4 Video ___Tap on Link___
  21. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Johnny Paulick in Latest News | Hurricane Irma and Earthquake in Mexico ??????   
    Latest News | Hurricane Irma and Earthquake in Mexico
    Hurricane Irma: the Hurricane, which touched land on September 5, 2017, is one of the most powerful in the Atlantic. He has already ravaged many Caribbean Islands. According to reports that have been received so far, no brother has been killed or injured. A Kingdom Hall in la désirade (Guadalupe), a Kingdom Hall in San Bartolomé and an Assembly Hall in San Martin have been damaged.
    The Island of Barbuda has been one of the most affected. It is estimated that 50 per cent of the inhabitants of the island have become homeless. The government has ordered to evacuate all people, including 11 of our brothers, and to take them to the Island of Antigua as a preventive measure, as hurricane José is expected to hit the Caribbean this weekend.
    The Brothers have launched several initiatives to take care of relief efforts while Hurricane Irma continues to move towards the Bahamas, Cuba and the South-East of the United States. This includes the search for accommodation for the brothers who can be evicted.
    Earthquake In Mexico: last Thursday, September 7, an earthquake of magnitude 8,2 shook the South Pacific Coast of Mexico. It is the most powerful earthquake in Mexico over the last century, and at least 45 people have died. Unfortunately, we have received confirmation that a brother and two sisters have lost their lives.
    In addition, the first reports indicate that the houses of many brothers and several Kingdom Halls have been damaged or destroyed. Damage has also occurred in two Assembly Halls of the State of Chiapas. More detailed assessments are being carried out.
    We continue to pray for our brothers and sisters, sure that Jehovah will comfort them and give them strength (2 Thessalonians 2:16, 17).

  22. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Johnny Paulick in Disaster in Italy – ???????   
    Another Disaster in Italy
    We are asking the Italian brothers to inform us of the situation of ours in the city of Livorno mainly after huge floods.
    Torrential rain that over the last few hours has fallen in several provinces of the west coast of Italy, especially in the regions of Liguria and Tuscany.
    "it is a cataclysm". mixing rage and desolation, the mayor of Livorno, Filippo Nogarin, kept using this word, in the emergency room mounted during this Sunday. There are several dead. (Translated).

  23. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Annie Abbott in Graduation of the 143rd class of Gilead today! ???   
    Graduation of the 143rd class of Gilead today! ???

  24. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in A heavily damaged Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's witnesses. Martin (Dutch side) after hurricane Irma. ??????   
    A heavily damaged Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's witnesses. Martin (Dutch side) after hurricane Irma where there was no hurt. Brothers and sisters are now preparing for Hurricane Jose (4. Categories) that should pass today (14:00 local time 20:00 CET).
    By  Edmond Jashari

  25. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Children Love ❤️ Jehovah! Young ones welcoming Special Convention delegates to the Turda Assembly Hall in Romania!! ❤️ ???❤️   
    Children Love ❤️ Jehovah!
    Young ones welcoming Special Convention delegates to the Turda Assembly Hall in Romania!!
    Tap on Video Link MP4___
    Video shared by @aburnside121
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