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Bible Speaks

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in JW Relief Work in Puerto Rico After Hurricane Irma   
    JW's Helping for Puerto Rico Rescue for Hurricane Irma 
    Bless Our Brotherhood !! ???????
    Video MP4 Link___Tap on Link 
  2. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Elisabeth Dolewka in Kingdom Hall in Houston, Texas after Hurricane Harvey   
    Kingdom Hall Ready and Helping!
    How I found my Kingdom Hall yesterday in Houston Texas after the Hurricane Harvey! Jehovah is a loving father and he always take care of us! So grateful to be part of this wonderful family! ??? Thank you! 
    By @leli_ballard

  3. Confused
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in READY? – ...JOSE MAINTAINING CATEGORY 4 INTENSITY AS IT CONTINUES! ??????   
    Hurricane Jose Advisory Number  21
    NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL       AL122017
    Issued by the NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1100 AM AST Sun Sep 10 2017
    LOCATION...21.7N 65.8W
    There are no coastal watches or warnings in effect.
    At 1100 AM AST (1500 UTC), the center of Hurricane Jose was located
    near latitude 21.7 North, longitude 65.8 West. Jose is moving toward
    the northwest near 16 mph (26 km/h). A northwest motion is expected
    to continue today. Jose will turn toward the north tonight and
    Monday, then toward the northeast Monday night, with a slower
    forward motion.
    Maximum sustained winds are near 130 mph (215 km/h) with higher
    gusts.  Jose is a category 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson
    Hurricane Wind Scale.  Gradual weakening is forecast during the next
    48 hours.
    Hurricane-force winds extend outward up to 40 miles (65 km) from the
    center and tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 160 miles
    (260 km).
    The estimated minimum central pressure is 944 mb (27.88 inches).
    SURF:  Swells generated by Jose are affecting portions of the
    Leeward Islands, the Virgin Islands, and the northern coast of
    Puerto Rico, and will begin to affect Hispaniola, portions of the
    Bahamas, and the Turks and Caicos Islands over the next couple of
    days. These swells are likely to produce life-threatening surf and
    rip current conditions. Please consult products from your local weather office.

  4. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Johnny Paulick in Latest News | Hurricane Irma and Earthquake in Mexico ??????   
    Latest News | Hurricane Irma and Earthquake in Mexico
    Hurricane Irma: the Hurricane, which touched land on September 5, 2017, is one of the most powerful in the Atlantic. He has already ravaged many Caribbean Islands. According to reports that have been received so far, no brother has been killed or injured. A Kingdom Hall in la désirade (Guadalupe), a Kingdom Hall in San Bartolomé and an Assembly Hall in San Martin have been damaged.
    The Island of Barbuda has been one of the most affected. It is estimated that 50 per cent of the inhabitants of the island have become homeless. The government has ordered to evacuate all people, including 11 of our brothers, and to take them to the Island of Antigua as a preventive measure, as hurricane José is expected to hit the Caribbean this weekend.
    The Brothers have launched several initiatives to take care of relief efforts while Hurricane Irma continues to move towards the Bahamas, Cuba and the South-East of the United States. This includes the search for accommodation for the brothers who can be evicted.
    Earthquake In Mexico: last Thursday, September 7, an earthquake of magnitude 8,2 shook the South Pacific Coast of Mexico. It is the most powerful earthquake in Mexico over the last century, and at least 45 people have died. Unfortunately, we have received confirmation that a brother and two sisters have lost their lives.
    In addition, the first reports indicate that the houses of many brothers and several Kingdom Halls have been damaged or destroyed. Damage has also occurred in two Assembly Halls of the State of Chiapas. More detailed assessments are being carried out.
    We continue to pray for our brothers and sisters, sure that Jehovah will comfort them and give them strength (2 Thessalonians 2:16, 17).

  5. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in Disaster in Italy – ???????   
    Another Disaster in Italy
    We are asking the Italian brothers to inform us of the situation of ours in the city of Livorno mainly after huge floods.
    Torrential rain that over the last few hours has fallen in several provinces of the west coast of Italy, especially in the regions of Liguria and Tuscany.
    "it is a cataclysm". mixing rage and desolation, the mayor of Livorno, Filippo Nogarin, kept using this word, in the emergency room mounted during this Sunday. There are several dead. (Translated).

  6. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Rescue! ???????   
    Rescue! ???????
    When Hurricane Harvey hit, this family knew they couldn't leave their sweet pet pig behind. ?? #pigsofig #piglove  #houstonstrong (?: @eicherumba)
    Cute Video Tap on MP4 Link ___
  7. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Don't Give Up Convention – 2017 – 618 voices singing after the end of a Convention in the Suriname Rainforest.   
    Don't Give Up Convention – 2017
    618 voices singing after the end of a Convention in the Suriname Rainforest.
    Shared by @andrewgeerlings
    Suriname (/ˈsʊrɪnæm/, /-nɑːm/ or /-nəm/, also spelled Surinam), officially known as the Republic of Suriname (Dutch: Republiek Suriname [ˌreːpyˈblik ˌsyːriˈnaːmə]), is a sovereign state on the northeastern Atlantic coast of South America. It is bordered by French Guianato the east, Guyana to the west and Brazil to the south. At just under 165,000 square kilometers (64,000 square miles), it is the smallest country in South America.[note 1]Suriname has a population of approximately 566,000,[8] most of whom live on the country's north coast, in and around the capital and largest city, Paramaribo.
    Tap on MP4 Link Video___Enjoy!
  8. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "I got much joy and comfort over your love."—Philem. 7. ?????   
    "I got much joy and comfort over your love."—Philem. 7. 
    Early Christians received much support by encouraging one another and building one another up in love.
    (1 Cor. 16:17, 18) "May YOU also keep submitting yourselves to persons of that kind and to everyone cooperating and laboring.17 But I rejoice over the presence* of Steph?a·nas and For·tu·na?tus and A·cha?i·cus, because they have made up for YOUR not being here. 18 For they have refreshed my spirit and YOURS. Therefore recognize men of that sort."                                                          
    (Eph. 4:11, 12, 16) "And he gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelizers, some as shepherds and teachers, 12 with a view to the readjustment of the holy ones, for ministerial work, for the building up of the body of the Christ. From him all the body, by being harmoniously joined together and being made to cooperate through every joint that gives what is needed, according to the functioning of each respective member in due measure, makes for the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love."                                         When
    Titus went to Corinth to minister to the brothers there, Paul wrote back to the congregation, saying: “His spirit has been refreshed by all of you.” (2 Cor. 7:13)
    Likewise today, Jehovah’s Witnesses find genuine refreshment through upbuilding Christian fellowship. You know from experience that congregation meetings are a source of great joy. There we find an “interchange of encouragement . . . each one through the other’s faith.” (Rom. 1:12) Our Christian brothers and sisters are not mere passing acquaintances, superficial associates with whom we casually meet now and again. They are true friends, people we love and respect. We receive much joy and comfort by regularly assembling with them at our meetings.
     – w10 6/15 5:3, 4
  9. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Hope in Jehovah, and Be Courageous - Show that YOU are a Bright Light! - Can YOU See the HOPE? – ?????   
    Hope in Jehovah, and Be Courageous - Show that YOU are a Bright Light! - Can YOU See the HOPE? 
    “Hope in Jehovah; be courageous and let your heart be strong. Yes, hope in Jehovah.”—PSALM 27:14.
    GENUINE hope is like a bright light. It helps us to see beyond present trials and to face the future with courage and joy. Only Jehovah can give us a sure hope, which he does by means of his inspired Word. 
    (2 Timothy 3:16-17) . . .All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work."
    In fact, the words “hope,” “hoped,” and “hoping” appear over 160 times in the Bible and refer both to the eager and sure expectation of something good and to the object of that expectation. Such hope is superior to a mere wish, which may have no foundation or prospect of fulfillment.
    When faced with trials and hardships, Jesus looked beyond the present and hoped in Jehovah. “For the joy that was set before him he endured a torture stake, despising shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2) 
    Because he was keenly focused on the prospect of vindicating JehovahÂ’s sovereignty and sanctifying His name, Jesus never deviated from his course of obedience to God, no matter what it cost him.
    (Romans 15:4) "For all the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope."
    (Romans 4:23) That “it was counted to him” was written, however, not for his sake only."
    (1 Corinthians 10:11) Now these things went on befalling them as examples, and they were written for a warning to us upon whom the ends of the systems of things have arrived."
    (2 Timothy 3:16) All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness."
    (2 Peter 1:19) Consequently we have the prophetic word [made] more sure; and YOU are doing well in paying attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until day dawns and a daystar rises, in YOUR hearts."
    (Romans 5:4) . . .endurance, in turn, an approved condition; the approved condition, in turn, hope."
    (Psalm 119:50) . . .This is my comfort in my affliction, For your own saying has preserved me alive."
    (1 Corinthians 9:10) Or is it altogether for our sakes he says it? Really for our sakes it was written, because the man who plows ought to plow in hope and the man who threshes ought to do so in hope of being a partaker."
    (Hebrews 3:6) but Christ [was faithful] as a Son over the house of that One. We are the house of that One, if we make fast our hold on our freeness of speech and our boasting over the hope firm to the end."
    (1 Peter 1:10) Concerning this very salvation a diligent inquiry and a careful search were made by the prophets who prophesied about the undeserved kindness meant for YOU."
    I Know YOU Do Have HOPE! ?
  10. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "O Jehovah, why have my adversaries become many?"—Ps. 3:1. ?⚔️?⚔️?   
    "O Jehovah, why have my adversaries become many?"—Ps. 3:1.
    “The heart of the men of Israel has come to be behind Absalom,” says a messenger. (2 Sam. 15:13)
    Wondering how Absalom has been able to marshal such support, David asks the above question. Many Israelites think that Jehovah will not deliver David from calamity at the hands of Absalom and his cohorts. But David is confident because he has implicit trust in God. He sings: “Yet you, O Jehovah, are a shield about me, my glory and the One lifting up my head.” (Ps. 3:3) 
    David is sure that Jehovah will protect him just as a shield protects a soldier. Yes, the aging king is fleeing, his head covered and bent down in humiliation. But the Most High will change David’s condition to one of glory. Jehovah will enable him to stand erect, to raise his head and hold it high once again. David calls out with confidence that God will answer him. Do you display such trust in Jehovah? 
    w11 5/15 5:3, 4
  11. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in What is Judgment Day? - Feared yet a Rescue from Injustice! – ???????   
    What is Judgment Day? - Feared yet a Rescue from Injustice!
    As depicted in the picture, many people imagine that on Judgment Day billions of souls will be brought before God’s throne to be judged according to their former deeds—some to be rewarded with life in heaven, others to be tormented in hell. The Bible shows, however, that the purpose of Judgment Day is to rescue people from injustice. 
    (Psalm 96:13) Before Jehovah. For he has come; For he has come to judge the earth. He will judge the productive land with righteousness And the peoples with his faithfulness."
    God has appointed Jesus to be the Judge who will restore justice to mankind.
    (Isaiah 11:1-5) And there must go forth a twig out of the stump of Jes?se; and out of his roots a sprout will be fruitful. 2 And upon him the spirit of Jehovah must settle down, the spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the spirit of counsel and of mightiness, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of Jehovah; 3 and there will be enjoyment by him in the fear of Jehovah. And he will not judge by any mere appearance to his eyes, nor reprove simply according to the thing heard by his ears. 4 And with righteousness he must judge the lowly ones, and with uprightness he must give reproof in behalf of the meek ones of the earth. And he must strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; and with the spirit of his lips he will put the wicked one to death. 5 And righteousness must prove to be the belt of his hips, and faithfulness the belt of his loins."
    (Acts 17:31) Because he has set a day in which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and he has furnished a guarantee to all men in that he has resurrected him from the dead.”

  12. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Can You Find Peace in This Troubled World? ?????   
    Can You Find Peace in This Troubled World?
    DO YOU live in peace? For many, the clear answer is no. They live in areas plagued by wars, political unrest, ethnic violence, or terrorism. 
    Even if you are spared such calamities, you might find your peace disturbed by crime, harassment, and quarrels with business partners or neighbors. Families too are often like war zones rather than havens of peace.
    Many people yearn for inner peace. They may search for it in religion, meditation seminars, or yoga groups. Others hope to find peace in nature—taking vacation trips, hiking in mountains and wilderness areas, or visiting natural spas. Even if the searchers seem to find some inner peace, they may soon come to realize that such peace is superficial and short-lived.
    So where can you find real peace? The source of peace is our Creator, Jehovah God. Why? He is the “God who gives peace.” (Romans 15:33) 
    Under the rule of his Kingdom that is soon to come, there will be an “abundance of peace.” (Psalm 72:7; Matthew 6:9, 10) 
    This is far more than just a feeble peace settlement. Such accords often herald little more than a brief interruption in hostilities. 
    But GodÂ’s peace will eliminate all causes of war and strife. In fact, no one will learn war anymore. (Psalm 46:8, 9) Real peace for all at last!
    Learn about what the Bible teaches at: jw.org
  13. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in WHY DOES A PLANT "GROW' or "DIE"? - HOW IS IT DETERMINED? - CAN YOU AND I DECIDE? - NO! ????   
    What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies *within* us.
    ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
    It Is “God Who Makes It Grow”!
    “Neither is he that plants anything nor is he that waters, but God who makes it grow.”—(1 Cor. 3:7)
    We are aware of our wonderful privilege to be counted as fellow workers with God. Jehovah is the one who causes spiritual growth, blessing our efforts and the efforts of those who receive the message.
    We realize that we cannot force spiritual growth in anyone. We likewise need not feel discouraged or disheartened if growth is slow or lacking. 
    How comforting it is to know that our success is measured by our faithfulness to Jehovah and to the privilege that he has granted us to preach the “good news of the kingdom . . . for a witness to all the nations.”—Matt. 24:14

  14. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in How Can We Show That We Love Jehovah? “We love, because he first loved us.”—1 JOHN 4:19. – ??????   
    How Can We Show That We Love Jehovah?
    “We love, because he first loved us.”—1 JOHN 4:19.
    “God recommends his own love to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Rom. 5:8) 
    By making that great sacrifice—offering his own Son as the ransom for believing humans—Jehovah has demonstrated the true nature of love. It is expressed by giving, by acting in a selfless or self-sacrificing way. God’s magnanimous act made it possible for us to come to him to benefit from his love and in return show our love for him.—1 John 4:10.
    The psalmist showed the right heart attitude when he wrote: “Wait for God, for I will yet praise him as my Grand Savior. My God, I am in despair. That is why I remember you.” (Ps. 42:5, 6) What deep feeling and love for Jehovah! Have you developed such love for and reliance on our heavenly Father? Even if you are inclined to answer yes, you may be able to increase your reliance on him in line with what the Bible tells us: “Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he will make your paths straight.”—Prov. 3:5, 6.
    By loving us first, Jehovah has shown us how to love him. Let us always keep in mind his surpassing example. And let us increasingly demonstrate our love for him ‘with our whole heart and with our whole soul and with our whole mind and with our whole strength.’—Mark 12:30.

  15. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Are You Living Up to Your Dedication? – ?????????   
    Are You Living Up to Your Dedication?
    “Whatever you are doing, work at it whole-souled as to Jehovah, and not to men.”—COLOSSIANS 3:23.
    In the secular context, what is implied by the word “dedication”?
    HOW do athletes reach their peak performance? In tennis, soccer, basketball, baseball, track, golf, or any other sport, the best reach the top only by unwavering dedication. Physical and mental conditioning are priorities. This fits well with one of the definitions of the word “dedicated,” which is “wholly committed to a particular course of thought or action.”
    What does “dedication” mean in the Bible? Illustrate.
    However, what does “dedication” mean in the Biblical sense? “Dedicate” translates a Hebrew verb that has the meaning “keep separate; be separated; withdraw.”* In ancient Israel, High Priest Aaron wore on his turban “the holy sign of dedication,” which was a shining plate of pure gold engraved with the Hebrew words for “Holiness belongs to Jehovah.”
    That served as a reminder to the high priest that he must avoid doing anything that would profane the sanctuary “because the sign of dedication, the anointing oil of his God, [was] upon him.”—Exodus 29:6; 39:30; Leviticus 21:12. ... 
  16. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Mucon in WHO can better describe the effect that the rising sun has on the darkness of the night than the very Source of light, Jehovah God? – ?⛅️?☀️?⛅️?   
    WHO can better describe the effect that the rising sun has on the darkness of the night than the very Source of light, Jehovah God?
    (Psalm 36:9) ‘When the morning light takes hold on the ends of the earth,Â’ God says, ‘the earth transforms itself like clay under a seal, and things take their station as in clothing.Â’ (Job 38:12-14) 
    With increasing light from the sun, earthÂ’s features take shape and become clearer, just as soft clay undergoes a transformation upon receiving an imprint from an emblem on a seal.
    Jehovah is also the Source of spiritual light. (Psalm 43:3) 
    While the world remains in dense darkness, the true God continues to shed light upon his people. With what result? 
    The Bible answers: “The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established.” (Proverbs 4:18) 
    Increasing light from Jehovah continues to illuminate the path of his people. It refines them organizationally, doctrinally, and morally. 
  17. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Annie Abbott in Graduation of the 143rd class of Gilead today! ???   
    Graduation of the 143rd class of Gilead today! ???

  18. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in Cuba's Coastline with Irma ??????   
    CUBA'S COASTLINE: Hurricane #Irma slammed into Cuba's coastline Saturday, with hurricane force winds causing storm surge and tearing apart buildings. The storm, now a Category 3, churns closer to Florida. #hurricaneirma #hurricane #Cuba #Florida #abc #weather #storm #coastline
    #Repost @abcworldnewstonight
    Tap on MP4 Video on Link_____
  19. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in Mexico Earthquake - With saxophones and sobbing, Mexicans mourn earthquake dead   
    September 09, 2017 05:01 PM 
    With saxophones and sobbing, Mexicans mourn earthquake dead
    JUCHITAN, Mexico (AP) — Slow-moving funeral processions converged on Juchitan's cemeteries from all directions on Saturday, so many that they sometimes caused temporary gridlock when they met at intersections.
    A monster earthquake and a Gulf coast hurricne have combined to take at least 67 lives in Mexico, and no place suffered more than the Oaxaca state city of Juchitan, where 37 died as buildings collapsed in the magnitude 8.1 temblor.
    The graveyard swelled with mourners and blaring serenades for the dead — the sounds of snare drums, saxophones and sobbing. Pallbearers carried the caskets around rubble the quake had knocked from the simple concrete crypts. Jittery amid continued aftershocks, friends and relatives of the deceased had hushed conversations in the Zapotec language as they stood under umbrellas for shade from the beating sun.
    Paulo Cesar Escamilla Matus and his family held a memorial service for his mother, Reynalda Matus Martinez, in the living room of her home, where relatives quietly wept beside her body.
    Earthquake Leaves Trail of Destruction in Mexico
    The 64-year-old woman was working the night shift at a neighborhood pharmacy when the quake struck Thursday night, collapsing the building.
    "All the weight of the second floor fell on top of her," said her son, who rushed to the building and found her under rubble. He and neighbors tried to dig her out, but weren't able to recover her body until the next morning when civil defense workers brought a backhoe that could lift what had trapped her.
    Fearful of crime, the pharmacy kept its doors locked, and Escamilla Matus wondered if that had cost his mother the time she needed to escape.
    Scenes of mourning were repeated over and over again in Juchitan, where a third of the city's homes collapsed or were uninhabitable, President Enrique Pena Nieto said late Friday in an interview with the Televisa news network. Part of the city hall collapsed.
    The remains of brick walls and clay tile roofs cluttered streets as families dragged mattresses onto sidewalks to spend a second anxious night sleeping outdoors. Some were newly homeless, while others feared further aftershocks could topple their cracked adobe dwellings.
    Rescuers searched for survivors with sniffer dogs and used heavy machinery at the main square to pull rubble away from city hall, where a missing police officer was believed to be inside.
    The man's body was found Saturday afternoon in a collapsed passageway between city hall offices and a market, according to a municipal police officer who was guarding the site. The officer declined to give his name because he was not officially authorized to give information to reporters.
    The city's civil defense coordinator, Jose Antonio Marin Lopez, said similar searches had been going on all over the area.
    Teams found bodies in the rubble, but the highlight was pulling four people, including two children, alive from the completely collapsed Hotel Del Rio, where one woman died.
    "The priority continues to be the people," Marin said.
    Larissa Garcia Ruiz was grateful to escape with only a broken arm when her house collapsed as she and her family slept.
    "I only woke up when I heard screaming," said the 24-year-old cradling her wrapped arm.
    Her mother managed to push the daughters and her blind husband through the back doorway before a massive section of thick wall fell, trapping her. As Larissa tried to help rescue her mother, another piece of rubble fell, breaking her arm. Other relatives and friends finally managed to release the trapped woman.
    All around them people yelled for help that night. "Nobody helped us," her sister Vicenta said. "Everybody got out as best they could."
    In addition to the deaths in Juchitan, the quake killed nine other people in Oaxaca and 19 in neighboring states. Two others died in a mudslide in the Gulf coast state of Veracruz after Hurricane Katia hit late Friday.
    Pena Nieto said authorities were working to re-establish supplies of water and food and provide medical attention to those who need it. He vowed the government would help rebuild.
    Power was cut at least briefly to more than 1.8 million people due to the quake, and authorities closed schools in at least 11 states to check them for safety.
    The Interior Department reported that 428 homes were destroyed and 1,700 were damaged just in Chiapas, the state closest to the epicenter.
    Just one day later, Hurricane Katia hit land north of Tecolutla in Veracruz state, pelting the region with intense rains and maximum sustained winds of 75 mph (120) kph.
    Veracruz Gov. Miguel Angel Yunes said two people died in a mudslide related to the storm, and he said some rivers had risen to near flood stage, but there were no reports of major damage.
    More than 4,000 people evacuated parts of Veracruz and neighboring Puebla states ahead of the storm's arrival.
    The Hurricane Center said Katia could still bring 3 to 6 inches (7.5 to 15 centimeters) of additional rain to a region with a history of deadly mudslides and flooding.
    Associated Press writers Peter Orsi and Mark Stevenson in Mexico City contributed to this report.

  20. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from The Librarian in Signs of the Times?!?!   
    @The Librarian
    "The beginning of the pangs of distress!"
     I'll try to keep posting! The last days are gettIng deeper and deeper!
    Let's help others! I post news and they all cry to me. Jehovah sees and like the WT tomorrow's study, we must 
    “Weep With Those Who Weep”
    Prayers around the earth ? 
  21. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from The Librarian in Branch Office in Ukraine – Enjoy!   
  22. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from The Librarian in JW's - China A Chinese newspaper reports that government officials have visited an anti-Cult Center to check that they are doing their job in the city of Wuhu.   
    A Chinese newspaper reports that government officials have visited an anti-Cult Center to check that they are doing their job in the city of Wuhu.
    If you look on the map, this city is inside Chinese territory.
    It is curious that the newspaper openly says: " today Jehovah's witnesses are an active heresy in the district district. The local church takes precautions against heresy." This evidence that there are our assets inside China.

  23. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Fighting to Save Lives! ?‍?????‍?   
    Fighting To Save Lives! ?????????
    We have a Brother (elder) in a Huntington Beach Congregation who works as a firefighter and paramedic.
    One day while going house to house he encountered a woman who answered the door with a rude and impolite manner stating she couldn’t be bothered.
    Immediately, the Brother replied; arenÂ’t you Mrs. ________ and donÂ’t you have a little child named ________?
    The woman very surprised demanded to know how the Brother how could know this? He replied; I was the paramedic that responded to your 911 call and revived your child. She immediately said “please come inside.” -
    ???- Thank you 

  24. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to The Librarian in Signs of the Times?!?!   
    Pretty intense stuff going on in the world!
    California is on fire
    Oregon is on fire 
    Montana is on fire
    Colorado is on fire
    Washington is on fire
    Idaho is on fire
    Utah is on fire
    Canada is on fire
    Texas is underwater and destroyed
    The islands are under water and destroyed
    Alaska 4.1 earthquake 
    Idaho 3.5 earthquake
    Mexico 8.2 earthquake
    Massachusetts 1.6 Earthquake
    Oklahoma had 17 earthquakes in 7 days & the last one was a 4.3
    Tsunami in Mexico
    Hurricane Irma is about to hit FL, GA, SC & NC. 
    Hurricane Katia and Jose are formed. 
    Puerto Rico had 5 hurricanes in a week pretty much. 
    A beach town in Southern California experienced a microburst weather storm producing sudden winds sustained 80mph.
    Largest solar flare ever emitted from the sun happened this week 
    All of this since the eclipse ??
  25. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in A Marvel of Creation the Hippo or Behemoth! ????   
    A Marvel of  Creation the Hippo or Behemoth! 
    The designation “Behemoth,” appearing at Job 40:15, has been variously viewed as (1) a derivative of an Egyptian word for “water ox,” (2) a word possibly of Assyrian origin meaning “monster,” and (3) an intensified plural of the Hebrew word behe·mah? (beast; domestic animal) that is understood to denote “great beast” or “huge beast.” In the Greek Septuagint the word the·ri?a (wild beasts) translates the Hebrew behe·mohth?. Evidently, though, a single animal is meant, as is indicated by the fact that the description given of Behemoth is not that of several creatures but of only one, generally considered to be the hippopotamus 
    (Hippopotamus amphibius). In fact, a number of Bible translations (AT, La, Ro, NW, JB, RS) use the word “hippopotamus” in the main text or in footnotes to identify the creature referred to by God.
    The hippopotamus is a huge, thick-skinned, almost hairless mammal that frequents rivers, lakes, and swamps. It is noted for its short legs, huge jaws, and large head, which is said to weigh up to a ton. So great is the power in its jaw and teeth that one bite can pierce the armor of a crocodile. Full grown it may be 4 to 5 m (12 to 15 ft) long and may weigh up to 3,600 kg (8,000 lb). An amphibious creature, the hippopotamus, in spite of its prodigious size, can move relatively fast both in and out of water. It feeds on soft water plants, grass, reeds, and bushes, each day taking more than 90 kg (200 lb) of greenery into its 150- to 190-L (40 to 50 gal) stomach.
    The skin of the hide, especially that of the belly, is extremely tough, hence able to withstand bumping and scraping as the hippopotamus drags its low body over sticks and stones of riverbeds. The nostrils are strategically located at the tip of the snout, and the eyes are high up on the front of the head, enabling the hippopotamus both to breathe and to see while it is almost completely submerged. The ears and valvelike nostrils close when it submerges. Even while sleeping, when the carbon dioxide in the blood reaches a certain level, the animal automatically surfaces for fresh air and then submerges again.
    At one time the hippopotamus was found in most of the large lakes and rivers of Africa, but, as a result of manÂ’s hunting, it has disappeared from many regions and is said to be unknown N of the cataract at Khartoum, Sudan. In ancient times the hippopotamus may even have frequented the Jordan. In fact, it is reported that tusks and bones of this creature have been found in various parts of Palestine.
     The description in the 40th chapter of the book of Job offers a vivid word picture of this huge mammal, Behemoth. It is described as being herbivorous. (Vs 15) The sources of its tremendous power and energy are noted to be in the hips and in the tendons of its belly, that is, the muscles of its back and those of its belly. (Vs 16) The tail of Behemoth is like a cedar. Since the tail of a hippopotamus is fairly short, measuring about 46 to 51 cm (18 to 20 in.), this is likely to be understood as meaning that the animal can set its thick tail rigidly upright or swing it about like a tree. “The sinews of its thighs are interwoven,” so that the fiber and tendons of muscles of its thighs are twisted together and braided like powerful cables. (Vs 17) The bones of its legs are as strong as “tubes of copper,” thus being able to support the great weight of the body. The bones and ribs are like wrought-iron rods. (Vs 18) The Behemoth’s immense consumption of food is alluded to (vs 20), and mention is made of its relaxing under the thorny lotus trees or concealing itself in a swampy place, beneath the shade of the poplars. (Vss 21, 22) Even when a river overflows its banks, this creature does not panic, for it can still keep its head above the level of water and swim against the force of the deluge. (Vs 23) Jehovah asked Job: ‘Since Behemoth is so mighty and formidably equipped, would a man have the hardihood to try to confront it before its eyes and try to pierce its nose with a hook?’—Vs 24. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200000619
    Photo by @mattiasklumofficial
    I took this photo in Botswana's magnificent Okavango delta where hippos change and even create the land in and around this wetland flushed yearly by nearly 11 cubic kilometers of water. Hippos do this by moving huge amounts of soil around with their sheer size. 
    Go to @mattiasklumofficial to see the Milky Way Galaxy from the Makgadikgadi Pan in Botswana.  Hippos create channels in the water and paths on land that redirect water. This also creates habitat and shelter for other species. Hippos are truly ecosystem engineers!  They also play an important role in this delta, and elsewhere by fertilizing the water.. By eating on land and eutrofying the water, they bring nutrients to rivers and lakes that wouldn’t otherwise be there, helping enrich Okavango's plant and animal life. A healthy delta provides numerous ecosystem services for mankind.  Looking forward to returning with @irisalexandrov 
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