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Bible Speaks

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  1. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in Be Thankful - Even Rain is a Gift From Jehovah! ?   
    New World Translation
    Job 38:28
     28 "Does the rain have a father,
    Or who fathered the dewdrops?"
    New World Translation
    Jeremiah 14:22
    22 "Can any of the worthless  idols of the nations give rain,
    Or can even the heavens send showers of rain on their own? Are you not the only One, O Jehovah our God?
    And we hope in you, For you alone have done all  these things."Our Father of Celestial Lights, Jehovah God  takes care of us, are you not, Thankful? - James 1:17. - ????????
    1 GIF 1 Video – Enjoy! ?????

  2. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Joanne Williams in Jesus Teaches About God’s Kingdom ?????   
    Jesus Teaches About God’s Kingdom
    Jesus teaches his disciples many things, yet focuses on a single theme—God’s Kingdom
    ?1. Jesus was designated King. Jesus directly said that he was the foretold Messiah. (John 4:25, 26) He also showed that he was the King that the prophet Daniel had seen in vision. Jesus told his apostles that he would one day sit on a “glorious throne” and that they too would sit on thrones. (Matthew 19:28) 
    ?2. GodÂ’s Kingdom would promote true justice. Jesus indicated that the Kingdom would do away with the greatest injustice by sanctifying, or making holy, the name of Jehovah God and clearing it of all the reproach that Satan has heaped upon it since the rebellion in Eden. (Matthew 6:9, 10) Jesus also demonstrated impartiality daily by teaching men and women, rich and poor, without distinction. Though his mission was primarily to teach the Israelites, he also reached out to help Samaritans and Gentiles, or non-Jews. Unlike the religious leaders of his day, he showed no trace of bias or favoritism.
    ?3. God’s Kingdom would be no part of this world. Jesus lived during a time of great upheaval. His homeland was under the domination of a foreign power. Yet, when people tried to get him involved in the political affairs of the day, he withdrew. (John 6:14, 15) He told one politician: “My kingdom is no part of this world.” (John 18:36) To his followers, he said: “You are no part of the world.” (John 15:19) He would not allow them to use weapons of war, even to defend him personally.—Matthew 26:51, 52.
    ?4. ChristÂ’s rule would be based on love. Jesus promised to refresh people, to ease their burdens. (Matthew 11:28-30) He lived up to his word. He gave loving, practical counsel on coping with anxiety, improving relationships, combating materialism, and finding happiness. (Matthew, chapters 5-7) Because he showed love, people from all walks of life found him approachable. Even the most downtrodden flocked to him, confident that he would treat them with kindness and dignity. What a Ruler Jesus will be!

  3. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in "Let your Kingdom come." (Matt.6:10) - 100 Years of Kingdom Rule—How Does It Affect You? ?????   
    "Let your Kingdom come." (Matt.6:10) - 100 Years of Kingdom Rule—How Does It Affect You?
    ON A mountain near Capernaum in the spring of 31 C.E., Jesus Christ taught his followers to pray: “Let your Kingdom come.” (Matt. 6:10) Today, many doubt if the Kingdom will ever come. However, we are confident that our sincere prayers for God’s Kingdom to come will be answered.
    Jehovah will use the Kingdom to unify his family in heaven and on earth. That divine purpose will be realized. (Isa. 55:10, 11) In fact, Jehovah has already become King in our day! The thrilling events of the past 100 years are proof of this. God is performing great and wonderful works in behalf of millions of loyal subjects. (Zech. 14:9; Rev. 15:3) And yet, JehovahÂ’s becoming King is not the same as the coming of GodÂ’s Kingdom for which Jesus taught us to pray. How do these events differ, and how do they affect us?
    After the enthroned King purged the heavens of the corrupting influence of Satan and his demons, Jehovah directed Jesus to inspect and refine the spiritual condition of his followers on earth. The prophet Malachi described this as a spiritual cleansing. (Mal. 3:1-3) History shows that this took place between 1914 and the early part of 1919.* To be part of JehovahÂ’s universal family, we must be clean, or holy. (1 Pet. 1:15, 16) We must keep free from any contamination by false religion or the politics of this world.
    Jesus then used his kingly authority to appoint a “faithful and discreet slave.” This slave would provide a regular supply of wholesome spiritual food to all who make up the “one flock” under Jesus’ care. (Matt. 24:45-47; John 10:16) Since 1919, a small group of anointed brothers have loyally carried out the weighty responsibility to feed the “domestics.” The abundant spiritual food provided through this channel nourishes us so that we can grow in the faith. It fortifies our resolve to remain spiritually, morally, mentally, and physically clean. This spiritual food also educates us and equips us to have a full share in the most important work being done on earth today. Are you taking full advantage of these provisions?
    Even though Jehovah crowned his Son, Jesus Christ, as the Messianic King in 1914, this was not the full answer to our prayer “let your Kingdom come.” (Matt. 6:10) It had been foretold in the Bible that Jesus would “go subduing in the midst of [his] enemies.” (Ps. 110:2) Human governments under Satan’s control still stand in opposition to the Kingdom. When we pray for God’s Kingdom to come, we are asking God that the Messianic King and his associate rulers come to put an end to human rulership and remove the earthly opposers of the Kingdom. This action will fulfill the words of Daniel 2:44 that God’s Kingdom “will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms.” It will eliminate the political enemies of the Kingdom. (Rev. 6:1, 2; 13:1-18; 19:11-21) The time for this to happen is very near. How fitting that our yeartext for 2014, the 100th anniversary of the establishment of God’s Kingdom in heaven, is Matthew 6:10: “Let your Kingdom come”!
    The thrilling events of 100 years of Kingdom rule assure us that Jehovah is in control and that his purpose for the earth will be fulfilled. May we continue to be his loyal subjects and advertise the King and his Kingdom. We do this with full confidence that Jehovah will soon answer our earnest prayer: “Let your Kingdom come”!

  4. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in Strengthen Your Trust in Jehovah! - We May Also Be Thrown In Places Like This! - ???   
    Strengthen Your Trust in Jehovah! - We May Also Be Thrown In Places Like This! - Where is Your Trust or Do You Have Fear? 
    In the Persian Empire in the days of the prophet Daniel, this took place. The law, which King Darius did enact, stipulated: “Whoever makes a petition to any god or man for thirty days except to [the] king should be thrown to the lions’ pit.”—Daniel 6:7-9
    What would Daniel do under the threat of death? Would he continue to trust in his God, Jehovah, or would he compromise and do as the king dictated? The record tells us: “Daniel, as soon as he knew that the writing had been signed, entered into his house, and, the windows in his roof chamber being open for him toward Jerusalem, even three times in a day he was kneeling on his knees and praying and offering praise before his God, as he had been regularly doing prior to this.” (Daniel 6:10) 
    The rest of the account is well-known. Daniel was thrown into the lions’ den for his faith, but Jehovah “stopped the mouths of lions” and rescued his loyal servant.—Hebrews 11:33; Daniel 6:16-22
    As the world approaches its catastrophic end, Jehovah’s people are bound to experience more trials and dangers. (Acts 14:22; 2 Timothy 3:12) 
    By building up strong and implicit trust in Jehovah now, we can look forward to survival into his promised new world—either by living through the great tribulation or by receiving a resurrection. (2 Peter 3:13) 
    May we never allow any lack of trust on our part to damage our precious relationship with Jehovah. Then, what was said of Daniel after he was delivered from the lions’ den can also be said of us: “There was no hurt at all found on him, because he had trusted in his God.”—Daniel 6:23. - JW.ORG
  5. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in The Awake Magazine, will have a special campaign in December. "Is the world out of control?" – ?????   
    The Awake Magazine, will have a special campaign in December.
    "Is the world out of control?"

  6. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in ISIS Kills a JW Sister in Finland Terror Attack   
    On Attack in Turku (Finland)
    Very sad to have that a sister was killed in the attack that occurred on Friday, 18 August 2017, in Turku, Finland. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends, as well as with the families and friends of the rest of the victims of this senseless act of violence. It comforts us to know that Jehovah has promised to rescue us from violence and resurrect all his friends (Psalm 72:14). May Jehovah give you peace to know he will deliver all from this bondage of sin and death! 
  7. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Truckloads of supplies headed to our hurricane affected brothers and sisters in Rockport, Texas, USA. ?⛑??????   
    Truckloads of supplies headed to our hurricane affected brothers and sisters in Rockport, Texas, USA.
    Photos shared by @adidasgeo #jwtexas #texas
  8. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Jehovah's Witnesses are already helping the Brothers and Sisters affected by the Hurricane Harvey in Texas - (John 13:35) ⛑???????   
    Jehovah's Witnesses are already helping the Brothers and Sisters affected by the Hurricane Harvey in Texas - (John 13:35) 

  9. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Johnny Paulick in Jehovah's Witnesses are already helping the Brothers and Sisters affected by the Hurricane Harvey in Texas - (John 13:35) ⛑???????   
    Jehovah's Witnesses are already helping the Brothers and Sisters affected by the Hurricane Harvey in Texas - (John 13:35) 

  10. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Be Thankful - Even Rain is a Gift From Jehovah! ?   
    New World Translation
    Job 38:28
     28 "Does the rain have a father,
    Or who fathered the dewdrops?"
    New World Translation
    Jeremiah 14:22
    22 "Can any of the worthless  idols of the nations give rain,
    Or can even the heavens send showers of rain on their own? Are you not the only One, O Jehovah our God?
    And we hope in you, For you alone have done all  these things."Our Father of Celestial Lights, Jehovah God  takes care of us, are you not, Thankful? - James 1:17. - ????????
    1 GIF 1 Video – Enjoy! ?????

  11. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from The Librarian in Argentina - Authorization to transfuse a premature baby in Cipolletti ??   
    They forced a Blood Transfusion to a Witness.
    Authorization to transfuse a premature baby in Cipolletti
    "In addition to religious beliefs or beliefs, the best interest of the child should be taken care of, for the integrity of which the court must ensure," Family Court said in a ruling that authorized doctors at a local health center to transfuse blood to a premature baby. His parents were opposed to religious matters.
    The measure was requested by the defender of Minors Celina Rosende, after a request from the professionals of the center where the child, about 20 days of life, is hospitalized and at risk of life.
    Judge Patricia Cladera acknowledged "the existence of a conflict between the conviction of the parties and the best interest of the child" by which it must ensure "in the understanding that it (religious belief) has no scientific scope to disqualify the medical indication that is formulated for the benefit of the child's integrity ".
    The scope of the law
    He recalled that Article 26061 provides in article 3 that "when there is a conflict between the rights and interests of children and adolescents against other equally legitimate rights and interests, the former will prevail."
    The magistrate met with the treating doctors to give her the medical history and inform her about the baby's diagnosis. And he met with the parents who told him that because they were Jehovah's Witnesses they did not consent to the transfusion of blood.
    The professionals said that the transfusion was "the right measure from a scientific and technical point of view" and clarified that although, as every medical practice had certain risks, the health benefits of the child were greater.

  12. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from The Librarian in Jehovah's Witnesses are already helping the Brothers and Sisters affected by the Hurricane Harvey in Texas - (John 13:35) ⛑???????   
    Jehovah's Witnesses are already helping the Brothers and Sisters affected by the Hurricane Harvey in Texas - (John 13:35) 

  13. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Are YOU prepared to AUXILIARY PIONEER???,just LIKE sister SABINA in the pics. #JWLOVE ❤️   
    Are YOU prepared to AUXILIARY PIONEER???,just LIKE sister SABINA in the pics. #JWLOVE 

  14. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Jehovah's Witnesses are already helping the Brothers and Sisters affected by the Hurricane Harvey in Texas - (John 13:35) ⛑???????   
    Jehovah's Witnesses are already helping the Brothers and Sisters affected by the Hurricane Harvey in Texas - (John 13:35) 

  15. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Argentina - Authorization to transfuse a premature baby in Cipolletti ??   
    They forced a Blood Transfusion to a Witness.
    Authorization to transfuse a premature baby in Cipolletti
    "In addition to religious beliefs or beliefs, the best interest of the child should be taken care of, for the integrity of which the court must ensure," Family Court said in a ruling that authorized doctors at a local health center to transfuse blood to a premature baby. His parents were opposed to religious matters.
    The measure was requested by the defender of Minors Celina Rosende, after a request from the professionals of the center where the child, about 20 days of life, is hospitalized and at risk of life.
    Judge Patricia Cladera acknowledged "the existence of a conflict between the conviction of the parties and the best interest of the child" by which it must ensure "in the understanding that it (religious belief) has no scientific scope to disqualify the medical indication that is formulated for the benefit of the child's integrity ".
    The scope of the law
    He recalled that Article 26061 provides in article 3 that "when there is a conflict between the rights and interests of children and adolescents against other equally legitimate rights and interests, the former will prevail."
    The magistrate met with the treating doctors to give her the medical history and inform her about the baby's diagnosis. And he met with the parents who told him that because they were Jehovah's Witnesses they did not consent to the transfusion of blood.
    The professionals said that the transfusion was "the right measure from a scientific and technical point of view" and clarified that although, as every medical practice had certain risks, the health benefits of the child were greater.

  16. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Johnny Paulick in Truckloads of supplies headed to our hurricane affected brothers and sisters in Rockport, Texas, USA. ?⛑??????   
    Truckloads of supplies headed to our hurricane affected brothers and sisters in Rockport, Texas, USA.
    Photos shared by @adidasgeo #jwtexas #texas
  17. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from The Librarian in Truckloads of supplies headed to our hurricane affected brothers and sisters in Rockport, Texas, USA. ?⛑??????   
    Truckloads of supplies headed to our hurricane affected brothers and sisters in Rockport, Texas, USA.
    Photos shared by @adidasgeo #jwtexas #texas
  18. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Truckloads of supplies headed to our hurricane affected brothers and sisters in Rockport, Texas, USA. ?⛑??????   
    Truckloads of supplies headed to our hurricane affected brothers and sisters in Rockport, Texas, USA.
    Photos shared by @adidasgeo #jwtexas #texas
  19. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Model Coco Rocha's 'Insane' List Of Things She Won't Do Because She's A Jehovah's Witness ?????   
    Personal life
    Rocha has been a devout Jehovah's Witnesssince childhood, and in a 2013 interview stated that she still participates with Jehovah's Witnesses in their model of Jesus' preaching work of going preaching door-to-door to share the Bible with others. She calls herself "a Christian first and a model second", and says that due to her faith she will not pose nude, with cigarettes, nationalistic emblems or religious icons.[23]
    Rocha married artist James Conran on June 9, 2010.[36] Conran later became her part-time manager.[23] On October 6, 2014, Rocha announced via her Facebook page, that she and her husband were expecting their first child, a girl, due in Spring of 2015. Rocha gave birth to her daughter, Ioni James Conran, on March 28, 2015.[37]
    My opinion? It's between her and Jehovah!
    Many Stars of Fame and Fortune have to decide as the end draws near. We hope she will continue in her Belief of Jehovah God. I have a Video her teaching her daughter. That is so cute if you want to see I can post it? Children are an inheritance from Jehovah, her decisions are needed as the time runs out of this system. To me at least in all the sites I read on, she's a devoted Jehovah's Witness. May we all be determined to never lose our faith or hope! Be positive encourage others, nobody is perfect and Jehovah knows those that love Him. (2 Timothy 2:19.) 
  20. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from The Librarian in Model Coco Rocha's 'Insane' List Of Things She Won't Do Because She's A Jehovah's Witness ?????   
    Model Coco Rocha's 'Insane' List Of Things She Won't Do Because She's A Jehovah's Witness
    Model Coco Rocha says "My faith is everything." Getty
    Model Coco Rocha has 1.8 million contacts on Google Plus, nearly a half million Twitter followers, and 299,258 Instagram followers, but very few know of the high profile model's devout religious beliefs.
    "My faith is everything," Rocha, 24, declares in the new issue of Du Jour magazine about being a lifelong Jehovah's Witness.
    "There aren't many Witnesses who are in the public eye. I can't even name any," laments Rocha, "It's hard sometimes when you're there alone. You're not there with someone who can hold your hand and say we'll do this together."
    One person who will hold the model's hand is her husband who manages her career -- and is also a Jehovah's Witness.
    Together, the two go door to door with their congregation on a weekly basis to educate people about their faith.
    "Some people think we're a pushy religion, but if you're not interested, just say so," says Rocha
    Rocha has been a Jehovah's Witness her entire life, but she wasn't baptized until 2009 at the age of 21. (The religion requires that followers be old enough to make their own decisions before fully committing.)
    Once committed, Rocha changed her modeling contract to include many new clauses listing things she was no longer comfortable with, such as nudity, lingerie and sheer clothing, among other things.
    "My list [of what I won't do] compared with any other model's is insane," Rocha explains. "No religious artifacts, no government artifacts. If I'm shooting with a male model, what is he exactly doing with me? What is he wearing? If I'm working with other models, what are they wearing? Are they playing something that I don't want?"
    "In the beginning, the clients would say, 'This is too much,' but over time, the ones I liked kept working with me. They'd say, 'It's not too much. Coco can still be Coco. She still gives 100 percent when she's on a photo shoot.' It's just my boobs aren't out. And I don't have a cigarette in my hand, and I'm not making out with a guy. And it's all fine if you want to do that. I don't judge. My besties do Victoria's Secret. I just don't do it."
    But apparently dancing is still A-OK. Check out Rocha in the below commercial for White House Black Market clothing chain:
  21. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in Model Coco Rocha's 'Insane' List Of Things She Won't Do Because She's A Jehovah's Witness ?????   
    Model Coco Rocha's 'Insane' List Of Things She Won't Do Because She's A Jehovah's Witness
    Model Coco Rocha says "My faith is everything." Getty
    Model Coco Rocha has 1.8 million contacts on Google Plus, nearly a half million Twitter followers, and 299,258 Instagram followers, but very few know of the high profile model's devout religious beliefs.
    "My faith is everything," Rocha, 24, declares in the new issue of Du Jour magazine about being a lifelong Jehovah's Witness.
    "There aren't many Witnesses who are in the public eye. I can't even name any," laments Rocha, "It's hard sometimes when you're there alone. You're not there with someone who can hold your hand and say we'll do this together."
    One person who will hold the model's hand is her husband who manages her career -- and is also a Jehovah's Witness.
    Together, the two go door to door with their congregation on a weekly basis to educate people about their faith.
    "Some people think we're a pushy religion, but if you're not interested, just say so," says Rocha
    Rocha has been a Jehovah's Witness her entire life, but she wasn't baptized until 2009 at the age of 21. (The religion requires that followers be old enough to make their own decisions before fully committing.)
    Once committed, Rocha changed her modeling contract to include many new clauses listing things she was no longer comfortable with, such as nudity, lingerie and sheer clothing, among other things.
    "My list [of what I won't do] compared with any other model's is insane," Rocha explains. "No religious artifacts, no government artifacts. If I'm shooting with a male model, what is he exactly doing with me? What is he wearing? If I'm working with other models, what are they wearing? Are they playing something that I don't want?"
    "In the beginning, the clients would say, 'This is too much,' but over time, the ones I liked kept working with me. They'd say, 'It's not too much. Coco can still be Coco. She still gives 100 percent when she's on a photo shoot.' It's just my boobs aren't out. And I don't have a cigarette in my hand, and I'm not making out with a guy. And it's all fine if you want to do that. I don't judge. My besties do Victoria's Secret. I just don't do it."
    But apparently dancing is still A-OK. Check out Rocha in the below commercial for White House Black Market clothing chain:
  22. Haha
    Bible Speaks reacted to TrueTomHarley in Model Coco Rocha's 'Insane' List Of Things She Won't Do Because She's A Jehovah's Witness ?????   
    How can you not like Coco? We all hope she keeps her head on straight, because that is not a given when operating in the stratosphere. But then, it is not a given anywhere.
  23. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Model Coco Rocha's 'Insane' List Of Things She Won't Do Because She's A Jehovah's Witness ?????   
    Model Coco Rocha's 'Insane' List Of Things She Won't Do Because She's A Jehovah's Witness
    Model Coco Rocha says "My faith is everything." Getty
    Model Coco Rocha has 1.8 million contacts on Google Plus, nearly a half million Twitter followers, and 299,258 Instagram followers, but very few know of the high profile model's devout religious beliefs.
    "My faith is everything," Rocha, 24, declares in the new issue of Du Jour magazine about being a lifelong Jehovah's Witness.
    "There aren't many Witnesses who are in the public eye. I can't even name any," laments Rocha, "It's hard sometimes when you're there alone. You're not there with someone who can hold your hand and say we'll do this together."
    One person who will hold the model's hand is her husband who manages her career -- and is also a Jehovah's Witness.
    Together, the two go door to door with their congregation on a weekly basis to educate people about their faith.
    "Some people think we're a pushy religion, but if you're not interested, just say so," says Rocha
    Rocha has been a Jehovah's Witness her entire life, but she wasn't baptized until 2009 at the age of 21. (The religion requires that followers be old enough to make their own decisions before fully committing.)
    Once committed, Rocha changed her modeling contract to include many new clauses listing things she was no longer comfortable with, such as nudity, lingerie and sheer clothing, among other things.
    "My list [of what I won't do] compared with any other model's is insane," Rocha explains. "No religious artifacts, no government artifacts. If I'm shooting with a male model, what is he exactly doing with me? What is he wearing? If I'm working with other models, what are they wearing? Are they playing something that I don't want?"
    "In the beginning, the clients would say, 'This is too much,' but over time, the ones I liked kept working with me. They'd say, 'It's not too much. Coco can still be Coco. She still gives 100 percent when she's on a photo shoot.' It's just my boobs aren't out. And I don't have a cigarette in my hand, and I'm not making out with a guy. And it's all fine if you want to do that. I don't judge. My besties do Victoria's Secret. I just don't do it."
    But apparently dancing is still A-OK. Check out Rocha in the below commercial for White House Black Market clothing chain:
  24. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in New preaching the Good News Photos 2017 around the Earth!   
    #JW Проповедь в Эквадоре 
    Preaching in Ecuador

  25. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Henriette in New preaching the Good News Photos 2017 around the Earth!   
    Hello from Switzerland

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