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Bible Speaks

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  1. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Margaret Burlingham in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    Every culture is different. In the culture and country I live in, she is considered dressed in a business and dignified manner. Take for example the recent post of our family in Milan, Italy at a Convention. Some are also with similar make up and every one looks outstanding and dignified don't they? 

  2. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in Watch a Miracle Happen! ???? Special Convention in Israel ???   
    Watch a Miracle Happen! ????
    Special Convention in Israel
    See highlights of the special convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Israel.

  3. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to devarajjh in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    This week's Watchtower study under sub heading "The precious truths we learn" paragraphs 13-18, we must take delight in Jehovah 's correction and counsel for our own benefit and of others. Love buildsup & bonds together in our worship to Jehovah.
  4. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Linda Matheny in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    Love this beautiful sisters courage! She's looking exceptionally well groomed too! Thank you young sister for sharing!
  5. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Don't Give Up Convention – 2017 – Monterey Mexico ???   
    I share photography of our 3st day of assembly in Monterey Mexico
    We were 14 046 attendees
    It was the last of 4 Assemblies

  6. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Quiteria Martins in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA #JW

  7. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Elisabeth Dolewka in Which pill would you take ??   
    I'm not a ? "pill" taker, seems my body always says "no"!  Ha fooled all my Doctors. Guess I only want Essential Oils and Herbs. If Jehovah gives me Everlasting Life I'll say Thank you! Everlasting Life is "free"! Thank you for your cute thoughts. ???‍♀️
  8. Haha
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from 100Million in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    @Queen Esther
    Is that your real name? I'm sure your a Queen ?? Here's a picture for you, now this IS TROUBLE? Our faithful Sister, she's beautiful, except that Jehovah loves her and so do I. Now this woman in the picture I sent now, now that is TROUBLE! ???

  9. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in A live billboard for the upcoming 2017 – Don't Give Up! – Regional Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses at N1 highway in Johannesburg, south Africa. ???   
    A live billboard for the upcoming  2017 – Don't Give Up! – Regional Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses at N1 highway in Johannesburg, South Africa.

  10. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Tracey Anne Smith in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA #JW

  11. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Margaret Burlingham in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    @Queen Esther
    I am writing this to you to let you know I have prayed how to respond to you and to say what needs to be said. 
    I post here to encourage others and hopefully bring Good News to some Friends and Family worldwide. Our messages must be encouraging and show kindness for others.
    I work some days posting 4-5 hours a day for my Father Jehovah God and my Lord Christ Jesus. My hope is to share the joys I find in God's Word and around the earth.
    I request that if you disagree with a person on a post that you do not speak out publicly about this. This is not kind or loving. Natalie here from Russia is a wonderful Sister and loves Jehovah very much. The struggles in their country make them good examples for us and Jehovah God. 
    If you don't like something please keep this to yourself, if she reads this she would be upset and of course we here must be loving and kind. If you were in a KH would you say this to a person?
    Perhaps not, so please don't not do this and upset others.
    "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, And do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, And he will make your paths straight. Do not become wise in your own eyes.."
    Proverbs 3:5-7.
    "Likewise, let the older women be reverent in behavior, not slanderous, not enslaved to a lot of wine, teachers of what is good."
    Titus 2;3.
    Thank you for your support and love to you.
    Let's just move ahead and encourage and help others, ok? Final comment. 
    May Jehovah bless you in your endeavors.
    Agape, ?????
  12. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Don't Give Up! – 2017 – Regional Convention in Venezuela ???   
    Don't Give Up! – 2017 – Regional Convention in Venezuela

  13. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in When was the Earliest of Jehovah's Name Found? Well you Know? ???   
    When was the Earliest of Jehovah's Name Found? Well you Know? - Yes of Course! How many people have a Bible and know their are Ten Commandments, yet do not know what they mean or why? See for yourself,,,God's Name was THERE!
    Source of Tablets. 
    The Ten Words were first orally given at Mount Sinai by the angel of Jehovah. (Ex 20:1; 31:18) Moses then ascended the mountain to receive the Ten Words in written form on two stone tablets, along with other commandments and instructions. During his extended 40-day stay, the people grew restless and made a molten calf to worship. Descending the mountain, Moses saw this spectacle of idolatry and threw down “the tablets [that] were the workmanship of God,” the very tablets upon which the Ten Words had been written, and shattered them.—Ex 24:12; 31:18–32:19) 
    Jehovah later told Moses: “Carve out for yourself two tablets of stone like the first ones, and I must write upon the tablets the words that appeared on the first tablets, which you shattered.” (Ex 34:1-4) And so after another 40 days spent in the mountain, a duplicate copy of the Ten Words was obtained. These were kept by Moses in an ark of acacia wood. (De 10:1-5) The two tablets were called “the tablets of the covenant.” (De 9:9, 11, 15) 
    Evidently this is why the gold-overlaid ark later made by Bezalel, in which the tablets were eventually kept, was called “the ark of the covenant.” (Jos 3:6, 11; 8:33) This legislation of the Ten Words was also called “the testimony” (Ex 25:16, 21; 40:20) and the “tablets of the Testimony” (Ex 31:18; 34:29), hence the expressions “the ark of the testimony” (Ex 25:22; Nu 4:5), and also “the tabernacle of the Testimony,” that is, the tent where the Ark was housed.—Ex 38:21
    Concerning the first set of tablets, it is stated that they not only were made by Jehovah but were also “written on by God’s finger,” evidently denoting God’s spirit. (Ex 31:18; De 4:13; 5:22; 9:10) 
    Likewise, the second set of tablets, although carved out by Moses, were written upon by Jehovah. When, at Exodus 34:27, Moses was told, “Write down for yourself these words,” reference was not to the Ten Words themselves, but, rather, as on a previous occasion (Ex 24:3, 4), he was to write down some of the other details pertaining to the covenant regulations. 
    Hence, the pronoun “he” in Exodus 34:28b refers to Jehovah when it says: “And he [Jehovah, not Moses] proceeded to write upon the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Words.” Verse 1 shows this to be so. Later, when recalling these events, Moses confirms that it was Jehovah who duplicated the tablets.—De 10:1-4
    Contents of the Commandments. By way of an introduction to these Ten Words is the forthright statement in the first person: “I am Jehovah your God, who have brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slaves.” (Ex 20:2) This not only states who is speaking to whom but shows why the Decalogue was especially given to the Jews at that time. It was not given to Abraham.—De 5:2, 3
    The first commandment, “You must not have any other gods against my face,” put Jehovah first. (Ex 20:3) 
    The second commandment was a natural follow-up of the first in that it forbade idolatry in any shape or form as an open affront to Jehovah’s glory and Personage. ‘You must not make a carved image or a form like anything in the heavens, on the earth, or in the waters under the earth, nor are you to bow down to or serve them.’ This prohibition is underscored with the declaration: “Because I Jehovah your God am a God exacting exclusive devotion.”—Ex 20:4-6
    The third commandment, in its proper and logical sequence, declared: “You must not take up the name of Jehovah your God in a worthless way.” (Ex 20:7) 
    The fourth commandment stated: “Remembering the sabbath day to hold it sacred, you are to render service and you must do all your work six days. But the seventh day is a sabbath to Jehovah your God. You must not do any work, you nor your son nor your daughter, your slave man nor your slave girl nor your domestic animal nor your alien resident who is inside your gates.” (Ex 20:8-10)
    The fifth commandment, “Honor your father and your mother,” may be viewed as linking together the first four, which define man’s duties toward God, and the remaining commandments, which set forth man’s obligations toward fellow creatures. For since parents serve as God’s representatives, by keeping the fifth command one is honoring and obeying both the Creator and those creatures upon whom God has conferred authority. This command was the only one of the ten with a promise attached: “in order that your days may prove long upon the ground that Jehovah your God is giving you.”—Ex 20:12; De 5:16; Eph 6:2, 3
    The next commandments in the code were stated very tersely: the sixth, “You must not murder”; 
    the seventh, “You must not commit adultery”; 
    the eighth, “You must not steal.” (Ex 20:13-15) This is the way these laws are listed in the Masoretic text—from laws dealing with crimes causing the greatest harm to one’s neighbor to the one causing the least, in that order. 
     Going next from deeds to words, the ninth says: “You must not testify falsely as a witness against your fellowman.”—Ex 20:16
    The tenth commandment (Ex 20:17) was unique in that it forbade covetousness, that is, wrong desire for the property and possessions, including the wife, belonging to a fellowman. No human lawmakers originated such a law, for, indeed, there would be no way humanly possible of enforcing it. Jehovah, on the other hand, by this tenth commandment made each one directly accountable to Him as the one who sees and knows all the secret thoughts of a person’s heart.—1Sa 16:7; Pr 21:2; Jer 17:10

  14. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in When was the Earliest of Jehovah's Name Found? Well you Know? ???   
    When was the Earliest of Jehovah's Name Found? Well you Know? - Yes of Course! How many people have a Bible and know their are Ten Commandments, yet do not know what they mean or why? See for yourself,,,God's Name was THERE!
    Source of Tablets. 
    The Ten Words were first orally given at Mount Sinai by the angel of Jehovah. (Ex 20:1; 31:18) Moses then ascended the mountain to receive the Ten Words in written form on two stone tablets, along with other commandments and instructions. During his extended 40-day stay, the people grew restless and made a molten calf to worship. Descending the mountain, Moses saw this spectacle of idolatry and threw down “the tablets [that] were the workmanship of God,” the very tablets upon which the Ten Words had been written, and shattered them.—Ex 24:12; 31:18–32:19) 
    Jehovah later told Moses: “Carve out for yourself two tablets of stone like the first ones, and I must write upon the tablets the words that appeared on the first tablets, which you shattered.” (Ex 34:1-4) And so after another 40 days spent in the mountain, a duplicate copy of the Ten Words was obtained. These were kept by Moses in an ark of acacia wood. (De 10:1-5) The two tablets were called “the tablets of the covenant.” (De 9:9, 11, 15) 
    Evidently this is why the gold-overlaid ark later made by Bezalel, in which the tablets were eventually kept, was called “the ark of the covenant.” (Jos 3:6, 11; 8:33) This legislation of the Ten Words was also called “the testimony” (Ex 25:16, 21; 40:20) and the “tablets of the Testimony” (Ex 31:18; 34:29), hence the expressions “the ark of the testimony” (Ex 25:22; Nu 4:5), and also “the tabernacle of the Testimony,” that is, the tent where the Ark was housed.—Ex 38:21
    Concerning the first set of tablets, it is stated that they not only were made by Jehovah but were also “written on by God’s finger,” evidently denoting God’s spirit. (Ex 31:18; De 4:13; 5:22; 9:10) 
    Likewise, the second set of tablets, although carved out by Moses, were written upon by Jehovah. When, at Exodus 34:27, Moses was told, “Write down for yourself these words,” reference was not to the Ten Words themselves, but, rather, as on a previous occasion (Ex 24:3, 4), he was to write down some of the other details pertaining to the covenant regulations. 
    Hence, the pronoun “he” in Exodus 34:28b refers to Jehovah when it says: “And he [Jehovah, not Moses] proceeded to write upon the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Words.” Verse 1 shows this to be so. Later, when recalling these events, Moses confirms that it was Jehovah who duplicated the tablets.—De 10:1-4
    Contents of the Commandments. By way of an introduction to these Ten Words is the forthright statement in the first person: “I am Jehovah your God, who have brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slaves.” (Ex 20:2) This not only states who is speaking to whom but shows why the Decalogue was especially given to the Jews at that time. It was not given to Abraham.—De 5:2, 3
    The first commandment, “You must not have any other gods against my face,” put Jehovah first. (Ex 20:3) 
    The second commandment was a natural follow-up of the first in that it forbade idolatry in any shape or form as an open affront to Jehovah’s glory and Personage. ‘You must not make a carved image or a form like anything in the heavens, on the earth, or in the waters under the earth, nor are you to bow down to or serve them.’ This prohibition is underscored with the declaration: “Because I Jehovah your God am a God exacting exclusive devotion.”—Ex 20:4-6
    The third commandment, in its proper and logical sequence, declared: “You must not take up the name of Jehovah your God in a worthless way.” (Ex 20:7) 
    The fourth commandment stated: “Remembering the sabbath day to hold it sacred, you are to render service and you must do all your work six days. But the seventh day is a sabbath to Jehovah your God. You must not do any work, you nor your son nor your daughter, your slave man nor your slave girl nor your domestic animal nor your alien resident who is inside your gates.” (Ex 20:8-10)
    The fifth commandment, “Honor your father and your mother,” may be viewed as linking together the first four, which define man’s duties toward God, and the remaining commandments, which set forth man’s obligations toward fellow creatures. For since parents serve as God’s representatives, by keeping the fifth command one is honoring and obeying both the Creator and those creatures upon whom God has conferred authority. This command was the only one of the ten with a promise attached: “in order that your days may prove long upon the ground that Jehovah your God is giving you.”—Ex 20:12; De 5:16; Eph 6:2, 3
    The next commandments in the code were stated very tersely: the sixth, “You must not murder”; 
    the seventh, “You must not commit adultery”; 
    the eighth, “You must not steal.” (Ex 20:13-15) This is the way these laws are listed in the Masoretic text—from laws dealing with crimes causing the greatest harm to one’s neighbor to the one causing the least, in that order. 
     Going next from deeds to words, the ninth says: “You must not testify falsely as a witness against your fellowman.”—Ex 20:16
    The tenth commandment (Ex 20:17) was unique in that it forbade covetousness, that is, wrong desire for the property and possessions, including the wife, belonging to a fellowman. No human lawmakers originated such a law, for, indeed, there would be no way humanly possible of enforcing it. Jehovah, on the other hand, by this tenth commandment made each one directly accountable to Him as the one who sees and knows all the secret thoughts of a person’s heart.—1Sa 16:7; Pr 21:2; Jer 17:10

  15. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in The joy of baptizing his daughter..?..JW California   
    The joy of baptizing his  daughter..
    JW California – Don't Give Up! – 2017

  16. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in When was the Earliest of Jehovah's Name Found? Well you Know? ???   
    When was the Earliest of Jehovah's Name Found? Well you Know? - Yes of Course! How many people have a Bible and know their are Ten Commandments, yet do not know what they mean or why? See for yourself,,,God's Name was THERE!
    Source of Tablets. 
    The Ten Words were first orally given at Mount Sinai by the angel of Jehovah. (Ex 20:1; 31:18) Moses then ascended the mountain to receive the Ten Words in written form on two stone tablets, along with other commandments and instructions. During his extended 40-day stay, the people grew restless and made a molten calf to worship. Descending the mountain, Moses saw this spectacle of idolatry and threw down “the tablets [that] were the workmanship of God,” the very tablets upon which the Ten Words had been written, and shattered them.—Ex 24:12; 31:18–32:19) 
    Jehovah later told Moses: “Carve out for yourself two tablets of stone like the first ones, and I must write upon the tablets the words that appeared on the first tablets, which you shattered.” (Ex 34:1-4) And so after another 40 days spent in the mountain, a duplicate copy of the Ten Words was obtained. These were kept by Moses in an ark of acacia wood. (De 10:1-5) The two tablets were called “the tablets of the covenant.” (De 9:9, 11, 15) 
    Evidently this is why the gold-overlaid ark later made by Bezalel, in which the tablets were eventually kept, was called “the ark of the covenant.” (Jos 3:6, 11; 8:33) This legislation of the Ten Words was also called “the testimony” (Ex 25:16, 21; 40:20) and the “tablets of the Testimony” (Ex 31:18; 34:29), hence the expressions “the ark of the testimony” (Ex 25:22; Nu 4:5), and also “the tabernacle of the Testimony,” that is, the tent where the Ark was housed.—Ex 38:21
    Concerning the first set of tablets, it is stated that they not only were made by Jehovah but were also “written on by God’s finger,” evidently denoting God’s spirit. (Ex 31:18; De 4:13; 5:22; 9:10) 
    Likewise, the second set of tablets, although carved out by Moses, were written upon by Jehovah. When, at Exodus 34:27, Moses was told, “Write down for yourself these words,” reference was not to the Ten Words themselves, but, rather, as on a previous occasion (Ex 24:3, 4), he was to write down some of the other details pertaining to the covenant regulations. 
    Hence, the pronoun “he” in Exodus 34:28b refers to Jehovah when it says: “And he [Jehovah, not Moses] proceeded to write upon the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Words.” Verse 1 shows this to be so. Later, when recalling these events, Moses confirms that it was Jehovah who duplicated the tablets.—De 10:1-4
    Contents of the Commandments. By way of an introduction to these Ten Words is the forthright statement in the first person: “I am Jehovah your God, who have brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slaves.” (Ex 20:2) This not only states who is speaking to whom but shows why the Decalogue was especially given to the Jews at that time. It was not given to Abraham.—De 5:2, 3
    The first commandment, “You must not have any other gods against my face,” put Jehovah first. (Ex 20:3) 
    The second commandment was a natural follow-up of the first in that it forbade idolatry in any shape or form as an open affront to Jehovah’s glory and Personage. ‘You must not make a carved image or a form like anything in the heavens, on the earth, or in the waters under the earth, nor are you to bow down to or serve them.’ This prohibition is underscored with the declaration: “Because I Jehovah your God am a God exacting exclusive devotion.”—Ex 20:4-6
    The third commandment, in its proper and logical sequence, declared: “You must not take up the name of Jehovah your God in a worthless way.” (Ex 20:7) 
    The fourth commandment stated: “Remembering the sabbath day to hold it sacred, you are to render service and you must do all your work six days. But the seventh day is a sabbath to Jehovah your God. You must not do any work, you nor your son nor your daughter, your slave man nor your slave girl nor your domestic animal nor your alien resident who is inside your gates.” (Ex 20:8-10)
    The fifth commandment, “Honor your father and your mother,” may be viewed as linking together the first four, which define man’s duties toward God, and the remaining commandments, which set forth man’s obligations toward fellow creatures. For since parents serve as God’s representatives, by keeping the fifth command one is honoring and obeying both the Creator and those creatures upon whom God has conferred authority. This command was the only one of the ten with a promise attached: “in order that your days may prove long upon the ground that Jehovah your God is giving you.”—Ex 20:12; De 5:16; Eph 6:2, 3
    The next commandments in the code were stated very tersely: the sixth, “You must not murder”; 
    the seventh, “You must not commit adultery”; 
    the eighth, “You must not steal.” (Ex 20:13-15) This is the way these laws are listed in the Masoretic text—from laws dealing with crimes causing the greatest harm to one’s neighbor to the one causing the least, in that order. 
     Going next from deeds to words, the ninth says: “You must not testify falsely as a witness against your fellowman.”—Ex 20:16
    The tenth commandment (Ex 20:17) was unique in that it forbade covetousness, that is, wrong desire for the property and possessions, including the wife, belonging to a fellowman. No human lawmakers originated such a law, for, indeed, there would be no way humanly possible of enforcing it. Jehovah, on the other hand, by this tenth commandment made each one directly accountable to Him as the one who sees and knows all the secret thoughts of a person’s heart.—1Sa 16:7; Pr 21:2; Jer 17:10

  17. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    @Queen Esther
    I am writing this to you to let you know I have prayed how to respond to you and to say what needs to be said. 
    I post here to encourage others and hopefully bring Good News to some Friends and Family worldwide. Our messages must be encouraging and show kindness for others.
    I work some days posting 4-5 hours a day for my Father Jehovah God and my Lord Christ Jesus. My hope is to share the joys I find in God's Word and around the earth.
    I request that if you disagree with a person on a post that you do not speak out publicly about this. This is not kind or loving. Natalie here from Russia is a wonderful Sister and loves Jehovah very much. The struggles in their country make them good examples for us and Jehovah God. 
    If you don't like something please keep this to yourself, if she reads this she would be upset and of course we here must be loving and kind. If you were in a KH would you say this to a person?
    Perhaps not, so please don't not do this and upset others.
    "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, And do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, And he will make your paths straight. Do not become wise in your own eyes.."
    Proverbs 3:5-7.
    "Likewise, let the older women be reverent in behavior, not slanderous, not enslaved to a lot of wine, teachers of what is good."
    Titus 2;3.
    Thank you for your support and love to you.
    Let's just move ahead and encourage and help others, ok? Final comment. 
    May Jehovah bless you in your endeavors.
    Agape, ?????
  18. Like
    (Psalm 103:1-6) . . .Bless Jehovah, O my soul, Even everything within me, his holy name. 2 Bless Jehovah, O my soul, And do not forget all his doings, 3 Him who is forgiving all your error, Who is healing all your maladies, 4 Who is reclaiming your life from the very pit, Who is crowning you with loving-kindness and mercies, 5 Who is satisfying your lifetime with what is good; Your youth keeps renewing itself just like that of an eagle. 6 Jehovah is executing acts of righteousness And judicial decisions for all those being defrauded." 
    (Psalm 103:8-17) . . .Jehovah is merciful and gracious, Slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness. 9 He will not for all time keep finding fault, Neither will he to time indefinite keep resentful. 10 He has not done to us even according to our sins; Nor according to our errors has he brought upon us what we deserve. 11 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, His loving-kindness is superior toward those fearing him. 12 As far off as the sunrise is from the sunset, So far off from us he has put our transgressions. 13 As a father shows mercy to his sons, Jehovah has shown mercy to those fearing him. 14 For he himself well knows the formation of us, Remembering that we are dust. 15 As for mortal man, his days are like those of green grass; Like a blossom of the field is the way he blossoms forth. 16 For a mere wind has to pass over it, and it is no more; And its place will acknowledge it no further. 17 But the loving-kindness of Jehovah is from time indefinite even to time indefinite Toward those fearing him, And his righteousness to the sons of sons."
    (Psalms 103:19-104:1) . . .Jehovah himself has firmly established his throne in the very heavens; And over everything his own kingship has held domination. 20 Bless Jehovah, O YOU angels of his, mighty in power, carrying out his word, By listening to the voice of his word. 21 Bless Jehovah, all YOU armies of his, You ministers of his, doing his will. 22 Bless Jehovah, all YOU his works."

  19. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Deje Mobly in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    @Queen Esther
    I am writing this to you to let you know I have prayed how to respond to you and to say what needs to be said. 
    I post here to encourage others and hopefully bring Good News to some Friends and Family worldwide. Our messages must be encouraging and show kindness for others.
    I work some days posting 4-5 hours a day for my Father Jehovah God and my Lord Christ Jesus. My hope is to share the joys I find in God's Word and around the earth.
    I request that if you disagree with a person on a post that you do not speak out publicly about this. This is not kind or loving. Natalie here from Russia is a wonderful Sister and loves Jehovah very much. The struggles in their country make them good examples for us and Jehovah God. 
    If you don't like something please keep this to yourself, if she reads this she would be upset and of course we here must be loving and kind. If you were in a KH would you say this to a person?
    Perhaps not, so please don't not do this and upset others.
    "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, And do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, And he will make your paths straight. Do not become wise in your own eyes.."
    Proverbs 3:5-7.
    "Likewise, let the older women be reverent in behavior, not slanderous, not enslaved to a lot of wine, teachers of what is good."
    Titus 2;3.
    Thank you for your support and love to you.
    Let's just move ahead and encourage and help others, ok? Final comment. 
    May Jehovah bless you in your endeavors.
    Agape, ?????
  20. Confused
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Queen Esther in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    @Queen Esther
    I am writing this to you to let you know I have prayed how to respond to you and to say what needs to be said. 
    I post here to encourage others and hopefully bring Good News to some Friends and Family worldwide. Our messages must be encouraging and show kindness for others.
    I work some days posting 4-5 hours a day for my Father Jehovah God and my Lord Christ Jesus. My hope is to share the joys I find in God's Word and around the earth.
    I request that if you disagree with a person on a post that you do not speak out publicly about this. This is not kind or loving. Natalie here from Russia is a wonderful Sister and loves Jehovah very much. The struggles in their country make them good examples for us and Jehovah God. 
    If you don't like something please keep this to yourself, if she reads this she would be upset and of course we here must be loving and kind. If you were in a KH would you say this to a person?
    Perhaps not, so please don't not do this and upset others.
    "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, And do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, And he will make your paths straight. Do not become wise in your own eyes.."
    Proverbs 3:5-7.
    "Likewise, let the older women be reverent in behavior, not slanderous, not enslaved to a lot of wine, teachers of what is good."
    Titus 2;3.
    Thank you for your support and love to you.
    Let's just move ahead and encourage and help others, ok? Final comment. 
    May Jehovah bless you in your endeavors.
    Agape, ?????
  21. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Elisabeth Dolewka in THE CRY OF UNITY ? IS LOUD FOR ALL NATIONS ? TO HEAR!   
     (Zephaniah 3:9) . . .For then I shall give to peoples the change to a pure language, in order for them all to call upon the name of Jehovah, in order to serve him shoulder to shoulder." (Isaiah 19:18) 
    In that day there will prove to be five cities in the land of Egypt speaking the language of Ca?naan and swearing to Jehovah of armies. The City of Tearing Down will one [city] be called." (Ephesians 4:25) 
    Wherefore, now that YOU have put away falsehood, speak truth each one of YOU with his neighbor, because we are members belonging to one another." (1 Kings 8:43) 
    "May you yourself listen from the heavens, your established place of dwelling, and you must do according to all that for which the foreigner calls to you; in order that all the peoples of the earth may get to know your name so as to fear you the same as your people Israel do, and so as to know that your name itself has been called upon this house that I have built." (Zechariah 8:21) and the inhabitants of one [city] will certainly go to [those of] another, saying: “Let us earnestly go to soften the face of Jehovah and to seek Jehovah of armies. I myself will go also.” 
    (Zechariah 8:23) “This is what Jehovah of armies has said, ‘It will be in those days that ten men out of all the languages of the nations will take hold, yes, they will actually take hold of the skirt of a man who is a Jew, saying: “We will go with YOU people, for we have heard [that] God is with YOU people.”’” 
    (Philippians 1:27) Only behave in a manner worthy of the good news about the Christ, in order that, whether I come and see YOU or be absent, I may hear about the things which concern YOU, that YOU are standing firm in one spirit, with one soul striving side by side for the faith of the good news." 
    Learn more at:

  22. Haha
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Elisabeth Dolewka in A live billboard for the upcoming 2017 – Don't Give Up! – Regional Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses at N1 highway in Johannesburg, south Africa. ???   
    A live billboard for the upcoming  2017 – Don't Give Up! – Regional Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses at N1 highway in Johannesburg, South Africa.

  23. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Free 'Living Water', How Can We Drink From It? Where Do We Find It? – ????   
    Free 'Living Water', How Can We Drink From It? Where Do We Find It?
    "The spirit and the bride keep on saying, “Come!” and let anyone hearing say, “Come!” and let anyone thirsting come; let anyone who wishes take lifeÂ’s water free." (Rev.22:17)
    Life-giving water. Jehovah is “the source of living water.” Only from him and through his Son, Jesus Christ, the Chief Agent of life, can men receive everlasting life. (Jer 2:13; Joh 17:1, 3) 
    The apostle John records his vision of “a new heaven and a new earth” in which he saw flowing out from the throne of God “a river of water of life.” On each side of this river there were trees producing fruit, the leaves of the trees being used for the curing of the nations. (Re 21:1; 22:1, 2) 
    After this feature of the vision was completed, Jesus spoke to John about his purpose in sending his angel with the vision. Then John heard the proclamation: “And the spirit and the bride keep on saying: ‘Come!’ And let anyone hearing say: ‘Come!’ And let anyone thirsting come; let anyone that wishes take life’s water free.” 
    Evidently this invitation would be extended by God’s servants for thirsty ones to begin drinking of God’s provisions for gaining eternal life through the Lamb of God. (Joh 1:29) 
    They could get what is now available of this water of life. The invitation is to be extended to everyone who can be reached, not for the purpose of commercial gain by selling the water, but free to all desiring it." (Re 22:17)

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA #JW

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Leonor Patan in Matthew 24:37. – "For just as the days of Noah were,so the presence of the Son of man will be." ⚡️???⚡️   
    Matthew 24:37
    37 For just as the days of Noah were,so the presence of the Son of man will be."
    Matthew 24:39
    39 and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be."
    Jesus and the Flood
    Jesus Christ had a prehuman existence. (Proverbs 8:30, 31) He was a spirit creature in heaven during the Flood. As an eyewitness, Jesus therefore gives us the greatest Scriptural confirmation of Noah and the Deluge. Said Jesus: “Just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. For as they were in those days before the flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark; and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be.”—Matthew 24:37-39.
    Would Jesus use folklore to warn us about the coming end of this system of things? Hardly! We are confident that he used a genuine example of the execution of divine judgment upon the wicked. Yes, lives were lost, but we can draw comfort from knowing that Noah and his family were saved through the Flood.
    “The days of Noah” are highly significant for those living today, during “the presence of the Son of man,” Jesus Christ. As we read the detailed account of the global Flood preserved in a record kept by Noah, we can be certain that it is a genuine historical document. And the divinely inspired Genesis account of the Deluge has great meaning for us. 
    Just as Noah, his sons, and their wives put faith in GodÂ’s means of survival, we today can come under JehovahÂ’s protection on the basis of our faith in JesusÂ’ ransom sacrifice. (Matthew 20:28) Moreover, we can have the hope of being among the survivors of the end of this wicked system of things just as NoahÂ’s log shows that he and his family survived the Flood that brought an end to the godless world of that time.
    Our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus referenced the global deluge in righteous Noah's day because we see the same complacent and apathetic and even objectionable heart conditions in people today as Noah and his family saw before the flood Jehovah brought about to cleanse the earth of wickedness at that time. 
    Yes, not only is the global flood an account that exist in the history of people all around the world but Jesus also confirmed that his God and father Jehovah will only tolerate wickedness for so long and when his time to execute judgement arrives he will direct Christ and his celestial army to act with completeness.
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