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Bible Speaks

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  1. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Diana Duncan in New Sign Replacing Watchtower Sign in Brooklyn?   
    The "present ideas to replace the Watchtower sign", now that the building has been sold.
    Bye Brooklyn ?? On to the Kings Drive, Warwick, New York

  2. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Arauna in Tennessee Experts Spar Over Prison Terms For juveniles - JW's Killed in Satanic Ritual   
    It seems to have been a very violent and merciless crime. Jail unfortunately does not rehabilitate people in USA because they do not invest in these kind of programs. Lately the privitization of jails has made situations in jail much worse.  I would think that he needs a proper mental evaluation before anything is decided because one does not want a repetition of the previous murders.
    Unfortunately a mental evaluation does not involve the determining if people have a concept of right and wrong these days--these values are too old fashioned for modern phsycologists. 
  3. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Tennessee Experts Spar Over Prison Terms For juveniles - JW's Killed in Satanic Ritual   
    Satanic Cults are growing fast as the end comes. What will courts do? Prison most of the time hardens criminals. Jehovah says, "Vengeance is mine I will repay." Sad, but they are in Jehovah's memory. 
    Thank you for your support! 
  4. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Anybody Know Us? – ?????   
    Anybody Know Us? – ???????
    Comment Please? ???

  5. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "His Hand Is Never Empty!" – ?????   
    "His Hand Is Never Empty!"
    A poem by: @jehovah_knows_
    Out of despair I have called to Him, How many times, I cannot say, Yet every time He’s answered me, He’s shown He hears me when I pray.
    Jehovah’s hand is never empty, How He longs to hold us tight, To rescue us from all that’s evil, Lead us through this world’s dark night.
    I cannot say I don’t get anxious, As imperfection rules my mind, These days remain a constant struggle, To not look ahead or behind.
    Oh, today should be enough for me Tomorrow is tomorrow, Things of yesterday I cannot change, Stuck in either brings one sorrow.
    I force myself to maintain focus, Firmly on the paradise, To let Jehovah God take today, Just let it go and don’t think twice.
    There is nothing beyond this moment, Every moment’s just the same, But eternity awaits all those, Who rest their faith in God’s great name.

  6. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in “We Have Left All Things and Followed You”! – ??????   
    “We Have Left All Things and Followed You”
    "We have left all things and followed you."—Matt. 19:27.
    Peter told Jesus: “Look! We have left all things and followed you.” (Matt. 19:27) Peter, Andrew, James, and John quickly abandoned their nets when invited to follow Jesus. They left behind the fishing business and made the ministry their vocation. According to Luke’s Gospel account, Peter said: “Look! We have left our own things and followed you.” (Luke 18:28) 
    Most of us did not have to leave all “our own things” behind so as to follow Jesus. However, we did have to ‘disown ourselves’ to become followers of Christ and wholehearted servants of Jehovah. (Matt. 16:24) Such a course has resulted in rich blessings. (Read Matthew 19:29.) Having an evangelizing spirit in imitation of Christ brings joy to our heart, especially if we have had even a small part in helping someone to draw close to God and his beloved Son.
    Jesus’ attitude toward people attracted them to his message. For instance, his love and humility drew lowly ones to him. He expressed compassion for those who came to him and comforted them with kind words, healing many physically. (Read Mark 2:1-5.) We cannot perform miracles, but we can show love, humility, and compassion—qualities that help to draw people to the truth.
    When some became Jesus’ disciples in the first century, Peter asked: “What actually will there be for us?” Jesus replied: “Everyone that has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive many times more and will inherit everlasting life.” (Matt. 19:27-29) That is certain to be our experience if we continue to imitate the greatest Missionary, Jesus Christ.
    When Jesus invited Peter, Andrew, James, and John to follow him, they responded without delay!

  7. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Don't Give Up! Regional Convention in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico ???   
    Don't Give Up! Regional Convention in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico ???

  8. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in RUSSIAN COURT EXTENDS IMPRISONMENT OF DENNIS CHRISTENSEN ???   
    Remember him in your prayer...
    "Mr. Christensen, a Danish citizen, was arrested on May 25, 2017, during a raid by Federal Security Service (FSB) agents and masked and armed police officers for participating in a religious meeting held by Jehovah’s Witness in russia"....

  9. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Tennessee Experts Spar Over Prison Terms For juveniles - JW's Killed in Satanic Ritual   
    Tennessee experts spar over prison terms for juveniles
    BY SHEILA BURKE Associated Press
    Three members of a family of witnesses killed in a satanic ritual.
    In 1997, a family of witnesses returning from his assembly, were kidnapped and the marriage and 6-Year-old daughter killed. Only the 2-Year-old son survived. The 5 guilty were sentenced to life imprisonment.
    Now it's pressuring justice to be released at the age of 20
    That raises many protests remembering how the "Aligned" family went into a ditch where they begged for their lives, but they were executed.
    JULY 31, 2017 3:18 AM
    There is wide disagreement in Tennessee on whether the state is violating recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions banning mandatory life-without-parole sentences for offenders under 18. That's because judges and juries have a choice in sentencing, but that choice is between life in prison or life with the possibility of parole after serving 51 years — which one leading advocate calls cruel.

  10. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Lussier Denis in Tennessee Experts Spar Over Prison Terms For juveniles - JW's Killed in Satanic Ritual   
    Tennessee experts spar over prison terms for juveniles
    BY SHEILA BURKE Associated Press
    Three members of a family of witnesses killed in a satanic ritual.
    In 1997, a family of witnesses returning from his assembly, were kidnapped and the marriage and 6-Year-old daughter killed. Only the 2-Year-old son survived. The 5 guilty were sentenced to life imprisonment.
    Now it's pressuring justice to be released at the age of 20
    That raises many protests remembering how the "Aligned" family went into a ditch where they begged for their lives, but they were executed.
    JULY 31, 2017 3:18 AM
    There is wide disagreement in Tennessee on whether the state is violating recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions banning mandatory life-without-parole sentences for offenders under 18. That's because judges and juries have a choice in sentencing, but that choice is between life in prison or life with the possibility of parole after serving 51 years — which one leading advocate calls cruel.

  11. Haha
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from joel alarios in The Polish Divorce - HaHaHaHa! ? ???   
    The Polish Divorce - HaHaHaHa! – Don't We Need to Laugh? 
    A Polish man moved to the USA and married an American girl.
    Although his English was far from perfect, 
    they got along very well.
    One day he rushed into a lawyer's office 
    and asked him if he could arrange a divorce for him.
    The lawyer said that getting a divorce would depend on the circumstances,
    and asked him the following questions:
    Have you any grounds?
    Yes, an acre and half and nice little home. 
    No, I mean what is the foundation of this case?
    It made of concrete.
    I don't think you understand.
    Does either of you have a real grudge?
    No, we have carport, and not need one.
    I mean what are your relations like?
    All my relations still in Poland .
    Is there any infidelity in your marriage?
    We have hi-fidelity stereo and good DVD player. 
    Does your wife beat you up?
    No, I always up before her.
    Is your wife a nagger?
    No, she white.
    Why do you want this divorce?
    She going to kill me.
    What makes you think that?
    I got proof.
    What kind of proof?
    She going to poison me.
    She buy a bottle at drugstore and put on shelf in bathroom. I can read English pretty good, and it say:
    ~~~Polish Remover~~~
    Now didn't you need to Smile today?  
    ?? ???? ??

  12. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Henriette in Little Things Mean A lot! ? ? ?   
    Do You Notice What Others Do?
    Yes, and so does Jehovah! He notices what we do. Hence, as imitators of God, we should be alert to recognize the efforts of others. (Ephesians 5:1) Why not take a closer look at the challenges your fellow Christians face in order to attend congregation meetings, to engage in the field ministry, even to go about their daily life?
    Then, let your fellow worshipers of Jehovah know that you appreciate their efforts. They will be glad that you noticed, and your concern may serve to reassure them that Jehovah notices too.
    Those who had been through the toughest times, would understand the beauty of the simplest things. — Enjoy those simple things today! Those bigger things can rest!
    You will find more joy in life looking at those simple things! Lean upon Jehovah, pray, he cares for you! Say I give  you all my burdens Jehovah and let go! You will be surprised how blessed you will feel! Yes appreciate the little things, these are made for our smiles and enjoyment! 
    Share this with all going through hard times. Support each other! The burdens are light, and in time will be a thing of the past! Look ahead and keep focused on the prize! Soon! 
    Share, Care and Say in Prayer!
  13. Sad
    Remember him in your prayer...
    "Mr. Christensen, a Danish citizen, was arrested on May 25, 2017, during a raid by Federal Security Service (FSB) agents and masked and armed police officers for participating in a religious meeting held by Jehovah’s Witness in russia"....

  14. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Don't Give Up! Regional Convention in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico ???   
    Don't Give Up! Regional Convention in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico ???

  15. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to bruceq in EU statement on the upheld ban of activities of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia   
    EUROPEAN UNION euoffice@osce.org  eeas.europa.eu/delegations/vienna  PAGE 1/1 OSCE Permanent Council No 1155 Vienna, 20 July 2017 EU statement on the upheld ban of activities of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia The Russian Supreme Court on 17 July upheld its previous decision to liquidate all legal entities of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia, terminate their activity and confiscate their property, alleging "extremist activity". The decision confirms the ban on the peaceful worship of Jehovah’s Witnesses throughout the country. This ban has already resulted in cases of criminal prosecutions against Jehovah's Witnesses, as well as police raids on their prayer halls. It has contributed to an atmosphere of hatred and stigmatization, which has led to arson attacks and other forms of harassment. Jehovah’s Witnesses, like all other members of religious groups, must be able to peacefully enjoy freedom of assembly without interference, as guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as by Russia's international commitments to international human rights standards through its membership of the OSCE and the Council of Europe. OSCE Participating States have on several occasions, including at the Kyiv Ministerial Council in 2013, emphasized the link between security and full respect for the freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief. The Candidate Countries the FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA*, MONTENEGRO* and ALBANIA*, the Country of the Stabilisation and Association Process and Potential Candidate BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA, and the EFTA countries ICELAND and NORWAY, members of the European Economic Area, as well as UKRAINE, GEORGIA, SAN MARINO, AUSTRALIA and CANADA align themselves with this statement. * The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania continue to be part of the Stabilisation and Association Process.
  16. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in Who Created Gravity or Spaced the Planets in Perfect Alignment? – ?????   
    Who Created Gravity or Spaced the Planets in Perfect Alignment?
    God asked Job: “Into what have its socket pedestals been sunk down?” Is that not a good question? We are probably familiar with a term that Job did not know—gravity. Most of us understand that the force of gravity from the huge mass of the sun keeps our earth in place, its socket pedestals sunk down so to speak. Still, who fully understands gravity?
    "Where were you when I founded the earth? Tell me, if you think you understand.
     5 Who set its measurements, in case you know, Or who stretched a measuring line across it?
     6 Into what were its pedestals sunk, Or who laid its cornerstone,
     7 When the morning stars  joyfully cried out together, And all the sons of God  began shouting in applause?" – (Job 38: 4-7).
    "He stretches out the northern sky over empty space, Suspending the earth upon nothing." – (Job 26:7).
    "Look! These are just the fringes of his ways; Only a faint whisper has been heard of him! So who can understand his mighty thunder?” – (Job 2;14).
    A recently published book entitled The Universe Explained admits that ‘gravity is the most familiar, yet the least understood, of nature’s forces.’ It adds: “Gravitational force seems to travel across empty space instantly, without any obvious means of doing so. In recent years, however, physicists have begun to speculate that gravity might travel in waves made of particles called gravitons . . . But no one is quite certain of their existence.” Think about what that implies.
    Science has advanced for 3,000 years since Jehovah posed those questions to Job. Still, neither we nor expert physicists can fully explain gravity, which keeps our earth in the right orbit, just the position it should have to allow us to enjoy life here. (Job 26:7; Isaiah 45:18)
    "For this is what Jehovah says, The Creator of the heavens, the true God, The One who formed the earth, its Maker who firmly established it, Who did not create it simply for nothing, but formed it to be inhabited: “I am Jehovah, and     there is no one else.’ – (Isa. 45:18).

  17. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in "The Time We Visited Auschwitz.“ –   
    "The Time We Visited Auschwitz.“ 
    When the Tallinn, Estonia Convention delegates visited Haapsalu, we were taken to the train museum and there the brothers and sisters staged a reenactment of the deportation of our brothers to Siberia in April 1951.
    We had the opportunity to climb into a boxcar (similar to the ones used ) and have the door closed. There were less than 20 of us but there would have been 40 to a car on the 2 week journey to Siberia. Some were dressed as guards and even fired guns with blanks. It was emotionally moving, similar to the time we visited Auschwitz.“
    Jehovah—Our Source of Salvation
    Why do we take refuge in Jehovah?
    Concerning the true worshiper, the psalmist represents God as saying: “Because on me he has set his affection, I shall also provide him with escape. I shall protect him because he has come to know my name.” (Psalm 91:14) The phrase “I shall protect him” is literally, “I shall place him on high,” that is, out of reach. We take refuge in Jehovah as his worshipers especially because ‘we have set our affection on him.’ (Mark 12:29, 30; 1 John 4:19) 
    In turn, God ‘provides us with escape’ from our enemies. Never will we be wiped off the earth. Rather, we will be saved because we know the divine name and call upon it in faith. (Romans 10:11-13) And we are determined to ‘walk in Jehovah’s name forever.’—Micah 4:5; Isaiah 43:10-12.
    As Psalm 91 concludes, what does Jehovah promise his faithful servant?
    As Psalm 91 concludes, Jehovah says of his faithful servant: “He will call upon me, and I shall answer him. I shall be with him in distress. I shall rescue him and glorify him. With length of days I shall satisfy him, and I shall cause him to see salvation by me.” (Psalm 91:15, 16) When we call upon God in prayer according to his will, he answers us. (1 John 5:13-15) 
    We have already passed through much distress because of the hostility fomented by Satan. But the words “I shall be with him in distress” prepare us for future trials and assure us that God will sustain us when this wicked system is destroyed.
  18. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in Tennessee Experts Spar Over Prison Terms For juveniles - JW's Killed in Satanic Ritual   
    Tennessee experts spar over prison terms for juveniles
    BY SHEILA BURKE Associated Press
    Three members of a family of witnesses killed in a satanic ritual.
    In 1997, a family of witnesses returning from his assembly, were kidnapped and the marriage and 6-Year-old daughter killed. Only the 2-Year-old son survived. The 5 guilty were sentenced to life imprisonment.
    Now it's pressuring justice to be released at the age of 20
    That raises many protests remembering how the "Aligned" family went into a ditch where they begged for their lives, but they were executed.
    JULY 31, 2017 3:18 AM
    There is wide disagreement in Tennessee on whether the state is violating recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions banning mandatory life-without-parole sentences for offenders under 18. That's because judges and juries have a choice in sentencing, but that choice is between life in prison or life with the possibility of parole after serving 51 years — which one leading advocate calls cruel.

  19. Confused
    Bible Speaks reacted to The Librarian in Impatient, aren’t we?   
    List of epic fails....
    Imagine being the photographer realizing what you just captured.?
  20. Confused
    Bible Speaks reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Impatient, aren’t we?   
    via TheWorldNewsOrgWorld News
  21. Haha
    Bible Speaks reacted to The Librarian in New Sign Replacing Watchtower Sign in Brooklyn?   
    I think they should stick with RED personally. I could be a little biased of course. 
  22. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in New Sign Replacing Watchtower Sign in Brooklyn?   
    @The Librarian
    Only "The Watchtower" will shine brightly in Heaven! I'm sure resident will remember the sign and want to know why they left? 
  23. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in “We Have Left All Things and Followed You”! – ??????   
    “We Have Left All Things and Followed You”
    "We have left all things and followed you."—Matt. 19:27.
    Peter told Jesus: “Look! We have left all things and followed you.” (Matt. 19:27) Peter, Andrew, James, and John quickly abandoned their nets when invited to follow Jesus. They left behind the fishing business and made the ministry their vocation. According to Luke’s Gospel account, Peter said: “Look! We have left our own things and followed you.” (Luke 18:28) 
    Most of us did not have to leave all “our own things” behind so as to follow Jesus. However, we did have to ‘disown ourselves’ to become followers of Christ and wholehearted servants of Jehovah. (Matt. 16:24) Such a course has resulted in rich blessings. (Read Matthew 19:29.) Having an evangelizing spirit in imitation of Christ brings joy to our heart, especially if we have had even a small part in helping someone to draw close to God and his beloved Son.
    Jesus’ attitude toward people attracted them to his message. For instance, his love and humility drew lowly ones to him. He expressed compassion for those who came to him and comforted them with kind words, healing many physically. (Read Mark 2:1-5.) We cannot perform miracles, but we can show love, humility, and compassion—qualities that help to draw people to the truth.
    When some became Jesus’ disciples in the first century, Peter asked: “What actually will there be for us?” Jesus replied: “Everyone that has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive many times more and will inherit everlasting life.” (Matt. 19:27-29) That is certain to be our experience if we continue to imitate the greatest Missionary, Jesus Christ.
    When Jesus invited Peter, Andrew, James, and John to follow him, they responded without delay!

  24. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from The Librarian in New Sign Replacing Watchtower Sign in Brooklyn?   
    The "present ideas to replace the Watchtower sign", now that the building has been sold.
    Bye Brooklyn ?? On to the Kings Drive, Warwick, New York

  25. Like
    He called me from New York and said: "I'm probably staying here." The news is shocking. The last thing you could expect from a person who sang (and sings): "I was born and grew up on Lenin Street". It's hard to imagine music more Russian than the one that Zero played, and Chistyakov continues to play. A brilliant album "No fools" and a few very strong singles have just come out, he has traveled around the country with concerts, he is at the peak of his form, he is finally all right after twenty years of depression and setbacks. So from what to run (and this is the escape)?
    Photo from the archive of Fedor Chistyakov ... The fact that Chistyakov is a member of Jehovah's Witnesses, an organization that has just been recognized as extremist, knew everything, but did not attach importance. It was believed that the rock star has such a fad. Prince was also a Witness. And Madonna is a Kabbalist. And Tom Cruise is a Scientologist ... However, Fedor, although he never spoke about his religion at concerts and very rarely in an interview, takes her seriously. This is not a fad, this is something for which he is ready to fight.
    "Witnesses" appeared in his life in the 90's, during the most difficult period. He just served an assassination attempt, went through a psychiatric hospital and was in a terrible state, on the verge of suicide. Now he does not drink, does not smoke and does not sing his old songs, where drugs are mentioned. But at the same time he did not lose the rock-n-roll drive, at the concerts he ignites in a way that few people can now. You can treat the Witnesses differently, but they rescued him, Fedor Chistyakov.
    Pressure on the "Witnesses" went for a long time. In 2004, the Moscow court dismissed the Moscow community. In 2011, several criminal cases were opened. And in 2009, the NTV channel showed the film: "Watch out: Jehovah's Witnesses". In addition to the attack on the Witnesses, there was a run-in and personally on Chistyakov. Televischiki represented him in the image of a zombified and seduced sectarian, which is not true by one percent. This can be confirmed by anyone who has been to Fedor's concerts and listened to his recent recordings. The zombies do not sing like that.
    The conclusion from the program was clear: look, the murderer and the addict preach the Bible! They, probably, are all like that.
    The act is sneaky, whatever one may say, but Chistyakov then restrained himself. He is generally patient, his life has been broken and continues to break, like few people, one must have a strong character in order to survive and not go insane in his circumstances. As the campaign around the Witnesses unfolded, he became gloomy, nervous, but he waited. There were weak chances that it would cost. Now there are no such chances. Since July, his co-religionists and he is outside the law.
    "You can regard this interview as my official statement on leaving the country," Fyodor said. "I just had no choice."
    - I was not going to emigrate. There are people who for years try to get a green card or somehow get to America. And I never had any thoughts of such, nor of the possibilities. I firmly settled in place, I am already fifty, where to go? Besides, right now everything is developing very well, as a musician I am on the rise: a good band, an established tour system, one after the other albums are out. And so we flew with a tour in the US. And on the eve of the trial, the result of which was the ban of the Witnesses. For me it was a shock. The likelihood that I will not return from the American tour started to increase strongly. And on July 17, when they rejected the appeal, I made the final decision.
    - What does this prohibition mean to you personally?
    - First and foremost: I can not openly profess my religion. This in itself is a trauma, even if you are not being put, but there are already plantings. In Orel, for example, they took and imprisoned a citizen of Denmark. Russians are not enough for them, they decided to wet it so that the ears rang. There are options for punishment: prison, forced labor, fine. If a person is fined 100,000, and he has a salary of 20, what should he do? After that, by the way, they can plant.
    "Such a situation makes any creative activity meaningless. What's the point, if tomorrow can come for you? "
    And musical activity is connected with long-term investments. I invest my personal funds in the project, my colleagues and investors are investing. I take on very serious obligations. Concerts are planned for six months, and I have no right to even get sick, I have to play live or dead. But how to work if you can be picked up at any moment? Then you have to change your profession, but I do not want to, I still have many plans.
    Last year, my spies were visited by searches of special services. Laptops, computers, hard disks were taken to find evidence of extremism. I was very worried about my home studio. It is absolutely inconceivable that my achievements are carried to an unknown place. So my move is not connected with the fact that I allegedly do not like Russia and sold to the Americans. This is a forced measure aimed at preventing me from disappearing as a creative unit. There was no other way out.
    "And so you left." What will happen to the band "Fedor Chistyakov Band"? Is the project closed?
    - In no case. Only the place of my physical stay has changed, nothing changes anymore. At least, I hope so. Now we are reshaping the schedules of tours taking into account the fact that I'm flying to them from America. In the near future the bandback of the group "Zero" - November 18, Moscow, "Izvestia Hall." If there is no force majeure, everything will be done. And then the recording of the new album, the material is written, you have to work with it. In addition, an American project is planned, with which I will be speaking, a contract has already been signed.
    - Do you plan on singing in English?
    "I'm afraid I will not succeed." Russian language, Russian thinking, Russian mentality with the move does not disappear anywhere. This is not the clothes that he took off, put on another and everything is okay. I remain the same as I was, I am still worried about things that are happening in Russia. And of course, I'm focused on the Russian public. But there is still an emigrant audience, it is not very large, but it is. I live in the area of New York, where on the street constantly hear Russian speech. And it's not even Brighton.
    - The song from your new single "Time to Live" begins with the words: "There is nothing to do, nothing to do, nothing to do, only to run ..." Just about running away. Coincidence or did you plan?
    - Coincidence, I was surprised to him. This is an old song "Zero", it did not have time to finish it in 1992, I do not remember what I meant at the time. Probably, flight from a difficult life situation, but not emigration exactly. We recorded it now together with Nichols, with whom "Zero" started sometime, it is possible with good conscience to consider this record as the new work of "Zero".
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