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Bible Speaks

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  1. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Lawrence Mckee in Pioneering Strengthens Our Relationship With God – ?????   
    These are pioneers in Croatia.They are truly inspiring and encouraging!They have different circumstances/problems yet they share the same goal.There will never be perfect scenario.It's not about circumstance/ability ,but it's allowing oneself to be in that circumstance and enter the pioneering marks.Jah will certainly bless us if we do/make kingdom interest as our top priority.
    Pioneering Strengthens Our Relationship With God
    “It is good to make melody to our God.”—PSALM 147:1.
    When we go out in the ministry, we think and talk about Jehovah. This strengthens our friendship with him. Many pioneers have felt that their love for God has become even deeper because they are able to spend more time in the ministry. This article will help both pioneers and those who want to become pioneers to think carefully about these questions: How can pioneeringstrengthen your relationship with Jehovah? If you are pioneering, what will help you to continue in this special service? If you are not pioneering yet, what can you do to start? Let us first talk about ways that pioneering can strengthen our friendship with God.
    ?When we talk about future Kingdom blessings, we become closer to Jehovah. 
    ?When we see how unhappy and helpless most people are, we become even more grateful for the truth. 
    ?When we teach others the truth, we learn not to worry so much about our own problems.
    ?When we teach Bible truths to others, our faith in these truths becomes stronger.
    ?When we see that Bible principles help our students improve their lives, we value God’s wisdom even more.
    ?We are encouraged by working with our brothers and sisters in the ministry.
    ?When we pioneer with our mate, our marriage becomes stronger.
    ?Our trust in Jehovah increases as we put the Kingdom first, feel Jehovah’s support, and see him answer our prayers. 
    “To make melody to our God” (Psalm 147:1): To praise our God, Jehovah. We have more opportunities to do this when we pioneer

  2. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Wilma in How to Preach in Thailand in the Rainy Season! Walked 35 Miles With 11 Pounds of Gifts ? and God's Word!   
    A publisher from Thailand comments on the photo; Actually in Thailand it is the rainy season, in particular, in Northern Thailand it is raining a lot.
    This is the Karen people not far from ban mae sarisng (50 km from Myanmar). I walked for 35 miles. Through the jungle, rice fields, cross rivers, get dirty in the mud, and wet in the rain, bitten by a bunch of bugs. But this does not stop me from carrying my 11 pounds of a bag with toys, food and gifts to the people, but most importantly: God's message in his own language.
    In fact, the Jehovah's witness branch in Thailand is translating publications and videos into three dialects of Karen's people. Some of them may also speak of Burmese, but most of them have forgotten.
    They were very surprised to hear the message of God in their own language and dialect near Jehovah for the first time. They were listening carefully, sometimes smiling and you know. Being surrounded by 12-13 people on some occasion was very exciting! Inside you you feel a lot of happiness and joy even if you are so tired.
    And you can really see how the words of Jesus in the Matthew 24:14 is coming true I am grateful to the organization of the Lord to provide spiritual food!

  3. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Gloria Medina in How to Preach in Thailand in the Rainy Season! Walked 35 Miles With 11 Pounds of Gifts ? and God's Word!   
    A publisher from Thailand comments on the photo; Actually in Thailand it is the rainy season, in particular, in Northern Thailand it is raining a lot.
    This is the Karen people not far from ban mae sarisng (50 km from Myanmar). I walked for 35 miles. Through the jungle, rice fields, cross rivers, get dirty in the mud, and wet in the rain, bitten by a bunch of bugs. But this does not stop me from carrying my 11 pounds of a bag with toys, food and gifts to the people, but most importantly: God's message in his own language.
    In fact, the Jehovah's witness branch in Thailand is translating publications and videos into three dialects of Karen's people. Some of them may also speak of Burmese, but most of them have forgotten.
    They were very surprised to hear the message of God in their own language and dialect near Jehovah for the first time. They were listening carefully, sometimes smiling and you know. Being surrounded by 12-13 people on some occasion was very exciting! Inside you you feel a lot of happiness and joy even if you are so tired.
    And you can really see how the words of Jesus in the Matthew 24:14 is coming true I am grateful to the organization of the Lord to provide spiritual food!

  4. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from noz146 in Why Should We Pray Incessantly? – ?????   
    Why Should We Pray Incessantly?
    “Pray incessantly. In connection with everything give thanks.”—1 Thessalonians 5:17, 18.
    Everyone can Pray!
    (Cute picture to make you Smile!)
    Be Thankful!
    Appropriate moments for private prayer present themselves many times each day as we face problems, encounter temptations, and make decisions. (Ephesians 6:18) When we seek God’s guidance in all aspects of life, our friendship with him is certain to grow. If two friends face problems together, does not the bond of friendship between them become stronger? (Proverbs 17:17) The same is true when we lean on Jehovah and experience his help.—2 Chronicles 14:11.
    Prayer can also help us to handle problems. Is our lot in life burdensome and the circumstances we face harsh? The Bible tells us: “Throw your burden upon Jehovah himself, and he himself will sustain you. Never will he allow the righteous one to totter.” (Psalm 55:22) 
    When faced with difficult decisions, we can imitate Jesus’ example. He spent a whole night in private prayer before appointing his 12 apostles. (Luke 6:12-16) And on the night before he died, Jesus prayed so intensely that “his sweat became as drops of blood falling to the ground.” (Luke 22:44) The result? “He was favorably heard for his godly fear.” (Hebrews 5:7) Our fervent and incessant prayers will help us to cope with stressful situations and difficult trials.
    Prayer can also safeguard us against “the machinations of the Devil.” (Ephesians 6:11, 17, 18) When struggling to cope with daily trials, we can constantly ask God to fortify us. Jesus’ model prayer includes the request that Jehovah “deliver us from the wicked one,” Satan the Devil.—Matthew 6:13.
    Jehovah urges all erring ones to call to him, “for he will forgive in a large way.” (Isaiah 55:6, 7) Although David committed several serious sins, he called on Jehovah, saying: “Do give ear, O God, to my prayer; and do not hide yourself from my request for favor.” He also said: “Evening and morning and noontime I cannot but show concern and I moan, and [Jehovah] hears my voice.” (Psalm 55:1, 17) How reassuring!
  5. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Charles Holmes in Pray for Russia and Strength to Keep Firm in the Faith!   
    1. One of our Russian sisters who feeds spiritually with their tablet by not being able to go to meetings and not be able to have posts in their house.
    2. Russian witnesses gather by families to take the tea.On the left brother Eugene, witness since 1994.To the right sister Marina (since 1994) and her daughter Kate (since 2003) Marina tells us that she remembers her mother painting Easter eggs. I'm looking for information in the Bible and he didn't see anything about Easter. Then came the witnesses preaching and taught us the truth about Easter. Learned the Truth! 
    3. A Russian sister continues to read the bible daily privately. ??????

  6. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in I Found Dumbo! – Our Creator Made This Octopus ? For You and Me!   
    Found "Dumbo"!
    ???????? #OurCreatorJehovahGod? #UniveralSovereign? #allcreaturesgreatandsmall? #GodsKingdom? #LiveForever?
    Have you ever heard of a dumbo octopus? 
    Find out the other seamount secrets we discovered off the coast of Hawaii
    http://ci-intl.org/2cs0Osu ?#octopus #ocean #seamount #science #sciencematters #conservation #marine
    Click on link for Video – Enjoy! 
    Mp4 Link Video 
  7. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Gloria Medina in Never say you are busy! – UPBUILDING STORY! – ??   
    Never say you are busy!
    This is a story that happened in Japan.
    In order to renovate the house, a man in Japan breaks open the wall.
    Japanese houses normally have a hollow space between the wooden walls.
    When tearing down the walls, he found that there was a lizard stuck there because a nail from outside hammered into one of it's feet.
    He sees this, feels pity, and at the same time curious, as when he checked the nail, it was nailed five years ago when the house was first built!
    What happened ?...
    The lizard had survived in such position for five years.
    In a dark wall partition for five years without moving, it is impossible and mind-boggling.
    Then he wondered how this lizard survived for five years without moving a single step since it's foot was nailed !
    So he stopped his work and observed the lizard, what it has been doing, and what and how it has been eating.
    Later, not knowing from where it came, appears another lizard, with food in its mouth.
    Ah !... He was stunned and touched deeply,...
    For the lizard that was stuck by nail, another lizard has been feeding it for the past five years.
    Imagine ?...
    It has been doing that untiringly for five long years, without giving up hope on it's partner.
    Imagine what this small creature can do that a creature blessed with a brilliant mind like us can't.
    Please never abandon your loved ones. Never say you are busy when they Really Need You.
    You May Have The Entire World At Your Feet.
    But You Might Be The Only World To Them.
    A Moment of negligence might break the very heart which loves you through all odds,...
    Before you say something, just remember it takes a moment to break, but an entire lifetime to make.

  8. Haha
    Bible Speaks reacted to Melinda Mills in SAVE US! – ???– How He Will Save All Animals   
    Welsh people are from Wales. Never heard of Wales/Whales from Wales.
  9. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Rosemary R. Tlhagwane in Don't Give Up! – 2017 – Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese Regional Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses, California ???   
    Don't give up! Mandarin chinese and cantonese regional convention. 2017 #dontgiveup

  10. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Ma Ai in "How long, O Jehovah?"—Isa. 6:11. – ?????   
    Are You Willing to Wait Patiently?
    "How long, O Jehovah?"—Isa. 6:11.
    “You too exercise patience.”—JAMES 5:8.
    What can help us when we are in a situation that is difficult to endure? Jesus’ half brother James was inspired to tell us: “Be patient then, brothers, until the presence of the Lord.” (James 5:7) So we all need to be patient. But what is patience, and how can we show this beautiful quality?
    The Bible says that patience comes from God’s holy spirit. Without God’s help, it can be hard for imperfect humans to be patient in very difficult situations. Patience is a gift from God, and we prove our love for Jehovah and others when we show it. When we are not patient, the love between us and others weakens. (1 Corinthians 13:4; Galatians 5:22) 
    What does patience involve? It involves enduring difficult situations while still having a positive attitude. (Colossians 1:11; James 1:3, 4) Patience also helps us to remain faithful to Jehovah no matter what problems we have. It will help us to avoid retaliating when we suffer. The Bible says that we must willingly accept the need to wait. That is an important lesson we learn from James 5:7, 8. (Read.)
    So even though we may struggle with trials, we are determined to show “a waiting attitude.” Sometimes we might ask: “How long, O Jehovah?” (Isaiah 6:11) But with the help of God’s holy spirit, we can imitate the prophet Jeremiah and say: “Jehovah is my share,” and “That is why I will show a waiting attitude for him.”—Lamentations 3:21, 24.
    To show a waiting attitude: To be patient and willing to wait for Jehovah to act. We trust that Jehovah will act at the right time and in the right way https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/402017521?q=isa+6%3A11&p=par
  11. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Tonny Blom-Konings in Loving Letter from Jehovah --- ?????   
    Loving Letter from Jehovah
    --- ?????
    One day you come home and find a parcel at the door, with an inscription that reads:
    With love from your creator, Jehovah. ?❣️?
    Impatiently you enter the house and open the parcel. Inside you find a mirror and a letter that reads as follows:
    My beautiful Creation,
    I give you this mirror so that you can take a good look at yourself. What do you see? A tired face, little wrinkles, your big eyes which you can't keep open at the end of the day? Do you also see your heart, your deepest emotions and your sad or happy state of mind?
    Now that you've looked at yourself long enough, please clean the mirror and look again, now I want to show you how I see you.
    You are a creation of my own hands, you are PRECIOUS in my eyes. When my eyes roam the Earth, my heart leaps for joy when it sees your love toward me and your happiness when you've reached one of your goals.
    I also see the beauty of your smile, the honesty of your heart and the help you give others. I also see how you look for me every day, how you find me, talk to me and glorify me with your lips.
    However, I've also noticed something else - I can see that you're tired and I SEE AND FEEL the suffering of your mind, heart and body. I'm so aware that this system is causing you misery. I can see you are fed up and tired of fighting. I know you feel desperate at times and that your heart is sad. But I also see that you want to continue to stand firm and that both your heart and mind keep on fighting because you don't want to leave me. That's why you should know that I cry when you cry, and when you're happy, I'm happy, too.
    Please let me help you! Permit me to protect you like a father. I want to be a soothing balm for your heart and soul.
    I know you! You CAN make it. Please don't leave me. Our precious friendship and your great faith can help you overcome and cope with every trial in your life. I WILL give you the strength you require.
    Never, ever forget that I love you and will be holding your hand as you fight to finish this 'race'. Please keep going because I am longing to show you just how happy a perfect life will be.
    With love greater than you can even fathom.
    Your Father, your God, your Friend,
    (Isaiah 41:10,13) 
    "Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be anxious, for I am your God.
    I will fortify you, yes, I will help you, I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness. For I, Jehovah your God, am grasping your right hand, The One saying to you, ‘Do not be afraid. I will help you.’" (FOREVER) ?


  12. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Teel Ramona in Loving Letter from Jehovah --- ?????   
    How encouraging this letter is.  And just coming from our Regional, it is just what I needed.  Thanks. 
  13. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to SHARON LEE MOYER in Loving Letter from Jehovah --- ?????   
    Bible Speaks, I have this on my wall in my bedroom above my bureau.... but it's still a nice reminder.   Especially now for the folks in Russia.    I feel bad for the Russian government.... they have NO IDEA who exactly they are playing with, and I don't want to be in their shoes when they suddenly find out.    By the way, just did the first 2 days of the convention in Newburgh, New York.... have to wait till next week, the 30th to do the 3rd day.... but BOY, was that good !!!!!!!!!!!!!    lots of Agape !!!   Sharon Lee 
  14. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from vandenbusschevanoostjosett in Loving Letter from Jehovah --- ?????   
    Loving Letter from Jehovah
    --- ?????
    One day you come home and find a parcel at the door, with an inscription that reads:
    With love from your creator, Jehovah. ?❣️?
    Impatiently you enter the house and open the parcel. Inside you find a mirror and a letter that reads as follows:
    My beautiful Creation,
    I give you this mirror so that you can take a good look at yourself. What do you see? A tired face, little wrinkles, your big eyes which you can't keep open at the end of the day? Do you also see your heart, your deepest emotions and your sad or happy state of mind?
    Now that you've looked at yourself long enough, please clean the mirror and look again, now I want to show you how I see you.
    You are a creation of my own hands, you are PRECIOUS in my eyes. When my eyes roam the Earth, my heart leaps for joy when it sees your love toward me and your happiness when you've reached one of your goals.
    I also see the beauty of your smile, the honesty of your heart and the help you give others. I also see how you look for me every day, how you find me, talk to me and glorify me with your lips.
    However, I've also noticed something else - I can see that you're tired and I SEE AND FEEL the suffering of your mind, heart and body. I'm so aware that this system is causing you misery. I can see you are fed up and tired of fighting. I know you feel desperate at times and that your heart is sad. But I also see that you want to continue to stand firm and that both your heart and mind keep on fighting because you don't want to leave me. That's why you should know that I cry when you cry, and when you're happy, I'm happy, too.
    Please let me help you! Permit me to protect you like a father. I want to be a soothing balm for your heart and soul.
    I know you! You CAN make it. Please don't leave me. Our precious friendship and your great faith can help you overcome and cope with every trial in your life. I WILL give you the strength you require.
    Never, ever forget that I love you and will be holding your hand as you fight to finish this 'race'. Please keep going because I am longing to show you just how happy a perfect life will be.
    With love greater than you can even fathom.
    Your Father, your God, your Friend,
    (Isaiah 41:10,13) 
    "Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be anxious, for I am your God.
    I will fortify you, yes, I will help you, I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness. For I, Jehovah your God, am grasping your right hand, The One saying to you, ‘Do not be afraid. I will help you.’" (FOREVER) ?


  15. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in Loving Letter from Jehovah --- ?????   
    Loving Letter from Jehovah
    --- ?????
    One day you come home and find a parcel at the door, with an inscription that reads:
    With love from your creator, Jehovah. ?❣️?
    Impatiently you enter the house and open the parcel. Inside you find a mirror and a letter that reads as follows:
    My beautiful Creation,
    I give you this mirror so that you can take a good look at yourself. What do you see? A tired face, little wrinkles, your big eyes which you can't keep open at the end of the day? Do you also see your heart, your deepest emotions and your sad or happy state of mind?
    Now that you've looked at yourself long enough, please clean the mirror and look again, now I want to show you how I see you.
    You are a creation of my own hands, you are PRECIOUS in my eyes. When my eyes roam the Earth, my heart leaps for joy when it sees your love toward me and your happiness when you've reached one of your goals.
    I also see the beauty of your smile, the honesty of your heart and the help you give others. I also see how you look for me every day, how you find me, talk to me and glorify me with your lips.
    However, I've also noticed something else - I can see that you're tired and I SEE AND FEEL the suffering of your mind, heart and body. I'm so aware that this system is causing you misery. I can see you are fed up and tired of fighting. I know you feel desperate at times and that your heart is sad. But I also see that you want to continue to stand firm and that both your heart and mind keep on fighting because you don't want to leave me. That's why you should know that I cry when you cry, and when you're happy, I'm happy, too.
    Please let me help you! Permit me to protect you like a father. I want to be a soothing balm for your heart and soul.
    I know you! You CAN make it. Please don't leave me. Our precious friendship and your great faith can help you overcome and cope with every trial in your life. I WILL give you the strength you require.
    Never, ever forget that I love you and will be holding your hand as you fight to finish this 'race'. Please keep going because I am longing to show you just how happy a perfect life will be.
    With love greater than you can even fathom.
    Your Father, your God, your Friend,
    (Isaiah 41:10,13) 
    "Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be anxious, for I am your God.
    I will fortify you, yes, I will help you, I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness. For I, Jehovah your God, am grasping your right hand, The One saying to you, ‘Do not be afraid. I will help you.’" (FOREVER) ?


  16. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to bruceq in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    "Jehovah’s Witnesses spokesman David Semonian said in a statement that “it’s very concerning that despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, powerful elements within Russia continue to frame our organization as extremist.”
  17. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to bruceq in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    News Alerts
    BREAKING NEWS | Russian Supreme Court Rejects Appeal by Jehovah’s Witnesses
    Today, the Appellate Chamber of Russia’s Supreme Court ruled against Jehovah’s Witnesses, upholding the April 20 decision to liquidate their Administrative Center and effectively ban their worship. Despite this outcome, we are confident that Jehovah will continue to support our brothers in Russia. (Hebrews 13:6) Please continue to “carry on prayer” for them.—2 Thessalonians 3:1
  18. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to David Normand in 'Religious Freedom in Russia is Dead': Jehovah's Witnesses Ban As Extremists Upheld in Russian Supreme Court of Appeals   
    How sad. It took the judges 20 minutes to decide the fate of 175,000 Russian citizens and freedom of worship. A picture of things to come? Only Jehovah knows for sure. Putin has already signed into law that the Russian supreme court does not have to consider the ECHR if in their opinion, it is not in Russia's best interest. We could go through the motions, but nothing would probably change. 
  19. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to The Librarian in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    Images from the courtroom:

  20. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to The Librarian in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    20 minute break:



  21. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to The Librarian in Pray for Russia and Strength to Keep Firm in the Faith!   
    Here are the latest updates:
  22. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from David Normand in Does the Bible Condemn Gambling? – ♠️♣️♥️♦️?♦️♥️♣️♠️   
    @AllenSmith Many have diseases, we pray for God's Kingdom to remedy them. Prayer is essential in our life, not to complain or want something, but to grateful for all we have. Many don't have the necessities of the day. Prayer helps us through. Some serious problems like, Bipolar or Diabetes need Doctors. Extreme mental problems can be inherited not because of their way of life. It is correct at times health professionals are needed. Even mental health counselors. The Congregation Elders are not Doctors nor do they want to be. In EVERY SITUATION PRAYER MUST BE FIRST IN OUR LIFE! Gambling, vices for dishonest gain is what the article is about. Many also look to witches for their fortune on even gambling or making decisions. Many do say, GOOD LUCK!! We can get support with heath issues. Even mental health can be a chronic problem for some. If our lives are damaged due to disobedience to God's laws, then we pay the penalty. Let us not judge those that have either health issues or mental health issues. Disobedience to God's Laws are a whole different matter. One day we will say, sickness will be know more! Pray for yourself and others, the only solution is God's Kingdom. May it solve everything we need and hold out our promises for. 
  23. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in Coping With “a Thorn in the Flesh” – ?????   
    Coping With “a Thorn in the Flesh”
    How to Cope With a Thorn ???
    The apostle Paul begged God to remove the thorn from his flesh. “In this behalf I three times entreated the Lord that it might depart from me.” What was Jehovah’s reply to Paul’s ardent request? “My undeserved kindness is sufficient for you; for my power is being made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:8, 9) Let us analyze this response and see how it can help us to cope with any thornlike problems that pain us.
    God encouraged Paul to appreciate the undeserved kindness that had already been extended to him through Christ. Indeed, Paul had been greatly blessed in many ways. Jehovah lovingly granted him the privilege of discipleship, though he had been a fanatic opposer of Jesus’ followers. (Acts 7:58; 8:3; 9:1-4) Jehovah thereafter kindly gave Paul many thrilling assignments and privileges. The lesson for us is clear. Even in the worst of times, we still have many blessings for which to be grateful. Never should our trials make us forget the abundant goodness of Jehovah.—Psalm 31:19.
    Today, Jehovah empowers faithful Christians by means of his holy spirit, his Word, and our Christian brotherhood. Like the apostle Paul, we can throw our burdens on Jehovah in prayer. (Psalm 55:22) Although God may not remove our trials, he can grant us the wisdom to cope with them, even with those that are especially hard to bear. Jehovah can also supply us with fortitude—giving us “power beyond what is normal”—to help us endure.—2 Corinthians 4:7.
    How do we receive such help? We must diligently study God’s Word, for therein we will find his sure consolations. (Psalm 94:19) In the Bible, we read the poignant words of God’s servants as they begged for divine help. Jehovah’s responses, which often include the use of comforting words, are food for meditation. Study will fortify us so that “the power beyond what is normal may be God’s and not that out of ourselves.” Just as we need to eat physical food every day for nourishment and strength, so we must feed on God’s words regularly. Do we do this? If we do, then we will see that our receiving “power beyond what is normal” helps us to endure whatever figurative thorns may afflict us now.
    By enduring whatever figurative thorn is in our flesh, we can find great happiness in showing everyone that Jehovah’s power is being made perfect in our weakness. Paul wrote: “We do not give up . . . Certainly the man we are inside is being renewed from day to day. For though the tribulation is momentary and light, it works out for us a glory that is of more and more surpassing weight and is everlasting; while we keep our eyes . . . on the things unseen. For the things . . . unseen are everlasting.”—2 Corinthians 4:16-18.
    Learn more on this subject at:


  24. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Gloria Medina in "May my prayer be prepared as incense before you."—Ps. 141:2 – ?????   
    "May my prayer be prepared as incense before you."—Ps. 141:2
    God expects us to desist from dead works and to study his Word, pray, and attend Christian meetings. And Christian family heads take the initiative in conducting family worship with the members of their own households. (1 Thess. 5:17; Heb. 10:24, 25) 
    Think for a moment about your prayers—about their regularity and their quality. The book of Revelation likens “the prayers of the holy ones” to incense in that acceptable prayers rise to Jehovah like a sweet-smelling and pleasant odor. (Rev. 5:8) 
    In ancient Israel, the incense that was regularly offered on Jehovah’s altar had to be carefully and precisely prepared. It was acceptable to Jehovah only if offered according to the guidelines that he had established. (Ex. 30:34-37; Lev. 10:1, 2) 
    If our heartfelt prayers are similarly formulated, then we can be sure that they are acceptable to Jehovah.
    w12 1/15 4:11, 12
  25. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Gloria Medina in Coping With “a Thorn in the Flesh” – ?????   
    Sis Kay 89, preaches in front of her home in Newcastle, NSW with her own stand! She started three Bible studies. She thinks not of her thorn in the flesh! Jehovah keeps her strong! Nothing will hold her back from sharing the Good News! ???

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