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Bible Speaks

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from ARchiv@L in 1,600-Year-Old Paintings of Christ Discovered in Roman Catacombs   
    What were the historical origins of Christendom’s cross?
    “Various objects, dating from periods long anterior to the Christian era, have been found, marked with crosses of different designs, in almost every part of the old world. India, Syria, Persia and Egypt have all yielded numberless examples . . . The use of the cross as a religious symbol in pre-Christian times and among non-Christian peoples may probably be regarded as almost universal, and in very many cases it was connected with some form of nature worship.”—Encyclopædia Britannica (1946), Vol. 6, p. 753.
    “The shape of the [two-beamed cross] had its origin in ancient Chaldea, and was used as the symbol of the god Tammuz (being in the shape of the mystic Tau, the initial of his name) in that country and in adjacent lands, including Egypt. By the middle of the 3rd cent. A.D. the churches had either departed from, or had travestied, certain doctrines of the Christian faith. In order to increase the prestige of the apostate ecclesiastical system pagans were received into the churches apart from regeneration by faith, and were permitted largely to retain their pagan signs and symbols. Hence the Tau or T, in its most frequent form, with the cross-piece lowered, was adopted to stand for the cross of Christ.”—An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words (London, 1962), W. E. Vine, p. 256.
    “It is strange, yet unquestionably a fact, that in ages long before the birth of Christ, and since then in lands untouched by the teaching of the Church, the Cross has been used as a sacred symbol. . . . The Greek Bacchus, the Tyrian Tammuz, the Chaldean Bel, and the Norse Odin, were all symbolised to their votaries by a cruciform device.”—The Cross in Ritual, Architecture, and Art (London, 1900), G. S. Tyack, p. 1.
    “The cross in the form of the ‘Crux Ansata’ . . . was carried in the hands of the Egyptian priests and Pontiff kings as the symbol of their authority as priests of the Sun god and was called ‘the Sign of Life.’”—The Worship of the Dead (London, 1904), Colonel J. Garnier, p. 226.
    “Various figures of crosses are found everywhere on Egyptian monuments and tombs, and are considered by many authorities as symbolical either of the phallus [a representation of the male sex organ] or of coition. . . . In Egyptian tombs the crux ansata [cross with a circle or handle on top] is found side by side with the phallus.”—A Short History of Sex-Worship (London, 1940), H. Cutner, pp. 16, 17; see also The Non-Christian Cross, p. 183.
    “These crosses were used as symbols of the Babylonian sun-god, [See book], and are first seen on a coin of Julius Cæsar, 100-44 B.C., and then on a coin struck by Cæsar’s heir (Augustus), 20 B.C. On the coins of Constantine the most frequent symbol is [See book]; but the same symbol is used without the surrounding circle, and with the four equal arms vertical and horizontal; and this was the symbol specially venerated as the ‘Solar Wheel’. It should be stated that Constantine was a sun-god worshipper, and would not enter the ‘Church’ till some quarter of a century after the legend of his having seen such a cross in the heavens.”—The Companion Bible, Appendix No. 162; see also The Non-Christian Cross, pp. 133-141.
  2. Confused
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from ARchiv@L in 1,600-Year-Old Paintings of Christ Discovered in Roman Catacombs   
    Roman? Christians didn't believe in crosses? ?
  3. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from ARchiv@L in 1,600-Year-Old Paintings of Christ Discovered in Roman Catacombs   
    1,600-Year-Old Paintings of Christ Discovered in Roman Catacombs
    By Owen Jarus, Live Science Contributor | June 12, 2017 06:31am ET
    An image of Christ seated on a throne surrounded by his apostles can be seen in a burial chamber in the catacombs of St. Domitilla in Italy.
    Credit: Photo courtesy Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra
    The ancient catacombs of St. Domitilla sprawl for more than 10 miles (17 kilometers) in a labyrinth of tunnels beneath Rome and contain numerous tombs, many belonging to the city's elite.
    Now, using a technique called laser cleaning, in which lasers are used to remove centuries of grime, researchers have uncovered elaborate frescoes in two sections of the catacombs: the burial chamber used by a grain purchaser (sometimes referred to in scholarly literature as a baker) and the "introductio," which shows a "a personal presentation of the dead to Christ," said Barbara Mazzei, an archaeologist with the Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archaeology, the organization that unveiled the newly visible frescoes at the end of May.
    The chambers were first discovered about 400 years ago by an explorer named Antonio Bosio.
    "Only the wealthiest families could afford a burial chamber," Mazzei told Live Science in an email. The catacombs date back about 1,600 years and are considered to be among the oldest Christian cemeteries. [See Photos of the Frescoes Inside the Catacombs of St. Domitilla] 
    Proud grain purchaser
    Once the lasers had delicately chipped away soot and other particles that had built up over the years, a 1,600-year-old fresco showing a grain purchaser,  was revealed in greater detail. Previously, researchers knew of the individual and sometimes referred to him as a "baker," but the laser cleaning of the painting allowed details of the purchaser, as well as frescoes in the tomb showing Rome's grain trade, to be seen in greater detail. The grain purchaser (who was buried in this particular chamber) is "dressed in a richly decorated tunic and located behind a large modius," which is a container used to measure and distribute grain, Mazzei said.
    The walls near the image of the grain purchaser show details of the activities of the Annona, an office that handled the purchase and distribution of Rome's grain supply. The grain purchaser was probably someone of "high rank and relevance at the top of the Annona office," Mazzei said. The grain purchaser appears to be "very proud of his work and of the social level he gained," Mazzei said.
    A bucolic scene with a shepherd and another with Christ on a throne between two groups of apostles were also revealed in the catacombs. "The other scenes are drawn from the Old and New Testament," Mazzei said. [In Photos: A Journey Through Early Christian Rome]
    Near the grain purchaser's fresco, in another section of the Roman catacombs, the cleaning revealed details of a fresco showing Christ seated on a throne, with his right arm raised before two deceased individuals and their patron saints, who are presumably "the Princes of the apostles Peter and Paul, to be admitted in the Kingdom of Heaven," Mazzei said. "The subject is quite rare in the repertoire of the catacomb paintings."
    Mazzei said there are many more frescoes that need to be cleaned in the area near the grain purchaser's tomb and in other parts of the sprawling ancient catacombs beneath Rome.
    Original article on Live Science.

  4. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Wilma in Pursuing Kindness in a Hostile World ?????   
    Pursuing Kindness in a Hostile World 
    “The desirable thing in earthling man is his loving-kindness.”—PROVERBS 19:22
    Our lives are affected adversely when others treat us in an unkind manner. The unkindness could be expressed by spiteful neighbors, unfriendly strangers, even friends and family members who may, at times, act thoughtlessly. The pressure of having contact with people who are rude and who shout and curse at one another often causes much dismay. Such lack of kindness by others could make us feel hostile ourselves, and we may consider returning unkindness for unkindness. That may even lead to spiritual or physical health problems.—Romans 12:17
    Stressful world conditions may also make it difficult for us to show kindness. For example, mankind in general feels stress because of threats and acts of terrorism, as well as the possible use of biological or nuclear weapons by various national groups. In addition, millions of people are impoverished, existing with minimal food, shelter, clothing, and medical care. Pursuing kindness becomes a challenge when the situation seems hopeless.—Ecclesiastes 7:7
    Kindness Within the FamilyTo have Jehovah’s blessing and direction, the fruitage of the spirit is vital and needs to be fully cultivated. (Ephesians 4:32) Let us focus on the particular need for family members to express kindness to one another. In day-to-day dealings, a husband and wife should manifest a kind and caring spirit between themselves and with their children. (Ephesians 5:28-33; 6:1, 2) 
    Such kindness needs to be evident in the way members of the family speak to one another, children honoring and respecting their parents and parents treating their children appropriately. Be quick to commend, slow to condemn.
    Kindness is positive and makes us want to do good to others. Thus, we seek to be useful, considerate, and helpful in an agreeable manner with other family members. It takes both individual and collective effort to show the type of kindness that speaks well of a family. As a result, not only will they have God’s blessing but, in the congregation and in the community, they will honor the God of kindness, Jehovah.—1 Peter 2:12

  5. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in Why Is Armageddon Necessary? - THE ONLY ANSWER TO A WORLD OF PEACE FOREVER! ~ ?????   
    @SHARON LEE MOYER Soon the whole earth ? will know Jehovah! Let's help others before it is too late. Thank you for your support.
  6. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in "Keep on the watch." ??   
    @SHARON LEE MOYER Thank you! Jehovah Bless you! 
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    Bible Speaks reacted to b4ucuhear in "We are not ignorant of his designs."— ??   
    One of Satan's cunning (and most successful) machinations is to attack our faith in a way we don't expect. We shouldn't be so focused on the obstacles outside, that we stumble over what may be right in front of us on the inside. And it's not that we don't have plenty of scriptural examples in the Hebrew scriptures or even warnings in the Greek scriptures (that some may feel uncomfortable to apply within the Christian congregation).                
    Acts 20:29,30: "I know that after my going away oppressive wolves will enter in among you and will not treat the flock with tenderness, and from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves."
    2 Tim. 3:13: "But wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled."
    There is NO level within our organization where such individuals have not been manifest. (Publishers; MSs; Elders; Bodies of Elders; Circuit Overseers; missionaries; branch overseers... even members of the Governing Body.) And it's not just apostates we are referring to here. There are other forms of corruption too, sometimes orchestrated by groups of individuals in authority to cover up wickedness. Sometimes because of the level of authority they have, they can get away with these things for years or decades... (1 Tim. 5:24)
    So what are we to do? Cast a suspicious eye towards our brothers and sisters - in authority or otherwise? That is certainly not what God's Word suggests when giving us these warnings. And in fact, we can't always recognize these men until they reveal themselves by their words or actions. Even when we do recognize something is very wrong, we may not be in a position to do much about it except to "blow the whistle." But even then, if you are exposing men who have authority (or even have "friends in high places"), you may experience threats or worse types of "blowback,"  even though you may feel - and in fact are - being obedient to Jehovah's divine direction and that of the Faithful and Discreet Slave. It is times like these, when you have done what Jehovah has asked of you, that you leave matters in his hands and continue in YOUR faithful course as a dedicated servant of Jehovah - regardless of the choices other people make. 
    What we don't do is have a suspicious eye toward our brotherhood as a whole or even decisions we may not understand or agree with when we don't have all the facts. We need to have faith and trust that Jehovah is not only aware of the situation (and the suffering it may cause), but will at the right time deal with it, while he helps us to endure these "hard to understand" tests of our faith and even machinations of the Devil designed to destroy our relationship with Jehovah. 
  8. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Keep Dreaming of "Miracles" ?✨?⭐️?✨?   
    Keep Dreaming of "Miracles"
    The "Miracle" is Our Creator Jehovah God, we are Loved
    Beth Moon:
    Diamond Nights “Silence"
    It has a sound, a fullness.
    It's heavy with sigh of tree,
    and space between breaths.
    It's ripe with pause between birdsong and crash of surf. 
    It's golden they say.
    But no one tells us it's addictive.”
    Angela Long 
    As night falls over the Makgadigadi Pans, large trees stand  starkly against the  horizon, leafless branches reach for the light.  As the sun sinks lower, the sky drains of all color until just red remains.  On the opposite side of the sky, Earth’s shadow is rising, bringing a curtain of indigo and the promise of a clear night.  Science and art merge as  a myriad of stars burn fiercely overhead, dissolving into infinitude, and our thoughts follow.

  9. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Wilma in Why Is Armageddon Necessary? - THE ONLY ANSWER TO A WORLD OF PEACE FOREVER! ~ ?????   
    Why Is Armageddon Necessary? - THE ONLY ANSWER TO A WORLD OF PEACE FOREVER! ~ ????
    Do you find it hard to imagine that Jehovah, a “God of love,” would assign his Son, the “Prince of Peace,” to fight a war? (2 Corinthians 13:11; Isaiah 9:6) 
    Understanding their motives will doubtless make matters clear. The book of Psalms describes Jesus as a mounted warrior. Why does he fight? Christ rides, the psalmist explains, “in the cause of truth and humility and righteousness.” He wages war because he loves righteousness and hates wickedness.—Psalm 45:4, 7
    Likewise, the Bible describes Jehovah’s reaction to the injustice that he sees in the world today. “The LORD has seen this, and he is displeased that there is no justice,” writes the prophet Isaiah. “He will wear justice like a coat of armor and saving power like a helmet. He will clothe himself with the strong desire to set things right and to punish and avenge the wrongs that people suffer.”—Isaiah 59:15, 17, Today’s English Version.
    As long as wicked people hold power, righteous people will not enjoy peace and security. (Proverbs 29:2; Ecclesiastes 8:9) Realistically, we cannot divorce corruption and wickedness from the people who practice them. Thus, lasting peace and justice come at a price—the removal of the wicked ones. “The wicked is a ransom for the righteous one,” Solomon wrote.—Proverbs 21:18.
    Since God is the Judge, we can be sure that in every case the judgments against the wicked will be righteous. “Is the Judge of all the earth not going to do what is right?” asked Abraham. The answer, Abraham learned, is that Jehovah is always right! (Genesis 18:25) 
    Furthermore, the Bible assures us that Jehovah finds no delight in destroying the wicked; he does so only as a last resort.
    (Ezekiel 18:32) “‘For I do not take any delight in the death of someone dying,’ is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. ‘So cause a turning back and keep living, O YOU people.’”
    (2 Peter 3:9) Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with YOU because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance."
    (Psalm 37:10) And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; And you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be."
    (Proverbs 2:21-22) For the upright are the ones that will reside in the earth, and the blameless are the ones that will be left over in it. 22 As regards the wicked, they will be cut off from the very earth; and as for the treacherous, they will be torn away from it."

  10. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Arauna in Lost Sheep Inside The Kingdom Hall ???   
    @Annie Abbott I had it in my archives. It's Truth! ???
  11. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Arauna in Lost Sheep Inside The Kingdom Hall ???   
    Lost Sheep Inside The Kingdom Hall ~
    She usually arrives on Sunday, and often comes quite late.
    Is she baptized or inactive? 
    That’s the question for debate.
    Few folks try to know her; some wonder and just stare.
    No one tries to dig down deep, to see who’s really there. 
    In her purse is a funeral program, that is ragged ’round the ears.
    It is yellow and all wrinkled; been soaked with many tears.
    She's looked at it many times, and knows the resurrection hope. 
    But she still mourns her daughter; sometimes she just can't cope. 
    Many people wonder, but no one ever makes a call.
    She's one of the lost sheep, sitting in your Kingdom Hall. 
    Her uncle used to rape her, when she was just a child.
    Her mother did not believe her, and said she was just wild.
    Jehovah blessed her … and now she has the Truth. 
    But she still lives with all the scars, of a stolen youth.
    They say she's mean and moody, so no one bothers her to call. 
    She's one of the lost sheep, sitting in the Kingdom Hall. 
    She comes to all the meetings, service, even mingles with the friends. 
    But once she goes back home, the heartache soon begins.
    She grew up in the Truth, and served Jehovah faithful all her life. 
    And all she ever wanted, was to be a Christian wife. 
    Now she's past the bloom of youth, and her dreams have not come true. 
    She's worried, frustrated, tempted; and scared what she might do. 
    You probably think she's strong, and she doesn't need a call. 
    But she's one of the lost sheep, sitting in your Kingdom Hall. 
    When we search from door to door, to bring just one sheep in,
    Don't forget about the ones who are already in the pen. 
    These are all true stories, of people at the Hall. 
    So take some time, look closely--and see who needs a call. 
    We remember the youth, the sick, single parents and the old,
    But can we also try add. the others in our fold? 
    Remember that Jehovah, doesn't want anyone to fall.
    So keep in mind, there just might be – some lost sheep inside your Hall.

  12. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Arauna in How to Age Gracefully ?????   
    @Arauna The "Joys of Jehovah " give us hope and courage to keep going! Soon we will grow YOUNG AGAIN! That is what He's promised! True JOY! Thank you for sharing  your thoughts and hope! 
  13. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in 1,600-Year-Old Paintings of Christ Discovered in Roman Catacombs   
    1,600-Year-Old Paintings of Christ Discovered in Roman Catacombs
    By Owen Jarus, Live Science Contributor | June 12, 2017 06:31am ET
    An image of Christ seated on a throne surrounded by his apostles can be seen in a burial chamber in the catacombs of St. Domitilla in Italy.
    Credit: Photo courtesy Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra
    The ancient catacombs of St. Domitilla sprawl for more than 10 miles (17 kilometers) in a labyrinth of tunnels beneath Rome and contain numerous tombs, many belonging to the city's elite.
    Now, using a technique called laser cleaning, in which lasers are used to remove centuries of grime, researchers have uncovered elaborate frescoes in two sections of the catacombs: the burial chamber used by a grain purchaser (sometimes referred to in scholarly literature as a baker) and the "introductio," which shows a "a personal presentation of the dead to Christ," said Barbara Mazzei, an archaeologist with the Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archaeology, the organization that unveiled the newly visible frescoes at the end of May.
    The chambers were first discovered about 400 years ago by an explorer named Antonio Bosio.
    "Only the wealthiest families could afford a burial chamber," Mazzei told Live Science in an email. The catacombs date back about 1,600 years and are considered to be among the oldest Christian cemeteries. [See Photos of the Frescoes Inside the Catacombs of St. Domitilla] 
    Proud grain purchaser
    Once the lasers had delicately chipped away soot and other particles that had built up over the years, a 1,600-year-old fresco showing a grain purchaser,  was revealed in greater detail. Previously, researchers knew of the individual and sometimes referred to him as a "baker," but the laser cleaning of the painting allowed details of the purchaser, as well as frescoes in the tomb showing Rome's grain trade, to be seen in greater detail. The grain purchaser (who was buried in this particular chamber) is "dressed in a richly decorated tunic and located behind a large modius," which is a container used to measure and distribute grain, Mazzei said.
    The walls near the image of the grain purchaser show details of the activities of the Annona, an office that handled the purchase and distribution of Rome's grain supply. The grain purchaser was probably someone of "high rank and relevance at the top of the Annona office," Mazzei said. The grain purchaser appears to be "very proud of his work and of the social level he gained," Mazzei said.
    A bucolic scene with a shepherd and another with Christ on a throne between two groups of apostles were also revealed in the catacombs. "The other scenes are drawn from the Old and New Testament," Mazzei said. [In Photos: A Journey Through Early Christian Rome]
    Near the grain purchaser's fresco, in another section of the Roman catacombs, the cleaning revealed details of a fresco showing Christ seated on a throne, with his right arm raised before two deceased individuals and their patron saints, who are presumably "the Princes of the apostles Peter and Paul, to be admitted in the Kingdom of Heaven," Mazzei said. "The subject is quite rare in the repertoire of the catacomb paintings."
    Mazzei said there are many more frescoes that need to be cleaned in the area near the grain purchaser's tomb and in other parts of the sprawling ancient catacombs beneath Rome.
    Original article on Live Science.

  14. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Why Is Armageddon Necessary? - THE ONLY ANSWER TO A WORLD OF PEACE FOREVER! ~ ?????   
    Why Is Armageddon Necessary? - THE ONLY ANSWER TO A WORLD OF PEACE FOREVER! ~ ????
    Do you find it hard to imagine that Jehovah, a “God of love,” would assign his Son, the “Prince of Peace,” to fight a war? (2 Corinthians 13:11; Isaiah 9:6) 
    Understanding their motives will doubtless make matters clear. The book of Psalms describes Jesus as a mounted warrior. Why does he fight? Christ rides, the psalmist explains, “in the cause of truth and humility and righteousness.” He wages war because he loves righteousness and hates wickedness.—Psalm 45:4, 7
    Likewise, the Bible describes Jehovah’s reaction to the injustice that he sees in the world today. “The LORD has seen this, and he is displeased that there is no justice,” writes the prophet Isaiah. “He will wear justice like a coat of armor and saving power like a helmet. He will clothe himself with the strong desire to set things right and to punish and avenge the wrongs that people suffer.”—Isaiah 59:15, 17, Today’s English Version.
    As long as wicked people hold power, righteous people will not enjoy peace and security. (Proverbs 29:2; Ecclesiastes 8:9) Realistically, we cannot divorce corruption and wickedness from the people who practice them. Thus, lasting peace and justice come at a price—the removal of the wicked ones. “The wicked is a ransom for the righteous one,” Solomon wrote.—Proverbs 21:18.
    Since God is the Judge, we can be sure that in every case the judgments against the wicked will be righteous. “Is the Judge of all the earth not going to do what is right?” asked Abraham. The answer, Abraham learned, is that Jehovah is always right! (Genesis 18:25) 
    Furthermore, the Bible assures us that Jehovah finds no delight in destroying the wicked; he does so only as a last resort.
    (Ezekiel 18:32) “‘For I do not take any delight in the death of someone dying,’ is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. ‘So cause a turning back and keep living, O YOU people.’”
    (2 Peter 3:9) Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with YOU because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance."
    (Psalm 37:10) And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; And you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be."
    (Proverbs 2:21-22) For the upright are the ones that will reside in the earth, and the blameless are the ones that will be left over in it. 22 As regards the wicked, they will be cut off from the very earth; and as for the treacherous, they will be torn away from it."

  15. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Wilma in ~ How Deep is Your Love ~ Can it Handle Storms Clouds? ~ ?????   
    ~ How Deep is Your Love ~ Can it Handle Storms Clouds? ~ ?????
    ~ Let the Wicked be Wicked ~ Only the Righteous will Behold His Face ~
    (Psalm 11:1-7) . . .In Jehovah I have taken refuge. How dare YOU men say to my soul: “Flee as a bird to YOUR mountain!” 2 For, look! the wicked ones themselves bend the bow, They do make ready their arrow upon the bowstring, To shoot in the gloom at the ones upright in heart. 3 When the foundations themselves are torn down, What must anyone righteous do? 4 Jehovah is in his holy temple. Jehovah—in the heavens is his throne. His own eyes behold, his own beaming eyes examine the sons of men. 5 Jehovah himself examines the righteous one as well as the wicked one, And anyone loving violence His soul certainly hates. 6 He will rain down upon the wicked ones traps, fire and sulphur And a scorching wind, as the portion of their cup. 7 For Jehovah is righteous; he does love righteous acts. The upright are the ones that will behold his face."

  16. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Hold YOUR Hand Tight and Don't Let Go! ???   
    Hold YOUR Hand Tight and Don't Let Go!    ???????
    (Psalm 18:35) . . ."You will give me your shield of salvation, And your own right hand will sustain me."Jehovah Is Our Helper
    “My help is from Jehovah, the Maker of heaven and earth.”—PSALM 121:2.
    WHO among us never needs a helping hand? The truth is that we all need help at times—to cope with a weighty problem, to endure a painful loss, to bear up under a difficult trial. When needing help, people often turn to a caring friend. Sharing a burden with such a friend may make it easier to bear. But there is only so much that a fellow human can do to help. Besides, others may not always be in a position to respond when help is needed.
    There is, however, a Helper who has unlimited power and resources. Furthermore, he assures us that he will never forsake us. He is the One identified by the psalmist who with full confidence declared: “My help is from Jehovah.” (Psalm 121:2) 
    Why was this psalmist convinced that Jehovah would help him? To answer that question, let us examine Psalm 121. Doing so will enable us to see why we too can confidently look to Jehovah as our Helper.An Unfailing Source of Help
    The psalmist began by pointing to Jehovah’s creatorship as a basis for confidence: “I shall raise my eyes to the mountains. From where will my help come? My help is from Jehovah, the Maker of heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1, 2) 

  17. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Jehovah Hates the Course of Treachery! ?????   
    Jehovah Hates the Course of Treachery! ?????
    ‘Do not deal treacherously with one another.’—MALACHI 2:10.
    DO YOU want everlasting life? If you believe in that hope as promised in the Bible, you will probably say, ‘Of course.’ But if you wish God to favor you with endless life in his new world, you will need to meet his requirements. (Ecclesiastes 12:13; John 17:3) 
    Is it unreasonable to expect imperfect humans to do that? No, for Jehovah makes this encouraging statement: “In loving-kindness I have taken delight, and not in sacrifice; and in the knowledge of God rather than in whole burnt offerings.” (Hosea 6:6) So even mistake-prone humans can meet God’s requirements.
    Reason for Caution
    However, we have reason for caution. We could miss the lessons that are implicit in Malachi 2:1-9. Are we personally alert, so that no unrighteousness is found on our lips?
    For example, can our family members really trust what we say? Can our spiritual brothers and sisters in the congregation do the same? It would be easy to develop the habit of couching one’s words in terms that are technically accurate but misleading. Or one might exaggerate or hide details in a business matter. Would Jehovah not see that? And if we followed such practices, would he accept sacrifices of praise from our lips?
    If we are not careful, we could be tempted to weave personal preferences or opinions in with our teaching. That would especially be a risk for a person tending to be confident in his own conclusions even when these contradict what Jehovah’s organization is teaching. But Malachi chapter 2 shows that we should expect congregation teachers to hold to knowledge from God and not to personal ideas, which could stumble the sheep. Jesus said: “Whoever stumbles one of these little ones who put faith in me, it is more beneficial for him to have hung around his neck a millstone such as is turned by an ass and to be sunk in the wide, open sea.”—Matthew 18:6
    Mistreating One’s Mate
    Malachi then considers a second treachery: mistreating one’s mate, especially by unjust divorcing. Verse 14 of Mal chapter 2 states: “Jehovah himself has borne witness between you and the wife of your youth, with whom you yourself have dealt treacherously, although she is your partner and the wife of your covenant.” By dealing treacherously with their wives, Jewish husbands caused Jehovah’s altar to become ‘covered with tears.’ (Malachi 2:13) 
    Those men were obtaining divorces on illegitimate grounds, wrongly leaving the wives of their youth, likely to marry younger or pagan women. And the corrupt priests allowed that! Yet, Malachi 2:16 declares: “‘He has hated a divorcing,’ Jehovah the God of Israel has said.” Later, Jesus showed that immorality is the only ground for a divorce that would free the innocent mate to remarry.—Matthew 19:9
    Reflect on Malachi’s words, and see how they appeal to hearts and to feelings of basic kindness. He refers to “your partner and the wife of your covenant.” Each man involved had married a fellow worshiper, an Israelite woman, choosing her as a dear companion, a life partner. While that marriage probably took place when he and she were young, the passing of time and the onset of older age did not invalidate the covenant they had entered into, that is, the marriage contract.
    The counsel regarding those issues applies with equal force today. It is a shame that some disregard God’s direction on marrying only in the Lord. And it is also regrettable that some do not continue working at keeping their marriage strong. Instead, they make excuses and pursue a course that God hates by getting an unscriptural divorce so as to marry someone else. In doing such things, they “have made Jehovah weary.” Back in Malachi’s time, those who ignored divine counsel even had the audacity to feel that Jehovah was unjustified in his views. They, in effect, said: “Where is the God of justice?” What perverse thinking! Let us not fall into that trap.—Malachi 2:17
    On the positive side, Malachi shows that some husbands were not dealing treacherously with their wives. They ‘had what was remaining of God’s holy spirit.’ (Mal 2 Verse 15) Happily, God’s organization today abounds with such men who ‘assign honor to their wives.’ (1 Peter 3:7) 
    They do not abuse their wives physically or verbally, do not insist on degrading sexual practices, and do not dishonor their wives by flirting with other women or by viewing pornography. Jehovah’s organization is also blessed by having an abundance of faithful Christian wives who are loyal to God and his laws. All such men and women know what God hates, and they think and act accordingly. Continue to be like them, ‘obeying God as ruler’ and being blessed by his holy spirit.—Acts 5:29
    Soon, Jehovah will bring this entire world into judgment. Every individual will have to answer to him for his or her beliefs and actions. “Each of us will render an account for himself to God.” (Romans 14:12) 

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in ARE YOU GRATEFUL? ???   
    Psalm 104:24-28) . . .How many your works are, O Jehovah! All of them in wisdom you have made. The earth is full of your productions. You open your hand—they get satisfied with good things."         ???????

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in We have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also put off every weight   
    "Because we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also put off every weight . . . , and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us." Heb. 12:1 
    Many of the faithful ones whom Paul mentioned in chapter 11 of Hebrews had circumstances similar to ours. For example, Noah was living when the pre-Flood world was ending. We are living near the end of the present system of things. 
    Abraham and Sarah were called upon to leave behind their homeland to pursue true worship and await the fulfillment of Jehovah’s promise. We are urged to disown ourselves and gain Jehovah’s approval and the blessings he holds out for us. 
    Moses journeyed through a fearsome wilderness, heading for the Promised Land. We are on a course through this dying system of things, heading toward the promised new world. What these men went through, their successes and failures, as well as their strengths and weaknesses, is truly worthy of our consideration.—Rom. 15:4; 1 Cor. 10:11. 
    w11 9/15 3:12

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in An Evil Driving Force! Woe for the Earth and the Sea! ???   
    An Evil Driving Force! Woe for the Earth and the Sea! ????
    (Revelation 12:12) . . .Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to YOU, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time.”The Bible also reveals the existence of a powerful, evil spirit creature, “the one called Devil and Satan,” whose purpose is to lure people away from true values and pull them down into moral corruption. It says that during the last days, he has come down to the earth, “having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time.”—Revelation 12:9, 12
    The Devil is described in the Bible as “the ruler of the authority of the air, the spirit that now operates in the sons of disobedience.” (Ephesians 2:2) This implies that the Devil exercises a powerful influence on many humans, usually without their noticing it, just as we sometimes may not notice an invisible pollutant in the air.
    For example, Satan’s influence is seen in many modern means of communication: videos, movies, television, the Internet, advertising, books, magazines, and newspapers. Much material, especially that focused on unsuspecting youths, is filled with extreme and repugnant trends, such as racism, occultism, immorality, and sadistic violence.
    Many sincere people have been struck by the similarities between the description the Bible gives of the last days and the actual circumstances in the world of our day. True, there have been some events in history before the 20th century that in lesser ways seemed to fit the Bible’s description. But it is only during the 20th century, and now the 21st century, that all the elements of the sign can be observed.

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Raymond Atom in Pursuing Kindness in a Hostile World ?????   
    Pursuing Kindness in a Hostile World 
    “The desirable thing in earthling man is his loving-kindness.”—PROVERBS 19:22
    Our lives are affected adversely when others treat us in an unkind manner. The unkindness could be expressed by spiteful neighbors, unfriendly strangers, even friends and family members who may, at times, act thoughtlessly. The pressure of having contact with people who are rude and who shout and curse at one another often causes much dismay. Such lack of kindness by others could make us feel hostile ourselves, and we may consider returning unkindness for unkindness. That may even lead to spiritual or physical health problems.—Romans 12:17
    Stressful world conditions may also make it difficult for us to show kindness. For example, mankind in general feels stress because of threats and acts of terrorism, as well as the possible use of biological or nuclear weapons by various national groups. In addition, millions of people are impoverished, existing with minimal food, shelter, clothing, and medical care. Pursuing kindness becomes a challenge when the situation seems hopeless.—Ecclesiastes 7:7
    Kindness Within the FamilyTo have Jehovah’s blessing and direction, the fruitage of the spirit is vital and needs to be fully cultivated. (Ephesians 4:32) Let us focus on the particular need for family members to express kindness to one another. In day-to-day dealings, a husband and wife should manifest a kind and caring spirit between themselves and with their children. (Ephesians 5:28-33; 6:1, 2) 
    Such kindness needs to be evident in the way members of the family speak to one another, children honoring and respecting their parents and parents treating their children appropriately. Be quick to commend, slow to condemn.
    Kindness is positive and makes us want to do good to others. Thus, we seek to be useful, considerate, and helpful in an agreeable manner with other family members. It takes both individual and collective effort to show the type of kindness that speaks well of a family. As a result, not only will they have God’s blessing but, in the congregation and in the community, they will honor the God of kindness, Jehovah.—1 Peter 2:12

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Coping With a Spouse’s Betrayal - Abuse Verbal and Misconduct!   
    Coping With a Spouse’s Betrayal - Abuse Verbal and Misconduct!  ???
    Eccl 3:1-7 "For everything there is an appointed time, a time to embrace and a time to keep away from embracing; a time to rip apart and a time to sew together; a time to keep quiet and a time to speak."
    See Yourself as Jehovah Sees You At first, you may find it hard to believe that someone you love could hurt you so badly. You might even start to blame yourself for his or her sinful conduct.
    Granted, no marriage partner at present is perfect. Both mates will make mistakes. An inspired psalmist realistically wrote: “If errors were what you watch, O Jah, O Jehovah, who could stand?” (Ps. 130:3) In imitation of Jehovah, both partners should be inclined to overlook each other’s imperfections.—1 Pet. 4:8
    However, “each of us will render an account for himself to God.” (Rom. 14:12) If a marriage mate establishes a record of abusive speech or actions, it is the guilty party who must answer to Jehovah. Jehovah condemns violence and abusive speech, so there is never any legitimate reason for treating a mate with such a gross lack of love and respect. (Ps. 11:5; Eph. 5:33; Col. 3:6-8)
    In fact, if a Christian repeatedly and unrepentantly gives in to fits of anger and will not change, he or she must be disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation. (Gal. 5:19-21; 2 John 9, 10) A marriage mate need not feel guilty for reporting such unchristian conduct to the elders. Indeed, Jehovah has compassion for the victims of such mistreatment.
    If the innocent mate has been endeavoring to live by Bible principles, there is no need to feel guilty about the sinful betrayal. Remember that Jehovah knows how you feel. He describes himself as the husbandly owner of the nation of Israel, and his Word contains many touching passages that convey the grief he suffered because of the spiritually adulterous actions of that nation. (Isa. 54:5, 6; Jer. 3:1, 6-10) Be assured that Jehovah is keenly aware of the tears you shed if you are in some way betrayed by your marriage partner. (Mal. 2:13, 14) He knows your need for comfort and encouragement.
    The actions of your unfaithful mate may cause you to suffer for quite some time. The marriage may end, yet you may suffer emotional and financial hardship afterward. However, rather than allowing dark thoughts to cloud your thinking, remember that Jehovah knows best how to deal with those who deliberately disregard his standards, even as the faithless Israelites in the wilderness discovered.—Heb. 10:30, 31; 13:4

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "Jehovah is healing the brokenhearted ones, and is binding up their painful spots." ❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️   
    "Jehovah is healing the brokenhearted ones, and is binding up their painful spots." Ps. 147:3  ❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️
    We need comfort in many areas of life. One of the greatest causes of grief is the loss of a loved one in death, especially a beloved marriage mate or a child.
    Comfort may also be needed because a person is a victim of discrimination or prejudice. Poor health, advanced age, poverty, marital problems, or distressing world conditions can give rise to a personal need for comfort. 
    In times of distress, we may need comfort that soothes our heart, our mind, our emotions, and both our physical and spiritual health. 
    For example, consider the heart. God’s Word acknowledges that our heart can be “broken and crushed.” (Ps. 51:17) Even in severe situations, God can bring relief to a stricken heart if we pray to him in full faith and observe his commandments.—1 John 3:19-22; 5:14, 15.

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Arauna in How to Age Gracefully ?????   
    When I wake up in the morning i thank Jehovah that i am still around. So any ache is immaterial compared to the alternative!
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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in How to Age Gracefully ?????   
    @Arauna The "Joys of Jehovah " give us hope and courage to keep going! Soon we will grow YOUNG AGAIN! That is what He's promised! True JOY! Thank you for sharing  your thoughts and hope! 
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