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Bible Speaks

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in God's Word Helps Us Gain Wisdom and Discernment! It is Our Treasure! ? ? ?   
    God's Word Helps Us Gain Wisdom and Discernment! It is Our Treasure! ? ? ?
     (Proverbs 2:1-9) . . ."If you will receive my sayings and treasure up my own commandments with yourself, 2 so as to pay attention to wisdom with your ear, that you may incline your heart to discernment; 3 if, moreover, you call out for understanding itself and you give forth your voice for discernment itself, 4 if you keep seeking for it as for silver, and as for hid treasures you keep searching for it, 5 in that case you will understand the fear of Jehovah, and you will find the very knowledge of God. 6 For Jehovah himself gives wisdom; out of his mouth there are knowledge and discernment. 7 And for the upright ones he will treasure up practical wisdom; for those walking in integrity he is a shield, 8 by observing the paths of judgment, and he will guard the very way of his loyal ones. 9 In that case you will understand righteousness and judgment and uprightness, the entire course of what is good."

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Jehovah Listens To The Cry ? Of The Lowly One ???♂️   
    Jehovah Listens to the Cry of the Lowly One - ?????‍♂️
    (Psalm 41:1, 2) . . ."Happy is anyone acting with consideration toward the lowly one; In the day of calamity Jehovah will provide escape for him.  2 Jehovah himself will guard him and preserve him alive. He will be pronounced happy in the earth."
    Adversities often sap a person of physical and emotional strength, even numbing the heart. Affliction may come upon us in the form of sickness or long-term physical infirmities. We can be confident that Jehovah will help us to endure. (Ps. 41:1-3) While God does not miraculously cure anyone today, he does grant the sufferer the wisdom and fortitude needed to deal with his condition. Bear in mind that when weighed down with trials, David turned to Jehovah. “I have remembered days of long ago,” he sang. “I have meditated on all your activity; I willingly kept myself concerned with the work of your own hands.”—Ps. 143:5
    The fact that these inspired sentiments are recorded in God’s Word indicates that Jehovah understands how we feel. Such words are a guarantee that he listens to our pleadings. If we accept Jehovah’s help, ‘he himself will sustain us.’—Ps. 55:22
    Comfort for the Lowly One
      The psalms are rich with expressions of human emotions coupled with repeated assurances that Jehovah does listen to the cry of a lowly one who is overwhelmed by emotional stresses. Consider the following stanzas:
      “In my distress I kept calling upon Jehovah, and to my God I kept crying for help. Out of his temple he proceeded to hear my voice, and my own cry before him for help now came into his ears.”—Ps. 18:6
      “Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves.”—Ps. 34:18
      “He [Jehovah] is healing the brokenhearted ones, and is binding up their painful spots.”—Ps. 147:3
  3. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Does a "Praying Mantis" Pray? ????   
    A praying mantis larva peers out of a flower in our Photo of the Day. I love this picture...I am looking at you! - Haha! - Do you know why he is called a Praying Mantis? ~ 
    The English common name for any species in the order is "praying mantis",because of the typical "prayer-like" attitude with folded fore-limbs, although the eggcorn "preying mantis" is sometimes used in reference to their predatory habits. In Europe and ot regions, the name "praying mantis" refers to only a single species, Mantis religiosa. 
    Gardening the Organic Way - Toads, Birds, and Bugs—Your Garden’s Friends
    ‘But what about garden pests?’ you may ask. ‘How can I get rid of them without using pesticides?’ Don’t forget that pesticides kill off more than unwanted pests. They also eliminate such helpful organisms as earthworms and fungi. Remember, too, that toads are garden-friendly. A toad can eat upwards of 10,000 insect pests in three months’ time. Toads are not fussy eaters. Their diet includes such enemies of plants as crickets, squash bugs, tent caterpillars, armyworms, gypsy-moth caterpillars, and slugs.
    Birds are also effective at controlling garden pests. A house wren was observed feeding “500 spiders and caterpillars to its young during one summer afternoon,” according to the book Gardening Without Poisons. If you would like to invite a few wrens or other insect-eating birds to your garden, hang some bird food or nesting materials in plain sight. Before long, you may well see that your “invitation” has been accepted! And bugs? Many garden-friendly insects prey on destructive ones. If you purchase ladybugs and release them in your garden, they will immediately look for their favorite food, aphids. Praying mantis egg cases can likewise be bought and placed in the garden. When the eggs hatch, the mantises will devour virtually every insect that dares cross their path.
    Your Garden’s Friends
    ? A toad can eat upwards of 10,000 insect pests in three months’ time
    ? A house wren was observed feeding “500 spiders and caterpillars to its young during one summer afternoon”
    ? The earthworm aerates the soil and brings various minerals toward the surface
    ? The ladybug’s favorite food is the aphid, a destructive insect
    Marvels of Creation Jehovah has made! ?

  4. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Do You Ask, “Where Is Jehovah?” Is There Only One True God? ???   
    Do You Ask, “Where Is Jehovah?” Is There Only One True God? (PSALMS 83:18).
    "That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth." JOHN 17:3
    "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." Only Jehovah is identified in the Scriptures as the Almighty God. In a victory song, Moses led his people in singing: “Who among the gods is like you, O Jehovah?”—Exodus 15:11.
    Clearly, the Bible places Jehovah above all other gods. 
    But what role do these lesser gods play? Are they and the countless other gods that have been worshipped through the ages real deities subordinate to the Almighty God, Jehovah?
    To the Creator, false gods and their idols are repugnant. Yet, God’s words of displeasure are mainly directed to the people who have fabricated these false gods. 
    His sentiments are forcefully expressed in these words: “The idols of the nations are silver and gold, the work of the hands of earthling man. A mouth they have, but they can speak nothing; eyes they have, but they can see nothing; ears they have, but they can give ear to nothing. Also there exists no spirit in their mouth. Those making them will become just like them, everyone who is trusting in them.”—Psalm 135:15-18.

  5. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Queen Esther in If We Have Light We Are In The Light, If We Are Not We Really Are In Darkness!   
  6. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in If We Have Light We Are In The Light, If We Are Not We Really Are In Darkness!   
    @Carol Ann Torres 
    Thank you! Agape,
  7. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in What Should I Know About Sexual Assault? ??   
    ???????????                               Ecclesiastes 3:3
    3 "A time to kill and a time to heal;A time to tear down and a time to build up.." (Ecclesiastes .3:3)
    What Should I Know About Sexual Assault?
    Each year millions of people are raped or otherwise sexually abused, and young people are a prime target.
    While you might be prepared—perhaps by being alert when you travel outdoors at night—bad things can happen. “The swift do not always win the race,” says the Bible, “nor do those with knowledge always have success, because time and unexpected events overtake them all.”—Ecclesiastes 9:11.
    You too can find that there is “a time to heal.” (Ecclesiastes 3:3) Take care of yourself physically and emotionally. Get needed rest. And most of all, rely on the God of all comfort, Jehovah.—2 Corinthians 1:3, 4.
    If you are a girl and you are being pressured to engage in unclean conduct, there’s nothing wrong with firmly stating, “Don’t do that!” or, “Take your hand off me!” Don’t hold back out of fear that you’ll lose your boyfriend. If he breaks up with you over this issue, he’s not worth keeping! You deserve a real man, one who respects your body and your principles.
    Watch the video What Your Peers Say—Sexual Harassment at www.jw.org. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > TEENAGERS)

  8. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in "Make Sure of the More Important Things." ⚓️???⚓️   
    "Make sure of the more important things." (Phil. 1:10).
    Setting realistic goals can yield rich dividends. Take, for example, the goal of discussing the day’s text every day. 
    The comments given by family members can help the head of the household to discern the degree of their spirituality. 
    The goal of regularly reading the Bible together as a family provides an excellent opportunity for children to improve their reading skills as well as their comprehension of the Bible’s message. (Ps. 1:1, 2) And should we not want to make it our goal to improve the quality of our prayers? 
    Cultivating aspects of the fruitage of the spirit to a greater degree can also be an excellent goal to pursue. (Gal. 5:22, 23)

  9. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Jehovah Can Make Him Stand ?????   
    "Jehovah can make him stand." —Rom. 14:4.
    JEHOVAH wants us to be happy, and he pours out on us many blessings that should lead to happiness. For one thing, we are alive. Hence, we can use our life to praise God, since he has drawn us to true worship. (Ps. 144:15; John 6:44) 
    Jehovah assures us of his love and helps us to endure in our service to him. (Jer. 31:3; 2 Cor. 4:16) We enjoy the spiritual paradise, where we find both abundant spiritual food and a loving brotherhood. Beyond that, we have a precious hope for the future.
    Despite having these reasons for happiness, some faithful servants of God struggle with negative thoughts about themselves. They may feel that neither they nor their service to Jehovah has much value to him. For those with persistent negative feelings, the idea of enjoying “many years” could seem to be a fantasy. Life might appear to be a series of dark days.—Eccl. 11:8.
    Jehovah makes it clear in the Scriptures that he will be with those who “walk in the valley of deep shadow.” (Ps. 23:4) One way he is with us is by means of his Word. The Bible is “powerful by God for overturning strongly entrenched things,” including misconceptions and negative ideas. (2 Cor. 10:4, 5) 
    So if negative feelings temporarily keep you from doing as much as you want to in God’s service, pray about it. Ask God to hear your prayer not only so that you may experience some relief from your distress but also “so that the name of Jehovah will be declared.”—Ps. 102:20, 21.

  10. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Do Not Associate With Those That Like To Gossip! ????   
    Proverbs 20:19
    19 A slanderer goes about revealing confidential talk; can be a mark of respect.  (Job 6:24) Controlling our tongue to keep quiet about a confidential matter gives evidence of discretion and discernment. (Prov. 20:19) Restraining our tongue when we are provoked is the course of wisdom.—Ps. 4:4. Use the Power of Your Tongue for Good
    “May the words of my mouth . . . be pleasing to you, O Jehovah.”—PS. 19:14.
    On the other hand, the Bible also says that there is “a time to speak.” (Eccl. 3:7) If a friend gave you a beautiful present, you would probably not store it out of sight. Rather, you would show your appreciation by putting it to good use. We show our gratitude for Jehovah’s gift of speech by using it wisely. That might include expressing our feelings, communicating our needs, sharing words of encouragement, and giving God praise. (Ps. 51:15) 
    Speech is part of our daily life, but we do not need to talk all the time. In fact, the Bible says that there is “a time to be silent.” (Eccl. 3:7) Maintaining silence when others are speaking can be a mark of respect. (Job 6:24) Controlling our tongue to keep quiet about a confidential matter gives evidence of discretion and discernment. (Prov. 20:19) Restraining our tongue when we are provoked is the course of wisdom.—Ps. 4:4.
    Similarly, we need to be discerning when speaking about the truth to our unbelieving relatives. We want them to come to know Jehovah, but we must be patient and perceptive. Speaking the right words at the right time may help to open their hearts.
    Words have the power to hurt as well as to heal. (Read Proverbs 12:18.) Using words to inflict pain is common in Satan’s world. The field of entertainment incites many to “sharpen their tongue just like a sword” and to “aim their cruel words like arrows.” (Ps. 64:3) 
    A Christian needs to avoid this harmful practice. One example of “cruel words” is sarcasm, stinging remarks intended to belittle or rebuke others. Sarcasm is often meant to be humorous, but it can quickly deteriorate into disrespectful, insulting speech. Cruel sarcasm is one form of abusive speech that Christians should “put away.” Humor can add spice to our speech, but we need to avoid the trap of trying to evoke a laugh by resorting to cutting, sarcastic quips that hurt or humiliate others. The Bible admonishes us: “Let a rotten word not come out of your mouth, but only what is good for building up as the need may be, to impart what is beneficial to the hearers.”—Eph. 4:29, 31.
    Jesus taught that “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” (Matt. 12:34) Therefore, choosing the appropriate words begins in the heart. Our speech usually reflects how we truly feel about others. If our hearts are full of love and compassion, our speech will likely be positive and upbuilding.
    The ability to express our thoughts and feelings in words is truly a marvel. May we follow Jesus’ example by choosing the right time, striving to select the proper words, and putting forth effort to be gracious. Then the power of our tongue will be a healing to our listeners and pleasing to Jehovah, the Giver of the precious gift of speech.
    WHEN: Choose the right time to speak WHAT: Select the proper words HOW: Strive to be gracious https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2015924?q=prov+20%3A19&p=par

  11. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in ????????? "For no man ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cherishes it."   
    29 "For no man ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cherishes it." (Ephesians 5:29).
    ? Put on the new personality, in harmony with Christ’s teaching and example
    ? Not the nations but Christ is the example to follow; doing so requires a new personality (4:17-32)
    ? Imitate God; manifest the kind of love that Christ did (5:1, 2)
    ? Shun immoral speech and conduct; walk as children of light (5:3-14)
    ? Buy out the time; use it to praise Jehovah (5:15-20)
    ? With deep respect for Christ, manifest proper subjection to husbands, parents, masters; show loving consideration to those in your charge (5:21–6:9)

  12. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in If We Have Light We Are In The Light, If We Are Not We Really Are In Darkness!   
    Think about this scripture, it is very deep! This is one of my favorites In my Bible reading. 
    If we have light we are in the light, if not we really are in darkness! 
    We must exercise faith to be in this light! We must walk after the Son of man....We must!! Good Day! (John 12:34-36) . . .Who is this Son of man?” 35 Jesus therefore said to them: “The light will be among YOU a little while longer. Walk while YOU have the light, so that darkness does not overpower YOU; and he that walks in the darkness does not know where he is going. 36 While YOU have the light, exercise faith in the light, in order to become sons of light.”

  13. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Fiona R in "Make Sure of the More Important Things." ⚓️???⚓️   
    "Make sure of the more important things." (Phil. 1:10).
    Setting realistic goals can yield rich dividends. Take, for example, the goal of discussing the day’s text every day. 
    The comments given by family members can help the head of the household to discern the degree of their spirituality. 
    The goal of regularly reading the Bible together as a family provides an excellent opportunity for children to improve their reading skills as well as their comprehension of the Bible’s message. (Ps. 1:1, 2) And should we not want to make it our goal to improve the quality of our prayers? 
    Cultivating aspects of the fruitage of the spirit to a greater degree can also be an excellent goal to pursue. (Gal. 5:22, 23)

  14. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Gel Alicias in "Make Sure of the More Important Things." ⚓️???⚓️   
    "Make sure of the more important things." (Phil. 1:10).
    Setting realistic goals can yield rich dividends. Take, for example, the goal of discussing the day’s text every day. 
    The comments given by family members can help the head of the household to discern the degree of their spirituality. 
    The goal of regularly reading the Bible together as a family provides an excellent opportunity for children to improve their reading skills as well as their comprehension of the Bible’s message. (Ps. 1:1, 2) And should we not want to make it our goal to improve the quality of our prayers? 
    Cultivating aspects of the fruitage of the spirit to a greater degree can also be an excellent goal to pursue. (Gal. 5:22, 23)

  15. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Gel Alicias in ????????? "For no man ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cherishes it."   
    29 "For no man ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cherishes it." (Ephesians 5:29).
    ? Put on the new personality, in harmony with Christ’s teaching and example
    ? Not the nations but Christ is the example to follow; doing so requires a new personality (4:17-32)
    ? Imitate God; manifest the kind of love that Christ did (5:1, 2)
    ? Shun immoral speech and conduct; walk as children of light (5:3-14)
    ? Buy out the time; use it to praise Jehovah (5:15-20)
    ? With deep respect for Christ, manifest proper subjection to husbands, parents, masters; show loving consideration to those in your charge (5:21–6:9)

  16. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in Jehovah Can Make Him Stand ?????   
    "Jehovah can make him stand." —Rom. 14:4.
    JEHOVAH wants us to be happy, and he pours out on us many blessings that should lead to happiness. For one thing, we are alive. Hence, we can use our life to praise God, since he has drawn us to true worship. (Ps. 144:15; John 6:44) 
    Jehovah assures us of his love and helps us to endure in our service to him. (Jer. 31:3; 2 Cor. 4:16) We enjoy the spiritual paradise, where we find both abundant spiritual food and a loving brotherhood. Beyond that, we have a precious hope for the future.
    Despite having these reasons for happiness, some faithful servants of God struggle with negative thoughts about themselves. They may feel that neither they nor their service to Jehovah has much value to him. For those with persistent negative feelings, the idea of enjoying “many years” could seem to be a fantasy. Life might appear to be a series of dark days.—Eccl. 11:8.
    Jehovah makes it clear in the Scriptures that he will be with those who “walk in the valley of deep shadow.” (Ps. 23:4) One way he is with us is by means of his Word. The Bible is “powerful by God for overturning strongly entrenched things,” including misconceptions and negative ideas. (2 Cor. 10:4, 5) 
    So if negative feelings temporarily keep you from doing as much as you want to in God’s service, pray about it. Ask God to hear your prayer not only so that you may experience some relief from your distress but also “so that the name of Jehovah will be declared.”—Ps. 102:20, 21.

  17. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in ????????? "For no man ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cherishes it."   
    29 "For no man ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cherishes it." (Ephesians 5:29).
    ? Put on the new personality, in harmony with Christ’s teaching and example
    ? Not the nations but Christ is the example to follow; doing so requires a new personality (4:17-32)
    ? Imitate God; manifest the kind of love that Christ did (5:1, 2)
    ? Shun immoral speech and conduct; walk as children of light (5:3-14)
    ? Buy out the time; use it to praise Jehovah (5:15-20)
    ? With deep respect for Christ, manifest proper subjection to husbands, parents, masters; show loving consideration to those in your charge (5:21–6:9)

  18. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Do Not Associate With Those That Like To Gossip! ????   
    Proverbs 20:19
    19 A slanderer goes about revealing confidential talk; can be a mark of respect.  (Job 6:24) Controlling our tongue to keep quiet about a confidential matter gives evidence of discretion and discernment. (Prov. 20:19) Restraining our tongue when we are provoked is the course of wisdom.—Ps. 4:4. Use the Power of Your Tongue for Good
    “May the words of my mouth . . . be pleasing to you, O Jehovah.”—PS. 19:14.
    On the other hand, the Bible also says that there is “a time to speak.” (Eccl. 3:7) If a friend gave you a beautiful present, you would probably not store it out of sight. Rather, you would show your appreciation by putting it to good use. We show our gratitude for Jehovah’s gift of speech by using it wisely. That might include expressing our feelings, communicating our needs, sharing words of encouragement, and giving God praise. (Ps. 51:15) 
    Speech is part of our daily life, but we do not need to talk all the time. In fact, the Bible says that there is “a time to be silent.” (Eccl. 3:7) Maintaining silence when others are speaking can be a mark of respect. (Job 6:24) Controlling our tongue to keep quiet about a confidential matter gives evidence of discretion and discernment. (Prov. 20:19) Restraining our tongue when we are provoked is the course of wisdom.—Ps. 4:4.
    Similarly, we need to be discerning when speaking about the truth to our unbelieving relatives. We want them to come to know Jehovah, but we must be patient and perceptive. Speaking the right words at the right time may help to open their hearts.
    Words have the power to hurt as well as to heal. (Read Proverbs 12:18.) Using words to inflict pain is common in Satan’s world. The field of entertainment incites many to “sharpen their tongue just like a sword” and to “aim their cruel words like arrows.” (Ps. 64:3) 
    A Christian needs to avoid this harmful practice. One example of “cruel words” is sarcasm, stinging remarks intended to belittle or rebuke others. Sarcasm is often meant to be humorous, but it can quickly deteriorate into disrespectful, insulting speech. Cruel sarcasm is one form of abusive speech that Christians should “put away.” Humor can add spice to our speech, but we need to avoid the trap of trying to evoke a laugh by resorting to cutting, sarcastic quips that hurt or humiliate others. The Bible admonishes us: “Let a rotten word not come out of your mouth, but only what is good for building up as the need may be, to impart what is beneficial to the hearers.”—Eph. 4:29, 31.
    Jesus taught that “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” (Matt. 12:34) Therefore, choosing the appropriate words begins in the heart. Our speech usually reflects how we truly feel about others. If our hearts are full of love and compassion, our speech will likely be positive and upbuilding.
    The ability to express our thoughts and feelings in words is truly a marvel. May we follow Jesus’ example by choosing the right time, striving to select the proper words, and putting forth effort to be gracious. Then the power of our tongue will be a healing to our listeners and pleasing to Jehovah, the Giver of the precious gift of speech.
    WHEN: Choose the right time to speak WHAT: Select the proper words HOW: Strive to be gracious https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2015924?q=prov+20%3A19&p=par

  19. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Jehovah Can Make Him Stand ?????   
    "Jehovah can make him stand." —Rom. 14:4.
    JEHOVAH wants us to be happy, and he pours out on us many blessings that should lead to happiness. For one thing, we are alive. Hence, we can use our life to praise God, since he has drawn us to true worship. (Ps. 144:15; John 6:44) 
    Jehovah assures us of his love and helps us to endure in our service to him. (Jer. 31:3; 2 Cor. 4:16) We enjoy the spiritual paradise, where we find both abundant spiritual food and a loving brotherhood. Beyond that, we have a precious hope for the future.
    Despite having these reasons for happiness, some faithful servants of God struggle with negative thoughts about themselves. They may feel that neither they nor their service to Jehovah has much value to him. For those with persistent negative feelings, the idea of enjoying “many years” could seem to be a fantasy. Life might appear to be a series of dark days.—Eccl. 11:8.
    Jehovah makes it clear in the Scriptures that he will be with those who “walk in the valley of deep shadow.” (Ps. 23:4) One way he is with us is by means of his Word. The Bible is “powerful by God for overturning strongly entrenched things,” including misconceptions and negative ideas. (2 Cor. 10:4, 5) 
    So if negative feelings temporarily keep you from doing as much as you want to in God’s service, pray about it. Ask God to hear your prayer not only so that you may experience some relief from your distress but also “so that the name of Jehovah will be declared.”—Ps. 102:20, 21.

  20. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in If We Have Light We Are In The Light, If We Are Not We Really Are In Darkness!   
    Think about this scripture, it is very deep! This is one of my favorites In my Bible reading. 
    If we have light we are in the light, if not we really are in darkness! 
    We must exercise faith to be in this light! We must walk after the Son of man....We must!! Good Day! (John 12:34-36) . . .Who is this Son of man?” 35 Jesus therefore said to them: “The light will be among YOU a little while longer. Walk while YOU have the light, so that darkness does not overpower YOU; and he that walks in the darkness does not know where he is going. 36 While YOU have the light, exercise faith in the light, in order to become sons of light.”

  21. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "Make Sure of the More Important Things." ⚓️???⚓️   
    "Make sure of the more important things." (Phil. 1:10).
    Setting realistic goals can yield rich dividends. Take, for example, the goal of discussing the day’s text every day. 
    The comments given by family members can help the head of the household to discern the degree of their spirituality. 
    The goal of regularly reading the Bible together as a family provides an excellent opportunity for children to improve their reading skills as well as their comprehension of the Bible’s message. (Ps. 1:1, 2) And should we not want to make it our goal to improve the quality of our prayers? 
    Cultivating aspects of the fruitage of the spirit to a greater degree can also be an excellent goal to pursue. (Gal. 5:22, 23)

  22. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in What Should I Know About Sexual Assault? ??   
    ???????????                               Ecclesiastes 3:3
    3 "A time to kill and a time to heal;A time to tear down and a time to build up.." (Ecclesiastes .3:3)
    What Should I Know About Sexual Assault?
    Each year millions of people are raped or otherwise sexually abused, and young people are a prime target.
    While you might be prepared—perhaps by being alert when you travel outdoors at night—bad things can happen. “The swift do not always win the race,” says the Bible, “nor do those with knowledge always have success, because time and unexpected events overtake them all.”—Ecclesiastes 9:11.
    You too can find that there is “a time to heal.” (Ecclesiastes 3:3) Take care of yourself physically and emotionally. Get needed rest. And most of all, rely on the God of all comfort, Jehovah.—2 Corinthians 1:3, 4.
    If you are a girl and you are being pressured to engage in unclean conduct, there’s nothing wrong with firmly stating, “Don’t do that!” or, “Take your hand off me!” Don’t hold back out of fear that you’ll lose your boyfriend. If he breaks up with you over this issue, he’s not worth keeping! You deserve a real man, one who respects your body and your principles.
    Watch the video What Your Peers Say—Sexual Harassment at www.jw.org. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > TEENAGERS)

  23. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in What Should I Know About Sexual Assault? ??   
    ???????????                               Ecclesiastes 3:3
    3 "A time to kill and a time to heal;A time to tear down and a time to build up.." (Ecclesiastes .3:3)
    What Should I Know About Sexual Assault?
    Each year millions of people are raped or otherwise sexually abused, and young people are a prime target.
    While you might be prepared—perhaps by being alert when you travel outdoors at night—bad things can happen. “The swift do not always win the race,” says the Bible, “nor do those with knowledge always have success, because time and unexpected events overtake them all.”—Ecclesiastes 9:11.
    You too can find that there is “a time to heal.” (Ecclesiastes 3:3) Take care of yourself physically and emotionally. Get needed rest. And most of all, rely on the God of all comfort, Jehovah.—2 Corinthians 1:3, 4.
    If you are a girl and you are being pressured to engage in unclean conduct, there’s nothing wrong with firmly stating, “Don’t do that!” or, “Take your hand off me!” Don’t hold back out of fear that you’ll lose your boyfriend. If he breaks up with you over this issue, he’s not worth keeping! You deserve a real man, one who respects your body and your principles.
    Watch the video What Your Peers Say—Sexual Harassment at www.jw.org. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > TEENAGERS)

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Henriette in Don't Give Up Convention Season Has Begun! Don't Miss! ???   
    Ready. Set. Go! Our "Don't Give Up" convention season has begun!.. Attending at Qualcomm Stadium, San Diego, California, USA
    Thank you! 

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in "They embraced Paul and affectionately kissed him." ???   
    "They embraced Paul and affectionately kissed him."—Acts 20:37. 
    Paul’s life course was in stark contrast to that of those who would in later times take advantage of the flock. He worked to support himself so as not to impose a burden on the congregation. His efforts in behalf of fellow believers were not for personal gain. 
    Paul urged the Ephesian elders to display a self-sacrificing spirit. “You must assist those who are weak,” he told them, “and must bear in mind the words of the Lord Jesus, when he himself said, ‘There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.’”—Acts 20:35.
    Like Paul, Christian elders today are self-sacrificing. In contrast with the clergy of Christendom, who fleece their flocks, those who are entrusted with the responsibility to “shepherd the congregation of God” perform their duties unselfishly. Pride and ambition have no place in the Christian congregation, for those who “search out their own glory” will fail in the long run. (Prov. 25:27) Presumptuousness can only lead to dishonor.—Prov. 11:2.
    Paul’s genuine love for his brothers endeared him to them. Indeed, when it was time for him to depart, “quite a bit of weeping broke out among them all, and they fell upon Paul’s neck and tenderly kissed him.” (Acts 20:37, 38) 
    Christians truly appreciate and love those who, like Paul, give of themselves unselfishly in behalf of the flock. After considering Paul’s sterling example, would you not agree that he was neither boasting nor exaggerating when he stated: “I am clean from the blood of all men”?—Acts 20:26.

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