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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in God’s Love Manifest in a Mother’s Love! - ??❤️??   
    God’s Love Manifest in a Mother’s Love! - 
    A Mother's Love like no Other ~ “Can a wife forget her suckling so that she should not pity the son of her belly? Even these women can forget, yet I myself shall not forget you.”—ISAIAH 49:15 
    A NEWBORN baby nestles in his mother’s arms as she nurses him. The scene is one of tenderness and love. “When I first held my baby in my arms,” says a mother named Pam, “I felt an overwhelming sense of love and responsibility for this new life.” It seems an obvious fact, but research has confirmed that a mother’s love profoundly influences her baby’s development. A document published by the World Health Organization Programme on Mental Health states: “Studies have shown that infants who are abandoned and separated from their mothers become unhappy and depressed, sometimes to the point of panic.” This same document cites a study indicating that children who receive love and attention from an early age are likely to have a substantially higher IQ than children who are neglected. 
    Regarding the importance of a mother’s love, Alan Schore, a professor of psychiatry at UCLA School of Medicine in the United States, says: “The child’s first relationship, the one with the mother, acts as a template, as it permanently molds the individual’s capacities to enter into all later emotional relationships.” You may wonder, though: ‘If God is wise, powerful, and loving, why does he not end suffering? Why does he allow children to die, oppression to continue, and the earth to be damaged by mismanagement and greed?’ These are good questions that deserve reasonable answers. 
    Despite what agnostics may say, it is possible to discover satisfying answers to those questions. Millions of people in hundreds of countries have found such answers by studying the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses. The publishers of this journal invite you to do the same. 
    As your knowledge of God grows through a study of both his Word and his creation, you will perceive that he is not distant and unknowable. Rather, you will likely become convinced that God is “not far off from each one of us.”—Acts 17:27

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in "Look! a white horse, and the one seated on it had a bow; and a crown was given him." ???   
    "Look! a white horse, and the one seated on it had a bow; and a crown was given him." (Rev. 6:2)
    Who is the rider of the white horse? 
    The key to his identity is found in the same Bible book, Revelation, which later identifies this heavenly rider as “The Word of God.” (Revelation 19:11-13) That title, The Word, belongs to Jesus Christ, for he acts as God’s spokesman. (John 1:1, 14) In addition, he is called “King of kings and Lord of lords” and is described as “Faithful and True.” (Revelation 19:16) 
    Clearly, he has authority to act as a warrior-king, and he does not wield his power in any corrupt or abusive way. Yet, some questions arise.
    Who gives Jesus the authority to conquer? (Revelation 6:2) 
    The prophet Daniel saw a vision in which the Messiah, likened to “a son of man,” was given “rulership, honor, and a kingdom” by none other than “the Ancient of Days,” Jehovah God.* (Daniel 7:13, 14) 
    Thus, it is Almighty God who grants Jesus the power and right to rule and execute judgment. The white horse is an appropriate symbol for warfare justly carried out by God’s Son, for the Scriptures often use the color white to symbolize righteousness.—Revelation 3:4; 7:9, 13, 14.

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in GOD’S KINGDOM WILL END ALL PREJUDICE! ?????????   
    While Bible knowledge can help to control and root out strong emotions, there are two other elements that must be dealt with before prejudice can be completely eliminated. 
    First, there is sin and human imperfection. The Bible plainly states: “There is no man that does not sin.” (1 Kings 8:46) So no matter how hard we try, we face the same internal struggle as the apostle Paul, who wrote: “When I wish to do what is right, what is bad is present with me.” (Romans 7:21) Thus, from time to time, our imperfect heart will resort to “injurious reasonings” that can lead to prejudice.—Mark 7:21.
    Second, there is the influence of Satan the Devil. The Bible describes him as “a manslayer” and says that he “is misleading the entire inhabited earth.” (John 8:44;Revelation 12:9) That explains why prejudice is so prevalent and why mankind seems so helpless in the face of bigotry, discrimination, genocide, and other forms of racial, religious, and social intolerance.
    Hence, before there can be the total elimination of prejudice, there must be the removal of human sin, imperfection, and the influence of Satan the Devil. The Bible shows that God’s Kingdom will accomplish just that. ????????????????
    Jesus Christ taught his followers to pray to God in these words: “Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.” (Matthew 6:10) God’s Kingdom is the means by which all injustices—including all forms of intolerance and prejudice—will be done away with.
    When God’s Kingdom comes and takes control over earth’s affairs, Satan will be “bound,” or completely restrained, so that “he might not mislead the nations.” (Revelation 20:2, 3) There will then be a “new earth,” or human society, in which “righteousness is to dwell.”*—2 Peter 3:13.
    Those living in that righteous human society will be brought to perfection, free from sin. (Romans 8:21) 
    As subjects of God’s Kingdom, “they will not do any harm or cause any ruin.” Why? “Because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah.” (Isaiah 11:9) At that time, all mankind will learn Jehovah God’s ways and imitate his loving personality. This will indeed mean the end of all prejudice, “for there is no partiality with God.”—Romans 2:11.

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in #Questions? #Answers? #wasgoimgtosacrificehisonlyson?   
    #Questions? #Answers?
    #PleaseAnswer #JehovahGod #JesusChrist #GoodNews #GodsKingdom #PureLanguage?? #TeachTheTruth? #GodsAppointedKing? #LoyalLove #LiveForever? #loveoneanother❤️#wasgoimgtosacrificehisonlyson?

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Protect Yourself From the Wolves! ??????   
    Ezekiel 34:11-16
     11 “‘For this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: “Here I am, and I myself will search for my sheep, and I will care for them.
    12 I will care for my sheep like a shepherd who has found his scattered sheep and is feeding them. I will rescue them from all the places where they were scattered in the day of clouds and thick gloom.
    13 I will bring them out from the peoples and collect them together from the lands and bring them into their land and feed them on the mountains of Israel, by the streams and by all the dwelling places of the land.
    14 In a good pasture I will feed them, and the land where they graze will be on Israel’s high mountains. They will lie down there in a good grazing land, and they will feed on choice pastures on the mountains of Israel.”
    15 “‘“I myself will feed my sheep,+ and I myself will make them lie down,” declares the Sovereign Lord Jehovah.
    16 “The lost one I will search for, the stray I will bring back, the injured I will bandage, and the weak I will strengthen; but the fat one and the strong one I will annihilate. I will feed that one with judgment.” (Ezekiel 34:11-16)           
     Wolves are fierce, voracious, bold, and greedy, often killing more sheep than they can eat or drag away. The shepherd of ancient times therefore had to be courageous and resourceful to protect the flock from wolves. They seek their prey under the cover of darkness, remaining in hiding during the day. Few animals are as helpless as domestic sheep. The shepherd of Bible times had to be courageous to protect his sheep from lions, wolves, and bears, as well as from thieves.
    By comparing himself to a shepherd, Jehovah assures us of his heartfelt desire to protect us. God’s promise of protection is conditional—it is realized only by those who draw close to him. Proverbs 18:10 states: “The name of Jehovah is a strong tower. Into it the righteous runs and is given protection.” 
    In Bible times, towers were sometimes built in the wilderness as safe places of refuge. But it was up to the one in danger to flee to such a tower to find safety. It is similar with finding refuge in God’s name. This involves more than just repeating God’s name; the divine name itself is no magic charm. 
    Rather, we need to know and trust the Bearer of that name and live in harmony with his righteous standards. How kind of Jehovah to reassure us that if we turn to him in faith, he will be a tower of protection for us! When life’s pressures seem overwhelming, pouring out our heart to him can bring us much relief. (Philippians 4:6, 7) 
    He may not miraculously remove our trials, but in response to our heartfelt prayers, he can grant us the wisdom to deal with them. (James 1:5, 6) More than that, Jehovah gives holy spirit to those asking him. ??? (Luke 11:13) That powerful spirit can make us equal to any trial or problem we may face. It can infuse us with “power beyond what is normal” to endure until Jehovah removes all painful problems in the new world so near at hand. If we draw close to him and remain in his love, Jehovah will give us an eternity of perfect life. 

  6. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Henriette in Don't Give Up Convention Season Has Begun! Don't Miss! ???   
    Ready. Set. Go! Our "Don't Give Up" convention season has begun!.. Attending at Qualcomm Stadium, San Diego, California, USA
    Thank you! 

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Will There Be Snakes In Paradise?   
    @The Librarian Good Questions❓❓
    My Research: ???
    After crossing the Red Sea, the Israelites wandered in a land described as a “vast and terrible wilderness infested with poisonous snakes and scorpions, a thirsty, waterless land.” (Deuteronomy 8:15, The New English Bible) Jehovah protected his people there too. And what of their entry into the Promised Land? Powerful Canaanite armies opposed them. Yet, Jehovah said to Joshua: “Get up, cross this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land that I am giving to them, to the sons of Israel. Nobody will take a firm stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I proved to be with Moses I shall prove to be with you. I shall neither desert you nor leave you entirely.” (Joshua 1:2, 5) Those words of Jehovah did not fail. Within roughly six years, Joshua defeated 31 kings and subjugated large sections of the Promised Land. (Joshua 12:7-24) That conquest would have been impossible without Jehovah’s protective care.
    Peace Between Man and Animals. Jehovah God promised to the Israelites, if obedient: “I will put peace in the land, and you will indeed lie down, with no one making you tremble; and I will make the injurious wild beast cease out of the land.” (Le 26:6) This meant that the wild animals would stay within the confines of their habitat and not bring harm to the Israelites and their domestic animals. On the other hand, if the Israelites proved to be disobedient, Jehovah would allow their land to be invaded and devastated by foreign armies. As this would result in reducing the population, wild animals would multiply, penetrate formerly inhabited areas, and do injury to the survivors and their domestic animals.—Compare Ex 23:29; Le 26:22; 2Ki 17:5, 6,24-26.
    The peace promised to the Israelites in connection with the wild animals differed from that enjoyed by the first man and woman in the garden of Eden, for Adam and Eve enjoyed full dominion over the animal creation. (Ge 1:28) By contrast, in prophecy, like dominion is attributed only to Christ Jesus. (Ps 8:4-8; Heb 2:5-9) Therefore, it is under the government of Jesus Christ, “a twig out of the stump of Jesse,” or God’s “servant David,” that peace will again prevail between men and the animals. (Isa 11:1, 6-9; 65:25; Eze 34:23-25) These last cited texts have a figurative application, for it is obvious that the peace between animals, such as the wolf and the lamb, there described did not find literal fulfillment in ancient Israel. It was thus foretold that persons of harmful, beastlike disposition would cease their vicious ways and live in peace with their more docile neighbors. However, the prophetic use of the animals figuratively to portray the peaceful conditions to prevail among God’s people implies that there will also be peace among literal animals under the rule of Christ Jesus, even as there evidently was in Eden.
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    Bible Speaks reacted to The Librarian in Will There Be Snakes In Paradise?   
    Poisonous snakes?

  10. Haha
    Bible Speaks reacted to The Librarian in Animals in Paradise - What Will They Eat?   
    For example... what will a snake slithering through the grass or in trees eat?
  11. Haha
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Animals in Paradise - What Will They Eat?   
    If Gorillas eat vegetation then will not all the Earth ? also learn the ways of peace, health and life?
  12. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from The Librarian in Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has asked Pope Francis to apologise for the role of the Catholic Church in a Canadian school system where indigenous children were abused for decades.   
    Some 150,000 aboriginal children were forcibly removed from their families, and sent to live in church-run boarding schools where they were forbidden to speak their language or practise their own culture.
    Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission has called for a papal apology, as part of the healing process for survivors. 
    Although the Vatican has not commented on Mr Trudeau's request, it confirmed the talk was "cordial" and lasted about 36 minutes. It said the conversation "focused on the themes of integration and reconciliation, as well as religious freedom and current ethical issues" but did not mention an apology directly.
    The Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which has been tasked with collecting the stories of survivors and recommending a way forward for the country to heal, has called the residential school system "cultural genocide". 
            Survivors of 'cultural genocide' still healing         Canada promises 'full reconciliation'  In its report, the commission recommended the Catholic Church issue a formal apology for its part in the residential school system. 
    Similar apologies have been issued by Anglican, Presbyterian and United Churches, who along with the Catholic Church helped run these schools as joint ventures with the Canadian government. 
    In 2008, former prime minister Stephen Harper issued an apology on behalf of Canadians, calling it "a sad chapter in our history". 
    A year later, Pope Benedict expressed "his sorrow at the anguish caused by the deplorable conduct of some members of the Church" to a delegation from the Assembly of First Nations, a national advocacy organization, who went to the Vatican.
  13. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from The Librarian in Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has asked Pope Francis to apologise for the role of the Catholic Church in a Canadian school system where indigenous children were abused for decades.   
    Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has asked Pope Francis to apologise for the role of the Catholic Church in a Canadian school system where indigenous children were abused for decades. 
    The PM met the pontiff at the Vatican on Monday as part of his trip to Italy for the G7 summit.

  14. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has asked Pope Francis to apologise for the role of the Catholic Church in a Canadian school system where indigenous children were abused for decades.   
    Some 150,000 aboriginal children were forcibly removed from their families, and sent to live in church-run boarding schools where they were forbidden to speak their language or practise their own culture.
    Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission has called for a papal apology, as part of the healing process for survivors. 
    Although the Vatican has not commented on Mr Trudeau's request, it confirmed the talk was "cordial" and lasted about 36 minutes. It said the conversation "focused on the themes of integration and reconciliation, as well as religious freedom and current ethical issues" but did not mention an apology directly.
    The Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which has been tasked with collecting the stories of survivors and recommending a way forward for the country to heal, has called the residential school system "cultural genocide". 
            Survivors of 'cultural genocide' still healing         Canada promises 'full reconciliation'  In its report, the commission recommended the Catholic Church issue a formal apology for its part in the residential school system. 
    Similar apologies have been issued by Anglican, Presbyterian and United Churches, who along with the Catholic Church helped run these schools as joint ventures with the Canadian government. 
    In 2008, former prime minister Stephen Harper issued an apology on behalf of Canadians, calling it "a sad chapter in our history". 
    A year later, Pope Benedict expressed "his sorrow at the anguish caused by the deplorable conduct of some members of the Church" to a delegation from the Assembly of First Nations, a national advocacy organization, who went to the Vatican.
  15. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Janice G. in New Dutch Bible Released! ???????   
    New Dutch revised bible in the common language. Thanks to Jehovah, who wrote us this touching letter. Greetings from The Netherlands! 

  16. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has asked Pope Francis to apologise for the role of the Catholic Church in a Canadian school system where indigenous children were abused for decades.   
    Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has asked Pope Francis to apologise for the role of the Catholic Church in a Canadian school system where indigenous children were abused for decades. 
    The PM met the pontiff at the Vatican on Monday as part of his trip to Italy for the G7 summit.

  17. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Nieuwe nederlandse bijbel vrijgegeven vandaag! ???????   
    Vorig weekend was een speciale dag in Theocratische Geschiedenis voor vrienden in Holland! Ze zijn zo dankbaar om de NWT in het Nederlands te laten! ?? •• Fotokrediet: @mympyfeston @maggybaas

  18. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Nieuwe nederlandse bijbel vrijgegeven vandaag! ???????   
    Nieuwe nederlandse herziene bijbel in de gemeenschappelijke taal. Dank aan Jehovah, die ons deze aanraking schrift heeft geschreven. Groetjes uit nederland!

  19. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from The Librarian in New Dutch Bible Released! ???????   
    New Dutch revised bible in the common language. Thanks to Jehovah, who wrote us this touching letter. Greetings from The Netherlands! 

  20. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Discrimination Against Jehovah’s Witnesses Worse After Ban Put in Place   
    Russia. School principals forced to denounce child witnesses.
    Parents of children witnesses are being summoned to school as the case that accompanies this document, to warn you that if your son talks about God to other classmates or sing songs from the Jehovah's witnesses, will be reported to the police and they consider giving him another way Of education.
    Absolutely no other religion is receiving this persecution until their children. This more than demonstrated that the Russian government and his mistress the whore orthodox sect, they went straight for the Jehovah's witnesses.

  21. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Jehovah Does Not Forget His People - HOPE ON AND BE COURAGEOUS!   
    Jehovah Does Not Forget His People ???
    2 Pictures 1 Moving 1 Regular Picture 

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "The meek will rejoice greatly in Jehovah, And the poor among men will be joyful in the Holy One of Israel." ???   
    Do you have the "Joy of Jehovah?"             ?????
    (Isaiah 29:19)
    19 "The meek will rejoice greatly in Jehovah,
    And the poor among men will be joyful in the Holy One of Israel."
    2 Photos 1 GIF 1 Moving Picture 

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  23. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in WAS LIFE CREATED? ? ? ?   
    WAS LIFE CREATED? ? ? ?  ?
    "[God’s] invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship."—Rom. 1:20.
    For your own Daily text language please press the link below http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/sysl/r1/lp-e?url=/en/wol/sydt/r1/lp-e
    2 Pictures 1 GIF 1 Moving 

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "I'm with you." Testimony Card 1933   
    "I'm with you." (Matt. 28:20).
    Our King, Jesus Christ, has given us the tools to prepare the hearts of millions of people and sow into them the message of the kingdom. Some of these tools have served us for a few years; others have served us for decades and decades, but all have helped us in one way or another to be preachers outmaneuvered. One of the tools that helped many to take their first steps in the preaching was the card of testimony, that he began to be used in 1933. This card was printed a biblical message. Helped the who spoke little and those who speak much. The first were shy and didn't know what to say, although they had many desires to preach. The seconds were more adventurous, but would tell the people everything he knew in a few minutes, and not always tactful. The card contained a few phrases that well thought out "spoke" by the publisher. W15 15/11 5:3-6

  25. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Jesus’ Exclusive Devotion to God ???   
    "Keep this mental attitude in you that was also in Christ Jesus."—Phil. 2:5.
    Jesus’ Exclusive Devotion to God. As shown in Philippians 2:5-8, both when he was in heaven and when he was on earth, Jesus appreciated the exclusive position of his Father and rendered him exclusive devotion. Jesus pointed out that the most important commandment in the Law demanded wholehearted love of God. (Mt 22:37) 
    Moreover, Jesus manifested exclusive devotion to Jehovah’s name and emphasized the fact that his disciples should have the same attitude. In the prayer he taught his disciples, he started off with the words, “Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified.” (Mt 6:9) This devotion in Jesus was coupled with burning zeal, as manifested at his cleansing of the temple, where he fulfilled the prophecy, “The zeal for your house will eat me up.” (Joh 2:17; Ps 69:9) 
    Nowhere is Jesus’ exclusive devotion to his Father exemplified more than in what is written of him at 1 Corinthians 15:24-28, where it says that, after his heavenly Kingdom rule puts down all other authority and all enemies, he turns over the Kingdom to the Father and subjects himself to Him so that “God may be all things to everyone.

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