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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in "I Will Call Loud To Jehovah And He Will Answer Me.." ???   
    "I will call aloud to Jehovah,
    And he will answer me from his holy mountain." I will lie down and sleep;
    And I will wake up in safety,
    For Jehovah continues to support me." (Psalms 3:4,5).
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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in "I, Jehovah, am searching the heart, Examining the innermost thoughts."   
    10 "I, Jehovah, am searching the heart, Examining the innermost thoughts, To give to each one according to his ways, According to the fruitage of his works. (Jeremiah 17:10).
    “Keep Testing . . . Keep Proving . . .” HOW can we examine the motives and the inclinations of our heart? The Bible admonishes us: “Keep testing whether you are in the faith; keep proving what you yourselves are.” (2 Cor. 13:5)
    There may be specific areas of our conduct that from time to time deserve careful scrutiny in order for us to make sure that our worship remains free of hypocrisy. Consider the following questions we might use in self-examination:
    Are my expressions of commendation and affection heartfelt and sincere?—Ps. 12:2, 3; 1 Pet. 1:22.
    Do I show hospitality and give gifts with unselfish motives?—Matt. 6:2-4.
    Do I treat my family members with love and consideration both in the privacy of our home and in public?—Col. 3:18-21.
    Is my conduct always in harmony with the Bible principles I zealously teach others?—Rom. 2:21-23.
    If we discover unwholesome tendencies, we do well to uproot them before they become dominant aspects of our personality. Then, like the apostle Paul, we may stand before God and say that “we never used flattering speech or put on any false front with greedy motives.”—1 Thess. 2:5.
    2 Pictures 1 GIF 1 Moving 

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Pray to Jehovah he Give us Help Anytime! ?????   
    Pray to Jehovah he Give us Help Anytime! ???????? 
    2 "My help comes from Jehovah, The Maker of heaven and earth."(Psalms 121:2).
    An Unfailing Source of Help
    The psalmist began by pointing to Jehovah’s creatorship as a basis for confidence: “I shall raise my eyes to the mountains. From where will my help come? My help is from Jehovah, the Maker of heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1, 2) 
    The psalmist did not raise his eyes to just any mountain. When these words were recorded, Jehovah’s temple was situated in Jerusalem. That city, located high in the mountains of Judah, was Jehovah’s figurative place of dwelling. (Psalm 135:21) 
    The psalmist may have raised his eyes to the mountains of Jerusalem on which Jehovah’s temple was built, confidently looking to Jehovah for help. 
    Why was the psalmist so sure that Jehovah could help him? Because He is “the Maker of heaven and earth.” In effect, the psalmist was saying, ‘Surely there is nothing that can prevent the all-powerful Creator from helping me!’—Isaiah 40:26.
    Indeed, the writer of Psalm 121 was confident that the almighty Creator watches over his servants with the gentleness of a caring shepherd and the vigilance of an alert guard. We have every reason to share the psalmist’s confidence, for Jehovah does not change. (Malachi 3:6) 
    Does this mean that we will always receive physical protection? No, but as long as we look to him as our Helper, he will safeguard us against all things that could bring us spiritual harm. 
    In what ways did Jehovah provide help—
    • by means of the angels?
    • through his holy spirit?
    • with his inspired Word?
    • through fellow believers?

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Have Intense Love For One Another! ❤️????   
    Love is everything is it not?If Jehovah did not Love us, then He would not have given us His Son so we could live forever? Never enough Love! We Love cause He first Loved us! Surround yourself with Love, you will never fail!    ????❤️
      1 Peter 4:7,
    7 "But the end of all things has drawn close. Therefore, be sound in mind,and be vigilant with a view to prayers. 8 Above all things, have intense love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins."(1 Peter 4:7,8).
    Why Should We Love One Another?  First, “because love is from God.” (1 John 4:7) Jehovah, the Source of this endearing quality, loved us first. The apostle John says: “By this the love of God was made manifest in our case, because God sent forth his only-begotten Son into the world that we might gain life through him.” (1 John 4:9) God’s Son was “sent forth” by becoming a human, carrying out his ministry, and dying on a torture stake—all so “that we might gain life.” How should we respond to this supreme expression of God’s love? John says: “If this is how God loved us, then we are ourselves under obligation to love one another.” (1 John 4:11) Note that John writes, “If this is how God loved us”—not just you but us. The point is clear: If God loves our fellow worshipers, then we ought to love them too.
    Second, it is especially vital that we love one another more now in order to extend help to our brothers in need because “the end of all things has drawn close.” (1 Peter 4:7) We are living in “critical times hard to deal with.” (2 Timothy 3:1) World conditions, natural disasters, and opposition bring hardships upon us. Under trying circumstances, we need to draw ever closer to one another. Intense love will bind us together and motivate us to “care for one another.”—1 Corinthians 12:25, 26.
    Third, we need to love one another because we do not want to “allow place for the Devil” to take advantage of us. (Ephesians 4:27) Satan is quick to use the imperfections of fellow believers—their weaknesses, faults, and mistakes—as stumbling blocks. Will a thoughtless remark or an unkind act cause us to withdraw from the congregation? (Proverbs 12:18) Not if we have intense love for one another! Such love helps us to maintain peace and unitedly to serve God “shoulder to shoulder.”—Zephaniah 3:9.
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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in Pray to Jehovah he Give us Help Anytime! ?????   
    Pray to Jehovah he Give us Help Anytime! ???????? 
    2 "My help comes from Jehovah, The Maker of heaven and earth."(Psalms 121:2).
    An Unfailing Source of Help
    The psalmist began by pointing to Jehovah’s creatorship as a basis for confidence: “I shall raise my eyes to the mountains. From where will my help come? My help is from Jehovah, the Maker of heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1, 2) 
    The psalmist did not raise his eyes to just any mountain. When these words were recorded, Jehovah’s temple was situated in Jerusalem. That city, located high in the mountains of Judah, was Jehovah’s figurative place of dwelling. (Psalm 135:21) 
    The psalmist may have raised his eyes to the mountains of Jerusalem on which Jehovah’s temple was built, confidently looking to Jehovah for help. 
    Why was the psalmist so sure that Jehovah could help him? Because He is “the Maker of heaven and earth.” In effect, the psalmist was saying, ‘Surely there is nothing that can prevent the all-powerful Creator from helping me!’—Isaiah 40:26.
    Indeed, the writer of Psalm 121 was confident that the almighty Creator watches over his servants with the gentleness of a caring shepherd and the vigilance of an alert guard. We have every reason to share the psalmist’s confidence, for Jehovah does not change. (Malachi 3:6) 
    Does this mean that we will always receive physical protection? No, but as long as we look to him as our Helper, he will safeguard us against all things that could bring us spiritual harm. 
    In what ways did Jehovah provide help—
    • by means of the angels?
    • through his holy spirit?
    • with his inspired Word?
    • through fellow believers?

  10. Haha
    Bible Speaks reacted to Rosemaline in Brother Lett Smiling! ??   
    Hahah love it!
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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in God’s Will to Take Place on Earth? ???   
    “Our Father in the heavens, let your named be sanctified.10 Let your Kingdom come." Matthew 6:9,10.

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Rosemaline in Who Am I❓Please Comment ?   
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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in God’s Will to Take Place on Earth? ???   
    “Our Father in the heavens, let your named be sanctified.10 Let your Kingdom come." Matthew 6:9,10 NWT 2013
    God’s Will to Take Place on Earth? 
    “Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.” (Matthew 6:10) 
    How will this part of Jesus’ model prayer be fulfilled? Most people imagine heaven as a realm of peace and tranquillity. The Scriptures refer to heaven as Jehovah’s “lofty abode of holiness and beauty.” (Isaiah 63:15) 
    No wonder we pray that God’s will take place upon earth “as in heaven”! But will this ever happen?
    Jehovah’s prophet Daniel foretold: “The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these [earthly] kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite.” (Daniel 2:44) This heavenly Kingdom, or government, will soon take action to bring about global peace under righteous rule.—2 Peter 3:13
    Praying for God’s Kingdom to come and for his will to be done on earth is an expression of faith that will not lead to disappointment. 
    The Christian apostle John wrote: “I heard a loud voice from the throne say: ‘Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.’” Then John added: “And the One seated on the throne said: . . . ‘Write, because these words are faithful and true.’”—Revelation 21:3-5
    Faith in God Essential
    How heartwarming it is to know that our heavenly Father is interested in each one of us! He even had his Son, Jesus Christ, teach us how to pray. Surely this makes us want to please Jehovah God. How can we do so?
    The Bible states: “Without faith it is impossible to please [God] well, for he that approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.” (Hebrews 11:6) How can such faith be acquired? “Faith follows the thing heard,” says the Bible. (Romans 10:17) Jehovah’s Witnesses are delighted to talk about Scriptural matters with all who yearn to serve God in true faith.
    It is hoped that this discussion of the Lord’s Prayer has deepened your appreciation for its meaning. By taking in further knowledge of Jehovah and his rewards for “those earnestly seeking him,” you can strengthen your faith in God. May you learn more about him and his purposes so that you can enjoy a close relationship with your heavenly Father forever.—John 17:3
    ??? ???
    Learn more at:
    Have a Free Bible Study!

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Questions and Answers❓#4   
    #Questions???‍♀️#Answers???‍♂️#PureLanguage?? #TeachTheTruth? #JehovahGod #JesusChrist #UniversalSovereign? #GodsKingdom #GodsKingdom #GoodNews #GodsAppointedKing? #PleaseAnswer????

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Sabine Reinhardt in Brother Lett Smiling! ??   
    Funny and Cute! 
    Love Him he's Special! 

  16. Haha
    Bible Speaks reacted to JW Insider in FBI questions Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, buyer of WTBTS properties   
    At about 4:50 pm, yesterday, WNYC introduced a story with a lead that included something like: 'Next, we'll discuss the purchase of the Watchtower buildings and Jared Kushner.'
    At the time it was on the radio, Kushner had not yet been made a part of the FBI story that gained traction to be a bigger part of the political news just a couple hours later.
    This story does not reflect negatively on the Watchtower, of course.
    But there is no doubt that if this particularly venture fails as one of Kushner's bad deals (he's made other bad deals along with good ones) the Watchtower will continue to be mentioned. (A comedian, John Oliver, spoke of these bad deals while making fun of the Watchtower deal just a couple weeks ago. He used Kushner's quotes about what he wanted to do with the Watchtower buildings, but Oliver never mentioned the "Watchtower" itself.) What makes some people worry about Kushner's deal, is that Kushner buys the Watchtower's multi-block complex down by the Brooklyn Bridge for more than a third of a BILLION dollars. Then he gives the Watchtower Society even MORE, another third of a BILLION, for a single parking lot!
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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Who Am I❓Please Comment ?   
    #Questions? #Answers? #WhoAmI #JehovahGod #ReliedOnJehovah #HolySpirit #GodsKingdom #Peace?

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Who Am I❓Please Comment ? #3   
    #Questions? #Answers? #WhoAmI?#JehovahGod #Strength?️‍♀️#HolySpirit?#ReliedOnJehovah?

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Who Am I❓Please Comment ? #2   
    #Questions❓#Answers❓#WhoAmI❓#ReliedOnJehovah #HolySpirit #GodsKingdom #Peace?

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from K H in Who Am I❓Please Comment ?   
    #Questions? #Answers? #WhoAmI #JehovahGod #ReliedOnJehovah #HolySpirit #GodsKingdom #Peace?

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "I Jehovah Am Searching The Heart" ❤️   
    10 "I, Jehovah, am searching the heart, Examining the innermost thoughts, To give to each one according to his ways, According to the fruitage of his works. (Jeremiah 17:10).
    “Keep Testing . . . Keep Proving . . .”
    HOW can we examine the motives and the inclinations of our heart? The Bible admonishes us: “Keep testing whether you are in the faith; keep proving what you yourselves are.” (2 Cor. 13:5) There may be specific areas of our conduct that from time to time deserve careful scrutiny in order for us to make sure that our worship remains free of hypocrisy. Consider the following questions we might use in self-examination:
    Are my expressions of commendation and affection heartfelt and sincere?—Ps. 12:2, 3; 1 Pet. 1:22. Do I show hospitality and give gifts with unselfish motives?—Matt. 6:2-4. Do I treat my family members with love and consideration both in the privacy of our home and in public?—Col. 3:18-21. Is my conduct always in harmony with the Bible principles I zealously teach others?—Rom. 2:21-23. If we discover unwholesome tendencies, we do well to uproot them before they become dominant aspects of our personality. Then, like the apostle Paul, we may stand before God and say that “we never used flattering speech or put on any false front with greedy motives.”—1 Thess. 2:5.
    2 Pictures 1 Moving 1 GIF 

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Queen Esther in MAN'S SMALLNESS COMPARED TO OUR CREATOR JEHOVAH GOD! ???   
    #Creator #JehovahGod #UniversalSovereign? #Nebulas? #GodsKingdom #GoodNews #LoyalLove #HeKnows? #HeKnowsThemAllByName?#Miracles?Read JOB chapter 38 in full. Wow!
    Job 38 Then Jehovah answered Job out of the windstorm:  2 “Who is this who is obscuring my counsel And speaking without knowledge?  3 Brace yourself, please, like a man; I will question you, and you inform me.  4  Where were you when I founded the earth? Tell me, if you think you understand. 5 Who set its measurements, in case you know, Or who stretched a measuring line across it?  6 Into what were its pedestals sunk, Or who laid its cornerstone, 7 When the morning stars+ joyfully cried out together, And all the sons of God began shouting in applause? 8 And who barricaded the sea behind doors+ When it burst out from the womb,  9 When I clothed it with clouds And wrapped*  it in thick gloom, 10 When I established my limit for it And put its bars and doors in place, 11 And I said, ‘You may come this far, and no farther; Here is where your proud waves will stop’? 12 Have you ever* commanded the morning Or made the dawn know its place, 13  To take hold of the ends of the earth And to shake the wicked out of it? 14 It is transformed like clay under a seal, And its features stand out like those of a garment. 15 But the light of the wicked is held back from them, And their uplifted arm is broken. 16 Have you gone down to the sources of the sea Or explored the deep waters? 17  Have the gates of death  been revealed to you, Or have you seen the gates of deep darkness?18  Have you understood the vast expanse of the earth?+ Tell me, if you know all of this. 19 In which direction does the light reside? And where is the place of darkness, 20  That you should take it to its territory And understand the paths to its home? 21 Do you know this because you were already born And the number of your years is great? 22 Have you entered the storehouses of the snow, Or have you seen the storehouses of the hail, 23  Which I have reserved for the time of distress,For the day of battle and war? 24 From what direction is light dispersed, And from where does the east wind blow on the earth? 25 Who has cut a channel for the flood And made a path for the thunderous storm cloud, 26 To make it rain where no man lives,BOn the wilderness where there are no humans, 27  To satisfy devastated wastelands And cause the grass to sprout?28  Does the rain have a father, Or who fathered the dewdrops? 29 From whose womb did the ice emerge, And who gave birth to the frost of heaven 30 When the waters are covered as if with stone, And the surface of the deep waters is frozen solid? 31 Can you tie the ropes of the Kiʹmah constellation Or untie the cords of the Keʹsil constellation? 32 Can you lead out a constellation in its season Or guide the Ash constellation  along with its sons?33  Do you know the laws governing the heavens, Or can you impose their  authority on the earth? 34 Can you raise your voice to the clouds To cause a flood of water to cover you? 35  Can you send out lightning bolts? Will they come and say to you, ‘Here we are!’ 36 Who put wisdom within the clouds Or gave understanding to the sky phenomenon? 37 Who is wise enough to count the clouds, Or who can tip over the water jars of heaven? 38  When the dust pours into a mass And the clods of earth stick together? 39  Can you hunt prey for a lion Or satisfy the appetites of young lions?40  When they crouch in their lairs Or lie in ambush in their dens? 41 Who prepares food for the raven When its young cry to God for help? And wander about because there is nothing to eat?"

  24. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Queen Esther in MAN'S SMALLNESS COMPARED TO OUR CREATOR JEHOVAH GOD! ???   
    Oh  yes,  thats  SO  fantastic !   I  know  many  of  these  wonderful  Space - pictures.....   AND  ALL  THAT  IS  CREATED  BY  OUR  GOD  JEHOVAH ❤  HE  is  SO  great,  SO  mightily  and  SO  creative....  we  can't  realize  all  that,  bec.  we  are  too  tiny,  yes !!   Thank  you  Jehovah,  that  the  humans  are  SO  precious  for  you
  25. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in MAN'S SMALLNESS COMPARED TO OUR CREATOR JEHOVAH GOD! ???   
    #Creator #JehovahGod #UniversalSovereign? #Nebulas? #GodsKingdom #GoodNews #LoyalLove #HeKnows? #HeKnowsThemAllByName?#Miracles?Read JOB chapter 38 in full. Wow!
    Job 38 Then Jehovah answered Job out of the windstorm:  2 “Who is this who is obscuring my counsel And speaking without knowledge?  3 Brace yourself, please, like a man; I will question you, and you inform me.  4  Where were you when I founded the earth? Tell me, if you think you understand. 5 Who set its measurements, in case you know, Or who stretched a measuring line across it?  6 Into what were its pedestals sunk, Or who laid its cornerstone, 7 When the morning stars+ joyfully cried out together, And all the sons of God began shouting in applause? 8 And who barricaded the sea behind doors+ When it burst out from the womb,  9 When I clothed it with clouds And wrapped*  it in thick gloom, 10 When I established my limit for it And put its bars and doors in place, 11 And I said, ‘You may come this far, and no farther; Here is where your proud waves will stop’? 12 Have you ever* commanded the morning Or made the dawn know its place, 13  To take hold of the ends of the earth And to shake the wicked out of it? 14 It is transformed like clay under a seal, And its features stand out like those of a garment. 15 But the light of the wicked is held back from them, And their uplifted arm is broken. 16 Have you gone down to the sources of the sea Or explored the deep waters? 17  Have the gates of death  been revealed to you, Or have you seen the gates of deep darkness?18  Have you understood the vast expanse of the earth?+ Tell me, if you know all of this. 19 In which direction does the light reside? And where is the place of darkness, 20  That you should take it to its territory And understand the paths to its home? 21 Do you know this because you were already born And the number of your years is great? 22 Have you entered the storehouses of the snow, Or have you seen the storehouses of the hail, 23  Which I have reserved for the time of distress,For the day of battle and war? 24 From what direction is light dispersed, And from where does the east wind blow on the earth? 25 Who has cut a channel for the flood And made a path for the thunderous storm cloud, 26 To make it rain where no man lives,BOn the wilderness where there are no humans, 27  To satisfy devastated wastelands And cause the grass to sprout?28  Does the rain have a father, Or who fathered the dewdrops? 29 From whose womb did the ice emerge, And who gave birth to the frost of heaven 30 When the waters are covered as if with stone, And the surface of the deep waters is frozen solid? 31 Can you tie the ropes of the Kiʹmah constellation Or untie the cords of the Keʹsil constellation? 32 Can you lead out a constellation in its season Or guide the Ash constellation  along with its sons?33  Do you know the laws governing the heavens, Or can you impose their  authority on the earth? 34 Can you raise your voice to the clouds To cause a flood of water to cover you? 35  Can you send out lightning bolts? Will they come and say to you, ‘Here we are!’ 36 Who put wisdom within the clouds Or gave understanding to the sky phenomenon? 37 Who is wise enough to count the clouds, Or who can tip over the water jars of heaven? 38  When the dust pours into a mass And the clods of earth stick together? 39  Can you hunt prey for a lion Or satisfy the appetites of young lions?40  When they crouch in their lairs Or lie in ambush in their dens? 41 Who prepares food for the raven When its young cry to God for help? And wander about because there is nothing to eat?"

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