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Bible Speaks

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in How Is Jesus Christ a "Mighty God?"   
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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in How Is Jesus Christ a "Mighty God?"   
    How Is Jesus Christ a "Mighty God?"
    The Promise of a Prince of Peace
    At the time of his miraculous birth, the one born to be the Messiah received the name Jesus, meaning “Jehovah Is Salvation.”
    But he has other names, prophetic names that outline his key role and his elevated position. One such name is Immanuel, meaning “With Us Is God.” (Isaiah 7:14, footnote) Isaiah now describes another prophetic name: “There has been a child born to us, there has been a son given to us; and the princely rule will come to be upon his shoulder. And his name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6)
    Jesus is also “Mighty God” and “Eternal Father.” This does not mean that he usurps the authority and position of Jehovah, who is “God Our Father.” (2 Corinthians 1:2) “He [Jesus] . . . gave no consideration to a seizure, namely, that he should be equal to God.” (Philippians 2:6) 
    He is called Mighty God, not Almighty God. Jesus never thought of himself as God Almighty, for he spoke of his Father as “the only true God,” that is, the only God who should be worshiped. (John 17:3; Revelation 4:11)
    In the Scriptures, the word “god” can mean “mighty one” or “strong one.” (Exodus 12:12; Psalm 8:5;2 Corinthians 4:4) 
    Before Jesus came to earth, he was “a god,” “existing in God’s form.” After his resurrection, he returned to an even higher position in the heavens. (John 1:1; Philippians 2:6-11) 
    Further, the designation “god” carries an additional implication. Judges in Israel were called “gods”—once by Jesus himself. (Psalm 82:6; John 10:35) 
    Jesus is Jehovah’s appointed Judge, “destined to judge the living and the dead.” (2 Timothy 4:1; John 5:30) 
    Clearly, he is well named Mighty God.

  3. Haha
    Bible Speaks reacted to TrueTomHarley in We are in the front line - for peace   
    It's an olive branch. I'll take it. I'm not always kind to you. Thank you.
  4. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to TrueTomHarley in We are in the front line - for peace   
    In the aftermath of Manchester, if words can be called refreshing, surely "evil losers" fits the bill. As Trump says, you don't call them monsters; they will like that designation. These are not people who look at themselves in the mirror and gasp: "what have I become?"
    Nor do you call them 'cowards.' To give your life in support of a cause, any cause, is the very opposite of cowardly.
    Nor do you carry on about ‘senseless violence.’ If your goal is to kill people, it makes perfect sense.
    Nor do you carry on ineffectually about how "we will not change our way of life because that is what they terrorists want." I suspect they do not want that at all; what they want is for people to continually prance around openly like bowling pins, easy to knock down. Surely if you say such inane things about not changing your way of life, you should acknowledge that it is at the cost of funding 100 cops in riot gear, whereas one with a baton used to suffice.
    In their quest to undermine the President, I half expect journalists to turn critical of his label, describing it as 'judgmental', 'knee-jerk,' or juvenile. There's only so much you can do with rhetoric. But I'll take it over what we've had to hear in the past any day.
    I like "evil losers" also because it doesn't pretend to have a handle on the problem, as some other responses have. Banal remarks about not succeeding in the fight to change a way of life implies that terrorists are merely a nuisance we all must bear, like mosquitoes.
    Of course, what can never be addressed is how easy it is today to transform people into evil losers. And how, if you succeed in taking one out, there are ten in the wings waiting to take his place. Or, when mighty nations are bombing the snot out of weaker ones, how easy it is to turn on the citizens of that nation, thinking them not so innocent after all, since they vote into office the ones who order the bombing.
  5. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to The Librarian in We are in the front line - for peace   
    Not the most tactful of covers to place at such a scene... with "Death" on the cover. Hmmm....
  6. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from John Houston in Regional Convention 2017 (don't read it if you don't want to know)   
    Regional  Convention 2017(don't read it if you don't want to know)
    Finished already in usa the first regional convention, comment like something never seen, the final speech of brother Stephen Lett of the governing body, "still waiting, won't take", that brothers applauded nonstop for over 3 minutes.He commented several times that the end is imminent.

  7. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in The Last Song ?????   
    "The Last Song" ???????
    Yesterday you came to lift me up
    As light as straw and brittle as a bird
    Today I weigh less than a shadow on the wall
    Just one more whisper of a voice unheard
    Tomorrow leave the windows open
    As fear grows please hold me in your arms
    Won't you help me if you can to shake this anger
    I need your gentle hands to keep me calm
    `Cause I never thought I'd lose
    I only thought I'd win
    I never dreamed I'd feel
    This fire beneath my skin
    I can't believe you love me
    I never thought you'd come
    I guess I misjudged love
    Between a father and his son
    Things we never said come together
    The hidden truth no longer haunting me
    Tonight we touched on the things that were never spoken
    That kind of understanding sets me free
    `Cause I never thought I'd lose
    I only thought I'd win
    I never dreamed I'd feel
    This fire beneath my skin
    I can't believe you love me
    I never thought you'd come
    I guess I misjudged love
    Between a father and his son
    For persons who have lost loved ones in DEATH—
    Isa. 25:8, 9: “He will actually swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will certainly wipe the tears from all faces. . . . And in that day one will certainly say: ‘Look! This is our God. We have hoped in him, and he will save us. This is Jehovah. We have hoped in him. Let us be joyful and rejoice in the salvation by him.’”
    John 5:28, 29: “Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.”
    John 11:25, 26: “Jesus said to her: ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life; and everyone that is living and exercises faith in me will never die at all. Do you believe this?’”
    Ps. 146:5, 9: “Happy is the one . . . whose hope is in Jehovah his God. . . . The fatherless boy and the widow he relieves.” (Right now God has such loving concern for bereaved ones.)
    See also Luke 7:11-16; 8:49-56.

  8. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from ARchiv@L in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    Check this put please? ???
  9. Upvote
  10. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to b4ucuhear in Do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe in Jesus? Yes!   
    With respect and hoping the best for you I likewise will post no counter argument. At this point it is clear we can respectfully agree to disagree. We also both recognize that having the last word doesn't make someone right anyway, so I won't include any parting disagreements (even though we both know I have them  Just hope the best for both of us and that we will see a bright and happy future for each other as Gods promises are realized. 
  11. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from NANCE in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    Because of my back surgery I can't walk yet. I'm grateful to listen online! Thank you Jehovah God! Sometimes many don't understand unless they have been there? 
  12. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    Check this put please? ???
  13. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    Because of my back surgery I can't walk yet. I'm grateful to listen online! Thank you Jehovah God! Sometimes many don't understand unless they have been there? 
  14. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to SHARON LEE MOYER in Vandalism Continues in Russia   
    you know, Bible Speaks..... I think I have to ''back-up'' on this....why.... doesn't the Great Tribulation start FIRST, then Jehovah puts ''the thought into their minds'' ????
    so, maybe the Ukrainians are doing the ''if you can do this to the Witnesses, we can do this to the Orthodox church'' deal....
    don't want to get ''too big for my britches'' where Jehovah is concerned.....
  15. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Vandalism Continues in Russia   
    Good News Coming! Jehovah's "perfect" timing! Remember God puts it in the Nations thoughts to destroy Babylon the Great! ?
    Hugs to you, thank you for being a friend. ???
  16. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in ASK ✅ BELIEVE ✅ RECEIVE ✅ ??? ✅   
    Jesus’ apostles were considered “unlettered and ordinary” because they had not attended rabbinic schools for religious training. (Acts 4:13)
    Nevertheless, Jesus assured them that understanding God’s Word was within their reach. How so? Jesus explained: “The helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in my name, that one will teach you all things.” (John 14:26) God used this holy spirit, or active force, to create the earth and all life upon it. (Genesis 1:2) He also used it to inspire about 40 writers to record his thoughts in the Bible. (2 Peter 1:20, 21) That same spirit is available to help those who seek to understand the Bible.
    How can you receive God’s holy spirit? You have to ask for it in faith. In fact, you may need to askpersistently. “Keep on asking, and it will be given you,” said Jesus. “If you . . . know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him!” (Luke 11:9, 13) Jehovah will generously give holy spirit to those who sincerely ask for it. That active force can help you to grasp the meaning of the inspired words written down in the Bible thousands of years ago. God’s spirit can also give you the wisdom needed to apply the Bible’s powerful message in your life.—Hebrews 4:12; James 1:5, 6.
    Each time you sit down to read the Bible, then, pray to God, asking him for holy spirit to help you understand his Word.
    ✅ ?✅ 
    2 Pictures 1 GIF 1 Moving 

  17. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from tromboneck in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    The site JW.ORG asks if you have attended the convention before you see the downloads. If your a true Christian then you might want to answer before you review them? That way you don't bother your conscience or others too. Just a thought? Some can't get to a convention and as last year have tie-ins. Thankful for this provision from Jehovah! Agape to all. I've been in the Truth 62 years now. 
    Peace from Jehovah! ?????
  18. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in Regional Convention 2017 (don't read it if you don't want to know)   
    Regional  Convention 2017(don't read it if you don't want to know)
    Finished already in usa the first regional convention, comment like something never seen, the final speech of brother Stephen Lett of the governing body, "still waiting, won't take", that brothers applauded nonstop for over 3 minutes.He commented several times that the end is imminent.

  19. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Queen Esther in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    ???????  Doing better! Thank you much Love! 
  20. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Queen Esther in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    @Bible Speaks ... GET WELL SOON !!  ??????
  21. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    ???????  Doing better! Thank you much Love! 
  22. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Melinda Mills in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    Because of my back surgery I can't walk yet. I'm grateful to listen online! Thank you Jehovah God! Sometimes many don't understand unless they have been there? 
  23. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Regional Convention 2017 (don't read it if you don't want to know)   
    Regional  Convention 2017(don't read it if you don't want to know)
    Finished already in usa the first regional convention, comment like something never seen, the final speech of brother Stephen Lett of the governing body, "still waiting, won't take", that brothers applauded nonstop for over 3 minutes.He commented several times that the end is imminent.

  24. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Vandalism Continues in Russia   
    Latest news from Russia
    The organization is not stop. Our lawyers are working tirelessly.Lawyers have filed a notice to the European committee of ministers, recalling the Russian government's refusal to obey the decisions of the European court of human rights. The record already exists in 2010 the European court condemn the Russian government for other activities against Jehovah's witnesses. Russia was fined witnesses compensation of EUR 20 million and 50 million euros for legal fees.Russia never abide this condemnation.

  25. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Queen Esther in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    Because of my back surgery I can't walk yet. I'm grateful to listen online! Thank you Jehovah God! Sometimes many don't understand unless they have been there? 
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