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Bible Speaks

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    Bible Speaks reacted to ARchiv@L in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    Blessings of JWORG 

  2. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to ARchiv@L in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    From the moment this book is available for download, 
    NOBODY ASKED this question: “why this book is on the internet” !!
    ... online message reads:
    (This is an internal publication, provided solely for use by congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses, and is not intended for public distribution.)    
  3. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from NANCE in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    Because of my back surgery I can't walk yet. I'm grateful to listen online! Thank you Jehovah God! Sometimes many don't understand unless they have been there? 
  4. Haha
  5. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from The Librarian in Does the Human DNA include The Name of God Inside?   
    According to researchers of the Jewish culture, the human gene would have the signature of the name of God, with the 4 letters of the Tetragrammaton.(Yod) ה (heh) ו (vav) ה (heh), Tetragrammaton .....Hey vau, = 5 = 6, beats = 5;10 + 5 + 6 + 5
    But the TV showed scientific research mixed with Jewish cabal research. These are theories that involve data from scientists mixed with Kabbalah, tradition, Jewish philosophy,,Not trustworthy. Part of the report is serious, but when it moves to Jewish tradition and philosophy, it took the credibility of part of the report,.
    Scientists are questioning the origin of life and show the existence of a higher being. A new line of research, known as intelligent design, believes that the complexity of life and perfection of nature prove the existence of a higher being. At the core of research in science, faith and society, newly opened by one of the largest universities in São Paulo, in partnership with American institutions, scholars discard the creation of the world with a simple chance and analyze genetic codes as a sort of ' signature God '. http://noticias.r7.com/domingo-espetacular/videos/cientistas-questionam-a-origem-da-vida-e-comprovam-existencia-de-um-ser-superior-14052017

  6. Confused
    Bible Speaks reacted to Jack Ryan in Skirt Length: Traditional Meaning Behind Women Showing Leg   
    or is this all gone now that humans have matured beyond blaming women's dress for men's behavior?
  7. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to SHARON LEE MOYER in The Army of the Heavens Will Rot Away ????   
    Good article, right in line with the 3rd public Watchtower about the 4 Horsemen !!!
  8. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in The Army of the Heavens Will Rot Away ????   
    Again employing vivid imagery, Isaiah goes on to say: “All those of the army of the heavens must rot away. And the heavens must be rolled up, just like a book scroll; and their army will all shrivel away, just as the leafage shrivels off the vine and like a shriveled fig off the fig tree.” (Isaiah 34:4) 
    The expression “all those of the army of the heavens” does not mean the literal stars and planets. Isa 34 Verses 5 and 6 speak of a sword of execution being drenched with blood in those “heavens.” 
    Hence, this must be a symbol of something in the human realm. (1 Corinthians 15:50) Because of their loftiness as superior authorities, the governments of mankind are likened to heavens ruling over earthly human society. (Romans 13:1-4) So “the army of the heavens” represents the combined armies of these governments of mankind.
    How do the symbolic heavens prove to be “just like a book scroll,” and what happens to their ‘armies’?
    This “army” will “rot away,” molder, like something perishable. (Psalm 102:26; Isaiah 51:6) 
    To the naked eye, the literal heavens above us appear curved, like an ancient book scroll, the writing of which was generally on the inner side. When the material written on the inner side of a scroll has passed before the eyes of the reader, the finished scroll is rolled up and put away. Similarly, “the heavens must be rolled up, just like a book scroll,” in that human governments must come to their end. 
    Reaching the final page of their history, they must be brought to their finish at Armageddon. Their impressive-looking ‘armies’ will fall just as withered leaves fall off a grapevine or “a shriveled fig” drops off a fig tree. Their time will be past.—Compare Revelation 6:12-14.

  9. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Did Jesus Want to Debate with Satan? Would we Debate with Satan?   
    Did Jesus Want to Debate with Satan? Would we Debate with Satan?
    Many Groups on Facebook have Apostates and Non Christian Beliefs! - Can You Allow Yourself to "get in among them"? No, see why NOT! If you don't know if your group is good or not, contact me? I can tell you! 
    Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written, ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’” 11 Then the Devil left him, and, look! angels came and began to minister to him." Matthew 4: 10.11
    (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) . . .Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what sharing does light have with darkness? 15 Further, what harmony is there between Christ and Be′li·al? Or what portion does a faithful person have with an unbeliever? 16 And what agreement does God’s temple have with idols? For we are a temple of a living God; just as God said: “I shall reside among them and walk among [them], and I shall be their God, and they will be my people.” 17 “‘Therefore get out from among them, and separate yourselves,’ says Jehovah, ‘and quit touching the unclean thing’”; “‘and I will take YOU in.’” 18 “‘And I shall be a father to YOU, and YOU will be sons and daughters to me,’ says Jehovah the Almighty.”
    Guard Against Deception
    “Look out: perhaps there may be someone who will carry you off as his prey through . . . empty deception.”—COLOSSIANS 2:8
    “HOW many of you have never had a client lie to you?” Some years ago, a law professor conducted a survey by asking that question. The response? He explains: “Out of thousands of lawyers, only one never had a client lie to him.” The reason? “The lawyer had just started practice with a large firm and had not yet talked to a client.” This experience illustrates a sad truth—lying and deception are commonplace in today’s world.
    Deception comes in many forms and has crept into nearly all aspects of modern-day life. Media reports abound with examples—politicians lying about their actions, accountants and lawyers overstating corporate profits, advertisers misleading consumers, litigants cheating insurance companies, just to name a few. Then there is religious deception. The clergy mislead the masses by teaching false doctrines, such as the immortality of the soul, hellfire, and the Trinity.—2 Timothy 4:3, 4
    Should we be surprised by all this deception? Not really. Regarding “the last days,” the Bible warned: “Wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled.” (2 Timothy 3:1, 13) As Christians, we need to be alert to misleading ideas that could turn us away from the truth. Two questions naturally arise: Why is deception so prevalent today, and how can we guard against being deceived?
    Why So Much Deception Today?
    The Bible clearly explains the reason why deception is rampant in this world. The apostle John wrote that “the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” (1 John 5:19) That “wicked one” is Satan the Devil. Concerning him, Jesus said: “He did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie.” Is it any wonder, then, that this world reflects the spirit, the values, and the deceptive traits of its ruler?—John 8:44; 14:30; Ephesians 2:1-3
    In this time of the end, Satan has intensified his efforts. He has been hurled down to the earth. He knows that his time is short, and he has “great anger.” Determined to bring down as many humans as possible, he “is misleading the entire inhabited earth.” (Revelation 12:9, 12) Satan is not a sporadic deceiver. Rather, he is unrelenting in his efforts to mislead mankind.* He uses every deceptive method in his arsenal—including trickery and treachery—to blind the minds of unbelievers and keep them away from God. (2 Corinthians 4:4) This master of deception is especially bent on devouring those who are worshiping God “with spirit and truth.” (John 4:24; 1 Peter 5:8) Never forget that Satan has, in effect, claimed: ‘I can turn anyone away from God.’ (Job 1:9-12) Let us consider some of Satan’s “deceptive tactics” and how to guard against them.—Ephesians 6:11, Jewish New Testament.
    Guard Against Deception by Apostates
    Satan has long used apostates in his efforts to seduce God’s servants. (Matthew 13:36-39) Apostates may claim to worship Jehovah and to believe the Bible, but they reject the visible part of his organization. Some even return to the God-dishonoring doctrines of “Babylon the Great,” the world empire of false religion. (Revelation 17:5; 2 Peter 2:19-22) Under divine inspiration, the Bible writers used strong words to expose the motives and the methods of apostates.
    What is it that apostates want? Most are not content to leave the faith that they once perhaps viewed as true. Often, they want to take others with them. Rather than going out and making their own disciples, many apostates seek to “draw away the disciples [that is, Christ’s disciples] after themselves.” (Acts 20:29, 30) Regarding false teachers, the apostle Paul sounded this urgent warning: “Look out: perhaps there may be someone who will carry you off as his prey.” (Colossians 2:8) Does that not describe what many apostates try to do? Like a kidnapper who carries an unsuspecting victim away from his family, apostates prey upon trusting members of the congregation, seeking to carry them away from the flock.
    What methods do apostates use to achieve their aim? They often resort to distortions, half-truths, and outright falsehoods. Jesus knew that his followers would be victimized by those who would “tell all kinds of evil lies against” them. (Matthew 5:11, Today’s English Version) Such malicious opposers would tell what is not true with the intent to deceive others. The apostle Peter warned about apostates who would use “counterfeit words,” spread “deceptive teachings,” and ‘twist the Scriptures’ to their own ends. (2 Peter 2:3, 13; 3:16) Sadly, apostates succeed in “subverting the faith of some.”—2 Timothy 2:18
    How can we guard against being deceived by apostates? By heeding the advice from God’s Word, which says: “Keep your eye on those who cause divisions and occasions for stumbling contrary to the teaching that you have learned, and avoid them.” (Romans 16:17) We “avoid them” by steering clear of their reasonings—whether in person, in printed form, or on the Internet. Why do we take such a stand? First, because God’s Word directs us to do so, and we trust that Jehovah always has our best interests at heart.—Isaiah 48:17, 18
    Second, we love the organization that has taught us the precious truths that so plainly separate us from Babylon the Great. At the same time, we recognize that our knowledge of God’s purpose is not perfect; our understanding has undergone adjustments over the years. Loyal Christians are content to wait on Jehovah for all such refinements. (Proverbs 4:18) Meanwhile, we will not abandon the organization that God is pleased to use, for we see the clear evidence of his blessing upon it.—Acts 6:7; 1 Corinthians 3:6
    Guard Against Self-Deception
    Imperfect humans have a tendency that Satan is quick to exploit—self-deception. “The heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate,” says Jeremiah 17:9. And James wrote: “Each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire.” (James 1:14) If our heart gets enticed, it may, in effect, wave sin enticingly before us, making it appear attractive and harmless. Such a view is deceptive, for giving oneself up to sin ultimately leads to ruin.—Romans 8:6
    Self-deception can easily ensnare us. The treacherous heart may rationalize away a serious personality flaw or make excuses for a grave sin. (1 Samuel 15:13-15, 20, 21) Our desperate heart may also look for ways to justify questionable conduct. Take, for example, the matter of entertainment. Some entertainment is wholesome and enjoyable. However, much of what this world offers—in movies and television programs and on Internet sites—is obscene and immoral. It is easy to convince ourselves that we can view seedy entertainment without any harm. Some even reason, “It does not bother my conscience, so what’s the problem?” But such individuals are ‘deceiving themselves with false reasoning.’—James 1:22
    How can we be on guard against self-deception? To begin with, we need to remember that the human conscience is not always reliable. Consider the case of the apostle Paul. Before becoming a Christian, he persecuted Christ’s followers. (Acts 9:1, 2) His conscience may not have bothered him at the time. Obviously, though, it had been misdirected. “I was ignorant and acted with a lack of faith,” said Paul. (1 Timothy 1:13) So the mere fact that certain entertainment does not bother our conscience is in itself no guarantee that our course is right. Only a healthy conscience properly trained by God’s Word can be a safe guide.
    If we are to avoid self-deception, there are some helpful suggestions we need to keep in mind. Analyze yourself prayerfully. (Psalm 26:2; 2 Corinthians 13:5) Honest self-analysis may open your eyes to the need to make some changes in your viewpoint or ways. Listen to others. (James 1:19) Since self-examination tends to be subjective, it is wise to listen to the objective words of mature fellow Christians. If you find yourself making decisions or acting in ways that are questionable in the eyes of balanced, experienced fellow believers, you might ask yourself, ‘Could it be that my conscience has not been properly trained or that my heart is deceiving me?’ Regularly feed on the Bible and Bible-based publications. (Psalm 1:2) Doing so will help you to keep your thoughts, attitudes, and feelings in harmony with godly principles.
    Guard Against Satan’s Lies
    Satan uses a variety of lies in his efforts to deceive us. He tries to convince us that material possessions bring happiness and satisfaction, yet the opposite often proves true. (Ecclesiastes 5:10-12) He would have us believe that this wicked world will go on forever, although there is clear evidence that we are living in “the last days.” (2 Timothy 3:1-5) Satan promotes the idea that there is no harm in pursuing an immoral life-style, even though pleasure-seekers often reap bitter consequences. (Galatians 6:7) How can we avoid being deceived by such lies?
    16 Benefit from Biblical examples. The Bible contains warning examples of individuals who were deceived by Satan’s lies. They loved material things, lost sight of the times they were living in, or gave themselves over to immorality—all with bad results. (Matthew 19:16-22; 24:36-42; Luke 16:14; 1 Corinthians 10:8-11) Learn from modern-day examples. Sad to say, occasionally some Christians lose their sense of urgency and come to believe that by serving God they are missing out on something good. They may leave the truth to pursue a life of so-called pleasure. However, such individuals are “on slippery ground,” for sooner or later their ungodly conduct will catch up with them. (Psalm 73:18, 19) We are wise to learn from the mistakes of others.—Proverbs 22:3
    There is another lie that Satan has effectively used—the lie that Jehovah neither loves us nor values us. Satan has had thousands of years to study imperfect humans. He well knows that discouragement can weaken us. (Proverbs 24:10) Hence, he promotes the lie that we are worthless in God’s eyes. If we are “thrown down” and become convinced that Jehovah does not care about us, we may be tempted to give up. (2 Corinthians 4:9) That is just what the great Deceiver wants! How, then, can we guard against being deceived by this satanic lie?
    Personally take to heart what the Bible says about God’s love for us. God’s Word uses some touching word pictures to assure us that Jehovah notices us and loves us as individuals. He puts your tears in his “skin bottle,” meaning that he sees and remembers the tears you shed in your struggle to remain faithful. (Psalm 56:8) He knows when you are “broken at heart” and is near to you at such times. (Psalm 34:18) He knows every detail about you, including the number of “the very hairs of your head.” (Matthew 10:29-31) Above all, God “gave his only-begotten Son” in your behalf. (John 3:16; Galatians 2:20) At times, you may find it difficult to believe that such scriptures apply to you personally. We must, however, take Jehovah at his word. He wants us to believe that he loves us not only as a group but as individuals.
    Recognize and reject the lie. If you know that someone is lying, you can protect yourself against being deceived. So, too, just knowing that Satan wants you to believe the lie that Jehovah does not love you can in itself be a powerful help. In response to a Watchtower article that warned about Satan’s tactics, one Christian said: “I never realized that Satan tries to use my feelings to discourage me. Knowing this gives me the motivation to fight these feelings.”
    Consider the experience of a traveling overseer in a South American country. When making shepherding calls on fellow believers who are downhearted, he often asks them, ‘Do you believe in the Trinity?’ The discouraged one usually answers, ‘Of course not,’ realizing that this is one of Satan’s lies. The traveling elder then asks, ‘Do you believe in hellfire?’ Again comes the answer, ‘Of course not!’ The traveling elder then tells them that there is another satanic lie that is usually not recognized as such. He directs their attention to page 249, paragraph 21, of the book Draw Close to Jehovah,* which exposes the lie that Jehovah does not love us as individuals. The traveling overseer reports positive results from thus helping discouraged ones to recognize and reject this satanic lie.
    Safeguard Yourself Against Deception
    During this final part of the last days, it is to be expected that Satan will continue to launch an avalanche of lies and deceptions. Thankfully, Jehovah has not left us in the dark regarding Satan’s deceptive tactics. The Bible and the Bible-based publications of “the faithful and discreet slave” clearly expose the Devil’s evil methods. (Matthew 24:45) Being forewarned, we are forearmed.—2 Corinthians 2:11
    Let us, then, keep on guard against the reasonings of apostates. May we be determined to avoid the subtle snare of self-deception. And let us recognize and reject all of Satan’s lies. By doing so, we will safeguard our relationship with “the God of truth,” who detests deception.—Psalm 31:5; Proverbs 3:32

  10. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "He counts the number of the stars; He calls all of them by name." ?⭐️?   
    If man is a speck of dust, can he know the stars, their names and where they come from? 
    Can he draw closer to a all-wise loving Creator to "know" Him?
    Does he feel so "advanced" it's beyond his intelligence?
    Psalms 147:4-6
     4 "He counts the number of the stars; He calls all of them by name.  5 Our Lord is great and is mighty in power; His understanding is beyond measure.  6 Jehovah raises up the meek."
    Only the "meek" will possess the earth. Become meek.
    Learn all you can of Him, it means your everlasting life. 
    Psalms 37:11
    11 But the meek will possess the earth, And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace."
    #Creator #JehovahGod #UniversalSovereign? #ForeverandEver???
  11. Upvote
  12. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Kazakhstan Imprisons Ailing Jehovah’s Witness and Bans His Worship ALMATY, Kazakhstan   
    “Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world are deeply concerned over Teymur’s welfare. We hope that the authorities will dismiss these unwarranted charges and finally allow this loyal, law-abiding Christian to be reunited with his family and receive the medical care he urgently requires.  ” Kazakhstan Imprisons Ailing Jehovah’s Witness and Bans His WorshipALMATY, Kazakhstan—On May 2, 2017, a court in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, sentenced Teymur Akhmedov to a five-year prison sentence for performing his peaceful Bible education work, characterized by the court as “inciting religious discord” and “advocating [religious] superiority.” In addition to the prison term, the judge also imposed a three-year ban on Mr. Akhmedov’s participation in Bible education activities. The decision places Mr. Akhmedov, 61, husband and father of three sons, in an especially precarious situation because he requires treatment for a bleeding tumor and has been denied the medical attention that he requires. Mr. Akhmedov will appeal the court’s decision. The appeal is likely to be heard later in May or early June.The decision is the latest disturbing development in a legal drama that began January 18, 2017, when Kazakhstan’s National Security Committee arrested and charged Mr. Akhmedov under the controversial Article 174(2) of the Criminal Code of Kazakhstan. Mr. Akhmedov was then held in detention for months and denied medical treatment. David A. Semonian, a spokesman at the Witnesses’ world headquarters, states: “Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world are deeply concerned over Teymur’s welfare. We hope that the authorities will dismiss these unwarranted charges and finally allow this loyal, law-abiding Christian to be reunited with his family and receive the medical care he urgently requires.”
    Jehovah’s Witnesses view the actions of the Astana court as evidence that Kazakhstan is following the pattern of religious persecution set by Russia, particularly the recent decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation to liquidate the Administrative Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia. Mr. Semonian explains: “As was the case with our worship in Russia, Teymur Akhmedov is a victim of a law ostensibly designed to guard against terrorism that is being misapplied to our worship. International bodies, including the United Nations Human Rights Committee and the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, have called on Kazakhstan to stop misusing such laws to persecute peaceful worship.” He concludes: “Our concern extends to all of our fellow worshippers in Kazakhstan, whom we hope will no longer be harassed for carrying out their Bible education work, which is known to help communities around the world. We will all be following this case closely.” https://www.jw.org/en/news/releases/by-region/kazakhstan/imprisons-ailing-jehovahs-witness-bans-his-worship/ 

  13. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Vandalism Continues in Russia   
    (GOOGLE AUTOMATIC TRANSLATION, RUSSIAN TO ENGLISH.)In Russia, "Jehovah's Witnesses" were persecutedBroken windows in believers' homes and painted doors of halls for God's services - such cases of vandalism and intimidation of "Jehovah's Witnesses" became more frequent after the organization's ban"Jehovah's Witnesses" in Russia complain of harassment - they are fired from their jobs, set fire to their homes and humiliate them after the court found them extremists and banned the organization.The verdict of the Russian court touched almost two hundred thousand believers in Russia. It has not yet entered into force, but witnesses are already being persecuted. So, the family Dubovitsky - recently set fire to the house, and it burned to the ground.Broken windows in the homes of believers and painted doors of halls for God's services - such cases of vandalism and intimidation of "Jehovah's Witnesses" became more frequent after the organization's ban."Jehovah's Witnesses" will appeal against the decision to ban their organization. If the appeal is rejected, their meetings will be outlawed.Believers hope that Russian servants of Themis will come to their senses. If not - "Jehovah's Witnesses" are ready to appeal to the European Court.http://www.segodnya.ua/world/v-rossii-svideteli-iegovy-podverglis-goneniyam-1021834.html

  14. Like
  15. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in The Vision Is For The Appointed Time ? It Will Not Be Late! ?   
    3 "For the vision is yet for its appointed time,
    And it is rushing toward its end,
    and it will not lie.
    Even if it should delay,
    keep in expectation of it!
    For it will without fail come true.
    It will not be late!"
     (Hab. 2:3)
    You can be equally sure that “the day of Jehovah’s anger” against the present system of things will come; it will be a fact, actual and trustworthy. Surely you have no doubt about that. Like Zephaniah and Habakkuk, you do not know exactly when that day will come. (Mark 13:32) 
    Yet, come it will, and fulfillment of Bible prophecy in your time strongly indicates that it will come soon. Thus, what Jehovah stressed to those prophets applies to you—“Keep in expectation of it.” And remember this absolute truth: Ours is the only God who “acts for the one that keeps in expectation of him.”—Isaiah 64:4.
    You can show the proper attitude of expectation, demonstrating by what you do that you are confident that “the day of Jehovah’s anger” will come exactly on time. 
    Your being convinced of that and matching your conviction with fitting actions are in harmony with something Jesus said. He urged the apostles and all anointed Christians: “Let your loins be girded and your lamps be burning, and you yourselves be like men waiting for their master . . . Happy are those slaves whom the master on arriving finds watching! Truly I say to you, He will gird himself and make them recline at the table and will come alongside and minister to them.” (Luke 12:35-37) 
    Yes, a proper waiting attitude shows confidence that Jehovah’s great day will come not a moment later than he has purposed.

  16. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in In the Western world who know the Witnesses as the well-mannered people who ring doorbells and ask if they can share a copy of The Watchtower, the group's journal.   
    Members of Jehovah's Witnesses react in a court room after judge's decision in Moscow, Russia, on Thursday, April 20, 2017. Russia's Supreme Court has banned the Jehovah's Witnesses from operating in the country, accepting a request from the justice ministry that the religious organisation be considered an extremist group, ordering closure of the group's Russia headquarters and its 395 local chapters, as well as the seizure of its property. (AP Photo/Ivan Sekretarev)
    Since the Russian Supreme Court labeled Jehovah's Witnesses an "extremist" group, vandals have targeted followers and their banks accounts have been frozen. Stones were thrown at a St. Petersburg assembly hall and someone tried to burn the Moscow home of a Jehovah's Witness to the ground, a church spokesman said.
    The ruling seems to have emboldened those who resent and fear the Witnesses, a religious minority that has suffered more than most in President Vladimir Putin's Russia, where the Russian Orthodox Church enjoys the backing of the state and harassment of gays and other marginalized groups has spiked in recent years.
    "We were hoping the court would realize that we are not a threat," said Robert Warren, a spokesman for the Witnesses based in their New York world headquarters. "But now the environment is worse than ever."
    The court decision, say Jehovah's Witnesses officials and human rights experts, has not been fully enforced. Worship, reports from the country indicate, continues at some of the "Kingdom Halls" that serve Russia's more than 100,000 Witnesses.
    But the possibility that the government will completely shut down the Jehovah's Witnesses looms.
    "We were hoping the court would realize that we are not a threat," said Robert Warren, a spokesman for the Witnesses based in their New York world headquarters. "But now the environment is worse than ever."
    The court decision, say Jehovah's Witnesses officials and human rights experts, has not been fully enforced. Worship, reports from the country indicate, continues at some of the "Kingdom Halls" that serve Russia's more than 100,000 Witnesses.
    But the possibility that the government will completely shut down the Jehovah's Witnesses looms.
    While Jehovah's Witnesses prepare an appeal — and take heart in the condemnation of the court ruling from national and international bodies, including the U.S. State Department — they are not optimistic about a reversal of the ruling. And they worry for their brethren over the border in Kazakhstan, a former Soviet republic.
    "In some ways the situation in Kazakhstan has deteriorated even faster," said Felix Corley, an Norway-based religious rights activist who edits the Forum 18 News Service, which tracks abuses in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
    Earlier this month, a 61-year-old Jehovah's Witness from Kazakhstan — a retired bus driver battling cancer — was sentenced to five years in prison and banned from preaching for three years after he gets out.
    A court convicted Teymur Akhmedov of inciting "ethnic, social, religious, family, and racial hatred." Jehovah's Witnesses said he peacefully shared his beliefs with a group of young men who asked him questions about his faith.
    Witnesses are working on Akhmedov's appeal and say that since the Russian Supreme Court decision, anti-Witness propaganda has spread in Kazakhstan. Recently a popular television channel there reported that Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia plan a bombing, and speculated that the same could happen in Kazakhstan, said Bekzat Smagulov, a Jehovah's Witness and spokesman on the Akhmedov case.
    "Most people are afraid," Smagulov said of Kazakhstan's 18,000 Witnesses.
    In Russia, where authorities have officially declared the group illegal, fears run even higher. The surveillance and prosecution of the Witnesses began decades ago and involves all levels of government and law enforcement — from the Justice Ministry to the FSB (the successor to the KGB) to local police.
    But Russia can't honestly fear violence from the Jehovah's Witnesses, said Corley. "I cannot believe they think they're going to go out and kill people."
    Yet the court last month, after six days and 30 hours of testimony, deemed the Jehovah's Witnesses a threat to the state, commanded a halt to all their activity and allowed for the seizure of their property.
    Rachel Denber, deputy director of the Europe and Central Asia division at Human Rights Watch, the international nonprofit, called the case against the Witnesses "absurd."
    Specifically, Russian prosecutors accused the group of breaking a 2002 anti-extremism law — a statute human right activists say the government uses to harass groups Putin and his allies disfavor.
    That law prohibits any group, except the Orthodox Church and a few other traditions, from claiming the true path to salvation. The Jehovah's Witnesses, like many denominations, make such a claim, Denber said, but not in a way that should land them on the same list of outlaws that includes al-Qaida and the Islamic State group.
    The Witnesses' Western ties are also particularly suspect in today's Russia, which seeks to challenge the West as an international power broker, Denber said.
    More Witnesses live in the U.S. than any other country. And though Jehovah's Witnesses regard Christ as their founder, the modern-day group formed in Pittsburgh, where a group of Bible students in the late 19th century began writing down the Witnesses' beliefs.
    Among those beliefs: pacifism.
    The world's 8 million Witnesses — who can be found in the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia — eschew violence and don't join the military, which makes some question their patriotism even when they find alternative ways to serve their countries.
    But their pacifism also makes the extremist label all the more confounding to those in the Western world who know the Witnesses as the well-mannered people who ring doorbells and ask if they can share a copy of The Watchtower, the group's journal.
    And though the Witnesses have been harassed in many nations, in Russia they suffer more acutely and are commonly described as a cult — a group that rejects much of Orthodox Christianity, including its trinitarian understanding of God.
    Another attribute of the Witnesses may threaten their persecutors.
    "They're very well-organized," Denber said.
    The Witnesses' Russian headquarters near St. Petersburg is affiliated with nearly 400 local organizations around the country. Internationally, the group boasts an active press and colorful literature.
    And though the Witnesses have been harassed in many nations, in Russia they suffer more acutely and are commonly described as a cult — a group that rejects much of Orthodox Christianity, including its trinitarian understanding of God.
    Another attribute of the Witnesses may threaten their persecutors.
    "They're very well-organized," Denber said.
    The Witnesses' Russian headquarters near St. Petersburg is affiliated with nearly 400 local organizations around the country. Internationally, the group boasts an active press and colorful literature.
    Russian authorities have restricted many other religious groups. Missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints now have to be called "volunteers" because of limits placed of proselytizing. Other groups, including various Protestant sects, the Falun Gong, Hare Krishnas, even atheists also face new restraints, adds Corley. But these groups don't face elimination as a religious organization the way the Jehovah's Witnesses do, because — unlike the Witnesses — they never had to register with the government.
    "They can't be liquidated as a legal entity because they never had legal status," Corley said.
    Missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints now have to be called "volunteers," because of limits placed of proselytizing.
    If appeals in Russia and Kazakhstan fail, Jehovah's Witnesses say they will take the cases to the European Court of Human Rights.

  17. Like
  18. Sad
    LIMA, Peru – Not less than 530 homes and 6 Kingdom Halls of Jehovah’s Witnesses have been damaged due to severe flood which has ravaged Peru in the last few days.
    Reports indicate that in the town of Huarmey, located 288 kilometers (approximately 179 mi) from Lima, floodwaters have stranded many Witnesses on the roofs of their homes.
    So far, the Peru branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses has set up eight disaster relief committees to care for the Witnesses in the affected areas, including the 12 regions where the government has declared a state of emergency. 
    The relief committees have already supplied 22 tons of food and over 22,000 liters (6,000 gal) of drinking water to victims. Another 48 tons of food and over 9,000 liters (2,400 gal) of drinking water will be sent in the coming weeks. 
    Jehovah’s Witnesses are assisting their fellow members, as well as other victims of the disaster.So far, hundreds of Witnesses in Peru have volunteered to help with cleanup and repair work. “The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses facilitates disaster relief efforts from their world headquarters, using funds donated to the Witnesses’ global ministry work”, the Jehovah’s Witnesses said in a statement.Heavy rainfall has caused flooding and landslides in 24 out of 25 regions of Peru, while reports indicate that these conditions are expected to continue. 
    The country has received 10 times the normal amount of precipitation during its rainy season (December to March).
  19. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in The Vision Is For The Appointed Time ? It Will Not Be Late! ?   
    3 "For the vision is yet for its appointed time,
    And it is rushing toward its end,
    and it will not lie.
    Even if it should delay,
    keep in expectation of it!
    For it will without fail come true.
    It will not be late!"
     (Hab. 2:3)
    You can be equally sure that “the day of Jehovah’s anger” against the present system of things will come; it will be a fact, actual and trustworthy. Surely you have no doubt about that. Like Zephaniah and Habakkuk, you do not know exactly when that day will come. (Mark 13:32) 
    Yet, come it will, and fulfillment of Bible prophecy in your time strongly indicates that it will come soon. Thus, what Jehovah stressed to those prophets applies to you—“Keep in expectation of it.” And remember this absolute truth: Ours is the only God who “acts for the one that keeps in expectation of him.”—Isaiah 64:4.
    You can show the proper attitude of expectation, demonstrating by what you do that you are confident that “the day of Jehovah’s anger” will come exactly on time. 
    Your being convinced of that and matching your conviction with fitting actions are in harmony with something Jesus said. He urged the apostles and all anointed Christians: “Let your loins be girded and your lamps be burning, and you yourselves be like men waiting for their master . . . Happy are those slaves whom the master on arriving finds watching! Truly I say to you, He will gird himself and make them recline at the table and will come alongside and minister to them.” (Luke 12:35-37) 
    Yes, a proper waiting attitude shows confidence that Jehovah’s great day will come not a moment later than he has purposed.

  20. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from tromboneck in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    The site JW.ORG asks if you have attended the convention before you see the downloads. If your a true Christian then you might want to answer before you review them? That way you don't bother your conscience or others too. Just a thought? Some can't get to a convention and as last year have tie-ins. Thankful for this provision from Jehovah! Agape to all. I've been in the Truth 62 years now. 
    Peace from Jehovah! ?????
  21. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in The Army of the Heavens Will Rot Away ????   
    Again employing vivid imagery, Isaiah goes on to say: “All those of the army of the heavens must rot away. And the heavens must be rolled up, just like a book scroll; and their army will all shrivel away, just as the leafage shrivels off the vine and like a shriveled fig off the fig tree.” (Isaiah 34:4) 
    The expression “all those of the army of the heavens” does not mean the literal stars and planets. Isa 34 Verses 5 and 6 speak of a sword of execution being drenched with blood in those “heavens.” 
    Hence, this must be a symbol of something in the human realm. (1 Corinthians 15:50) Because of their loftiness as superior authorities, the governments of mankind are likened to heavens ruling over earthly human society. (Romans 13:1-4) So “the army of the heavens” represents the combined armies of these governments of mankind.
    How do the symbolic heavens prove to be “just like a book scroll,” and what happens to their ‘armies’?
    This “army” will “rot away,” molder, like something perishable. (Psalm 102:26; Isaiah 51:6) 
    To the naked eye, the literal heavens above us appear curved, like an ancient book scroll, the writing of which was generally on the inner side. When the material written on the inner side of a scroll has passed before the eyes of the reader, the finished scroll is rolled up and put away. Similarly, “the heavens must be rolled up, just like a book scroll,” in that human governments must come to their end. 
    Reaching the final page of their history, they must be brought to their finish at Armageddon. Their impressive-looking ‘armies’ will fall just as withered leaves fall off a grapevine or “a shriveled fig” drops off a fig tree. Their time will be past.—Compare Revelation 6:12-14.

  22. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to ARchiv@L in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    (my comments)
    1. I know that EVERYONE on their own personal facebook will refuse it, and NOONE on the “closed” / ‘secret’ facebook groups will post it, but am sure everyone will look for it !!
    2. To help you understand what I want to say …. This is what happened before … .remember …. The same way it happened with the new silver bible (NWT), EVERYONE share it with their own e-mails (they had no problem to receive the news) but NOONE would like to comment about it (the NWT) on the facebooks, etc. .. ALSO ONLY  the ones who speak English/American learned these (about the NWT) news FIRST of all. 
    Which means that all of us who do not speak English could not know these news about the new release that time.
    3. while EVERYONE, when at the same time, (and I mean everyone on this planet) ! likes to receive e-mails with any news or releases, THEY HAVE NO PROBLEM WHEN they receive such mails with anything NEW !!! – it means that they do not deny it, or they never say “why you send me that”

  23. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to ARchiv@L in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    AGREE !! 
    Is it not the last years, that the OFFICIAL PAGE posts all new releases ? and why? 
    Is it not that EVERYONE shares messages with the new releases on every email possible? YES 
    WHY the videos are on the internet BEFORE the convention ? -- IS THIS MY VIDEOS ??? (or your videos OR the Librarians videos that you see )  ?? THIS MEANS THAT THE ONES WHO HAVE ACCESS TO THEM, ARE THE ONES who share with everyone !!
  24. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to ARchiv@L in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    Remember the time when special occasions like the “annual meeting” taking place in the US, when the rest of us, did not have any email, did not speak American/English and did not have the chance to attend such special meetings in our life time.
    NOW ALL OF THIS PROGRAMM IS FREE to access globally all over the world !
    (which means that THERE IS A NEED FOR THAT !!!!)
    Now imagine, that I DO NOT SPEAK English, I HAVE HEALTH PROBLEMS, my family is not in the truth, I DO MY BEST IN MY LIFE and I would never have the happiness to watch these special events !!
    Why did you accuse the Librarian of posting these things in the past, when NOW ALL OF THIS PROGRAM IS FREE ?
    IF I AM A person with health problems, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO ENJOY SUCH SPIRITUAL MEETINGS ???
  25. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to ARchiv@L in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    Something more I like to add for ALL brothers and sisters with “special needs” or with HEALTH PROBLEMS … these health or body problems do not permit them to do AS MUCH AS THEY WANT TO DO !!!
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