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  1. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Yvette hepburn Chisolm in HOW DO DEMONS TRICK PEOPLE ?   
    @Tracey Anne Smith Your correct! Fact Bambi hears her mother die in forest? Sad, it's called "mind control."
    Trivia   At one point, the film was meant to show her body after she was shot but was later removed as it would be too dark. Despite this, it is considered to be one of the most horrific and graphic deaths in all of Disney history.  In The Sword in the Stone, Kay is hunting a deer who looks very much like her.  In The Jungle Book, a deer that strongly resembles her is grazing in a meadow, and being unknowingly stalked by Shere Khan.  She and Bambi make a cameo in the Donald Duck cartoon, No Hunting. When she notices litter going down the stream, she tells Bambi, "Man is in the forest. Let's dig out."  In The Rescuers, during the song "Someone's Waiting For You", she and Bambi are seen eating grass in Devil's Bayou.  She, along with many other Disney Characters, made cameo appearances in the film Who Framed Roger Rabbit.  In Beauty and the Beast, there is a deer grazing in the opening scene that greatly resembles her.  Tae-Kwon Doe's head in the Toy Story Toonsshort Small Fry also resembles her.  A deer resembling her appears in the Sofia the First episode "Holiday in Enchancia" as one of the forest animals who helps Sofiatrack down her father.  There is a fan theory that Gaston or Judge Doom may have been the hunter who killed Bambi's mother. @Aruna People are "blinded" by  mysticism! It is a part of people to want to feel magic and to be able to understand it! Yeah we know that Satan the devil is not a magician, but a snake ?? and slander and resister. He slyly comes in with his magic and demons in movies and films, gets the young involved and they want more! Now they is a belief that 144,000 are magical delivers to bring the earth and heaven to harmony! Wow read that on FB yesterday was in shock. But he and his hordes have now "hooks" in their mouths and are sinking fast ? Lets teach all about Jehovah God and His Son Our Lord Christ Jesus. It will get worse. Degrading movies too of transvestism looked as ok ?? but a couple of years ago voted down. He can't win, he's being stepped on and crushed! ???????
  2. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in “Oppose the Devil, and he will flee.” ?⚔️?   
    "Put on the complete suit of armor from God that you may be able to stand firm against the machinations of the Devil."—Eph. 6:11.
    Oppose the Devil and His Crafty Acts
    “Oppose the Devil, and he will flee.”—JAMES 4:7.
    How does Satan fight against individual Christians?
    Satan cannot win the war, so to speak, but he can make casualties of us as individuals if we let our guard down. Satan knows that he can devour us if he can weaken our bond with Jehovah. How does Satan try to achieve this? By attacking us intensely, personally, and cunningly. Let us consider these main strategies of Satan.
    Why is Satan intensely attacking Jehovah’s people?
    Intense attacks. The apostle John stated: “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” (1 John 5:19) Those words contain a warning for all true Christians. Since Satan has already devoured the entire ungodly world of mankind, he can now focus on and intensify his attacks on those who have so far eluded him—Jehovah’s people. (Micah 4:1; John 15:19;Revelation 12:12, 17) He has great anger because he knows his time is short. So he has stepped up the pressure. Today, we face his final rampage of savagery and destruction.
    What does the apostle Paul mean when he states that we have “a struggle” against wicked spirits?
    Personal struggle. The apostle Paul warned fellow Christians: “We have a struggle [“wrestling,” footnote] . . . against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12) Why did Paul use the term “struggle”? Because it conveys the idea of hand-to-hand combat. Thus, by using that term, Paul stressed that each of us has a personal fight with wicked spirits. Whether we live in a country where belief in wicked spirits is prevalent or not, we should never forget that when we dedicated ourselves to Jehovah, we stepped on the wrestling mat, as it were. At least from dedication onward, each Christian is locked in combat. No wonder that Paul saw the need to urge Christians in Ephesus three times to “stand firm”!—Ephesians 6:11, 13, 14.
    (a) Why do Satan and the demons employ various “crafty acts”? (b) Why does Satan try to corrupt our thinking, and how can we resist his efforts?  (c) Which crafty act will we now consider?
    Cunning schemes. Paul exhorts Christians to stand firm against Satan’s “crafty acts.” (Ephesians 6:11) Note Paul’s use of the plural. Wicked spirits use not one but various cunning schemes—and for good reason. In the course of time, some believers who have stood firm against one kind of trial have given in when faced with another. Hence, the Devil and the demons closely observe the behavior of each one of us to detect our weakest spot. Then they exploit any spiritual weakness we may have. Thankfully, though, we can recognize many of the Devil’s methods, for they are revealed in the Bible. (2 Corinthians 2:11) Earlier in this publication, we discussed such schemes as the lure of materialism, harmful association, and sexual immorality. Let us now consider yet another one of Satan’s crafty acts—spiritism.
    Satan has not changed. His basic tenet remains the same: Corrupt the mind, and sinful actions will follow. Satan has this system’s politics, religion, commerce, and entertainment set up to spread his propaganda. (John 14:30) He has succeeded in distorting the thinking of the vast majority of mankind, changing their attitudes and viewpoints. Conduct that was once viewed as sinful—such as practicing homosexuality, living together without marriage, and bearing children out of wedlock—is often viewed as acceptable, even desirable. How effective has Satan been in seducing humans? The Bible says: “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.”—1 John 5:19.

  3. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "Get out of her my people." ??☄️   
    "Get out of her my people." ??☄️
    (Revelation 18:4) 
    (Rev. 17:1–22:21)
    “Babylon the Great,” the world empire of false religion, is a disgusting segment of Satan’s wicked world. The 11th vision portrays her as a “great harlot”—an immoral woman—“sitting upon a scarlet-colored wild beast.” She is to be completely destroyed by “the ten horns” of the very beast that is carrying her. (Rev. 17:1, 3, 5, 16) 
    Likening the harlot to a “great city,” the subsequent vision announces her fall and issues an urgent call to God’s people to “get out of her.” The demise of the great city is mourned by many. There is rejoicing in heaven, however, because of “the marriage of the Lamb.” (Rev. 18:4, 9, 10, 15-19; 19:7) In the 13th vision, the rider of “a white horse” goes to war with the nations. He brings Satan’s wicked world to its end.—Rev. 19:11-16.

  4. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in How Will Jehovah Remember You? ⚖️?   
    How Will Jehovah Remember You?
    “DO REMEMBER me, O my God.” A number of times Nehemiah petitioned God in those words. (Nehemiah 5:19; 13:14, 31) 
    It is quite natural that when people are in dire straits, they turn to God with expressions of entreaty like that.
    What, though, do people have in mind when they ask God to remember them? Clearly, they hope for God to do more than simply recall their names.
    Consistently, the Bible shows that with God, “remembering” means taking positive action. 
    Can you remember what he has done for you? Do you give him exclusive devotion and love? How can you do more for him? What has he done for you?
    Learn more, have a free Bible Study today it will impress you!

  5. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in ♦️ HITLER'S EFFORTS TO WIPE OUT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES IN GERMANY FAILED♦️   
    ♦️DOCUMENTARY: Jehovah's Witnesses Stand Firm Under Nazi Assault
  6. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in ♦️ HITLER'S EFFORTS TO WIPE OUT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES IN GERMANY FAILED♦️   
    ♦️ HITLER'S EFFORTS TO WIPE OUT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES IN GERMANY FAILED: “Do not meddle with these men, but let them alone; because, ... if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them..." —Acts 5:38, 39.
    During 1933, when Jehovah’s Witnesses in Germany refused to heil Adolf Hitler as their Führer, Hitler vowed to exterminate them. 
    Hitler launched a campaign to annihilate Jehovah’s Witnesses in Germany. By 1935 they were proscribed in the entire nation.
     Widespread arrests occurred. A “special Gestapo Command” was formed to fight against the Witnesses. 
    The Nazis did succeed in rounding up thousands of Witnesses and sending them off to concentration camps. Repeatedly they were promised release from the camps if they would only sign a declaration renouncing their beliefs.
    The Earthly part of Jehovah's Organization wrote a personal letter to Adolf Hitler warning him regarding the situation. J. F. Rutherford along with the entire worldwide brotherhood went into action. Jehovah’s Witnesses throughout the earth met and, after united prayer to Jehovah, sent a cablegram warning the Hitler government: “Your ill-treatment of Jehovah’s witnesses shocks all good people of earth and dishonors God’s name. Refrain from further persecuting Jehovah’s witnesses; otherwise God will destroy you and your national party.” 
    October 7, 1934, Adolf Hitler with clenched fists declared regarding Jehovah’s Witnesses: “This enemy of Great Germany, This brood  of International Bible Students will be exterminated in Germany!” 
    Whereas many others of different faiths within the camps gave in to signing a declaration renouncing their beliefs, Jehovah's Witnesses' faith remained unwaivered.The Witnesses kept right on preaching that God’s Kingdom is mankind’s only hope. At the end of the war, over a thousand surviving Witnesses came out of the camps, with their faith intact and their love for one another strong. 
    The Nazis failed to break the Witnesses’ resolve to worship God alone, and they failed to eliminate God’s servants as a group. 
    Why was Hitler, with his well-equipped army, highly trained police,  unable to carry out his threat to destroy this relatively small and unarmed group of what the world views as ordinary people? 
    The answer lies in some wise advice given by Gamaliel, a Law teacher, to fellow members of the Jewish Sanhedrin when they were dealing with a similar case involving the apostles of Jesus Christ. He said: “Do not meddle with these men, but let them alone; because, if this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown; but if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them; otherwise, you may perhaps be found fighters actually against God.”—Acts 5:38, 39.
    Sixty years later, faithful survivors of Hitler’s concentration camps are still serving Jehovah ‘with their whole heart and soul and mind,’ whereas today Hitler and his Nazi party are wiped off the face of the earth,  nowhere to be found, living only in infamy.
    Why is this significant apart from any other groups that were persecuted? 1) Jehovah's witnesses were smaller in comparison to other religious groups at that time 2) An entire national government vowed to wipe them out, but they grew rapidly despite persecution 3) Jehovah's witnesses were the only organization carrying out the prophetic work foretold in the Bible at Matthew 24:14 that God's servants would proclaim: The Good news of God's Kingdom. Hitler vowed he would put an end to this organization, but not only was he not able to stop, but the faith of  Jehovah's Witnesses never dwindled. It had rather spread even more during and after the war than it had before the war, Jehovah's witnesses being in even greater numbers than they were before the war—all without weapons, force, or any use of violence and rebellion whatsoever.
    Jehovah's name and his Kingdom are still being proclaimed in Germany by some total of what went from only a few thousand of Jehovah's servants during Hitler's reign, to today numbering far over 165,837 and still rapidly growing. The work is from Jehovah, not man, and the work of Jehovah cannot be overthrown. 
    <3 “They will not do any harm or cause any ruin in all my holy mountain; because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea.”—Isaiah 2:4; 11:9.
    ♦️ DOCUMENTARY: Jehovah's Witnesses Stand Firm Under Nazi Assault
    • jv 552, 553, 659-660, 693, w05 12/15 pp. 19-24

  7. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in Jehovah Gives Power to the Tired One   
    Thank you Agape ?????
  8. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in LONG - SUFFERING - What is Long Suffering mean? ?   
    However, His Anger and hot to destroy his opposers! Soon a relief in Heaven and Earth ? 

  9. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in LONG - SUFFERING - What is Long Suffering mean? ?   
    @SHARON LEE MOYER Thank you for your comments! Many are shy ☺️ why I don't know! Shout out the Truth, Can you imagine how long-suffering Jehovah is with the wicked and Satan! All the earth will know Jehovah and His Loyal Love ❤️ for all those Righteous at heart and mind, 
    Agape ?????
  10. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Richardn29 in An Inside Look At The Stanley Theater’s Celestial Restoration WONDERFUL AND BEAUTIFUL!   
    An Inside Look At The Stanley Theater’s Celestial Restoration
    By Meredith Napolitano Stettner - 
    January 5, 2017

  11. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Martha Braun Amistadi in "Let Your NAME Be Sanctified"   
    FOOD FOR THOUGHT - How can someone who doesn't know God's Name pray for God's Name to be Sanctified? After all, Jesus the Son of God, said in the Model Prayer the First Thing we should Mention ?
    “You must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens, let YOUR NAME be sanctified." (Matthew 6:9)
  12. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in WHAT IS A LIE? ??   
    WHAT IS A LIE? ?????
    The opposite of truth. Lying generally involves saying something false to a person who is entitled to know the truth and doing so with the intent to deceive or to injure him or another person. 
    A lie need not always be verbal. It can also be expressed in action, that is, a person may be living a lie. The Hebrew verb that conveys the idea of speaking that which is untrue is ka·zavʹ. (Pr 14:5) Another Hebrew verb sha·qarʹ means “deal or act falsely,” and the noun form is rendered “lie; deception; falsehood.” (Le 19:11; Ps 44:17; Le 19:12; Ps 33:17; Isa 57:4) Hebrew shawʼ, at times rendered “untruth; falsehood,” basically refers to something worthless, vain, valueless. (Ps 12:2;De 5:20; Ps 60:11; 89:47; Zec 10:2) The Hebrew verb ka·chashʹ (deceive) evidently has the basic meaning “prove disappointing.” (Le 19:11; Ho 9:2) The Greek term pseuʹdos and related words have to do with lying and falsehood.
    The father, or originator, of lying is Satan the Devil. (Joh 8:44) His lie conveyed by means of a serpent to the first woman Eve ultimately brought death to her and to her husband Adam. (Ge 3:1-5, 16-19) That first lie was rooted in selfishness and wrong desire. It was designed to divert the love and obedience of the first human pair to the liar, who had presented himself as an angel of light, a benefactor. (Compare 2Co 11:14.) All other malicious lies uttered since that time have likewise been a reflection of selfishness and wrong desire. People have told lies to escape deserved punishment, to profit at the expense of others, and to gain or maintain certain advantages, material rewards, or the praise of men.
    Especially serious have been the religious lies, as they have endangered the future life of persons deceived by them. Said Jesus Christ: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you traverse sea and dry land to make one proselyte, and when he becomes one you make him a subject for Gehenna twice as much so as yourselves.” (Mt 23:15) The exchange of God’s truth for “the lie,” the falsehood of idolatry, can cause a person to become a practicer of what is degrading and vile.—Ro 1:24-32.
    The case of the religious leaders of Judaism in the time of Jesus’ earthly ministry shows what can happen when one abandons the truth. They schemed to have Jesus put to death. Then, when he was resurrected, they bribed the soldiers who had guarded the tomb so they would conceal the truth and spread a lie about the disappearance of Jesus’ body.—Mt 12:14;27:1, 2, 62-65; 28:11-15; Mr 14:1; Lu 20:19.
    Jehovah God cannot lie (Nu 23:19; Heb 6:13-18), and he hates “a false tongue.” (Pr 6:16-19) His law to the Israelites required compensation for injuries resulting from deception or malicious lying. (Le 6:2-7; 19:11, 12) And a person presenting false testimony was to receive the punishment that he desired to inflict upon another by means of his lies. (De 19:15-21) God’s view of malicious lying, as reflected in the Law, has not changed. Those desiring to gain his approval cannot engage in the practice of lying. (Ps 5:6; Pr 20:19; Col 3:9, 10; 1Ti 3:11;Re 21:8, 27; 22:15) They cannot be living a lie, claiming to love God while hating their brother. (1Jo 4:20, 21) For playing false to the holy spirit by lying, Ananias and his wife lost their lives.—Ac 5:1-11.
    Jehovah God allows “an operation of error” to go to persons who prefer falsehood “that they may get to believing the lie” rather than the good news about Jesus Christ. (2Th 2:9-12) This principle is illustrated by what happened centuries earlier in the case of Israelite King Ahab. Lying prophets assured Ahab of success in war against Ramoth-gilead, while Jehovah’s prophet Micaiah foretold disaster. As revealed in vision to Micaiah, Jehovah allowed a spirit creature to become “a deceptive spirit” in the mouth of Ahab’s prophets. That is to say, this spirit creature exercised his power upon them so that they spoke, not truth, but what they themselves wanted to say and what Ahab wanted to hear from them. Though forewarned, Ahab preferred to be fooled by their lies and paid for it with his life.—1Ki 22:1-38; 2Ch 18.

  13. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in “Oppose the Devil, and he will flee.” ?⚔️?   
    "Put on the complete suit of armor from God that you may be able to stand firm against the machinations of the Devil."—Eph. 6:11.
    Oppose the Devil and His Crafty Acts
    “Oppose the Devil, and he will flee.”—JAMES 4:7.
    How does Satan fight against individual Christians?
    Satan cannot win the war, so to speak, but he can make casualties of us as individuals if we let our guard down. Satan knows that he can devour us if he can weaken our bond with Jehovah. How does Satan try to achieve this? By attacking us intensely, personally, and cunningly. Let us consider these main strategies of Satan.
    Why is Satan intensely attacking Jehovah’s people?
    Intense attacks. The apostle John stated: “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” (1 John 5:19) Those words contain a warning for all true Christians. Since Satan has already devoured the entire ungodly world of mankind, he can now focus on and intensify his attacks on those who have so far eluded him—Jehovah’s people. (Micah 4:1; John 15:19;Revelation 12:12, 17) He has great anger because he knows his time is short. So he has stepped up the pressure. Today, we face his final rampage of savagery and destruction.
    What does the apostle Paul mean when he states that we have “a struggle” against wicked spirits?
    Personal struggle. The apostle Paul warned fellow Christians: “We have a struggle [“wrestling,” footnote] . . . against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12) Why did Paul use the term “struggle”? Because it conveys the idea of hand-to-hand combat. Thus, by using that term, Paul stressed that each of us has a personal fight with wicked spirits. Whether we live in a country where belief in wicked spirits is prevalent or not, we should never forget that when we dedicated ourselves to Jehovah, we stepped on the wrestling mat, as it were. At least from dedication onward, each Christian is locked in combat. No wonder that Paul saw the need to urge Christians in Ephesus three times to “stand firm”!—Ephesians 6:11, 13, 14.
    (a) Why do Satan and the demons employ various “crafty acts”? (b) Why does Satan try to corrupt our thinking, and how can we resist his efforts?  (c) Which crafty act will we now consider?
    Cunning schemes. Paul exhorts Christians to stand firm against Satan’s “crafty acts.” (Ephesians 6:11) Note Paul’s use of the plural. Wicked spirits use not one but various cunning schemes—and for good reason. In the course of time, some believers who have stood firm against one kind of trial have given in when faced with another. Hence, the Devil and the demons closely observe the behavior of each one of us to detect our weakest spot. Then they exploit any spiritual weakness we may have. Thankfully, though, we can recognize many of the Devil’s methods, for they are revealed in the Bible. (2 Corinthians 2:11) Earlier in this publication, we discussed such schemes as the lure of materialism, harmful association, and sexual immorality. Let us now consider yet another one of Satan’s crafty acts—spiritism.
    Satan has not changed. His basic tenet remains the same: Corrupt the mind, and sinful actions will follow. Satan has this system’s politics, religion, commerce, and entertainment set up to spread his propaganda. (John 14:30) He has succeeded in distorting the thinking of the vast majority of mankind, changing their attitudes and viewpoints. Conduct that was once viewed as sinful—such as practicing homosexuality, living together without marriage, and bearing children out of wedlock—is often viewed as acceptable, even desirable. How effective has Satan been in seducing humans? The Bible says: “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.”—1 John 5:19.

  14. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in "Let my cry for help reach you." ? ? ?   
    "Let my cry for help reach you."—Ps. 102:1. ???
    JEHOVAH wants us to be happy, and he pours out on us many blessings that should lead to happiness. For one thing, we are alive. Hence, we can use our life to praise God, since he has drawn us to true worship. (Ps. 144:15; John 6:44) 
    Jehovah assures us of his love and helps us to endure in our service to him. (Jer. 31:3;2 Cor. 4:16) We enjoy the spiritual paradise, where we find both abundant spiritual food and a loving brotherhood. Beyond that, we have a precious hope for the future.
    With what do some faithful servants of God struggle?
    Despite having these reasons for happiness, some faithful servants of God struggle with negative thoughts about themselves. They may feel that neither they nor their service to Jehovah has much value to him. For those with persistent negative feelings, the idea of enjoying “many years” could seem to be a fantasy. Life might appear to be a series of dark days.—Eccl. 11:8.
    What may trigger negative feelings?
    For such brothers or sisters, negative feelings may be triggered by disappointments, illness, or some indication of the limitations of old age. (Ps. 71:9; Prov. 13:12; Eccl. 7:7) Moreover, every Christian must face the reality that the heart is treacherous and may condemn us even though God may be pleased with us. (Jer. 17:9; 1 John 3:20) The Devil falsely accuses God’s servants. And those who have Satan’s thinking may try to infect us with the view that faithless Eliphaz expressed—we are worthless to God. That was a lie in Job’s day as it is today.—Job 4:18, 19.
    Jehovah makes it clear in the Scriptures that he will be with those who “walk in the valley of deep shadow.” (Ps. 23:4) One way he is with us is by means of his Word. The Bible is “powerful by God for overturning strongly entrenched things,” including misconceptions and negative ideas. (2 Cor. 10:4, 5) 
    Let us, then, consider how we can use the Bible to help us cultivate and maintain a positive viewpoint. You may gain personal benefit from this, as well as find ways to encourage others.

  15. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in "Let my cry for help reach you." ? ? ?   
    "Let my cry for help reach you."—Ps. 102:1. ???
    JEHOVAH wants us to be happy, and he pours out on us many blessings that should lead to happiness. For one thing, we are alive. Hence, we can use our life to praise God, since he has drawn us to true worship. (Ps. 144:15; John 6:44) 
    Jehovah assures us of his love and helps us to endure in our service to him. (Jer. 31:3;2 Cor. 4:16) We enjoy the spiritual paradise, where we find both abundant spiritual food and a loving brotherhood. Beyond that, we have a precious hope for the future.
    With what do some faithful servants of God struggle?
    Despite having these reasons for happiness, some faithful servants of God struggle with negative thoughts about themselves. They may feel that neither they nor their service to Jehovah has much value to him. For those with persistent negative feelings, the idea of enjoying “many years” could seem to be a fantasy. Life might appear to be a series of dark days.—Eccl. 11:8.
    What may trigger negative feelings?
    For such brothers or sisters, negative feelings may be triggered by disappointments, illness, or some indication of the limitations of old age. (Ps. 71:9; Prov. 13:12; Eccl. 7:7) Moreover, every Christian must face the reality that the heart is treacherous and may condemn us even though God may be pleased with us. (Jer. 17:9; 1 John 3:20) The Devil falsely accuses God’s servants. And those who have Satan’s thinking may try to infect us with the view that faithless Eliphaz expressed—we are worthless to God. That was a lie in Job’s day as it is today.—Job 4:18, 19.
    Jehovah makes it clear in the Scriptures that he will be with those who “walk in the valley of deep shadow.” (Ps. 23:4) One way he is with us is by means of his Word. The Bible is “powerful by God for overturning strongly entrenched things,” including misconceptions and negative ideas. (2 Cor. 10:4, 5) 
    Let us, then, consider how we can use the Bible to help us cultivate and maintain a positive viewpoint. You may gain personal benefit from this, as well as find ways to encourage others.

  16. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Queen Esther in "Let my cry for help reach you." ? ? ?   
    "Let my cry for help reach you."—Ps. 102:1. ???
    JEHOVAH wants us to be happy, and he pours out on us many blessings that should lead to happiness. For one thing, we are alive. Hence, we can use our life to praise God, since he has drawn us to true worship. (Ps. 144:15; John 6:44) 
    Jehovah assures us of his love and helps us to endure in our service to him. (Jer. 31:3;2 Cor. 4:16) We enjoy the spiritual paradise, where we find both abundant spiritual food and a loving brotherhood. Beyond that, we have a precious hope for the future.
    With what do some faithful servants of God struggle?
    Despite having these reasons for happiness, some faithful servants of God struggle with negative thoughts about themselves. They may feel that neither they nor their service to Jehovah has much value to him. For those with persistent negative feelings, the idea of enjoying “many years” could seem to be a fantasy. Life might appear to be a series of dark days.—Eccl. 11:8.
    What may trigger negative feelings?
    For such brothers or sisters, negative feelings may be triggered by disappointments, illness, or some indication of the limitations of old age. (Ps. 71:9; Prov. 13:12; Eccl. 7:7) Moreover, every Christian must face the reality that the heart is treacherous and may condemn us even though God may be pleased with us. (Jer. 17:9; 1 John 3:20) The Devil falsely accuses God’s servants. And those who have Satan’s thinking may try to infect us with the view that faithless Eliphaz expressed—we are worthless to God. That was a lie in Job’s day as it is today.—Job 4:18, 19.
    Jehovah makes it clear in the Scriptures that he will be with those who “walk in the valley of deep shadow.” (Ps. 23:4) One way he is with us is by means of his Word. The Bible is “powerful by God for overturning strongly entrenched things,” including misconceptions and negative ideas. (2 Cor. 10:4, 5) 
    Let us, then, consider how we can use the Bible to help us cultivate and maintain a positive viewpoint. You may gain personal benefit from this, as well as find ways to encourage others.

  17. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "Let my cry for help reach you." ? ? ?   
    "Let my cry for help reach you."—Ps. 102:1. ???
    JEHOVAH wants us to be happy, and he pours out on us many blessings that should lead to happiness. For one thing, we are alive. Hence, we can use our life to praise God, since he has drawn us to true worship. (Ps. 144:15; John 6:44) 
    Jehovah assures us of his love and helps us to endure in our service to him. (Jer. 31:3;2 Cor. 4:16) We enjoy the spiritual paradise, where we find both abundant spiritual food and a loving brotherhood. Beyond that, we have a precious hope for the future.
    With what do some faithful servants of God struggle?
    Despite having these reasons for happiness, some faithful servants of God struggle with negative thoughts about themselves. They may feel that neither they nor their service to Jehovah has much value to him. For those with persistent negative feelings, the idea of enjoying “many years” could seem to be a fantasy. Life might appear to be a series of dark days.—Eccl. 11:8.
    What may trigger negative feelings?
    For such brothers or sisters, negative feelings may be triggered by disappointments, illness, or some indication of the limitations of old age. (Ps. 71:9; Prov. 13:12; Eccl. 7:7) Moreover, every Christian must face the reality that the heart is treacherous and may condemn us even though God may be pleased with us. (Jer. 17:9; 1 John 3:20) The Devil falsely accuses God’s servants. And those who have Satan’s thinking may try to infect us with the view that faithless Eliphaz expressed—we are worthless to God. That was a lie in Job’s day as it is today.—Job 4:18, 19.
    Jehovah makes it clear in the Scriptures that he will be with those who “walk in the valley of deep shadow.” (Ps. 23:4) One way he is with us is by means of his Word. The Bible is “powerful by God for overturning strongly entrenched things,” including misconceptions and negative ideas. (2 Cor. 10:4, 5) 
    Let us, then, consider how we can use the Bible to help us cultivate and maintain a positive viewpoint. You may gain personal benefit from this, as well as find ways to encourage others.

  18. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to The Librarian in Update on U.S. Local Design/Construction Arrangement—May 2017   
    Update on U.S. Local Design/Construction Arrangement—May 2017 video will be considered the week of May 1, 2017.
    Here is the letter I found online:
    March 1, 2017 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS IN THE UNITED STATES BRANCH TERRITORY Re: Update on Local Design/Construction Arrangement
  19. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in “Oppose the Devil, and he will flee.” ?⚔️?   
    "Put on the complete suit of armor from God that you may be able to stand firm against the machinations of the Devil."—Eph. 6:11.
    Oppose the Devil and His Crafty Acts
    “Oppose the Devil, and he will flee.”—JAMES 4:7.
    How does Satan fight against individual Christians?
    Satan cannot win the war, so to speak, but he can make casualties of us as individuals if we let our guard down. Satan knows that he can devour us if he can weaken our bond with Jehovah. How does Satan try to achieve this? By attacking us intensely, personally, and cunningly. Let us consider these main strategies of Satan.
    Why is Satan intensely attacking Jehovah’s people?
    Intense attacks. The apostle John stated: “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” (1 John 5:19) Those words contain a warning for all true Christians. Since Satan has already devoured the entire ungodly world of mankind, he can now focus on and intensify his attacks on those who have so far eluded him—Jehovah’s people. (Micah 4:1; John 15:19;Revelation 12:12, 17) He has great anger because he knows his time is short. So he has stepped up the pressure. Today, we face his final rampage of savagery and destruction.
    What does the apostle Paul mean when he states that we have “a struggle” against wicked spirits?
    Personal struggle. The apostle Paul warned fellow Christians: “We have a struggle [“wrestling,” footnote] . . . against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12) Why did Paul use the term “struggle”? Because it conveys the idea of hand-to-hand combat. Thus, by using that term, Paul stressed that each of us has a personal fight with wicked spirits. Whether we live in a country where belief in wicked spirits is prevalent or not, we should never forget that when we dedicated ourselves to Jehovah, we stepped on the wrestling mat, as it were. At least from dedication onward, each Christian is locked in combat. No wonder that Paul saw the need to urge Christians in Ephesus three times to “stand firm”!—Ephesians 6:11, 13, 14.
    (a) Why do Satan and the demons employ various “crafty acts”? (b) Why does Satan try to corrupt our thinking, and how can we resist his efforts?  (c) Which crafty act will we now consider?
    Cunning schemes. Paul exhorts Christians to stand firm against Satan’s “crafty acts.” (Ephesians 6:11) Note Paul’s use of the plural. Wicked spirits use not one but various cunning schemes—and for good reason. In the course of time, some believers who have stood firm against one kind of trial have given in when faced with another. Hence, the Devil and the demons closely observe the behavior of each one of us to detect our weakest spot. Then they exploit any spiritual weakness we may have. Thankfully, though, we can recognize many of the Devil’s methods, for they are revealed in the Bible. (2 Corinthians 2:11) Earlier in this publication, we discussed such schemes as the lure of materialism, harmful association, and sexual immorality. Let us now consider yet another one of Satan’s crafty acts—spiritism.
    Satan has not changed. His basic tenet remains the same: Corrupt the mind, and sinful actions will follow. Satan has this system’s politics, religion, commerce, and entertainment set up to spread his propaganda. (John 14:30) He has succeeded in distorting the thinking of the vast majority of mankind, changing their attitudes and viewpoints. Conduct that was once viewed as sinful—such as practicing homosexuality, living together without marriage, and bearing children out of wedlock—is often viewed as acceptable, even desirable. How effective has Satan been in seducing humans? The Bible says: “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.”—1 John 5:19.

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in WHAT IS A LIE? ??   
    WHAT IS A LIE? ?????
    The opposite of truth. Lying generally involves saying something false to a person who is entitled to know the truth and doing so with the intent to deceive or to injure him or another person. 
    A lie need not always be verbal. It can also be expressed in action, that is, a person may be living a lie. The Hebrew verb that conveys the idea of speaking that which is untrue is ka·zavʹ. (Pr 14:5) Another Hebrew verb sha·qarʹ means “deal or act falsely,” and the noun form is rendered “lie; deception; falsehood.” (Le 19:11; Ps 44:17; Le 19:12; Ps 33:17; Isa 57:4) Hebrew shawʼ, at times rendered “untruth; falsehood,” basically refers to something worthless, vain, valueless. (Ps 12:2;De 5:20; Ps 60:11; 89:47; Zec 10:2) The Hebrew verb ka·chashʹ (deceive) evidently has the basic meaning “prove disappointing.” (Le 19:11; Ho 9:2) The Greek term pseuʹdos and related words have to do with lying and falsehood.
    The father, or originator, of lying is Satan the Devil. (Joh 8:44) His lie conveyed by means of a serpent to the first woman Eve ultimately brought death to her and to her husband Adam. (Ge 3:1-5, 16-19) That first lie was rooted in selfishness and wrong desire. It was designed to divert the love and obedience of the first human pair to the liar, who had presented himself as an angel of light, a benefactor. (Compare 2Co 11:14.) All other malicious lies uttered since that time have likewise been a reflection of selfishness and wrong desire. People have told lies to escape deserved punishment, to profit at the expense of others, and to gain or maintain certain advantages, material rewards, or the praise of men.
    Especially serious have been the religious lies, as they have endangered the future life of persons deceived by them. Said Jesus Christ: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you traverse sea and dry land to make one proselyte, and when he becomes one you make him a subject for Gehenna twice as much so as yourselves.” (Mt 23:15) The exchange of God’s truth for “the lie,” the falsehood of idolatry, can cause a person to become a practicer of what is degrading and vile.—Ro 1:24-32.
    The case of the religious leaders of Judaism in the time of Jesus’ earthly ministry shows what can happen when one abandons the truth. They schemed to have Jesus put to death. Then, when he was resurrected, they bribed the soldiers who had guarded the tomb so they would conceal the truth and spread a lie about the disappearance of Jesus’ body.—Mt 12:14;27:1, 2, 62-65; 28:11-15; Mr 14:1; Lu 20:19.
    Jehovah God cannot lie (Nu 23:19; Heb 6:13-18), and he hates “a false tongue.” (Pr 6:16-19) His law to the Israelites required compensation for injuries resulting from deception or malicious lying. (Le 6:2-7; 19:11, 12) And a person presenting false testimony was to receive the punishment that he desired to inflict upon another by means of his lies. (De 19:15-21) God’s view of malicious lying, as reflected in the Law, has not changed. Those desiring to gain his approval cannot engage in the practice of lying. (Ps 5:6; Pr 20:19; Col 3:9, 10; 1Ti 3:11;Re 21:8, 27; 22:15) They cannot be living a lie, claiming to love God while hating their brother. (1Jo 4:20, 21) For playing false to the holy spirit by lying, Ananias and his wife lost their lives.—Ac 5:1-11.
    Jehovah God allows “an operation of error” to go to persons who prefer falsehood “that they may get to believing the lie” rather than the good news about Jesus Christ. (2Th 2:9-12) This principle is illustrated by what happened centuries earlier in the case of Israelite King Ahab. Lying prophets assured Ahab of success in war against Ramoth-gilead, while Jehovah’s prophet Micaiah foretold disaster. As revealed in vision to Micaiah, Jehovah allowed a spirit creature to become “a deceptive spirit” in the mouth of Ahab’s prophets. That is to say, this spirit creature exercised his power upon them so that they spoke, not truth, but what they themselves wanted to say and what Ahab wanted to hear from them. Though forewarned, Ahab preferred to be fooled by their lies and paid for it with his life.—1Ki 22:1-38; 2Ch 18.

  21. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to The Librarian in Appeal date set for Russian Supreme Court vs. Jehovah's Witnesses   
    The appeal date is June 13, 2017. 11:40 am

  22. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to The Librarian in Appeal date set for Russian Supreme Court vs. Jehovah's Witnesses   
    I added it to our calendar:
  23. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in "Let Your NAME Be Sanctified"   
    FOOD FOR THOUGHT - How can someone who doesn't know God's Name pray for God's Name to be Sanctified? After all, Jesus the Son of God, said in the Model Prayer the First Thing we should Mention ?
    “You must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens, let YOUR NAME be sanctified." (Matthew 6:9)
  24. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in New Updates JW LIBRARY 9.0   
    @The Librarian 
    Question what's the green circles over name about! 
  25. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to The Librarian in New Updates JW LIBRARY 9.0   
    Aren't tags incredibly powerful? I love them on here as well.
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