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Bible Speaks

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  1. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from ARchiv@L in New Updates JW LIBRARY 9.0   
    Didn't know what it was about? I like "pink" or "red"! Ha, I guess we know now? So if your "grey" your away? 

  2. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to ARchiv@L in New Updates JW LIBRARY 9.0   
    YES !! this must be something new !!!

  3. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to bruceq in Jehovah’s Witnesses former members tell court they were subjected to ‘total control’   
    Jehovah’s Witnesses follow the Bible’s advice not to respond to all accusations and instances of ridicule. For example, a Bible proverb says: “The one who corrects a ridiculer invites dishonor.” (Proverbs 9:7, 8; 26:4) Rather than being pulled into quarreling by an undue concern over false accusations, we focus on pleasing God.—Psalm 119:69.
    Of course, there is “a time to be silent and a time to speak.” (Ecclesiastes 3:7) We respond to sincere people who are interested in finding out the truth, but we avoid getting into pointless arguments. We thus follow the teachings and examples of Jesus and the early Christians.
    Jesus made no answer when he was falsely accused before Pilate. (Matthew 27:11-14; 1 Peter 2:21-23) Likewise, Jesus did not respond to accusations of being a drunkard and a glutton. Instead, he let his actions speak for themselves, in harmony with the principle: “Wisdom is vindicated by its results.” (Matthew 11:19, footnote) When the circumstances called for it, though, he boldly responded to those who slandered him.—Matthew 15:1-3; Mark 3:22-30.
    Jesus taught his followers not to be discouraged by false accusations. He said: “Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake.” (Matthew 5:11, 12) Yet, Jesus also said that when such accusations opened the way for his followers to give a witness, he would fulfill his promise: “I will give you words and wisdom that all your opposers together will not be able to resist or dispute.”—Luke 21:12-15.
    The apostle Paul counseled Christians to avoid pointless disputes with opposers, describing such arguments as “unprofitable and futile.”—Titus 3:9; Romans 16:17, 18.
    The apostle Peter encouraged Christians to defend their faith when possible. (1 Peter 3:15) Yet he recognized that this is often best done by action rather than by word. He wrote: “By doing good you may silence the ignorant talk of unreasonable men.”—1 Peter 2:12-15.
  4. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Annie Abbott in "Show yourselves thankful."   
    “Show Yourselves Thankful”
    “Let the peace of the Christ control in your hearts . . . And show yourselves thankful.”—COLOSSIANS 3:15.
    "Show yourselves thankful."—Col. 3:15.

  5. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in You Can Make God Rejoice ???????   
    "Jehovah felt regrets that he had made men in the earth, and he felt hurt at his heart."—Gen. 6:6
    You Can Make God Rejoice
    CAN we actually affect the way God feels? Does God have the capacity to rejoice? One dictionary definition of the word “God” is “the supreme or ultimate reality.” What if that awesome reality were simply a force? Could we expect an impersonal force to rejoice? Hardly. Consider, though, what the Bible says about God.
    “God is a Spirit,” said Jesus Christ. (John 4:24) A spirit is a form of life that differs from humans. Though invisible to human eyes, a spirit has a body—“a spiritual one.” (1 Corinthians 15:44;John 1:18) Employing figures of speech, the Bible even speaks of God as having eyes, ears, hands, and so forth.* God also has a name—Jehovah. (Psalm 83:18) The God of the Bible, then, is a spirit person. (Hebrews 9:24) “He is the living God and the King to time indefinite.”—Jeremiah 10:10.
    As a real living person, Jehovah is capable of thought and action. He manifests qualities and feelings, likes and dislikes. The Bible, in fact, abounds in expressions that reveal what things please or displease him. Whereas man-made gods and idols merely mirror the traits or qualities of their human inventors, the almighty God, Jehovah, is the very Originator of the emotions that he planted in humans.—Genesis 1:27; Isaiah 44:7-11.
    Jehovah is without a doubt “the happy God.” (1 Timothy 1:11) He not only rejoices in his creative works but also takes pleasure in accomplishing his purpose. Through the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah declares: “Everything that is my delight I shall do . . . I have even spoken it; I shall also bring it in. I have formed it, I shall also do it.” (Isaiah 46:9-11) The psalmist sang: “Jehovah will rejoice in his works.” (Psalm 104:31) But there is yet another source of joy to God. He says: “Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice.” (Proverbs 27:11) Think of what that means—we can make God rejoice!
    How We Can Make God’s Heart Rejoice
    Consider how the family head Noah made Jehovah’s heart rejoice. Noah “found favor in the eyes of Jehovah” because “he proved himself faultless among his contemporaries.” In stark contrast with the wicked people of that time, Noah’s faith and obedience were so pleasing to God that it could be said that “Noah walked with the true God.” (Genesis 6:6, 8, 9, 22) “By faith Noah . . . showed godly fear and constructed an ark for the saving of his household.” (Hebrews 11:7) Jehovah was pleased with Noah and blessed him and his family with survival through that turbulent period of human history.
    Do Not Make God Feel Hurt
    An example of how Jehovah’s feelings can be hurt is found in the account about the days of Noah. At that time, “the earth became filled with violence. So God saw the earth and, look! it was ruined, because all flesh had ruined its way on the earth.” How did God feel as he surveyed the depravity and the violence? “Jehovah felt regrets that he had made men in the earth,” says the Bible, “and he felt hurt at his heart.” (Genesis 6:5, 6, 11, 12) 
    God felt regrets in that the conduct of humans had become so evil that he had a change of attitude as regards the wicked pre-Flood generation. 
    Because of his displeasure over their wickedness, God turned from the attitude of the Creator of humans to that of a destroyer of them.
    Jehovah also felt distressed when his own people, the ancient nation of Israel, persistently ignored his feelings and his loving direction. The psalmist lamented: “How often they would rebel against him in the wilderness, they would make him feel hurt in the desert! And again and again they would put God to the test, and they pained even the Holy One of Israel.” Yet, “he was merciful; he would cover the error and not bring ruin. And many times he made his anger turn back, and he would not rouse up all his rage.” (Psalm 78:38-41) Even though the rebellious Israelites rightly suffered the consequences of their own sinfulness, the Bible tells us that “during all their distress it was distressing to [God].”—Isaiah 63:9.
    The Bible leaves us in no doubt that God is deeply pained by unrighteous conduct. (Psalm 78:41) Things that are offensive—even detestable—to God include pride, lying, murder, practicing magic, fortune-telling, ancestor worship, loose morals, homosexuality, marital unfaithfulness, incest, and the oppression of the poor.—Leviticus 18:9-29; 19:29; Deuteronomy 18:9-12; Proverbs 6:16-19; Jeremiah 7:5-7;Malachi 2:14-16.
    So no one needs to become the object of Jehovah’s anger. “Jehovah is very tender in affection and merciful.” (James 5:11) With full confidence in God’s feelings, you can “throw all your anxiety upon him, because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7) 
    Be assured that those who make God’s heart rejoice have the wonderful prospect of enjoying his approval and friendship. Hence, it is now more urgent than ever before to “keep on making sure of what is acceptable to the Lord.”—Ephesians 5:10.
    How marvelous that God in his undeserved kindness has revealed his glorious qualities and feelings! And it is within your power to make his heart rejoice. 
    If you desire to do so, we urge you to contact Jehovah’s Witnesses in your area. They will be happy to show you what they have found to be practical and attainable in their endeavor to please God.

  6. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Good News and Good Times Ahead!   
    Love is Sharing Good News of Good Times Ahead!
    #GodsKingdom #LoyalLove #LoveOneAnother? #PrayForOneAnother? #JehovahGod #JesusChrist #Creator #preach #Happy? 
    Click on moving picture, Enjoy! ???
  7. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Peter Kutzer-Salm in New Updates JW LIBRARY 9.0   
    Life is getting easier! Thank you Jehovah! ???????

  8. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to The Librarian in New Updates JW LIBRARY 9.0   
    The green circles around your icon signify that you are currently online on the website.
  9. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from The Librarian in Nun is arrested for helping five priests ‘sexually abuse’ dozens of deaf children in...   
    Scary information coming out. 
    Vatican: Priests ‘Not Responsible’ If They Rape Children
    A senior Vatican Bishop has claimed that priests who rape children should not be held responsible for their actions
    According to New York Catholic Bishop, Robert Cunningham, NY priests who have been caught raping children aged 7 and over are being wrongly accused because “children know what they’re doing, so it isn’t rape.”
    The sickening statements were made in his testimony from a deposition for a federal lawsuit, in which Catholic priests are being criminally prosecuted for  decades of child abuse.
    Countercurrentnews.com reports: According to Cunningham, the “age of reason” in the Catholic church is seven, so those boys are culpable for their actions. 
    The shocking statement came during testimony that was recently released from a deposition for a federal lawsuit. Charles Bailey, a survivor of a priest’s abuse, asked then-Bishop James Moynihan whether the church held children victims partly responsible for sexual abuse from priests . “(Bishop) Moynihan said that right to my face – ‘The age of reason is 7, so if you’re at least 7 you’re culpable for your actions.’ That kind of floored me,” said Bailey.
    Obviously, the sentiment isn’t something one Bishop believes, but a broader excuse used to cover for the guilt of sexual predators.
    The “age of reason” may be seven years old, but that in no way makes it the “age it’s the kid’s fault he was raped.” According to church doctrine, seven is the age a child should understand the difference between right and wrong. It’s also the age a child is eligible for communion.
  10. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from ARchiv@L in New Updates JW LIBRARY 9.0   
  11. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Nun is arrested for helping five priests ‘sexually abuse’ dozens of deaf children in...   
    Scary information coming out. 
    Vatican: Priests ‘Not Responsible’ If They Rape Children
    A senior Vatican Bishop has claimed that priests who rape children should not be held responsible for their actions
    According to New York Catholic Bishop, Robert Cunningham, NY priests who have been caught raping children aged 7 and over are being wrongly accused because “children know what they’re doing, so it isn’t rape.”
    The sickening statements were made in his testimony from a deposition for a federal lawsuit, in which Catholic priests are being criminally prosecuted for  decades of child abuse.
    Countercurrentnews.com reports: According to Cunningham, the “age of reason” in the Catholic church is seven, so those boys are culpable for their actions. 
    The shocking statement came during testimony that was recently released from a deposition for a federal lawsuit. Charles Bailey, a survivor of a priest’s abuse, asked then-Bishop James Moynihan whether the church held children victims partly responsible for sexual abuse from priests . “(Bishop) Moynihan said that right to my face – ‘The age of reason is 7, so if you’re at least 7 you’re culpable for your actions.’ That kind of floored me,” said Bailey.
    Obviously, the sentiment isn’t something one Bishop believes, but a broader excuse used to cover for the guilt of sexual predators.
    The “age of reason” may be seven years old, but that in no way makes it the “age it’s the kid’s fault he was raped.” According to church doctrine, seven is the age a child should understand the difference between right and wrong. It’s also the age a child is eligible for communion.
  12. Upvote
  13. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to The Librarian in Nun is arrested for helping five priests ‘sexually abuse’ dozens of deaf children in...   
    I bet this news is rocking Argentina right now....
  14. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in An Inside Look At The Stanley Theater’s Celestial Restoration WONDERFUL AND BEAUTIFUL!   
    @Martha Braun Amistadi His Giory will known among the Nations. All to the grandour and riches of His Glory and Kingdom Forever! ???
  15. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Martha Braun Amistadi in An Inside Look At The Stanley Theater’s Celestial Restoration WONDERFUL AND BEAUTIFUL!   
    May this report about the Stanley Theater show the world just how much it means to us to bring our God Jehovah his due gloryin the way we care for this building of worship of the only true God!
  16. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in An Inside Look At The Stanley Theater’s Celestial Restoration WONDERFUL AND BEAUTIFUL!   
    @Jay Witness There are many circuits that meet there. It is an Assembly Hall. Beautiful been there. Can you imagine the beauty of King Solomon's Temple? Jehovah owns all the riches of the earth. It is wonderful to have buildings Blessed with His Name and Glory. ??????
  17. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Jack Ryan in An Inside Look At The Stanley Theater’s Celestial Restoration WONDERFUL AND BEAUTIFUL!   
    Opulent and luxurious.
    Wasn't this recently sold? Or am I mistaken?
    To be fair though this is nothing (a drop in the bucket) compared to our Billions in cash investments in JP Morgan Chase.
    God is blessing Jehovah's Witnesses with extravagant riches.
  18. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from bruceq in Jehovah’s Witnesses former members tell court they were subjected to ‘total control’   
    @bruceq @Witness Reload and listen to drama recording very moving! ????
  19. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Jehovah’s Witnesses former members tell court they were subjected to ‘total control’   
    @bruceq @Witness Reload and listen to drama recording very moving! ????
  20. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in New Updates JW LIBRARY 9.0   
    Life is getting easier! Thank you Jehovah! ???????

  21. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Korah A Warning For Those Rebellious! ? Respect Jehovah's Authority!   
    Korah A Warning For Those Rebellious!?????
     A Kohathite Levite of the family of Izhar. (Ex 6:16, 18, 21; 1Ch 6:1, 2, 22 [Amminadab was perhaps an alternative name for Izhar.]) During Israel’s wilderness trek Korah rebelled against the authority of Moses and Aaron, doing so in league with the Reubenites Dathan, Abiram, and On, as well as 250 “chieftains of the assembly” or “men of fame.” (Nu 16:1, 2) 
    They contended that “the whole assembly are all of them holy and Jehovah is in their midst,” asking, “Why, then, should you lift yourselves up above the congregation of Jehovah?” (Nu 16:3-11) 
    Moses later sent to call Dathan and Abiram, but they refused to be present, thinking Moses had no right to summon them. (Nu 16:12-15)
    Korah, his assembly, and High Priest Aaron were told to present themselves before Jehovah, all supplied with fire holders and burning incense.—Nu 16:16, 17.
    The following day Korah and the 250 men with him, all carrying fire holders with burning incense, stood at the entrance of the tent of meeting with Moses and Aaron. Jehovah’s glory appeared to all the assembly and God spoke to Moses and Aaron, telling them to separate themselves from the midst of the assembly, “that I may exterminate them in an instant.” 
    However, Moses and Aaron interceded for the people, and God then directed Moses to have the assembly get away from the tabernacles of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. This was done. (Nu 16:18-27) 
    Shortly thereafter, “the earth proceeded to open its mouth and to swallow up them and their households and all humankind that belonged to Korah and all the goods.” They and all that belonged to them went down alive into Sheol, and the earth covered them over.—Nu 16:28-34.
    Those who were before the tent of meeting with the incense-filled fire holders did not escape, for “a fire came out from Jehovah and proceeded to consume the two hundred and fifty men offering the incense.” (Nu 16:35) Korah himself was with them at that time and thus perished in that fire from God.—Nu 26:10.
    The fire holders of those who conspired with Korah were made into metal plates with which to overlay the altar. This was done “because they presented them before Jehovah, so that they became holy; and they should serve as a sign to the sons of Israel.” (Nu 16:36-40) 
    Despite this powerful evidence of divine judgment, the very next day the whole assembly of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron, complaining, “You men, you have put Jehovah’s people to death.” 
    This gave rise to indignation on God’s part, and despite the pleas of Moses and Aaron, 14,700 died as a result of a scourge from Jehovah, halted only after Aaron made atonement for the people. (Nu 16:41-50) Thereafter, Aaron’s priestly position was confirmed by the budding of his rod.—Nu 17.
    That the sons of Korah did not follow their father in rebellion seems apparent from the Bible record, for it states: “However, the sons of Korah did not die.” (Nu 26:9-11) Korah’s descendants later became prominent in Levitical service.
    The writer of the book of Jude linked Cain, Balaam, and Korah together when warning Christians to guard against animalistic men who “have perished in the rebellious talk of Korah!” Korah evidently sought glory for himself. He challenged Jehovah’s appointments, becoming a rebel, and thus justly suffered death as a consequence of his improper course of action.—Jude 10, 11.

  22. Upvote
    Kavkazskii Uzel, 5 May 2017
    The decision of the Supreme Court that liquidated the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia may be seen as a signal for prosecution of believers by siloviki [security forces] and local authorities, attorneys for the religious organization who were questioned by Kavkazskii Uzel declared. However they said that it is still not necessary to speak of mass repressions.
    As Kavkazskii Uzel has written, on 20 April the Russian Supreme Court granted the demand of the Ministry of Justice for the liquidation of 396 religious organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, including their administrative center in St. Petersburg, as extremist. The court ordered confiscation of the property of these organizations for state use. The Jehovah's Witnesses called the court's sentence prejudiced. On 24 April the Zamoskvoreche district court of Moscow concluded that the decision of the Ministry of Justice to suspend the activity of the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia is legal.
    The side of the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses received on 2 May the rationale part of the Supreme Court's decision. The decision for the liquidation of the religious organizations of Russian Jehovah's Witnesses will take effect only after it goes through the appellate stage, attorney Anton Omelchenko declared.
    "Only after the full text of the decision is handed over will the counting of the appeal period of one month begin. Then in the course of several months it will be considered in the judicial college of the Supreme Court. And there is a chance that the decision may be overturned or changed," the attorney explained.
    The session of the appellate college of the Supreme Court on the lawsuit to suspend proceedings on the administrative case from the religious organization "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" has been scheduled for 11:40 on 13 June, the court's website says.
    Since the activity of 396 legal entities has been immediately stopped by the court's decision of 20 April, then all actions in the name of these organizations are impermissible.
    "I think that members of the organizations are law-abiding people. In Derbent, apparently, ordinary citizens professing the religion of the Jehovah's Witnesses, and not representatives of the banned organizations, wanted to arrange a public event. In that case, nobody had the right to prevent private individuals from believing as they wish. The court's decision does not speak of a ban on belief," Omelchenko thinks.
    Earlier Dagestani Jehovah's Witnesses told Kavkazskii Uzel that the landlord had terminated the agreement for rent of one of the buildings that was used in 2016 as the place for religious meetings. A representative of the congregation said that such a decision by the owner of the building was made after siloviki summoned him and threatened him with problems "in doing business."
    "The court's decision may be interpreted as a ban on the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses"
    The Supreme Court's decision does not specify the grounds for the liquidation of local religious organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses, an attorney of the Russian Administrative Center, Viktor Zhenkov, thinks.
    "395 legal entities (local religious organizations—K.U. note) were liquidated without the participation of their representatives, and this is specified in the decision. In neither the resolution part nor the reasoning part does the court indicate what the extremist actions of each of the closed local religious organizations consisted of. The Supreme Court's decision noted only the arguments of the Ministry of Justice and the arguments of the defense are not mentioned once and are not refuted in any way," he told a Kavkazskii Uzel correspondent.
    In his opinion, the future of individual believers in Russia depends on the decisions of law enforcement agencies. "If one follows the letter of the constitution, then article 28 speaks of the right of a person to believe and to profess his religion, that is, to conduct specific actions: to read Scripture, to discuss faith with other people—friends or strangers. However the Supreme Court's decision does not say a word confirming or denying such a right of believers. The judge did not give an assessment of the fears of the defense side about the fate of individual Jehovah's Witnesses: whether they can gather together and conduct actions in accordance with their convictions, not as members of a forbidden organization but as private individuals," Zhenkov noted.
    The attorney fears that in places the Supreme Court's decision may be interpreted as a ban on the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses. "Governmental bodies of local self-government may view this decision as requiring them to resist all Jehovah's Witnesses, whether they are individual believers or united in an organization or not," he supposes.
    In its lawsuit, the Ministry of Justice referred to decisions pertaining to local religious organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses, where literature that had been ruled to be extremist was found. The Ministry of Justice's attorney declared in court that after the liquidation of the organization, law enforcement agencies will be able to open criminal cases against believers of this confession on the basis of article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the RF (arranging the activity of an extremist organization), which provides for fines of from 300 to 800 thousand rubles and incarceration of from two to 12 years. The right of Jehovah's Witnesses to freedom of conscience will be regularly and massively violated in Russia after the liquidation of their local religious organizations and police, and prosecutor's offices will not focus on legal niceties in assessing the practices of believers, lawyers and rights advocates questioned by Kavkazskii Uzel predicted. The siloviki have received carte blanche for criminal prosecution of Jehovah's Witnesses, legal scholars conclude.
    "We have not gotten statistics on those who have left Russia"
    An accounting of the number of believers who have left Russia and become political refugees has not been conducted, declares Yaroslav Sivulsky, a representative of the liquidated administrative center.
    "There is information that one or another person has left. We do not consider it our task to monitor, analyze, or collate these processes. To leave one's country is a serious decision, which each one makes personally," Sivulsky told a Kavkazskii Uzel correspondent.
    "A few people, including from the south of Russia, have left and received political asylum. But we have not gotten any statistics on those leaving Russia," Anton Omelchenko confirmed this information.
    In the session of the Supreme Court of 12 April, lawyers for the defendant reported that several believers from Taganrog (Rostov province) received political asylum in Europe after the activity of the local congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses was ruled to be extremist and was banned by a court in September 2009. According to the account of the investigation, after the prohibition a group of believers continued to conduct prayer services and to study literature that had been ruled to be extremist. The defendants did not acknowledge their guilt, considering that they were being persecuted for religious convictions. On 30 November 2015, four defendants in the case of the Jehovah's Witnesses in Taganrog were given suspended sentences and another 12 were fined. This decision came as a result of a review of the original verdict, according to which in 2014 nine of the 16 defendants were acquitted. On 16 March 2016, the Rostov provincial court confirmed the conviction of the Taganrog Jehovah's Witnesses.
    "Law-enforcement machine 'traps' believers for reading the Bible"
    Yaroslav Sivulsky pointed out the information about the warnings issued to individual believers by law enforcement agencies about the "impermissibility of extremist activity" for assembling in a home to read the Bible.
    "The law-enforcement machine has already actually begun 'to trap' believers for reading the Bible. In Tatarstan, for example, the prosecutor's office issued a warning to a religious group that was not a member of any currently officially forbidden local religious organization. And the person gathering a group of believers was warned not to conduct a meeting of believers and not to read the Bible along with them," he noted.
    After the issuance of the Supreme Court's decision there occurred attacks of hooliganism. "For example, they broke windows with stones in the Hall of Congresses in St. Petersburg that is idle at the present time. However one cannot say that massive repressions throughout Russia against Jehovah's Witnesses have begun," Yaroslav Sivulsky emphasized.
    In the regions of Russia, at least four such cases have been identified. In particular, in the night of 22 April in the city of Gukovo (Rostov province) unidentified persons damaged the residence in which meetings of believers were held. A mailbox was damaged and the entrance door was smeared with mud and the gate damaged, the official website of Russian Jehovah's Witnesses reports.
    "Are Jehovah's Witnesses here?"
    "From Vladikavkaz there have arrived, still not confirmed, reports about the collection of information in educational institutions about children who adhere to the confession of Jehovah's Witnesses. If we receive more precise information, we will be able to report this in detail. From Stavropol, audio recordings were sent of a class in one of the schools, but for now it is not known which one. On the recording is heard the voice of a teacher who is conducting a unique lesson in political information, telling the pupils that Jehovah's Witnesses are banned in Russia and they may present a danger," Yaroslav Sivulsky explains.
    Kavkazskii Uzel is in possession of an audio recording made, according to Sivulsky, at an event in a Stavropol school.
    A female voice says:  "Jehovah's Witnesses are totally forbidden on the territory of our state by law. This is because . . . Americans are trying to disable us and they are trying to do this with the help of religion. After all, Jehovah's Witnesses are from America. And all this is clearly being paid for . . . After all, they all do not work, these Jehovah's Witnesses. But what do they live on? Are there Jehovah's Witnesses here—can someone enlighten us?"
    A question also is raised about the rationale of the judicial ban of religious organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses, supposedly addressed to pupils, which also expresses uncomplimentary opinions about adherents of this religion.
    The Ministry of Education and Science of North Ossetia refused to comment on the information collected from these schools of the republic about children from families of Jehovah's Witnesses. A representative of the ministry told a Kavkazskii Uzel correspondent that written or oral reports on this matter have not been received.
    A representative of the Ministry of Education of Stavropol territory had difficulty commenting on an audio recording of a class that was conducted, in the opinion of representatives of Russian Jehovah's Witnesses, in one of the schools of the region. "Perhaps the issue is an educational hour conducted by leaders of the class," a representative of the ministry told a Kavkazskii Uzel correspondent. (tr. by PDS, posted 7 May 2017)
  23. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Jehovah’s Witnesses former members tell court they were subjected to ‘total control’   
    @bruceq Prople need to run from something? Perhaps themselves? Sad they don't look ? in the mirror? Who is perfect? However, I let Jehovah be my judge, His Son Our Lord He has giving this position to. You know it's frightful to fall into the hands of God. 
    Vengeance Belongs to Jehovah. Unless a person is qualified as executioner of vengeance by appointment of Jehovah, or by being designated as such by his Word, he does wrong if he attempts to avenge himself or others. “Vengeance is mine, and retribution,” says Jehovah. (De 32:35) God is addressed by the psalmist: “O God of acts of vengeance, Jehovah.” (Ps 94:1) Accordingly, the individual is condemned by God if he bears a grudge or seeks personal vengeance for real or fancied wrongs done to himself or to someone else.—Le 19:18; Ro 12:19; Heb 10:30.
    Jehovah’s vengeance has a purpose. Jehovah’s vengeance brings relief and benefit when he acts in behalf of those who trust in him; additionally, it procures praise to him as the just Judge. The psalmist says: “The righteous one will rejoice because he has beheld the vengeance. . . . And mankind will say: ‘Surely there is fruitage for the righteous one. Surely there exists a God that is judging in the earth.’” (Ps 58:10, 11) Therefore, the primary purpose for God’s taking vengeance is to uphold his sovereignty and glorify his own name. (Ex 14:18;Ps 83:13-18; Isa 25:1-5; Eze 25:14, 17; 38:23) His action also vindicates his servants as being truly his representatives and delivers them from undesirable circumstances.—Ex 14:31; 15:11-16; Eze 37:16, 21-23; Ps 135:14; 148:14; Pr 21:18.

  24. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to bruceq in Jehovah’s Witnesses former members tell court they were subjected to ‘total control’   
    Yes the arguments of opposers about "disfellowshipping" and other murmuring never gets old, its all the same arguments. I had a cousin who was an elder back in the late 1970's who became an apostate and use to picket District Conventions and write letters to the wives of Elders to try and sway them. He did this for years UNTIL a news report came out about him in the newspaper about how he was arrested for being a john to a prostitute. Interestingly he suddenly stopped picketing at the Conventions. LOL. As Jesus said eventually "by their fruits you will recognize them" Matt. 7.
  25. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from bruceq in Jehovah’s Witnesses former members tell court they were subjected to ‘total control’   
    @bruceq Believe or not I woke up this morning saying I have to post on Korah today! So many I see are rebelling against Jehovah! The sound recordings on this are wonderful have to look it up! My XFriend is a REBEL AGAINST JEHOVAH!  
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