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  1. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Oppression Has No Comforter - Jehovah Will Comfort You, Even Death and Pain Will Be No More! He Is Our Only Comforter ?   
    @SHARON LEE MOYER Only Jehovah can forever rid the earth and man of pain, sorrow, death and tears. Our King Christ has the keys ? to death and Hades. He will use these to the accomplishment of God's Kingdom. 
    Bible Speaks ?????????
  2. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in “Stand Firm and See the Salvation of Jehovah!"   
    @SHARON LEE MOYER Thank you for liking. Soon Jehovah God through His appointed King ? Christ Jesus will march on to destroy God's enemies! Exciting times coming soon! 
    Agape, Bible Speaks
  3. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to bruceq in Protestant attorney regrets failure of justice in court's decision   
    Interview with Vladimir Riakovsky, attorney and member of the presidential Council for Human Rights, about ban of Jehovah's Witnesses
    by Roman Lunkin
    Religiia i Pravo, 24 April 2017
    On 20 April, the Russian Supreme Court ruled the Russian Jehovah's Witnesses to be an extremist organization and prohibited its activity on the territory of Russia. Thereby the lawsuit of the Russian Ministry of Justice for finding the religious organization "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" to be extremist, banning its activity, and liquidating it was granted. The Ministry of Justice demanded banning the activity of the Administrative Center and also 395 local religious organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses. In their turn, lawyers for the Jehovah's Witnesses previously asked the Russian Supreme Court to receive from them a counter suit "for finding the religious organization to be victims of political repressions." The court refused to accept the lawsuit. Lawyers for the defendant complained that even before the issuance of the judicial decision, Jehovah's Witnesses were subjected to persecution. A lawyer for the organization also declared that "the majority of established incidents of distribution of forbidden materials are slander." "The fact is established that the forbidden materials were planted on us. All of the arguments of the Ministry of Justice are constructed on unfounded accusations, forgeries, and false testimonies," he said. The leader of the Russian Jehovah's Witnesses, Vasily Kalin, declared that the current judicial proceedings have attracted attention and evoked condemnation from the world community.
    --Roman Lunkin: Esteemed Vladimir Vasilievich, how much does the decision about the ban of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia affect on the whole the situation of associations of other confessions and religions? How does one assess the religious policy of the government?
    --Vladimir Riakhovsky:  For a stretch of nine months in our country, legislation has been in effect regulating missionary activity, that is, the well known Yarovaya Law. At the present time, judicial practice has accumulated from approximately 100 different kinds of cases that, one way or another, affect individual groups of believers and preachers. For the most part, decisions adopted regarding fines for alleged illegal evangelism have been unjust and unjustified. A purposeful attempt to strictly control missionary activity is evidenced by the fact that the first case against a believer on the basis of the Yarovaya Law occurred on just the second day after this law took effect.
    In the Yarovaya Law itself there are many ambiguities and vague wordings, and the text itself and the approach chosen by law enforcement are contradictory. For the period of initial application of this law it was possible to ascribe decisions to incorrect understanding of the provisions of the law by judges. However after this decision of the Russian Supreme Court on the ban of the Jehovah's Witnesses, illusions have been dispelled. Now it is obvious that a definite order exists.
    Today a harsh decision has been adopted with regard to Jehovah's Witnesses, but on the whole this decision and, it turns out, policy as a whole are aimed against nontraditional confessions in Russia.
    It is not entirely clear, in this case, why it was necessary for the Russian Supreme Court to consider the case of the Jehovah's Witnesses on the merits and to devote several days to this. The hearings and arguments revealed with all obviousness the groundlessness of the arguments of the Russian Ministry of Justice.
    I followed the proceedings attentively and attended the first judicial session in the capacity of an observer from the Council on Human Rights under the president of the Russian federation. In addition, believers produced a direct broadcast of the sessions from the courtroom, a video and text broadcast, and therefore everyone can be acquainted in detail with what happened in the Russian Supreme Court. I am well acquainted with the plaintiff's declaration and the defense objections of the Jehovah's Witnesses.
    I am convinced that the justice ministry's lawsuit was built on assumptions that became clear in the course of the judicial session. Local religious organizations are not subdivisions of the Administrative Center, and therefore by law the decision regarding the liquidation of the center cannot be extended to them. At the same time, local organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses are members of the canonical structure of the Administrative Center, which is the internal arrangement of the religious association. And the government does not have the right to interfere in the internal arrangement of a religious organization, which is even noted in the law on freedom of conscience. A contradiction also consists in the fact that during judicial trials in the regions, the Russian Ministry of Justice and the courts refused to involve the Administrative Center in the consideration of cases for finding Jehovah's Witnesses' literature to be extremist; that is, it did not recognize local congregations to be subdivisions of the center, but the plaintiff's declaration insisted on the other way around, in order to ban all the other organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses.
    --What will be the immediate consequences of the Russian Supreme Court's decision with regard to Jehovah's Witnesses?
    --The Russian Supreme Court made the decision that the decision to terminate the activity of the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses will take effect immediately. That means that even now, from the point of view of the plaintiff's declaration of the Russian Ministry of Justice, the activity of local religious organizations should stop and also any meetings of believers (the Jehovah's Witnesses state that besides the 395 organizations they also have 2,000 groups). The property of the Administrative Center is supposed to be confiscated for government use. With the liquidation of local religious organizations that are, in the opinion of the Russian Ministry of Justice, a part of an organization that has been found to be "extremist," their property also will be confiscated for government use. There also exists the possibility of an appeal within a month after the release of the rationale of the decision.
    At the start of consideration of this case in the Russian Supreme Court there was still a glimmer of hope that the court would base its decision on the supremacy of the law and not on the momentary political conjunction. Moreover, it was evident that the lawyers for the Russian Ministry of Justice were not prepared for most of the questions and were unable to argue their position. The judges closed their eyes to this and granted the lawsuit of the Russian Ministry of Justice in full; that is, with the ban of all subdivisions of the Jehovah's Witnesses and with the confiscation of property.
    All the efforts of the Russian Ministry of Justice and of law enforcement agencies were thrown into the preparation of this judicial trial. Throughout Russia, trials of congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses were conducted, which should rather be called "events" which did not comply with the framework of the law and contradicted common sense.
    --In your view, will there be any political consequences of the decision of the Russian Supreme Court?
    --The adoption of the decision to ban a whole religious movement is a political error of our country's leadership. Undoubtedly, rights advocates and international organizations will be given the standard answer that the government cannot influence the court's decision and the court is formally independent. However it is now obvious to everybody that this is not the case—a political order for the ban on believers is obvious to everybody.
    I would like to know whether anybody among the representatives of the government analyzed the consequences of this decision. Will Jehovah's Witnesses really scatter to their homes and not assemble any more? As the experience of Germany and the Soviet Union shows, prohibitions will not stop the Jehovah's Witnesses. It turns out that the government itself is driving a large confession into the underground. Now this has to happen. Criminal cases are inevitable after the Russian Supreme Court's decision. If law enforcement agencies receive, for example, a denunciation that a meeting of Jehovah's Witnesses is happening somewhere, then the police will be bound to react; otherwise by law this would be covering up a crime. The very participation in Bible reading and prayer by Jehovah's Witnesses will be participation in the activity of a banned organization. This is the substance of a crime.
    I would like to pose a question: who needs such problems and has history really not taught us anything? Russia's image is not very positive on the international stage and now our country will be identified as a state that persecutes believers. This is political short-sightedness that it is difficult to call anything other than a provocation.
    --From your point of view, what is the meaning of the statements of approval by the leader of the Russian State Duma committee that is responsible, inter alia, for religious associations, Sergei Gavrilov, with respect to the Russian Supreme Court's decision?
    --I suggest that the words of Deputy Sergei Gavrilov about the necessity of activating work for reassessing the activity of "non-traditional religious associations" in Russia may be considered to be the logical culmination of the campaign against the Jehovah's Witnesses. The member of parliament urged paying attention to how other associations relate to Orthodoxy, patriotism, and love for the fatherland. The deputy's statement is not accidental within the framework of the general context. Although it is unlikely that this will add votes for the deputies in elections. Does this mean that we now should reconsider the Russian constitution and the right to profess and disseminate one's religion? Or will the country continue along the present path and close its eyes to everything, to justice, to law, to common sense, and accept unjust decisions. In any case, faith in just decisions has already been undermined. The Russian Supreme Court itself has shown an example of the appearance of justice. Moreover, nobody sees and can even explain the logic of the present persecution of believers in Russia. (tr. by PDS, posted 26 April 2017)
  4. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Alexa in True Faith -- What is it?   
    True Faith—What Is It?
    True Faith Binds Man to God
    Faith can be likened to a chain with links of confidence and trust that bind man to God. But this kind of faith is something that is cultivated; it is not something that we are born with. How can you develop true faith? The Bible explains: “Faith follows the thing heard. In turn the thing heard is through the word about Christ.”—Romans 10:17.
    Therefore, you need to take time to get to know God and the teachings of his Son, Jesus Christ. This knowledge is not acquired without effort. (Proverbs 2:1-9) You must exert yourself to find out what the Bible says so as to be convinced of its reliability.
    True faith, however, involves more than just possessing knowledge or believing that something is true. It also involves the heart—the seat of motivation.
    Romans 10:10 says: “With the heart one exercises faith.” What does this mean? As you meditate on godly things, building up appreciation for them, you allow the Bible’s message to sink deep into your heart. Faith grows and becomes stronger as you are motivated to act on God’s promises and as you see the evidence of his blessing.—2 Thessalonians 1:3.
    Faith in God’s promise to reward his servants gives one a fresh perspective on life. Hebrews 11:6 says that true faith involves belief in God’s ability to reward “those earnestly seeking him.” 
    Ask for a free Bible study at JW.ORG

  5. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Could You Read a Thumb Bible? Many Have Been Made And Used   
    A "Bible" used during war. Maybe more will become available? A Thumb Bible is a paraphrased or abridged version of the Bible, printed in miniature and generally meant for children. They are also decorated with pictures.
    The first Thumb Bibles were published in the early seventeenth century, with several hundred different editions being printed in the subsequent three centuries. The first known Thumb Bible was written by John Weever in verse form. Entitled An Agnus Dei, it appeared in London in 1601. It measured 3.3 by 2.7 cm (1.3 by 1.1 in) and contained 128 pages of six lines. In 1614, John Taylor published his Verbum Sempiternum, which also summarised the Bible in verse form. These were designed to provide instruction to children who were not old enough to read the Bible itself.
    The first Thumb Bible in prose was published in London in 1727, under the title Biblia or a Practical Summary of ye Old & New Testaments. This contained 300 pages and measured 3.6 by 2.4 cm (1.4 by 0.9 in). The term 'Thumb Bible' was first coined by Longman and Co. of London in the mid-nineteenth century, when they used it on the title page of an edition in 1849, probably as a reference to the midget Tom Thumb (Charles Stratton) who had visited London with P. T. Barnum in 1844. Thumb Bibles continued to be printed in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Approximately 300 different editions survive. As well as being published in English, versions were printed in French, German and Dutch.

  6. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in TRUMP WARNS RUSSIA OVER JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES This is fake news BEWARE   
    Maybe this is the "pushing" foretold in the Bible? 
    The expression “time of the end” is also used in association with particular developments in connection with human government. Daniel 11:40 reads: “In the time of the end the king ofthe south will engage with [the king of the north] in a pushing, and against him the king ofthe north will storm with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships.” Thereafter the prophecy discusses the actions of the “king ofthe north” and indicates that he will come to his end. (Da 11:41-45) Thus “the time of the end” here is evidently to be understood as a period culminated by the destruction of “the king ofthe north.” Lending confirmation to this is the fact that “the king of the north” is earlier portrayed as persecuting God’s servants, those “having insight,” until “the time of the end,” that is, until his time of the end.—Da 11:33-35.
    Another feature associated with “the time of the end” is the standing up of “a king fierce in countenance” that would range himself against “the Prince of princes,” finally to be broken or destroyed. This “king” was to stand up in the final part of the kingdoms that sprang from the four parts into which the Grecian Empire was to be divided. (Da 8:8-25) Since “the king of the north” and “the king of the south” came from the same source, it logically follows that the “king fierce in countenance” corresponds to one of these ‘kings’ in his “time of the end.”
    (CNN)North Korea has staged its largest ever military drill to mark the founding of the country's army, amid rising tensions with the West.
    A statement from the South Korean military said the live-fire exercises were in the Wonsan region in the east of the country Tuesday afternoon, but gave no details on what kinds of weapons and military units took part in the drill.
    On Wednesday, CNN was told by a North Korean government official with knowledge of the event that it was the largest ever drill conducted by the country's military and involved 300 artillery guns.
      North Korean leader Kim Jong Un gave the order to start the demonstration, where the large-caliber self-propelled guns lined up along the coast opened fire, state news agency KCNA reported Wednesday.
    In a statement from the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff, South Korea said it was monitoring the situation and remained "firmly prepared."
    "Our military is closely monitoring the North Korean military's movements," said the statement.
    Military exercises such as the one undertaken by North Korea are not unprecedented and it was always likely there would have been a show of military force on Armed Forces Day. This year is the 85th anniversary of the founding of North Korean army.
    But the timing, as the US increases its military presence in the area, allows North Korea to remind its opponents that it could cause crippling damage with conventional artillery to highly populated areas in South Korea.
    In a statement after the artillery drills were confirmed, the South Korean President's Office said an emergency meeting had been held to discuss the situation.
    Separately, envoys from South Korea, Japan and the US have been meeting in Tokyo to discuss North Korea's refusal to abandon its nuclear program.
    North Korea's drills coincided with military exercises held by US and South Korean navies in the Yellow Sea, off the western coast of the Korean Peninsula.
    Earlier Tuesday, a US submarine made a port call in South Korea in what US officials said was a show of force amid mounting tensions in the region. 
      A CNN team in North Korea said citizens in the streets of Pyongyang were celebrating Armed Forces Day, with no visible signs of tension. 
    Message to Seoul?
      View this interactive content on CNN.com Alex Neill, a senior fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies Asia, told CNN the artillery drill was likely to be a message to Seoul.
    "It's important for the DPRK to remind the South that very large swathes of the South Korean population are within artillery range of the North," he said, using the official name for North Korea.
    "So it is a sign that if the North is provoked or there is preemptive action, then a lot of Seoul and its suburbs would be within artillery range of the North."
    Neill said nuclear and chemical weapons could also be delivered via artillery strikes.
    "As (North Korea has) one of the largest stockpiles of chemical weapons, again artillery can be used for that. Sarin gas doesn't have to be dropped," he said.
    Trump: North Korea is 'a real threat'
    Relations between North Korea and the US and South Korea have deteriorated in recent months, as the rhetoric and military posturing on both sides has increased.
    There have been occasions in the past when political tensions have reached crisis point -- most recently in April 2013 -- but Trump's firm rhetoric on North Korea in recent weeks is unusual for a US leader.
    Fears have also mounted in recent weeks that North Korea could soon conduct a sixth nuclear test or another missile launch.
    On Monday, US President Donald Trump said the status quo with nuclear-armed North Korea was unacceptable, calling for new sanctions on the country.
    "This is a real threat to the world, whether we want to talk about it or not," Trump said at a lunch for ambassadors of countries who sit on the Security Council.
    "North Korea's a big world problem, and it's a problem we have to finally solve. People put blindfolds on for decades and now it's time to solve the problem."
    The Trump administration has taken the unusual step of calling the entire US Senate to a meeting at the White House, for a briefing on North Korea with the US secretaries of Defense and State.
    Some analysts voiced concerns Trump was backing himself into a corner with his fierce rhetoric on North Korea, leading both countries to a point where "bad things are going to happen."
    USS Vinson deployed as tensions build
    Earlier this month, the Trump administration announced it would be sending the USS Vinson, an aircraft carrier, to the Korean Peninsula, after US officials said they anticipated a fresh round of nuclear tests and missile launches. 
    Its deployment was met with threats by the North Koreans.
    State-run newspaper Rodong Sinmun said over the weekend in an editorial the country could sink a "nuclear-powered aircraft carrier with a single strike."
    North Korea held an enormous military parade held to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of the country's founder, Kim Il Sung on April 15. 
    Prior to the celebrations, satellite images had shown the rogue state could be preparing for another nuclear test.
    In the end, no nuclear test was held that day, but a performance on the Day of the Sun still showed a propaganda video where missiles struck the United States and a US flag was left in flames.
    CNN's Tim Schwarz in Pyongyang contributed to this report.     ??????
  7. Upvote
    Thinks it's like they are trying to threaten each other. Fireworks for their 85 year Anniversary of people's army,  public holiday. Maybe the fireworks ? will happen but seems like his old self again, 

  8. Upvote
    Entire Senate being called to White House for North Korea briefing
    Published April 24, 2017  All senators invited to WH briefing on North Korea
    The entire U.S. Senate has been invited to the White House for a briefing Wednesday on the North Korea situation, amid escalating tensions over the country’s missile tests and bellicose rhetoric.
    White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer confirmed the upcoming briefing, for all 100 senators, on Monday.
    Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats plan to provide the update to lawmakers.
    It is rare for the entire Senate to be invited to such a briefing. 
    Spicer clarified that while the event will take place on the White House campus, it is technically a Senate briefing and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is the one who convened it.
    The briefing, first reported by Reuters, was confirmed after President Trump earlier spoke to the leaders of both China and Japan.
    Trump spoke by phone with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
    Xi told Trump that China strongly opposed North Korea’s nuclear weapons program and hoped “all parties will exercise restraint and avoid aggravating the situation,” according to Chinese broadcaster CCTV. Trump hopes China could increase pressure on its isolated ally instead of using military options or trying to overthrow Kim Jong Un’s regime.
    Trump and Abe agreed to urge North Korea to refrain from provocative actions.
    Meanwhile, U.S. commercial satellite images indicated increased activity around North Korea’s nuclear test site, while Kim has said that the country’s preparation for an ICBM launch is in its “final stage.”
    South Korea’s Defense Ministry has said the North appears ready to conduct such "strategic provocations" at any time. South Korean Acting Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn has instructed his military to strengthen its "immediate response posture" in case North Korea does something significant on the April 25 anniversary of its military. North Korea often marks significant dates by displaying military capability.
    On Monday, Trump also had lunch with ambassadors of countries on the U.N. Security Council. Ahead of the meeting, Trump called for “big reforms” at the U.N. and criticizing its handling of recent events in Syria and North Korea – but said it has “tremendous potential.”
    "You just don't see the United Nations, like, solving conflicts. I think that's going to start happening now," he said. 
    Something big {Nuclear test} is expected on the 25th in NK which they usually do on anniversaries  which is tonight eastern time so they may be preparing for how to respond.
  9. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in How Many Your Works Are Jehovah All In Wisdom You Have Made Them!   
    Children Love Jehovah too! 

  10. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from The Librarian in Russia Unleashes Crime Wave Against Jehovah's Witnesses After Ruling Them As Extremists   
    I wonder what this means not answers yet? Noted as of 2015 article? We definitely DEEP into these prophecies. 
    Daniel 11: 36 “The king will do as he pleases, and he will exalt himself and magnify himself above every god; and against the God of gods+ he will speak astonishing things. And he will prove successful until the denunciation comes to a finish; because what is determined must take place. 37 He will show no regard for the God of his fathers; nor will he show regard for the desire of women or for any other god, but he will magnify himself over everyone. 38 But instead* he will give glory to the god of fortresses; to a god that his fathers did not know he will give glory by means of gold and silver and precious stones and desirable* things. 39 He will act effectively against the most fortified strongholds, along with* a foreign god. He will give great glory to those who give him recognition,*and he will make them rule among many; and the ground he will apportion out* for a price."
    As keen students of God’s Word, we wait with eager anticipation to see who in the near future will assume the role of “the king of the north.”But no matter who may take the lead in this coalition of nations, we are certain of two things: (1) Gog of Magog and his armies will be defeated and destroyed; and (2) our reigning King, Jesus Christ, will save God’s people and usher them into a new world of peace and true security.—Rev. 7:14-17. 
  11. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in How Many Your Works Are Jehovah All In Wisdom You Have Made Them!   
    "How many your works are, O Jehovah! You have made them all in wisdom."        
    ?Psalms 104:24?
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  12. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from bruceq in TRUMP WARNS RUSSIA OVER JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES This is fake news BEWARE   
    @Anna @bruceq 
    We are so grateful for all your hard work! We know propaganda will come. The opposers need to stir up false ideas. We must always think of Bible prophecy it will all come true. Man will try to be like Jesus said, blind guides they are, both will fall in the pit. Jehovah's Word is always true. He never lies. 
    The father, or originator, of lying is Satan the Devil. (Joh 8:44) His lie conveyed by means of a serpent to the first woman Eve ultimately brought death to her and to her husband Adam. (Ge 3:1-5, 16-19) 
    That first lie was rooted in selfishness and wrong desire. It was designed to divert the love and obedience of the first human pair to the liar, who had presented himself as an angel of light, a benefactor. (Compare 2Co 11:14.) 
    All other malicious lies uttered since that time have likewise been a reflection of selfishness and wrong desire. People have told lies to escape deserved punishment, to profit at the expense of others, and to gain or maintain certain advantages, material rewards, or the praise of men.
    Especially serious have been the religious lies, as they have endangered the future life of persons deceived by them. Said Jesus Christ: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you traverse sea and dry land to make one proselyte, and when he becomes one you make him a subject for Gehenna twice as much so as yourselves.” (Mt 23:15) 
    The exchange of God’s truth for “the lie,” the falsehood of idolatry, can cause a person to become a practicer of what is degrading and vile.—Ro 1:24-32.
    Jehovah God cannot lie (Nu 23:19; Heb 6:13-18), and he hates “a false tongue.” (Pr 6:16-19)
    Thank you so much for helping others! The Truth will be known. 
    Agape, Bible Speaks
  13. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in TRUMP WARNS RUSSIA OVER JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES This is fake news BEWARE   
    @Anna @bruceq 
    We are so grateful for all your hard work! We know propaganda will come. The opposers need to stir up false ideas. We must always think of Bible prophecy it will all come true. Man will try to be like Jesus said, blind guides they are, both will fall in the pit. Jehovah's Word is always true. He never lies. 
    The father, or originator, of lying is Satan the Devil. (Joh 8:44) His lie conveyed by means of a serpent to the first woman Eve ultimately brought death to her and to her husband Adam. (Ge 3:1-5, 16-19) 
    That first lie was rooted in selfishness and wrong desire. It was designed to divert the love and obedience of the first human pair to the liar, who had presented himself as an angel of light, a benefactor. (Compare 2Co 11:14.) 
    All other malicious lies uttered since that time have likewise been a reflection of selfishness and wrong desire. People have told lies to escape deserved punishment, to profit at the expense of others, and to gain or maintain certain advantages, material rewards, or the praise of men.
    Especially serious have been the religious lies, as they have endangered the future life of persons deceived by them. Said Jesus Christ: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you traverse sea and dry land to make one proselyte, and when he becomes one you make him a subject for Gehenna twice as much so as yourselves.” (Mt 23:15) 
    The exchange of God’s truth for “the lie,” the falsehood of idolatry, can cause a person to become a practicer of what is degrading and vile.—Ro 1:24-32.
    Jehovah God cannot lie (Nu 23:19; Heb 6:13-18), and he hates “a false tongue.” (Pr 6:16-19)
    Thank you so much for helping others! The Truth will be known. 
    Agape, Bible Speaks
  14. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Anna in TRUMP WARNS RUSSIA OVER JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES This is fake news BEWARE   
    What is incredible to me, is that fake news is allowed to pose as real news. This particular piece was very well disguised, posing as Fox News, and easily overlooked that it was not. It was a lot simpler in the days before the  internet to identify physical newspapers, because all papers were well known, and  tabloids in particular were know for sensationalism. I never forget the headline in one in the UK: "Man raped by giant cabbage". You know ANY kind of news from THAT newspaper is for entertainment only.
    With online news it's a little bit more difficult if you are not familiar with all the news website as there are so many, and new ones are popping up all the time. This particular one had apparently only been in operation for a few months. So you can't be blamed for making a mistake @bruceq. I fell for it too at first.
  15. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Making All Things New—As Foretold!   
    Making All Things New—As Foretold
    “The One seated on the throne said: ‘Look! I am making all things new.’ Also, he says: . . . ‘These words are faithful and true.’”—REVELATION 21:5.
    Why are many people rightly hesitant to consider what the future holds?
    HAVE you said or thought, ‘Who knows what tomorrow will bring?’ You can understand why people hesitate to guess what the future will bring or to trust in those who might brashly claim to foretell what lies ahead. Humans simply do not have the ability to predict accurately what will occur in the months or years to come.
    We read at Isaiah 65:17-19: “Here I am creating new heavens and a new earth; and the former things will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart. But exult, you people, and be joyful forever in what I am creating. For here I am creating Jerusalem a cause for joyfulness and her people a cause for exultation. And I will be joyful in Jerusalem and exult in my people; and no more will there be heard in her the sound of weeping or the sound of a plaintive cry.” 
    Certainly, Isaiah described conditions that were far better than those the Jews had lived under in Babylon. He foretold joyfulness and rejoicing. Now look at the expression “new heavens and a new earth.” This is the first of four occurrences of that phrase in the Bible, and these four passages can have a direct bearing on our future, even foretelling it. 
    Revelation 21 verses 4, 5: “He [Jehovah] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former thingshave passed away. And the One seated on the throne said: ‘Look! I am making all thingsnew.’ Also, he says: ‘Write, because these words are faithful and true.’” What an uplifting prophecy!
    You would no doubt agree that mourning and outcry would decrease with the removal of death, old age, and disease. Yet, what about grinding poverty, child abuse, and oppressive discrimination based on background or skin color? Were such things—common today—to continue, we would not be rid of mourning and outcry. 
    Thus, life under “a new heaven and a new earth” will not be marred by these present causes of sorrow. What a change! We have, though, considered so far only three of the four occurrences in the Bible of the phrase “new heavens and a new earth.” 
    Similarly, those faithful to God as part of the new earth, the society of true worshipers in the new world, will keep standing individually because they will be rendering pure worship to the Creator of all things. That will not be occasional or haphazard worship. God’s Law, provided to Israel through Moses, called for certain acts of worship each month, as marked by the new moon, and each week, as marked by the Sabbath day. (Leviticus 24:5-9; Numbers 10:10; 28:9, 10; 2 Chronicles 2:4) 
    Isaiah 66:24 assures us that the peace and righteousness of the new earth will never be in danger. Wicked people will not ruin it. Recall that 2 Peter 3:7 says that ahead of us is “the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men.” Those coming to their end will be ungodly. No harm will come to innocents, unlike what often happens in human wars, where civilian casualties outnumber military ones. The Great Judge guarantees us that his day will be a destruction of the ungodly.
    Isaiah 11:9 says: “They will not do any harm or cause any ruin in all my holy mountain; because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea.”
    2 pictures, 1 moving and 1 GIF 

  16. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Seek God For Your Deliverance! ???   
    SONG 150
    Seek God for Your Deliverance
      (Zephaniah 2:3)
    1. Nations align as one,
    Opposing Jehovah’s Son.
    Their time of human rulership
    By God’s decree now is done.
    Rulers have had their day;
    God’s Kingdom is here to stay.
    Soon Christ will crush earthly enemies.
    No more will there be delay.
    Seek God for your deliverance,
    Yes, look to him with confidence.
    Seek his righteousness,
    Show your faithfulness,
    For his sov’reignty, take your stand.
    Then see our God deliver you
    By his mighty hand.
    2. People on earth now choose,
    Responding to this good news.
    We offer to all men the choice
    To hear or proudly refuse.
    Trials, although severe,
    Need not fill our hearts with fear.
    Jehovah cares for his loyal ones;
    Our cries for help he will hear.
    Seek God for your deliverance,
    Yes, look to him with confidence.
    Seek his righteousness,
    Show your faithfulness,
    For his sov’reignty, take your stand.
    Then see our God deliver you
    By his mighty hand.
    (See also 1 Sam. 2:9; Ps. 2:2, 3, 9; Prov. 2:8;Matt. 6:33.)

  17. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Taqvaylit A Menguelet in "Instruct me, O Jehovah, about your way. I will walk in your truth."   
    "Instruct me, O Jehovah, about your way. I will walk in your truth.
    Unify my heart to fear your name." (Ps. 86:11)
    Laws Based on Love
    The essence of all of Jehovah’s laws and regulations can be summed up in a single word: love. That has always been and will always be an essential part of pure worship. 
    When asked which was the greatest commandment in the Law, Jesus answered: “Love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.” The second was: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” He then said: “On these two commandments the whole Law hangs, and the Prophets.” (Matthew 22:35-40) 
    Jesus thus indicated that, not just the Law with the Ten Commandments, but the entire Hebrew Scriptures were based on love.
    Is love of God and neighbor also central to the law in the hearts of Christians? Absolutely! 
    The law of the Christ involves a heartfelt love of God and includes a new command—Christians are to have self-sacrificing love for one another. 
    They are to love as Jesus did, and he willingly laid down his life in behalf of his friends. He taught his disciples to love God and to love one another, just as he loved them. 
    The outstanding love they show toward one another is the main identifying quality by which true Christians can be recognized. (John 13:34, 35; 15:12, 13) Jesus even instructed them to love their enemies. (Matthew 5:44)

  18. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Taqvaylit A Menguelet in Children Who Love Jehovah! ??   
    3 year old Jake helping out with letter writing territory in Jupiter, Florida. In archives #childrenlovejehovah #calebandsophia #loveoneanother❤️

  19. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Taqvaylit A Menguelet in Children Who Love Jehovah! ??   

  20. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Taqvaylit A Menguelet in Children Who Love Jehovah! ??   
  21. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in TRUMP WARNS RUSSIA OVER JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES This is fake news BEWARE   
    Thank you  my Brothers and Sisters you warm my heart. We are all stressed and know the end is in Jehovah's perfect timing! We must be unified and strong to help others. Some live in fear everyday. You are proving yourselves children of your Father in Heaven and letting Christ now lead us. Are we not grateful we can speak so right now? Perhaps soon we might not be able to speak. Prayers around the earth we need for Satan is on a rampage and his "hooks" in his jaw make him angrier so speak the Love of the Christ and Jehovah for this we will prove ourselves children of a just and God of Loyal Love. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  22. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Russia Bans Protest Movement Ahead of Rallies Planned for Saturday   
    Who are these? Not named? 

  23. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to bruceq in Russia Bans Protest Movement Ahead of Rallies Planned for Saturday   
    THE MOSCOW TIMES https://themoscowtimes.com/news/russia-bans-protest-movement-ahead-of-rallies-planned-for-saturday-57831
    This Wednesday, three days before the political movement “Open Russia” hopes to mobilize nationwide protests against the Kremlin, Russia’s Prosecutor General blacklisted the group as an “undesirable organization,” banning all its activities.
    This Saturday, Open Russia is planning anti-Putin demonstrations across Russia. 
    Russian officials formally blacklisted three separate organizations: the Britain-registered “Open Russia” organization, the social movement “Open Russia,” and the U.S.-based Institute of Modern Russia. Open Russia was founded by exiled former oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, whose son heads IMR in New York.
    “Their activities are aimed at inciting protests and destabilizing [Russia’s] domestic political situation, presenting a threat to the constitutional foundations of the Russian Federation and the security of the state,” the Prosecutor General explained in a public statement.
    Two American NGOs Declared 'Undesirable' in Russia The decision makes it a criminal offense in Russia to work for Open Russia or IMR.
    Russia’s law against “undesirable organizations” took effect in May 2015. Any group added to the list is immediately banned in Russia, and anyone who continues to work for these organizations faces serious fines and possible incarceration.
  24. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "You will actually drink the milk of nations."   
    "You will actually drink the milk of nations."—Isa. 60:16.
    Consider some inventions of the past 200 years that God’s people have used in preaching the good news. 
    We have mentioned trains, cars, and airplanes, but there have also been bicycles, typewriters, Braille devices, the telegraph, telephones, cameras, audio and video recorders, radio, television, motion pictures, computers, and the Internet. In various ways, such things have helped us to accomplish our commission to make disciples. 
    In fulfillment of the prophecy that Jehovah’s people would “drink the milk of nations,” we have made wise use of resources of the nations, such as modern technology, in order to produce the Bible and Bible literature in many languages.—Read Isaiah 60:16.
    (a) The evidence points to what conclusion? (b) Why does Jehovah allow us to be his “fellow workers”?
    Clearly, we have strong evidence of God’s blessing. Of course, Jehovah does not rely on our help to accomplish his purposes. Yet, our loving heavenly Father allows us to be his “fellow workers,” thus enabling us to show our love for him and for our neighbor. (1 Cor. 3:9; Mark 12:28-31) 
    May we take advantage of our opportunities to proclaim the Kingdom message, the most important work on earth. By all means, let us show how thankful we are that Jehovah has guided and blessed our global teaching work!
    "En verdad beberéis la leche de las naciones." - Isa. 60:16.
    Considere algunas invenciones de los últimos 200 años que el pueblo de Dios ha usado para predicar las buenas nuevas.
    Hemos mencionado los trenes, los automóviles y los aviones, pero también ha habido bicicletas, máquinas de escribir, dispositivos Braille, telégrafo, teléfonos, cámaras, grabadoras de audio y video, radio, televisión, películas, computadoras e Internet. De diversas maneras, tales cosas nos han ayudado a cumplir nuestra comisión de hacer discípulos.
    En cumplimiento de la profecía de que el pueblo de Jehová "bebería la leche de las naciones", hemos hecho uso sabio de los recursos de las naciones, tales como la tecnología moderna, para producir la Biblia y la literatura bíblica en muchos idiomas. :dieciséis.
    (A) La evidencia apunta a qué conclusión? (B) ¿Por qué Jehová nos permite ser sus "compañeros de trabajo"?
    Claramente, tenemos una fuerte evidencia de la bendición de Dios. Por supuesto, Jehová no confía en nuestra ayuda para lograr sus propósitos. Sin embargo, nuestro amoroso Padre celestial nos permite ser sus "compañeros de trabajo", lo que nos permite mostrar nuestro amor por él y por nuestro prójimo. (1 Corintios 3: 9, Marcos 12: 28-31)
    Podemos aprovechar nuestras oportunidades para proclamar el mensaje del Reino, el trabajo más importante en la tierra. Por todos los medios, demostremos cuán agradecidos estamos de que Jehová haya guiado y bendecido nuestro trabajo de enseñanza global.

  25. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from bruceq in TRUMP WARNS RUSSIA OVER JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES This is fake news BEWARE   
    Thank you  my Brothers and Sisters you warm my heart. We are all stressed and know the end is in Jehovah's perfect timing! We must be unified and strong to help others. Some live in fear everyday. You are proving yourselves children of your Father in Heaven and letting Christ now lead us. Are we not grateful we can speak so right now? Perhaps soon we might not be able to speak. Prayers around the earth we need for Satan is on a rampage and his "hooks" in his jaw make him angrier so speak the Love of the Christ and Jehovah for this we will prove ourselves children of a just and God of Loyal Love. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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