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  1. Upvote
    And, why were Jehovah's Witnesses a threat instead of all those? Because Satan has a hook in his nose and will continue to fight till he is stopped! He only wants Jehovah's people he knows the end is soon for Him! And the Anointed. The rest are the real false extremists or part of Babylon the Great. 
  2. Upvote
    The Archbishop Cannot Cope!
       LAST year, a consistory (solemn council of cardinals) was organized to discuss certain matters that are of great concern to the Catholic Church. One of these, according to the newspaper Il Sabato, is “the aggressiveness of the sects.” However, the newspaper said: “It should be no problem for the cardinals to reach agreement on this point. All are in accord that there is a need for a more in-depth study of the phenomenon of new religious movements and also a need to prevent, as far as possible, their expansion.”
    Evidently, though, “the aggressiveness of the sects” is not just a problem in Italy. Il Sabato reports: “While visiting the Vatican recently, Archbishop Kirill of Smolensk [one of Russia’s oldest cities] . . . asked the pope for ecumenical aid in coping with the overwhelming growth of Jehovah’s Witnesses and similar groups in the Soviet Union.”

       In the first century, leaders of established religion had similar complaints when Christianity was spread aggressively by its adherents. On one occasion indignant Jews complained to the city rulers: “These men that have overturned the inhabited earth are present here also”! (Acts 17:6) Back then, religious leaders tried hard to stop the spread of Christianity, but they failed. Today also, any effort to stop the spread of true Christian doctrine is doomed to failure. God himself promises: “Any weapon whatever that will be formed against you will have no success, and any tongue at all that will rise up against you in the judgment you will condemn. This is the hereditary possession of the servants of Jehovah, and their righteousness is from me.”—Isaiah 54:17. SOURCE : 8/15/1992 WATCHTOWER
    "Dangerous" sects named
    Argumenty i fakty, 
    4 December 1997
    Question: I read somewhere that there is some committee for rescuing youth from false religions. From which specific religious organizations and by what means does this committee "save" our youth? Z. Fomicheva, Ekaterinburg
    Answer: The Committee for Rescuing Youth from False Religions was created by persons who had suffered one way or another from totalitarian sects. In comprises both relatives of young people who have fallen under the influence of destructive cults and sectarians themselves. Former sectarians, of course. The committee actively participated in the development of the State Duma's new law on freedom of conscience.
    Each member of the committee "specializes" in a particular religious organization and provides advice and counsel regarding it. The victims of destructive cults principally need psychological help, but we still do not have this mechanism in place. Incidentally in the USA such organizations have operated for twenty years already, like the American Family Fund and the Network for Information about Cults. Their work includes counseling and psychological rehabilitation of sectarians.
    The Committee for Rescuing Youth considers that the most dangerous sects operating on Russian territory include "Unification Church" (the official name is the Association of the Holy Spirit for Unification of World Christiaity), "Church of Scientology," "Jehovah's Witnesses," "Church of Christ," "International Society of Krishna Consciousness," "Aum Shinrikyo," "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" (Mormons), "Church of the Final Covenant" (Vissarion), "Mother of God Center," and "The Family" (also known as Children of God). It is also possible to mention "Union of Independent Christian Missionary Societiet," "White Brotherhood," "Witness Li," and "The Spiritual Center of Satora." (tr. by PDS)
    Effort to outlaw the group is dismissed. Action called a victory for religious freedom.
    by Robyn Dixon 
    Los Angeles Times, 24 February 2001
    Earlier generations of Yaroslav Sivulsky's family were persecuted as Jehovah's Witnesses in the Soviet Union, and then the state still sought to ban the group as a dangerous cult--even in democratic Russia.
    Finally, in what was called an important victory for religious freedom in Russia, Sivulsky saw justice done Friday when a Moscow court threw out a case that sought to outlaw the group in the capital.
    In 1998, an anti-cult group called the Committee to Save Our Youth pushed for action against the Jehovah's Witnesses. Prosecutors in Moscow's northern district launched the case in early 1999 based on Russia's controversial 1997 law on religion, designed to limit the activities of foreign religious organizations.
    For Sivulsky, the case was a flashback to the repressive Stalin regime 50 years ago when his parents, grandparents and thousands of other Jehovah's Witness families were exiled to Siberia. His father got seven years in a labor camp, he said.
    "The accusations were basically the same," he said Friday. "The accusation was that their religion ran counter to the ideology of the Communist Party."
    Sivulsky, 33, was jailed for 18 months in 1987 for refusing to serve in the Soviet army. Believers do not accept blood transfusions, refuse to salute any national flag or do military service.
    "In court in 1987 , I refused the services of a lawyer because the lawyer, the prosecution and the judge all played on the same team against me," he said.
    Prosecutors in 1999 took action to ban the Jehovah's Witnesses under an article in the religion law aimed at cults, which can be outlawed for splitting families, inciting religious discord, encouraging suicide or denying medical care to the critically ill.
    "Today's decision sends a very important and optimistic message to other religions and confessions trying to practice in Russia," said Sivulsky, who is spokesman for the Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia.
    "Russian society is not prepared to go back to totalitarian thinking," he said. "It is impossible to prohibit freedom of religion, freedom of association and freedom to speak to people, which is basically what the prosecution was demanding."
    Human rights groups welcomed Friday's decision but cautioned that harassment of many religious groups by bureaucrats and police remains common in Russia.
    Advocates of religious freedom feared that a successful prosecution against the Jehovah's Witnesses would have opened the gates to similar actions against many other religious groups struggling to operate in Russia.
    The court called in five experts to examine the literature of the Jehovah's Witnesses before the judge dismissed the prosecutor's case for the ban.
    "It's a very important test case. It sets the standards for how much evidence you have to produce to ban a group like this," said Diederik Lohman, director of the Moscow office of Human Rights Watch. "The fact that all the literature had to be examined by experts sets a precedent for the way cases like this are to be dealt with."
    The Jehovah's Witnesses group was founded in the late 19th century in the U.S. and appeared in Russia several years later. It now claims to have 250,000 followers here.
    Galina Krylova, a lawyer for the group, said the Moscow case was based on absurdities.
    She cited a "stupid accusation that my clients don't celebrate the Russian Orthodox Christmas--but Muslims or Jews don't celebrate it either."
    Russian Orthodox Deacon Andrei Kurayev, professor of theology at St. Tikhon's Institute and Moscow State University, insisted that it was clear that the Jehovah's Witnesses are "a totalitarian sect" that must be resisted strongly by the Orthodox Church's anti-missionary program.
    "This sect tries to control people's consciousness," he charged. "They very strictly limit all the information that their followers get. Thus, they are a threat not only for the state but for individuals as well."
    But he said he feels that it is up to the Orthodox Church to struggle against such groups.
    "We should work hard and struggle for people's souls rather than wait for courts to ban them," he said.
    The Russian Orthodox Church, which bitterly opposes missionary activities, was one of the main proponents of the 1997 religion law, which forced many denominations to go through a difficult registration process. The only ones excused were those defined as "traditional" to Russia: Russian Orthodoxy, Judaism, Islam and Buddhism.
  3. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in North Korea Will Quicken More Blackouts ?⚫️   
    North Korea has confirmed it is now fully prepared for WAR with the US with "powerful arms" ready to strike any minute. © press North Korea has finalized its preparations for War as it responded with a warning North Korea has finalized its preparations for war as it responded with a warning of “catastrophic consequences” to any further provocations by the US following the US Navy strike group positioning on the North Korean peninsula.
    The USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier was diverted to western Pacific from its visit to Australia after tensions mounted over military drills involving American and South Korean forces, something which Pyongyang has interpreted as preparation for invasion.“We will hold the US wholly accountable for the catastrophic consequences to be entailed by its outrageous actions,”
    North Korea’s state-run Korean Central News Agency quoted a foreign ministry spokesman said. “(North Korea) is ready to react to any mode of war desired by the US.”The guardian reports: The spokesman cited Washington’s refusal to rule out a pre-emptive strike against North Korean missile sites as justification for its nuclear program.“The prevailing grave situation proves once again that (North Korea) was entirely just when it increased in every way its military capabilities for self-defense and pre-emptive attack with a nuclear force as a pivot,” the spokesman said, according to KCNA.“We will take the toughest counteraction against the provocateurs in order to defend ourselves by the powerful force of arms.”
    Last week’s US strike against a Syrian base is also being seen as a warning to North Korea after Donald Trump said Washington was prepared to act alone if China failed to exert more pressure on its neighbor to halt its missile and nuclear weapons programmes.
    North Korea again defied UN resolutions banning it from developing ballistic missile technology with another test-launch on the eve of Trump’s summit with the Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, in Florida last week.White House officials have signalled that all options – including pre-emptive strikes – remain on the table in addressing North Korea’s steady advance towards developing long-range missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead as far as the US mainland.The nuclear-powered Carl Vinson’s presence in the area coincides with speculation that North Korea could be preparing to conduct its sixth nuclear test to coincide with key dates in the country’s history, including the 105th anniversary of the birth of its founder, Kim Il-sung, on Saturday.China’s foreign ministry, meanwhile, has played down reports that Beijing has deployed 150,000 troops to its border with North Korea.Hua Chunying, a foreign ministry spokesperson, told reporters she was “not aware” of such a mobilisation by the People’s Liberation Army along the 880-mile border. In the past, similar reports had been proven “groundless and false,” Hua claimed.However, with regional tensions building ahead of Saturday’s Kim Il-sung commemorations, Hua said China was “closely following” developments on the Korean peninsula.“We believe that, given the current situation, all relevant parties should exercise restraint and avoid activities that may escalate the tension.”
    Read more at: http://www.neonnettle.com/news/2058-north-korea-confirms-preparation-for-war-with-us-is-complete
    © Neon Nettle

  4. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from bruceq in Russia Bans Jehovah’s Witnesses After Religious Right Hailed Putin As Christian Hero   
    @bruceq Any Link? Just in case they doubt it? ?‍?

    A US Ambassador and former presidential advisor has claimed that the power outages across the US yesterday were caused by an attack by North Korea and has warned that this first wave was merely a test, and they have the capability to "shut down North America for years", adding that the United States has "no defence against such an attack". 
  5. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from bruceq in Russia Bans Jehovah’s Witnesses After Religious Right Hailed Putin As Christian Hero   
    North Korea has confirmed it is now fully prepared for WAR with the US with "powerful arms" ready to strike any minute. © press North Korea has finalized its preparations for War as it responded with a warning North Korea has finalized its preparations for war as it responded with a warning of “catastrophic consequences” to any further provocations by the US following the US Navy strike group positioning on the North Korean peninsula.The USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier was diverted to western Pacific from its visit to Australia after tensions mounted over military drills involving American and South Korean forces, something which Pyongyang has interpreted as preparation for invasion.“We will hold the US wholly accountable for the catastrophic consequences to be entailed by its outrageous actions,” North Korea’s state-run Korean Central News Agency quoted a foreign ministry spokesman said. “(North Korea) is ready to react to any mode of war desired by the US.”The guardian reports: The spokesman cited Washington’s refusal to rule out a pre-emptive strike against North Korean missile sites as justification for its nuclear program.“The prevailing grave situation proves once again that (North Korea) was entirely just when it increased in every way its military capabilities for self-defense and pre-emptive attack with a nuclear force as a pivot,” the spokesman said, according to KCNA.“We will take the toughest counteraction against the provocateurs in order to defend ourselves by the powerful force of arms.”Last week’s US strike against a Syrian base is also being seen as a warning to North Korea after Donald Trump said Washington was prepared to act alone if China failed to exert more pressure on its neighbor to halt its missile and nuclear weapons programmes.
    North Korea again defied UN resolutions banning it from developing ballistic missile technology with another test-launch on the eve of Trump’s summit with the Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, in Florida last week.White House officials have signalled that all options – including pre-emptive strikes – remain on the table in addressing North Korea’s steady advance towards developing long-range missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead as far as the US mainland.The nuclear-powered Carl Vinson’s presence in the area coincides with speculation that North Korea could be preparing to conduct its sixth nuclear test to coincide with key dates in the country’s history, including the 105th anniversary of the birth of its founder, Kim Il-sung, on Saturday.China’s foreign ministry, meanwhile, has played down reports that Beijing has deployed 150,000 troops to its border with North Korea.Hua Chunying, a foreign ministry spokesperson, told reporters she was “not aware” of such a mobilisation by the People’s Liberation Army along the 880-mile border. In the past, similar reports had been proven “groundless and false,” Hua claimed.However, with regional tensions building ahead of Saturday’s Kim Il-sung commemorations, Hua said China was “closely following” developments on the Korean peninsula.“We believe that, given the current situation, all relevant parties should exercise restraint and avoid activities that may escalate the tension.”
    Read more at: http://www.neonnettle.com/news/2058-north-korea-confirms-preparation-for-war-with-us-is-complete
    © Neon Nettle

  6. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Russia Bans Jehovah’s Witnesses After Religious Right Hailed Putin As Christian Hero   
    North Korea has confirmed it is now fully prepared for WAR with the US with "powerful arms" ready to strike any minute. © press North Korea has finalized its preparations for War as it responded with a warning North Korea has finalized its preparations for war as it responded with a warning of “catastrophic consequences” to any further provocations by the US following the US Navy strike group positioning on the North Korean peninsula.The USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier was diverted to western Pacific from its visit to Australia after tensions mounted over military drills involving American and South Korean forces, something which Pyongyang has interpreted as preparation for invasion.“We will hold the US wholly accountable for the catastrophic consequences to be entailed by its outrageous actions,” North Korea’s state-run Korean Central News Agency quoted a foreign ministry spokesman said. “(North Korea) is ready to react to any mode of war desired by the US.”The guardian reports: The spokesman cited Washington’s refusal to rule out a pre-emptive strike against North Korean missile sites as justification for its nuclear program.“The prevailing grave situation proves once again that (North Korea) was entirely just when it increased in every way its military capabilities for self-defense and pre-emptive attack with a nuclear force as a pivot,” the spokesman said, according to KCNA.“We will take the toughest counteraction against the provocateurs in order to defend ourselves by the powerful force of arms.”Last week’s US strike against a Syrian base is also being seen as a warning to North Korea after Donald Trump said Washington was prepared to act alone if China failed to exert more pressure on its neighbor to halt its missile and nuclear weapons programmes.
    North Korea again defied UN resolutions banning it from developing ballistic missile technology with another test-launch on the eve of Trump’s summit with the Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, in Florida last week.White House officials have signalled that all options – including pre-emptive strikes – remain on the table in addressing North Korea’s steady advance towards developing long-range missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead as far as the US mainland.The nuclear-powered Carl Vinson’s presence in the area coincides with speculation that North Korea could be preparing to conduct its sixth nuclear test to coincide with key dates in the country’s history, including the 105th anniversary of the birth of its founder, Kim Il-sung, on Saturday.China’s foreign ministry, meanwhile, has played down reports that Beijing has deployed 150,000 troops to its border with North Korea.Hua Chunying, a foreign ministry spokesperson, told reporters she was “not aware” of such a mobilisation by the People’s Liberation Army along the 880-mile border. In the past, similar reports had been proven “groundless and false,” Hua claimed.However, with regional tensions building ahead of Saturday’s Kim Il-sung commemorations, Hua said China was “closely following” developments on the Korean peninsula.“We believe that, given the current situation, all relevant parties should exercise restraint and avoid activities that may escalate the tension.”
    Read more at: http://www.neonnettle.com/news/2058-north-korea-confirms-preparation-for-war-with-us-is-complete
    © Neon Nettle

  7. Upvote
  8. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Russia Bans Jehovah’s Witnesses After Religious Right Hailed Putin As Christian Hero   
    @bruceq Any Link? Just in case they doubt it? ?‍?

    A US Ambassador and former presidential advisor has claimed that the power outages across the US yesterday were caused by an attack by North Korea and has warned that this first wave was merely a test, and they have the capability to "shut down North America for years", adding that the United States has "no defence against such an attack". 
  9. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in North Korea Will Quicken More Blackouts ?⚫️   

  10. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to bruceq in Russia Bans Jehovah’s Witnesses After Religious Right Hailed Putin As Christian Hero   
    Russia Bans Jehovah’s Witnesses After Religious Right Hailed Putin As Christian Hero
    By Brian Tashman | April 21, 2017 11:27 am  
    For years, American Religious Right activists praised Russian president Vladimir Putin as a champion of Christianity and conservative morality, even as his government was taking steps to curb the rights of religious minorities, including evangelical Christians and groups like Jehovah’s Witnesses. Putin even sponsored militias that targeted Protestants in eastern Ukraine and signed a law banning evangelism by non-Orthodox religions. None of this seemed to matter to the U.S. Religious Right as long as Putin kept up his war against the LGBTQ community. It was Barack Obama, they said, who was truly persecuting Christians by supporting equal rights for LGBTQ people in America and around the world.
    Today, Russia moved even further in its crackdown on religious freedom when the nation’s supreme court sided with the government in outlawing the Jehovah’s Witnesses, a long-persecuted group.
    As the Washington Post reported, the high court “ruled that the group’s St. Petersburg headquarters and 395 churches could be seized and liquidated. All church activities, including worship and door-to-door evangelizing, were banned. Those who defy the ruling face a fine of several thousand dollars and six to 10 years in prison.” The Russian government argued that the denomination threatened “public order and public security” and was an “extremist” group.
    The Post added that Jehovah’s Witnesses have already faced “assault, vandalism, seizures and raids on houses of worship and dozens of arrests,” and some fear that the decision “may make it easier for the Kremlin to go after religious minorities in general.”
    Like Jehovah’s Witnesses, many evangelical Christian groups are also viewed by the Russian government, which has increasingly sponsored the Russian Orthodox Church, as cults and extremist organizations. Newsweek adds that the government has targeted not only Jehovah’s Witnesses and evangelical Christians but also Mormons and Seventh-Day Adventists.
    Evangelist Franklin Graham is among the American conservatives who have hailed Putin, thanking him for “protecting Russian young people against homosexual propaganda” and “protecting traditional Christianity.”
    Graham even picked Moscow as a location for his conference on defending the freedoms of Christians. However, organizers had to cancel once Putin outlawed proselytizing.
    We will wait to see if Graham and others will stand up for the long-persecuted Jehovah’s Witnesses.
  11. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work."   
    "God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work."—Heb. 6:10.
    Jehovah Is an Appreciative God
    Jehovah would consider it unrighteous on his part if he were to show a lack of appreciation.  Says Hebrews 6:10: “God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name, in that you have ministered to the holy ones and continue ministering.” What makes this statement remarkable is that God shows appreciation for devoted people even though they are sinners and fall short of his glory.—Romans 3:23.
    Because of our imperfection, we may feel that our deeds of godly devotion are insignificant and unworthy of God’s blessing.
    Jehovah, though, fully understands our motives and circumstances, and he truly values our whole-souled service. (Matthew 22:37) 
    Being fully aware of our motives and limitations, Jehovah appreciates it when we give him our best, whether that is a little or a lot. In this regard, Jesus was a perfect reflection of his Father. 
    How did Jehovah reward Joseph?
    The Bible was written for our benefit. In it we find many examples of how God rewarded his faithful servants in the past. (Romans 15:4) 
    Joseph was an excellent example of this. First, his brothers sold him as a slave. Later, his master’s wife falsely accused him and he was sent to an Egyptian prison. When Joseph was in prison, was he separated from Jehovah? Not at all! The Bible says: “Jehovah continued with Joseph and kept showing loyal love to him,” and “Jehovah was with Joseph and Jehovah made whatever he did successful.” (Genesis 39:21, 23) Even through those difficult times, Joseph waited patiently on his God.
    Years later, Pharaoh released Joseph from prison, and this humble slave became the second most powerful ruler in Egypt. (Genesis 41:1, 37-43) When Joseph and his wife had two sons, “Joseph named the firstborn Manasseh, for he said, ‘God has made me forget all my trouble and all the house of my father.’ And he named the second one Ephraim, for he said, ‘God has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction.’” (Genesis 41:51, 52)
    Jehovah rewarded Joseph’s loyalty, and he was able to save both the Israelites and the Egyptians from famine. And Joseph knew that it was Jehovah who had rewarded him and blessed him.—Genesis 45:5-9.
    "Dios no es injusto para olvidar tu trabajo." - Heb. 6:10.
    Jehová es un Dios Apreciador
    Jehová la consideraría injusta si mostraba una falta de aprecio. Dice Hebreos 6:10: "Dios no es injusto para olvidar tu trabajo y el amor que has mostrado por su nombre, en que has ministrado a los santos y continuas ministrando". Lo que hace esta declaración notable es que Dios muestra aprecio Para los devotos, aunque sean pecadores y estén destituidos de su gloria. (Romanos 3:23).
    Debido a nuestra imperfección, podemos sentir que nuestros actos de devoción piadosa son insignificantes e indignos de la bendición de Dios.
    Jehová, sin embargo, entiende completamente nuestros motivos y circunstancias, y él realmente valora nuestro servicio de toda la alma. (Mateo 22:37)
    Siendo plenamente conscientes de nuestros motivos y limitaciones, Jehová lo aprecia cuando le damos lo mejor de nosotros, ya sea un poco o mucho. En este sentido, Jesús fue un perfecto reflejo de su Padre.
    ¿Cómo recompensó Jehová a José?
    La Biblia fue escrita para nuestro beneficio. En ella encontramos muchos ejemplos de cómo Dios recompensó a sus siervos fieles en el pasado. (Romanos 15: 4)
    José fue un excelente ejemplo de esto. Primero, sus hermanos lo vendieron como esclavo. Más tarde, la esposa de su amo lo acusó falsamente y fue enviado a una prisión egipcia. Cuando José estaba en la cárcel, ¿estaba separado de Jehová? ¡De ningún modo! La Biblia dice: "Jehová continuó con José y le mostró amor leal", y "Jehová estaba con José y Jehová hizo todo lo que hizo exitoso" (Génesis 39:21, 23). A pesar de esos tiempos difíciles, José esperó pacientemente En su Dios.
    Años más tarde, Faraón liberó a José de la prisión, y este humilde esclavo se convirtió en el segundo gobernante más poderoso de Egipto. (Génesis 41: 1, 37-43) Cuando José y su esposa tuvieron dos hijos, "José llamó al primogénito Manasés, porque dijo: 'Dios me ha hecho olvidar todo mi trabajo y toda la casa de mi padre'. Nombró al segundo Efraín, porque dijo: "Dios me ha hecho fructífero en la tierra de mi aflicción." (Génesis 41:51, 52)
    Jehová recompensó la lealtad de José, y pudo salvar tanto a los israelitas como a los egipcios del hambre. Y José sabía que Jehová lo había recompensado y lo había bendecido. (Génesis 45: 5-9.

  12. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "It is enough! Now, O Jehovah, take my life away."   
    "It is enough! Now, O Jehovah, take my life away."—1 Ki. 19:4.
    You prove that you are “in the faith” when you do all you can for Jehovah
     (a) What negative feelings did Elijah have? (b) Why might Elijah have felt as he did?
    The prophet Elijah was loyal to Jehovah and had strong faith. Yet, at one point he felt so disappointed that he asked Jehovah to put him to death, saying: “It is enough! Now, O Jehovah, take my life away.” (1 Kings 19:4) Those who have never felt so desperate might think that Elijah’s prayer was just “wild talk.” (Job 6:3) But his feelings were real. Note that rather than becoming angry with Elijah, Jehovah helped him.
    Why did Elijah have such feelings? Shortly before this, Elijah performed a miracle that proved that Jehovah is the true God. After this miracle, 450 prophets of Baal were executed. (1 Kings 18:37-40) Elijah likely hoped that God’s people would now return to pure worship, but that did not happen. Wicked Queen Jezebel sent a message to Elijah that she was going to kill him.
    Fearing for his life, Elijah ran south from Israel across the land of Judah into the wilderness.—1 Kings 19:2-4.
    While Elijah was alone in the wilderness, he began to think that his work as a prophet was for nothing. He told Jehovah: “I am no better than my forefathers.” He felt as useless as the dust and bones of his dead ancestors. In his opinion, he was a failure and had no value to Jehovah or to anyone else.
    How did God show Elijah that He still valued him?
    But the Almighty had a different opinion of Elijah. Elijah remained valuable to Jehovah, and he made sure that Elijah knew that. God sent an angel to strengthen him.
    Jehovah also gave Elijah food and drink that would help him endure his 40-day trip south to Mount Horeb. When Elijah felt that no other Israelites had remained faithful to Jehovah, God kindly corrected his wrong idea. Notice, too, that Jehovah gave Elijah new assignments, which he accepted. Elijah was helped by Jehovah, and as a result, he had new energy and returned to his work as a prophet.—1 Kings 19:5-8, 15-19.
    How has Jehovah strengthened you?
    You can use Elijah’s experience to confirm that you are “in the faith” and to develop a positive attitude. First, think of the ways Jehovah has supported you. Has an elder or another mature Christian given you help at the right time? (Galatians 6:2)
    Have the Bible, our Christian publications, and the meetings helped you to feel that Jehovah cares about you? The next time you are helped in one of these ways, think about where this help really comes from, and remember to thank Jehovah in prayer.—Psalm 121:1, 2.
    Our value to Jehovah does not depend on how much we do for him

  13. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from JayDubya in Who is Gog of Magog Mentioned in the Book of Ezekiel?   
    Who is Gog of Magog mentioned in the book of Ezekiel?
    When we compare all these Scriptural references about the final attack on God’s people, it becomes evident that the name Gog of Magog refers, not to Satan, but to a coalition of nations. Will this coalition be led by the figurative “king of the north”? We cannot say with any certainty. But this thought does seem to be in harmony with what Jehovah says about Gog: “You will come from your place, from the remotest parts of the north, you and many peoples with you, all of them riding on horses, a great assembly, a vast army.”—Ezek. 38:6, 15.
    Similarly, the prophet Daniel, who was a contemporary of Ezekiel, says of the king of the north: “Reports out of the east and out of the north will disturb him, and he will go out in a great rage to annihilate and to devote many to destruction. And he will plant his royal tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; and he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him.” (Dan. 11:44, 45) This clearly parallels what the book of Ezekiel says about Gog’s activities.—Ezek. 38:8-12, 16.
    What occurs next as a result of this final attack? Daniel tells us: “During that time Michael [Jesus Christ] will stand up [at Armageddon], the great prince who is standing [since 1914] in behalf of your people. And there will occur a time of distress [the great tribulation] such as has not occurred since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape, everyone who is found written down in the book.” (Dan. 12:1) This action on the part of God’s representative Jesus is also described at Revelation 19:11-21.


  14. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Geetha Mathew in Do Not Associate With One Who Gossips ? ?   
    Make a habit of shutting down conversations that aim to tear         others down. 
    19 "A slanderer goes about revealing confidential talk; Do not associate with one who loves to gossip." (Prov 20:19) NWT

  15. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from JayDubya in Putin Signs Law Allowing Russian Court To Overthrow International Human Rights Rulings   
    @INTREPID TRAVELLER We must watch, perhaps it means the United Nations will take over. They are all puppets in Jehovah's hand. Yes as Christians of the true God Jehovah we rely and have faith in Him. He is right now acting in accord to His purpose. Bible Speaks
  16. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Is the USA Preparing for World War III?   
    @Micah Ong We must put complete confidence in Our Lord Jesus as Head of the Congregations. Jehovah will bring justice soon!  ? Keep advancing the Kingdom. He is now dissolving all things that are false so we have no fear Jehovah is near! We need this strong faith to survive this. 'Keep commenting and encouraging one another' Agape,          Bible Speaks ???
    I posted yesterday on North Korea. Elections are coming tomorrow and the people are starting to revolt against the present ruler, very interesting to watch what happens next? 
    As information of the outside world begins to trickle into the people of North Korea following the recent defections from high-ranking North Korean officials, the nation begins to revolt and rise up against their leader, Kim Jong Un.

  17. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to bruceq in Is the USA Preparing for World War III?   
    Japanese destroyers join US strike group amid tensions on Korean Peninsula
    Published time: 21 Apr, 2017 14:52 Get short URL FILE PHOTO. U.S. Navy and Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force ships. © U.S. Navy / Reuters   Two Japanese Navy destroyers have joined the carrier strike group ‘USS Carl Vinson’ heading towards the Korean Peninsula for a massive show of force as North Korea prepares to mark the 85th anniversary of the foundation of its military. The Japanese warships, destroyers ‘Ashigara’ and ‘Samidare’, left the navy’s Sasebo base early on Friday for a rendezvous with the ‘USS Carl Vinson’ group off North Korean shores, NHK reports.
    Defense Ministry officials said the details of the joint US-Japan naval exercise are yet to be determined. The drill comes as an apparent show of force aimed at deterring North Korea, which will mark the 85th anniversary of the foundation of its military next week.
    Read more
    Trump’s ‘armada’ turns toward North Korea as White House defends misleading remarks
    Though little is known about the naval exercise, the event was announced by the Japanese Navy earlier last week.
    “Japan wants to dispatch several destroyers as the ‘Carl Vinson’ enters the East China Sea,” said one of the Japanese military sources, as cited by Reuters.
    The source added that the drills would involve helicopter landings on both American and Japanese ships as well as communications training.
    The American strike group includes Nimitz-class aircraft carrier ‘USS Carl Vinson’ with her air wing, Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers ‘USS Wayne E. Meyer’ and ‘USS Michael Murphy’, as well as Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser ‘USS Lake Champlain’.
    The strike group will operate in the region under the operational control of the 3rd Fleet as part of the 3rd Fleet Forward initiative, according to the US Navy. 
    Its arrival to the Western Pacific was marked by a string of conflicting statements from the White House and the Pentagon. Last week, US President Donald Trump told Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo that “we are sending an armada, very powerful. We have submarines, very powerful – far more powerful than the aircraft carrier.”
    The news, however, was downplayed by US military officials after it emerged that the strike group was heading to Australia instead of the Korean Peninsula. Some American media reported that the USS Carl Vinson and her escort ships were operating near Indonesia.
    Read more N. Korea could have sarin-tipped missiles, Japanese PM says ahead of Pyongyang's ‘big event’ Earlier this week, a senior White House official accused the military of misleading the president and his team about the deployment of the ‘Carl Vinson’, according to the Wall Street Journal.
    Defense Secretary James Mattis provided a rather vague statement, saying: “The Vinson, as I’ve said on the record, was operating up and down the western Pacific … And that is, we’re shifting her, instead of continuing one direction as she pulled out of Singapore she’s going to continue part of our cruise down in that region, but she was on her way up to Korea.”
    The latest flare-up in tension between the US and North Korea has been triggered by reports that the state was about to conduct its sixth nuclear test or fire a nuclear-capable ballistic missile. Washington threatened to solve the ‘North Korean problem’ unilaterally, arguing that Pyongyang poses a threat to US interests in the region.
    North Korea said it was ready to defend itself with all means available, including weapons of mass destruction. In a series of extraordinary statements, China, North Korea’s main trading partner and ally, warned that the region was on the brink of an all-out war.
    Russia, which shares a land border with the hermit state, urged all parties to refrain from the use of military force.
  18. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Putin Signs Law Allowing Russian Court To Overthrow International Human Rights Rulings   
    @INTREPID TRAVELLER We must watch, perhaps it means the United Nations will take over. They are all puppets in Jehovah's hand. Yes as Christians of the true God Jehovah we rely and have faith in Him. He is right now acting in accord to His purpose. Bible Speaks
  19. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to bruceq in A major milestone: the first official prosecutor's warning to a Jehovah's Witness about gathering AT HIS HOME for praying and reading the Bible   
    Here we have a major milestone: the first official prosecutor's warning to a Jehovah's Witness about gathering AT HIS HOME for praying and reading the Bible with a threat of criminal prosecution.
    Source: http://echo.msk.ru/doc/1967462-echo.html
  20. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to bruceq in "WE WILL GO UNDERGROUND—WE WILL NOT ABANDON OUR FAITH"   
    Kazan Jehovah's Witnesses sure to carry on
    Thousands of members of the Kazan congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses are outlawed.
    Experts are sure that they will not simply surrender.
     by Damara Khairulina, Tatyana Mamaeva
    Real Time, 21 April 2017
    The Russian Supreme Court ruled the organization "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" to be extremist and it banned its activity. Thereby the activity of Jehovah's Witnesses will be prohibited and all property will be confiscated for state use. Experts questioned by Real Time suppose that the organization will without fail appeal the court's decision, and the ban on the activity will evoke a "hysterical" reaction. Representatives themselves of the regional committee of Witnesses declare that the adherents of the organization will be forced to go underground.
    Extremist organization
    Yesterday the Russian Supreme Court found the Jehovah's Witnesses to be an extremist organization, liquidated it, and prohibited its activity on the territory of the country. Thereby the plaintiff's demand of the Russian Ministry of Justice was granted. The court ordered the immediate cessation of the activity of all 395 divisions of the Jehovah's Witnesses on the territory of the country and the conversion of the organization's property into state income.
    Yet earlier, on 3 March, the Russian Ministry of Justice suspended the activity of the religious organization "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" because of its conducting extremist activity. On 6 April the ministry demanded through the court the confiscation of the organization's property.
    The Ministry of Justice maintains that the organization distributes extremist literature. The ministry also found extremism in the activity of the local organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Birobidzhan.
    According to 2015 data, there were 408 registered local religious organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses. In Tatarstan alone there are five. The earliest of the functioning registered groups was in the city of Zainsk (1996) and a year later a division appeared in Nizhnekamsk. In January 2001 a local religious organization was registered in Kazan and in 2002, in Nabereshny Chelny and Almetevsk.
    They hang a label on us
    Representatives of the Kazan division of Witnesses say that their organization is peace-loving and has no indicators of extremism. Moreover, the "Jehovah's Witnesses are people who submit to authority."
    "Our fellow believers have never been observed in demonstrations of protest against the existing authorities or in the use of arms and violence. It is out of the ordinary and it has never happened," says Artem Emelianov, the chairman of the committee of the religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses of Kazan.
    "The most serious accusation is the existence of literature that has been ruled extremist. In Taganrog there was a trial and our fellow believes were given a suspended sentence for that. In Tatarstan we have not faced anything similar, which makes us happy," Vitaly Solianik, a representative of the organization in Kazan, added.
    Speaking of whether the financing of the organization could go to financing extremist groups, Solianik noted that the Witnesses "continually give account before the Ministry of Justice" and that is theoretically impossible. And actually, in the data base Spark-Interfax scheduled inspections of the Ministry of Justice are recorded.
    "We provide contracted expenses for every kopek. The Ministry of Justice verifies us and no violations have ever been found where we use means other than as intended. There have been no claims in this regard against us."
    Representatives of the organization say that now the number of adherents of the Witnesses in Kazan may constitute about 1,000 persons.
    "We are restricted. We cannot conduct congresses or rent facilities. If we make an agreement, the action is cut off," Emelianov says. "They hang on us the label of extremists. Supposedly our literature enflames religious hostility, which does not correspond to reality."
    At the same time the Kazan Jehovists maintain that all literature that was previously ruled to be extremist is immediately removed after the bans.
    Totalitarian, destructive sect
    However the official position of the Russian Orthodox Church is unambiguous.
    "Naturally, the Jehovah's Witnesses are a totalitarian, destructive sect, and it is as such a sect that the RPTs deals with them," the monastic priest Viacheslav told Real Time; he is the chairman of the Kazan diocese Department for Combating Drug Addiction and Alcoholism. "How are the Jehovah's Witnesses dangerous? They zombify people. They turn them against traditional confessions. They have a whole string of stupid prohibitions that are harmful for believers. For example, the prohibition on blood transfusion. In essence, they are not Christians, they interpret the Bible very freely, and they do not recognize Christ. I think that they are a far from poor organization; their center is located in America and so you can conclude who finances them."
    The hieromonk also noted that the organization is not recognized "even by protestants."
    "In various countries they are treated differently; where there is so-called 'liberty' they prosper. For example, in Ukraine there is a large sect. And what did this lead to? To Jehovah's Witnesses."
    Representatives of Islam treat the Witnesses no less critically
    "From the point of view of our Muslims, they do a great deal to, say, incite inter-ethnic strife. In particular, for a long time representatives of this group, sect, congregation went about apartments and offered also in Kazan colorful books substituting terminology. People took these books but then they came to the mosque with questions: 'What is this literature in which everything is turned upside down,'" Farid Salman, the director of the Center for the Study of the Holy Quran and the Pure Sunna.
    It is rather difficult to become a Jehovah's Witness
    Representatives of the Kazan division of the organization talk about the attitude toward them in society, that is often explained by prevailing incorrect stereotypes. For example, whether to accept the procedure of blood transfusion, each adherent has the right to decide for himself, Emelianov says.
    "As regards blood transfusion, in many countries the method of blood transfusion is considered dangerous. There is the danger of contracting HIV, hepatitis, and various causes of allergic reactions. Many civilized countries reject this method. We also wish for ourselves only good. Each of our fellow believers chooses what fits them. There is no prohibition. That is a myth."
    Emelianov calls a stereotype the opinion established in society that Witnesses sign over their property to the organization, and that people are forced to join the Witnesses by coercion.
    "Actually, it is rather difficult to become a Witness. One must give up smoking if they smoked, reject the use of drugs, reject a profligate lifestyle, register one's marriage, and make serious changes in life. Not everyone is ready for such changes. And in order to cease to be a member if a person ceases to conduct a proper form of life. Nobody will persecute him—that's a myth."
    The Kazan subdivision has published accountability and according to its data it is not especially wealthy, although many Orthodox parishes could envy such financial indicators. According to data of Rosstat, according to the results of 2015, the capital and reserve of the Kazan local religious organization was 13.6 million rubles. Of these, 5.2 million were tangible assets. In the year, the organization received income and other valuables of 5.1 million rubles. That is, approximately 5,000 for each member of the organization. There are not data on official finances of the other four Tatarstan organizations.
    Is forbidden fruit sweet?
    On the question of what Kazan Jehovists will do in the future, they answer confidently: "We will go underground; you do not abandon the faith." And at the same time Jehovists plan to defend their organization in court.
    Vadim Kozlov, the executive director of the Kazan inter-regional center of expert analysis also suggests that the organization will really not surrender its position so simply, and that there is more than one judicial proceeding ahead.
    "I think this is not the last (trial—ed. note), not the end. Because this organization has a powerful legal service. I think that international instances also will be involved including diplomatic channels on the part of the USA, where the headquarters of this organization is based. I think for our jurisprudence this is a precedent. It is quite possible that by analogy such decisions will be rendered for other organizations also that have indicators of the presence of extremism."
    Confirmation of these words came on the day after the Supreme Court's decision. The European Service of Foreign Policy, that is responsible for the foreign policy of the European Union, declared that members of the Jehovah's Witnesses organization in Russia should enjoy the right to freedom of assembly without hindrance.
    At the same time, the ban on the activity of the organization will lead to an increase in the number of its adherents, Alexander Mikhailov, a general-major of the FSB reserve, is sure.
    "This is a real totalitarian sect, representing a danger for the physical and moral health of people. It is very aggressive in attracting devotees to itself. I even predict a formal increase in the numbers of this sect; a ban always has an attractive character" Mikhailov speculates.
    Mikhailov recalls that liquidation of an organization has often been tried in Russia.
    "Any prohibition, and especially in regard to totalitarian sects, creates conditions for the sect to go underground. What form will this take? I find it hard to say. Our legislation forbids, speaking conditionally, conducting religious rituals outside of houses of worship. We have already dealt with this in soviet times, when we pursued these sects with fearsome force about the expanse of the universe. But they still assembled in apartments.
    The interlocutor is sure that the ban will inevitably evoke a counter reaction: "It will be hysterical and notable. The ban of an organization is not effective. People will not change their views." (tr. by PDS, posted 21 April 2017)

    Russian original posted on Portal-Credo.Ru, 21 April 2017
  21. Upvote
    @ARchiv@L I found it on Facebook ?‍?
  22. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from The Librarian in North Korea - The Nation Begins To Revolt Against Their Leader Kim Jong Un   
    As information of the outside world begins to trickle into the people of North Korea following the recent defections from high-ranking North Korean officials, the nation begins to revolt and rise up against their leader, Kim Jong Un.

  23. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from bruceq in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    @bruceq So is the Russian Orthodox Church next? ?????

  24. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Jehovah Is With Us In Life's Storms!   
    3 "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you." (Psalms 56:3)
    Be Wise—Fear God!
    “The fear of Jehovah is the start of wisdom.”—PROVERBS 9:10.
    On one occasion, David sought refuge with Achish, king of the Philistine city of Gath, the home of Goliath. (1 Samuel 21:10-15) 
    The king’s servants denounced David as an enemy of their nation. How did David react in that dangerous situation? He poured out his heart in prayer to Jehovah. (Psalm 56:1-4, 11-13) 
    Although he had to feign insanity to get away, David knew that it was really Jehovah who had delivered him by blessing his efforts. David’s wholehearted reliance on Jehovah and confidence in him showed that David was truly God-fearing.—Psalm 34:4-6, 9-11.
    How can we show godly fear under trial, as David did?
    Like David, we can show fear of God by trusting in his promise to help us cope with our problems. “Roll upon Jehovah your way, and rely upon him, and he himself will act,” said David. (Psalm 37:5) 
    This does not mean that we simply hand our problems over to Jehovah without doing what we can about them and expect him to act in our behalf. David did not pray to God for help and then leave matters at that. He used the physical and intellectual abilities that Jehovah granted him and tackled the problem at hand. 
    Yet, David knew that human efforts alone could not be counted on for success. So it should be with us. Having done everything within our power, we must leave the rest to Jehovah. In fact, often there is nothing we can do but rely on Jehovah. 
    This is where the fear of God comes into the picture in a very personal way. We can take comfort in David’s heartfelt expression: “The intimacy with Jehovah belongs to those fearful of him.”—Psalm 25:14.
    2 pictures 1 moving, 1 Gif 
  25. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in BOOKS ON PERSECUTION OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES IN RUSSIA   
    “The Supreme Court’s ruling to shut down the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia is a terrible blow to freedom of religion and association in Russia,” said Rachel Denber, deputy Europe and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia are now given the heartrending choice of either abandoning their faith or facing punishment for practicing it.”
    The ruling declares the Jehovah’s Witnesses Administrative Center an extremist organization, closes the organization on those grounds, and bans all Jehovah’s Witnesses’ activities. The Jehovah’s Witnesses Administrative Center is the head office for 395 Jehovah’s Witnesses branches throughout Russia.
    If the ruling enters into force, people who continue to be involved with Jehovah’s Witnesses organization or their activities in Russia could face criminal prosecution and punishment ranging from fines of 300,00 to 600,000 rubles (US$5,343 to $10,687) to a maximum of six to 10 years in prison. People found to be leading such activity would face a maximum 10 years. The organization’s property will be confiscated. Jehovah’s Witnesses will not be able to congregate for worship at their church or anywhere else.

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