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Bible Speaks

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in The French want to make society safe for religion by banning so-called cults - FROM 2014   
    @bruceq Is this too BOLD to post? 
     Concerning Babylon the Great, the book of Revelation says, “the kings of the earth . . . will weep and beat themselves in grief over her, when they look at the smoke from the burning of her, while they stand at a distance because of their fear of her torment [Gr., ba·sa·ni·smouʹ].” (Re 18:9, 10) As to the meaning of the torment, an angel later explains: “Thus with a swift pitch will Babylon the great city be hurled down, and she will never be found again.” (Re 18:21) So, fiery torment here is parallel with destruction, and in the case of Babylon the Great, it is everlasting destruction.—Compare Re 17:16; 18:8, 15-17, 19.

  2. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to bruceq in The French want to make society safe for religion by banning so-called cults - FROM 2014   
    "the French state does more than maintain the secular dress code: it actively investigates and prosecutes groups it considers a threat to the state as cults. That includes Jehovah’s Witnesses" https://www.pri.org/stories/2014-07-12/french-want-make-society-safe-religion-banning-so-called-cults
    Donald J. Trump    ✔@realDonaldTrump Another terrorist attack in Paris. The people of France will not take much more of this. Will have a big effect on presidential election!
    6:32 AM - 21 Apr 2017 IF THIS PERSON Le Pen BECOMES PRESIDENT OF FRANCE WHAT DO YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN THERE TO RELIGIONS? ALSO SEE : How France's election could have a big impact on the US http://www.foxnews.com/world/2017/04/21/how-frances-election-could-have-big-impact-on-us.html
  3. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in RUSSIA: Jehovah’s Witnesses Mobilize Global Response to Threat of Ban in Russia   
    @John Lindsay Barltrop Concerning Babylon the Great, the book of Revelation says, “the kings of the earth . . . will weep and beat themselves in grief over her, when they look at the smoke from the burning of her, while they stand at a distance because of their fear of her torment [Gr., ba·sa·ni·smouʹ].” (Re 18:9, 10) As to the meaning of the torment, an angel later explains: “Thus with a swift pitch will Babylon the great city be hurled down, and she will never be found again.” (Re 18:21) So, fiery torment here is parallel with destruction, and in the case of Babylon the Great, it is everlasting destruction.—Compare Re 17:16; 18:8, 15-17, 19.

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  4. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from bruceq in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    @bruceq So is the Russian Orthodox Church next? ?????

  5. Upvote
  6. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to bruceq in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    only "one" religion has been banned in Russia.out of over 2,000 religions there according to the U.N. and other sources JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES.
     "The Supreme Court’s decision was the largest ban on the activities of a religious movement since the disintegration of the Soviet Union" TASS NEWS April 21, 2017 http://tass.com/politics/942578
    Now why would it bother critics and opposers and apostates that we are the ONLY ONE???
  7. Upvote
  8. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to bruceq in MOST READ NEWS ITEM IN RUSSIA TASS: "Expert warns Russia’s ban on Jehovah’s Witnesses can spark backlash in EU " The Supreme Court’s decision was the largest ban on the activities of a religious movement since the disintegration of the Soviet Union   
    Expert warns Russia’s ban on Jehovah’s Witnesses can spark backlash in EU
    Russian Politics & Diplomacy April 21, 14:56UTC+3
    The Supreme Court’s decision was the largest ban on the activities of a religious movement since the disintegration of the Soviet Union Share 30               Russia's Supreme Court judge Yuri Ivanenko reads the decision to brand the Jehovah's Witnesses an extremist organization in Russia
    © AP Photo/Ivan Sekretarev MOSCOW, April 21. /TASS/. Classifying Jehovah’s Witnesses as an extremist organization in Russia could trigger a great amout of backlash from EU members and the United States where its activities are allowed, Russian religious studies scholar and leading research fellow of the Center for Religion and Society Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Europe, Roman Lunkin, said in an interview with TASS.
    Situation forecast
    "After the Supreme Court ruling, Russia will appear in all reports on religious freedom as a country violating this freedom. Besides, this decision will be condemned by all Western countries. The Jehovah’s Witnesses ruling can become a symbol of violating the right to religious freedom," he noted.
    Berlin troubled over Jehovah’s Witnesses' ban in Russia EU rushes to defend Jehovah’s Witnesses banned by Russia’s Supreme Court Russia’s Supreme Court bans Jehovah’s Witnesses as extremist organization Jehovah’s Witnesses former members tell court they were subjected to ‘total control’ Jehovah’s Witnesses broke law on extremism — Justice Ministry Russia designates myriad of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ materials as extremist  
    Commenting on the religious organization’s plans to take the case to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), the expert indicated that the court’s decision is unlikely to affect its fate. "I am sure that, if Jehovah’s Witnesses files a petition with the European court, it will make a decision in favor of the believers," he contended.
    Lunkin recalled that Russia pays fines on the court’s ruling, but "there is no mechanism to review the cases in which the ECHR overturned the original verdicts. "That’s why, in my opinion, the ECHR decision and outrage by international institutions are unlikely to affect the organization’s fate in Russia," he emphasized.
      When asked about the organization’s future activities, Lunkin noted that changing its name is impossible.
    "Proceeding from hard-line ideology, no rebranding is possible. There will be no change of image or (the organization’s) name. After a ban practically all believers, and there are more than 100,000 of them, will turn themselves into members of illegal religious groups," he noted, adding that the Supreme Court’s decision was the largest ban on the activities of a religious movement since the disintegration of the Soviet Union.
    Court ruling
    On Thursday, Russia’s Supreme Court declared Jehovah’s Witnesses to be an extremist organization and outlawed its activity throughout Russia, thereby upholding the Justice Ministry’s requests. The court ordered the immediate shutdown of all 395 local chapters of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia and transferred the organization’s assets into state custody.
    READ ALSO Everything you need to know about Jehovah’s Witnesses  
    Jehovah’s Witnesses said it would appeal the decision. The organization’s spokesman said if the appellate panel of Supreme Court judges upheld Thursday’s verdict, the case would be taken to the European Court of Human Rights.
    Jehovah’s Witnesses is an international religious organization that supports offbeat views on the essence of the Christian faith and provides special interpretations of many commonly accepted notions. In Russia, it had 21 local chapters but three of them were shut down for extremism.

  9. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to bruceq in Jehovah's Witnesses Framed By Russia In Courtroom   
    That is bizarre. Are the Russian Government really that stupid as to think that would work. They are fighting against the only true God Jehovah. Apparently even tho the students showed up hours before Jehovah filled the courtroom with his people somehow !!! I guess no one saw them go in to fill it. I think I have seen something like this before in the Bible.
  10. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Jehovah's Witnesses Framed By Russia In Courtroom   
    I think they are trying to add propaganda into it all. But notice it didn't work? Hmmm think perhaps there is protection from Satan's claws? Like pharaoh said; Who is Jehovah?!? He learned the hard way. I love Psalms chapter 2 all it's verses Jehovah is in Heaven laughing at these nations. They will know I AM JEHOVAH he  says! Wow! ?????
  11. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to JW Insider in When Will The Great Tribulation Come?   
    I saw the following in my "Notifications" and I thought the Great Tribulation had started 15 hours ago, and I had missed it:

  12. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in When Will The Great Tribulation Come?   
    @JW Insider We won't know until Jehovah reveals it! 
  13. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in The One That Shows Insight In A Matter Will Find Success ?   
    20 "The one who shows insight in a matter will find success, And happy is the one trusting in Jehovah."
     (Proverbs 16:20)
    Strengthen Your Marriage Through Good Communication
    A successful marriage is, indeed, the product of hard work. But the results include immeasurable happiness. Mates who love each other can truly enjoy their life together. (Eccl. 9:9)
     Consider the loving marriage of Isaac and Rebekah. (Gen. 24:67) Even after they had spent some time together as husband and wife, there is no indication that their affection for each other had waned. 
    The same can be said of many couples today. Their secret? They have learned to convey their thoughts and feelings to each other honestly, yet kindly, by cultivating and displaying insight, love, deep respect, and humility. 
    The best source of insight and wisdom is God’s Word. Genesis 2:18 tells us that God made the woman to be a complement to the man, not a copy of him. Her role is reflected in the way she communicates. Of course, individuals vary, but women generally like to talk about their feelings, people, and relationships. 
    They appreciate warm, intimate communication, for it reassures them that they are loved. On the other hand, many men are less inclined to discuss their feelings and are more likely to talk about activities, problems, and solutions. And men desire to be respected.
    Important for both husband and wife are prayer and a strong desire to improve their communication skills. To be sure, it can be hard to change old ways. But when a couple love Jehovah, ask for his spirit, and view their union as sacred, they have the kind of motivation that many lack. 

  14. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from bruceq in Jehovah's Witnesses Framed By Russia In Courtroom   


  15. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to bruceq in 29 min video on Russian Supreme Court Ruling on JW Broadcasting   
    Very nice , we just finished watching the Broadcast. The parts about how Jehovah is maneuvering events is interesting and shows that he is in control of His people and allowed them to both have the Memorial and Special Talk in peace before the verdict. Also a great Witness has been and will be taking place from here until the appeal. It was stated that many may become interested in the Truth after hearing about this "unjust" verdict and persecution of peaceful people. Jesus said true worshipers would be haled before courts "as a witness". It is true other religions are being restricted but only ONE has gone to the Supreme Court and was given a great Witness to the world and yet it appears this is only the beginning. . 
  16. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in How Is Jesus Christ a "Mighty God?"   
    How Is Jesus Christ a "Mighty God?"
    The Promise of a Prince of Peace
    At the time of his miraculous birth, the one born to be the Messiah received the name Jesus, meaning “Jehovah Is Salvation.”
    But he has other names, prophetic names that outline his key role and his elevated position. One such name is Immanuel, meaning “With Us Is God.” (Isaiah 7:14, footnote) Isaiah now describes another prophetic name: “There has been a child born to us, there has been a son given to us; and the princely rule will come to be upon his shoulder. And his name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6)
    Jesus is also “Mighty God” and “Eternal Father.” This does not mean that he usurps the authority and position of Jehovah, who is “God Our Father.” (2 Corinthians 1:2) “He [Jesus] . . . gave no consideration to a seizure, namely, that he should be equal to God.” (Philippians 2:6) 
    He is called Mighty God, not Almighty God. Jesus never thought of himself as God Almighty, for he spoke of his Father as “the only true God,” that is, the only God who should be worshiped. (John 17:3; Revelation 4:11)
    In the Scriptures, the word “god” can mean “mighty one” or “strong one.” (Exodus 12:12; Psalm 8:5;2 Corinthians 4:4) 
    Before Jesus came to earth, he was “a god,” “existing in God’s form.” After his resurrection, he returned to an even higher position in the heavens. (John 1:1; Philippians 2:6-11) 
    Further, the designation “god” carries an additional implication. Judges in Israel were called “gods”—once by Jesus himself. (Psalm 82:6; John 10:35) 
    Jesus is Jehovah’s appointed Judge, “destined to judge the living and the dead.” (2 Timothy 4:1; John 5:30) 
    Clearly, he is well named Mighty God.

  17. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Arauna in When Will The Great Tribulation Come?   
    Thanks for the article - thanks for embedding links - I used them to go back and revise some of the things I thought I knew well!
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  20. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in I Have Loved You With Everlasting Love - I Have Drawn You With Loyal Love   
    “I have loved you with an everlasting love. That is why I have drawn you to me with loyal love." (Jeremiah 31:3)

  21. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from The Librarian in North Korea - The Nation Begins To Revolt Against Their Leader Kim Jong Un   
    As information of the outside world begins to trickle into the people of North Korea following the recent defections from high-ranking North Korean officials, the nation begins to revolt and rise up against their leader, Kim Jong Un.

  22. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Jehovah's Witnesses Framed By Russia In Courtroom   


  23. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to bruceq in Jehovah's Witnesses administration recalls soviet times   
    Jehovah's Witnesses administration recalls soviet times
    Inasmuch as incidents of "extremist activity were not presented to the court
    Portal-Credo.Ru, 21 April 2017
    "We are disappointed with the decision of the court and we will appeal it without fail, here, in the appellate college of the Supreme Court. If this does not help, there remains only the European court," Yaroslav Sivulsky, a member of the Governing Body of the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, shared the plans of the Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) in connection with the decision made on 20 April by the Russian Supreme Court for liquidation of their religious organizations in Russia, a Portal-Credo.Ru correspondent reports.
    Everybody in attendance in the courtroom was able to be convinced that the position of the plaintiff—the Russian Ministry of Justice—was "absolutely unfounded," Yaroslav Sivulsky thinks. The participants in the trial were left with the impression that the justice ministry did not trouble itself to prepare for the trial, since it was earlier certain of its outcome.
    The fact that in the court not a single incident of extremist activity by JW was presented is viewed in the Governing Body as proof that the trial in the Russian Supreme Court is "simply persecution for faith, persecution for religion."
    "This is, in fact, a return to the repressions that existed in soviet times. Now our country is being plunged into new religious repressions," Yaroslav Sivulsky concluded. (tr. by PDS, posted 21 April 2017)
  24. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to bruceq in Russian security police threaten Jehovah's Witnesses in wake of court's ruling   
    Russian security police threaten Jehovah's Witnesses in wake of court's ruling
    Portal-Credo.Ru, 21 April 2017
    The religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses has still not been ruled to be extremist in Khabarovsk territory. The corresponding decision of the Russian Supreme Court has still not taken legal effect, although after it takes effect an organization and parishioners who will support it face criminal articles, IAAmurMedia was told on 21 April by an employee of the press service of the U.F.S.B. of Russia for Khabarovsk territory, Olga Alkina.
    According to information of the press service of the U.F.S.B. of Russia for Khabarovsk territory, an affiliate of Jehovah's Witnesses exists fully legally as a local religious organization in the region.
    "The decision of the Supreme Court has still not taken legal effect and this will not actually happen in the near future. As far as I know, the Administrative Center has filed an appeal of this decision. How long this litigation will continue is unknown," the employee of the press service of the agency explained.
    If and when the decision takes legal effect, the directorate explained, the activity of the organization will cease, registration in the regional Ministry of Justice will be annulled, and property will be confiscated.
    "Those who thereafter continue to conduct activity will fall under the purview of articles of the Criminal Code of the RF. Besides activists, parishioners who give money may be convicted, since financing extremist activity is also a criminal article," Olga Alkina threatened. (tr. by PDS, posted 21 April 2017)
  25. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to bruceq in European sympathy for Russian Jehovah's Witnesses Growing   
    European sympathy for Russian Jehovah's Witnesses
    Lenta.ru, 21 April 2017
    Brussels came out in support of the religious movement of Jehovah's Witnesses, whose activity was banned on the territory of Russia by decision of the Supreme Court. This is said in a statement published on the website of the European Service of Foreign Affairs, which is responsible for the foreign policy of the European Union (EU).
    "Jehovah's Witnesses, like all other religious organizations, should have the possibility of peacefully enjoying the freedom of assembly, as it is guaranteed by the Russian constitution as well as by international obligations of the Russian federation and world standards of human rights," the European Service of Foreign Affairs notes.
    On 20 April, the Supreme Court ruled the Jehovah's Witnesses to be an extremist organization and prohibited the activity of all 395 divisions operating on the territory of the country. A representative of the Jehovah's Witnesses declared their readiness to turn to the appellate instance, and if necessary to go to the European Court for Human Rights. The decision will take effect after 30 days.
    On 17 March, the Ministry of Justice turned to the Supreme Court with a demand to prohibit Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia because of violations by them of anti-extremism legislation. Several days later the activity of the Administrative Center of the movement in Russia was suspended. The head organization was entered into the list of extremist organizations of the Ministry of Justice.
    In response to this, the Jehovah's Witnesses asked the Supreme Court to recognize them as the victim of political repressions, although after hearing the arguments of the parties the court refused to accept the counter suit.
    Jehovah's Witnesses is an international religious organization with headquarters in New York. In 2015, more than eight million of its followers were counted in the world, and  about 175 thousand of its adherents reside in Russia. Adherents of the movement are accused of neglect for life because of refusal of medical operations and blood transfusion. They also are accused of reluctance to serve in the army. (tr. by PDS, posted 21 April 2017)
    RIA Novosti,  21 April 2017
    The government of Germany expresses its concern about the decision of the Russian Supreme Court which prohibited the activity of the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, an official representative of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Martin Shefer, stated at a briefing in Berlin on 21 April.
    "The government of Germany expresses concern that yesterday Russian justice issued a sentence banning Jehovah's Witnesses," Shefer said.
    He added that he urges Russia "to adhere to international obligations" for protecting "religious liberty."
    On Thursday the Russian Supreme Court ruled the activity of the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia to be extremist and it banned its work. It also ordered the confiscation of the property of the organization. The Ministry of Justice earlier suspended the work of the center until the concluding resolution of the dispute in court. The Administrative Center is preparing an appeal. (tr. by PDS, posted 21 April 2017)
    RIA Novosti, 21 April 2017
    Great Britain is concerned by the decision of the Russian Supreme Court to find the activity of Jehovah's Witnesses to be extremist.
    On 20 April the Russian Supreme Court ruled the activity of the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia to be extremist and it prohibited its work. Representatives of the Jehovah's Witnesses declared their intention to appeal this decision in the European Court for Human Rights. The Germany foreign ministry and the foreign policy service of the European Union came out in defense of the organization.
    "I am disturbed by the decision of the Russian Supreme Court to find Jehovah's Witnesses to be 'extremist.' This ruling, in essence, criminalizes the peaceful religious profession of 175 thousand Russian citizens and it contradicts the right to religious liberty guaranteed by the Russian constitution," a statement by the minister for human rights, Joyce Anelay, says.
    "Great Britain urges the Russian government to observe its international obligations in honoring this basic right," she emphasized.
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