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Bible Speaks

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  1. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from John Lindsay Barltrop in When Will The Great Tribulation Come?   
    "For then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again." (Matthew 24:21)
    What happens after the great tribulation is cut short? Jesus explained that several events will happen before Armageddon begins. These events are mentioned at Ezekiel 38:14-16 andMatthew 24:29-31. 
    Then we will see Armageddon. The battle of Armageddon is the climax of the great tribulation, just as the destruction of Jerusalem was the climax of the first fulfillment of the prophecy. (Malachi 4:1) 
    The great tribulation, with Armageddon as its climax, will be an event such as has not happened “since the world’s beginning.” (Matthew 24:21) After it happens, Christ will rule as King for 1,000 years.
    Great tribulation: The end of this wicked world. First, false religion will be destroyed. Then, there will be a time when Jesus will judge the sheep and the goats and appoint his faithful slave over all the Master’s belongings. Finally, the rest of this system will be destroyed at Armageddon “Coming”: In Jesus’ prophecy in Matthew chapters 24 and 25, Jesus is described as “coming,” or “arriving.” This refers to the time when he comes as Judge of all the nations during the great tribulation http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/402013530?q=matt+24%3A21&p=par
  2. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in When Will The Great Tribulation Come?   
    "For then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again." (Matthew 24:21)
    What happens after the great tribulation is cut short? Jesus explained that several events will happen before Armageddon begins. These events are mentioned at Ezekiel 38:14-16 andMatthew 24:29-31. 
    Then we will see Armageddon. The battle of Armageddon is the climax of the great tribulation, just as the destruction of Jerusalem was the climax of the first fulfillment of the prophecy. (Malachi 4:1) 
    The great tribulation, with Armageddon as its climax, will be an event such as has not happened “since the world’s beginning.” (Matthew 24:21) After it happens, Christ will rule as King for 1,000 years.
    Great tribulation: The end of this wicked world. First, false religion will be destroyed. Then, there will be a time when Jesus will judge the sheep and the goats and appoint his faithful slave over all the Master’s belongings. Finally, the rest of this system will be destroyed at Armageddon “Coming”: In Jesus’ prophecy in Matthew chapters 24 and 25, Jesus is described as “coming,” or “arriving.” This refers to the time when he comes as Judge of all the nations during the great tribulation http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/402013530?q=matt+24%3A21&p=par
  3. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from The Librarian in 19th LIVE UPDATES TRANSCRIPT SUPREME COURT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES VS. RUSSIA   
    @bruceq "little wife"
    Yea that is funny. He is the Lawyer Zhenkov
    Thought it is a WOMAN LAWYER? 
  4. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from The Librarian in 19th LIVE UPDATES TRANSCRIPT SUPREME COURT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES VS. RUSSIA   
    Got pictures if you'd like them? Let me know? ?????????

  5. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from John Lindsay Barltrop in Is the USA Preparing for World War III?   
    It has begun a countdown that only if we remain united with the authentic and discreet slave of Jehovah's Witnesses, will lead us to survive the great tribulation.
     @Queen Esther Soon Jehovah will fight his enemies right before our eyes! May we be strong and put out confidence in Jehovah! He is our Salvation.                 ?????? @Witness 
    Foretold times of divisions and judgement with the house of God. The Lord Jesus will reveal all those doing bad and as it says will clean and bring justice as the Head of the Congregations. I have included scriptures and a link. We all will be tested, yet those in a position of oversight in the Congregation will have judgment first. 
    17 For it is the appointed time for the judgment to start with the house of God.
    Now if it starts first with us, what will the outcome be for those who are not obedient to the good news of God?
     18 “And if the righteous man is being saved with difficulty, what will happen to the ungodly man and the sinner?” 19 So, then, let those who are suffering in harmony with the will of God keep on entrusting themselves to a faithful Creator while they are doing good.." (1 Peter 4:17-18)
    2 However, there also came to be false prophets among the people, as there will also be false teachers among you.
    These will quietly bring in destructive sects, and they will even disown the owner who bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon themselves. 2 Furthermore, many will follow their brazen conduct,and because of them the way of the truth will be spoken of abusively. 3  Also, they will greedily exploit you with counterfeit words. But their judgment, decided long ago,
    is not moving slowly, and their destruction is not sleeping.
    4 Certainly God did not refrain from punishing the angels who sinned, but threw them into Tarʹta·rus, putting them in chains*
    of dense darkness to be reserved for judgment.5 And he did not refrain from punishing an ancient world,
    but kept Noah, a preacher of righteousness,safe with seven others
    when he brought a flood upon a world of ungodly people.6  And by reducing the cities of Sodʹom and Go·morʹrah to ashes, he condemned them, setting a pattern for ungodly people of things to come.7 And he rescued righteous Lot, who was greatly distressed by the brazen conduct*
    of the lawless people— 8 for day after day that righteous man was tormenting his righteous soul over the lawless deeds that he saw and heard while dwelling among them. 9 So, then, Jehovah knows how to rescue people of godly devotion out of trial, but to reserve unrighteous people to be destroyed
    on the day of judgment, 10 especially those who seek to defile the flesh of others
    and who despise authority. Daring and self-willed, they are not afraid to speak abusively of glorious ones, 11  whereas angels, although they are greater in strength and power, do not bring against them an accusation in abusive terms, out of respect for Jehovah.12 But these men, like unreasoning animals that act on instinct and are born to be caught and destroyed, speak abusively about things of which they are ignorant. They will suffer destruction brought on by their own destructive course, 13 suffering harm as their reward for their own harmful course. They consider it pleasurable to indulge in luxurious living,
    even in the daytime. They are spots and blemishes who revel in their deceptive teachings while feasting together with you.
    14 Their eyes are full of adultery and are unable to desist from sin, and they entice unstable ones. They have a heart trained in greed. They are accursed children. 15  Abandoning the straight path, they have been led astray. They have followed the path of Baʹlaam the son of Beʹor, who loved the reward of wrongdoing, 16  but was reproved for his own violation of what was right.
    A voiceless beast of burden speaking with a human voice hindered the prophet’s mad course. 17 These are waterless springs and mists driven by a violent storm, and the blackest darkness has been reserved for them. 18 They make high-sounding statements that are empty. By appealing to the desires of the flesh and with acts of brazen conduct, they entice people who have just escaped from those who live in error. 19  While they are promising them freedom, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for if anyone is overcome by someone, he is his slave. 20  Certainly if after escaping from the defilements of the world by an accurate knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they get involved again with these very things and are overcome, their final state has become worse for them than the first.21 It would have been better for them not to have accurately known the path of righteousness than after knowing it to turn away from the holy commandment they had received. 22 
    What the true proverb says has happened to them: “The dog has returned to its own vomit, and the sow that was bathed to rolling in the mire.” (2 Peter 2:1-22)
    An expression used by the apostle Paul at 2 Thessalonians 2:2, 3 in warning of the greatanti-Christian apostasy that would develop before “the day of Jehovah.” The Greek word for “apostasy” here used, a·po·sta·siʹa, denotes more than a mere falling away, an indifferent sliding back. It means a defection, a revolt, a planned, deliberate rebellion. In ancient papyrus documents a·po·sta·siʹa was used politically of rebels.
    A Religious Revolt. This rebellion, however, is not a political one. It is a religious one, a revolt against Jehovah God and Jesus Christ and therefore against the Christian congregation.
    Foretold. Other forecasts of this apostasy were made by the apostles Paul and Peter both verbally and in writing, and the Lord Jesus Christ himself warned of its coming. In his illustration of the wheat and the weeds (Mt 13), Jesus said that the Devil would sow “weeds,” imitation Christians, “sons of the wicked one,” among the “wheat,” the “sons of the kingdom.” These would exist until the conclusion of the system of things, when they would be identified and ‘burned up.’
    Destroyed. This composite, hypocritical “man of lawlessness” is to be done away with by the Lord Jesus “by the spirit of his mouth” and brought to nothing “by the manifestation of his presence.” The annihilation of this wicked opposer of God will be visible, concrete proof that the Lord Jesus Christ is sitting and acting as Judge. He will not judge according to his own standards, hence the destruction “by the spirit of his mouth” evidently means in expression of Jehovah’s judgment against this wicked class of persons.—2Th 2:8; compare Re 19:21, as to “the long sword . . . which sword proceeded out of his mouth.”

  6. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from John Lindsay Barltrop in RUSSIA: Jehovah’s Witnesses Mobilize Global Response to Threat of Ban in Russia   
    @TrueTomHarley We are living in exciting times! Jehovah is in control. It will not be late! 
    Jehovah Will Not Delay
    “Even if [the vision] should delay, keep in expectation of it; for it willwithout fail come true. It will not belate.”—HABAKKUK 2:3.
  7. Upvote
  8. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Melinda Mills in Words Which by Their Very Utterance Inflict Injury   
    That is why I often say we should retire the saying "religion is a snare and a racket". We should be ashamed of that kind of speech because it is not necessary. Actually, it is incorrect, because Jehovah's Witnesses say they are a legitimate religion, and should be respected as such. Therefore if religion is a snare and a racket, JWs would also be included in that. We have to take care with our words. And we should not highlight or resurrect ignorance. God has overlooked those times. Leave them in the past.
  9. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in " I think that in the course of this month, the public will hear frequently about Jehovah's Witnesses." from AC ATTORNEYS AT RUSSIAN HQ   
    @bruceq Very true, I was thinking that also. So many prophecies can be fulfilled soon! 

  10. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to bruceq in " I think that in the course of this month, the public will hear frequently about Jehovah's Witnesses." from AC ATTORNEYS AT RUSSIAN HQ   
    Will this coalition be led by the figurative “king of the north”? We cannot say with any certainty. But this thought does seem to be in harmony with what Jehovah says about Gog: “You will come from your place, from the remotest parts of the north, you and many peoples with you, all of them riding on horses, a great assembly, a vast army.”—Ezek. 38:6, 15.
    Similarly, the prophet Daniel, who was a contemporary of Ezekiel, says of the king of the north: “Reports out of the east and out of the north will disturb him, and he will go out in a great rage to annihilate and to devote many to destruction. And he will plant his royal tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; and he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him.” (Dan. 11:44, 45) This clearly parallels what the book of Ezekiel says about Gog’s activities.—Ezek. 38:8-12, 16.
        As keen students of God’s Word, we wait with eager anticipation to see who in the near future will assume the role of “the king of the north.” But no matter who may take the lead in this coalition of nations, we are certain of two things: (1) Gog of Magog and his armies will be defeated and destroyed; and (2) our reigning King, Jesus Christ, will save God’s people and usher them into a new world of peace and true security.—Rev. 7:14-17      WT 15 5/15
  11. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to bruceq in Zyuganov said the emergence in Russia of a new "the Fuhrer"   
    Zyuganov said the emergence in Russia of a new "the Fuhrer"
    1400 241 27 Read 299,985 times

    Gennady Zyuganov

    Photo: Dmitry Dukhanin / "Kommersant"
    Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov called on the government "to strengthen cadre" and change course, otherwise a "political crisis is inevitable." The head of the Communists of the existing conditions in Russia saw the emergence of the "new" the Fuhrer "
    Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov said about the inevitability of the political crisis and the emergence in Russia of the "new" the Fuhrer ". He said this during his speech at the State Duma meeting with Prime Minister Dmitriem Medvedevym. 

    "If we do not change course and do not strengthen the staff of the government, the political crisis will be inevitable," - said Zyuganov. 

    He stressed that the need to change the personnel of the government and at the meeting to prepare for the century of the October Revolution. "While your government is working very feeble", - he said, noting that in Russian society "split amplified: one percent captured 90% of the property, barely make 40 million citizens to make ends meet."

    "If you look at the public mood, some live on the Internet, the second live TV, but the reality is aimed at destabilizing the situation. And a new "Führer" - said Zyuganov. "I have the right to talk about it, I saw the tragedy of the Soviet Union, saw Yeltsin's behavior," - he added. 

    During his speech to the State Duma and Prime Minister Zyuganov also criticized Russian macroeconomics, saying that the government no people able to deal with finances effectively. 

    "There can be no sustainable security, if it continues the economy will sink if our main resources and finances will float away across the border," - said Zyuganov, noting that Russia needs a qualitatively different banking system able to develop the economy and to support the population, and not " unscrew his pockets. " 

    "We are ready for constructive work, but Medvedev has no members of the government that can deal effectively with finance, the economy and social sphere of lead", - said the head of the Communist Party, noting that the Communist Party has its program of economic development in the future ready with this program, go to gubernatorial and presidential elections. 

    In response to criticism of the Prime Minister Zyuganov said that "not so simple", but the "macroeconomics in Russia is in order." 

    With reference to the head of the government he was made deputy chairman of the Communist faction Mykola Kolomeytsev that in your question the prime minister still  mentioned investigation Fund to Fight Corruption (FBK) Alekseya Navalnogo, which refers to the undeclared real estate Medvedev. Around this investigation ahead of a meeting in the State Duma on April 18, the Communists broke out inner-party dispute, when the leadership of the party banned deputy Valery Rashkin Medvedev asking a question about the investigation FBK. The reasons for banning the party leadership did not explain, however, RBC sources present at the meeting with Medvedev "United Russia" on April 11 stated that they have received the installation of "hard questions not to ask." 

    Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on the tradition annually meets with State Duma deputies with the government report. This year the meeting was held on 19 April. The head of government spoke about the current performance in the political, economic and social spheres in Russia and answered the questions of the parliamentarians. This year, the number of questions to the Prime Minister from each fraction was increased from three to five. Medvedev meeting with deputies lasted 4 hr.

    Подробнее на РБК:
  12. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in The Bible foretold that persecution of true Christians would reach a climax during the last days.   
    The Bible foretold that persecution of true Christians would reach a climax during the last days. (Gen. 3:15; Rev. 12:13, 17) Romania is a land where that prophecy has seen striking fulfillment. Yet, as this account will show, Jehovah’s Witnesses in Romania have let nothing extinguish the flame of truth that burns brightly in the hearts of God’s people. (Jer. 20:9)
    Rather, they have recommended themselves “as God’s ministers, by the endurance of much, by tribulations, by cases of need, by difficulties, by beatings, by prisons.” (2 Cor. 6:4, 5) May their record of integrity encourage all who desire to walk with God during these difficult times.
    A Romanian named Emanoil Chinţa was arrested during World War I and sent to a military prison in Italy, far from home. There he met some Bible Students who had been imprisoned because they refused to take up arms. Emanoil took to heart their Scriptural message. When he was released in 1919, he returned home to Baia-Mare, in Maramureş County, and zealously preached the good news and contributed to the formation of yet another group of Bible Students.
    Thanks to the zeal and self-sacrificing spirit of the early pioneers of the good news and of those who listened to their message, the number of disciples multiplied and small groups of Bible Students mushroomed in the land. In fact, by 1919—just eight years after Károly Szabó and József Kiss returned to Romania—over 1,700 Kingdom publishers and interested ones were organized into 150 Bible study classes, now called groups or congregations. Brother Kiss served as a pioneer in his homeland until his death at 86 years of age. Brother Szabó returned to the United States in 1924 to coordinate the work in the Hungarian field there.
    Fired up by nationalism and egged on by the clergy, the political authorities had no sympathy for those who would not rally to the flag and kill for the country. Hence, when the first world war broke out, many brothers were arrested and sentenced. Some were even executed, including Ioan Rus, a newly married man from the village of Petreştii de Mijloc, south of Cluj-Napoca.
    In response to the clergy’s barrage of complaints, the Ministry of Religions approved the use of “public force” to hinder both the preaching and the meetings of Jehovah’s people. Thus, the police became an arm of the churches, arresting brothers on the false charge that they were disturbing the peace. The law, however, was not clearly defined, so sentences varied. The brothers’ good conduct also presented a problem. “The Bible Students cannot be condemned,” said one judge, “because they are often the most peaceable of men.”
    Nevertheless, persecution intensified, and at the end of 1926, The Watch Tower was banned. But that did not stop the flow of spiritual food—the brothers simply changed the name of the magazine! Starting with the January 1, 1927, issue, the Romanian-language edition became The Harvest, then later The Light of the Bible, and finally Daybreak. Its Hungarian counterpart was renamed Christian Pilgrim, then Gospel, and lastly The Magazine of Those Who Believe in Christ’s Blood.
    Yes, despite the clergy’s hate campaign, many honesthearted individuals wanted to hear the good news. They included a town mayor who devoured several brochures and later declared that he eagerly awaited the new world. In another town, a man asked for a number of copies of the publications, promising to distribute them to all who were willing to read them.
    What is more, persecution sometimes had an effect opposite to that intended. For example, all the Witnesses in one area decided as a group to make their separation from “Babylon the Great” a matter of public record. (Rev. 18:2, 4) For five consecutive days, these courageous brothers and sisters streamed into the local town hall to draw up documents of withdrawal from their former church.
    Community leaders were shocked, and the local priest was horrified. First he ran to the police station for help, but that proved futile. So he rushed back to the town hall and accused the notary of being a Communist for helping the people with their documents. Offended, the notary retorted that if the whole community came to him, he would help them draw up certificates of withdrawal. Thus the priest was stopped in his tracks, and the brothers were able to complete their paperwork.
    In another instance, an elderly brother gave a fine witness in a court of law. The judge held in his hand two books published by Jehovah’s Witnesses. Waving them in front of the brother, the judge accused him of distributing religious propaganda.
    “If you sentence me because I proclaim the truth of God’s Word,” replied the brother, “I would view this, not as a punishment, but as a badge of honor. The Lord Jesus told his followers to rejoice when persecuted for righteousness’ sake because this is how the prophets of old were treated. In fact, Jesus himself was persecuted and even impaled, not for wrongdoing, but for speaking the truth that he had received from God.”
    The brother continued: “So if this court sentences me for proclaiming Jesus’ message about the Kingdom by means of those two books, it would be sentencing a man who has committed no crime.” The judge dismissed the charges.
    pictures the work today successfully done ✅ 

  13. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Russian Journalist Dies Known For Assulting Putin By Unknown Gang   

  14. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in You Are Sons Of Light You Have No Darkness - Stay In the Light! ?   
    3 "Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape. 4 But you, brothers, you are not in darkness, so that the day should overtake you as it would thieves, 5 for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We belong neither to night nor to darkness." (1Thess 5:3-5)

    1 gif and 1 picture regular 
  15. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in RUSSIA: Jehovah’s Witnesses Mobilize Global Response to Threat of Ban in Russia   
    @TrueTomHarley We are living in exciting times! Jehovah is in control. It will not be late! 
    Jehovah Will Not Delay
    “Even if [the vision] should delay, keep in expectation of it; for it willwithout fail come true. It will not belate.”—HABAKKUK 2:3.
  16. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to TrueTomHarley in RUSSIA: Jehovah’s Witnesses Mobilize Global Response to Threat of Ban in Russia   
    To follow Christ is now illegal in Russia. The government has given their verdict. Surely it has been played out as at Acts 26:26: ‘this thing has not been done in a corner.’ It has been played out so that all know and can take a stand.
    It is Jesus at John 15:20: ‘Keep in mind the word I said to you: A slave is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted me, they will persecute you.”
    It is the Acts 28:22 words applied to first century Christians: ‘truly as regards this sect, we know that it is spoken against everywhere.’
    Who else, other than Jehovah’s Witnesses, could these words conceivably apply to today?
  17. Upvote
  18. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to bruceq in " I think that in the course of this month, the public will hear frequently about Jehovah's Witnesses." from AC ATTORNEYS AT RUSSIAN HQ   
    Jehovah's Witnesses anticipate opposition to Supreme Court's ruling
    Portal-Credo.Ru, 20 April 2017
    "Truth is on our side. We will appeal." This was the first comment of the deputy to the chairman of the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, Sergei Cherepanov, after the announcement in the evening of 20 April of the decision of the Supreme Court of the RF for the liquidation of Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) organizations and the ruling of them as "extremist" and confiscating their property, a Portal-Credo.Ru correspondent reports.
    A more detailed commentary for our portal was given by Ivan Belinko, a representative of the press service of the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia. He said: "In the course of the judicial proceedings, no stone was left on stone in all of the arguments of the justice ministry, and therefore I was surprised when the court announced the decision."
    Ivan Belenko thinks that it is now, in the interim between the decisions of courts of the first and second instances, that "many people throughout Russia as well as international agencies will begin to express themselves. The fact alone of the filing of the suit in court evoked such a response that even the Council of Ministers of Europe spoke concerning this. I think that in the course of this month, until the college quashes this decision, the public will hear frequently about Jehovah's Witnesses." (tr. by PDS, posted 20 April 2017)
     I think that in the course of this month, until the college quashes this decision, the public will hear frequently about Jehovah's Witnesses
    44  “But REPORTS  out of the east* and out of the north will disturb him, and he will go out in a great rage to annihilate and to devote many to destruction. 45  And he will plant his royal*tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration;*+ and he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him."
  19. Upvote
     16 " But for this very reason I have kept you in existence: to show you my power and to have my name declared in all the earth".+
    EXODUS 9:16
  20. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in His Rulership Is A Everlasting Rulership ? It Will Not Be Destroyed   
    Watching and waiting! "His rulership is an everlasting rulership that will not pass away, and his Kingdom will not be destroyed." . . Daniel 7:14 . . ?
    2 pictures 1 moving, 1 gif 

  21. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from bruceq in When Will The Great Tribulation Come?   
    "For then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again." (Matthew 24:21)
    What happens after the great tribulation is cut short? Jesus explained that several events will happen before Armageddon begins. These events are mentioned at Ezekiel 38:14-16 andMatthew 24:29-31. 
    Then we will see Armageddon. The battle of Armageddon is the climax of the great tribulation, just as the destruction of Jerusalem was the climax of the first fulfillment of the prophecy. (Malachi 4:1) 
    The great tribulation, with Armageddon as its climax, will be an event such as has not happened “since the world’s beginning.” (Matthew 24:21) After it happens, Christ will rule as King for 1,000 years.
    Great tribulation: The end of this wicked world. First, false religion will be destroyed. Then, there will be a time when Jesus will judge the sheep and the goats and appoint his faithful slave over all the Master’s belongings. Finally, the rest of this system will be destroyed at Armageddon “Coming”: In Jesus’ prophecy in Matthew chapters 24 and 25, Jesus is described as “coming,” or “arriving.” This refers to the time when he comes as Judge of all the nations during the great tribulation http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/402013530?q=matt+24%3A21&p=par
  22. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Do Feel Alone? Do You Have a Loss? Trying to Cope Difficult? You Are Not Alone ?   
    (2 Cor 1:3, 4)  
    ARE you presently facing a trial in your life? Do you feel at a loss, unable to cope with it? Do you even at times fear that your problem is unique and that there is no solution to it?
    If so, take heart! Whatever trials we may face, the Bible assures us that God can enable us to deal with them. The Bible acknowledges that God’s servants will “meet with various trials.” (James 1:2)  Note the word “various” (Greek poi·kiʹlos). According to ancient usage, the original word means “manifold” or “many-tinted” and emphasizes “the diversity of the trials.” In fact, in everyday speech, that basically means “many-colored.”
    Thus, “various trials” are trials that come in many colors, so to speak. Nevertheless, Jehovah supports us so that we can cope with each one of them.
    According to Peter, one way that God’s undeserved kindness is expressed is through the various ones who make up the Christian congregation.  
    Each servant of God has spiritual gifts, or abilities, that may serve as a source of encouragement to those facing trials. For instance, some members of the congregation are outstanding Bible teachers. Their insightful words inspire and motivate others to endure.  Others make regular shepherding visits at the homEs of those I n need of support. Such visits are occasions for encouragement, a ‘comforting of hearts. When overseers make such faith-strengthening visits, they impart a spiritual gift. Still others in the congregation are known for warmth, compassion, and tenderness in dealing with fellow believers who are saddened by trials. The empathy and active assistance shown by such loving brothers and sisters is a significant expression, or “color,” of God’s undeserved kindness.  
    Yes, whatever is the “color,” or nature, of our trial, there will always be a “color,” or expression, of God’s undeserved kindness that will match it. (James 1:17)
    Jehovah’s timely and appropriate support provided for his servants—no matter how diverse their temptations or challenges may be—is but one evidence of “the greatly diversified wisdom of God.”  Do you not agree? http://m.wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2005447?q=support+others&p=par#h=3.  

  23. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Do Not Be Wise In Your Own Eyes and See Calamity!   
    (Prov 3:5, 6)   Where can we look for guidance when making decisions, even seemingly trivial ones?
    How wonderful it would be to have a reliable consultant to advise us when we face a difficult decision! You can find such an adviser.
    An ancient book with a message for today has this to say: “Your own ears will hear a word behind you saying: ‘This is the way. Walk in it, you people,’ in case you people should go to the right or in case you should go to the left.” (Isaiah 30:21)
    What motivates us to make decisions that will show respect for the conscience of others?
    Love for our neighbor. Jesus Christ taught that loving our neighbor as ourselves is the commandment second in importance only to that of loving God with our whole soul.  
    However, we are living in a self-centered world, and our sinful tendencies incline us toward being selfish. So if a person is to love his neighbor as himself, he has to make his mind over.
    Apart from Bible principles and the conscience of others, what may we consider when making decisions?
    We need to consider how our decisions will affect our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well-being in the future.
    Be they major or trivial, your decisions matter. A decision you make today may mean the difference between success and failure, even life and death in the future.
    You can make wise decisions if you take into consideration Bible principles, the conscience of others, and the long-range effect of your action.
    Make decisions God’s way. The decision about what course to follow now is yours to make, truly a decision that is a matter of life or death.
    Would you welcome help in making the right decision, the wise one?

  24. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from bruceq in OFFICIAL STATEMENT FROM RUSSIA JW :Jehovah's Witnesses headquarters reacts to Supreme Court ban   
    @bruceq I'm praying and we know Jehovah has full control of this situation! In fact you know what this will say to the world and other religions? Will know Babylon the Great must be exposed so she turned on? Yes! Soon in perfect timing Jehovah will put into the thoughts of these nations to destroy her. Why did we get this attack? Satan knows we are His people and of course it will not stop worship of Jehovah! We are United in the one true God. Other religions you know it will be blow to them for they are protected by Jehovah or united in his worship! So the future soon will expose all religions and then as revelation says God put it in their minds to destroy Babylon the Great then we know, Great Tribulation! Thank you for all your hard work here. Jehovah will Bless His People forever! 

  25. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Schmidt in SCINTILLATING SIRIUS: Sirius is the brightest star in the sky ?   
    SCINTILLATING SIRIUS: Sirius is the brightest star in the sky. It is also, arguably, the most colorful. 
    On any given evening of northern Spring, sky watchers can behold a spray of rainbow colors emanating from the Dog Star as it sets low in the southwestern sky.
    Tom Wagner of Waterloo, Iowa, has developed a beautiful way to display the star's hue. "Decades ago I discovered that by wiggling my binoculars while looking at Sirius, I could easily see the colors of the rainbow flash by in rapid succession." On April 16th he took this picture through the eyepiece:
    "This is a 2 second exposure," he says.  "The colors were spectacular!"
    Astronomers call this phenomenon "scintillation." Also known as "twinkling," the phenomenon is caused by thermal irregularities in Earth's atmosphere.  As packets of relatively warm and cool air drift in front of a star, the star's light is refracted. The prismatic action of these air packets produce rainbow colors--especially near the horizon where starlight must pass through many turbulent irregularities to reach the observer. 
    All stars scintillate, but Sirius does so most flamboyantly because of its extreme brightness. See for yourself.  Step outside this evening after sunset and look southwest for Sirius near the feet or Orion.  The lower it gets, the more it twinkles. Enjoy the show!

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