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Bible Speaks

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Meet Bible Brown. My 85 year old father-in-law. An elder and baptized for 47 years, he is now plagued with dementia and Parkinson’s.   
    @william Angisiramo
    Not the same Bible Brown.
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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in SONG 3 Our Strength, Our Hope, Our Confidence   
    SONG 3
    Our Strength, Our Hope, Our Confidence
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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Tennyson Naidoo in Meet Bible Brown. My 85 year old father-in-law. An elder and baptized for 47 years, he is now plagued with dementia and Parkinson’s.   
    Thank Jehovah Brother Brown is Alive! ??
    Meet Bible Brown. My 85 year old father-in-law. An elder and baptized for 47 years, he is now plagued with dementia and Parkinson’s.
    Even though some days he canÂ’t even remember the names of his own children, he has not forgotten his vow to Jehovah.
    He is still out in the ministry as much as possible. He has not given up. What a blessing to have him with us for this Memorial Campaign. Columbus, Ohio USA!
    #jw #jwsmile

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Queen Esther in Meet Bible Brown. My 85 year old father-in-law. An elder and baptized for 47 years, he is now plagued with dementia and Parkinson’s.   
    Thank Jehovah Brother Brown is Alive! ??
    Meet Bible Brown. My 85 year old father-in-law. An elder and baptized for 47 years, he is now plagued with dementia and Parkinson’s.
    Even though some days he canÂ’t even remember the names of his own children, he has not forgotten his vow to Jehovah.
    He is still out in the ministry as much as possible. He has not given up. What a blessing to have him with us for this Memorial Campaign. Columbus, Ohio USA!
    #jw #jwsmile

  6. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in My 15 month old daughter very eager to help out one of our brothers during the cleaning in our Kingdom Hall.   
    My 15 month old daughter very eager to help out one of our brothers during the cleaning in our Kingdom Hall.
    @viv0579 thank you

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Today Many Prayers Are Needed For the Poor and Those Who Need Comfort. - Praise Goes to the God of Comfort, Jehovah - ♥♥♥   
    Today Many Prayers Are Needed For the Poor and Those Who Need Comfort. - Praise Goes to the God of Comfort, Jehovah - ???
    (Psalms 72:12)
    12 "For he will deliver the poor one crying for help,
    Also the afflicted one and whoever has no helper."

  8. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Meet Bible Brown. My 85 year old father-in-law. An elder and baptized for 47 years, he is now plagued with dementia and Parkinson’s.   
    Thank Jehovah Brother Brown is Alive! ??
    Meet Bible Brown. My 85 year old father-in-law. An elder and baptized for 47 years, he is now plagued with dementia and Parkinson’s.
    Even though some days he canÂ’t even remember the names of his own children, he has not forgotten his vow to Jehovah.
    He is still out in the ministry as much as possible. He has not given up. What a blessing to have him with us for this Memorial Campaign. Columbus, Ohio USA!
    #jw #jwsmile

  9. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in AUTHENTIC LEPTON COINS   
    A lepton was the smallest Jewish copper or bronze coin
    not enough to buy a sparrow, the cheapest bird consumed by the poor
    For a day laborer, two leptons represented only about fifteen minutes of work. The two coins that the widow deposited in the ark of the temple treasury were probably leptons of this kind (Mark 12:42).
    For Jesus Christ, the offering of the widow had more value than the numerous offerings of others, which gave "of what is left over [ba]". Why? Because, of the "two small coins" she had, she could have contributed one and saved the other, but preferred to offer "everything she had, everything she had to live"
    Give from your heart ??

  10. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Do You Know About Anglerfish? ~ This ET-like extension on the anglerfish is only worn by females.   
    Is this Really ? Love? Wow! ??? 
    It's #FishyFriday!
    This ET-like extension on the anglerfish is only worn by females. The bright tip baits prey close enough to be snatched. Their mouths are so big and their bodies so pliable, they can actually swallow prey up to twice their own size. As for the males, they go into a permanent parasitic mate.
    When a young male angler encounters a female, he latches onto her with his teeth. Over time, the male physically fuses with the female, connecting to her skin, bloodstream and losing his eyes, and all his internal organs except the testes. A female will carry six or more males on her body. Talk about commitment.
    ?: Shutterstock / superjoseph #ocean #cool #weirdanimals #fish
    Amazing Creations Of Jehovah God! 

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Dave368 in SONG 139 ~ “See Yourself When All Is New”   
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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in The Daily Scriptures - Isaiah 60:22   
    The Daily Scriptures - Isaiah 60:22

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in SONG 2 Jehovah Is Your Name ~ Old Song #138   
    SONG 2 ~ Old Song # 138
    Jehovah Is Your Name
    #Repost @jw_kingdommelodiespiano
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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Just Do it! Dance ~ Staying Alive!   
    Just Do it! Dance ?? Staying Alive! ?? #Repost @albertini.luigi ????
    Tap on Video Link mp4 ______ ?

  15. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in Getting the preaching work done (Matthew 24:14) in every land and nation, despite hardships and difficulties. ~   
    Getting the preaching work done (Matthew 24:14) in every land and nation, despite hardships and difficulties.
    See for yourself at: www.JW.org - "The Most Translated Website In The World!"
    Currently, the website is published in 943 languages/dialects...and growing.

  16. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in “I am Jehovah your God, Who stirs up the sea and makes its waves boisterous—Jehovah of armies is his name.” Isaiah 51:15.   
    “I am Jehovah your God, Who stirs up the sea and makes its waves boisterous—Jehovah of armies is his name.”
    Isaiah 51:15.
    Tap on Video Link mp4 ______ ?

  17. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Are You Chasing after money, careers, education, fame, lavish lifestyles of the Rich and Famous?   
    Are You Chasing after money, careers, education, fame, lavish lifestyles of the Rich and Famous? 
    Life apart from and without Jehovah as the Creator.... is futile and worthless.
    King Solomon said it Best. 
    Ecclesiastes 12: 1-8 says:
    Remember, then, your Grand Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of distress come and the years arrive when you will say: “I have no pleasure in them”; before the sun and the light and the moon and the stars grow dark, and the clouds return after the downpour; in the day when the guards of the house become shaky, and the strong men stoop over, and the women quit grinding because they have become few, and the ladies looking out the windows find it dark; when the doors to the street have been closed, when the sound of the grinding mill becomes low, when one gets up at the sound of a bird, and all the daughters of song grow faint. Also, one is afraid of heights, and there are terrors in the street. And the almond tree blossoms, and the grasshopper drags itself along, and the caper berry bursts, because man is walking to his lasting house and the mourners walk about in the street; before the silver cord is removed, and the golden bowl is crushed, and the jar at the spring is broken, and the waterwheel for the cistern is crushed. Then the dust returns to the earth, just as it was, and the spirit returns to the true God who gave it. “The greatest futility!” says the congregator. “Everything is futile.”

  18. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in BAPTISM IN INDONESIA   

  19. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Getting the preaching work done (Matthew 24:14) in every land and nation, despite hardships and difficulties. ~   
    Getting the preaching work done (Matthew 24:14) in every land and nation, despite hardships and difficulties.
    See for yourself at: www.JW.org - "The Most Translated Website In The World!"
    Currently, the website is published in 943 languages/dialects...and growing.

  20. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in “I am Jehovah your God, Who stirs up the sea and makes its waves boisterous—Jehovah of armies is his name.” Isaiah 51:15.   
    “I am Jehovah your God, Who stirs up the sea and makes its waves boisterous—Jehovah of armies is his name.”
    Isaiah 51:15.
    Tap on Video Link mp4 ______ ?

  21. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Need Advice? ~ What to Read—Solomon’s Wise Advice   
    What to Read—SolomonÂ’s Wise Advice —
    Try JW.Org Online 943 Languages!
    What to Read—Solomon’s Wise Advice
    “TO THE making of many books there is no end, and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh.” (Ecclesiastes 12:12) In penning those words some 3,000 years ago, wise King Solomon of Israel was not discouraging reading. Rather, he was commenting on the need to be selective. How timely that reminder is today, as billions of pages of reading material roll off the world’s printing presses annually!
    It is evident that the “many books” to which Solomon referred were not upbuilding or refreshing. Therefore, he argued that devotion to them, instead of providing positive and lasting rewards, is “wearisome to the flesh.”
    However, was Solomon saying that there are no books that offer sound, reliable guidance that can benefit the reader? No, for he also wrote: “The words of the wise ones are like oxgoads, and just like nails driven in are those indulging in collections of sentences; they have been given from one shepherd.” (Ecclesiastes 12:11) Indeed, there are written words that “like oxgoads” can provide positive motivation. They can spur a person on in the right way. Furthermore, “like nails driven in,” they can serve to strengthen one’s resolve and have a stabilizing effect.
    Where can we find such wise words? Preeminent among such, according to Solomon, are those that originate with the one Shepherd, Jehovah. (Psalm 23:1) Therefore, one can do no better than turn to the book that is inspired by God—the Bible. Reading such inspired words regularly can help one to become “fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.”—2 Timothy 3:16, 17. 
    Endless reading ? Photo by @harimaolee

  22. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Who Created this? Jehovah God Our Creator! His Works are Wonderful and His Loves those That Love Him! Do you Know Jehovah God?   
    Who Created this? Jehovah God Our Creator! His Works are Wonderful and His Loves those That Love Him! Do you Know Jehovah God?
    Romans 1:20, Psalms 83:18.
    Learn more at:
    Have you seen STEVE? Glowing in purple & green colors, a new celestial phenomenon, known as STEVE, is caused by charged particles from the Sun colliding with Earth's magnetic field.
    The display was initially discovered by a group of citizen scientists who took pictures of the unusual lights and playfully named them "Steve." Scientists have since learned more about the purples and greens, and have given it a more accurate name: Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement, which can still can be shortened to STEVE.
    A citizen science project called Aurorasaurus, funded by NASA and the National Science Foundation (@nsfgov), wants your help gathering photos so they can learn more about this mysterious phenomenon.
    Aurorasaurus tracks appearances of auroras — and now STEVE — around the world through users submitting reports and photographs directly on its mobile app and on aurorasaurus.org.
    Image Credit: NASA/Krista Trinder

  23. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Whom Are We? Do You Add Value to Other People’s Lives?   
    BE this NOT that
    BE the calm NOT the storm,
    BE the praise NOT the blame.
    BE the honesty NOT the deceit.
    BE the courage NOT the fear.
    BE the solution NOT the problem.
    BE the unifier NOT the destroyer.
    BE the invitation NOT the rejection.
    BE the blessing NOT the curse.
    BE the care NOT the neglect.
    BE the sympathy NOT the apathy.
    BE the authentic NOT the fake.
    BE the best you can BE.
    BE happy.
    Sandra Galati: Word HUGS ?

  24. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Our Happiness IS POSSIBLE------Our GOD IS UNSTOPPABLE   
    His "YOU GO GIRL Daughters
    ISN'T IT Wonderful
    That IN A Second RATE World
    We JUBILATE in Jehovah
    We EVEN Click Our HEELS
    JUST to Let Everyone Know
    Serving Jehovah REALLY FEELS.......................:)
    Our Happiness is POSSIBLE
    Tap on Video Link mp4 ______ ???

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in The Birds and the Bees ~ Jehovah Knows them by Name! He Knows You Too! Thank you Jehovah for your Creations!   
    The Birds and the Bees ? Jehovah Knows them by Name! He Knows You Too! Thank you Jehovah for your Creations!

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