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Bible Speaks

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  1. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Letters to Russia/Письма в Россию   
    @ARchiv@L It says nothing but letters to Russia. The man talking is talking in Russian? Can you translate please for me to share this? I speak to a lot of Russian Brothers and Sisters. Thank you ???
  2. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from ARchiv@L in Letters to Russia/Письма в Россию   
    @Kurt What does it mean? Can't translate? Thank you, Bible Speaks 
  3. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Letters to Russia/Письма в Россию   
    @Kurt What does it mean? Can't translate? Thank you, Bible Speaks 
  4. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Wisdom From Above Is Pure, Peaceful and Gentle, Always Ready To Help Others ?   
    “The wisdom that comes from God is like this: First, it is pure. It is also peaceful, gentle, and easy to please. This wisdom is always ready to help people who have trouble and to do good for others. This wisdom is always fair and honest.”
    (James 3:17)

  5. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Queen Esther in BE WATCHFUL !! Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion....   
    “Be watchful ! Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone.”—1 PET. 5:8.
    At one time, he enjoyed a fine standing with Jehovah. At some point, however, this spirit creature began to desire the worship of humans. Rather than dismiss that improper desire, he nurtured it and let it grow until it gave birth to sin. (Jas. 1:14, 15) We know that creature as Satan, who “did not stand fast in the truth.” He rebelled against Jehovah and became “the father of the lie.” (John 8:44) Since his rebellion, Satan has proved to be Jehovah’s greatest enemy, and he certainly has not been a friend of mankind. The titles given to Satan reveal the depth of his corruption. Satan means “Resister,” indicating that this wicked spirit creature does not support God’s sovereignty; rather, he hates it and aggressively fights it. More than anything else, Satan wants to see the end of Jehovah’s sovereignty. w15 5/15 1:1, 2
    Its  ENDTIME !!   Satan  is  knowing  our  weak  points  exactly  -  always  be  WATCHFUL....
    Saturday, April 1. Daily  text......
  6. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from SuzA in Job Kept Integrity Under Test   
    @b4ucuhear I was working today, what joy I have had to read your letter. Yes, Jehovah is my Stronghold! I grew up in the Truth, my Dad was an Elder, Congregation Servant over 65 years. My Mother worked as a Pioneer while he was in Danbury Prison for not going to the war. She used the phonograph at doors she loved the Truth. Her Father was Anointed and blessed the family greatly. My children, I had four raised in Truth, yet I was not allowed to say much due to abuse issue. I only could show by example. I'm blessed to have my youngest at Bethel, one and Elder, good man, another a MS Servant. My Daughter is a full time Pioneer and her Husband an Elder. I Thank Jehovah everyday I'm alive and can share and help all I can. Do to my injuries right now; handicapped, I hope to lift this from my cellular memory. These are wonderful scriptures I try to live by. At 6 years old I gave my first talk. So I love to teach, I do this about Jehovah as much as I can. I am an artist so enjoy using scriptures to encourage others. (A picture is worth a thousand words?) I also teach health and have given lectures over 40 years. The School is another Blessing from Jehovah. Thank you for keeping me happy and giving me more joy in my work. Jehovah has Blessed you also keep up the good works. I will leave you with some of my favorite scriptures I try to focus on and "the joy of Jehovah" continues with me.
    8 "For if we live, we live to Jehovah,
    and if we die, we die to Jehovah.
    So both if we live and if we die, we belong to Jehovah." (Romans 14:8)

     8 ..."or the one who encourages,
     let him give encouragement;"
    9 "Let your love be without hypocrisy."
    Abhor what is wicked; cling to what is good."
    10 "In brotherly love have tender affection for one another. In showing honor to one another, take the lead."
    11 "Be industrious, not lazy."
    Be aglow with the spirit.
    Slave for Jehovah."
    12 "Rejoice in the hope. Endure under tribulation. Persevere in prayer."
    13 "Share with the holy ones according   to their needs.
    Follow the course of hospitality."(I'm Greek!?)
     14 "Keep on blessing those who persecute; bless and do not curse."
    15 "Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep."
    16 "Have the same attitude toward others as toward yourselves; do not set your mind on lofty things, but be led along with the lowly things.
    Do not become wise in your own eyes."
    17 "Return evil for evil to no one.
    Take into consideration what is fine from the viewpoint of all men."
     18 If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceable with all men."
    19 "Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: “‘Vengeance is mine; I will repay,’ says Jehovah.”
     20 "But “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by doing this you will heap fiery coals on his head.”
     21 "Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good." ( Romans 12:8-21). 
    May Jehovah continue also to give you joy and peace my Brother.                Agape, Bible Speaks ???
  7. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from b4ucuhear in Job Kept Integrity Under Test   
    @b4ucuhear I was working today, what joy I have had to read your letter. Yes, Jehovah is my Stronghold! I grew up in the Truth, my Dad was an Elder, Congregation Servant over 65 years. My Mother worked as a Pioneer while he was in Danbury Prison for not going to the war. She used the phonograph at doors she loved the Truth. Her Father was Anointed and blessed the family greatly. My children, I had four raised in Truth, yet I was not allowed to say much due to abuse issue. I only could show by example. I'm blessed to have my youngest at Bethel, one and Elder, good man, another a MS Servant. My Daughter is a full time Pioneer and her Husband an Elder. I Thank Jehovah everyday I'm alive and can share and help all I can. Do to my injuries right now; handicapped, I hope to lift this from my cellular memory. These are wonderful scriptures I try to live by. At 6 years old I gave my first talk. So I love to teach, I do this about Jehovah as much as I can. I am an artist so enjoy using scriptures to encourage others. (A picture is worth a thousand words?) I also teach health and have given lectures over 40 years. The School is another Blessing from Jehovah. Thank you for keeping me happy and giving me more joy in my work. Jehovah has Blessed you also keep up the good works. I will leave you with some of my favorite scriptures I try to focus on and "the joy of Jehovah" continues with me.
    8 "For if we live, we live to Jehovah,
    and if we die, we die to Jehovah.
    So both if we live and if we die, we belong to Jehovah." (Romans 14:8)

     8 ..."or the one who encourages,
     let him give encouragement;"
    9 "Let your love be without hypocrisy."
    Abhor what is wicked; cling to what is good."
    10 "In brotherly love have tender affection for one another. In showing honor to one another, take the lead."
    11 "Be industrious, not lazy."
    Be aglow with the spirit.
    Slave for Jehovah."
    12 "Rejoice in the hope. Endure under tribulation. Persevere in prayer."
    13 "Share with the holy ones according   to their needs.
    Follow the course of hospitality."(I'm Greek!?)
     14 "Keep on blessing those who persecute; bless and do not curse."
    15 "Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep."
    16 "Have the same attitude toward others as toward yourselves; do not set your mind on lofty things, but be led along with the lowly things.
    Do not become wise in your own eyes."
    17 "Return evil for evil to no one.
    Take into consideration what is fine from the viewpoint of all men."
     18 If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceable with all men."
    19 "Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: “‘Vengeance is mine; I will repay,’ says Jehovah.”
     20 "But “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by doing this you will heap fiery coals on his head.”
     21 "Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good." ( Romans 12:8-21). 
    May Jehovah continue also to give you joy and peace my Brother.                Agape, Bible Speaks ???
  8. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Ronny Spill in JEHOVAH MEASURES OUR WORTH BY WHAT IS IN OUR HEART ?   
    "...For the way man sees is not the way God sees, because mere man sees what appears to the eyes, but Jehovah sees into the heart.”
    (1 Samuel 16:7) NWT
    Tap two pictures moving and GIF

  9. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from joop in ❤️ Jehovah Is Close To Those Broken-hearted And Crushed In Spirit ❤️   
    18 "Jehovah is close to the brokenhearted;
    He saves those who are crushed in spirit."(Psalm 34:18) NWT  
    jw.org #JehovahGod #JesusChrist #GodsKingdom #loyaltyhonorrespect #LoyalLove 
    2 pictures one moving and one a GIF

  10. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in JEHOVAH MEASURES OUR WORTH BY WHAT IS IN OUR HEART ?   
    "...For the way man sees is not the way God sees, because mere man sees what appears to the eyes, but Jehovah sees into the heart.”
    (1 Samuel 16:7) NWT
    Tap two pictures moving and GIF

  11. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Be Courageous and Strong For Jehovah Is With You Wherever You Go   
    "Have I not commanded you? Be courageous and strong. Do not be struck with terror or fear, for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9) NWT
    JEHOVAH’S service brings us joy. But we 
    still have problems like everyone else. 
    And we may suffer for doing what is right. (1 Corinthians 10:13; 1 Peter 3:14; 5:8, 9) 
    To endure these trials successfully, we 
    need faith and courage.
    Courage is the strength to speak and act without fear when we are in difficult and dangerous situations. To have courage is to be confident and brave, even willing to suffer for what we believe.—Mark 6:49, 50; 2 Timothy 1:7.
    * To be courageous: To have the strength to do God’s will in difficult and dangerous situations

  12. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Speak Truth With Your Neighbor   
    25 "Therefore, now that you have put away deceit, each one of you speak truth with his neighbor, because we are members belonging to one another." (Eph.4:25) NWT
    Don't let your ears witness what your eyes didn't see. Don't let your mouth speak what your heart doesn't  feel.    Live a honest life for Jehovah! 

  13. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Job Kept Integrity Under Test   
    @b4ucuhear You are amazing, or are you a messenger for Jehovah? An hour ago I was intently praying for more direction and strength to keep strong and helping all our beloved family in so much pain and adversity. Everywhere we look, so much to pray for and helping one another!     Yes, Satan knows those that are stronger that hold themselves close to Jehovah in these hard times. I pray constantly to be like His loving Son, he bore so much pain and was faithful under trial. Our Exempler for sure. I had to go through so many things, 45 year marriage with a Christian man, not spiritual, abusive. Jehovah took my hand still has it. Not believed at all, as a women needs two witnesses to show abuse. Finally, almost dying twice went to get help from superior authorities for nonsupport. Jehovah took my hand again and took care of me and still is. Nothing was ever done to this man. Yet court proved his actions. So we must leave everything  in Jehovah's hands. The scriptures do say that those living with Christ will be persecuted. Prayer, meetings are essential. Maybe in time, viewpoints will change on women and how they suffer, but you know if my Eternal Father suffered, I pray I can also be worthy of him. Even looking to Job,we don't know, perhaps even Satan is fighting our weaknesses? We must fight whatever comes and be faithful to the end. Thank you for your love and wisdom.May Jehovah Bless you in your endeavors. Bible Speaks ???
  14. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Queen Esther in Job Kept Integrity Under Test   
    9 "At that Satan answered Jehovah: “Is it for nothing that Job has feared God?"
    (Job 1:9) NWT
    Job Kept Integrity Under Test
    Job lived in Uz during the time the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt.      Though not an Israelite, Job was a loyal worshipper of Jehovah. He had a large family, great wealth, and influence in his community. He was a highly regarded counselor and an impartial judge.             He was generous to the poor and       needy. Job was a man of integrity.
    Job clearly showed that Jehovah was the most important Person in his life
    1:8-11, 22; 2:2-5.  
     • Satan took note of Job’s integrity. He did not deny Job’s obedience to Jehovah; rather, he questioned Job’s motives
    • Satan claimed that Job served Jehovah out of selfish interest
    • To provide an answer to Satan’s charge, Jehovah allowed Satan to attack that faithful man. Satan brought devastation to all aspects of Job’s life
    • When Job maintained his integrity, Satan questioned the integrity of all men
    • Job did not sin or accuse God of doing anything wrong

  15. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in JEHOVAH PROTECTS AND SAFEGUARDS US! ???   
    Certainly, one of a loving father’s priorities is that of protecting and safeguarding his family against any possible harm or serious danger. Jehovah, our heavenly Father, does no less. Of Jehovah, the psalmist says: “He is guarding the lives of his loyal ones; he rescues them from the hand of the wicked.” (Ps. 97:10) 
    Consider an example. How precious your eyes are to you! That is how Jehovah feels about his people. (Read Zechariah 2:8.) How precious God’s people are to him!
    One way Jehovah protects his people is by means of his angels. (Ps. 91:11) One angel saved Jerusalem from the invading Assyrians, destroying an army of 185,000 in one night. (2 Ki. 19:35) The apostles Peter and Paul as well as others experienced angelic deliverance from prison. (Acts 5:18-20; 12:6-11) 
    In our day as well, Jehovah’s hand is not short. A headquarters representative who visited a branch in Africa reported that political and religious conflicts had devastated that country. Fighting, looting, raping, and killing plunged the land into chaos and anarchy. Yet, none of our brothers and sisters lost their life in that case, even though many of them lost all their belongings and their livelihood. When asked how they were faring, everyone, with a broad smile, answered: “All is well, thanks to Jehovah!” They felt God’s love for them.
    Jehovah has on occasion allowed enemies to take the life of a faithful one, such as Stephen. Yet, God protects his people overall by providing timely warnings against Satan’s crafty acts. (Eph. 6:10-12) 
    Through his Word and Bible-based publications from his organization, we are helped to see the truth about deceptive riches, immoral and violent entertainment, misuse of the Internet, and so on. Clearly, as a loving Father, Jehovah looks after the safety and well-being of his people.
    By loving us first, Jehovah has shown us how to love him. Let us always keep in mind his surpassing example. And let us increasingly demonstrate our love for him ‘with our whole heart and with our whole soul and with our whole mind and with our whole strength.’—Mark 12:30.
    Tap two screens for moving picture and GIF picture ?

  16. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from John Lindsay Barltrop in The Heavens Declare Jehovah's Glory, You See It?   
    Thank Jehovah tonight in prayer for his wonderful works!
    "The heavens are declaring the glory of God; And of the work of his hands the expanse is telling." (Psalm 19:1) NWT

  17. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Bonny Sanders in AN INTERNAL MESSAGE - Our Bethel - houses want, we have to stop postings about RUSSIA ! The first Brother's already got into prison ;-((   
    @ThePraeceptor Jehovah is using his channel the Faithful and Discreet Slave. Are we not happy to follow their direction under Christ Jesus? People speak with no authority. Gossip is not Jehovah's way!   So we must stand up for pure worship around the earth, United, together and proclaim it loud! Jehovah's Name will be known and magnified forever, have no fear Jehovah is near. If we didn't support this #StopJWBan, then it shows the world and Jehovah we are not United! This will be the greatest Blessing ever! If a few are in prison, it may also be the only way to release them and stand up for all those facing the same sentences. Jehovah's Blessing is on His People! Agape, 
    Bible Speaks ???
  18. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Queen Esther in Job Kept Integrity Under Test   
    Jesus  and  Job.  are  our  best  paragons  in  our  bad  end-time.  Its  very  difficult  for  us  all,  bec. we  are  getting  more  and  more  imperfect !  We  must  be  close  to  our  congregation  -  but  first  always  talking  to  Jehovah.  Perhaps  he  can  rescue  us  and  we  see  the  NW   I  hope  so  much  we  all  work  it❤
  19. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to ARchiv@L in wt no.4 (2017)   
    @Bible Speaks ......

  20. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to ARchiv@L in wt no.4 (2017)   
  21. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Job Kept Integrity Under Test   
    @b4ucuhear You are amazing, or are you a messenger for Jehovah? An hour ago I was intently praying for more direction and strength to keep strong and helping all our beloved family in so much pain and adversity. Everywhere we look, so much to pray for and helping one another!     Yes, Satan knows those that are stronger that hold themselves close to Jehovah in these hard times. I pray constantly to be like His loving Son, he bore so much pain and was faithful under trial. Our Exempler for sure. I had to go through so many things, 45 year marriage with a Christian man, not spiritual, abusive. Jehovah took my hand still has it. Not believed at all, as a women needs two witnesses to show abuse. Finally, almost dying twice went to get help from superior authorities for nonsupport. Jehovah took my hand again and took care of me and still is. Nothing was ever done to this man. Yet court proved his actions. So we must leave everything  in Jehovah's hands. The scriptures do say that those living with Christ will be persecuted. Prayer, meetings are essential. Maybe in time, viewpoints will change on women and how they suffer, but you know if my Eternal Father suffered, I pray I can also be worthy of him. Even looking to Job,we don't know, perhaps even Satan is fighting our weaknesses? We must fight whatever comes and be faithful to the end. Thank you for your love and wisdom.May Jehovah Bless you in your endeavors. Bible Speaks ???
  22. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to b4ucuhear in Job Kept Integrity Under Test   
    Job's faithful example in the face of hard-to-understand tests of faith to this day remains a remarkable and universal answer to Satan's charges regarding human integrity under test. I love this passage not only for Job's example, but for how much it is a source of strength and encouragement for those relatively few who face similar tests of faith in modern times. The thing that makes his integrity such a source of encouragement to me today is not the physical loss, pain and suffering he endured. Yes those things were bad, but those types of difficulties are also faced by humans in general - even those who don't believe in God. They face the loss of loved ones, loss of financial security, false friends... No, what is so special about Job's example and what made it especially trying was that he endured these things under the mistaken belief that he was receiving unjust "discipline from Jehovah."  And yet Job knew he was innocent.  This has a modern counterpart, although rare (as was Job's case). Today at times, faithful brothers/sisters have received what is described as "discipline from Jehovah," and when they proclaim their innocence, they are seen as proud, rebellious - not humbly accepting said discipline. Only one thing wrong: they are at times completely innocent. Of course, errors in judgment can be expected when you are dealing with imperfect humans who at times don't follow scriptural principles, have all the facts or the ability to miraculously read human hearts - or even when emotions come into play. However, Job's example becomes more poignant when Satan is really behind the lying charges, when the whole affair seems really to be an orchestrated machination of the Devil. At times, men administering this "discipline from Jehovah" have been outright lying to cover up serious wrongdoing of themselves or friends. When "wicked men and imposters" with authority manipulate/orchestrate an attack on innocent individuals in order to protect themselves, and these same men are said/believed to be representing Jehovah and administering discipline on his behalf while removing or even disfellowshipping individuals to silence them, it can appear as if Jehovah is "disciplining" them unfairly. Yes, believe it or not, these things happen at times within Jehovah's organization and I have been on committees that had to reinstate such innocent individuals who for years were disfellowshipped based on lies. True, very few of our brothers and sisters will face this level of corruption from "shining stars in Jesus' right hand." But for those that do, Job's example in the face of such hard-to-understand or even hard to believe tests of faith are a faith/life saver and we can be glad that our loving heavenly Father has had the foresight to include these and other examples for our benefit today - both in a general sense for most and in a very specific sense for a few. That makes personal study, prayer and meditation so critical at this late stage. Don't ever take it for granted. 
  23. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to ARchiv@L in AN INTERNAL MESSAGE - Our Bethel - houses want, we have to stop postings about RUSSIA ! The first Brother's already got into prison ;-((   
    The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses wants to heighten attention to this critical situation,” states David A. Semonian, a spokesman at the Witnesses’ world headquarters
  24. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "We are God’s fellow workers."   
    "We are God’s fellow workers."—1 Cor. 3:9.
    Cherish Your Privilege of Working With Jehovah!
    Jehovah’s faithful servants have always been eager to follow his direction. (Read Hebrews 13:7, 17.) 
    We may not understand all the reasons why we receive a new assignment or new direction. But we cooperate with Jehovah because we know that the changes come from him and that they will have good results.
    Because we are imperfect, we often compare ourselves with others. But God’s Word tells us to focus on what we personally are able to do. (Read Galatians 6:4.) 
    Not all of us can be elders, pioneers, missionaries, or Bethelites. While these are fine privileges, the greatest privilege is one that all of us have. It is to be a publisher of the good news, a fellow worker with Jehovah. Let us cherish this privilege!

    "Somos colaboradores de Dios." (1 Cor. 3:9).
    ¡Ame su privilegio de trabajar con Jehová!
    Los siervos fieles de Jehová siempre han estado ansiosos por seguir su dirección. (Lea Hebreos 13: 7, 17.)
    Es posible que no comprendamos todas las razones por las que recibimos una nueva asignación o nueva dirección. Pero cooperamos con Jehová porque sabemos que los cambios proceden de él y que tendrán buenos resultados.
    Debido a que somos imperfectos, a menudo nos comparamos con otros. Pero la Palabra de Dios nos dice que nos enfoquemos en lo que personalmente somos capaces de hacer. (Lea Gálatas 6: 4.)
    No todos podemos ser ancianos, pioneros, misioneros o betelitas. Si bien estos son privilegios finos, el mayor privilegio es uno que todos tenemos. Ha de ser un editor de las buenas nuevas, un compañero de trabajo con Jehová. ¡Cuidemos este privilegio!

  25. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Who's Footsteps Do You Walk In? The Tide Is Changing! Keep The Faith!   
    DID you ever walk along a sandy beach or across a snowy field and find yourself fascinated by the pattern of footsteps left by someone who walked there before you?
    Did you perhaps even pick out a set of footsteps and try to follow them, matching your own steps with them as exactly as possible?
    If so, you discovered that it was not easy. In fact, following closely in the footsteps of another—either literally or figuratively—is a real challenge. And yet, by calling ourselves Christians, we have indicated our desire to do just that, to follow closely in the footsteps of Christ.
    Are you willing to put forth the effort that is necessary to meet this challenge successfully?
    More than that, are you determined to do so, come what may? If so, fully understanding the difficulties of following in literal footsteps will make you more successful in following in Christ’s figurative footsteps.
    Christ’s way of walking, figuratively speaking, was unique, for among his contemporaries he alone was a perfect man, “one who did not know sin.” (2 Corinthians 5:21)
    Since humans by nature are imperfect sinners, walking in Jesus’ footsteps is not their normal way of walking. So walking in Christ’s footsteps presents a challenge greater than if we were asked merely to follow in the footsteps of an imperfect person.
    (Psalm 44:18) 18 Our heart has not turned faithlessly back, Nor do our footsteps deviate from your path. . ."
    On a crowded beach, there may be several sets of footprints in the moist sand, and some trails of footprints may cross the one we are following. Many sets of footprints may, at least superficially, look alike.
    How vital it is to be certain that we are following the correct ones! Otherwise we may be betrayed into going in the wrong direction.
    In a spiritual sense, this could have serious consequences. The danger in following footsteps that may look right but that in reality are not is shown in the proverb that warns: “There exists a way that is upright before a man, but the ways of death are the end of it afterward.”—Proverbs 16:25.
    You still have an opportunity to get back into step with your Leader, Jesus Christ. No reason for despair! No reason to give up! Be determined, with divine help, to meet successfully the challenge of ‘following closely in Jesus’ footsteps.’—1 Peter 2:21

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