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Bible Speaks

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  1. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carlee2011 in Where Would I Be? By @jehovah_knows_   
    Where Would I Be?
    By @jehovah_knows_
    Where would I be if I weren’t in the truth?
    Out on a ledge, or up on some roof,
    Or under a bridge drinking one hundred proof,
    And trying to find change in a telephone booth,
    That’s where I’d be if I weren’t in the truth!
    Where would I be without the faithful slave,
    Either in prison, or dead in my grave,
    Or astray on the road that Satan does pave,
    Living in some old deep, dark, smelly cave,
    That’s where I’d be without the faithful slave.
    Where would I be without Jesus, the son?
    Falling apart, and coming undone,
    Telling myself that I’m just having fun,
    Doing everything bad that is under the sun,
    That’s where I’d be without Jesus, the son.
    Where would I be without Jehovah God?
    Pushing up daisy’s, beneath the sod,
    With nobody caring when o’er me they trod,
    With a tombstone that reads, “Here lies some clod”.
    That’s where I’d be without Jehovah God!
    Now some of this may seem a bit tongue in cheek,
    A little bit droll, rhymes a bit weak,
    The fact is I really would be up a creek,
    Jehovah knows that my future was bleak,
    If I don’t laugh I’ll cry when of these things I speak.

  2. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in If Anyone Wants To Come After Me, He Must Disown Himself!   
    "If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself."—Matt. 16:24.
    Jesus was on earth, he set a perfect example of self-sacrifice. jw.org

  3. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Where Would I Be? By @jehovah_knows_   
    Where Would I Be?
    By @jehovah_knows_
    Where would I be if I weren’t in the truth?
    Out on a ledge, or up on some roof,
    Or under a bridge drinking one hundred proof,
    And trying to find change in a telephone booth,
    That’s where I’d be if I weren’t in the truth!
    Where would I be without the faithful slave,
    Either in prison, or dead in my grave,
    Or astray on the road that Satan does pave,
    Living in some old deep, dark, smelly cave,
    That’s where I’d be without the faithful slave.
    Where would I be without Jesus, the son?
    Falling apart, and coming undone,
    Telling myself that I’m just having fun,
    Doing everything bad that is under the sun,
    That’s where I’d be without Jesus, the son.
    Where would I be without Jehovah God?
    Pushing up daisy’s, beneath the sod,
    With nobody caring when o’er me they trod,
    With a tombstone that reads, “Here lies some clod”.
    That’s where I’d be without Jehovah God!
    Now some of this may seem a bit tongue in cheek,
    A little bit droll, rhymes a bit weak,
    The fact is I really would be up a creek,
    Jehovah knows that my future was bleak,
    If I don’t laugh I’ll cry when of these things I speak.

  4. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Egil Edborg in AN INTERNAL MESSAGE - Our Bethel - houses want, we have to stop postings about RUSSIA ! The first Brother's already got into prison ;-((   
    This is nothing but a big lie. Jehova wants this case to be known all over the world. But SATAN wants us to stop this campain and say nothing!
    " Okay, let's see if we can clear this up: We are engaged in a PUBLIC campaign to bring to the PUBLIC's attention the threat against the freedom of the brothers in Russia. The instructions for this letter-writing campaign are on jw.org, the most widely translated website in the world. And the instructions were quite clear: don't send your letters via email; don't name Russian publishers if you happen to know any. That's all that was said regarding the internet.
    Some might feel that the cartoons of Russian mail carriers or Boris and Natasha are unnecessarily antagonizing the Russian government. That is certainly a valid opinion, and we don't want disagreements about those conscience matters to divide us, but neither do we want to make rules where none exist.
    Why on earth would there be an instruction to keep references to the letter-writing campaign off social media? That would be counter-productive. Who could possibly want the campaign to NOT be talked about? Could it be, SATAN?
    Several friends have called Bethel and confirmed, there was NO 'instruction at morning worship' to keep it off social media. That is a lie. Do NOT spread it! In any event, that is not how communication gets to us.
    Here's something else to think about: Friends of those in Russia have reported that the Russian brothers and sisters have access to their brothers and sisters ONLY via social media, and they are greatly encouraged to read the reports and see the pictures related to the letter-writing campaign. Now: who could possibly be trying to keep the joy of the campaign from those Russian friends?
    Please Share this with everyone. Please SQUASH the rumor about keeping the campaign off social media." - Quote
  5. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in How Does Satan Attack Us? How Can We Fight Back?   
    How Does Satan Attack Us? 
    How Can We Fight Back? 
    "Among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who     is the image of God, might not shine through." (2 Cor.4:4)
    To Resist Satan's Machinations we need to take full advantage of the spiritual provisions. These provisions  include; Christian meetings, family worship and "gifts in men."
    Sadly some, they feel comfortable in Satan's world . 

  6. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from ARchiv@L in stopjwban" CAMPAIN   
    LISTEN, OBEY, BE BLESSED! We have the most powerful force in all the Universe, Our Father Jehovah God! If one angel can destroy 185,000, His myriads of angels and Christ as King ? ready to March on command, we will see things many of the prophets yearned to see! Rejoice! The King marched forward! 

    LISTEN, OBEY, BE BLESSED! We have the most powerful force in all the Universe, Our Father Jehovah God! If one angel can destroy 185,000, His myriads of angels and Christ as King ? ready to March on command, we will see things many of the prophets yearned to see! Rejoice! The King marched forward! 

  7. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to ARchiv@L in stopjwban" CAMPAIN   
    we did/do our part, we pray, we wait, and Jehovah knows better what will happen.
    only Jehovah can see the future, and He has got many things for the future and the earth.

    and this is ALSO ANOTHER  message today ... (thanks)
    we are in the last days.
    we must show full trust in God Jehovah and His word.
  8. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in stopjwban" CAMPAIN   
    LISTEN, OBEY, BE BLESSED! We have the most powerful force in all the Universe, Our Father Jehovah God! If one angel can destroy 185,000, His myriads of angels and Christ as King ? ready to March on command, we will see things many of the prophets yearned to see! Rejoice! The King marched forward! 

    LISTEN, OBEY, BE BLESSED! We have the most powerful force in all the Universe, Our Father Jehovah God! If one angel can destroy 185,000, His myriads of angels and Christ as King ? ready to March on command, we will see things many of the prophets yearned to see! Rejoice! The King marched forward! 

  9. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to bruceq in stopjwban" CAMPAIN   
    Yes Jehovah always uses the small ones ie Gideon and his 300 men. David vs. Goliath .....
  10. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from ARchiv@L in stopjwban" CAMPAIN   
    @Queen Esther Who contacted you? Could be apostate? Yet, I called Bethel yesterday in Patterson NY. I had this picture up, but only a few believed me? I'm praying and we know Jehovah will take care of it! Just write and let them go forward to the destinations. He said yesterday that it was mentioned at morning worship. Had others tell me the same but no directions on jw.org. So we must focus on the Memorial and send our letters and pray for Jehovah to take over as he will. No fear, Jehovah is near, my motto. Yet, scriptually based. 

  11. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from ARchiv@L in stopjwban" CAMPAIN   
    @Queen Esther Is it on website? People don't understand with no link or message from Society? Praying yes of course! ?
    @Queen Esther Is it on website? People don't understand with no link or message from Society? Praying yes of course! ?

  12. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in stopjwban" CAMPAIN   
    @bruceq Agreed, we know this is the LOUDEST PROCLAMATION to the world about Jehovah! We are United and Love Our God Jehovah! The world will see His Name vindicated throughout the whole earth! No other religion has His Name upon them! Maybe the forcefulness of "only" 175,000 Witnesses is a "small group." However our Love for each other and our God Jehovah makes us over 8,220,000 strong! 6 Officials written letters by those 8,220,000 to me is over 49,320,000 letters!! The GREATEST CAMPAIGN EVER! Don't give up, pray for the Vindication of Jehovah's Name! Yes, soon all His enemies will be shown the Truth survives. Keep announcing Jehovah's Kingdom, the Memorial which is probably why the persecution is so much worse right now. Too will try to stop us from gathering the rightly disposed to the Memorial! Keep busy, Jehovah has Loyal Love for us all. Never ever give up! Thank you for your comment. Jehovah Bless all that stay by His side forever!                                 Bible Speaks ?????
  13. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from bruceq in stopjwban" CAMPAIN   
    @bruceq Agreed, we know this is the LOUDEST PROCLAMATION to the world about Jehovah! We are United and Love Our God Jehovah! The world will see His Name vindicated throughout the whole earth! No other religion has His Name upon them! Maybe the forcefulness of "only" 175,000 Witnesses is a "small group." However our Love for each other and our God Jehovah makes us over 8,220,000 strong! 6 Officials written letters by those 8,220,000 to me is over 49,320,000 letters!! The GREATEST CAMPAIGN EVER! Don't give up, pray for the Vindication of Jehovah's Name! Yes, soon all His enemies will be shown the Truth survives. Keep announcing Jehovah's Kingdom, the Memorial which is probably why the persecution is so much worse right now. Too will try to stop us from gathering the rightly disposed to the Memorial! Keep busy, Jehovah has Loyal Love for us all. Never ever give up! Thank you for your comment. Jehovah Bless all that stay by His side forever!                                 Bible Speaks ?????
  14. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to bruceq in stopjwban" CAMPAIN   
    There was no announcement about posting on Social Media at Bethel morning worship in New York neither today nor yesterday. Perhaps they did in Russia would make sense but Internationally we WANT attention given about this event which is the entire reason for the letter writing campaign in the first place. Opposers of course would not want this publicized since it obviously shows that only Jehovah's Witnesses have the true religion since it is only JW.ORG that was banned and only JW's are currently under threat of that as well. No other religion is currently under consideration for banning. Check out "Russia Religion News" for all news related to Religious repression under former Soviet bloc nations. About 85% of the material is on Jehovah's Witnesses and the persecution that they are getting. Other Christian and Muslim groups are also being affected but ONLY the Jehovah's Witnesses are threatened with banning the entire religion in Russia.
    No matter the outcome in Russia this will be a major Witness to the world and many right - hearted ones will see it for what it is that the True Religion is being targeted as the Bible says it would be. Consider the "baseless" claims of why they consider us "extremist"? Don't you think how that will affect peoples attitude about the Witnesses and the possible King of the North's attack on true worship both just before and during the Great Tribulation. A great Witness is about to happen on April 5, 2017 !
  15. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Queen Esther in AN INTERNAL MESSAGE - Our Bethel - houses want, we have to stop postings about RUSSIA ! The first Brother's already got into prison ;-((   
    Dear  Brother's  and  Sister's,    I  got  a  short  message  and  a  call  to  my  late  evening.  All  Bethel's  want,  we  should  at  once  stop  our  postings  about  the  Russia-problem  and  campaign  on  the  Internet ! Our  Brother's  now  in  big  distress  about  all  that
    The  first  Brother's  already  got  into  prison ;-(( 
    But  our  millions  of  letter's  now  on  the  way  or  already  there !!
    We  are  now  invited,  praying  so  often  we  can  do.  -  The  Russian  Government  is  not  prudish.....    and  I  won't  imagine  my  Brother's  now  step  by  step  more  suffering   We  don't  know  that  Russian  Government,  but  they  not  capitulate,  I  think  so !
    We  don't  know  what  will  happen  on  April 5. ??
    But  Jehovah  has  HIS  own  plan,  we  can  always  trust  HIM !! 
    In  some  other  Countries,  our  Brother's  also  in  distress...
    ITS  REALLY  END-TIME......  YES !
    (  I  not  trust  some  new  online - pages  by  FB...)    Better  we  hear  of  Bethel - GB.

  16. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Queen Esther in stopjwban" CAMPAIN   
    @connie marie  ........
    Exactly,  YES !  I  wrote  it  in  my  comment   Lets  thinking  positive,  bec. JEHOVAH  always  is  winning !   NO  PROBLEM  FOR  HIM....    More  tmw  after  my  meeting !
  17. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Queen Esther in stopjwban" CAMPAIN   
    @Bible Speaks  .......
    I  posted  a  message...  you  can  read  it.  YES,  NO  fear,  bec. JEHOVAH  has  HIS  plan.

  18. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Too Bad. Too Bad You Great City, In One Hour She Has Been Devastated!   
    19 "They threw dust on their heads and cried out, weeping and mourning, and said: ‘Too bad, too bad, the great city, in which all those who had ships at sea became rich from her wealth, because in one hour she has been devastated!’ (Revelation 18:19) NWT 
    Why do “the kings of the earth” grieve over the very entity they themselves have devastated? 
    The reason for their grief is strictly selfish. After the destruction of Babylon the Great, the kings of the earth evidently come to realize how useful she was to them. She provided a religious front for their oppressive deeds. Babylon the Great also helped them in recruiting youths for the battlefields. Moreover, she played an important part in keeping people in subjection.
    In additional significant factor is that when Babylon the Great goes down under the devastating attack of the ten horns of the symbolic wild beast, her fall is mourned by her companions in fornication, the kings of the earth, and also by the merchants and shippers who dealt with her in supplying luxurious commodities and gorgeous fineries. 
    While these political and commercial representatives survive her desolation, notably no religious representatives are depicted as still on the scene to share in mourning her downfall. (Re 17:16, 17; 18:9-19) 
    The kings of the earth are shown as having judgment executed upon them sometime after mystic Babylon’s annihilation, and their destruction comes, not from the “ten horns,” but from the sword of the King of kings, the Word of God.—Re 19:1, 2, 11-18.
    A further distinguishing characteristic of Babylon the Great is her drunkenness, she being pictured as “drunk with the blood of the holy ones and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus.” (Re 17:4, 6; 18:24; 19:1, 2) 
    She thus is the spiritual counterpart of the ancient city of Babylon, expressing the same enmity toward the true people of God. Significantly, it was to the charge of religious leaders that Jesus laid the responsibility for “all the righteous blood spilled on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah.” 
    While those words were addressed to religious leaders from among Jesus’ own race, the Jewish nation, and while persecution against Jesus’ followers was particularly intense from that sector for a time, history shows that thereafter the opposition to genuine Christianity came from other sources (the Jews themselves suffering considerable persecution).—Mt 23:29-35.
    All the above factors are significant, and they must all be considered in arriving at a true picture of symbolic Babylon the Great and what it represents. jw.org

  19. Upvote
  20. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Why Do The Nations Mutter Empty Things? Jehovah In Heaven Will Laugh! His Anointed King Must Be Obeyed   
    2 Why are the nations agitated
    And the peoples muttering
    an empty thing?
    2 The kings of the earth take their stand
    And high officials gather together
    as one
    Against Jehovah and against his anointed one.
    3 They say: “Let us tear off their shackles
    And throw off their ropes!” 4 The One enthroned in the heavens will laugh;
    Jehovah will scoff at them.
     5 At that time he will speak to them in his anger
    And terrify them in his burning anger,
     6 Saying: “I myself have installed my king On Zion,  my holy mountain.” 7 Let me proclaim the decree of Jehovah;
    He said to me: “You are my son;
    Today I have become your father.
     8 Ask of me, and I will give nations as your inheritance
    And the ends of the earth as your possession.
     9 You will break them with an iron scepter, 
    And you will smash them like a piece of pottery.”
    10 So now, you kings, show insight;
    Accept correction, you judges of the earth.
    11 Serve Jehovah with fear,
    And rejoice with trembling.
    12 Honor the son, or God will become indignant
    And you will perish from the way,
    For His anger flares up quickly.
    Happy are all those taking refuge in Him."

  21. Upvote
  22. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Queen Esther in stopjwban" CAMPAIN   
    It  doesn't  give  a  link,  NOTHINGS  on  website's !  All  internal,  more  by  our  Meetings. Our  Brother's  have  just  alot  distress  about  that  all   We  shall  pray  so  often  we  can ❤   Thanks  to  ALL  ❤ ❤ ❤
  23. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in stopjwban" CAMPAIN   
    @Queen Esther Who contacted you? Could be apostate? Yet, I called Bethel yesterday in Patterson NY. I had this picture up, but only a few believed me? I'm praying and we know Jehovah will take care of it! Just write and let them go forward to the destinations. He said yesterday that it was mentioned at morning worship. Had others tell me the same but no directions on jw.org. So we must focus on the Memorial and send our letters and pray for Jehovah to take over as he will. No fear, Jehovah is near, my motto. Yet, scriptually based. 

  24. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in stopjwban" CAMPAIN   
    @Queen Esther Is it on website? People don't understand with no link or message from Society? Praying yes of course! ?
    @Queen Esther Is it on website? People don't understand with no link or message from Society? Praying yes of course! ?

  25. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in stopjwban" CAMPAIN   
    @Queen Esther Is it on website? People don't understand with no link or message from Society? Praying yes of course! ?
    @Queen Esther Is it on website? People don't understand with no link or message from Society? Praying yes of course! ?

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