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  1. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "I Am Jehovah, That is My Name"   
    8 "I am Jehovah. 
    That is my name;
    I give my glory to 
    no one else."
    (Isaiah 42:8) NWT
  2. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Strengthen Yourself By Jehovah   
    ‘Strengthen Yourself by Jehovah’
    David’s fear of Jehovah did more than just restrain him from doing wrong. It strengthened him to act decisively and wisely under difficult circumstances. For a year and four months, David and his men took refuge from Saul at Ziklag in the Philistine countryside. (1 Samuel 27:5-7) 
    Once while the men were away, marauding Amalekites burned the city and carried off all the men’s wives, children, and flocks. Upon returning and seeing what had happened, 
    David and his men wept. Grief quickly turned tobitterness, and David’s men spoke of stoning him. Though distressed, David did not despair. (Proverbs 24:10) 
    His fear of God moved him to turn to Jehovah, and he “took to strengthening himself by Jehovah.” With God’s help, David and his men overtook the Amalekites and recovered everything.—1 Samuel 30:1-20.
    A Precious Heritage
     “Come, you sons, listen to me,” wrote David. “The fear of Jehovah is what I shall teach you.” (Psalm 34:11) 
    As a father, David was intent on passing on to his children a precious heritage—the genuine, balanced, wholesome fear of Jehovah. 
    By words and by deeds, David portrayed Jehovah, not as a demanding and fearsome God, ready to pounce on any infraction of His laws, but as a loving, caring, and forgiving Father of His earthly children. “Missteps who can keep track of?” asked David.
    Then, indicating his confidence that Jehovah is not constantly scrutinizing our errors, he added: “Hold me clear of unnoticed things!” David was sure that if he put forth his best effort, his words and thoughts could be acceptable to Jehovah.—Psalm 19:12, 14, Byington.
  3. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in "Keep On The Watch!"   
  4. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in "Keep On The Watch!"   
    “Keep on the watch. . . because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.”—MATTHEW 24:42.
    Jesus gave this warning: “Keep on the watch, therefore, because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.
    But know one thing, that if the householder had known in what watch thethief was coming, he would have kept awake and not allowed his house to be broken into.” (Matthew 24:42, 43) So Jesus likened his coming to the arrival of a thief—unexpected.
    Because we truly love Jehovah, we find the greatest delight in doing his will. (Psalm 40:8;Matthew 26:39)
    And we want to serve Jehovah forever. That prospect is not less precious just because we must wait a little longer than we may have expected.
    Above all, we keep onthe watch because we eagerly anticipate what Jehovah’s day will mean for the accomplishment of his purpose.
    Our earnest desire to please God moves us to apply thecounsel of his Word and give his Kingdom first place in our life. (Matthew 6:33; 1 John 5:3)
    Let us consider to keep  on the watch it should influence the decisions we make and the way we live our life each day.
    Jesus said: “Just as the days of Noah were, so thepresence of the Son of man will be. For as they were in those days before the flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark; and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so thepresence of the Son of man will be.” (Matthew 24:37-39)
    What can we learn from that? If any of us are allowing mundane concerns—even the normal activities of life—to crowd out the spiritual activities that God urges us to keep in first place, we need to think seriously about our situation.—Romans 14:17.

  5. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Strengthen Yourself By Jehovah   
    ‘Strengthen Yourself by Jehovah’
    David’s fear of Jehovah did more than just restrain him from doing wrong. It strengthened him to act decisively and wisely under difficult circumstances. For a year and four months, David and his men took refuge from Saul at Ziklag in the Philistine countryside. (1 Samuel 27:5-7) 
    Once while the men were away, marauding Amalekites burned the city and carried off all the men’s wives, children, and flocks. Upon returning and seeing what had happened, 
    David and his men wept. Grief quickly turned tobitterness, and David’s men spoke of stoning him. Though distressed, David did not despair. (Proverbs 24:10) 
    His fear of God moved him to turn to Jehovah, and he “took to strengthening himself by Jehovah.” With God’s help, David and his men overtook the Amalekites and recovered everything.—1 Samuel 30:1-20.
    A Precious Heritage
     “Come, you sons, listen to me,” wrote David. “The fear of Jehovah is what I shall teach you.” (Psalm 34:11) 
    As a father, David was intent on passing on to his children a precious heritage—the genuine, balanced, wholesome fear of Jehovah. 
    By words and by deeds, David portrayed Jehovah, not as a demanding and fearsome God, ready to pounce on any infraction of His laws, but as a loving, caring, and forgiving Father of His earthly children. “Missteps who can keep track of?” asked David.
    Then, indicating his confidence that Jehovah is not constantly scrutinizing our errors, he added: “Hold me clear of unnoticed things!” David was sure that if he put forth his best effort, his words and thoughts could be acceptable to Jehovah.—Psalm 19:12, 14, Byington.
  6. Upvote
  7. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Those Hoping In Jehovah Will Possess the Earth ?   
    9 "For evil men will be done away with,
    But those hoping in Jehovah will possess the earth."
    (Psalm 37:9) NWT 

  8. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from whatelss in Do You Drink Alcohol? In Moderation?   
    Alcohol Dangers
    “Alcohol-related injury, disability, and deaths in younger age-groups in Europe have increased alarmingly in recent years,” reports Britain’s medical journal The Lancet. In Europe, where alcohol consumption is the world’s highest, alcohol kills 55,000 young people every year. When asked about their drinking habits, one third of the students polled in Britain, Denmark, Finland, Greenland, and Ireland admitted having been drunk at least three times during the previous month. 
    According to a study of 100,000 students aged 15 to 16 in 30 European countries, the greatest increases in alcohol consumption by youths occurred in Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia, and the Slovak Republic. As reported in London’s Independent newspaper, Britain’s Royal College of Physicians warns that “advanced cirrhosis of the liver, traditionally found in hard-drinking men in their 40s and 50s, is now being diagnosed” in women in their early 20’s. The college “identified alcohol as one of Britain’s most expensive public health problems.”
    Intoxicating drinks in ancient Biblical lands included wine made from grapes (De 32:14) and alcoholic beverages prepared from grains. (Isa 1:22) Moderate use of wine and other strong drinks is acceptable to Jehovah, who provides “wine that makes the heart of mortal man rejoice.”—Ps 104:14, 15
    The drunkard’s personal experience is described as the writer continues: “And you will certainly become like one lying down in the heart of the sea [experiencing the confusion of one drowning, finally passing into unconsciousness], even like one lying down at the top of a mast [as the rocking of the ship is greatest at this point, the drunkard’s life is in danger from accident, stroke, a fight, and so forth]. ‘They have struck me, but I did not become sick; they have smitten me, but I did not know it [says the drunkard, as if talking to himself; he was insensible to what was actually going on and to the punishment that the experience has inflicted on him]. When shall I wake up? I shall seek it yet some more [he must now sleep off the effects of overindulgence, but he is enslaved by the drink and looks forward to drinking more when he is able].’” He will come to poverty, by spending excessive amounts for liquor and also by becoming unreliable and rendering himself unable to work.—Pr 23:20, 21,34, 35.
    Prohibited in the Christian Congregation. The drunkard is prone to boisterousness or rough, unrestrained noisiness and to ridiculous actions, bringing reproach. (Pr 20:1; Ps 107:27; Isa 19:14) 
    Consequently, the practice of drunkenness is not to be tolerated in the Christian congregation. God’s attitude toward drunkenness was revealed in his Law to Israel. A son who was stubborn and rebellious, who was a glutton and a drunkard, was to be stoned to death. (De 21:18-21) 
    Similarly, the Bible commands that unrepentant or habitual drunkards are to be expelled from the Christian congregation. (1Co 5:11-13) “The works of the flesh” include “drunken bouts, revelries,” which things the nations in general practice. A Christian, having been cleansed from such practices but thereafter returning to them and proving unrepentant, would be prevented from entering God’s Kingdom. (1Co 6:9-11) 
    He is to cease spending his time working out the will of the nations by engaging in their excesses with wine and their drinking matches. (1Pe 4:3) He must devote himself to producing the fruits of God’s spirit.—Ga 5:19-24.
    Moderation and soundness of mind are therefore among the requirements for Christian overseers (1Ti 3:1-3; Tit 1:7); ministerial servants (1Ti 3:8); aged men and women (Tit 2:2, 3); young men and women (Tit 2:4-8); children (especially those of overseers).—Tit 1:6.

  9. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "I Am The Light of The World"   
    8:12 "Then Jesus spoke again to them, saying: “I am the light of the world."
    "Whoever follows me will by no means walk in darkness, but will possess the light."
    (John 8:12)  NWT jw.org
  10. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in Elephants ? Sound of Silence   
    Elephants’ “Sound of Silence”
    On a hot afternoon in the sprawling Amboseli National Park in Kenya, the large herd of elephants seems undisturbed by any intrusion into their habitat. 
    Yet, the air is full of “elephant talk,” ranging from low frequency rumblings to high frequency trumpets, roars, bellows, barks, and snorts. Some of the calls contain components that are below the level of human hearing and yet are so powerful that they can be heard by an elephant several miles away.
    Experts in animal behavior continue to be puzzled by the intricate ways in which elephants convey serious messages. 
    Joyce Poole has spent over 20 years studying communication concepts among African elephants. She has concluded that these huge creatures, known for their coveted tusks, exhibit feelings found in very few animals. “It is hard to watch elephants’ remarkable behavior during a family or bond group greeting ceremony [or at] the birth of a new family member . . . and not imagine that they feel very strong emotions which could be best described by words such as joy, happiness, love, feelings of friendship, exuberance, amusement, pleasure, compassion, relief, and respect,” says Poole.
    When getting together after being separated for long periods, their greetings turn to pandemonium, as members rush together with heads high and ears folded and flapping. 
    At times, an elephant will even put its trunk into another’s mouth. These greetings seem to give the elephants a deep sense of joy, as if they were saying, “Wow! It’s simply fantastic to be with you again!” 
    Such bonds renew the support network vital to their survival.
    Elephants seem to have a sense of humor too. Poole describes watching elephants draw the corners of their mouths in what she called a smile, wagging their heads in a manner suggesting amusement. 
    She once initiated a game in which the animals took part, and for 15 minutes they behaved in a totally absurd manner. Two years later, some participants seemed to “smile” at her again, perhaps remembering her involvement in the game. 
    Not only do elephants amuse each other in play but they also mimic sounds. In a research project, Poole heard a sound that was different from the normal elephant calls. On analysis, it was suggested that the elephants were imitating the noise made by trucks passing nearby. And they were apparently doing it for fun! It is as if elephants look for any excuse to get excited.
    Much has been said about the way elephants appear to mourn when calamity befalls a family member. Poole once observed a female standing guard over her stillborn baby for three days and described it this way: Her “facial expressions” seemed “similar to a grief stricken, depressed person: her head and ears hung down, the corners of her mouth were turned down.”
    Those who kill elephants for ivory do not consider the ‘psychological trauma’ of the orphans who may have witnessed the killing of their mothers. These babies spend the first few days at an animal orphanage trying to overcome their “grief.” A keeper reported having heard the orphans “scream” in the morning. Repercussions can be observed several years after the death. 
    Poole suggests that the elephants can detect the hand of man in their suffering. We look forward to the time when man and beast will live together in peace.—Isaiah 11:6-9.

  11. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Elephants ? Sound of Silence   
    Elephants’ “Sound of Silence”
    On a hot afternoon in the sprawling Amboseli National Park in Kenya, the large herd of elephants seems undisturbed by any intrusion into their habitat. 
    Yet, the air is full of “elephant talk,” ranging from low frequency rumblings to high frequency trumpets, roars, bellows, barks, and snorts. Some of the calls contain components that are below the level of human hearing and yet are so powerful that they can be heard by an elephant several miles away.
    Experts in animal behavior continue to be puzzled by the intricate ways in which elephants convey serious messages. 
    Joyce Poole has spent over 20 years studying communication concepts among African elephants. She has concluded that these huge creatures, known for their coveted tusks, exhibit feelings found in very few animals. “It is hard to watch elephants’ remarkable behavior during a family or bond group greeting ceremony [or at] the birth of a new family member . . . and not imagine that they feel very strong emotions which could be best described by words such as joy, happiness, love, feelings of friendship, exuberance, amusement, pleasure, compassion, relief, and respect,” says Poole.
    When getting together after being separated for long periods, their greetings turn to pandemonium, as members rush together with heads high and ears folded and flapping. 
    At times, an elephant will even put its trunk into another’s mouth. These greetings seem to give the elephants a deep sense of joy, as if they were saying, “Wow! It’s simply fantastic to be with you again!” 
    Such bonds renew the support network vital to their survival.
    Elephants seem to have a sense of humor too. Poole describes watching elephants draw the corners of their mouths in what she called a smile, wagging their heads in a manner suggesting amusement. 
    She once initiated a game in which the animals took part, and for 15 minutes they behaved in a totally absurd manner. Two years later, some participants seemed to “smile” at her again, perhaps remembering her involvement in the game. 
    Not only do elephants amuse each other in play but they also mimic sounds. In a research project, Poole heard a sound that was different from the normal elephant calls. On analysis, it was suggested that the elephants were imitating the noise made by trucks passing nearby. And they were apparently doing it for fun! It is as if elephants look for any excuse to get excited.
    Much has been said about the way elephants appear to mourn when calamity befalls a family member. Poole once observed a female standing guard over her stillborn baby for three days and described it this way: Her “facial expressions” seemed “similar to a grief stricken, depressed person: her head and ears hung down, the corners of her mouth were turned down.”
    Those who kill elephants for ivory do not consider the ‘psychological trauma’ of the orphans who may have witnessed the killing of their mothers. These babies spend the first few days at an animal orphanage trying to overcome their “grief.” A keeper reported having heard the orphans “scream” in the morning. Repercussions can be observed several years after the death. 
    Poole suggests that the elephants can detect the hand of man in their suffering. We look forward to the time when man and beast will live together in peace.—Isaiah 11:6-9.

  12. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from ARchiv@L in "Keep On The Watch!"   
    May Jehovah be praised forever!
    Agape, ???
  13. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Martha Braun Amistadi in The One Who Turns Deep Shadow Into Morning   
    8 ....The One who turns deep       shadow into morning,
    The One who makes day as dark as night,
    The One who summons the waters of the sea
    To pour them out on the surface of the earth—Jehovah is his name."
    (Amos 5:8)

  14. Upvote
  15. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Martha Braun Amistadi in Those Hoping In Jehovah Will Possess the Earth ?   
    9 "For evil men will be done away with,
    But those hoping in Jehovah will possess the earth."
    (Psalm 37:9) NWT 

  16. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Martha Braun Amistadi in They Will Have To Know I Am Jehovah   
    23 "And I will certainly magnify myself and sanctify myself and make myself known before the eyes of many nations; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah.’"
    ( Ezekiel 38:23) NWT

  17. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from larryrobinson in A nice experience - A blind brother and his seeing dog ... (and a video !)   
    Queen Esther: May you find joy and peace today from Jehovah!
  18. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from larryrobinson in A nice experience - A blind brother and his seeing dog ... (and a video !)   
    Queen Esther: May you find joy and peace today from Jehovah!
  19. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Richteresa in A nice experience - A blind brother and his seeing dog ... (and a video !)   
    Queen Esther:
    What a wonderful experience!
    We are not "blind", we "know" where we should be and when! Let's take advantage of this wonderful spiritual food to keep us strong now, so when persecution comes we can remember all these things and spiritual gems for our survival. Be Blessed, put Jehovah first in our lives. Agape, Bible Speaks 

  20. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Ma Ai in Strengthen Yourself By Jehovah   
    ‘Strengthen Yourself by Jehovah’
    David’s fear of Jehovah did more than just restrain him from doing wrong. It strengthened him to act decisively and wisely under difficult circumstances. For a year and four months, David and his men took refuge from Saul at Ziklag in the Philistine countryside. (1 Samuel 27:5-7) 
    Once while the men were away, marauding Amalekites burned the city and carried off all the men’s wives, children, and flocks. Upon returning and seeing what had happened, 
    David and his men wept. Grief quickly turned tobitterness, and David’s men spoke of stoning him. Though distressed, David did not despair. (Proverbs 24:10) 
    His fear of God moved him to turn to Jehovah, and he “took to strengthening himself by Jehovah.” With God’s help, David and his men overtook the Amalekites and recovered everything.—1 Samuel 30:1-20.
    A Precious Heritage
     “Come, you sons, listen to me,” wrote David. “The fear of Jehovah is what I shall teach you.” (Psalm 34:11) 
    As a father, David was intent on passing on to his children a precious heritage—the genuine, balanced, wholesome fear of Jehovah. 
    By words and by deeds, David portrayed Jehovah, not as a demanding and fearsome God, ready to pounce on any infraction of His laws, but as a loving, caring, and forgiving Father of His earthly children. “Missteps who can keep track of?” asked David.
    Then, indicating his confidence that Jehovah is not constantly scrutinizing our errors, he added: “Hold me clear of unnoticed things!” David was sure that if he put forth his best effort, his words and thoughts could be acceptable to Jehovah.—Psalm 19:12, 14, Byington.
  21. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Queen Esther in Little girlie - sister loves it to go preaching too ;-)   
    Little  girlie - sister  loves  it  to  go  preaching  too  ;-)
    She  is  from  Seaford  Congregation  in  Melbourne, Australia...
  22. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to ARchiv@L in "Keep On The Watch!"   
    Hello “bible speaks”. Thank you for the daily activity, and the very nice photos!
    This tower is nice too!
  23. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from ARchiv@L in "Keep On The Watch!"   
  24. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Those Hoping In Jehovah Will Possess the Earth ?   
    9 "For evil men will be done away with,
    But those hoping in Jehovah will possess the earth."
    (Psalm 37:9) NWT 

  25. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in They Will Have To Know I Am Jehovah   
    23 "And I will certainly magnify myself and sanctify myself and make myself known before the eyes of many nations; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah.’"
    ( Ezekiel 38:23) NWT

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