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Bible Speaks

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  1. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Who Created the Snow and the Ice Crystals? ❄️❄️❄️   
    Who Created the Snow and         the Ice Crystals? 
    A silvery-white deposit of ice needles formed by direct condensation at freezing temperatures. The ice crystals are long and needle shaped; usually they are perpendicular to the objects on which they occur and are most abundant along their edges. 
    The moisture in the atmosphere freezes without passing through the liquid state, condensing on trees, plants, and other objects, usually in the night. It is often found on windows.
    Jehovah gives forth the hoarfrost with as much ease as a man scatters ashes with his hand. It covers, or encrusts, such things as trees, grass, and houses with a covering, just as though ashes had been scattered over them by Jehovah’s invisible hand.
    38 "Then Jehovah answered Job out of the windstorm:
    "Have you entered the storehouses of the snow?Or have you seen the storehouses of the hail?"
    23 "Which I have reserved for the time of distress,
    For the day of battle and war?"
    29 "From whose womb did the ice emerge,
    And who gave birth to the frost of heaven?"
    30 "When the waters are covered as if with stone,
    And the surface of the deep waters is frozen solid?"
    16 "He sends the snow like wool;
    He scatters the frost just like ashes."
    17 "He hurls down his hailstones like morsels of bread.
    Who can withstand his cold?"
          (Psalm 147:16,17)
  2. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Queen Esther in A beautiful Daily-text gleanings *picture* for the current Sunday !   
    A  beautiful  Daily-text  gleanings  *picture*  for  the  current  Sunday !
    Sunday, December 11. 2016
    The Kingdom of the heavens is like a dragnet let down into the sea and gathering fish of every kind.—Matt. 13:47.
  3. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Queen Esther in Look to Jehova's wonderful and funny Creations ;-) ( part 1 )   
    Look  to  Jehova's  wonderful  and  funny  Creations ;-)   ( part  1 )
    This species of orchid, aptly named the Monkey Face Orchid (Dracula simia), was created after Mother Nature decided to do a bit of monkeying around (hah!). These rare monkey orchids only grow in the cloud forests of southeastern Ecuador and Peru at elevations of 1,000-2,000 meters on the side of mountains. In the scientific name, “simia” refers to the monkey face and “Dracula” refers to the two long spurs that hang down, almost like fangs.
    For  more  details  click  the  link...   many  pictures  in  big  and  text !
  4. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Queen Esther in Look to Jehova's wonderful and funny Creations ;-) ( part 2 )   
    The  link  for  all  these  beautiful  creations  in  bigger  and  more  text  for  all  details !
    ( part 2 )
  5. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from The Librarian in Darkness Will Cover the Earth, Yet Jehovah Will Show His Light!   
    “DARKNESS itself will cover the earth, and thick gloom the national groups; but upon you Jehovah will shine forth, and upon you his own glory will be seen.” (Isaiah 60:2) 
    These words well describe the situation on earth since 1919. Christendom has rejected the sign of the royal presence of Jesus Christ, “the light of the world.” (John 8:12; Matthew 24:3) 
    Because of the “great anger” of Satan, chief of “the world rulers of this darkness,” the 20th century was the cruelest, most destructive time of man’s history. (Revelation 12:12; Ephesians 6:12) 
    Most people live in spiritual darkness.
    Still, light does shine today. Jehovah ‘shines forth’ upon his servants, the anointed remnant, who are the earthly representatives of his heavenly “woman.” (Isaiah 60:1) 
    Especially since their release from Babylonish captivity in 1919, these have reflected God’s glory and have ‘let their light shine before men.’ (Matthew 5:16) 
    From 1919 through 1931, Kingdom light shone brighter Jehovah fulfilled his promise: “I shall without fail collect the remaining ones of Israel together. In unity I shall set them, like a flock in the pen, like a drove in the midst of its pasture; they will be noisy with men.” (Micah 2:12) 
    In 1931, Jehovah’s glory upon his people became even more evident when they accepted the name Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    Jehovah’s Witnesses know that many in this world will oppose them. (John 17:14) 
    Still, they are strengthened by Isaiah’s prophecy: “To you the sons of those afflicting you must go, bowing down; and all those treating you disrespectfully must bend down at the very soles of your feet, and they will have to call you the city of Jehovah, Zion of the Holy One of Israel.” (Isaiah 60:14) 
    To their chagrin, opposers will soon have to recognize that they have, in effect, been fighting against God himself. Who can win such a battle?
    Jehovah sheds light on his people, blessing them, guiding them, and strengthening them. During the 20th century, they saw the fulfillment of Isaiah’s words: “The little one himself will become a thousand, and the small one a mighty nation. I myself, Jehovah, shall speed it up in its own time.” (Isaiah 60:22)

  6. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Darkness Will Cover the Earth, Yet Jehovah Will Show His Light!   
    “DARKNESS itself will cover the earth, and thick gloom the national groups; but upon you Jehovah will shine forth, and upon you his own glory will be seen.” (Isaiah 60:2) 
    These words well describe the situation on earth since 1919. Christendom has rejected the sign of the royal presence of Jesus Christ, “the light of the world.” (John 8:12; Matthew 24:3) 
    Because of the “great anger” of Satan, chief of “the world rulers of this darkness,” the 20th century was the cruelest, most destructive time of man’s history. (Revelation 12:12; Ephesians 6:12) 
    Most people live in spiritual darkness.
    Still, light does shine today. Jehovah ‘shines forth’ upon his servants, the anointed remnant, who are the earthly representatives of his heavenly “woman.” (Isaiah 60:1) 
    Especially since their release from Babylonish captivity in 1919, these have reflected God’s glory and have ‘let their light shine before men.’ (Matthew 5:16) 
    From 1919 through 1931, Kingdom light shone brighter Jehovah fulfilled his promise: “I shall without fail collect the remaining ones of Israel together. In unity I shall set them, like a flock in the pen, like a drove in the midst of its pasture; they will be noisy with men.” (Micah 2:12) 
    In 1931, Jehovah’s glory upon his people became even more evident when they accepted the name Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    Jehovah’s Witnesses know that many in this world will oppose them. (John 17:14) 
    Still, they are strengthened by Isaiah’s prophecy: “To you the sons of those afflicting you must go, bowing down; and all those treating you disrespectfully must bend down at the very soles of your feet, and they will have to call you the city of Jehovah, Zion of the Holy One of Israel.” (Isaiah 60:14) 
    To their chagrin, opposers will soon have to recognize that they have, in effect, been fighting against God himself. Who can win such a battle?
    Jehovah sheds light on his people, blessing them, guiding them, and strengthening them. During the 20th century, they saw the fulfillment of Isaiah’s words: “The little one himself will become a thousand, and the small one a mighty nation. I myself, Jehovah, shall speed it up in its own time.” (Isaiah 60:22)

  7. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Daniela Joseph in Jehovah Secures Justice For The Defrauded   
    Many are living in cages with doors open wide open....
     7 " The One securing justice         for those defrauded,
    The One giving bread to the hungry. Jehovah is releasing the prisoners."
          (Psalm 146:7)

  8. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from John Lindsay Barltrop in BE PROTECTED WITH JEHOVAH’S PEOPLE   
  9. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to John Lindsay Barltrop in BE PROTECTED WITH JEHOVAH’S PEOPLE   
    We can only but imagine the forces Jehovah will use at Armageddon, when we see pictures like these. We had a severe thunderstorm in Adelaide, South Australia (where I live). This is a photograph of lightning over the Gulf of St. Vincent.

  10. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Taste and See Jehovah is Good   
      "Taste and see
       that Jehovah is good."
    (Psalm 34:8)

  11. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from vandenbusschevanoostjosett in You Knit Me Together In My Mother's Womb   
    You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mothers womb.

    13 "For you produced 
    my kidneys; You kept me     screened  off in my mother’s womb."
           (Psalm 139:13)

  12. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from paciencia.mat@live.ca in Hold On To Discipline Do Not Let Go! It Means YOUR Life!   
    Our ability to discipline ourselves to set clear goals, and then work toward them every day will do more to guarantee our success than any other factor....
    13 "Hold on to discipline; do not   let it go. Safeguard it, for it means your life."
    (Proverbs 4:13)

  13. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from vandenbusschevanoostjosett in Talk To Jehovah He Listens Himself To All Our Prayers Himself   
    Talking to your best friend "JEHOVAH" is sometimes all the therapy you need.

    1 "Listen to my words, O Jehovah; Be attentive to my sighing."
     2 "Pay attention to my cry for help, O my King and my God, because to you I pray."
         (Psalm 5:1,2)

  14. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in You Knit Me Together In My Mother's Womb   
    You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mothers womb.

    13 "For you produced 
    my kidneys; You kept me     screened  off in my mother’s womb."
           (Psalm 139:13)

  15. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in “Heavens of the Heavens.”   
    “Heavens of the heavens.” The expression “heavens of the heavens” is considered to refer to the highest heavens and would embrace the complete extent of the physical heavens, however vast, since the heavens extend out from the earth in all directions.—De 10:14; Ne 9:6.
    Solomon, the constructor of the temple at Jerusalem, stated that the “heavens, yes, the heaven of the heavens” cannot contain God. (1Ki 8:27) 
    As the Creator of the heavens, Jehovah’s position is far above them all, and “his name alone is unreachably high. His dignity is above earth and heaven.” (Ps 148:13) 
    Jehovah measures the physical heavens as easily as a man would measure an object by spreading his fingers so that the object lies between the tips of the thumb and the little finger. (Isa 40:12) 
    Solomon’s statement does not mean that God has no specific place of residence. Nor does it mean that he is omnipresent in the sense of being literally everywhere and in everything. This can be seen from the fact that Solomon also spoke of Jehovah as hearing “from the heavens, your established place of dwelling,” that is, the heavens of the spirit realm.—1Ki 8:30, 39.
    15 May you be blessed by Jehovah, The Maker of heaven and earth."
    16 As for the heavens, they belong to Jehovah, But the earth he has given to the sons of men."
    (Psalm 115:15,16)

  16. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to TrueTomHarley in Dear Tom @ LoveLine   
    Dear Tom @ LoveLine:
    There's this obnoxious brother at the Kingdom Hall making advances toward me. I want him to drop dead, but my parents are pushing him because he has a lot of dough.
    I think he's sincere but I don't know. He has 60 wives and 80 concubines. They take up the entire 2nd auditorium. But he has said many endearing things to me, like: "Only one is my dove, my flawless one." 
    This pulls at my heartstrings. What should I do?
    [There may be 60 queens 
    and 80 concubines 
    And young women without number.
    But only one is my dove,
    my flawless one.....Ca 6:8-9]
    Dear Person:
    You forgot the "young women without number."
    Tell the guy to take a hike. He's used that line on each of the 60 queens and 80 concubines.
    photo: Vincent Brassinne

  17. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Queen Esther in "THE MOUNTAIN"... A LITTLE OF JEHOVAH'S BEAUTIFUL CREATIONS IN (3 min.) Enjoy !   
    This was filmed between 4th and 11th April 2011. I had the pleasure of visiting El Teide.
    Spain´s highest mountain @(3718m) is one of the best places in the world to photograph the stars and is also the location of Teide Observatories, considered to be one of the world´s best observatories.
    The goal was to capture the beautiful Milky Way galaxy along with one of the most amazing mountains I know El Teide. I have to say this was one of the most exhausting trips I have done. There was a lot of hiking at high altitudes and probably less than 10 hours of sleep in total for the whole week. Having been here 10-11 times before I had a long list of must-see locations I wanted to capture for this movie, but I am still not 100% used to carrying around so much gear required for time-lapse movies.
    A large sandstorm hit the Sahara Desert on the 9th April (http://bit.ly/g3tsDW) and at approx 3am in the night the sandstorm hit me, making it nearly impossible to see the sky with my own eyes.
    Interestingly enough my camera was set for a 5 hour sequence of the milky way during this time and I was sure my whole scene was ruined. To my surprise, my camera had managed to capture the sandstorm which was backlit by Grand Canary Island making it look like golden clouds. The Milky Way was shining through the clouds, making the stars sparkle in an interesting way. So if you ever wondered how the Milky Way would look through a Sahara sandstorm, look at 00:32.
  18. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Queen Esther in A Very Emotional Baptism   
    Another  Emotional  Baptism....    One  of  our  oldest  JW  Publisher  -  now  more  than  100 yrs. old ❤
    Jehovah  is  knowing  HIS  sheeps !
  19. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to The Librarian in JW Child Labor for Jehovah   
  20. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Queen Esther in *Santa Claus* made longer stop by Cart - witnessing...   
    *Santa Claus*  made  longer  stop  by  Cart - witnessing...
    Let's  hope,  this  man  will  soon  stop  with  X-Mas  -  and  change  his  false  belief  ;-)
    May  Jehovah  open  his  heart ❤
  21. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Queen Esther in “Heavens of the Heavens.”   
    “Heavens of the heavens.” The expression “heavens of the heavens” is considered to refer to the highest heavens and would embrace the complete extent of the physical heavens, however vast, since the heavens extend out from the earth in all directions.—De 10:14; Ne 9:6.
    Solomon, the constructor of the temple at Jerusalem, stated that the “heavens, yes, the heaven of the heavens” cannot contain God. (1Ki 8:27) 
    As the Creator of the heavens, Jehovah’s position is far above them all, and “his name alone is unreachably high. His dignity is above earth and heaven.” (Ps 148:13) 
    Jehovah measures the physical heavens as easily as a man would measure an object by spreading his fingers so that the object lies between the tips of the thumb and the little finger. (Isa 40:12) 
    Solomon’s statement does not mean that God has no specific place of residence. Nor does it mean that he is omnipresent in the sense of being literally everywhere and in everything. This can be seen from the fact that Solomon also spoke of Jehovah as hearing “from the heavens, your established place of dwelling,” that is, the heavens of the spirit realm.—1Ki 8:30, 39.
    15 May you be blessed by Jehovah, The Maker of heaven and earth."
    16 As for the heavens, they belong to Jehovah, But the earth he has given to the sons of men."
    (Psalm 115:15,16)

  22. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Queen Esther in You Knit Me Together In My Mother's Womb   
    You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mothers womb.

    13 "For you produced 
    my kidneys; You kept me     screened  off in my mother’s womb."
           (Psalm 139:13)

  23. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Martha Braun Amistadi in You Knit Me Together In My Mother's Womb   
    You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mothers womb.

    13 "For you produced 
    my kidneys; You kept me     screened  off in my mother’s womb."
           (Psalm 139:13)

  24. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from vandenbusschevanoostjosett in Hold On To Discipline Do Not Let Go! It Means YOUR Life!   
    Our ability to discipline ourselves to set clear goals, and then work toward them every day will do more to guarantee our success than any other factor....
    13 "Hold on to discipline; do not   let it go. Safeguard it, for it means your life."
    (Proverbs 4:13)

  25. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Martha Braun Amistadi in Put Away Everything Injurious, Find Peace!   
    The beautiful peace in life begins with peaceful relations one can find with Jehovah, our heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ. Applying God's Word helps us to find and stay on the pathway of peace. (Ephesians 4:32; Philippians 4:7-9) 

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