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Bible Speaks

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in What is the Image of Daniel Mean? What Does it Mean Today? Hint: It is Now being crushed out of existence!   
    What is the Image of Daniel Mean? What Does it Mean Today? Hint: It is Now being crushed out of existence!
    Read Daniel 2:44. “In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom+ that will never be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever.”
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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in No Complaining I Got You a Rose! ~   
    Think of the following examples on how Jehovah ? provided.  Thank you Melisio
    ?LEAH was hated... GIDEON was afraidÂ…
    ?JOSEPH was abusedÂ…
    ?NAOMI was a widowÂ…
    ?RAHAB was a prostituteÂ…
    ?MOSES couldnÂ’t talkÂ…
    ?ABRAHAM was oldÂ…
    ?ISAIAH preached nakedÂ…
    ?JONAH ran from GodÂ…
    ?JOB went bankruptÂ…
    ?SAMSON had a weakness for womenÂ…
    ?DAVID had an affair and was a murderÂ…
    ?PAUL had poor eyesightÂ…
    ?PETER denied ChristÂ…
    ?MARTHA worried about everythingÂ…
    ?ZACCHEUS was too smallÂ…
    ?TIMOTHY had an ulcerÂ…
    ?LAZARUS was DEAD!!!
    ?TIMOTHY were too youngÂ…
    ?The SAMARITAN WOMAN was divorcedÂ… (more than once)Â…
    ?The DISCIPLES fell asleep while prayingÂ… (more than once)Â…
    ?Oh, also ELISHA was bald!
    ?And of course, JESUS was never    married!!!
    ?Jehovah will provide - ???
    Now that’s a Dozen Roses ? How About That? 

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from The Librarian in My Assignment for Valentine’s Day!   
    This is Abby from North Carolina, USA. Her kindergarten class was given an assignment for Valentine’s Day. 
    Abby was assigned to make a poster about her family and what makes it special and then present it to her class. 
    She chose to tell about being one of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses, JW.org and her favorite Caleb and Sophia videos.
    Thank you AGAPE

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "But as for me, I will walk in my integrity. Rescue me and show me favor." (Ps 26:11)   
    "But as for me, I will walk in my integrity. Rescue me and show me favor." (Ps 26:11) 
    In ancient times, objects were often weighed on a beam scale. It usually consisted of a horizontal beam, or bar, that pivoted on a peg at its center. A pan hung from each end of the bar. The object being weighed was put in one pan and a weight in the other. God’s people were to use honest scales and weights. (Prov. 11:1) 
    When the godly man Job was suffering under satanic attack, he said: “[Jehovah] will weigh me in accurate scales and God will get to know my integrity.” (Job 31:6) "Let God weigh me with accurate scales; Then he will recognize my integrity." (Job 31:6) 
    In that regard, Job mentioned a number of situations that could put an integrity keeper to the test. But Job actually passed the test successfully, as implied by his words recorded in Job chapter 31. 
    We are not suffering exactly as Job did. However, we must be faithful to God in matters large and small if we are to bolster our position as integrity keepers and supporters of his sovereignty. (Luke 16:10)
    Read more at:

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from joel alarios in McDonalds Meets Religion? ~ You Never Know?   
    McDonalds Meets Religion? ~ You Never Know?
    Waiting at the neighborhood McDonalds on my wife to the restroom. Didn't know the older folks sit around there getting there round Table discussion on about religion and other things.
    Sitting there listening to their conversation and one of the older ladies looked at me and immediately said are you Jehovah's?...LOL (they know  even with  street clothes on) yes ma'am I am a JW and then she started to ask me does we believe in the Holy Ghost.
    I replied by saying no it's actually called the Holy Spirit and that is Jehovah God active Force to get things done. And how you can actually understand that the Holy Ghost is not a person is by the activities of Satan, Satan had a confrontation with Jehovah God and his son Christ Jesus in the Bible. But the bible never talks about Satan having a confrontation with the Holy Ghost. She smiled and said thank you for the info. After all is is the “Golden Arches!” ~ Chuckle ?????
    LoveUall - Thank you Brother Eric

  6. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in We welcome Sophia and Caleb to Nigeria.   
    We welcome Sophia and Caleb to Nigeria.
    They are both visiting Lagos and cross river state. We are looking forward to their visits in other states in Nigeria. #Eargerlywaitingforsundaybroadcast
    Thank you Brother - ???

  7. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in How would you do Preaching from this Boat? Sometimes we will do just fine! Go for a ride and Enjoy!   
    How would you do Preaching from this Boat? Sometimes we will do just fine! Go for a ride and Enjoy! 
    Deaf search in San Esteban, Macabebe, Pampanga, Philippines.
    #Repost @jw_arts_and_crafts
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    #deafministry #signlanguage #jw #jwworldwidebrotherhood #jwfriends #jwfamily #jwpioneer #jwsignlanguage

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Song 141 "The Miracle Of Life"   
    Song 141 "The Miracle Of Life"
    Every gift from God moves us to show him our appreciation.
    Repost @jw_kingdommelodiespiano
    Tap on Video Link mp4 __________Good Works!  ???????

  9. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Learn more about Elephants they are a Marvel Of Our Creator Jehovah God!   
    Learn more about Elephants ? they are a Marvel Of Our Creator Jehovah God!
    When an elephant calf is born everyone in the herd gets excited and wants to touch and smell the newborn. The pace of the herd—made up of related females and their offspring—slows down to accommodate the needs of the youngest.
    The adults become very protective and surround the calf at all times. You canÂ’t get close without causing commotion, so I made this image with a long lens from a respectful distance.
    This baby had been born just a day earlier; it could barely walk and its trunk was still limp. It takes young elephants a few weeks before they learn how to manage the many complex muscles that govern a trunk. It’s endearing to see them struggle with that odd appendage. Can you imagine how you would feel with a trunk dangling from your face? 
    Photo by @FransLanting

  10. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Dancing is easy with these Beautiful Creatures of the Deep! Jehovah God Made them with grace and majesty! -   
    Dancing is easy with these Beautiful Creatures of the Deep! Jehovah God Made them with grace and majesty! -

    She’s a real ballerina ???
    The humpback whale has baleen plates that have bristles attached to them that capture small prey like small fish, krill, salmon, herring and mackerel.
    ???????????? ??????????
    Humpbacks have from 270 to 400 darkly colored baleen plates on each side of their mouths.
    ???????????? ??????????
    Humpback whales live in both hemispheres so they are found in all major oceans and seas around the world.
    ???????????? ??????????
    Making them to cross over the other side of the world during the feeding and breeding seasons. ??????????? ????????????
    - DonÂ’t Wait For Change, BE The Change -
    ?: @dolphinsafaridom
    Caption via @savingthewaves
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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Speak Sweetly! ~ So If You Have To Eat Your Words They Don’t Taste Bitter!   
    A little honey is good ~ let your heart be joyful ~ pray for the wicked ~ he may turn back! ~ would that make you more joyful? ~ ?????
    (Proverbs 24:11-34) 
    11 “Rescue those who are being taken away to death, And hold back those staggering to the slaughter.” 12 If you say, “But we did not know about this,” Does not the One who examines hearts discern it?” Yes, the One who watches you will know And will repay each man according to his activity.” 13 My son, eat honey, because it is good; Honey from the comb is sweet to the taste. ?
    14 Likewise, know that wisdom is good for you.” If you find it, you will have a future And your hope will not be cut off.” 15 Do not wickedly lie in ambush near the home of the righteous one; Do not destroy his place of rest.” When your enemy falls, do not rejoice, And when he stumbles, do not let your heart be joyful.” Do not be upset because of evil men; Do not envy wicked people,” 20 For there is no future for anyone evil; The lamp of the wicked will be extinguished. And its stone wall was broken down.” 32 I observed this and took it to heart; I saw it and learned this lesson:
    33 A little sleep, a little slumbering, A little folding of the hands to rest,
    34 And your poverty will come like a bandit, And your want like an armed man.”
    Learn from your Bible reading go to jw.org and read more.
    - Bible Speaks -

  12. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in CUBAN MIGRANTS WITNESSES IN CAYMAN ISLANDS.   
    an intensification in the legal appeals of Cuban migrants in the Cayman Islands, most of whom can not afford to hire a lawyer and try to defend their cases independently.
    The situation has led to small protests at the center, including a more than a week hunger strike by Yoel, a prominent migrant at Cayman Compass in August, who was mostly blinded by one eye while working on a government protection team. After learning of his pending expatriation, a visibly distressed Yoel was placed in the courtyard of the detention center with a sheet that read: "Permitting injustice means opening the way for all those who follow it."
    He maintained that if he returned to Cuba, he would be imprisoned for refusing to carry out tasks ordered by the government, as his faith as a Jehovah's Witness requires.
    Yoel, who has not been represented by a lawyer, submitted his own handwritten appeal to the government in July 2016, after a letter from the Immigration Department of June 29, 2016 denying his asylum application. The letter said that Yoel could not demonstrate a well-founded fear of persecution and, therefore, did not meet the criteria for refugee status under the 1951 Refugee Convention.
    "I appeal to the Court of Justice, I ask you to reconsider my case, given that if they return to Cuba, my life will become hell because of the Cuban authorities, I fear even more for my children who are young, 2 and 3 years old. They live alone with my mother, since unfortunately, her mother is mentally ill, "Yoel said in her handwritten appeal.
    While his appeal was apparently not accepted, Yoel remains in custody, now seven months after his appeal deadline. The government declined to comment on his prolonged detention, which is now approaching two years.

  13. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Finally the New Bible and Songbook....Luxemburg!!   
    Finally  the New Bible and Songbook....Luxemburg!! ~ ???

  14. Haha
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Who Really is Superman? ~   
    A Circuit Overseer went out in the ministry, door to door, with a 7 year old boy. The brother asked the boy if he was ready.. The boy answered that he is always ready. The boy went to the first door, knocked and the person that answered was a man. The boy asked, "Sir, do you know Superman's secret identity? What his name is?"
    The man answered, "Of course, Clark Kent." The Circuit Overseer was about to stop the boy when suddenly the boy asked "Well, do you know Gods name? The man said "Of course, Jesus." The boy shook his head and said "Mister, you mean to tell me you know a fictional persons name, but you don't know God's name, who is real.. Good thing I came to teach you, from the Bible, that the name of God is Jehovah."
    The man showed interest and took literature. They went to the next door, it was the CO's turn and he said to the home owner.. 'Hi. Do you know the name of Superman's secret identity?"
    ??????? - Bible Speaks -

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    Bible Speaks reacted to David Normand in Women Being Used To Do Roving Microphones ?   
    This entire position of not using sisters because they might be put in a position to give brothers direction and violate scripture is just silly. When Paul commented about women instructing brothers he was specifically talking about in the meeting where brothers were supposed to take the lead. I mean really, what is wrong with sisters working behind the literature counter, handling microphones, directing traffic, or even directing friends to their seats. Oh well, times are changing. 
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    Bible Speaks reacted to Melinda Mills in Women Being Used To Do Roving Microphones ?   
    When I was little, my mother used to be literature servant.  That was in the supposed day of small things.  Another sister was the accounts servant.  She used to step on he platform and read the accounts and step back down - head uncovered.  They were men in the congregation but they did not have the relevant education to do these things.  But we had to listen to them teach, and some of them had not much ability but they were willing to do their parts.
    Seems like those were progressive days, then.  
  17. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in WHAT DOES “THE SHOWY DISPLAY OF ONE’S MEANS OF LIFE” MEANS ?   
         In citing the things of the world, John mentioned “the showy display of one’s means of life.” When Adam and Eve were the only humans on earth, they could of course not make a ‘showy display of their means of life’ before other people, but they did manifest pride and it showed. When tempting Eve, Satan insinuated that GOD withheld something wonderful from her, so, the Devil told her that in the very day of her eating from “the tree of the knowledge of good and bad,” she was “bound to be like GOD, knowing good and bad” not consider she had no use for know BAD. (Gen. 2:17; 3:5)
        Satan thus suggested that Eve could gain independence from JEHOVAH leaving out the FACT THAT SHE WOULD BECOME AN OPPOSER OF JEHOVAH or a Satan. Pride was apparently a factor that caused her to accept the lie. She partook of the forbidden fruit, believing that she would not really die thus by her actions, calling GOD a liar . How wrong she was !
      We cannot expect to be holy if we are feeding on improper thoughts and desires. We must love JEHOVAH with “a clean heart.” (1 Tim. 1:5) But the heart is treacherous, and we may not even realize how deeply “the things in the world” are affecting us. (Jer. 17:9)
       Therefore, we should ‘keep testing whether we are in the faith, we keep proving what we ourselves are’ by honest self-examination in light of what we study in the Bible.—2 Cor. 13:5.
        Another factor that helps us to resist “the things in the world” is that we keep in mind John’s inspired words: “The world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of GOD remains forever.” (1 John 2:17)
         Satan’s system seems to be permanent and real. Nevertheless, one day it will come to an end as the BIBLE PROMISES. Nothing that Satan’s world has to offer has permanence or will last forever. NOTHING ! Remembering that fact is ENCOURAGING and will help us not to be seduced by the Devil’s enticements.
     Thank you for sharing ?

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Queen Esther in More Than a Trillion Planets Could Exist Beyond Our Galaxy   
    Yes,  only Jehovah knows it  bec. HE created ALL?❤️
  19. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in RUSSIA COULD HOLD JUSTICE   
    On the dock Prokhladnensky City Court - 70-year-old Arkady H. Hakobyan, who worked all his life with his own hands, running in Cool (Kabardino-Balkaria) for the armed conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. Arcadio H. - Jehovah's Witness for the Faith, for which he is now being prosecuted under the article "Extremism" (Part 1, Article 282 of the Criminal Code ..).
    The persecution based on the testimony of five prosecution witnesses, who, although they are not followers of the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses, claiming that they were allegedly on behalf of Akobián massively distributed publications of Jehovah's Witnesses visited only once to several meetings religious (which is unlikely in itself). In addition, these people claim that during the Hakobyan service he gave a speech in which he criticized other religions. Previously, Hakobyan had appealed to the Russian Investigation Committee to subject these five witnesses to criminal responsibility for false testimony. However, an adequate verification of your request for a crime has not yet been carried out.
    The court proceeded to consider the case on May 16, 2017. 9 volumes of the case were read and the witnesses of the accusation were questioned. The weakness of the evidence, the prosecutor called as witnesses, including the police, who did not see the facts that distribute the literature and did not attend religious services, but only participated in the operational actions of investigation against the believers. On January 10, 2018, the state prosecutor announced the end of the presentation of evidence.
    On January 11, 30 and 31, 2018, the defense party presented its evidence to the court. The lawyers affirm that there was not the same fact of the crime, that is to say, Hakobyan did not deliver a speech on which the witnesses of the accusation spoke. It is interesting that the lawyers presented to the court information about the whereabouts of the mobile phones of the prosecution witnesses, and it turned out that none of them at that time was near the liturgical building. To justify themselves in some way, the prosedcution witnesses falsely claimed that the believers "were forbidden to bring mobile phones to worship," so they "did not take them with them." Naturally, lawyers could also present evidence to the court that there is no ban on mobile phones, that believing phones brought them to divine services and even broadcast a spiritual program for those who are sick. This served as additional proof of perjury. In addition, the prosecution witnesses incorrectly mentioned both the internal situation of the liturgical building and the composition of the religious groups in which the services were held. Finally, the court receives numerous testimonies that there were no such citizens in the cult.
    Sonia Hakobyan, the defendant's wife, was questioned as a defense witness. Unlike Arkady Akopovich, she is not a baptized Jehovah's Witness. However, they have been in a happy marriage for about 40 years. The husband, when he became a Jehovah's Witness 25 years ago, never forced her or her children to change their religion. All this does not correspond to the accusation against "Hakobyan" in "extremism". Both the family and the neighbors, among whom people of different nationalities, cultures and religions, respect the Arcadians, know him as a kind and understanding person.
    The hearing will continue in the Municipal Court of Prokhladnensky on February 20, 2018 at 10:00.

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Elisabeth Dolewka in Just Look Up and See the Stars You'll Knows w Who You Can Trust?   
    Just Look Up and See the Stars You'll Knows w Who You Can Trust?********************************************
    Who Can You Trust? Man? Pilots? The Plane? 
    How many of us have flown in an airplane friends? When we fly from one place to another, we put our trust in the pilot to get us to our destination safely and in one piece. 
    However sometimes we may encounter some turbulence in the skies,as long as we arrive safely, this is only a small price to pay. Likewise with today's thought, consider the following quote, "JEHOVAH PROMISES A SAFE LANDING, NOT A CALM PASSAGE". When we serve Jehovah, we often think that we will have total protection from the elements of this world. However Jehovah does not promise that at all, he simply promises us that if we do as he says, we will have "a safe landing" so to speak, he will provide the way out for us even if it isn't a "calm passage" on the way. 
    Things will always be rough and hard in these last days of this system of things, however as today's thought says, Jehovah promises a safe landing, he will be with us all the way right down to the end of the system of things, things may get rough along the way, but Jehovah promises to be there with us all the way to help us have a safe arrival and landing right on into the new system of things. 
    Do we have faith that he will do this for us brothers and sisters? Jehovah has never let us down before and he won't let us down now friends. "Jehovah has shown mercy to those who fear him. For he well knows how we are formed, Remembering that we are dust."
    (Ps 103:13,14) 

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Amazing Footage of this Beautiful Feather Starfish! - Only a Creator Jehovah God can make this! - Thank you Jehovah God this is Amazing!   
    Amazing Footage of this Beautiful Feather Starfish! - Only a Creator Jehovah God can make this! - Thank you Jehovah God this is Amazing! - ????
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    Have Swimming! ?????

    Feather Starfish swimming in Blue Lagoon, Padang Bai, Bali.
    Video by ©Els Van Den Eijnden

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in More Than a Trillion Planets Could Exist Beyond Our Galaxy   
    Jehovah Knows! 

  23. Haha
    Bible Speaks reacted to Queen Esther in Donald Duck ? Shrimp ? Strange to me. Created by Jehovah God – ?????   
    YES....  it  does  give  different  kinds  of  shrimps !   tiny,  small,  bigger  and  more  bigger  -  and  all  have  other  names !    Look  by  google....   bec. my  time  is  over  now    I  can  tell  you  tmw. the  names !  All  are  very  tasty....
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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Just Look Up and See the Stars You'll Knows w Who You Can Trust?   
    Two Videos to Show You His Power! 
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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Just Look Up and See the Stars You'll Knows w Who You Can Trust?   
    He’s as we Speak holding the Winds of Destruction back. The World will Know Jehovah is Almighty God and Sovereignty of the Earth Forever! 
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