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Bible Speaks

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Zaklina Venco Stoimenov in NEWS - Regional Convention 2018 - ???   
    Regional Assembly 2018
    Below is the invitation to convention 2018. As you can see on the cover, the official theme of the 2018 convention is " be brave!"
    You can see from the cover of the invitation to a ship in a storm. I have heard from different sources that the drama video for next year will be about Jonah This is consistent with the art work of the invitation, and also with the fact that a circuit superintendent and his wife, who recently visited the branches of the United States. They said they saw the construction of boats in the audio visual production department.
    Maybe the scenes of Jonah were taken from the movie? Because they look very similar to a movie
    Is it possible that we are prepared to preach a message of judgment like Jonah?
    Exciting times ahead!

  2. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Delia Garibay Flores in Message from the Russian brothers and sisters. "We are ok! We have Jehovah on our side". (Romans 8:31)   
    Message from the Russian brothers and sisters. 
    "We are ok! We have Jehovah on our side". (Romans 8:31)
    JW Russia

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Message from the Russian brothers and sisters. "We are ok! We have Jehovah on our side". (Romans 8:31)   
    ???????? ??????? ??????? ? ??????.
    «?? ? ???????, ? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ????? ???????». (???????? 8:31)
    JW ??????

  4. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Message from the Russian brothers and sisters. "We are ok! We have Jehovah on our side". (Romans 8:31)   
    Message from the Russian brothers and sisters. 
    "We are ok! We have Jehovah on our side". (Romans 8:31)
    JW Russia

  5. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Timoteo Lauditi in NEWS - Regional Convention 2018 - ???   
    Regional Assembly 2018
    Below is the invitation to convention 2018. As you can see on the cover, the official theme of the 2018 convention is " be brave!"
    You can see from the cover of the invitation to a ship in a storm. I have heard from different sources that the drama video for next year will be about Jonah This is consistent with the art work of the invitation, and also with the fact that a circuit superintendent and his wife, who recently visited the branches of the United States. They said they saw the construction of boats in the audio visual production department.
    Maybe the scenes of Jonah were taken from the movie? Because they look very similar to a movie
    Is it possible that we are prepared to preach a message of judgment like Jonah?
    Exciting times ahead!

  6. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Edvan Guerra Magalhaes Magalhaes in The increase in big earthquakes predicted for 2018 as the rotation of the earth slows down - ???   
    The increase in big earthquakes predicted for 2018 as the rotation of the earth slows down
    Scientists say that the amount of severe earthquakes will likely increase sharply next year due to a regular decrease in earth rotation
    Scientists have warned that there could be a huge increase in the number of devastating earthquakes around the world next year. They believe that changes in the speed of rotation of the earth could trigger intense seismic activity, particularly in densely populated tropical regions.
    Although such fluctuations in rotation are small, changing the duration of the day in a millisecond, they may be involved in the release of large amounts of underground energy, it is argued.
    In his study, bilham and bendick observed earthquakes of magnitude 7 and greater that occurred since 1900. "Major Earthquakes Have recorded well for more than a century and that gives us a good record to study", said said .

  7. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Edvan Guerra Magalhaes Magalhaes in NEWS - Regional Convention 2018 - ???   
    Regional Assembly 2018
    Below is the invitation to convention 2018. As you can see on the cover, the official theme of the 2018 convention is " be brave!"
    You can see from the cover of the invitation to a ship in a storm. I have heard from different sources that the drama video for next year will be about Jonah This is consistent with the art work of the invitation, and also with the fact that a circuit superintendent and his wife, who recently visited the branches of the United States. They said they saw the construction of boats in the audio visual production department.
    Maybe the scenes of Jonah were taken from the movie? Because they look very similar to a movie
    Is it possible that we are prepared to preach a message of judgment like Jonah?
    Exciting times ahead!

  8. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from hhhhstar54 in NEWS - Regional Convention 2018 - ???   
    Regional Assembly 2018
    Below is the invitation to convention 2018. As you can see on the cover, the official theme of the 2018 convention is " be brave!"
    You can see from the cover of the invitation to a ship in a storm. I have heard from different sources that the drama video for next year will be about Jonah This is consistent with the art work of the invitation, and also with the fact that a circuit superintendent and his wife, who recently visited the branches of the United States. They said they saw the construction of boats in the audio visual production department.
    Maybe the scenes of Jonah were taken from the movie? Because they look very similar to a movie
    Is it possible that we are prepared to preach a message of judgment like Jonah?
    Exciting times ahead!

  9. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Saladin in NEWS - Regional Convention 2018 - ???   
    @Gone Fishing
    Amazing! Jehovah Knows! Keep Busy! 
  10. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Annie Abbott in A Letter That Touched Her Heart – ???????   
    True, indeed, is the Bible proverb: “As apples of gold in silver carvings is a word spoken at the right time for it.”—Proverbs 25:11. -
    A Letter That Touched Her Heart
    One traveling overseer remembers well one occasion when he and his wife returned to their accommodations after a very chilly winter day in the ministry.
    He says: “My wife was cold and discouraged, and she told me that she felt she couldn’t continue. ‘How much better,’ she said, ‘it would be to serve in the full-time ministry with a congregation, stay in one place, and conduct our own Bible studies.’ I deferred any decision, saying that we would continue for the rest of the week and see how she felt by then. If she still felt strongly about quitting, I would respect her feelings.
    That same day, we stopped at the post office and found a letter from the branch office that was addressed to her personally. The letter contained warm commendation for her efforts in the field ministry and her endurance, acknowledging how difficult it can be to sleep in a different bed every week.
    She was so touched by that commendation that she never again spoke of leaving the traveling work. In fact, several times she encouraged me to continue when I thought of quitting.” This couple remained in the traveling work for almost 40 years. -
    Who’s Heart can you touch today? 

  11. Haha
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Giving Thanks? - Thanksgiving and Black Friday? - A Contradiction? ???   
    Giving Thanks? - Thanksgiving and Black Friday? - A Contradiction? ???
    Chuckle ???

  12. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in NEWS - Regional Convention 2018 - ???   
    @Gone Fishing
    Amazing! Jehovah Knows! Keep Busy! 
  13. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Evacuated in NEWS - Regional Convention 2018 - ???   
    That would be something, especially if the result was similar to this: "And the men of Ninʹe·veh put faith in God, and they proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth, from the greatest to the least of them." Jonah 2:9
  14. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from hhhhstar54 in Would You Walk in Infested Waters to Help Others? If it Can Save Their Lives? ???   
    Would You Walk in Infested Waters to Help Others? If it Could Save Their Lives, Would You?  ???
    Brother of Luanda, Africa, share his photo Preaching

  15. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Happy ? You Know In Any Language! ???   
  16. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in The increase in big earthquakes predicted for 2018 as the rotation of the earth slows down - ???   
    The increase in big earthquakes predicted for 2018 as the rotation of the earth slows down
    Scientists say that the amount of severe earthquakes will likely increase sharply next year due to a regular decrease in earth rotation
    Scientists have warned that there could be a huge increase in the number of devastating earthquakes around the world next year. They believe that changes in the speed of rotation of the earth could trigger intense seismic activity, particularly in densely populated tropical regions.
    Although such fluctuations in rotation are small, changing the duration of the day in a millisecond, they may be involved in the release of large amounts of underground energy, it is argued.
    In his study, bilham and bendick observed earthquakes of magnitude 7 and greater that occurred since 1900. "Major Earthquakes Have recorded well for more than a century and that gives us a good record to study", said said .

  17. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in NEWS - Regional Convention 2018 - ???   
    Regional Assembly 2018
    Below is the invitation to convention 2018. As you can see on the cover, the official theme of the 2018 convention is " be brave!"
    You can see from the cover of the invitation to a ship in a storm. I have heard from different sources that the drama video for next year will be about Jonah This is consistent with the art work of the invitation, and also with the fact that a circuit superintendent and his wife, who recently visited the branches of the United States. They said they saw the construction of boats in the audio visual production department.
    Maybe the scenes of Jonah were taken from the movie? Because they look very similar to a movie
    Is it possible that we are prepared to preach a message of judgment like Jonah?
    Exciting times ahead!

  18. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Evacuated in The world's most valuable book': Copy of psalms dated 1640 sells at New York auction for record $14.2M - ?- ? - ?   
    Quite, Especially as Ps 24:1 includes it!. This man made a better job:

  19. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in How Can You Keep a Balanced View of Money? – ?????   
    How Can You Keep a Balanced View of Money? ?????
    Love of money and a desire for possessions are not new; nor is the Bible silent about them, as if they were some recent phenomena. They are very old. In the Law, God instructed the Israelites: “You must not desire your fellowmanÂ’s house . . . nor anything that belongs to your fellowman.”—Exodus 20:17.
    The proper use of money is approved by God. For example, Jesus said: “Make friends for yourselves by means of the unrighteous riches.” (Luke 16:9) This includes contributing toward the advancement of the true worship of God, for we definitely should want God as our Friend. Solomon himself, following the example of his father, David, contributed large amounts of money and valuables toward the building of Jehovah’s temple. Another Christian mandate is to give material assistance to those in need. “Share with the holy ones according to their needs,” said the apostle Paul. He added: “Follow the course of hospitality.” (Romans 12:13)
    This often involves spending some money. However, what about the love of money? Paul warns: “The love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains.” (1 Timothy 6:10)
    This text does not say that money itself is evil—nor does any other scripture. Neither does the apostle say that money is the fundamental cause of “injurious things” or that money lies at the root of every problem. Rather, the love of money can be a cause—even if not the only cause—of all kinds of “injurious things.”
    Guard Against Greed
    The fact that money itself is not condemned in the Scriptures should not blunt Paul’s warning. Christians who begin to love money are vulnerable to all kinds of problems, the worst of which is that of straying from the faith. This truth is reinforced by what Paul said to the Christians in Colossae: “Deaden, therefore, your body members that are upon the earth as respects . . . hurtful desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.” (Colossians 3:5) How may covetousness, greed, or “love of money” amount to idolatry? Does this mean that it is wrong to want a bigger house, a newer car, a more profitable job? No, none of these things are evil in themselves. The question is: What is the heart attitude that makes one want any of these things, and are they really necessary?
    The difference between normal desire and greed might be likened to the difference between the small campfire that cooks food and the blazing inferno that consumes a forest. Wholesome and well-placed desire can be constructive. It motivates us to work and to be productive. Proverbs 16:26 says: “The soul of the hard worker has worked hard for him, because his mouth has pressed him hard.” But greed is dangerous and destructive. It is desire out of control.
    Control is a core issue. Will the money we accumulate or the material things we want serve our needs, or will our needs serve money? That is why Paul says that being a “greedy person . . . means being an idolater.” (Ephesians 5:5) To be greedy for something in reality means that we surrender our will to it—in effect, we make it our master, our god, the thing we serve. In contrast, God insists: “You must not have any other gods against my face.”—Exodus 20:3.
    Our being greedy also indicates that we do not trust that God will follow through on his promise to supply what we need. (Matthew 6:33) Greed, then, amounts to a turning away from God. In this sense too, it is “idolatry.” No wonder Paul warns so clearly against it!

  20. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in Run fast! – Time is Running Out! – ??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️ For Those Loving Jehovah, “There Is No Stumbling Block”   
    Run fast! – Time is Running Out! – ????????????????????????? For Those Loving Jehovah, “There Is No Stumbling Block”
    “Abundant peace belongs to those loving your law, and for them there is no stumbling block.”—PSALM 119:165.
    Living as a Christian is like being in a race. It is a race for everlasting life. We should not let anything stop us from running this race. It is not a short race in which a person has to run as fast as possible to win. And it is not like a jog in which a person runs slowly and sometimes even stops.
    Instead, it is like a marathon. A marathon runner has to have endurance to keep running all the way to the end. The apostle Paul wrote to the Christians in Corinth: “Do you not know that the runners in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may attain it.”—1 Corinthians 9:24.
    It is not easy to run the race for everlasting life. Jesus Christ ran it without ever stumbling, but none of us can do that. James said that “we all stumble many times.” (James 3:2)
    Our imperfections or the imperfections of others can make us slow down in the race or even stop for a while. If this happens, we might need help to get back in the race. We should not be surprised if we stumble from time to time.—1 Kings 8:46.
    The Bible shows that we have to run the race all the way to the finish if we want the prize of everlasting life. As we run, Jehovah will give us “abundant peace.” (Psalm 119:165)
    He will continue to help us now and will give us everlasting blessings if we finish the race.—James 1:12. -

  21. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in “Make Sure of the More Important Things”   
    “Make Sure of the More Important Things”
    There are many things that Jehovah chose not to include in the Bible. For example, he did not give us details about the human brain or the universe. Instead, Jehovah gave us information that we need so that we can understand his will and obey him. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17)
    It is interesting that Jehovah chose to tell us about the invisible part of his organization. It is exciting for us to read this information in the Bible books of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation! (Isaiah 6:1-4; Ezekiel 1:4-14, 22-24; Daniel 7:9-14; Revelation 4:1-11)
    Why has Jehovah allowed us to know about some of the things that are happening in heaven?
    Jehovah wants us always to remember that we are part of a universal organization. The invisible part of JehovahÂ’s organization is working hard to do JehovahÂ’s will.
    For example, Ezekiel saw a vision of the invisible part of JehovahÂ’s organization represented by a huge chariot. This chariot was extremely fast and could change direction instantly. (Ezekiel 1:15-21)
    He also saw the Rider of the chariot. Ezekiel said: “I got to see something like the glow of electrum, like the appearance of fire all around.” He added: “It was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of Jehovah.” (Ezekiel 1:25-28) Ezekiel must have been amazed by this vision. He saw that Jehovah is in full control of his organization and is using his holy spirit to direct it. The moving chariot in the vision is a wonderful illustration of how the invisible part of Jehovah’s organization works -

  22. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "All your works will glorify you, O Jehovah, And your loyal ones will praise you. They will proclaim the glory of your kingship. And speak about your mightiness," (Ps 145:10,11) ???   
    "All your works will glorify you, O Jehovah, And your loyal ones will praise you. They All your works with glorify you oh Jehovah, will proclaim the glory of your kingship. And speak about your mightiness," (Ps 145:10,11) 
    May Jehovah Bless You as You Praise Him. 
    Good Night! ? 
    Good Morning! ??
    Good Afternoon! ?
    Identifying GodÂ’s Loyal Ones -
    King David supplies the answer. After extolling Jehovah’s marvelous qualities, he states: “Your loyal ones will bless you.” (Psalm 145:10) You may wonder how humans can bless God. They do so primarily by praising him or by speaking well of him.
    Jehovah’s loyal ones can be identified as those who use their mouths to speak well of him. In social settings and at Christian meetings, what is a common theme of their discussions? Why, it is Jehovah’s Kingdom! God’s loyal servants share the sentiments of David, who sang: “About the glory of your [Jehovah’s] kingship they will talk, and about your mightiness they will speak.”—Psalm 145:11.-
    We Must Speak Out As King David Did!

  23. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these days?” (Eccl. 7:10) ??☎️?   
    Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these days?” (Eccl. 7:10)New English Translation - Bible Speaks 

  24. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Evacuated in The world's most valuable book': Copy of psalms dated 1640 sells at New York auction for record $14.2M - ?- ? - ?   
    Fascinating to see an inconsistent use of Jehovah's name as mentioned in the preface. More detail on the reasoning would be of interest.
    1640 - The Whole Booke of Psalmes.pdf
  25. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to JW Insider in The world's most valuable book': Copy of psalms dated 1640 sells at New York auction for record $14.2M - ?- ? - ?   
    Alas! As with so many facets of life, even the value of the Bible as a printed book has sometimes been eclipsed by the value put on of a book of science. Wikipedia (linked from a Wikipedia article about the Bay Psalter)
    The Codex Leicester (also briefly known as Codex Hammer) is a collection of famous scientific writings by Leonardo da Vinci. The Codex is named after Thomas Coke, later created Earl of Leicester, who purchased it in 1719. Of Leonardo's 30 scientific journals, the Codex may be the most famous of all. The manuscript currently holds the record for the second highest sale price of any book, as it was sold to Bill Gates at Christie's auction house on 11 November 1994 in New York for US$30,802,500 (equivalent to $49,772,200 in 2016).[1][2][3]
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