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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in If YOU Were Thrown Into a Lions Pit, What Would YOU Do?   
    If YOU Were Thrown Into a Lions Pit, What Would YOU Do?  – Strengthen Your Trust in Jehovah! -
    We May Also Be Thrown In Places Like This! - Where is Your Trust or Do You Have Fear? 
    In the Persian Empire in the days of the prophet Daniel, this took place. The law, which King Darius did enact, stipulated: “Whoever makes a petition to any god or man for thirty days except to [the] king should be thrown to the lions’ pit.”—Daniel 6:7-9
    What would Daniel do under the threat of death? Would he continue to trust in his God, Jehovah, or would he compromise and do as the king dictated? The record tells us: “Daniel, as soon as he knew that the writing had been signed, entered into his house, and, the windows in his roof chamber being open for him toward Jerusalem, even three times in a day he was kneeling on his knees and praying and offering praise before his God, as he had been regularly doing prior to this.” (Daniel 6:10) 
    The rest of the account is well-known. Daniel was thrown into the lions’ den for his faith, but Jehovah “stopped the mouths of lions” and rescued his loyal servant.—Hebrews 11:33; Daniel 6:16-22
    As the world approaches its catastrophic end, Jehovah’s people are bound to experience more trials and dangers. (Acts 14:22; 2 Timothy 3:12) 
    By building up strong and implicit trust in Jehovah now, we can look forward to survival into his promised new world—either by living through the great tribulation or by receiving a resurrection. (2 Peter 3:13) 
    May we never allow any lack of trust on our part to damage our precious relationship with Jehovah. Then, what was said of Daniel after he was delivered from the lions’ den can also be said of us: “There was no hurt at all found on him, because he had trusted in his God.”—Daniel 6:23. - Bible Speaks

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in What is your Dream of Paradise? - Can you imagine what the world will be like? - ???????   
    What is your Dream of Paradise? - Can you imagine what the world will be like? -
    We have never had Paradise on earth, yet; yes we have beautiful gardens right now that gives us a view of our future on earth!....LOOK...???????
    “THE nostalgia for paradise is among the powerful nostalgias that seem to haunt human beings. It may be the most powerful and persistent of all. A certain longing for paradise is evidenced at every level of religious life.” So says The Encyclopedia of Religion. 
    Such nostalgia is only natural, since the Bible tells us that human life began in Paradise—a beautiful garden free of disease and death. (Genesis 2:8-15) It is not surprising that many of the world’s religions hold out the hope of future life in a paradise of one kind or another.
    WHAT DOES THE BIBLE TEACH ABOUT PARADISE ON EARTH?(Isaiah 35:1,2) "The wilderness and the waterless region will exult, and the desert plain will be joyful and blossom as the saffron. 2 Without fail it will blossom, and it will really be joyful with joyousness and with glad crying out. The glory of Leb?a·non itself must be given to it, the splendor of Car?mel and of Shar?on. There will be those who will see the glory of Jehovah, the splendor of our God."
    One of the English-speaking worldÂ’s famous poets, John Milton (1608-1674), wrote Paradise Lost and its sequel Paradise Regained. In his works, Milton referred to the reward that the faithful will receive in an earthly paradise. Although Milton dedicated much of his life to Bible study, he recognized that Scriptural truth would not be pieced together until ChristÂ’s presence.
    Today, John Milton is best remembered for composing Paradise Lost, a poetic retelling of the Biblical account of man’s fall from perfection. (Genesis, chapter 3) It is primarily this work, first published in 1667, that earned Milton literary fame, especially in the English-speaking world. He later published a sequel entitled Paradise Regained. These poems present God’s original purpose for man—to enjoy perfect life in an earthly paradise—and point to God’s restoration of Paradise on earth through Christ. In Paradise Lost, for example, Michael the archangel foretells the time when Christ will “reward His faithful, and receive them into bliss, whether in heaven or earth, for then the earth shall all be paradise, far happier place than this of Eden, and far happier days.”
    (Isaiah 35:3-4) . . .Strengthen the weak hands, YOU people, and make the knees that are wobbling firm. 4 Say to those who are anxious at heart: “Be strong. Do not be afraid. Look! YOUR own God will come with vengeance itself, God even with a repayment. He himself will come and save YOU people.”
    (Psalm 37:9-11) . . .For evildoers themselves will be cut off, But those hoping in Jehovah are the ones that will possess the earth. ? [Waw] 10 And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; And you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be. 11 But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.
    (Psalm 37:29) . . .The righteous themselves will possess the earth, And they will reside forever upon it.

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Love Like No Other! ~ Something to brighten your day ~ ?   
    Love Like No Other! ~ Something to brighten your day ~ ?
    After losing his parents, this 3 year old orangutan was so depressed he wouldn't eat and didn't respond to any medical treatments. The veterinarians thought he would surely die from sadness. 
    The zoo keepers found an old sick dog on the grounds in the park at the zoo where the orangutan lived and took the dog to the animal treatment center. The dog arrived at the same time the orangutan was there being treated… 
    The 2 lost souls met and have been inseparable ever since.
    The orangutan found a new reason to live and each always tries his best to be a good companion to his new found friend. 
    They are together 24 hours a day in all their activities.
    They live in Northern California where swimming is their favorite past time, although Roscoe (the orangutan) is a little afraid of the water and needs his friend's help to swim. Together they have discovered the joy and laughter in life and the value of friendship. They have found more than a friendly shoulder to lean on. 
    Long Live Friendship!!!!!!! I don't know… some say life is too short, others say it is too long,  but I know that nothing that we do makes sense if we don't touch the hearts of others… while it lasts!
    May you always have Love to Share, 
    Health to Spare, 
    And Friends who care, even if they are a little hairy at times. ? – Contributed.

  4. Haha
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Mimi Little in They Called Him “Bible” Brown William R. Brown ??   
    They Called Him “Bible” Brown
    William R. Brown
    BORN 1879
    BAPTIZED 1908
    PROFILE Spearheaded the early preaching work in West Africa. - READ HIS EXPERIENCE AND BE ENCOURAGED 

  5. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in CHILDREN LOVE ? JEHOVAH AND HIS ANIMALS ? ECUADOR   
    Little children in our isolated Quichua territory have practically no toys, no bicycles, no cell phones, no computers so they spend their time taking care of and playing with dogs, cats, sheep, goats, pigs, cows and horses and that’s not such a bad thing!  Totoras, Ecuador.
    #Repost @ecua_gringo

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Diana Duncan in A Woodcutter and his "axe" - A Story with a Lesson for All! ⚒   
    A Woodcutter and his "axe" - A Story with a Lesson for All! ?
    Once upon a time, a very strong woodcutter asked for a job in a timber merchant and he got it. The pay was really good and so was the work condition. For those reasons, the woodcutter was determined to do his best.
    His boss gave him an axe and showed him the area where he supposed to work.
    The first day, the woodcutter brought 18 trees.
    “Congratulations,” the boss said. “Go on that way!”
    Very motivated by the boss words, the woodcutter tried harder the next day, but he could only bring 15 trees. The third day he tried even harder, but he could only bring 10 trees. Day after day he was bringing less and less trees.
    “I must be losing my strength”, the woodcutter thought. He went to the boss and apologized, saying that he could not understand what was going on.
    “When was the last time you sharpened your axe?” the boss asked.
    “Sharpen? I had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been very busy trying to cut trees…”
    Our lives are like that. We sometimes get so busy that we don’t take time to sharpen the “axe”. In today’s world, it seems that everyone is busier than ever, but less happy that ever.
    Why is that? Could it be that we have forgotten how to stay “sharp”? There’s nothing wrong with activity and hard work. But we should not get so busy that we neglect the truly important things in life, like our personal life, taking time to get close to our Creator, giving more time for our family, taking time to read etc.
    We all need time to relax, to think and meditate, to learn and grow. If we don’t take the time to sharpen the “axe”, we will become dull and lose our effectiveness. 
    How to Sharpen Our Spiritual Focus
    Our physical eyes cannot focus on two things at the same time. The same is true of our spiritual vision. Focusing on things of the present system will surely put God’s promised new world somewhat out of focus in our minds. In time, this blurred, peripheral image may lose its appeal and simply disappear from view. What a tragedy that would be! (Luke 21:34) How important, therefore, that we keep a ‘simple eye’—one that stays focused on God’s Kingdom and the reward of everlasting life!—Matthew 6:22
    Keeping a simple eye is not always easy. Day-to-day problems demand our attention, and distractions—even temptations—may lie in our path. Under these circumstances, how can we stay focused on the Kingdom and God’s promised new world without neglecting other necessary activities? Let us consider three ways.
    Study God’s Word daily. Regular reading of the Bible and study of Bible-based publications help us to keep our minds centered on spiritual matters. 
    True, we may have been studying God’s Word for years, but we must continue to study it, just as we need to keep eating physical food in order to sustain our lives. We do not stop eating simply because we have eaten thousands of meals in the past. So regardless of how familiar we are with the Bible, we need an ongoing, regular intake of spiritual nourishment from it in order to keep our hope bright and our faith and love strong.—Psalm 1:1-3
    Meditate appreciatively on God’s Word. Why is meditation essential? For two reasons. First, meditation enables us to assimilate what we read and to develop heart appreciation for it. Second, meditation prevents us from forgetting Jehovah, his wonderful works, and the hope he has set before us. 
    Thus, when reading the Scriptures or Bible study aids, take time to meditate on what you read. Such reflection is vital to your spiritual health and growth. For example, when reading Psalm 106, quoted above in part, meditate on Jehovah’s qualities.  
    Feel Jehovah’s anguish and pain as his mercy and patience were stretched to the very limit by a people who were callously unappreciative. 
    Apply Bible principles in your life. As we follow Bible principles, we see for ourselves that Jehovah’s counsel works. Proverbs 3:5, 6 says: “Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight.” 
    May the Kingdom hope energize you, and may it brighten your days as it is reflected in your thoughts, feelings, decisions, and activities.—Proverbs 15:15. - Bible Speaks 
    (Maybe Honest Abe?)

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Melinda Mills in WHATS WRONG WITH HAVING FRIENDS WITH A BAD TEMPER? – ???   
    Proverbs 22:24
    24 Do not keep company with a hot-tempered man, Or get involved with one disposed to rage.”
    Relations With Others. Proverbs describes the true servant of God as one who uses his tongue for good (Pr 10:20, 21, 31, 32), not speaking falsely nor even hurting others by thoughtless words. (12:6, 8, 17-19; 18:6-8, 21) If provoked, he turns away the rage of his opponent by a mild answer. (15:1; 25:15) He does not enjoy disputes or quarrels, and he exercises self-control against outbursts of anger, knowing that he might commit irreparable foolishness. (Pr 14:17, 29; 15:18; compare Col 3:8.) In fact, he will avoid companionship with those letting anger control them and who display fits of rage, for he knows that they would bring him into a snare.—Pr 22:24, 25; compare 13:20; 14:7; 1Co 15:33.

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in The Importance of Chores THE CHALLENGE – ?????   
    The Importance of Chores
    Philippians 1:10
    10 that you may make sure of the more important things, so that you may be flawless and not stumbling others up to the day of Christ.”
    “Today, children are left alone to play video games, surf the Internet, and watch TV,” observes a parent named Steven. “Very little is expected of them.”
    Some parents are reluctant to assign chores, especially when their childÂ’s week is already crammed with homework and after-school activities. However, consider the benefits.
    Chores contribute to a child’s maturity. Children who take on household tasks are likely to be more successful at school, and no wonder. Helping out around the house helps a child develop confidence, self-discipline, and strength of character—essential tools for learning.
    Chores prepare children to serve others. Some have observed that children who are expected to help out at home are more likely to take on community service as adults. This is hardly surprising, since chores train them to put others’ needs above their own. On the other hand, Steven, quoted earlier, notes: “When nothing is expected of them, children learn that they are here to be served, and they grow up with a distorted view of what life will require of them in the way of responsibility and hard work.”
    Chores promote family unity. Through their efforts at home, children come to realize not only that they are a valued part of the family but also that they have a responsibility toward it. This lesson can be lost when parents place a higher priority on after-school activities than on chores. Ask yourself, ‘Of what benefit is it if my child forges a connection with the soccer team but loses his connection with the family team?’
    Start young. Some say that parents should assign chores when children are three years of age. Others recommend two years of age or even younger. The point is, very young children love to work alongside their parents and imitate them.—Bible principle: Proverbs 22:6.
    Assign age-appropriate chores. For example, a three-year-old might pick up toys, clean up spills, or sort laundry. Older children can vacuum, wash the car, and even prepare a meal. Work with your childÂ’s ability. You might be surprised at how enthusiastic he or she becomes about handling chores.
    Place a priority on chores. That might be difficult when your child faces a daily mountain of homework. However, eliminating chores for the sake of high grades “is a sign of misplaced priorities,” says the book The Price of Privilege. As stated earlier, handling chores helps children become better students. And the lessons learned prepare them for the time when they will have a family of their own.—Bible principle: Philippians 1:10.
    Focus on the objective rather than the result. It may take your child longer to complete a task than you would wish. You may also notice that the quality of the work could be better. When that happens, resist the urge to take over the task. Your objective is not to have the chore performed with adultlike precision but to help your child learn responsibility and discover the joy that work can bring.—Bible principle: Ecclesiastes 3:22.
    Focus on the right reward. Some say that paying a child to do chores teaches them responsibility. Others say that it makes children focus on what they can get from the family rather than on what they can contribute to it. They also warn that a child might refuse to do chores when he has enough money—a sign that the benefit of chores is being lost. The lesson? It might be better to keep a child’s chores and his allowance on separate tracks.

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Draw Close to God in Prayer – ????‍♀️??‍♂️??   
    Draw Close to God in Prayer 
    Why should we pray to God?
    What must we do to be heard by God?
    How does God answer our prayers?
    Another reason to pray is that regularly praying to Jehovah is a way to strengthen our relationship with him. True friends do not communicate only when they need something.
    Rather, good friends are interested in each other, and their friendship becomes stronger as they freely express their thoughts, concerns, and feelings. In some respects, the situation is similar when it comes to our relationship with Jehovah God.
    You have learned much about what the Bible teaches regarding Jehovah, his personality, and his purposes. You have come to know him as a real Person. Prayer gives you the opportunity to express your thoughts and innermost feelings to your heavenly Father.
    As you do, you draw closer to Jehovah. Another requirement for being heard by God is that we act in harmony with our prayers. Jehovah expects us to do all that is within our power to work at what we pray for.
    For example, if we pray, “Give us today our bread for this day,” we must work hard at whatever available job we are able to perform. (Matthew 6:11; 2 Thessalonians 3:10)
    If we pray for help in overcoming a fleshly weakness, we must be careful to avoid circumstances and situations that could lead us into temptation.  
    If Jehovah seems to delay in answering our prayers, this is never because he is not able to answer them. Rather, we must remember that Jehovah answers prayers according to his will and in his due time. He knows our needs and how to care for them far better than we do. Often he allows us to ‘keep on asking, seeking, and knocking.’ (Luke 11:5-10)
    Such perseverance shows God that our desire is very deep and that our faith is genuine. Furthermore, Jehovah may answer our prayers in a way that is not obvious to us.
    For example, he may answer our prayer regarding a particular trial, not by removing the difficulty, but by giving us the strength to endure it.—Read Philippians 4:13.
    Jehovah does not “bring us into temptation.” Actually, he is confident that we can stay loyal to him, and he wants to help us. But he never forces us to do what is right. He respects our free will. So he allows us to decide for ourselves whether we will be loyal or not.
    To avoid giving in to temptation, we need to do two things: stay close to Jehovah and keep praying for his help. What a relief it will be when Jehovah removes Satan and destroys this wicked world! But until then, we need to remember that Satan has “great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.” He will do everything he can to stop us from serving Jehovah. So we must keep praying that Jehovah will protect us from Satan.
    Lesson for today. (James 4:8)  

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Piano ? Video – Song 17 "I Want To" ?????   
    Thank you ?????
    Song 17 "I Want To"
    Express your willingness to help the needy, in imitation of Jesus.
    Tap on Video Link mp4 _______Enjoy! 
    Full Video: https://youtu.be/osVfuihZBWk

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "Be sound in mind."—1 Pet. 4:7. New in the Force Actuating Your Mind.” – ???????   
    "Be sound in mind."—1 Pet. 4:7. 
    New in the Force Actuating Your Mind.” 
    The inclination of the mind of imperfect man is naturally toward wrong thinking. The Bible terms it the “fleshly frame of mind.” (Col 2:18) Christians are reminded that formerly they were enemies of God because their minds had been on the works that were wicked.—Col 1:21.
    The mind of the “physical” (literally, “soulical”) man, as distinguished from the “spiritual” man, is inclined in the direction of materialistic things. The force that actuates his mind has been formed in him in part by inheritance and in part by the things he has been taught and has experienced. When a matter is presented to him, this force pushes or inclines his mind in a materialistic or fleshly direction. Christians are commanded, therefore, to “be made new in the force [spirit] actuating your mind.” (Eph 4:23) By a study of God’s Word of truth and by the operation of God’s spirit, this actuating force can be changed so that the person’s dominant mental attitude is inclined in a right direction. Then, when a matter is presented to the person, the mind will be inclined by this force toward a proper spiritual course. (1Co 2:13-15) Such a person comes to have “the mind of Christ,” who was at all times actuated by the proper force, his mental inclination always being spiritual.—1Co 2:16; Ro 15:5.
    Mere knowledge or intellectual power is not enough to bring one into God’s favor. These things themselves will not make the mind over in the direction of God’s will. (Ro 12:2) Jehovah says: “I will make the wisdom of the wise men perish, and the intelligence of the intellectual men I will shove aside.” (1Co 1:19) It requires the help of God’s spirit to get true understanding (Pr 4:5-7; 1Co 2:11), wisdom, and good sense.—Eph 1:8, 9.
    The ‘Law of the Mind.’ The apostle Paul calls that which directs the operation of this renewed mind the law of the mind. It controls the new mind according to “the law of God,” and the new mind delights in this law. But “sin’s law” operating in fallen flesh fights against the ‘law of the mind,’ so that there is a constant conflict within the Christian. Can he be victorious? Yes, “thanks to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!” God’s undeserved kindness provides, on the basis of Christ’s ransom sacrifice, forgiveness for the sins of the flesh and, additionally, the help of holy spirit. The Christian is in a situation different from that of the non-Christian, as Paul sums it up: “So, then, with my mind I myself am a slave to God’s law, but with my flesh to sin’s law.”—Ro 7:21-25; Ga 5:16, 17.
    How does the mind win out in the battle? The apostle illuminates the matter further, saying: “Those who are in accord with the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those in accord with the spirit on the things of the spirit. For the minding of the flesh means death, but the minding of the spirit means life and peace; because the minding of the flesh means enmity with God, for it [fallen, imperfect flesh] is not under subjection to the law of God, nor, in fact, can it be. . . . If, now, the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he that raised up Christ Jesus from the dead will also make your mortal bodies alive through his spirit that resides in you.”—Ro 8:5-11.
    The “Meaning” of the Spirit. At Romans 8:26, 27, Paul shows that, when God’s servants are praying, they may not always know exactly what they should pray for as they need to. But God knows that they desire his will to be done. He also knows what his servants need. God has in the past caused many inspired prayers to be recorded in his Word, expressing his will or mind for them. He therefore accepts these inspired prayers as being what his people should like to ask and pray for, and accordingly, he fulfills them. God knows the righthearted ones and also knows the meaning of the things that he caused his spirit to speak through the Bible writers. He knows what the “meaning [mind, thought] of the spirit is” when the spirit thus “pleads,” or intercedes, for them.
    Jehovah’s servants are commanded to be “fitly united in the same mind and in the same line of thought.” (1Co 1:10; Php 2:2; 1Pe 3:8) This means, of course, being united where the interests of pure worship are involved—the important things—not in individual tastes or in minor matters that will be resolved as maturity is reached. (Ro 14:2-6, 17) They are to be “of the same mind in the Lord” (Php 4:2), not to be quarreling, but to “think in agreement.”—2Co 13:11.
    Christians are to strive to know God better, to the extent that he reveals his mind on matters. (Ro 11:33, 34; 16:25, 26) And they are to have the mental attitude of obedience and humility of Jesus Christ; then they will have “the mind of Christ.” (1Co 2:15, 16) Peter counsels: “Since Christ suffered in the flesh, you too arm yourselves with the same mental disposition.”—1Pe 4:1.

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in WHATS WRONG WITH HAVING FRIENDS WITH A BAD TEMPER? – ???   
    Proverbs 22:24
    24 Do not keep company with a hot-tempered man, Or get involved with one disposed to rage.”
    Relations With Others. Proverbs describes the true servant of God as one who uses his tongue for good (Pr 10:20, 21, 31, 32), not speaking falsely nor even hurting others by thoughtless words. (12:6, 8, 17-19; 18:6-8, 21) If provoked, he turns away the rage of his opponent by a mild answer. (15:1; 25:15) He does not enjoy disputes or quarrels, and he exercises self-control against outbursts of anger, knowing that he might commit irreparable foolishness. (Pr 14:17, 29; 15:18; compare Col 3:8.) In fact, he will avoid companionship with those letting anger control them and who display fits of rage, for he knows that they would bring him into a snare.—Pr 22:24, 25; compare 13:20; 14:7; 1Co 15:33.

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "And the last enemy, death, is to be brought to nothing."(1 Cor. 15:26)   
    "And the last enemy, death, is to be brought to nothing."(1 Cor. 15:26) - ?- Bible Speaks 

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  15. Like
    I agree, Jehovah could use this as an  opening to bring justice to the earth
  16. Like
    @Alzasior Lutor 
    No worry Jehovah sees it all and soon will deliver His People. It will come in perfect timing. 
    Thank you for your support!
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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in A Woodcutter and his "axe" - A Story with a Lesson for All! ⚒   
    A Woodcutter and his "axe" - A Story with a Lesson for All! ?
    Once upon a time, a very strong woodcutter asked for a job in a timber merchant and he got it. The pay was really good and so was the work condition. For those reasons, the woodcutter was determined to do his best.
    His boss gave him an axe and showed him the area where he supposed to work.
    The first day, the woodcutter brought 18 trees.
    “Congratulations,” the boss said. “Go on that way!”
    Very motivated by the boss words, the woodcutter tried harder the next day, but he could only bring 15 trees. The third day he tried even harder, but he could only bring 10 trees. Day after day he was bringing less and less trees.
    “I must be losing my strength”, the woodcutter thought. He went to the boss and apologized, saying that he could not understand what was going on.
    “When was the last time you sharpened your axe?” the boss asked.
    “Sharpen? I had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been very busy trying to cut trees…”
    Our lives are like that. We sometimes get so busy that we don’t take time to sharpen the “axe”. In today’s world, it seems that everyone is busier than ever, but less happy that ever.
    Why is that? Could it be that we have forgotten how to stay “sharp”? There’s nothing wrong with activity and hard work. But we should not get so busy that we neglect the truly important things in life, like our personal life, taking time to get close to our Creator, giving more time for our family, taking time to read etc.
    We all need time to relax, to think and meditate, to learn and grow. If we don’t take the time to sharpen the “axe”, we will become dull and lose our effectiveness. 
    How to Sharpen Our Spiritual Focus
    Our physical eyes cannot focus on two things at the same time. The same is true of our spiritual vision. Focusing on things of the present system will surely put God’s promised new world somewhat out of focus in our minds. In time, this blurred, peripheral image may lose its appeal and simply disappear from view. What a tragedy that would be! (Luke 21:34) How important, therefore, that we keep a ‘simple eye’—one that stays focused on God’s Kingdom and the reward of everlasting life!—Matthew 6:22
    Keeping a simple eye is not always easy. Day-to-day problems demand our attention, and distractions—even temptations—may lie in our path. Under these circumstances, how can we stay focused on the Kingdom and God’s promised new world without neglecting other necessary activities? Let us consider three ways.
    Study God’s Word daily. Regular reading of the Bible and study of Bible-based publications help us to keep our minds centered on spiritual matters. 
    True, we may have been studying God’s Word for years, but we must continue to study it, just as we need to keep eating physical food in order to sustain our lives. We do not stop eating simply because we have eaten thousands of meals in the past. So regardless of how familiar we are with the Bible, we need an ongoing, regular intake of spiritual nourishment from it in order to keep our hope bright and our faith and love strong.—Psalm 1:1-3
    Meditate appreciatively on God’s Word. Why is meditation essential? For two reasons. First, meditation enables us to assimilate what we read and to develop heart appreciation for it. Second, meditation prevents us from forgetting Jehovah, his wonderful works, and the hope he has set before us. 
    Thus, when reading the Scriptures or Bible study aids, take time to meditate on what you read. Such reflection is vital to your spiritual health and growth. For example, when reading Psalm 106, quoted above in part, meditate on Jehovah’s qualities.  
    Feel Jehovah’s anguish and pain as his mercy and patience were stretched to the very limit by a people who were callously unappreciative. 
    Apply Bible principles in your life. As we follow Bible principles, we see for ourselves that Jehovah’s counsel works. Proverbs 3:5, 6 says: “Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight.” 
    May the Kingdom hope energize you, and may it brighten your days as it is reflected in your thoughts, feelings, decisions, and activities.—Proverbs 15:15. - Bible Speaks 
    (Maybe Honest Abe?)

  18. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from David Normand in FEMALE Nose rings - Would You Wear One? –??‍????‍????‍?   
    @David Normand
    True, one day we might not even have shoes ? walking into the new world, never mind jewelry! What we value the most becomes us! To me I would rather have no jewelry and stay alive if I need to run. However to me, diamonds ? I have but hardly ever wear. What we value we become. To be modest in Jehovah’s eyes is more important. All the gold is Jehovah’s all the diamonds ? are His!  My life is more important than jewels or gold. Now that is more precious is it not? Showing our gold or silver or making a showy display is not what we need to cultivate. Be grounded to the earth, Jehovah and his Blessings if it’s His will that’s what will keep us alive!
     Thank you for your support!
    Jehovah Bless
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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Taqvaylit A Menguelet in ? An Army with a Rose & Bible ?   
    ?  An Army with a Rose & Bible  ?
    I was sitting on a summer day, beneath a shady tree,
    Descending into slumber, when a vision came to me.
    There was beating of a thousand drums - the ground was
    Shaking too. Then over the horizon came a woman into view.
    And then another woman, with a hundred at her heel.
    They multiplied a thousand fold - the vision was surreal!
    Salvation was their helmet, and solid faith their shield,
    With righteousness as breastplates, their hearts were well
    A mighty sword they all possessed, held tightly in their
    Palms. Was this the female army indicated in the Psalms?
    Their eyes were facing forward as they marched in perfect
    Time. Then I recognized their faces! These were sisters -
    Friends of mine!
    See there that single sister? Satan put her to the test!
    How she longed to have a husband; to be loved like all the
    And there, that older sister, though her spouse does not
    Believe, You'll find her out in service, every morning,
    Noon and eve.
    Another lost her husband, yet she marches through her trial.
    Says she, 'He's on vacation - merely resting for awhile.'
    And that one lost her husband when he simply went AWOL.
    He dropped his sword mid-battle, yet she's marching straight
    And tall.
    Oh yes, and there's my sister with her young ones - quite a
    Sight. Her husband is in prison - for the war he refused to
    Go and fight.
    This sister here seems quite content - her life seems quite
    Ideal, But what goes on behind closed doors she never will
    In spite of all these hardships, the women march on strong.
    The old, the young, the strong, the weak: they bravely
    Trudge along.
    And then, like lightening, one of them stepped right up to
    My face. 'How dare you rest!' she said to me. 'There's no
    Time left to waste!'
    'Here, take this sword and take this shield, this
    Breastplate you must wear.'
    'Don't rest until the Kingdom News is broadcast everywhere!'
    And so I found my place in line, with no time to debate.
    For now I see the urgency - my sleep will have to wait.
    No time for insecurities, no time for shrinking back.
    Just time to get this preaching done, false doctrines to
    So next time you sit down to rest, or get the urge to snooze, 
    Or if you start to tire out while preaching the good news,
    Observe this military force, just see what they can do,
    And pray for strength from God on high, then you can do it
    'The women telling the good news are a large army.'
    "The women proclaiming the good news are a large army."
    -(Psalm 68:11)  ????
    – Bible Speaks 

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "I am the fine shepherd."—John 10:11. ?????   
    "I am the fine shepherd."—John 10:11. - Bible Speaks
    Fine Art Work Picture – Enjoy! 

  21. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Queen Esther in The whole story, "A POOR BEGGAR BECAME A CONGREGATION ELDER" ;-))   
    ( I had goosebumps and tears running down my cheeks while reading this experience )
     One Sunday morning, two brothers were preaching on the streets, could not talk to anyone, the brothers decided to talk to a beggar who sat on the bench in the square, who ate trash heaps that were there.
    The brothers began talking to him about the hope of a new world where there would be no more misery, there would be no more hunger, no violence, etc. The beggar was very much interested in the message and he accepted a bible study of with the brochure "What does God require of us? ", and the brothers made arrangements to continue studying in the same place. When the day came, that beggar was anxious to see the brothers were falling behind a bit, but came and went with the study. This beggar continued to study for two months ... one Saturday morning, the brothers were doing the preaching from house to house in that same territory when suddenly they saw the beggar also talking with people about the Bible, the brothers went where the beggar was and told him that he could not be doing this, on the doors, because it was necessary to have a good appearance and fill certain requirements.
    Then one brother took him to his home, where he bathed, shaved, cut his hair, nails, brushed his teeth and gave him decent and clean clothes ... This beggar began to attend all meetings, without missing one, he began to participate in the theocratic ministry school; shortly thereafter he made one of his two dreams: he began to preach the good news from house to house. By that time this beggar was an example for all in the congregation and everyone who knew him, knew his history. After studying for 8 months, he was baptized at an international meeting held at Morumbi stadium in Sao Paulo Brazil.
    The brother who gave this experience during his talk concluded by saying :
    " Do you know what was the result of  'That beggar who became a brother'  experience?....  ME !!! .... Today I have a privilege of being here telling my own story, to all of you brothers and sisters. Currently, in addition to serving Jehovah, I have my family, my house, I have a son and I serve as an elder in my congregation (... kept the audience not to applaud ...) . So brothers, keep in mind that, in this world we preach to ALL kinds of people !  We demonstrate Christlike humility and willingness to give help to those in need,  knowing that before God we are  ALL beggars.... "
    What a heartwarming experience !
                                                  ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in The whole story, "A POOR BEGGAR BECAME A CONGREGATION ELDER" ;-))   
    Yes that Brother is a Friend of mine. He’s a wonder Brother too! Thank you 
    Do you remember @Queen Esther when this happened? I think at least 5-6 years ago? Jehovah knows who belongs to Him. 
  23. Sad
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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in New Idea ? Preaching in Public With Music ???   
    @Gone Fishing
    Excellent that people will learn to love Jehovah by music ? Many people have used music ? in the past to attract interest. We truly love Jehovah’s music and many more will also. I remember in the past a Brother and Sister would play violin ? and piano ? music ? for Kingdom songs and people loved it. Perhaps some can’t do this, where it is allowed and permitted I am sure their will be much joy and praise to Jehovah’s Name.
     Thank you for your support.
    Jehovah Bless 
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    Bible Speaks reacted to Evacuated in New Idea ? Preaching in Public With Music ???   
    This movie has been around a couple of years.
    Some countries will obviously have local licensing issues where music is involved, but I'd love to know the story behind it.
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