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Bible Speaks

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Video – Children Love ? Jehovah!   
    Children Love ? Jehovah! 
    Enjoy the Video Link mp4 ________

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    Bible Speaks reacted to David Normand in FEMALE Nose rings - Would You Wear One? –??‍????‍????‍?   
    Well, I wouldn't. And the third picture looks especially unappealing to me. However, for the Christian so inclined it really should depend upon how it is viewed by those that we meet in our Christian Ministry work. Like beards or tattoos, if it detracts from our message or pushes people away from Jehovah then we might want to rethink our choice to have one. 
    (1 Corinthians 10:29-33) 29 I do not mean your own conscience, but that of the other person. For why should my freedom be judged by another person’s conscience? 30 If I am partaking with thanks, why am I to be spoken of abusively over that for which I give thanks? 31 Therefore, whether you are eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for God’s glory. 32 Keep from becoming causes for stumbling to Jews as well as Greeks and to the congregation of God, 33 just as I am trying to please all people in all things, not seeking my own advantage, but that of the many, so that they may be saved.
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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Noble Berean in FEMALE Nose rings - Would You Wear One? –??‍????‍????‍?   
    @David Normand
    Thank you for your comment. Perhaps in some lands it is widespread part of their heritage? The scripture that comes to my mind is:
    Christian Counsel on Personal Adornment. Jesus and his apostles counseled constantly against putting trust in physical things and putting on a false show by means of material adornment. The apostle Paul said that Christian women should “adorn themselves in well-arranged dress, with modesty and soundness of mind, not with styles of hair braiding and gold or pearls or very expensive garb.” (1Ti 2:9) During the days of the apostles it was a custom among women in that world of Greek culture to go in for elaborate coiffures and other adornment. How appropriate, therefore, is Peter’s counsel to women in the Christian congregation not to put emphasis on ‘the externalbraiding of the hair and the putting on of gold ornaments or the wearing of outer garments’ but to let their adornment be, as with the faithful women of old, “the secret person of the heart in the incorruptible apparel of the quiet and mild spirit”!—1Pe 3:3-5. 
    My opinion is that “if we detract we attract”? Perhaps with wrong motives?
  4. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in What must we do if we are to overturn “strongly entrenched” false doctrines?   
    What must we do if we are to overturn “strongly entrenched” false doctrines?
    One widespread false teaching that blinds people to the truth about God is the doctrine of evolution. This human reasoning contradicts the Bible and robs people of hope. In its basic form, the teaching of evolution asserts that all life came into existence spontaneously; it thus implies that human life has no purpose.  On the other hand, fundamentalists of Christendom teach that the universe, including our earth and all life on it, is only a few thousand years old.
    Those who teach this doctrine—known as creationism—may have high regard for the Bible, but they contend that God created all things in six 24-hour days just a few thousand years ago. They reject credible scientific evidence that contradicts their view.
    As a result, the teaching of creationism actually discredits the Bible, making it appear unreasonable and inaccurate. Individuals who promote such views might remind us of some in the first century who had a zeal for God “but not according to accurate knowledge.” (Rom. 10:2)
    How can we use God’s Word to overturn the “strongly entrenched” doctrines of evolution and creationism?* We can do so only if we personally work hard to gain an accurate knowledge of what the Bible teaches. The Origin of Life brochure is designed to help students evaluate sensational news reports that claim that scientists have found fossilized “missing links.”
    It encourages them to judge for themselves whether such reports really prove that man evolved from lower creatures. It also teaches them how to answer claims that scientists have proved in their laboratories that life could originate spontaneously. If you use these brochures, you can do much to boost your confidence in your ability to give an answer to those who demand a reason for your belief in a Creator.—Read 1 Peter 3:15.
    The well-researched material that we receive through JehovahÂ’s organization helps us discern his beautiful qualities in the world around us. This is sound evidence that causes us to bubble over with praise for our God. (Ps. 19:1, 2)
    What a privilege we have to give Jehovah, the Creator of all things, the honor and glory he so richly deserves!
    Lesson for today. (Col 2:8)

  5. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Evacuated in Belarusian Press on Jehovahs Witnesses and Inside their Kingdom Halls   
    Belarusian Press on Jehovahs Witnesses and Inside their Kingdom Halls

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from The Librarian in Wonderful year text for 2018..??? - Isa 40:31.   
    Wonderful year text for 2018..???
    Isaiah 40:31
    31 But those hoping in Jehovah will regain power. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary; They will walk and not tire out.”  
  7. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Wonderful year text for 2018..??? - Isa 40:31.   
    Wonderful year text for 2018..???
    Isaiah 40:31
    31 But those hoping in Jehovah will regain power. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary; They will walk and not tire out.”  
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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Belarusian Press on Jehovahs Witnesses and Inside their Kingdom Halls   
    Belarusian Press on Jehovahs Witnesses and Inside their Kingdom Halls

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in Brother Age 82 Hard Life – Now Happy Sharing the Good News in Las Vegas ?   
    Brother Age 82 Hard Life – Now Happy Sharing the Good News ?
    This is brother Jose Garcia Gonsalez original from Matanzas Cuba. 82 Years of age had lived a very violent, scary and sad life since heÂ’s young age.
    He got baptized summer of 2016 In St. George, Utah Usa in a regional assembly. HeÂ’s life now is fully for Jehovah, he is retired and basically preaches 5-8 hours daily.
    He is very know for being a proud Jehovah Witness everywhere he goes and people really listen to him and even makes people smile. He assists to Fremont Spanish congregation, here is a photo taken on the corner of (W. Sahara Ave & S. Las Vegas Blvd) 
    in the city of Las Vegas, Nevada were which he has lived for 28 years in the United States.

  10. Confused
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in FEMALE Nose rings - Would You Wear One? –??‍????‍????‍?   
    FEMALE Nose rings - Would You Wear One? ??????????????
    Rebecca, who married Isaac,                      wore a nose ring. What you think? 
    An ornamental ring worn on the nose. It was inserted either through the left or the right side of the nose or through the partition separating the nostrils and was especially worn by women. (Ge 24:22, 30, 47; Isa 3:21) Ishmaelite men, however, according to some translations, also wore nose rings.—Jg 8:24-26.
    The Hebrew word for “nose ring” (ne?zem) can also be applied to an earring, and in some cases, there may have been little difference in the forms of these ornaments. Sometimes the context makes it possible to determine whether a nose ring or an earring is meant.—Compare Ge 24:47 with Ge 35:4; Eze 16:12; see RING.
    Though nose rings were generally made of gold, other materials, such as silver, were also used. Nose rings might be ornamented with beads, pieces of coral, or jewels, suspended from them as small pendants. The diameter of nose rings varied from 2.5 to as much as 7.5 cm (1 to 3 in.). Hanging down over the mouth as it did, the nose ring had to be moved when eating.
    At Proverbs 11:22 an outwardly beautiful woman who rejects sensibleness is compared to “a gold nose ring in the snout of a pig.” - Bible Speaks -

  11. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Melinda Mills in WORLD PRESS COMMENTS ON JEHOVAHS WITNESSES REFUSAL TO TAKE BLOOD   
    Thank you for your support! We would have no life, no blood if we did not have the Ransom. We no it is a gift ? Jehovah gave us. We Thank Him and His Son Christ Jesus forever. 
  12. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Melinda Mills in WORLD PRESS COMMENTS ON JEHOVAHS WITNESSES REFUSAL TO TAKE BLOOD   
    Amen! Everything is Jehovah’s even our lives including its blood.
     Thank you 
  13. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in If You Were On the Titanic and You Could Go Back in Time Would You, Knowing I Would Lose My Life, Change Your Course? –⏳⏱⏳⏱⌛️   
    If You Were On the Titanic and You Could Go Back in Time Would You, Knowing I Would Lose My Life, Change Your Course? 
    Time is ticking away! Get away fast...the End is Soon! – We Must Get Away Safe! Impending Destruction!
    Pocket watch retrieved from a Titanic victim. It had stopped at 02:28, a few minutes after its owner went into the icy Atlantic water. - Bible Speaks

  14. Thanks
    Translation site /translator did not quite get this, I believe.
    Agree with the sentiments you expressed.  But I think you wanted to say that  by Jesus shedding his blood he repurchased mankind from sin and death.
  15. Like
    Thank you for your support! We would have no life, no blood if we did not have the Ransom. We no it is a gift ? Jehovah gave us. We Thank Him and His Son Christ Jesus forever. 
  16. Like
    When you look at the principle of the texts that forbid the intake of blood, it is not a matter of eating or consuming through a vein ... When Jehovah forbids blood or describes that they should let it run on the ground at slaughter, "Let it be holy, it's mine." The blood is Jehovah's. We do not have the right to use it as our own. We are subject to the principle that the blood is sacred that Jesus by his blood could run away from mankind. We do not have the right to administer and neglect the meaning of the blood .. IT IS JEHOVAS!
    Have use Google translate..!   Johnny from Danmark.! 
  17. Like
    Amen! Everything is Jehovah’s even our lives including its blood.
     Thank you 
  18. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Just Look Up and See the Stars You'll Know Who You Can Trust? ?⭐️?****Who Can You Trust?   
    Just Look Up and See the Stars You'll Know Who You Can Trust? ????****************** Who Can You Trust? Man? Pilots? The Plane? 
    How many of us have flown in an airplane friends? When we fly from one place to another, we put our trust in the pilot to get us to our destination safely and in one piece. 
    However sometimes we may encounter some turbulence in the skies,as long as we arrive safely, this is only a small price to pay. Likewise with today's thought, consider the following quote, "JEHOVAH PROMISES A SAFE LANDING, NOT A CALM PASSAGE".
    When we serve Jehovah, we often think that we will have total protection from the elements of this world. However Jehovah does not promise that at all, he simply promises us that if we do as he says, we will have "a safe landing" so to speak, he will provide the way out for us even if it isn't a "calm passage" on the way. 
    Things will always be rough and hard in these last days of this system of things, however as today's thought says, Jehovah promises a safe landing, he will be with us all the way right down to the end of the system of things, things may get rough along the way, but Jehovah promises to be there with us all the way to help us have a safe arrival and landing right on into the new system of things. 
    Do we have faith that he will do this for us brothers and sisters? Jehovah has never let us down before and he won't let us down now friends. "Jehovah has shown mercy to those who fear him. For he well knows how we are formed, Remembering that we are dust." (Ps 103:13,14) - Bible Speaks -

  19. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Johnnifer in Video – Dance today! Keep Smiling! ☺️?????☺️   
    Dance today! Keep Smiling!
    Tap on Video Link mp4 _____Enjoy! ??
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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Joan Kennedy in Beautiful sister Alessandra Alves of Brazil enjoying the ministry despite her condition..♿️?   
    Beautiful sister Alessandra Alves of Brazil enjoying the ministry despite her condition..???
    Hello from Brazil..Say Hello? ?

  21. Thanks
    Heading should be "...refusal to take blood".   
  22. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Brother Age 82 Hard Life – Now Happy Sharing the Good News in Las Vegas ?   
    Brother Age 82 Hard Life – Now Happy Sharing the Good News ?
    This is brother Jose Garcia Gonsalez original from Matanzas Cuba. 82 Years of age had lived a very violent, scary and sad life since heÂ’s young age.
    He got baptized summer of 2016 In St. George, Utah Usa in a regional assembly. HeÂ’s life now is fully for Jehovah, he is retired and basically preaches 5-8 hours daily.
    He is very know for being a proud Jehovah Witness everywhere he goes and people really listen to him and even makes people smile. He assists to Fremont Spanish congregation, here is a photo taken on the corner of (W. Sahara Ave & S. Las Vegas Blvd) 
    in the city of Las Vegas, Nevada were which he has lived for 28 years in the United States.

  23. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Noble Berean in A premature baby received a blood transfusion on the orders of Mendoza Justice   
    MENDOZA (DyN) - A premature baby received a blood transfusion on the orders of Mendoza Justice, since his parents profess the religion of the Jehovah's Witnesses, which prohibits such medical practices.
    The baby who was born with 30 weeks of gestation and weighs 1,200 kilograms had to undergo a blood transfusion due to his critical state of health, as determined last Friday by doctors at Humberto Notti Hospital, in the city of Mendoza.
    The parents of the child are Jehovah's Witnesses, a Religion jthat rejects the practice for what the doctors went to Family Justice, the Los Andes newspaper reported. The head of the Intensive Care Service of Notti, Adriana Bobillo, explained that the child was anemic and suffered from enteritis so he did not receive oxygenation in the intestine, which endangered his life. Before this intervened the Fourth Family Court of Mendoza that issued an order to enable doctors to carry out medical practice. After the transfusion the child remarkably improved his health status and no longer needs a respirator, although he is still at risk of life due to low weight.
    For its part, the director of Maternity and Childhood of the Province, Monica Rinaldi, explained that it is usual the procedure adopted by doctors to go to court when the child's life began to be in danger and they knew that the parents are of that religion .
    Although, the official said, judicial intervention is avoided as much as possible, she assured that when a judge intervenes and gives the order, many parents feel relieved and released from a decision that contradicts their religious convictions, but that in case of not taking out puts your child's life at risk.

  24. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Special Regional Convention, Don’t Give Up in Jakarta, Indonesia ???   
    Special Regional Convention, Don’t Give Up in Jakarta, Indonesia ???

  25. Like
    Opponents object:
    Jehovah's Witnesses always use the following illustration in terms of containing blood:
    For example, what about someone who was strongly advised by the doctor to abstain from alcohol? Would he follow the advice if he stopped drinking alcohol but injected it directly into his veins?
    The comparison may sound logical at first glance, but this is delayed. Alcohol is present in a form that is metabolizable to body cells. Therefore, if someone received intravenous alcohol, the body would treat it as if it had been administered orally. Blood, however, does not serve as a food when administered intravenously, but functions as an organ transplant. Red blood cells, for example, begin immediately with the transport of oxygen.
    Also, would a doctor seriously discourage treatment that could save your life?
    The illustration used by Jehovah's Witnesses serves to make honest minds understand, that it is the same to eat as to inject oneself. We use alcohol in an illustrative way. Nor have we ever said that injecting blood is a way of feeding. What can not be discussed, is that if a doctor forbids the use of any substance, no one in their right mind would inject that substance. What you do not deny, is that the blood to be transfused begins immediately to act as what is WHOLE BLOOD.
    GENESIS 9: 4, is a biblical principle: flesh with its blood, should not eat. (evidently transfusions had not been invented, nor do guns justify killing because they did not exist when murder was prohibited)
    LEVITICUS 17:14, incorporates the principle to the Jewish Law, making it clear that "You must not eat the blood of any kind of flesh, because the soul of every kind of flesh is its blood". It should be noted that the text says that all kinds of flesh have blood, a statement that EMPHASIZES that it is only WHOLE BLOOD that is prohibited, since not all animals have blood.
    ACTS 15:20 solidly affirms the prohibition for the Christian world, prohibiting any use of blood by using the verb ABSTAIN! 
    Google translated

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