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Bible Speaks

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  1. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in Middle East Iran-Iraq earthquake: Hundreds killed as border region hit ???   
    Middle East   Iran-Iraq earthquake: Hundreds killed as border region hit
    A 7.3-magnitude earthquake has shaken the northern border region between Iran and Iraq, killing at least 396 people and injuring thousands more.
    More than 7,000 people are also said to have been injured in the quake, the world's deadliest this year.
    Most of those who died were in Iran's western Kermanshah province, where a search for survivors has started.
    Nine more people died in Iraq, where residents fled from their homes into the streets in the capital, Baghdad.
    "I was sitting with my kids having dinner and suddenly the building was just dancing in the air," a Baghdad resident, Majida Ameer, told Reuters news agency. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-41963373 

  2. Confused
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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in From Rap to Glory and Being Loved – Jehovah Knows Who Belong to Him!   
    From Rap to Glory and Being Loved – Jehovah Knows Who Belong to Him! 
    The Blessed of Jehovah! - Welcome

  4. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Idea for Family Worship! –????   
    Idea for Family Worship! ????
    For family worship last night my husband, my two children, my dad, and myself made oil lamps like they used in Bible times.
    We made them from clay and baked them. Then we put a wick and filled them with olive oil, then lit them. They burned so bright!
    It was so much fun!”
    Thank you

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in PREACHING IN DENMARK...With Lights! ???   
    When it gets dark, it's nice to have some lights. This is how the brothers and sisters at "Amagerbrogade" in Copenhagen present their literature.

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in You Like JW Broadcasting? – Show Your Appreciation This Way! – ?   
    The videos that appear on JW ?Broadcasting are recorded 3 months in advance of their broadcast.
    This is done to ensure that they can be translated effectively into different languages so that all can benefit.
    One way we can show our appreciation for the work the brothers are doing is to make sure we watch each month's Broadcast.

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Does God Really Care About Me? Learn How He Comforts Us ~ ?????   
    Does God Really Care About Me? Learn How He Comforts Us~
    God is described in the Bible as “the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort.” (2 Corinthians 1:3) 
    God, whose name is Jehovah, knows we need comfort. The Bible uses “comfort” in various forms over a hundred times, assuring us that God not only understands what we face but also desires to comfort us. 
    This knowledge convinces us that even when others do not seem to notice, understand, or care about our plight, Jehovah God does.
    The fact that Jehovah cares for people as individuals is clearly seen from the Scriptures. “The eyes of Jehovah are in every place,” says the Bible, “keeping watch upon the bad ones and the good ones.” (Proverbs 15:3) 
    Similarly, at Job 34:21, we read: “His eyes are upon the ways of man, and all his steps he sees.” Jehovah sees what we do—good or bad—and he is aware of our circumstances, so that he can respond in ways he sees fit. 
    This is confirmed in the words of Hanani the seer, or prophet, to King Asa of Judah: “As regards Jehovah, his eyes are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him.”—2 Chronicles 16:7, 9.
    Jehovah keeps watch over us for another reason. Jesus explains: “No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him.” (John 6:44) Jehovah cares enough to search a person’s heart to see if it is inclined toward him. If it is, he can respond in ways truly amazing.
    Many people today believe that God takes no interest in human affairs. But as we have seen, the Bible clearly shows that God very much cares for those who demonstrate true faith in him. 
    Even though life today is often filled with distress, worries, disappointments, and hurt, we need not despair. Jehovah God does care. In fact, he lovingly invites us to turn to him for support. “Throw your burden upon Jehovah himself, and he himself will sustain you,” says the psalmist. “Never will he allow the righteous one to totter.”—Psalm 55:22. - Bible Speaks

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Joan Kennedy in Beautiful sister Alessandra Alves of Brazil enjoying the ministry despite her condition..♿️?   
    Beautiful sister Alessandra Alves of Brazil enjoying the ministry despite her condition..???
    Hello from Brazil..Say Hello? ?

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Elisabeth Dolewka in Beautiful sister Alessandra Alves of Brazil enjoying the ministry despite her condition..♿️?   
    Beautiful sister Alessandra Alves of Brazil enjoying the ministry despite her condition..???
    Hello from Brazil..Say Hello? ?

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Video ? Indonesian Congregation in Australia – Austraila loves Jehovah!   
    Indonesian Congregation in Australia 
    Austraila loves Jehovah! 
    Thank you,
    Tap on Video Link mp4 _______Enjoy! ?

  11. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Video – Don’t Give Up Special Convention in Sentul International Convention Center, Indonesia. ???   
    Welcome brothers and sisters to attend Don’t Give Up Special Convention in Sentul International Convention Center,  Indonesia.
    #Repost @lilishandoyo
    Tap on Video Link mp4 _______Enjoy! ?

  12. Sad
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Middle East Iran-Iraq earthquake: Hundreds killed as border region hit ???   
    Middle East   Iran-Iraq earthquake: Hundreds killed as border region hit
    A 7.3-magnitude earthquake has shaken the northern border region between Iran and Iraq, killing at least 396 people and injuring thousands more.
    More than 7,000 people are also said to have been injured in the quake, the world's deadliest this year.
    Most of those who died were in Iran's western Kermanshah province, where a search for survivors has started.
    Nine more people died in Iraq, where residents fled from their homes into the streets in the capital, Baghdad.
    "I was sitting with my kids having dinner and suddenly the building was just dancing in the air," a Baghdad resident, Majida Ameer, told Reuters news agency. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-41963373 

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Are You SALTED? – ⚪️??⚪️   
    ARE YOU SALTED? ??????
    "Let your utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt." Ö (Col. 4:6) 
    Salt is often used in the Bible figuratively. Jesus told his disciples: “You are the salt of the earth,” a preserving influence on others, preventing spiritual putrefaction and moral decay. The good news they carried would preserve life. However, he went on to say to them: “But if the salt loses its strength, how will its saltness be restored? It is no longer usable for anything but to be thrown outside to be trampled on by men.” (Mt 5:13; Mr 9:50; Lu 14:34, 35) One Bible commentator remarks on Matthew 5:13: “The salt used in this country [United States] is a chemical compound—muriate of soda—and if the saltness were lost, or it were to lose its savour, there would be nothing remaining. It enters into the very nature of the substance. In eastern countries, however, the salt used was impure, mingled with vegetable and earthy substances; so that it might lose the whole of its saltness, and a considerable quantity of earthy matter remain. This was good for nothing, except that it was used, as it is said, to place in paths, or walks, as we use gravel. This kind of salt is common still in that country. It is found in the earth in veins or layers, and when exposed to the sun and rain, loses its saltness entirely.”—Barnes’ Notes on the New Testament, 1974.
    Because salt prevented decay, it became a symbol of stability and permanence. Often when covenants were made, the parties ate together—eating salt together—denoting perpetual loyalty and fidelity to one another in the covenant relationship. “A covenant of salt” therefore was considered very binding. (Nu 18:19) Accordingly, Judean King Abijah’s statement that Jehovah had made “a covenant of salt” with David and his sons meant that the covenant with David’s line for the kingship would stand forever. Jesus Christ the “son of David” and “the root of David” proves to be the one holding the Kingdom and administering its affairs forever.—2Ch 13:4, 5; Ps 18:50; Mt 1:1; Re 5:5; Isa 9:6, 7.
    Jesus said: “For everyone must be salted with fire.” The context here points to a salting with the fire of Gehenna in the case of all who stumble into a life of sin or who are responsible for so stumbling others.—Mr 9:42-49.
    Using the term to convey a different sense, Jesus thereafter said: “Have salt in yourselves, and keep peace between one another.” (Mr 9:50) The apostle Paul used it in a similar way, saying: “Let your utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt, so as to know how you ought to give an answer to each one.” (Col 4:6) One’s conduct and speech should always be in good taste, considerate, wholesome, and tend toward preserving the lives of others.

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Is Your Recreation Beneficial? “Keep on making sure of what is acceptable to the Lord.”—EPH. 5:10. – ?⚾️??‍♂️⛹?‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️⚽️?   
    Mark 8:36
    36 Really, what good will it do a man to gain the whole world and to lose his life?”
    Is Your Recreation Beneficial?
    “Keep on making sure of what is acceptable to the Lord.”—EPH. 5:10.
    THROUGHOUT the Bible, we find statements indicating that Jehovah wants us not only to live but also to enjoy life. 
    Those who have a balanced view of recreation allow for diversity yet also recognize the need for limitations. Why so? To answer, let us compare entertainment with food. Popular dishes differ from one part of the world to another. In fact, what people in one area relish may be unappetizing to people elsewhere. In a similar manner, what Christians in one part of the world view as pleasant recreation may not be appealing to Christians elsewhere. Even among Christians living in the same area, what one may view as relaxing (perhaps curling up with a good book), another may view as boring; what one may view as refreshing (perhaps sightseeing on a bicycle), another may view as exhausting. Still, we accept that in such matters as food and recreation, there is room for diversity and personal preference.—Rom. 14:2-4.
    A question to ask yourself is, Who?—that is, ‘Who are the ones I want to share my leisure activities with?’ It is important to consider this aspect of recreation. Why? Because the quality of our recreation is greatly influenced by the quality of our companions. Just as eating a meal is usually more pleasurable when you do so in the company of good friends, engaging in recreation is often more enjoyable when you do so with good companions. Thus, it is understandable that many among us, especially young ones, enjoy recreation that is shared with others. However, to make sure that an activity will be beneficial, it is wise to determine in advance what sort of individuals to choose as companions and what sort to avoid.—2 Chron. 19:2; read Proverbs 13:20; Jas. 4:4.

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in How Rude! What Do I Do Now? – ????   
    How Rude! What Do I Do Now? 
    Christians do their best to apply the BibleÂ’s counsel to speak always in a kind and polite way. (Colossians 4:6) But we are imperfect. Maybe we are having a bad day and we say something that we later regret. (James 3:2)
    When that happens, we hope the other person will understand that we are not usually like that. We would not want him to describe us as a rude person. Remembering this helps us to understand that people who are rude to us may also later regret what they say to us.
    If someone you meet seems to be angry or is rude to you, can you try to understand why he is acting like that?
    If someone you meet seems to be angry or is rude to you, can you try to understand why he is acting like that? Could it be that he is under pressure at work or at school? Does he have a serious health problem? Many people who were upset when the Witnesses first met them have responded well when treated with mildness and respect.—Proverbs 15:1; 1 Peter 3:15.
    The Golden Rule: JesusÂ’ words at Matthew 7:12. In this scripture, he taught us to treat people in the same way we ourselves would like to be treated.

  16. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Jehovah's Witnesses 2017 Regional Convention started at Gujranwala, Punjab, Pakistan. ???   
    Jehovah's Witnesses 2017 Regional Convention started at Gujranwala, Punjab, Pakistan. Clips from Day 1 ( Friday Program) Thank you

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Rejoice for there is Peace those Close to Jehovah! –?????   
    Rejoice for there is Peace those Close to Jehovah! ?????
    Climb High We are Almost there! 
    Nothing can take Away our Security! “In peace you will be brought back. The mountains and the hills will become cheerful before you with a joyful cry, And the trees of the field will all clap their hands. Instead of thorn bushes the juniper tree will grow, And instead of the stinging nettle the myrtle tree will grow, An everlasting sign that will never perish.” it will bring fame to  Jehovah.”– (Is. 55:12,13) 
    Jehovah commissioned his prophet Isaiah to foretell this ominous period, but He also instructed him to proclaim good news. After 70 years of exile, the Jews would be liberated from Babylon! A joyful remnant would return to Zion and have the privilege of restoring true worship there. With this happy message, Jehovah through his prophet caused light to shine in the darkness.
    A human might be able to predict the near future based on his understanding of the political or social climate of the day. But only Jehovah can foresee with absolute certainty what will happen at any point in time, even in the distant future. He can also empower his servants to foretell events long before they occur. The Bible states: “The Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets.”—Amos 3:7. -
    Bible Speaks

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in H. O. P. E. - How will Pain End Forever? You Mean Christ Felt Pain? – ????   
    H. O. P. E. - How will Pain End Forever? You Mean Christ Felt Pain?
    “He was despised and was avoided by men, A man who was meant for pains and was familiar with sickness. It was as if his face were hidden from us. He was despised, and we held him as of no account. Truly he himself carried our sicknesses, And he bore our pains.” (Isa 53:3,4) 
    A sensation of physical discomfort, whether moderate or severe; also acute mental or emotional distress.
    The physical sensation of pain serves a beneficial purpose by alerting a person to danger regarding bodily damage and thereby enables him to take steps to avoid serious injury. The fulfillment of God’s promise that “neither will . . . pain be anymore” (Re 21:4)
    That could not mean that humans would become insensitive to or incapable of experiencing pain. Rather, mental, emotional, and physical pain that has resulted from sin and imperfection (Ro 8:21, 22) will ‘be no more’ in the sense that its causes (such as disease and death) will be removed. 
    That bodily perfection does not of itself require absolute painlessness is verified by the fact that even the perfect man Jesus experienced physical and emotional pain in connection with his death and the unresponsiveness of those to whom he ministered. (Mt 26:37; Lu 19:41) It was even foretold that he would be “a man meant for pains.” (Isa 53:3) By curing those “distressed with various diseases and torments” (Mt 4:24), Jesus bore the pains of others.—Isa 53:4 “He was despised and was avoided by men, A man who was meant for pains and was familiar with sickness. It was as if his face were hidden from us. He was despised, and we held him as of no account. Truly he himself carried our sicknesses, And he bore our pains.” (Isa 53: 3,4) - Bible Speaks 
    Read the Bible at: 

  20. Upvote
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in Nazi Germany ???   
    National Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. 
    Purple triangle
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The purple triangle was a concentration camp badge used by the Nazis to identify Bibelforscher (the German name for Jehovah's Witnesses and other Bible Students groups) in Nazi Germany. A small number of Adventists, Baptists and pacifists (less than one percent) were also identified by the badge.[1] Nazism opposed unorthodox-Christian religious minorities (along with Jews), but made the Bible Students the object of particularly intense persecution, including such extensive incarceration that a distinct badge was assigned to them.[2][3] 
    Identification in Nazi camps
    Nazi concentration camp badges
    Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in Nazi Germany ???
    Religion in Nazi Germany
    References [edit] ^ Johannes S. Wrobel, Jehovah’s Witnesses in National Socialist Concentration Camps, 1933 – 45, Religion, State & Society, Vol. 34, No. 2, June 2006, pp. 89-125 "The concentration camp prisoner category ‘Bible Student’ at times apparently included a few members from small Bible Student splinter groups, as well as adherents of other religious groups which played only a secondary role during the time of the National Socialist regime, such as Adventists, Baptists and the New Apostolic community (Garbe 1999, pp. 82, 406; Zeiger, 2001, p. 72). Since their numbers in the camps were quite small compared with the total number of Jehovah’s Witness prisoners, I shall not consider them separately in this article. Historian Antje Zeiger (2001, p. 88) writes about Sachsenhausen camp: ‘In May 1938, every tenth prisoner was a Jehovah’s Witness. Less than one percent of the Witnesses included other religious nonconformists (Adventists, Baptists, pacifists), who were placed in the same prisoner classification.’".) ^ MoreOrLess. "Bibelforscher". Cesnur.org. Retrieved 2012-12-29. ^ "Holocaust Revealed". Holocaust Revealed. 

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Keep on the Watch! - JW.Org –???   
    Keep on the Watch! - JW.Org ???
    Tap on Video Link mp4 ____Enjoy!
    GIF Picture Tap on Picture 

  22. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in ????? Song 73 "Grant Us Boldness"   
    Thank you – ????? Song 73 "Grant Us Boldness"
    Join in this appeal to Jehovah God for courage to witness boldly for his name. Tap on Video Link mp4 _____Enjoy!
    Full Video: https://youtu.be/CzUFytnsUas
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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Meeting Today’s Adversities With Courage – ???????   
    Psalm 46:1
    ”God is our refuge and strength,
    A help that is readily found in times of distress.”
    Meeting TodayÂ’s Adversities With Courage
    WE LIVE in difficult times. The earth has been affected by one disaster after another. People have suffered terribly because of earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, floods, volcanoes, tornadoes, typhoons, and hurricanes. Also, problems in the family and personal problems have made many sad and afraid. Just as the Bible shows, bad things can happen to any of us at any time.—Ecclesiastes 9:11.
    When bad things happen to us, we should remember that Satan tries to use these things to weaken our faith and take away our joy. But we must not allow him to do that. Proverbs 24:10 says that if we get discouraged, we will not have the energy to endure our problems. If we meditate on examples from the Bible, such as those we talked about earlier, we can get the courage we need when we have problems.
    It is also good to remember that we cannot remove all problems. In fact, we can expect them. (2 Timothy 3:12) Acts 14:22 tells us: “We must enter into the kingdom of God through many tribulations.” Instead of allowing problems to discourage you, think of them as opportunities to show your faith in God’s ability to help you.

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from The Librarian in Keep On Doing Good – ?❤️?❤️?   
    Luke 6:35
    35 On the contrary, continue to love your enemies and to do good and to lend without hoping for anything back; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind toward the unthankful and wicked.”
    Keep On Doing Good
    DOING good to others can be a challenge. Those to whom we show love may not reciprocate. Although we seek the spiritual welfare of people by endeavoring to share with them “the glorious good news of the happy God” and his Son, they may be apathetic or ungrateful. (1 Tim. 1:11) Others prove to be hateful “enemies of the torture stake of the Christ.” (Phil. 3:18) As Christians, how should we treat them?
    Jesus Christ told his disciples: “Continue to love your enemies and to do good.” (Luke 6:35) Let us now take a close look at this admonition. We will also benefit from other points Jesus made about doing good to others.
    Why show love for our enemies? “That you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens,” said Jesus. (Matt. 5:45) If we heed that counsel, we become “sons” of God in that we imitate Jehovah, who “makes his sun rise upon wicked people and good and makes it rain upon righteous people and unrighteous.” As Luke’s account puts matters, God “is kind toward the unthankful and wicked.”—Luke 6:35.
    Stressing how important it was for his disciples to ‘continue loving their enemies,’ Jesus said: “If you love those loving you, what reward do you have? Are not also the tax collectors doing the same thing? And if you greet your brothers only, what extraordinary thing are you doing? Are not also the people of the nations doing the same thing?” (Matt. 5:46, 47) 
    If we were to limit our love to those who reciprocate, this would not merit any “reward,” or favor, from God. Even tax collectors, who were generally despised, showed love for people who loved them.—Luke 5:30; 7:34.
    Always Do Good to Others
    “Now when Jesus finished these sayings, the effect was that the crowds were astounded at his way of teaching; for he was teaching them as a person having authority, and not as their scribes.”—Matt. 7:28, 29.

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Keep On Doing Good – ?❤️?❤️?   
    Luke 6:35
    35 On the contrary, continue to love your enemies and to do good and to lend without hoping for anything back; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind toward the unthankful and wicked.”
    Keep On Doing Good
    DOING good to others can be a challenge. Those to whom we show love may not reciprocate. Although we seek the spiritual welfare of people by endeavoring to share with them “the glorious good news of the happy God” and his Son, they may be apathetic or ungrateful. (1 Tim. 1:11) Others prove to be hateful “enemies of the torture stake of the Christ.” (Phil. 3:18) As Christians, how should we treat them?
    Jesus Christ told his disciples: “Continue to love your enemies and to do good.” (Luke 6:35) Let us now take a close look at this admonition. We will also benefit from other points Jesus made about doing good to others.
    Why show love for our enemies? “That you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens,” said Jesus. (Matt. 5:45) If we heed that counsel, we become “sons” of God in that we imitate Jehovah, who “makes his sun rise upon wicked people and good and makes it rain upon righteous people and unrighteous.” As Luke’s account puts matters, God “is kind toward the unthankful and wicked.”—Luke 6:35.
    Stressing how important it was for his disciples to ‘continue loving their enemies,’ Jesus said: “If you love those loving you, what reward do you have? Are not also the tax collectors doing the same thing? And if you greet your brothers only, what extraordinary thing are you doing? Are not also the people of the nations doing the same thing?” (Matt. 5:46, 47) 
    If we were to limit our love to those who reciprocate, this would not merit any “reward,” or favor, from God. Even tax collectors, who were generally despised, showed love for people who loved them.—Luke 5:30; 7:34.
    Always Do Good to Others
    “Now when Jesus finished these sayings, the effect was that the crowds were astounded at his way of teaching; for he was teaching them as a person having authority, and not as their scribes.”—Matt. 7:28, 29.

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