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Bible Speaks

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  1. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in The Office of the Prosecutor presented official apologies to Sergiev Posad's Elders   
    ?????????? ?????????? ??????????? ??????????? ????????? ??????? ??????? ?????
     ???????? ???????? ? ?????? ?????, ??????? ? ??????? 7 ??? ????????????? ?? ???? ????, ??????? ?? ?????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ? ???????? ??????? ??????????????.
    ? ?????? ??????????? ????????? ?????? ?.?. ??????? ??????: «... ?? ????? ??????????? ? ??????? ??? ??????????? ????????? ?? ??????????? ??? ????????? ?????, ????????? ? ?????????????? ?????????????? ?? ?????? 282, ????? 2 [...] ?? ?????? ????? ??????????? ???????? ?????????? ????????? ? ???????, ??????? ??? ???????????, ?? ????? ??????, ????? ??? ????? ??????????, ???? ?????????? ? ... ?????????? ????????? ??????? ??? ????????, ??? ??????????? ? ??????, ???????????????? ?? ?????, ??????????? ??? ???? ????????, ????? ????? ??????? ??????????????? ???????? ???????? ?????????? ??????? ?????? ?? ????????????.
    ? ??? ??????? ??????????? ?????? ??????????? ??????????? ????????, ??? ?? ????? ????????? ?? ?????? «???, ?????? ??????? ??????? ?????????????? ?? ??????? ? ?????????????? ????????????».

  2. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Nana Fofana in The Office of the Prosecutor presented official apologies to Sergiev Posad's Elders   
    The Office of the Prosecutor presented official apologies to Sergiev Posad's Elders
     Vyacheslav Stepanov and Andrew Sivak, who for 7 years has been prosecuted for his faith, obtained from the letter Posad city of the prosecutor's apology and explanation of the rehabilitation order.
    In the letter, the deputy prosecutor of the city, AK Sergeev, said: "... on behalf of the state, I bring you an official apology for the moral damage caused to you, related to an irrational prosecution under Article 282 part 2 [...] You have the right to demand the sending of written statements about the decision that justifies it, in the place of work, study or place of residence, in case the information about ... the illegal actions to the that has been applied has been published in the press, distributed by radio, television or other means, has the right to request the relevant media to make a report on the rehabilitation.
    I have already informed the Federal Financial Monitoring Service of believers that their names are removed from the list of "persons against whom there is evidence of their involvement in extremist activities." -

  3. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Greetings from the Brooklyn Congregation of Cape Town South Africa. My baptism at the convention last week. ???   
    Greetings from the Brooklyn Congregation of Cape Town South Africa. My baptism at the Don’t Give Up Convention last week.! #jw #jworg #jwafrica #jwsouthafrica 

  4. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Are You Afraid? Does Your Faith Weaken in Times of Stress and Turmoil? Like an Elusive Butterfly? ???   
    Are You Afraid? Does Your Faith Weaken in Times of Stress and Turmoil? Like an Elusive Butterfly do you Worry and Then Go from Person to Person and Show Your Fears?
    "See your eyes through a butterflies eye....you'll just keep dancing from flower to flower"?
    Does the Make Us Happy? No, it May Keep Our Fears Greater When Storms Come! What Can We Do to Have Strong Faith Now in Times of This Day, when the Days are Wicked? 
    Stay With Jehovah Don't Leave Him! He is Your Strength!
    Jehovah Is “the Provider of Escape” for Us
    "Jehovah will help them and rescue them. He will rescue them from the wicked and save them, Because they take refuge in him" –(Ps 37:40) 
    Jehovah offers us spiritual protection, which is of utmost importance. Being true Christians, we understand that there is something that is more valuable than our present life. Our most precious possession is our personal relationship with Jehovah. (Ps. 25:14; 63:3) Without that relationship, our present life would have little meaning and our future life prospects would be lost.
    Thankfully, Jehovah gives us all the help we need to maintain a close relationship with him. We have his Word, his holy spirit, and his worldwide congregation to help us.
     By regularly and diligently studying his Word, we will strengthen our faith and brighten our hope. (Rom. 15:4) By sincerely praying for his spirit, we will receive help to resist the temptation to engage in questionable conduct. (Luke 11:13) 
    By keeping up with the direction the faithful slave class provides through Bible-based publications as well as at meetings, assemblies, and conventions, we will be nourished with spiritual “food at the proper time.” (Matt. 24:45) Such provisions protect us spiritually and help us to stay close to God.—Jas. 4:8.

  5. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in “Happy are the pure in heart, since they will see God." (Matt 5:8) – ???   
    “Happy are the pure in heart, since they will see God." (Matt 5:8) 
    What Does It Mean to Be “Pure in Heart”? I See God Do You?
    In the Bible, “heart” is often used in a symbolic sense. According to one reference work, the Biblical term for heart indicates the “innermost part of man” and “is supremely the one centre in man to which God turns, in which the religious life is rooted, which determines moral conduct.” The heart represents what we really are on the inside. As the above-quoted work highlights, it is this that Jehovah examines and that he appreciates in his servants.—1 Pet. 3:4
    In the Bible, “pure” and “clean” can indicate what is clean in a physical sense. But the terms are also applied to what is uncontaminated—not adulterated, soiled, or corrupted—in a moral and religious sense. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus declared: “Happy are the pure in heart.” He was referring to those who are, in effect, clean inside. (Matt. 5:8) Their affections, desires, and motives are pure. Motivated by love and gratitude, they love Jehovah with all their heart, sincerely, without hypocrisy. (Luke 10:27)
    In a world that is ever more corrupt and morally degraded, we as true Christians stand out because we love “purity of heart.” Our life is influenced positively as we experience the inner peace that results from doing God’s will. Above all, we enjoy an intimate friendship with our Creator, Jehovah God, who loves those who are “clean in heart.” (Ps. 73:1) Yes, we can be included among the ones who will be happy because, as Jesus promised, “they will see God,” as He acts in behalf of those who love “purity of heart.”—Matt. 5:8.

  6. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Are You Proud? Or Ashamed? This kid got an A+ for this paper BY A 15 yr. OLD SCHOOL KID who got an A+ for this entry (TOTALLY AWESOME)! ??   
    Are You Proud? Or Ashamed? 
    This kid got an A+ for this paper ??
    BY A 15 yr. OLD SCHOOL KID
    who got an A+ for this entry
    Since the Pledge of Allegiance
    The Lord's Prayer
    Are not allowed in most
    Public schools anymore
    Because the word God is mentioned.....
    A kid in Arizona wrote the attached
    NEW School prayer:
    "New Pledge of Allegiance"
    Now I sit me down in school
    Where praying is against the rule
    For this great nation under God
    Finds mention of Him very odd.
    If scripture now the class recites,
    It violates the Bill of Rights.
    And anytime my head I bow
    Becomes a Federal matter now.
    Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
    That's no offense; it's a freedom scene..
    The law is specific, the law is precise.
    Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.
    For praying in a public hall
    Might offend someone with no faith at all..
    In silence alone we must meditate,
    God's name is prohibited by the state.
    We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
    And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks...
    They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.
    To quote the Good Book makes me liable.
    We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
    And the unwed daddy,' our Senior King.
    It's inappropriate to teach right from wrong,
    We're taught that such judgment's do not belong..
    We can get our condoms and birth controls,
    Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles ...
    But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
    No word of God must reach this crowd.
    It's scary here I must confess,
    When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
    So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
    Should I be shot; My soul please take!
    If you aren't ashamed to do this, Please pass this on..
    Jesus said, "If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you before my Father."
    – Contributed ??

  7. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in What is Success in Life? – Be ? Happy!   
    Success in life...some things are easy some are not! Think what success means...Loneliness in a World of Mass Connection - Take time for the Creator and His words to guide your life not things!
    (Proverbs 2:6-9) . . .For Jehovah himself gives wisdom; out of his mouth there are knowledge and discernment. 7 And for the upright ones he will treasure up practical wisdom; for those walking in integrity he is a shield, 8 by observing the paths of judgment, and he will guard the very way of his loyal ones. 9 In that case you will understand righteousness and judgment and uprightness, the entire course of what is good."
    CELL-PHONE ? calls, text messages, e-mails, online social networks, chat rooms—there has never been a time when the means of communicating were so numerous and easy to come by. Yet, in this world of mass connection, many people—young and old—feel very lonely. Why?
    In their book Loneliness—Human Nature and the Need for Social Connection, researchers John T. Cacioppo and William Patrick thoroughly address the subject of loneliness. They refer to a study that says that “increased Internet use can increase social isolation as well as depression when it replaces more tangible forms of human contact.”
    The hectic pace of life imposed by modern society is hardly conducive to warm human contact. A smile and the affection that can be seen in a personÂ’s eyes cannot generally be conveyed over the phone or through a message on a computer ? screen.
    The above can be true in the workplace but even more so within the family circle. In many homes family members come and go without sharing meals or conversation. Adolescent children have their own computer and live virtually isolated from the rest of the family. Ironically, in spite of their electronic communication gadgets, many youngsters feel lonely. ???
    These days, even the bonds of marriage can be threatened by feelings of loneliness. Lack of communication between marriage partners can bring about a situation in which the two lead parallel lives, moving in lines that seldom meet. A feeling of being alone while living with a marriage mate is one of the most distressing forms of loneliness. ?????
    Single parents in particular may have to contend with feelings of loneliness. The world of mass connection, among many other things, can cut off companionship with their children, causing feelings of aloneness to increase. Also, many single people long to have a companion, but their emotional needs remain unfulfilled.
    Loneliness has become a social evil that can contribute to alcoholism, overeating, drug abuse, promiscuous sexual behavior, and even suicide. It is therefore important to identify the causes of loneliness. Taking this first step can lead to success in coping with the problem.
    “The valuable things of the rich [man] are his strong town, and they are like a protective wall in his imagination.” (Proverbs 18:11) In ancient times, people depended on high walls for protection against attack. But think of living in a city surrounded by a wall that only existed in your mind. As hard as you tried to convince yourself otherwise, that wall would provide no defense against your enemies.
    Like people living in such an exposed place, young ones who pursue riches are headed for disappointment. Are you a parent? You would do well to help your child avoid the trap of materialism and not take up life in a city with an imaginary wall.
    The following Bible-based truths can help you reason with your son or daughter:
    ? Great wealth often brings far more problems than it solves. “The plenty belonging to the rich one is not permitting him to sleep.”—Ecclesiastes 5:12; 1 Timothy 6:9, 10.
    ? With good planning, a person does not need wealth to be happy. “The plans of the diligent one surely make for advantage.”—Proverbs 21:5; Luke 14:28.
    ? A moderate income that covers one’s needs leads to contentment. “Give me neither poverty nor riches.”—Proverbs 30:8.
    ? Do you spend a lot of time sorting through papers and notebooks, trying to find what you want? Some people need help to get better organized. DonÂ’t be ashamed to ask others for suggestions.
    ? Do you procrastinate? As a test, make an effort to complete an assignment ahead of time. The relief and satisfaction you feel will surprise you and may motivate you to stop putting off your schoolwork.
    ? Do you often find yourself daydreaming during class? Try this for a month: Listen closely to the classroom discussions, and take good notes for later reference. You may be pleasantly surprised at how much easier your homework becomes. That good result will reduce your stress in school.
    ? Have you selected classes that increase the pace of your schooling but that require much more time and effort? Is it vital that you take those classes? Speak with your parents. Get the opinion of someone with a reasonable view of education. You may find that those optional courses add little to your progress toward graduation. 
  8. Haha
    Bible Speaks reacted to John Houston in Public Letter Read to the brothers of North America:   
    From what language is this letter translated from?  Phrases such as "continue to lead grazing " and "all of us can kill each other by" makes no sense. Help me out, please.
  9. Haha
    Bible Speaks reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Public Letter Read to the brothers of North America:   
    Sounds like the time in Texas I found that Mexican Family who had just come over the border, eating grass on the side of the road, and I took them all to my home to my 3 acre lawn.

  10. Haha
    Bible Speaks reacted to Avivant in Public Letter Read to the brothers of North America:   
    I laughed for the typo but the the efforts I give thanks to Jehova and all the brothers assisting us. 
  11. Haha
    Bible Speaks reacted to David Normand in Public Letter Read to the brothers of North America:   
    This is not exactly the letter that was read last night. Grazing may be appropriate at one of our local buffets, but was not in the letter read last night. Letter reproduced here was a rough translation. 
  12. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in Public Letter Read to the brothers of North America:   
    Public Letter Read to the brothers of North America:
    Dear Brothers:
    We wish to provide an update on recent natural disasters in our territory and what can be done to provide additional assistance. Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria affected 250,000 publishers and damaged more than 6,000 homes in Florida, Puerto Rico, Texas and the virgin islands. In addition, the fires in California areas affected hundreds of editors, and more than 1,400 had to evacuate. Sadly, 29 of their homes were completely destroyed. Because of these disasters, seven active disaster relief committees are operating throughout the territory of our branch. Despite the many tragic events that our brothers and sisters have experienced, we have been truly comforting to see how the brotherhood has helped everyone in need.
    In addition to the millions of dollars made available by the organization for disaster relief committees to date, hundreds of congregations and individuals have donated 1.600 tons of relief supplies throughout the country. In recent weeks, humanitarian aid supplies were sent to the islands of Puerto Rico, Turks and Caicos Islands and the virgin islands through 27 flights and 35 shipping containers. Due to the constant need, shipments of food, water and other supplies will continue to be sent to these islands over the next few months. Their generous donations to work around the world and the response of several circuits in the collection of specific supplies when requested are highly appreciated. Such generosity shows the love you have for the Lord and his brothers and sisters in need. Read Proverbs 17:17; 1 cor. 12:26.
    Many have asked what other practical help can be given to those who need relief assistance. In the areas where our brothers and sisters have been displaced, many of you have opened their homes to provide shelter, knowing that recovery efforts will take time. Everyone's patience is deeply appreciated. Besides, while the elders and circuit superintendents continue to lead grazing, all of us can kill each other by giving them encouragement and showing compassion and kindness.- Gál. 6: 2; Col. 3:12.
    Meanwhile, throughout Texas, Florida and all the affected islands, there is an immediate need for volunteers with construction skills to help with recovery work. Due to the current circumstances, only the brothers will be invited to work in the most affected areas. At This moment, we are requesting brothers who can serve for three weeks or for 6-12 months. To volunteer for this job, contact the secretary of your congregation. For volunteers who have an application filed, make sure your local design / construction volunteer application (DC-50) is updated. The help organisation will invite volunteers through the construction assistant. We ask you not to go to a disaster area without an invitation from the help organization, the construction assistant or a specific branch allocation letter.
    The Branch has received numerous calls for donations of clothing and other articles. In some cases, we have identified circuits near our shipping operations to provide specific humanitarian items. In other cases, it is more practical to buy locally to manage storage facilities to store and send materials. Therefore, unless your congregation receives specific instructions through the circuit superintendent, it is recommended that you continue to support the help efforts through donations for work around the world. In addition, the help organisation is making every effort to help the brothers and sisters who qualify to receive FEMA Insurance and assistance. Of course, it is also important to remember our brothers and sisters in our prayers.- ROM. 12:12.
    In 2 Corinthians 1: 3, 4, the Apostle Paul identified our great creator as "the God of all consolation, who comforts us in all our tests". the outpouring of material support, love , concern and prayers you offer are an extension of the love and spirit of the Lord in action, which has brought great comfort to thousands. Let us not fear or anxiety when we trust the Lord, who is strengthening and helping each and every one of those affected by these disasters "with [ His ] right to justice" (ISA. 41:10.).
    With this letter, accept an expression of our warm Christian love and our best wishes.
    Your Brothers,
    – Translated 

  13. Haha
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Public Letter Read to the brothers of North America:   
    Public Letter Read to the brothers of North America:
    Dear Brothers:
    We wish to provide an update on recent natural disasters in our territory and what can be done to provide additional assistance. Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria affected 250,000 publishers and damaged more than 6,000 homes in Florida, Puerto Rico, Texas and the virgin islands. In addition, the fires in California areas affected hundreds of editors, and more than 1,400 had to evacuate. Sadly, 29 of their homes were completely destroyed. Because of these disasters, seven active disaster relief committees are operating throughout the territory of our branch. Despite the many tragic events that our brothers and sisters have experienced, we have been truly comforting to see how the brotherhood has helped everyone in need.
    In addition to the millions of dollars made available by the organization for disaster relief committees to date, hundreds of congregations and individuals have donated 1.600 tons of relief supplies throughout the country. In recent weeks, humanitarian aid supplies were sent to the islands of Puerto Rico, Turks and Caicos Islands and the virgin islands through 27 flights and 35 shipping containers. Due to the constant need, shipments of food, water and other supplies will continue to be sent to these islands over the next few months. Their generous donations to work around the world and the response of several circuits in the collection of specific supplies when requested are highly appreciated. Such generosity shows the love you have for the Lord and his brothers and sisters in need. Read Proverbs 17:17; 1 cor. 12:26.
    Many have asked what other practical help can be given to those who need relief assistance. In the areas where our brothers and sisters have been displaced, many of you have opened their homes to provide shelter, knowing that recovery efforts will take time. Everyone's patience is deeply appreciated. Besides, while the elders and circuit superintendents continue to lead grazing, all of us can kill each other by giving them encouragement and showing compassion and kindness.- Gál. 6: 2; Col. 3:12.
    Meanwhile, throughout Texas, Florida and all the affected islands, there is an immediate need for volunteers with construction skills to help with recovery work. Due to the current circumstances, only the brothers will be invited to work in the most affected areas. At This moment, we are requesting brothers who can serve for three weeks or for 6-12 months. To volunteer for this job, contact the secretary of your congregation. For volunteers who have an application filed, make sure your local design / construction volunteer application (DC-50) is updated. The help organisation will invite volunteers through the construction assistant. We ask you not to go to a disaster area without an invitation from the help organization, the construction assistant or a specific branch allocation letter.
    The Branch has received numerous calls for donations of clothing and other articles. In some cases, we have identified circuits near our shipping operations to provide specific humanitarian items. In other cases, it is more practical to buy locally to manage storage facilities to store and send materials. Therefore, unless your congregation receives specific instructions through the circuit superintendent, it is recommended that you continue to support the help efforts through donations for work around the world. In addition, the help organisation is making every effort to help the brothers and sisters who qualify to receive FEMA Insurance and assistance. Of course, it is also important to remember our brothers and sisters in our prayers.- ROM. 12:12.
    In 2 Corinthians 1: 3, 4, the Apostle Paul identified our great creator as "the God of all consolation, who comforts us in all our tests". the outpouring of material support, love , concern and prayers you offer are an extension of the love and spirit of the Lord in action, which has brought great comfort to thousands. Let us not fear or anxiety when we trust the Lord, who is strengthening and helping each and every one of those affected by these disasters "with [ His ] right to justice" (ISA. 41:10.).
    With this letter, accept an expression of our warm Christian love and our best wishes.
    Your Brothers,
    – Translated 

  14. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Public Letter Read to the brothers of North America:   
    Public Letter Read to the brothers of North America:
    Dear Brothers:
    We wish to provide an update on recent natural disasters in our territory and what can be done to provide additional assistance. Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria affected 250,000 publishers and damaged more than 6,000 homes in Florida, Puerto Rico, Texas and the virgin islands. In addition, the fires in California areas affected hundreds of editors, and more than 1,400 had to evacuate. Sadly, 29 of their homes were completely destroyed. Because of these disasters, seven active disaster relief committees are operating throughout the territory of our branch. Despite the many tragic events that our brothers and sisters have experienced, we have been truly comforting to see how the brotherhood has helped everyone in need.
    In addition to the millions of dollars made available by the organization for disaster relief committees to date, hundreds of congregations and individuals have donated 1.600 tons of relief supplies throughout the country. In recent weeks, humanitarian aid supplies were sent to the islands of Puerto Rico, Turks and Caicos Islands and the virgin islands through 27 flights and 35 shipping containers. Due to the constant need, shipments of food, water and other supplies will continue to be sent to these islands over the next few months. Their generous donations to work around the world and the response of several circuits in the collection of specific supplies when requested are highly appreciated. Such generosity shows the love you have for the Lord and his brothers and sisters in need. Read Proverbs 17:17; 1 cor. 12:26.
    Many have asked what other practical help can be given to those who need relief assistance. In the areas where our brothers and sisters have been displaced, many of you have opened their homes to provide shelter, knowing that recovery efforts will take time. Everyone's patience is deeply appreciated. Besides, while the elders and circuit superintendents continue to lead grazing, all of us can kill each other by giving them encouragement and showing compassion and kindness.- Gál. 6: 2; Col. 3:12.
    Meanwhile, throughout Texas, Florida and all the affected islands, there is an immediate need for volunteers with construction skills to help with recovery work. Due to the current circumstances, only the brothers will be invited to work in the most affected areas. At This moment, we are requesting brothers who can serve for three weeks or for 6-12 months. To volunteer for this job, contact the secretary of your congregation. For volunteers who have an application filed, make sure your local design / construction volunteer application (DC-50) is updated. The help organisation will invite volunteers through the construction assistant. We ask you not to go to a disaster area without an invitation from the help organization, the construction assistant or a specific branch allocation letter.
    The Branch has received numerous calls for donations of clothing and other articles. In some cases, we have identified circuits near our shipping operations to provide specific humanitarian items. In other cases, it is more practical to buy locally to manage storage facilities to store and send materials. Therefore, unless your congregation receives specific instructions through the circuit superintendent, it is recommended that you continue to support the help efforts through donations for work around the world. In addition, the help organisation is making every effort to help the brothers and sisters who qualify to receive FEMA Insurance and assistance. Of course, it is also important to remember our brothers and sisters in our prayers.- ROM. 12:12.
    In 2 Corinthians 1: 3, 4, the Apostle Paul identified our great creator as "the God of all consolation, who comforts us in all our tests". the outpouring of material support, love , concern and prayers you offer are an extension of the love and spirit of the Lord in action, which has brought great comfort to thousands. Let us not fear or anxiety when we trust the Lord, who is strengthening and helping each and every one of those affected by these disasters "with [ His ] right to justice" (ISA. 41:10.).
    With this letter, accept an expression of our warm Christian love and our best wishes.
    Your Brothers,
    – Translated 

  15. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Our New Little Sister Gets Baptized - Children Love ❤️ Jehovah!   
    I was 13 when baptized if you really love Jehovah there is no stumbling block! We are all being tested! Give her ?? thumbs up! She’s beautiful and on the right road. Proper training will keep her focused. Many young ones home schooled seem to do better in the Truth. My last two children were home schooled and one is in Bethel and the other a full time pioneer married to an Elder. Thank Jehovah for parents instruction and a good way of life!
    Thank you 
  16. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Do YOU Sparkle With Light? –???   
    Do YOU Sparkle With Light? ???
    A Wise King said: "Indeed, you have made my days just a few; And my life span is as nothing before you. Surely every man, though he seems secure, is nothing but a mere breath." (Psalms 39:5)
    "Look! You have made my days few, and my life's duration is as nothing in front of you. (God Jehovah) Surely every earthling man, is nothing but an exhalation.(Psalms 39:5)
    “I earnestly hoped in Jehovah, And he inclined his ear to me and heard my cry for help.” (Psalms 40:1) 
    Psalms 40:1 "I earnestly hoped in Jehovah, and he inclined [his ear] to me and heard my cry for help."
    Isaiah 39: 5, 40: 1. "To the dull mind all nature is leaden. To the illumined mind the whole world sparkles with light."
    (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
    Bible Speaks

  17. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Taqvaylit A Menguelet in ? An Army with a Rose & Bible ?   
    ?  An Army with a Rose & Bible  ?
    I was sitting on a summer day, beneath a shady tree,
    Descending into slumber, when a vision came to me.
    There was beating of a thousand drums - the ground was
    Shaking too. Then over the horizon came a woman into view.
    And then another woman, with a hundred at her heel.
    They multiplied a thousand fold - the vision was surreal!
    Salvation was their helmet, and solid faith their shield,
    With righteousness as breastplates, their hearts were well
    A mighty sword they all possessed, held tightly in their
    Palms. Was this the female army indicated in the Psalms?
    Their eyes were facing forward as they marched in perfect
    Time. Then I recognized their faces! These were sisters -
    Friends of mine!
    See there that single sister? Satan put her to the test!
    How she longed to have a husband; to be loved like all the
    And there, that older sister, though her spouse does not
    Believe, You'll find her out in service, every morning,
    Noon and eve.
    Another lost her husband, yet she marches through her trial.
    Says she, 'He's on vacation - merely resting for awhile.'
    And that one lost her husband when he simply went AWOL.
    He dropped his sword mid-battle, yet she's marching straight
    And tall.
    Oh yes, and there's my sister with her young ones - quite a
    Sight. Her husband is in prison - for the war he refused to
    Go and fight.
    This sister here seems quite content - her life seems quite
    Ideal, But what goes on behind closed doors she never will
    In spite of all these hardships, the women march on strong.
    The old, the young, the strong, the weak: they bravely
    Trudge along.
    And then, like lightening, one of them stepped right up to
    My face. 'How dare you rest!' she said to me. 'There's no
    Time left to waste!'
    'Here, take this sword and take this shield, this
    Breastplate you must wear.'
    'Don't rest until the Kingdom News is broadcast everywhere!'
    And so I found my place in line, with no time to debate.
    For now I see the urgency - my sleep will have to wait.
    No time for insecurities, no time for shrinking back.
    Just time to get this preaching done, false doctrines to
    So next time you sit down to rest, or get the urge to snooze, 
    Or if you start to tire out while preaching the good news,
    Observe this military force, just see what they can do,
    And pray for strength from God on high, then you can do it
    'The women telling the good news are a large army.'
    "The women proclaiming the good news are a large army."
    -(Psalm 68:11)  ????
    – Bible Speaks 

  18. Haha
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in ~ Business Witnessing Experience~ Enjoy! ????   
    ~ Business Witnessing Experience ~ Enjoy! ????
    A young brother was doing some business witnessing when he got to the pub pictured below. It was closed for business but he rang to speak to the owners.
    A woman opened the window and screamed obscenities at him from the top first floor window.Then she told the brother to clear off.
    Following the advice in the WT, the brother asked:
    'May I speak to George then please?' ?

  19. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in ? An Army with a Rose & Bible ?   
    ?  An Army with a Rose & Bible  ?
    I was sitting on a summer day, beneath a shady tree,
    Descending into slumber, when a vision came to me.
    There was beating of a thousand drums - the ground was
    Shaking too. Then over the horizon came a woman into view.
    And then another woman, with a hundred at her heel.
    They multiplied a thousand fold - the vision was surreal!
    Salvation was their helmet, and solid faith their shield,
    With righteousness as breastplates, their hearts were well
    A mighty sword they all possessed, held tightly in their
    Palms. Was this the female army indicated in the Psalms?
    Their eyes were facing forward as they marched in perfect
    Time. Then I recognized their faces! These were sisters -
    Friends of mine!
    See there that single sister? Satan put her to the test!
    How she longed to have a husband; to be loved like all the
    And there, that older sister, though her spouse does not
    Believe, You'll find her out in service, every morning,
    Noon and eve.
    Another lost her husband, yet she marches through her trial.
    Says she, 'He's on vacation - merely resting for awhile.'
    And that one lost her husband when he simply went AWOL.
    He dropped his sword mid-battle, yet she's marching straight
    And tall.
    Oh yes, and there's my sister with her young ones - quite a
    Sight. Her husband is in prison - for the war he refused to
    Go and fight.
    This sister here seems quite content - her life seems quite
    Ideal, But what goes on behind closed doors she never will
    In spite of all these hardships, the women march on strong.
    The old, the young, the strong, the weak: they bravely
    Trudge along.
    And then, like lightening, one of them stepped right up to
    My face. 'How dare you rest!' she said to me. 'There's no
    Time left to waste!'
    'Here, take this sword and take this shield, this
    Breastplate you must wear.'
    'Don't rest until the Kingdom News is broadcast everywhere!'
    And so I found my place in line, with no time to debate.
    For now I see the urgency - my sleep will have to wait.
    No time for insecurities, no time for shrinking back.
    Just time to get this preaching done, false doctrines to
    So next time you sit down to rest, or get the urge to snooze, 
    Or if you start to tire out while preaching the good news,
    Observe this military force, just see what they can do,
    And pray for strength from God on high, then you can do it
    'The women telling the good news are a large army.'
    "The women proclaiming the good news are a large army."
    -(Psalm 68:11)  ????
    – Bible Speaks 

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Renee Ertel in What Do YOU Cherish? A New Car, New Home, a Vacation. or Just Having Fun? - ??⛴???⛳️?   
    What Do YOU Cherish? A New Car, New Home, a Vacation. or Just Having Fun?
    (Proverbs 1:7) 
    "The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of knowledge. Only fools despise wisdom and discipline."
    (Proverbs 1:7) . . ."The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of knowledge."
    When Faced With Fleshly Desires
    Another type of attack that we may face in trying to maintain “purity of heart” involves fleshly and materialistic desires. (1 John 2:15, 16) The love of money or the desire to amass riches and possess material things can corrupt the heart, leading a Christian to do things that go against God’s will. A few have become dishonest at work, have cheated others, or have even stolen money or objects that do not belong to them.—1 Tim. 6:9, 10.
    On the other hand, by cultivating a healthy fear of displeasing Jehovah, loving justice, and being determined to hold a good conscience, we show that we love “purity of heart.” That love moves us to continue to “conduct ourselves honestly in all things.” (Heb. 13:18) 
    “Purity of Heart” When Under Trial
    Pressure from opposers, economic hardship, and serious illness have weighed on some of God’s servants. On occasion, their hearts too have been affected negatively. Even King David went through such an experience: “My spirit faints away within me; in the midst of me my heart shows itself numbed.” (Ps. 143:4) What enabled him to overcome such moments? David called to mind God’s dealings with His servants and how he himself had experienced deliverance. He meditated on what Jehovah had done for the sake of His great name. David kept himself concerned with God’s works. (Ps. 143:5)
    In a similar manner, meditating on our Creator and all that he has done and continues to do for us will help us even when we are under trial.
    When we have, or feel that we have, been wronged, we could become bitter. Constantly thinking about the episode could result in our having negative feelings about our brothers. We might close up, isolating ourselves and showing little interest in others. Would such a reaction, however, be in line with our desire to have “purity of heart”? Clearly, the goal of having such a heart condition involves our dealings with and response to our Christian brothers.
    In a world that is ever more corrupt and morally degraded, we as true Christians stand out because we love “purity of heart.” Our life is influenced positively as we experience the inner peace that results from doing God’s will. Above all, we enjoy an intimate friendship with our Creator, Jehovah God, who loves those who are “clean in heart.” (Ps. 73:1) Yes, we can be included among the ones who will be happy because, as Jesus promised, “they will see God,” as He acts in behalf of those who love “purity of heart.”—Matt. 5:8.

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in SONG 108 God’s Loyal Love​​​​​​​ (Isaiah 55:1-3) ?????   
    SONG 108
    God’s Loyal Love
    (Isaiah 55:1-3)
    1. Loyal love! God is love.
    We can sense his care from above.
    God by means of his precious Son
    Paid the ransom for evÂ’ryone,
    Giving hope that we might possess
    Life eternal and happiness.
    Hey there, all you thirsty ones,
    Come and drink lifeÂ’s water free.
    Yes, come drink, you thirsty ones;
    GodÂ’s loyal love youÂ’ll see.
    2. Loyal love! God is love.
    All his works give proof of his love.
    Love Jehovah has further shown,
    Giving Jesus the kingly throne.
    GodÂ’s own purpose has come to pass.
    See! His Kingdom is here at last!
    Hey there, all you thirsty ones,
    Come and drink lifeÂ’s water free.
    Yes, come drink, you thirsty ones;
    GodÂ’s loyal love youÂ’ll see.
    3. Loyal love! God is love.
    May his spirit move us to love.
    As we loyally help the meek,
    GodÂ’s commandments they learn to keep.
    We are serving with godly fear,
    Preaching boldly for all to hear.
    Hey there, all you thirsty ones,
    Come and drink lifeÂ’s water free.
    Yes, come drink, you thirsty ones;
    GodÂ’s loyal love youÂ’ll see.
    (See also Ps. 33:5; 57:10; Eph. 1:7.)
    1. Tap on Video Link mp4 _____Enjoy!
    2. GIF is a moving picture

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in WHO IS YOUR TRUE FRIEND? – I KNOW WHO IS MINE.....???????   
    "I write you these things so that you may know that you have life everlasting, you who put your faith in the name of the Son of God. 14  And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that no matter what we ask according to his will, he hears us. 15  And if we know that he hears us concerning whatever we are asking, we know that we are to have the things we ask for, since we have asked them of him." (1John 5:13-15) 
    (1 John 5:13-15)
    "I write YOU these things that YOU may know that YOU have life everlasting, YOU who put YOUR faith in the name of the Son of God. 14 And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that, no matter what it is that we ask according to his will, he hears us. 15 Further, if we know he hears us respecting whatever we are asking, we know we are to have the things asked since we have asked them of him.”

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in What Influence Does Jesus Christ Have on You? – ?????   
    What Influence Does Jesus Christ Have on You?
    Jesus’ teachings touched on a vast array of subjects. The valuable lessons they convey can affect every aspect of your life.
    Let us focus on what Jesus taught about setting priorities in life, cultivating friendship with God, establishing good relationships with others, solving problems, and refraining from acts of violence.
    Set Priorities in Life
    Establish Good Relationships With Others  
    On one occasion, Jesus related a short story in order to teach a valuable lesson in human relationships. He spoke of a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. One of them, though, had a huge debt and no means to repay it. The master ordered that the man, his wife, and his children be sold and payment made. The debtor fell down and begged: “Be patient with me and I will pay back everything to you.” 
    Moved with pity, the master canceled his debt. But that slave went off, found a fellow slave who owed him a modest sum, and demanded repayment. Though this fellow slave begged for mercy, the first slave had him thrown into prison until he paid off all that he owed. When the king heard of this, he became angry. “Ought you not . . . to have had mercy on your fellow slave, as I also had mercy on you?” he demanded. And he had the unforgiving slave imprisoned until he repaid all that he owed. Drawing a lesson from the story, Jesus said: “In like manner my heavenly Father will also deal with you if you do not forgive each one his brother from your hearts.”—Matthew 18:23-35
    As imperfect humans, we have many faults. We can never pay bacto God the huge debt we have accumulated because of transgressing against him. All we can do is seek his forgiveness. And Jehovah God is ready to forgive all our failings, provided we forgive our brothers for sins they have committed against us.
    What a forceful lesson that is! Jesus taught his followers to pray: “Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.”—Matthew 6:12

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Draw Close to God “I Myself Shall Not Forget You” – ??????   
    Draw Close to God
    “I Myself Shall Not Forget You”
    DOES Jehovah really care about his people? If so, how deep is his concern for them? There is only one way that we can know the answers to those questions—through God’s own revelation. In the Bible, Jehovah clearly reveals how he feels.
    Consider the words found at Isaiah 44:2: "This is what Jehovah says, Your Maker and the One who formed you, Who has helped you from the womb: ‘Do not be afraid....whom I have chosen." (Isaiah 44:2) 
    Why does a mother nurse her child and care for its every need? Is it just to quiet a crying baby? No. A mother naturally has pity for, or pities, “the son of her belly.” The Hebrew verb here translated “pity” is also rendered “show mercy.” (Exodus 33:19; Isaiah 54:10) 
    This Hebrew term can convey the idea of tender compassion for the helpless or vulnerable. A motherÂ’s compassion for her suckling is one of the strongest emotions that we can imagine.
    Sadly, though, not every mother has pity for the baby that longs to nurse at her breast. “Even these women can forget,” says Jehovah. We are living in a world in which many men and women are “disloyal, having no natural affection.” (2 Timothy 3:1-5) At times, we hear about mothers who neglect, abuse, or abandon their newborn baby. Commenting on Isaiah 49:15, one Bible reference work explains: “Mothers are sinful and their love is sometimes overcome by baseness. Even the greatest of human love may fail.”
    “Yet,” Jehovah assures us, “I myself shall not forget you.”– (Isaiah 49:15) 
    "Can a woman forget her nursing child Or have no compassion for the son of her womb? Even if these women forget, I would never forget you."

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Our Brother Paralized Gets Love and Help Two Hours To Meetings   
    @jw_world shares with us…jwuk nigeria Venezuela
    Thank you

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