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Bible Speaks

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in SHOULD YOU FEAR THE END OF THE WORLD? The End of the World—Fear, Fascination, and Frustration ????   
    The End of the World—Fear, Fascination, and Frustration
    Jehovah God has control of this earth! 

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Renee Ertel in What Do YOU Cherish? A New Car, New Home, a Vacation. or Just Having Fun? - ??⛴???⛳️?   
    What Do YOU Cherish? A New Car, New Home, a Vacation. or Just Having Fun?
    (Proverbs 1:7) 
    "The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of knowledge. Only fools despise wisdom and discipline."
    (Proverbs 1:7) . . ."The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of knowledge."
    When Faced With Fleshly Desires
    Another type of attack that we may face in trying to maintain “purity of heart” involves fleshly and materialistic desires. (1 John 2:15, 16) The love of money or the desire to amass riches and possess material things can corrupt the heart, leading a Christian to do things that go against God’s will. A few have become dishonest at work, have cheated others, or have even stolen money or objects that do not belong to them.—1 Tim. 6:9, 10.
    On the other hand, by cultivating a healthy fear of displeasing Jehovah, loving justice, and being determined to hold a good conscience, we show that we love “purity of heart.” That love moves us to continue to “conduct ourselves honestly in all things.” (Heb. 13:18) 
    “Purity of Heart” When Under Trial
    Pressure from opposers, economic hardship, and serious illness have weighed on some of God’s servants. On occasion, their hearts too have been affected negatively. Even King David went through such an experience: “My spirit faints away within me; in the midst of me my heart shows itself numbed.” (Ps. 143:4) What enabled him to overcome such moments? David called to mind God’s dealings with His servants and how he himself had experienced deliverance. He meditated on what Jehovah had done for the sake of His great name. David kept himself concerned with God’s works. (Ps. 143:5)
    In a similar manner, meditating on our Creator and all that he has done and continues to do for us will help us even when we are under trial.
    When we have, or feel that we have, been wronged, we could become bitter. Constantly thinking about the episode could result in our having negative feelings about our brothers. We might close up, isolating ourselves and showing little interest in others. Would such a reaction, however, be in line with our desire to have “purity of heart”? Clearly, the goal of having such a heart condition involves our dealings with and response to our Christian brothers.
    In a world that is ever more corrupt and morally degraded, we as true Christians stand out because we love “purity of heart.” Our life is influenced positively as we experience the inner peace that results from doing God’s will. Above all, we enjoy an intimate friendship with our Creator, Jehovah God, who loves those who are “clean in heart.” (Ps. 73:1) Yes, we can be included among the ones who will be happy because, as Jesus promised, “they will see God,” as He acts in behalf of those who love “purity of heart.”—Matt. 5:8.

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Don’t Give Up Convention – Ecuador ???   
    Hello my name is Angelica I am Jehovah's witness and I would like to share on your website some photos of the last Convention Don’t Give Up! Here in Ecuador / Cuenca

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in From Rags to Riches - Jehovah Gives Us Riches! - ???   
    #jw Look, WHAT a different ! JEHOVAH has really changed the new brother's life!
    From Rags to Riches - Jehovah Gives Us Riches!

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Marriage For Better Or Worse? - How to Make It Better   
    Marriage is not something one should jump into, it's for better for worse, that's why there is a need for at least six months courtship before marriage.A broken relationship is better than a broken marriage!
    Moreover, you don't just marry someone because of their material possessions, situation might change. Even though no one might want to marry a person who is materially poor, but at least know what you're bargaining for, you should also not settle with a person who is spiritually poor. 
    Marriage is a two edged sword so you've to be cautious before getting in, although some people can still hide their real character during courtship, but time will expose pretence.Always rely on Jehovah's word for guidance  when choosing a mate.. Choose wisely...
    Thank you - Prudence T.

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Our New Little Sister Gets Baptized - Children Love ❤️ Jehovah!   
    Our little sister have dedicated her life to to  Jehovah and has symbolized it by  water baptism..
    What encouraging message do you have for her?
    Thank you -
    Bible Speaks

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in Kingdom Hall in California The before and then after the huge fire of a few days ago   
    Kingdom Hall in California
    The before and then after the  huge fire of a few days ago

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Kingdom Hall in California The before and then after the huge fire of a few days ago   
    Kingdom Hall in California
    The before and then after the  huge fire of a few days ago

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Closing of the Bethel of London and opening of the new Bethel in Chelmsford   
    Closing of the Bethel of London and opening of the new Bethel in Chelmsford
    We are pleased to inform you that a new and exciting exhibition is now open for visitors in our Installations In Mill Hill. This new feature will take you on a journey through the history of witnesses in great Britain and Ireland. It includes material that will strengthen your faith and undoubtedly increase your appreciation for being part of the wonderful organization of Jehovah. - Ps. 144: 15.
    News: the new facilities at Chelmsford will not include a printer and will discontinue the printing at Mill Hill at the end of March 2018. So if you want to see the printing presses we invite you to visit as soon as possible.
    The Accelerated speed of new news in our organization makes us look forward to all kinds of communiqués as you can see, there will be no printing of publications in London.
    When they announced the new branch, they said it was necessary because the production of magazines is expanding and Britain is the key Bethel for the production of magazines. That was just a couple of years ago they said that.
    Literature comes from Germany now. It's the center of Europe. Sent to London (soon Chelmsford) and distributed from there. The single page brochures will be used much more now. 

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Jehovah's witnesses have published a full Bible in Uzbek   
    Jehovah's witnesses have published a full Bible in Uzbek
    In 2017, in uzbek, the mother tongue of more than 25 million people, the full translation of the Bible was published for the first time. In addition, almost simultaneously announced the release of two bible translations in uzbek prepared independently of each other! One of these translations ("muk?addas kitab - yangi dunyo tarmasi") was published by Jehovah's witnesses. It is printed in Japan and is intended for free distribution to all interested parties. Also available in electronic format (PDF, 22 MB).
    In Russia alone, the Uzbek Bible uses about 700 Jehovah's witnesses in their religious life. Jehovah's witness communities that speak Uzbek also exist in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the United States, Tajikistan, turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
    Native Speakers Praise this new translation of the Bible with praise. For example, the greeting " peace for you " is broadcast in the journal " assalom alaykum!", which in Arabic literally means " peace for you ". thanks to these translation solutions, the new Bible is easy to read and its Text comes to heart.
    This 2200-Page Edition is equipped with an extensive research apparatus, including color maps and diagrams, glossary, Concise Symphony (Concordance), cross references, explanations and notes. The work in the text took many years. For the first time, the part of the New Testament of the Bible in Uzbek was published by Jehovah's witnesses in 2010.

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in A Promised Covenant of Peace! ??‍♀️???‍♀️???‍♀️   
    Hosea 2:18 
    “In that day I will make a covenant for them with the wild animals of the field, And with the birds of the heavens and the creeping things of the ground; I will rid the land of the bow and the sword and war, And I will make them lie down in security.”
    It is evident, however, that the restoration prophecies recorded by the Hebrew prophets include elements that will also find a physical fulfillment in the restored earthly Paradise. 
    There are features, for example, in Isaiah 35:1-7, such as the healing of the blind and the lame, that did not have a literal fulfillment following the restoration from ancient Babylon, nor are they fulfilled in such a manner in the Christian spiritual paradise. 
    It would be inconsistent for God to inspire such prophecies as those of Isaiah 11:6-9, Ezekiel 34:25, and Hosea 2:18, with the intention that they have only a figurative or spiritual meaning, without having a literal fulfillment of these things in the physical experiences of God’s servants. The paradise that Paul mentioned at 2 Corinthians 12:4 could also refer to the future paradise, both physical and spiritual, of these Hebrew prophecies, as well as possibly being a vision of “the paradise of God,” the blessed condition in heaven.—Re 2:7.

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in John 4:7 - How Do God and Christ View Women? *** “A woman of Samaria came to draw water”   
    John 4:7 - How Do God and Christ View Women? *** “A woman of Samaria came to draw water,” says JohnÂ’s Gospel account, and “Jesus said to her: ‘Give me a drink.’”
    Jesus was willing to talk with a Samaritan woman in public, even though most Jews had no dealings with Samaritans. 
    According to The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, for Jews “conversation with a woman in a public place was particularly scandalous.”
    Jesus, however, treated women with respect and consideration and was neither racially prejudiced nor gender prejudiced. - Bible Speaks -

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "Why is it that the way of wicked ones is what has succeeded?"— (Jer. 12:1) – ???   
    "Why is it that the way of wicked ones is what has succeeded?"— (Jer. 12:1) 
    After observing what was taking place in Jerusalem and Judah, Jeremiah felt compelled to ‘complain’ about what he saw. Jeremiah knew that Jehovah is righteous. 
    There was a time when Jeremiah too asked Jehovah why the wicked had a good life but those who did what was right suffered. (Jeremiah 12:1). When he saw what was happening in Jerusalem and Judah, he made a complaint to Jehovah. Jeremiah knew that Jehovah is righteous.
    Jehovah answered Jeremiah’s question by telling him to preach a message of destruction, and then Jehovah made this prophecy come true. Those who obeyed Jehovah survived, but the wicked did not pay attention to the warning and died.—Jeremiah 21:9.
    Amid his afflictions, the prophet remembered God’s mercies. “We have not come to our finish,” he said. Indeed, Jehovah’s mercies are new each morning!—Lam. 3:22-24 -
    Bible Speaks 

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in We Must Be Holy in All Our Conduct – ??‍♀️??????‍♀️   
    We Must Be Holy in All Our Conduct
    “Become holy yourselves in all your conduct.”—1 PET. 1:15.
    Lesson for today. (1 Cor 15:58)
    16 We are living in times that are becoming more difficult for Christians. Satan and his agents try to blur the distinction between good and bad, clean and unclean, moral and immoral, ethical and unethical. (Romans 1:24-28; 16:17-19)
    He has made it so easy for us to pollute our hearts and minds by means of a TV remote control or a computer keyboard. Our spiritual vision can become blurred, or out of focus, so that we fail to discern his crafty acts. Our resolve to live up to our dedication can be weakened and our grip on the “plow” loosened if we compromise our spiritual values.—Luke 9:62; Philippians 4:8. - Bible Speaks -

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in YOU HAVE THE POWER ? ASK ?? FOR IT TO EXPELL THE DARKNESS! ????????   
    Negativity is genetic weakness, positive thoughts are given to us through learning how to transform our weakness into strength that God gives us, through Holy Spirit and through transforming our minds to his ways. Prayer and study of God's Word is essential to gain this positive force in our lives.
    (Romans 12:2)
    2 “And stop being molded by this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, so that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God." - Bible Speaks

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Dance and Be Happy Today! Are You Rejoicing in Christ's Day? – ???????   
    Dance and Be Happy Today! Are You Rejoicing in Christ's Day?
    Let the World Have its Own Problems.. "Be Innocent Like Children" “For God is the one who for the sake of his good pleasure energizes you, giving you both the desire and the power to act.
    “Keep doing all things free from murmuring and arguments, so that you may come to be blameless and innocent, children of God without a blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation,  among whom you are shining as illuminators in the world, 16  keeping a tight grip on the word of life. Then I may have reason for rejoicing in Christ’s day, knowing that I did not run in vain or work hard in vain.” (Phil 2:13-16) - Bible Speaks

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Are You “Planted” or Just Growing “Somewhere” Out There? – ?????   
    “I loved you at your darkest” Jehovah 
    Two Video Links mp4 _____Enjoy!

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Are You “Planted” or Just Growing “Somewhere” Out There? – ?????   
    Are You “Planted” or Just Growing “Somewhere” Out There? ?????
    Finding Delight in JehovahÂ’s Law
    Today people try to find success in many ways. They immerse themselves in pursuits that could bring them fame and fortune, which all too often prove to be illusive and disappointing. What, though, can bring true satisfaction and lasting happiness in life? Jesus’ words in the Sermon on the Mount provide the answer. He said: “Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them.” (Matthew 5:3) Indeed, true happiness comes, not from possessing many material things, but from recognizing and satisfying our spiritual need so that we are spiritually healthy, like luxuriant trees that give their fruit in due season. How can we flourish spiritually?
    According to the psalmist, first there are some things we must shun. He mentioned “the counsel of the wicked ones,” “the way of sinners,” and “the seat of ridiculers.” To be happy, we need to turn away from those who ridicule or even ignore God’s laws.
    Then we should delight in the law of Jehovah. When we delight in something or some activity, we look for every opportunity to engage in it, do we not? So to delight in GodÂ’s law means having a deep appreciation for GodÂ’s Word, a desire to learn more about it and to understand it better.
    Finally, we need to read it “in an undertone day and night.” That means reading the Bible on a regular basis and meditating on what we read. We should feel about God’s Word the same way as did the psalmist who sang: “How I do love your law! All day long it is my concern.”—Psalm 119:97.
    Yes, when we acquire accurate knowledge and understanding of Jehovah God and develop full confidence in him and his promises, we will surely be spiritually healthy. In that case, we will be like the happy man described by the psalmist—“everything he does will succeed.”

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Children Love ❤️ Jehovah! Interviews about the New Caleb Video On BecomeJehovah’s Friend ????   
    Two Video Links mp4 _____Enjoy!
    Jehovah’s Children ?? 

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Children Love ❤️ Jehovah! Interviews about the New Caleb Video On BecomeJehovah’s Friend ????   
    @John Houston
    See my Video? If not I’ll post here! Cute 
    Thank you for your support.
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    Bible Speaks reacted to John Houston in Children Love ❤️ Jehovah! Interviews about the New Caleb Video On BecomeJehovah’s Friend ????   
    Hate that it couldn't be shared with others, very sad about that situation,but glad to have seen these pics! Thanks!
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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from John Houston in Children Love ❤️ Jehovah! Interviews about the New Caleb Video On BecomeJehovah’s Friend ????   
    Children Love ?? Jehovah! Interviews about the New Caleb Video On Become Jehovah’s Friend - Brazil

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Children Love ❤️ Jehovah! Interviews about the New Caleb Video On BecomeJehovah’s Friend ????   
    Children Love ?? Jehovah! Interviews about the New Caleb Video On Become Jehovah’s Friend - Brazil

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Your History! - Brother Russell and International Bible Students from Arkansas 1913   
    Your History! - Brother Russell and International Bible Students from    Arkansas 1913

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