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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in UN demands Tajikistan to free detained Jehovah’s Witness | October 25, 2017   
    UN demands Tajikistan free detained Jehovah’s Witness
    By Kimberly Winston  | October 25, 2017
    (RNS) — A United Nations committee is calling for the immediate release of an 18-year-old Jehovah’s Witness the panel says is being unlawfully detained in Tajikistan because of his faith.
    The U.N.Â’s Working Group on Arbitrary Detention says Daniil Islamov is imprisoned in Tajikistan for conscientiously objecting to the countryÂ’s mandatory military service. Though JehovahÂ’s Witnesses pay taxes, IslamovÂ’s faith precludes him from reciting patriotic pledges, singing nationalistic songs or joining the military.
    The right of Jehovah’s Witnesses to adhere to their faith’s rejection of military service — they believe their allegiance is only to God — is recognized in the U.S. and other Western countries. But Tajikistan has no law concerning conscientious objectors.
    Islamov sought permission for alternative civilian service but was denied, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights, which oversees the Working Group.
    “The Working Group considers that, taking into account all the circumstances of the case, the appropriate remedy would be to release Mr. Islamov immediately and to accord him an enforceable right to compensation and other reparations, in accordance with international law,” a resolution passed by WGAD on Islamov’s case reads.
    Islamov, who turned 18 in January, was forcibly conscripted into TajikistanÂ’s military in April and promptly arrested for refusing to wear a military uniform and take the oath of service.
    From the JehovahÂ’s WitnessesÂ’ New York world headquarters, spokesman David A. Semonian said itÂ’s encouraging that the Working Group declared IslamovÂ’s pretrial detention arbitrary.
    But “we are very concerned that the Working Group’s opinion had no effect on the court’s subsequent decision to convict and imprison him for conscientiously refusing to serve in the military,” Semonian said. “We will update the Working Group on this disturbing development, and we expect that they will issue an even stronger directive to release Daniil.”
    Jehovah’s Witnesses have recently suffered crackdowns in Russia and other former Soviet republics, including Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. In April, Russia declared Jehovah’s Witnesses “extremists” and formally banned them.
    In May, the Witnesses, who number about 8 million worldwide, released a report documenting 50 cases of persecution, including harassment, beatings, the closing of churches and arson attacks.
    Increasingly, the crackdowns are focused on the young, including children.
    Among them was the case of an 8-year-old Russian girl forced by her principal to sing patriotic songs before her classmates.
    JehovahÂ’s Witnesses have appealed RussiaÂ’s decision to ban them, but that appeal was denied. A second and final appeal is in process.

  2. Thanks
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Gloria Medina in Armageddon Survivors – ???????   
    Armageddon Survivors
    A celestial phenomena is reverberating across the entire planet! All the streets and buildings are collapsing in an instant and the cities are being destroyed at will worldwide. The sights and sounds are so unforgettable it leaves the "great crowd" gasping in awe.
    Jehovah's Day of Judgment to vindicate his sovereignty has finally arrived!!! Then it gets quiet. Everyone is stunned and choked up with emotion. Is it all over? Did we just come out of the great tribulation?
    Suddenly the skies begin to open up miraculously and the universal rejoicing of the marriage of the lamb takes place! You see your loved ones cheering loudly and singing with extreme excitement!! And some are hitting the ground on their knees, with tears of relief streaming down their faces. This day will be remembered for the rest of eternity!
    After standing before Jehovah's throne, everyone walks side by side to contemplate the ruins and you come across your old neighborhood, completely destroyed. The old system of things has disappeared forever. And when the cleanup begins, many of us break down again and again, crying happy tears until we run out of tears.
    The years pass by and gradually the earth looks more beautiful. The sky becomes clearer, rivers and lakes become cleaner. Even the stars seem to shine more brightly.
    Then one evening you witness an extraordinary sight: A beautiful little girl is walking down the road with an elephant, surrounded by grass and blossoming flowers everywhere.
    Finally the day arrives when you get assigned to live in another area. The thrilling resurrection is beginning to take place and you will embark on an amazing journey to give bible studies to resurrected people in their place of origin! You hug your family and friends goodbye, thrilled to carry out your assignment. No matter where you go, no matter what you do, everything will be done for Jehovah: "Here I am! Send me."
    And as you walk off into the sunset toward the boat, you gaze at the sky and you say another prayer of thanks to Jehovah, one of many prayers that will last throughout all eternity. 
    ? Let your name be sanctified. 
    ? Let your Kingdom come. 
    ? Let your will take place. 
    ? As in heaven, also on earth!
    – Contributed ???

  3. Upvote
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Sherrill Szumik in Armageddon Survivors – ???????   
    Armageddon Survivors
    A celestial phenomena is reverberating across the entire planet! All the streets and buildings are collapsing in an instant and the cities are being destroyed at will worldwide. The sights and sounds are so unforgettable it leaves the "great crowd" gasping in awe.
    Jehovah's Day of Judgment to vindicate his sovereignty has finally arrived!!! Then it gets quiet. Everyone is stunned and choked up with emotion. Is it all over? Did we just come out of the great tribulation?
    Suddenly the skies begin to open up miraculously and the universal rejoicing of the marriage of the lamb takes place! You see your loved ones cheering loudly and singing with extreme excitement!! And some are hitting the ground on their knees, with tears of relief streaming down their faces. This day will be remembered for the rest of eternity!
    After standing before Jehovah's throne, everyone walks side by side to contemplate the ruins and you come across your old neighborhood, completely destroyed. The old system of things has disappeared forever. And when the cleanup begins, many of us break down again and again, crying happy tears until we run out of tears.
    The years pass by and gradually the earth looks more beautiful. The sky becomes clearer, rivers and lakes become cleaner. Even the stars seem to shine more brightly.
    Then one evening you witness an extraordinary sight: A beautiful little girl is walking down the road with an elephant, surrounded by grass and blossoming flowers everywhere.
    Finally the day arrives when you get assigned to live in another area. The thrilling resurrection is beginning to take place and you will embark on an amazing journey to give bible studies to resurrected people in their place of origin! You hug your family and friends goodbye, thrilled to carry out your assignment. No matter where you go, no matter what you do, everything will be done for Jehovah: "Here I am! Send me."
    And as you walk off into the sunset toward the boat, you gaze at the sky and you say another prayer of thanks to Jehovah, one of many prayers that will last throughout all eternity. 
    ? Let your name be sanctified. 
    ? Let your Kingdom come. 
    ? Let your will take place. 
    ? As in heaven, also on earth!
    – Contributed ???

  4. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Gloria Medina in "You can ban the witnesses but you can never ban what they witness" - From Russia with Love! –❣️❣️❣️   
    "You can ban the witnesses but you can never ban what they witness"
    JW Russian brothers and sisters  after convention in Finland.. Very happy people. 
    Hi from Russia..??????

  5. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Annie Abbott in Armageddon Survivors – ???????   
    Armageddon Survivors
    A celestial phenomena is reverberating across the entire planet! All the streets and buildings are collapsing in an instant and the cities are being destroyed at will worldwide. The sights and sounds are so unforgettable it leaves the "great crowd" gasping in awe.
    Jehovah's Day of Judgment to vindicate his sovereignty has finally arrived!!! Then it gets quiet. Everyone is stunned and choked up with emotion. Is it all over? Did we just come out of the great tribulation?
    Suddenly the skies begin to open up miraculously and the universal rejoicing of the marriage of the lamb takes place! You see your loved ones cheering loudly and singing with extreme excitement!! And some are hitting the ground on their knees, with tears of relief streaming down their faces. This day will be remembered for the rest of eternity!
    After standing before Jehovah's throne, everyone walks side by side to contemplate the ruins and you come across your old neighborhood, completely destroyed. The old system of things has disappeared forever. And when the cleanup begins, many of us break down again and again, crying happy tears until we run out of tears.
    The years pass by and gradually the earth looks more beautiful. The sky becomes clearer, rivers and lakes become cleaner. Even the stars seem to shine more brightly.
    Then one evening you witness an extraordinary sight: A beautiful little girl is walking down the road with an elephant, surrounded by grass and blossoming flowers everywhere.
    Finally the day arrives when you get assigned to live in another area. The thrilling resurrection is beginning to take place and you will embark on an amazing journey to give bible studies to resurrected people in their place of origin! You hug your family and friends goodbye, thrilled to carry out your assignment. No matter where you go, no matter what you do, everything will be done for Jehovah: "Here I am! Send me."
    And as you walk off into the sunset toward the boat, you gaze at the sky and you say another prayer of thanks to Jehovah, one of many prayers that will last throughout all eternity. 
    ? Let your name be sanctified. 
    ? Let your Kingdom come. 
    ? Let your will take place. 
    ? As in heaven, also on earth!
    – Contributed ???

  6. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in The Truth Brings, “Not Peace, But a Sword” – ?⚔️?⚔️?   
    2 Corinthians 10:5 For we are overturning reasonings and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are bringing every thought into captivity to make it obedient to the Christ.”
    The Truth Brings, “Not Peace, But a Sword”
    “Do not think I came to bring peace to the earth; I came to bring, not peace, but a sword.”—MATT. 10:34.
    WE ALL want peaceful lives, free from anxiety. How thankful we are that Jehovah grants us “the peace of God,” an inner calm that can protect us from disturbing thoughts and feelings! (Phil. 4:6, 7) Because of our dedication to Jehovah, we also enjoy “peace with God,” a good relationship with him.—Rom. 5:1.
    However, God’s time to bring about complete peace has not yet come. These critical last days are filled with conflict, and countless people have contentious attitudes. (2 Tim. 3:1-4) As Christians, we must wage a spiritual war against Satan and the false teachings that he promotes. (2 Cor. 10:4, 5) But the greatest threat to our peace may come from unbelieving relatives. Some might ridicule our beliefs, accuse us of dividing the family, or threaten to disown us unless we give up our faith. How should we view family opposition? How can we successfully deal with the challenges it brings?
    Jesus said that if we were to put any human before him, we would not be worthy of him. Yet, he was confident that his disciples would have the courage to maintain their loyalty to him despite family opposition. If following Jesus has brought “a sword” into your family, rely on Jehovah to help you deal with the challenges successfully. (Isa. 41:10, 13) Find joy in knowing that Jehovah and Jesus are pleased with you and that they will reward your faithful course.

  7. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in A Way to Cut Your Grass ☘️☘️☘️☘️ In the New World ?   
    Seems like these are "peaceable" need your grass cut? Llama a Workhorse 
    Thank you Jehovah God - Maybe in the New World ? a way to help us cut our grass? 
    The Llama—Workhorse of the Andes
    It is neither as strong as an ass nor as fast as a horse. Still, the llama outshines them both as a valuable pack animal. Indeed, it can carry up to 130 pounds [60 kg] on its back. If it feels that its load is too heavy, the llama will simply sit and wonÂ’t budge until the load is lightened to its liking. If you try to coerce it, the llama may regurgitate food from the first of its three stomachs and spit it out with amazing precision and force.
    Yet, llamas are generally docile, and a gentle handler can guide a long train of llamas through inhospitable high plateaus where other pack animals cannot endure the lack of oxygen. The llamasÂ’ capability in mountainous terrain has led to their now being used as pack animals not only in the Andes but also in the Italian Alps. The llamaÂ’s rope, harness, and blanket may be made from its own wool.
    Llamas on Guard
    In order to guard their sheep, North American ranchers are turning to llamas. According to The Globe and Mail, of Canada, llamas “strongly identify with other animals with which they spend time.” They aggressively guard their flock by sounding an alarm call, herding the sheep, chasing intruders away, and kicking or pawing at predators. Some farmers even prefer llamas over guard dogs because they are relatively inexpensive to buy. In addition, says the paper, “because llamas graze and sleep with the sheep, there are no extra expenses for their care—and they can outlast popular breeds of guard dogs by several years.” One Canadian sheep farmer who owns llamas described the advantages this way: “They don’t cost you anything,” and “they don’t bark.”

  8. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in The Truth on Halloween ? What Does Bible Say? ? Is it Outdated?   
    Halloween: "What Does The Bible Say About It?"
    Please click on the link enclosed and learn the truth about this pagan holiday.
    "The Truth About Halloween: -

  9. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Evacuated in Benny Golson is also one of our spiritual Brother´s   
    Aside from the slightly negative review above, Benny Golson is in the 2004 Tom Hanks movie, The Terminal. It is a heart warming story and a chance to see a real jazz legend, who is also one of our brothers. The story has a focus on getting his signature on a wonderful photo. If you haven't seen the movie yet...don't miss it.

    (L - R) Hilton Jefferson, Benny Golson*, Art Farmer, Wilbur Ware, Art Blakey, Chubby Jackson, Johnny Griffin, Dickie Wells, Buck Clayton, Taft Jordan, Zutty Singleton, Red Allen, Tyree Glenn, Miff Molo, Sonny Greer, Jay C. Higginbotham, Jimmy Jones, Charles Mingus, Jo Jones, Gene Krupa, Max Kaminsky, George Wettling, Bud Freeman, Pee Wee Russell, Ernie Wilkins, Buster Bailey, Osie Johnson, Gigi Gryce, Hank Jones, Eddie Locke, Horace Silver, Luckey Roberts, Maxine Sullivan, Jimmy Rushing, Joe Thomas, Scoville Browne, Stuff Smith, Bill Crump, Coleman Hawkins, Rudy Powell, Oscar Pettiford, Sahib Shihab, Marian McPartland, Sonny Rollins*, Lawrence Brown, Mary Lou Williams, Emmett Berry, Thelonius Monk, Vic Dickenson, Milt Hinton, Lester Young, Rex Stewart, J.C. Heard, Gerry Mulligan, Roy Eldgridge, Dizzy Gillespie and Count Basie curbside. (*still living today)

  10. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in “This book of the Law should not depart from your mouth, and you must read it in an undertone day and night...” – ?????   
    Joshua 1:8 This book of the Law should not depart from your mouth, and you must read it in an undertone day and night, in order to observe carefully all that is written in it; for then your way will be successful and then you will act wisely.”
    The kind of deep, concentrated thinking in which a person seriously reflects on past experiences, ponders and muses over current matters, or thoughtfully contemplates possible future events.
    In order to meditate properly, a person needs to be free from distractions, alone with his thoughts, so to speak. Isaac, for example, went out walking alone in the early evening to meditate, possibly about his coming marriage to Rebekah. (Ge 24:63) It was during the solitude of the night watches that the psalmist meditated on the greatness of his Grand Creator. (Ps 63:6) The meditations of the heart should be focused on beneficial things, on Jehovah’s splendor and activities, on things pleasing to him (Ps 19:14; 49:3; 77:12; 143:5; Php 4:8), and not on the devices of the wicked.—Pr 24:1, 2.
    By engaging in profitable meditation, one will not be inclined to give foolish answers. He will seriously think out these matters of importance, and as a result, the answers given will be from the heart and will not be something to regret later on.—Pr 15:28.
    When Joshua was appointed as the overseer of the nation of Israel, he was instructed to make a copy of Jehovah’s law, and he was told (as rendered in many Bible versions) to “meditate” thereon day and night. (Jos 1:8; AS, KJ, JB, RS) The Hebrew word here for “meditate” is ha·ghah?. It basically means “utter inarticulate sounds” and is rendered “moan,” ‘growl,’ ‘coo,’ and ‘mutter.’ (Isa 16:7; 31:4; 38:14; 59:3) Ha·ghah? also has the meanings “utter in an undertone” and “meditate.” (Ps 35:28; Pr 15:28) The New World Translation appropriately renders the Hebrew term ha·ghah?, appearing in Joshua 1:8, “you must in an undertone read.” (See also Ps 1:2.) Reading in an undertone would impress more indelibly on the mind the material on which one was meditating. Gesenius’s Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon (translated by S. Tregelles, 1901, p. 215) says of ha·ghah?: “Prop[erly] to speak with oneself, murmuring and in a low voice, as is often done by those who are musing.”—Compare Ps 35:28; 37:30; 71:24; Isa 8:19; 33:18.
    The apostle Paul told Timothy that he should ponder over or be meditating on his conduct, ministry, and teaching. As an overseer, Timothy had to be unusually careful that he taught sound doctrine and that his way of life was exemplary.—1Ti 4:15.

  11. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in How would you like being baptized in the cold ocean at a circuit assembly in Ketchikan, Alaska? – ???   
    How would you like being baptized in the cold ocean at a circuit assembly in Ketchikan, Alaska? Thank Jehovah it’s available! 

  12. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Tonny Blom-Konings in "You can ban the witnesses but you can never ban what they witness" - From Russia with Love! –❣️❣️❣️   
    "You can ban the witnesses but you can never ban what they witness"
    JW Russian brothers and sisters  after convention in Finland.. Very happy people. 
    Hi from Russia..??????

  13. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in "You can ban the witnesses but you can never ban what they witness" - From Russia with Love! –❣️❣️❣️   
    "You can ban the witnesses but you can never ban what they witness"
    JW Russian brothers and sisters  after convention in Finland.. Very happy people. 
    Hi from Russia..??????

  14. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in In The News - The battle over Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia   
    The battle over Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia
    Last April, RussiaÂ’s Supreme Court banned JehovahÂ’s Witnesses, which came as a blow to the freedom of religion. How the European Court of Human Rights rules on the many cases against Russia, will reveal much about the future of the CourtÂ’s influence and the rule of law in the country.
    October 25, 2017 - James T. Richardson - 
    Image by Tom Morris
    On April 20th 2017, RussiaÂ’s Supreme Court issued a ruling liquidating the administrative centre of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses in Russia, as well as all of their 395 local religious organisations. The court ruling also authorises confiscation of all property belonging to the church and directs them to cease all activities. The decision was upheld on July 17th by the appellate chamber of the Supreme Court, and on August 17th the Ministry of Justice added the church to the list of banned extremist organisations.
    By virtue of these official actions at the highest levels of the Russian government and its judicial system, the Witnesses have been effectively liquidated and banned throughout Russia. The 175,000 members of Witness congregations are thus subject to criminal charges for practising their faith.
    What this means for members of Witness communities in Russia is unclear, but there have already been a number of actions taken by authorities in various parts of the country that have targeted the peaceful efforts of Witnesses to meet and share their faith with others. Moreover, some Russian citizens, emboldened by the official rhetoric, have taken vigilant, often violent, actions against individual Witnesses.
    Fighting spiritual opposition
    The court decision was based on the Ministry of Justice claim made on March 15th 2017 that the Witnesses are an extremist organisation and should, therefore, be liquidated. This designation has been widely criticised internationally and within Russia by those supportive of individual rights such as religious freedom.
    The designation of the Witnesses as extremist is especially ironic given the churchÂ’s official opposition to violence. It has long expressed strong support for conscientious objector status, which thanks to WitnessesÂ’ advocacy of alternative modes of serving their countries, has become the norm among many nations. However, the Russian government seems bent on forcing the Witnesses and a few other minority religious organisations to cease activities.
    Few observers accept the claim that the Witnesses are an extremist organisation and in any way involved in activities that promote terrorism. This puzzling situation has led to much speculation about the real reasons for governmentÂ’s change of rhetoric. One prominent suggestion is that the Russian Orthodox Church has encouraged the actions as part of its campaign to deter groups that compete for the allegiance of Russian citizens or are otherwise critical of the dominant denomination.
    The second idea is that the Witnesses developed within the United States and that the harassment is part of an anti-American campaign. Finally, according to yet another theory, the campaign against the Witnesses is an attempt to distract the populace from RussiaÂ’s real economic and political problems, both at home and abroad.
    Whatever the reasons behind the drastic action taken and sanctioned by Russian courts, the effects of the decision place Russia in an almost unique position in the international community of modern nations when it comes to constraining religious freedoms.
    Russia and the European Court of Human Rights
    The Supreme Court decision and other governmental actions taken against the Witnesses are being contested by both public opinion the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR).
    The ECtHR is the judicial arm of the Council of Europe which was formed after the Second World War in an effort to deter violations of human and civil rights. Russia is a signatory to the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, which is the governing document for the Council of Europe, and thus is bound by its provisions.
    Article 9 of the Convention guarantees freedom of thought, conscience and religion, which, according to the Witnesses, Russia regularly violates.
    Since 1992, when Russia was accepted as the CouncilÂ’s member, the country has lost several major cases before the ECtHR, related to suppressing minority faiths. JehovahÂ’s Witnesses have been very effective advocates of their rights and the rights of others before the ECtHR, having developed a strong winning record, including some victories in cases against Russia.
    Currently, the ECtHR considers 32 cases involving JehovahÂ’s Witnesses and Russia. This includes the case of the March 2nd 2016 warning, issued by the Prosecutor GeneralÂ’s office to liquidate the WitnessesÂ’ administrative centre in the country.
    The ECtHR is going to consider RussiaÂ’s decision to deem WitnessesÂ’ literature and actions extremist as urgent, under Rule 41 of the Convention. Ten other cases concern raids on Witness congregations, out of which four deal with home searches and literature confiscation, and the other involve prosecution for evangelising and ban on religious literature.
    How the ECtHR rules on the many cases against Russia, especially those concerning the church delegalisation, and how the Russian government responds to those rulings, will reveal much about the future of the CourtÂ’s influence. It will also say a lot about the rule of law and religious freedoms in Russia.
    James T. Richardson, JD, PhD, is emeritus foundation professor of sociology and judicial studies at the University of Nevada, Reno. His most recent publications include Regulating Religion: Case Studies from around the Globe (Kluwer, 2004), Saints under Siege: The Texas Raid on the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints (with Stuart Wright, New York University Press, 2011), The Sociology of Shari’a: Case Studies from around the World (with Adam Possamai and Bryan Turner, Springer, 2014), and Legal Cases Involving New Religions and Minority Faiths (with Francois Bellanger, Ashgate, 2014). He can be contacted at jtr@unr.edu 

  15. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Would you like to be called "God's Friend"? - Learn what Abraham did to be “God’s Friend!”   
    Would like to be called "God's Friend"? This is what Abraham was called. He trusted God Jehovah and did not fear for his son's life. Could you do that? 
    He became of Father of all Nations of     the Earth see how:
    (A?bra·ham) [Father of a Crowd (Multitude)].
    The name given by Jehovah to Abram (meaning “Father Is High (Exalted)”) when he was 99 years old, and when God was reaffirming His promise that Abraham’s offspring would become many.
    (James 2:21-23) . . .Was not Abraham our father declared righteous by works after he had offered up Isaac his son upon the altar? 22 You behold that [his] faith worked along with his works and by [his] works [his] faith was perfected, 23 and the scripture was fulfilled which says: “Abraham put faith in Jehovah, and it was counted to him as righteousness,” and he came to be called “Jehovah’s friend.”
    (Genesis 17:5, 6) . . .And your name will not be called A?bram anymore, and your name must become Abraham, because a father of a crowd of nations I will make you. 6 And I will make you very, very fruitful and will make you become nations, and kings will come out of you.
    Abraham proved to be a man of faith in Jehovah God, even as his forefathers Shem and Noah; and as a consequence, he earned the reputation “the father of all those having faith while in uncircumcision.” (Ro 4:11)
    Since true faith is based on accurate knowledge, Abraham may have received his understanding by personal association with Shem (their lives overlapped by 150 years). Abraham knew and used the name of Jehovah; to quote him: “Jehovah the Most High God, Producer of heaven and earth,” “Jehovah, the God of the heavens and the God of the earth.”—Ge 14:22; 24:3

  16. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Bro. Prudencio is another proof that the Bible changes lives. He was in the Mexican military as a young man and loved to fight. ⚔️?⚖️?⚔️   
    Bro. Prudencio is another proof that the Bible changes lives.
    He was in the Mexican military as a young man and loved to fight. He was so good at it that his commanding officers would bet on him to win.
    Upon learning the truth, Bro. Prudencio gave up fighting men and began to “fight the fine fight of the faith” (1Tim 6:12). Today, he and his two sons serve as elders.
    El Hno. 
    Thank you ?? 

  17. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Song 56 "Make the Truth Your Own" – ?????   
    Thank you ?????
    Song 56 "Make the Truth Your Own" Tap on Video Link mp4 ______Enjoy! 

  18. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Annie Abbott in IMAGINE A NEW WORLD ? WITHOUT PAIN ????   
    Earthly life without corruption. What about others of mankind who do not receive heavenly life? The apostle John quotes Jesus as saying: “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.” (Joh 3:16) In his parable of the sheep and the goats, those of the nations separated on Jesus’ right side as sheep enter “into everlasting life.” (Mt 25:46) Paul speaks of “God’s sons” and “joint heirs with Christ” and says that “the eager expectation of the creation is waiting for the revealing of the sons of God.” Then he says, “the creation itself also will be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God.” (Ro 8:14-23) Adam when created as a perfect human was a “son [or child] of God.” (Lu 3:38) The prophetic vision of Revelation 21:1-4 points to the time of “a new heaven” and “a new earth” and gives the promise that then “death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.” Since this promise is given, not to spirit creatures, but specifically to “mankind,” it gives assurance that a newearthly society of humankind living under the “newheaven” will experience restoration of mind and body to fullness of health and everlasting life as earthly “children of God.”
    Tap on Video Link mp4 ______Enjoy! ?
  19. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in BODY OF OUR BROTHER IS FOUND The body of 22-year-old brother João Ferreira Duque, who had been missing since August 25Th ??????   
    Yes, not sure what happened, so young!
    Jehovah will remember him!
     Thank you for your support!
  20. Like
  21. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in For Jehovah God is a sun and a shield; He gives favor and glory – ?☀️?☀️?   
    “For Jehovah God is a sun and a shield; He gives favor and glory. Jehovah will  not hold back anything good from those walking in integrity.”–Ps. 84:11. 
    How do you feel about JehovahÂ’s way of ruling?
    As we have seen, the Bible clearly shows that Jehovah has the right to rule. It also shows why he is the best Ruler. One reason is that he rules with love. We feel close to him when we think of how he is “merciful and compassionate, slow to anger and abundant in loyal love and truth.” (Exodus 34:6) God treats us with dignity and respect. He cares for us better than we can care for ourselves. The Devil says that Jehovah holds back good things from His servants, but this is a lie. God even gave his precious Son so that we could have the hope of living forever.—Read Psalm 84:11; Romans 8:32.
    Jehovah’s rulership is not harsh. Rather, those who obey him feel free and joyful. (2 Corinthians 3:17) David said of Jehovah: “In his presence are majesty and splendor; strength and joy are in his dwelling place.” (1 Chronicles 16:7, 27) The psalmist Ethan wrote: “Happy are the people who know the joyful shouting. O Jehovah, they walk in the light of your face. They rejoice in your name all day long, and in your righteousness they are exalted.”—Psalm 89:15, 16.

  22. Sad
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in BODY OF OUR BROTHER IS FOUND The body of 22-year-old brother João Ferreira Duque, who had been missing since August 25Th ??????   
    #Jw #Jwbrasil body of our brother is found
    The body of the young brother John Ferreira Duke of 22, who had been missing since August 25, was found.
    The funeral will be Friday 27/10 at 13 pm at cemetery. Cemetery being cemetery. Of, 46-baby Island of the governor - rio de Janeiro Brazil
    Fone: 0800 022 1650
    We have no details of the cause death or other details of the memorial speech. We know only that his body was found dead in the forest of tijuca in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    Our deep feelings to all the family and that our hope in the resurrection and soon a new world without pain, strengthen everyone...
    The body of 22-year-old brother João Ferreira Duque, who had been missing since August 25, was found. The funeral will be, Friday 27/10, at 13h, in the Cacuia cemetery.
    We have no details of the cause of death, nor other details of the memorial speech. we only know that his body was found dead in the tijuca forest in rio de janeiro, brazil
    Our deep feelings to all relatives and our hope in resurrection and soon a new world without pain, strengthen all ..

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Dora Espinosa in 93 year old Brother Manuel from Texas practicing and giving his first Bible reading on the Theocratic Ministry School. – ???   
    93 year old Brother Manuel from Texas practicing and giving his first Bible reading on the Theocratic Ministry School.
    Thank you

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Pray Incessantly! – They are "sweet" to Jehovah! – ????????   
    Pray Incessantly! – They are "sweet" to Jehovah! – 
    “The prayers of the holy ones” to incense in that acceptable prayers rise to Jehovah like a sweet-smelling and pleasant odor. (Rev. 5:8) 
    Significance. The Law covenant had a shadow of better things to come (Heb 10:1), and it seems that the burning of incense under that arrangement represented the acceptable prayers of God’s faithful servants. The psalmist declared, “May my prayer be prepared as incense before you [Jehovah].” (Ps 141:2) Likewise, the highly symbolic book of Revelation describes those around God’s heavenly throne as having “golden bowls that were full of incense, and the incense means the prayers of the holy ones.” “A large quantity of incense was given him [an angel] to offer it with the prayers of all the holy ones upon the golden altar that was before the throne.” (Re 5:8; 8:3, 4) In several respects the burning incense served as a fitting symbol of the prayers of the holy ones that are “offered up” (Heb 5:7) night and day (1Th 3:10), and are pleasant to Jehovah.—Pr 15:8.

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Romans 14:10 - “But why do you judge your brother? or why do you also look down on your brother? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God.”   
    Romans 14:10 - “But why do you judge your brother? or why do you also look down on your brother? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God.”
    Ecclesiastes 7:9 - Do not be quick to take offense, for the taking of offence lodges in the bosom of fools. (NWT)
    Please Visit: JW.Org. - TV.JW.Org. 

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