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Bible Speaks

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Our Coral Reefs – ????? - One Step Forward, Two Steps Backward – ?????   
    Our Coral Reefs - One Step Forward, Two Steps Backward – ?????
    Industrial progress was meant to make our lives easier. In some ways it has. However, it is this very “progress” that aggravates the earth’s environmental problems. We appreciate the inventions and advancements that industry has presented to us, but the very production of these and our use of them have often resulted in ruining parts of our world.
    An example of this is motor vehicles. These have made travel quicker and easier. Very few people would like to go back to the age of the horse and buggy. Nevertheless, modern transportation has contributed to a host of problems. One of them is global warming. Humans have been altering the chemical composition of the atmosphere by using inventions that spew out millions of tons of gases. These gases are said to cause what is called the greenhouse effect, resulting in the warming of the atmosphere. Temperatures increased during the last century. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reports that “the 20th century’s 10 warmest years all occurred in the last 15 years of the century.” Some scientists believe that in the 21st century, average global temperature could rise 2.2 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit [1.4 to 5.8 degrees Celsius].
    Warmer temperatures are expected to cause other problems. Snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere has been decreasing. A 1,250-square-mile [3,250 sq km] ice shelf in Antarctica collapsed in early 2002. Sea levels could rise significantly in this century. Since a third of the world’s population lives near the sea, this could eventually result in loss of homes and farmland. It could also cause great difficulties for coastal cities.
    Scientists believe that higher temperatures will result in increased precipitation, with a greater frequency of extreme weather. Some feel that severe storms like the one that took 90 lives and ruined 270 million trees in France in 1999 are just precursors of things to come. Other researchers feel that climate changes will result in the spread of diseases such as malaria, dengue, and cholera.
    The example of the motor vehicle shows how complex the results of technology are—inventions that are helpful for people in general may cause a multitude of related problems that affect multiple areas of life. True is the statement of the Human Development Report 2001: “Every technological advance brings potential benefits and risks, some of which are not easy to predict.”
    Technology itself is often looked to for solutions to environmental problems. For example, environmentalists have long decried the use of pesticides. When genetically modified plants were produced that would reduce or eliminate the need for pesticides, it looked as though technology had provided a good solution. However, in the case of Bt corn, which was designed to control stem borers without pesticide, tests found that it can also kill monarch butterflies. Thus, “solutions” sometimes backfire and can result in additional problems.
    Some fishermen in Southeast Asia use cyanide solution to stun fish, making them easy to catch. The poison flushes from a fish’s system, and thus the fish remains edible. However, the toxin remains in the seawater, killing coral reefs.
    Tap on Video Link mp4 _____Enjoy!
    Video by @BertieGregory. A massive school of anthias (the bright orange fish) feed in the water column over a coral reef in the Northern Red Sea. The diversity (the number of different species) of coral reefs is mind blowing. It is estimated that whilst they only occupy 1% of the ocean floor, they are home to more than 25% of the ocean's biodiversity! Coral reefs all around the world are in trouble but why should we care? Well, aside from just being awesome, they provide so many functions that are vital to human existence including coastline storm protection, fisheries production, tourism and climate regulation. 
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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Abel Castro in Preaching in Germany to a church with the name of Jehovah on the front of it? Little do they know it? - ??   
    Preaching in Germany to a church with the name of Jehovah on the front of it? Little do they know it? ??

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in We Made “Paradise” During Family Worship ?‍??‍?   
    reinn3 and her family from Colton, California, USA made this “Paradise”  scene during Family Worship. It took      two months to finish it completely.
    Thank you

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in The "Tree of Life" can YOU Find it Today? Was it a Real Tree? – ???   
    The "Tree of Life" can YOU Find it Today? Was it a Real Tree? ???
    Lessons From Creation
    Revelation 2:7—What is “the paradise of God”? Since these words are addressed to anointed Christians, the paradise here must refer to the paradisaic heavenly realm—the very presence of God himself. The faithful anointed will be rewarded with eating “of the tree of life.” They will receive immortality.—1 Cor. 15:53.

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Rosalie Barry in THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES I Never Went Anywhere Without My Gun   
    A wonderful true story! I am so happy your sad life got happy! I couldn’t help smiling at the end when you said you clean banks not rob them. Your big smile confirmed it all! Thanks for posting
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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES I Never Went Anywhere Without My Gun   
    @Rosalie Barry
    Thank you for your support! Jehovah Bless!
  7. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Violin ?????– Grateful For God’s Word 94   
    Thank you - ?????
    Grateful For God’s Word 94 #jw #thatviolin_man
    Tap on Video Link mp4 ______Enjoy! ?
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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Are Experts Always Right? ????‍⚕️??‍???‍???‍✈️   
    Are Experts Always Right?
    However knowledgeable they may be, experts in any field may have conflicting ideas and shifting opinions. Take, for example, the ongoing debate in medical science on something as basic as causes of illness. “The relative importance of nature versus nurture in illness forms the fabric of heated debate among scientists,” writes a professor of medicine at Harvard University.
    Those in what has been called the determinist camp believe strongly that our genes play a decisive role in our susceptibility to various diseases. Others, however, contend that the environment and life-style are the major factors in human pathology. Both sides are quick to cite studies and statistics to support their case. Nonetheless, the debate continues.
    The most renowned of thinkers have been proved wrong again and again, even though what they taught seemed at the time to be beyond dispute. Philosopher Bertrand Russell described Aristotle as one of “the most influential of all philosophers.”
    Yet, Russell also pointed out that many of Aristotle’s doctrines were “wholly false.” “Throughout modern times,” he wrote, “practically every advance in science, in logic, or in philosophy has had to be made in the teeth of opposition from Aristotle’s disciples.”—History of Western Philosophy.
    “The Falsely Called ‘Knowledge’”
    The early Christians likely met many who were disciples of the noted Greek philosophers, such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Educated people of the day regarded themselves as intellectually superior to most of the Christians. Not many of Jesus’ disciples were considered “wise in a fleshly way.” (1 Corinthians 1:26) In fact, those schooled in the philosophies of the day thought that what the Christians believed was simply “foolishness” or “sheer nonsense.”—1 Corinthians 1:23; Phillips.
    If you were among those early Christians, would you have been impressed by the persuasive arguments of the intellectual elite of the day or overawed by their display of wisdom? (Colossians 2:4) There would have been no reason for that, according to the apostle Paul. He reminded Christians that Jehovah views “the wisdom of the wise men” and the “intelligence of the intellectual men” of the day as foolish. (1 Corinthians 1:19) “What,” he asked, “have the philosopher, the writer and the critic of this world to show for all their wisdom?” (1 Corinthians 1:20, Phillips) Despite all their intellectual brilliance, the philosophers, the writers, and the critics of Paul’s day had produced no real answer to mankind’s problems.
    So Christians learned to avoid what the apostle Paul said were “the contradictions of the falsely called ‘knowledge.’” (1 Timothy 6:20) The reason that Paul called such knowledge ‘false’ is that it lacked one crucial factor—a source or reference from God against which their theories could be tested. (Job 28:12; Proverbs 1:7) Lacking that, and at the same time being blinded by the archdeceiver, Satan, those clinging to such knowledge could never hope to find the truth.—1 Corinthians 2:6-8, 14; 3:18-20; 2 Corinthians 4:4; 11:14; Revelation 12:9.
    https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2000887?q=false knowledge&p=par#p12

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Rogers Lees in “The Battle Belongs to Jehovah” ???☄️?☄️???   
    When your scared and up against big obstacles, know your not alone in the fight always trust in Jehovah and his power! Love it!
    @stvector greetings from Vina del Mar, Chile
    “The Battle Belongs to Jehovah”
    DAVID braced himself against the rush of soldiers jostling past him. They were wide-eyed with fear as they ran away from the battle line. What scared them so? Over and over, David must have heard them nervously repeating one word. It was the name of a man. And there, standing defiantly on the valley floor, was the man himself, perhaps looming larger than any man David had ever seen.
    Goliath! David could see why the soldiers feared him—he seemed impossibly huge, a mountain of a man. Even without his formidable armor, he probably weighed more than two large men combined. But he was heavily armed, and he was an immensely strong, experienced warrior. Goliath bellowed out a challenge. Imagine his booming voice echoing on the hillsides as he taunted the army of Israel and their king, Saul. He dared any man to come forward and fight him, to settle this war in single combat!—1 Samuel 17:4-10.
    The Israelites cowered. King Saul cowered. The situation, David learned, had been dragging on for over a month! The two armies, Philistine and Israelite, remained deadlocked as Goliath repeated his taunts day after day. David was distressed. How humiliating to think of Israel’s king and his soldiers, including three of David’s older brothers, cringing in fear! In David’s eyes, this pagan Goliath was doing far worse than embarrassing the army of Israel; he was insulting the God of Israel, Jehovah! But what could David, a mere youth, do about it? And what can we today learn from the faith of David?—1 Samuel 17:11-14.
    To David, the situation was not tolerable. How could the army of the living God, Jehovah, flee in terror from a mere man—and a pagan at that? David saw Goliath’s taunts as a direct insult to Jehovah. So he began talking eagerly to the soldiers about defeating Goliath. Before long, David’s oldest brother, Eliab, got wind of David’s talk. He rebuked his younger brother harshly, accusing him of being there only to witness the carnage of battle. But David answered him: “What have I done now? I was only asking a question!” Then he went right on speaking confidently about defeating Goliath, until someone repeated his words to Saul. The king ordered David to be brought before him.—1 Samuel 17:23-31.
    David spoke these encouraging words to the king about Goliath: “Let no one lose heart because of him.” Saul and his men had indeed lost heart because of Goliath. Perhaps they had made the natural mistake of comparing themselves to that huge man, picturing how they came up only to the man’s midriff or chest. They imagined that armored giant making short work of them. But David did not think that way. As we will see, he saw the problem in a completely different light. So he offered to fight Goliath himself.—1 Samuel 17:32.
    Today, servants of God do not engage in carnal warfare. That time has passed. (Matthew 26:52) Still, we do need to imitate the faith of David. Like him, we need to see Jehovah as real—as the only God to serve and to hold in awe. We may, at times, feel small in comparison to our problems, but our problems are small compared to Jehovah’s limitless power. If we choose Jehovah as our God and we put faith in him as David did, then no challenge, no problem, need daunt us. Nothing is beyond the power of Jehovah to conquer!

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in Preaching in Germany to a church with the name of Jehovah on the front of it? Little do they know it? - ??   
    Preaching in Germany to a church with the name of Jehovah on the front of it? Little do they know it? ??

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in A Gecko ? My Life ? A Marvel of Creation!   
    Lizzy by Aftab Uzzaman Via Flickr: Hi My name is Lizzy. I am a gecko. Some people call me Palmatogecko and scientists call me Palmatogecko rangei. I don’t like those names, they sound weird! 
    I live in Namib Desert in Namibia. My home is a burrow in the deep sand. I spend the day there because it is too hot outside. I come out during the night and go hunting. 
    I love insects. They are yummy! I am four inches long. Some of my friends are very large, they are six inches long. That’s big!  I don’t have eyelids like you guys do, so I lick my eyeballs to keep them clean. My skin is transparent and you can see through it everything inside. Isn’t that cool? Do you think I am cute? 
    My Creator is Jehovah God he is so wise and loving! ???

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from E dub in Olive Sea Snake that bit Paul on the Island of Malta   
    Perhaps it was like this Olive Sea Snake that bit Paul on the Island of Malta. One bite said to deliver enough venom to kill 20 full grown men!  ???
    The creature fastened itself to Paul’s hand but he shook it off and the people who witnessed this said ‘he’s a dead man for sure.’ They waited for Paul to swell up and die but when nothing happened, they thought he was a god. 
    They just didnÂ’t know that Jehovah would not allow him at that moment to die because he had future plans for Paul. - Acts 28:6.

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Cesar Espindola da Silva in Preaching in Germany to a church with the name of Jehovah on the front of it? Little do they know it? - ??   
    Preaching in Germany to a church with the name of Jehovah on the front of it? Little do they know it? ??

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Gloria Medina in Preaching in Germany to a church with the name of Jehovah on the front of it? Little do they know it? - ??   
    Preaching in Germany to a church with the name of Jehovah on the front of it? Little do they know it? ??

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Dora Espinosa in “Jehovah will help you be Bold and Brave ” drama. ?????   
    Local cong in BsAs made the “Jehovah will help you be Bold and brave ” drama. Lil'Abril played the young Israely girl wich fit her like a glove because at her young age she defends the truth just like the young Israely girl.
    @andr8z Thank You

  16. Like
    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Dora Espinosa in Things Are Looking Up! ?????   
    Things Are Looking Up! (by Henrik Anker Bjerregaard Lundh III)
    May you all find joy in pleasing Jehovah God today whether by door to door or by telephone or via your choice, it is a day to rejoice and praise His name and Kingdom by His Son Christ Jesus coming ever so quickly! 
    When we praise our Father in Heaven we have myriads and myriads of angels also praising Him! Shout it loud! The only answer for all mankind!
    "He is guarding the souls of his loyal ones; out of the hand of the wicked ones he delivers them."—Ps. 97:10.

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Annie Abbott in IMAGINE A NEW WORLD ? WITHOUT PAIN ????   
    Earthly life without corruption. What about others of mankind who do not receive heavenly life? The apostle John quotes Jesus as saying: “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.” (Joh 3:16) In his parable of the sheep and the goats, those of the nations separated on Jesus’ right side as sheep enter “into everlasting life.” (Mt 25:46) Paul speaks of “God’s sons” and “joint heirs with Christ” and says that “the eager expectation of the creation is waiting for the revealing of the sons of God.” Then he says, “the creation itself also will be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God.” (Ro 8:14-23) Adam when created as a perfect human was a “son [or child] of God.” (Lu 3:38) The prophetic vision of Revelation 21:1-4 points to the time of “a new heaven” and “a new earth” and gives the promise that then “death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.” Since this promise is given, not to spirit creatures, but specifically to “mankind,” it gives assurance that a newearthly society of humankind living under the “newheaven” will experience restoration of mind and body to fullness of health and everlasting life as earthly “children of God.”
    Tap on Video Link mp4 ______Enjoy! ?
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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Anna in KEEP AWAKE - THIS IS SHOWING UP - KEEP ON THE WATCH! ?   
    In the Congregations The latest news reports are that five terrorist cell groups have been operating in many congregations. They have been identified as:
    Bin Sleepin; Bin Arguin; BinFightin; Bin Complainin; and Bin Missin.
    Their leader . . . Satan Bin Workin. He has trained these groups to destroy the Christian Congregation. The plan is to come into the congregation disguised as Christians and to work within it to discourage, disrupt, and destroy.
    However, there have been reports of a sixth group. A tiny cell known by the name of Bin Prayin is actually the only effective counter terrorist force. Unlike other terrorist cells, the Bin Prayin team does not blend in with whomever and whatever comes along. Bin Prayin does whatever it needs to uplift and encourage.
    We have noticed that the Bin Prayin group has different characteristics than the others. They have Bin Watchin, Bin Doin, Bin Listenin to their Master . . . Jesus Christ.You can spot them if you bin lookin and bin goin.
    You Best Keep On the Watch!"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them." 

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    Bible Speaks got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Olive Sea Snake that bit Paul on the Island of Malta   
    @Melinda Mills
    Thank you for your support!
    Bible Speaks 
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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Mary and Joseph Respect for Headship ?????   
    @Melinda Mills
    Thank you for your support!
    We all can encourage each other. I liked the information here. Many people know how Mary received Holy Spirit and was given instructions by the Angel. I thought the info here about Joseph was noteworthy as to headship. 
    Bible Speaks
  21. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Melinda Mills in Mary and Joseph Respect for Headship ?????   
    Jehovah spoke to Joseph in a dream  through an angel .
    (Matthew 2:13-15) 13 After they had departed, look! Jehovah’s angel appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying: “Get up, take the young child and his mother and flee to Egypt, and stay there until I give you word, for Herod is about to search for the young child to kill him.” 14 So Joseph got up and by night took along the young child and the child’s mother and went into Egypt. 15 He stayed there until the death of Herod. This fulfilled what was spoken by Jehovah through his prophet, saying: “Out of Egypt I called my son.”
    In the case of Mary she was not yet married, though promised in marriage to Joseph. When Jehovah spoke to Mary it was also through an angel (Gabriel) not directly. 
     (Luke 1:26-38) 26 In her sixth month, the angel Gaʹbri·el was sent from God to a city of Galʹi·lee named Nazʹa·reth, 27 to a virgin promised in marriage to a man named Joseph of David’s house, and the name of the virgin was Mary. 28 And coming in, the angel said to her: “Greetings, you highly favored one, Jehovah is with you.” 29 But she was deeply disturbed at his words and tried to understand what kind of greeting this might be. 30 So the angel said to her: “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. 31 And look! you will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and you are to name him Jesus. 32 This one will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and Jehovah God will give him the throne of David his father, 33 and he will rule as King over the house of Jacob forever, and there will be no end to his Kingdom.” 34 But Mary said to the angel: “How is this to be, since I am not having sexual relations with a man?” 35 In answer the angel said to her: “Holy spirit will come upon you, and power of the Most High will overshadow you. And for that reason the one who is born will be called holy, God’s Son. 36 And look! Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son, in her old age, and this is the sixth month for her, the so-called barren woman; 37 for no declaration will be impossible for God.” 38 Then Mary said: “Look! Jehovah’s slave girl! May it happen to me according to your declaration.” At that the angel departed from her.
    Therefore I think you can leave out the word "directly". 
    Point taken about Jehovah speaking to the head of the house, Joseph; but also through an angel. 
  22. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Remember the Wife of Lot - Luke 17:32. ??????   
    Remember the Wife of Lot - Luke 17:32.

  23. Thanks
    Bible Speaks reacted to Melinda Mills in Olive Sea Snake that bit Paul on the Island of Malta   
    (Acts 28:1-3) . . .After we made it to safety, we learned that the island was called Malta. 2 And the foreign-speaking people showed us extraordinary kindness. They kindled a fire and received all of us kindly because of the rain that was falling and because of the cold. 3 But when Paul collected a bundle of sticks and laid it on the fire, a viper came out because of the heat and fastened itself on his hand. . .
    Was a viper - a venomous snake, which lived among the sticks (wood).  Sea snakes are even more venomous but they live in the sea.
  24. Like
    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Olive Sea Snake that bit Paul on the Island of Malta   
    Perhaps it was like this Olive Sea Snake that bit Paul on the Island of Malta. One bite said to deliver enough venom to kill 20 full grown men!  ???
    The creature fastened itself to Paul’s hand but he shook it off and the people who witnessed this said ‘he’s a dead man for sure.’ They waited for Paul to swell up and die but when nothing happened, they thought he was a god. 
    They just didnÂ’t know that Jehovah would not allow him at that moment to die because he had future plans for Paul. - Acts 28:6.

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    Bible Speaks reacted to Bible Speaks in Building a Spiritually Strong Family ?‍??‍??‍??‍?   
    Children have been compared to “arrows in the hand of a mighty man.” 
    An archer has the arrow in his bow for only a relatively short time. To hit the target, he must quickly let it go. 
    Likewise, parents have only a relatively short period of time to develop in their children heartfelt love for Jehovah. 
    After what seems to be just a few short years, the children grow up and leave home. Will they hit the target—that is, will the children continue to love and serve God after they leave home? 
    Numerous factors influence the answer. Much depends upon the skill of the parent, the environment in which the children are raised, and the way the ‘arrow,’ or child, responds to the training he or she receives. - Psalms 127:4.

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