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  1. Upvote
    larryrobinson reacted to Queen Esther in Do We Have the Mind of Jehovah and of Christ?   
    I  feel  sorry,  my  dear  sister...   I  feel  little  bad  too... we  have  hard  times, yes !  On & off  resting  is  okay     ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.  ❤ ❤ ❤

  2. Upvote
    larryrobinson reacted to Queen Esther in Do We Have the Mind of Jehovah and of Christ?   
    I love this, thank you???
  3. Upvote
    larryrobinson reacted to Bible Speaks in Do We Have the Mind of Jehovah and of Christ?   
    “For “who has come to know the mind of Jehovah, so that he may instruct him?” But we do have the mind of Christ.” (1 Cor. 2:16) 
    We do have the mind of Christ. — 1 Cor. 2:16.
    It is good to remember that being whole-souled is not a matter of how much time we spend in the ministry.
    Individual circumstances vary. A person who spends just an hour or two in field service each month may be very pleasing to Jehovah if that really is all his health allows him to do. (Compare Mark 12:41-44.)
    Hence, to determine what wholesouled service to God means for us personally, we need to make a frank appraisal of our abilities and circumstances.
    As followers of Christ, we also want to harmonize our viewpoint with his. (Rom. 15:5) 
    What did Jesus put foremost in his life? He told the crowds from Capernaum: “I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God, because for this I was sent forth.” (Luke 4: 43; John 18:37) 
    With Jesus’ zeal for his ministry in mind, evaluate your circumstances to see if you could further expand your ministry. (1 Cor. 11:1)

  4. Upvote
    larryrobinson reacted to Queen Esther in Song 97 - Forward, You Ministers of the Kingdom! Special Musical Video Presentation...   
    Song  97 -  Forward, You Ministers of the Kingdom!
    Special Musical Video Presentation...
    (2 Timothy 4:5) 1. Go forward in preaching the Kingdom To people in ev’ry land. With love in your hearts ❤
  5. Upvote
    larryrobinson reacted to Queen Esther in World's Tiniest Bible   
    Our  normal  big  Bible....

    DID  you  EVER  see  the  tiniest  Bible  of  the  world?

    The entire text of the Hebrew Bible is etched onto a microchip!
    The Nano Bible is a gold-coated silicon chip smaller than a pinhead,  and contains all 1.2 million letters of the bible.
    As part of its yearlong 50th anniversary celebration, the Jerusalem-based Israel Museum will display the “Nano Bible,” the world’s smallest bible, an Israeli innovation created at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.
    The tiny bible will be displayed alongside the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Aleppo Codex, a manuscript of the Jewish bible from 10th century C.E. The Nano Bible is a gold-coated silicon chip smaller than a pinhead. It is 0.04 square millimeters, and 0.00002 millimeters (20 nanometers) deep. The 1.2 million letters of the bible were written using a focused ion beam generator that shot gallium ions onto a gold surface covering a base layer of silicon.
    Prof. Uri Sivan and Dr. Ohad Zohar of the Technion’s Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute developed the idea, and the engineers of the Technion’s Sara and Moshe Zisapel Nanoelectronics Center were responsible for the manufacturing of the chip and the development of the software that allows the engraving of the letters.
    The Israel Museum will also exhibit a documentary on the creation of the Nano Bible and will enable the reading of the biblical text under a microscope.
    I  LIKE  THE  BIBLE - BOOK  OR  MY  iPad  for  reading  ;-)
  6. Upvote
    larryrobinson reacted to Queen Esther in A challenge for our Brothers, Sisters & Missionaries.... Very difficult to find people in Hopkins, Belize & Mexico ❤   
    A  challenge  for  our  Brothers,  Sisters  &  Missionaries....
    Very  difficult  to  find  people  in  Hopkins,   Belize ❤
  7. Upvote
  8. Upvote
    larryrobinson reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Friday, January 27. 2017   
    Your people will be my people, and your God my God.—Ruth 1:16.
    Note Ruth’s love for Jehovah. The landowner Boaz later praised Ruth for seeking refuge under Jehovah’s wings. (Ruth 2:12) That may remind us of a baby bird taking refuge under the wings of a powerful, protective parent. (Ps. 36:7; 91:1-4) Jehovah became such a parent to Ruth. He rewarded her for her faith, and she never had any reason to regret her decision. Today, many learn about Jehovah but hesitate to take refuge in him. They hold back from becoming his dedicated, baptized servants. If you hesitate to make a dedication to Jehovah, have you stopped to ask yourself why? Everyone alive serves some god or other. (Josh. 24:15) Why not take refuge in the only God worth serving? Making a dedication to Jehovah is an excellent way to demonstrate faith in him. He will help you live up to that decision and face whatever challenges may arise. That is what God did for Ruth. w16.02 2:6, 7
  9. Upvote
    larryrobinson reacted to Queen Esther in Why Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Speak With People Who Have Previously Said, “I’m Not Interested”? many Bible - scriptures !   
    Why Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Speak With People Who Have Previously Said,
    “I’m Not Interested”?
    Jehovah’s Witnesses, motivated by love for God and love of neighbor, enjoy sharing the Bible’s message with all people, including those who have previously said “I’m not interested.” (Matthew 22:37-39) Love for God moves us to obey his Son’s command “to give a thorough witness.” (Acts 10:42; 1 John 5:3) To do this, we bring God’s message more than once, just as God’s ancient prophets did. (Jeremiah 25:4) Because we love our neighbors, we try to share the lifesaving “good news of the Kingdom” with all, including those who at first were not interested in it.—Matthew 24:14.
    We often find interest when we return to homes where we found no interest before. Consider three reasons:
        People move.
        Others in the home show interest  in our  message...
        People change. World events or personal circumstances cause some to become more “conscious of their spiritual need” and to take an interest in the Bible’s message. (Matthew 5:3) Even those who are opposed can have a change of heart, as did the apostle Paul.—1 Timothy 1:13.
    Nevertheless, we do not force our message on anyone. (1 Peter 3:15) We believe that each person must make his own decision in the matter of worship.—Deuteronomy 30:19, 20.
  10. Upvote
    larryrobinson reacted to Queen Esther in The tiniest Bonsai I EVER saw... ❤   
    The  tiniest  Bonsai  I  EVER  saw... 
  11. Upvote
    larryrobinson reacted to Queen Esther in This Is What Will Happen When You Eat Avocados Every Day... some recipes !   
    This Is What Will Happen When You Eat Avocados Every Day....
    Youve probably seen avocados being touted as a heart-healthy superfood in recent years. Realistically, the truth isnt too far off from the hype. The next time youre grabbing that burrito or turkey sandwich, you might want to consider adding a healthy dollop of guacamole. Here are four reasons that you should consider eating a little bit of avocado each day.
    1. You may reduce your risk of heart disease.
    Heart disease is the number 1 killer in the United States, affecting nearly 27 million adults, so it only makes sense that we would want to protect ourselves by being more health-conscious in our dietary choices. Avocados have been shown to positively benefit our cardiovascular system in a number of ways due to its low saturated fat and high unsaturated fat content (predominantly the monounsaturated fat (MUFA) variety). Consuming excess saturated fat (>10% of total calories) may raise your LDL and HDL cholesterol and triglycerides. On the contrary, consuming adequate unsaturated fat in your diet may help lower LDL-cholesterol (bad cholesterol), maintain HDL-cholesterol (good cholesterol) and potentially improve your insulin sensitivity.
    In addition its nutritious fat content, avocados also contain a potent mix of nutrients (e.g., potassium and lutein), including plenty of antioxidants such as carotenoids, callexanthophylls and phenols. These compounds can help prevent inflammation and oxidative stress in the blood vessels while facilitating improved blood flow.
    2. You may have an easier time maintaining your weight
    Eating fat to lose fat; who would have thought? Avocados can help with weight-loss and maintaining a healthy BMI by promoting a feeling of satiety. A recent study showed that including avocado in meals helped extend feelings of fullness and reduced the desire to overindulge. The belly-filling properties of avocados is aided by their high fiber content, about 14g per fruit on average. In addition, higher avocado consumption has been associated with smaller waistlines and lower BMIs in observational studies. Lastly, some research has even shown that weight-loss diets higher in MUFA, like the kind avocados are packed with, may prove healthier for your heart than low-fat weight-loss diets.
    3. You might reduce your risk of cancer
    Avocados provide us with numerous phytochemicals that may help prevent cancer, including the previously discussed xanthophylls and phenols. A protein compound called glutathione, along with the xanthophyll lutein (both found in avocados), have been associated with decreased rates of oral cancer. Preliminary data also show promising results for avocados potential role in reducing risk of both breast and prostate cancers. Additionally, preliminary studies demonstrate that a specific type of fav derived from avocados is able to exert anti-cancer effects on acute myeloid leukemia cells. Together, these studies show that further research needs to be conducted to draw more conclusive results.
    4. You will protect your skin and eyes well into old age
    As it turns out, avocado carotenoids do quite a number of things for our body. Both lutein and another compound found in avocados called zeaxanthin can slow age-related ocular decline and prevent vision dysfunction. In addition, these same two nutrients also act as buffers against oxidative UV damage, keeping our skin smooth and healthy. The bioavailability (ease of absorption by our body) of carotenoids from avocados compared to many other fruits and vegetables makes eating avocados every day a sensible choice.
    Recipes to try:
    Avocado Smoothie
        ½ ripe avocado
        1 ripe banana
        ½ cup low-fat yogurt
        ½ cup orange juice
        OPTIONAL: handful of ice
    Combine ingredients into blender and mix.
    Bacon Peach Guacamole
        1 ripe peach
        2 ripe avocados
        ¼ red onion, minced
        2 strips bacon, crisped
        Salt and pepper to taste
    Cut peaches into small dice and place in bowl. Mash avocados and combine with peaches. Crisp bacon in skillet, dice and add to bowl. Mince onion and add to guacamole. Enjoy with whole-grain tortilla chips.
    Aside from the multitude of health benefits, avocados have the extra bonus of being a tasty, creamy food that can be incorporated into shakes, desserts, dips, and toppings. So dont be afraid to add avocado !
    ***VERY  HEALTHY***
  12. Upvote
    larryrobinson reacted to Queen Esther in Biblical King Hezekiah Official Seal Found in Ancient Trash Dump - 2,700-year-old... (video)   
    Biblical King Hezekiah Official Seal Found in Ancient Trash Dump...
    A 2,700-year-old royal seal bearing the mark of the biblical King Hezekiah has been unearthed in Jerusalem. The tiny oval piece of clay bears the impression of a sun with two wings turned downward, flanked by two ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs that symbolize 'life'.
  13. Upvote
    larryrobinson reacted to Queen Esther in A nice experience - A blind brother and his seeing dog ... (and a video !)   
    All  ok  my  Brother ?  Normal  you  answered  very  quickly...   Greetings  from  Germany ❤
  14. Upvote
    larryrobinson reacted to Queen Esther in Jehovah’s Witnesses Seek Justice in Appeal Against Warning ! On January 16, 2017, at 11:10 a.m. in Russia, (read more)   
    The Administrative Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia....
    DECEMBER 19, 2016
    Jehovah’s Witnesses Seek Justice in Appeal Against Warning !
    The Moscow City Court has scheduled an appeal hearing in which Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia will challenge the legality of the warning issued to their Administrative Center. On January 16, 2017, at 11:10 a.m., Moscow Standard Time, the court will hear the appeal and will likely hand down its ruling that same day.
    The Witnesses seek to establish that the accusations of “extremist activity” are based on fabricated evidence and false statements that have been manufactured by local authorities to portray sincere worship as criminal activity. In the October 12, 2016, hearing, Judge M. S. Moskalenko of the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow did not allow testimony or video that exposed the illegal actions of some authorities.
    International human rights lawyer James Andrik stated: “Either way, this ruling may prove significant. If the Moscow City Court dismisses the appeal, the Prosecutor General’s Office could act on its threat against the Administrative Center. It could liquidate the Administrative Center and further harass the religious communities of Jehovah’s Witnesses and restrict their worship throughout Russia. If, on the other hand, the court upholds the appeal, it would be a breakthrough for justice.”
     ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.  ❤ ❤ ❤  ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.  ❤ ❤ ❤
  15. Upvote
    larryrobinson reacted to Queen Esther in Jehovah’s Witnesses Seek Justice in Appeal Against Warning ! On January 16, 2017, at 11:10 a.m. in Russia, (read more)   
    @Bible Speaks  Yes, only a little while....  But we still have hard times before ! Maybe in all Countries, around the world ?
  16. Upvote
    larryrobinson reacted to Queen Esther in Doomsday Fears to a Large Nuclear War?   
    I  don't  believe,  Jehovah  will  accept  a  Nuclear  WAR....  The  beautiful  Earth  NEVER  will  be  destroyed !  HE  promised  that  in  the  Bible ❤
  17. Upvote
    larryrobinson reacted to Queen Esther in YES... you can talk with me about God's Kingdom !   
    What  a  cute,  heart - melting  picture ❤   YES...  tell  me  about  God's  Kingdom  please !
  18. Upvote
    larryrobinson reacted to Queen Esther in A NICE DAILY TEXT GLEANINGS - FOR THE 14. JAN. !   
     ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.  ❤ ❤ ❤
  19. Upvote
    larryrobinson reacted to Queen Esther in The earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah, Isaiah 11:9 - 2 new beautiful pictures !   
    Isaiah  11 : 9
     9 They will not cause any harm
    Or any ruin in all my holy mountain,
    Because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah
    As the waters cover the sea.
     ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.  ❤ ❤ ❤
  20. Upvote
    larryrobinson reacted to Queen Esther in After the green parrot... now a new one ;-) helping us alot by preaching ! ( I look for some other Sweeties !)   
    After  the  green  parrot...  now  a  new  one  ;-)   helping  us  alot  by  preaching !
    Yes,  we  know,  Jehovah  using  also  animals  for  that,  like  the  doggie  for  blind  humans...  Suddenly  we  got  a  new  Brother !
    Jehovah  can  see  into  our  hearts ❤
  21. Upvote
    larryrobinson reacted to Queen Esther in A very rare JW story - Forest & Helen ❤   
    Forest and Helen were born the same day, were 75 years married and died one day after they were at the age of 94 years. "She did not want to see him dead, and he did not want to live without her." Their friends and family agree: if two people were getting "one for the other", that were Helen and Forest
    Both date from the same day, December 31, 1918. Helen and Forest were in love with each other for years, schools and this year marks the 75th anniversary of their wedding. Unfortunately was the last one. Helen died on July 16, and Forest died the next day, July 17, 2013. They were both 94 years old.
    "It was true love," says her eldest son, - "They were together every day for 75 years." Daniel, her son. "My mother always said that I did not want to see how my father's Muria, and he did not want to live without it"
    The children said that their parents met in high school, "Huntington Park" (California). 17 September 1937 and they ran to marry in against the will of their parents. The fact that Helen was a simple family of working class, while Forest was from a rich family and the family members of the two families thought that his love had no future. But, as if she had.
    Despite the fact that the spouses Brown were born the same day, were completely different people. Okay, with her children, his mother was very strict, and my dad was more relaxed. Like all married couples who were in these years, had some problems. However, Helen and Forest were Jehovah's Witnesses. Her children say that they believe their marriage strengthened, and every day, over and over again confirms his love for the others.
    In addition to the fact that we spent a lot of time for worship in the Kingdom lounge, these old, seven grandchildren, were well known and usually make common visits. Were also close friends with most of his neighbors.
    Bob Brobst, a friend of the family who belongs to the same community of Jehovah's Witnesses, "as it is written in the Bible," they were a flesh, "" he said, adding that always be reminded of how Her friends closer to each other.
    In connection with the death of Forest, had the Parkinson's disease, and Helen, the cancer had stomach on Saturday in the Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, was face to face the Fallen Speech.
    One of the longest marriages in history ...
    "It was true love," says her eldest son, - "They were together every day for 75 years." Daniel, her son. "My mother always said that I did not want to see how my father's Muria, and he did not want to live without it"
    The children said that their parents met in high school, "Huntington Park" (California). 17 September 1937 and they ran to marry in against the will of their parents. The fact that Helen was a simple family of working class, while Forest was from a rich family and the family members of the two families thought that his love had no future. But, as if she had.
    Despite the fact that the spouses Brown were born the same day, were completely different people. Okay, with her children, his mother was very strict, and my dad was more relaxed. Like all married couples who were in these years, had some problems. However, Helen and Forest were Jehovah's Witnesses. Her children say that they believe their marriage strengthened, and every day, over and over again confirms his love for the others.
    In addition to the fact that we spent a lot of time for worship in the Kingdom lounge, these old, seven grandchildren, were well known and usually make common visits. Were also close friends with most of his neighbors.
    Bob Brobst, a friend of the family who belongs to the same community of Jehovah's Witnesses, "as it is written in the Bible," they were a flesh, "" he said, adding that always be reminded of how Her friends closer to each other.
    In connection with the death of Forest, had the Parkinson's disease, and Helen, the cancer had stomach on Saturday in the Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, was face to face the Fallen Speech.
    One of the longest marriages in the history. 
    ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.  ❤ ❤ ❤
  22. Upvote
    larryrobinson reacted to Bible Speaks in A nice experience - A blind brother and his seeing dog ... (and a video !)   
    Queen Esther: May you find joy and peace today from Jehovah!
  23. Upvote
    larryrobinson reacted to Bible Speaks in A nice experience - A blind brother and his seeing dog ... (and a video !)   
    Queen Esther: May you find joy and peace today from Jehovah!
  24. Upvote
    larryrobinson reacted to Bible Speaks in A nice experience - A blind brother and his seeing dog ... (and a video !)   
    Queen Esther:
    What a wonderful experience!
    We are not "blind", we "know" where we should be and when! Let's take advantage of this wonderful spiritual food to keep us strong now, so when persecution comes we can remember all these things and spiritual gems for our survival. Be Blessed, put Jehovah first in our lives. Agape, Bible Speaks 

  25. Upvote
    larryrobinson reacted to Queen Esther in A nice experience - A blind brother and his seeing dog ... (and a video !)   
    @Bible Speaks Thanks for your nice answer  ???
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