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  1. Hello my loved ones.

    ahhl.pngYou remember the attack in Finland (in Turku) Two people were killed and unfortunately one of our sisters paid the high price. Know one thing, where our sister lost her life now, a Kiosk. Yes, the government has built a small house, or our Brothers and Sisters are protected, but there is also a canopy against the rain, and in the same shelter, the displays and magazines may have remained. Superb testimony

  2. Kurt. I'm sorry, I did not read all your post, that makes me repeat your question. Have a nice day. Philippe
  3. Hello my beloved brothers and sisters. I have just received from one of my contacts the minutes of the first hearing. Good it is in Russian, but you can use a translator (Google for example) https://jw-russia.org/pages/17071316-192.html It is the official website of our Brothers and Sisters of Russia. Fraternally. Your Brother in Faith Philippe
  4. http://www.worldreligionnews.com/issues/discrimination-jehovahs-witnesses-worse-ban-put-place Fraternally your Brother from Belgium
  5. Hello my beloved brothers and sisters. After Angela Merkel, here are the Italian MPs ask questions to the Italian Parliament


    Fraternally Philip


    1. ARchiv@L


      thank you very much @Philippe, !! I am adding on the english page for all !

      greetings :)

  6. L'histoire de notre sœur et similaire à la mienne, j'ai été pendant 31 ans militaire, j'étais sous officier d'élite dans une unité de combat. Et il m'a fallu combattre pour en sortir, j'ai dû passer devant des instances pour être libéré car j'étais militaire de carrière et c'est vraiment devant la toute dernière instance que j'ai senti la main de Jéhovah, en même pas cinq minutes j'ai été libéré de mes obligations. J'étais libre et quelques mois après je prenais mon baptême. Fraternellement
  7. Here's a great photo, what I like is the theme of the article of the watchtower of October 2015. An article at the right time in the right place
  8. Hello my beloved Brothers and Sisters. Excuse me but my mother tongue is French, So I use a translator. Worldwide we had or we will have our constituency meeting "remain faithful to Jehovah" Here is a site that presents a meeting held in Barcelona (Spain). The title is "THE JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES RALLY 1000 FRENCH SPEAKING IN BARCELONA.


  9. Hello everyone, this Weekend there were in Marche en Famenne (Belgium) our district meeting. On Saturday, 08.02.2016 we had the privilege of having 39 new brothers and sisters. And my son has become our brother
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