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    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in WHO WAS ABIGAIL? - HOW WAS SHE AN EXAMPLE FOR WOMEN TODAY? – ??‍♀️??‍♀️????????‍♀️   
    Originally, the wife of wealthy Nabal from Maon, a city on the edge of the Wilderness of Judah, W of the Dead Sea. (1Sa 25:2, 3; Jos 15:20, 55) She was “good in discretion and beautiful in form,” while her first husband, whose name means “Senseless; Stupid,” was “harsh and bad in his practices.”
    Following the prophet Samuel’s death, David and his men moved into the area where the flocks of Abigail’s husband were pastured. David’s men thereafter were like a protective “wall” around Nabal’s shepherds and flocks, night and day. So, when shearing time came, David sent some young men up to Carmel to call Nabal’s attention to the good service rendered him and to request an offering of food from him. (1Sa 25:4-8,15, 16) 
    But miserly Nabal screamed rebukes at them and insulted David as if he were an inconsequential person, and all of them as if they were possibly runaway slaves. (1Sa 25:9-11, 14) This so angered David that he girded on his sword and led about 400 men toward Carmel to wipe out Nabal and the men of his household.—1Sa 25:12, 13, 21, 22.
    Abigail, hearing of the incident through a disturbed servant, showed her wise perception by immediately rounding up an ample supply of food and grain and then sent these ahead of her in care of her servants, much as Jacob had done before making contact with Esau. (1Sa 25:14-19; Ge 32:13-20) 
    Without saying anything to her husband, she rode to meet David, and in a long and fervent plea, which manifested wisdom and logic as well as respect and humility, she convinced David that her husband’s senseless words did not justify the unrighteous shedding of blood or the failure to trust in Jehovah to settle the matter in a right way himself. (1Sa 25:14-20, 23-31) David thanked God for the woman’s good sense and quick action.—1Sa 25:32-35; compare Pr 25:21, 22; 15:1, 2.
    Returning home, Abigail waited for her husband to sober up from a drunken feast and then informed him of her actions. Now “his heart came to be dead inside him, and he himself became as a stone,” and after ten days Jehovah caused him to expire. 
    When the news reached David, he sent a marriage proposal to Abigail, which she did not hesitate to accept. She shared David’s affections along with Ahinoam, a Jezreelitess, whom David had previously taken as wife. David’s first wife, Michal, had already been given by her father Saul to another man.—1Sa 25:36-44.
    Abigail was with David in Gath on the western edge of the Shephelah and later down in the NW Negeb at Ziklag. During David’s absence a raiding party of Amalekites from the S burned Ziklag and carried off all the women and children, including Abigail and Ahinoam. Assured by Jehovah of success, David led his men in pursuit and, in a surprise attack, overcame the Amalekites and retrieved the captives and possessions.—1Sa 30:1-19.
    What initiative did Abigail take?
    Think also of Abigail, the wife of Nabal. When David was fleeing from jealous King Saul, he spent time encamped near Nabal’s flocks. Instead of taking any of this wealthy man’s many possessions, David and his men protected his property. However, Nabal “was harsh and bad in his practices,” and he “screamed rebukes” at David’s men. He was a “good-for-nothing man,” and ‘senselessness was with him.’ 
    When David’s men respectfully asked for some provisions, Nabal refused. How did Abigail respond when she heard what had happened? Without telling Nabal, she “hastened and took two hundred loaves of bread and two large jars of wine and five sheep dressed and five seah measures of roasted grain and a hundred cakes of raisins and two hundred cakes of pressed figs” and gave them to David and his men. Did Abigail do what was right? “Jehovah struck Nabal,” states the Bible, “so that he died.” David later married Abigail.—1 Sam. 25:3, 14-19, 23-25, 38-42.

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    Alexa reacted to Queen Esther in WHEN DOES THE GREAT TRIBULATION BEGIN?   
    "The  “Great  Tribulation.”
    When answering the question of his disciples concerning the sign of his presence and the conclusion of the system of things, Jesus mentioned a “great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.” (Mt 24:3, 21) As a comparison of Matthew 24:15-22 with Luke 21:20-24 reveals, this had initial reference to a tribulation to come upon Jerusalem. The fulfillment came in 70 C.E., when the city was besieged by the Roman armies under General Titus. This resulted in severe famine conditions and much loss of life. The Jewish historian Josephus relates that 1,100,000 Jews died or were killed, whereas 97,000 survived and were taken into captivity. The temple was completely destroyed. Contrary to the wish of the Roman commander Titus, Roman soldiers set the temple itself on fire. According to Josephus, this took place in the same month and on the same day that the Babylonians had burned the former temple on this site. (The Jewish War, VI, 249-270 [iv, 5-8], 420 [ix, 3]; 2Ki 25:8, 9) The temple destroyed by the Romans has never been rebuilt. Such a “great tribulation” has not occurred again or been repeated upon Jerusalem. Nevertheless, Biblical evidence indicates that the tribulation upon Jerusalem in 70 C.E. pointed forward to a far greater tribulation, one affecting all nations.
    Jesus continued his prophecy by describing events that would occur during the centuries after Jerusalem’s destruction. (Mt 24:23-28; Mr 13:21-23) Then, at Matthew 24:29, he added that “immediately after the tribulation of those days,” there would be fear-inspiring celestial phenomena. Mark 13:24, 25 says that these phenomena would take place “in those days, after that tribulation.” (See also Lu 21:25, 26.) To what “tribulation” did Jesus there refer?
    Some Bible commentators have reasoned that it was the tribulation that came upon Jerusalem in 70 C.E., though they also realized that the events described thereafter evidently would take place at a time that, from a human standpoint, was then distant. They reasoned that the expression “immediately after” conveyed God’s perspective of the time involved or that the certainty of what was to occur was being expressed by language that placed the events immediately before the reader.
    However, since the prophecy at Matthew 24:4-22 (also Mr 13:5-20 and Lu 21:8-24a) clearly has a dual fulfillment, might the “tribulation” referred to at Matthew 24:29 and Mark 13:24 be the “tribulation” during the second and final fulfillment of what was foretold at Matthew 24:21 and Mark 13:19? Viewed in the light of the Bible as a whole, this seems most likely. Do the terms used in the Greek text allow for such a view? Definitely. When Matthew 24:29 refers to “those days” and when Mark 13:24 mentions “those days” and “that tribulation,” the Greek grammar does allow for such an understanding. It seems that Jesus’ prophecy is saying that after the outbreak of the coming global tribulation, there will be striking phenomena (as represented by sun and moon being darkened, stars falling, and powers of heaven being shaken) as well as fulfillment of “the sign of the Son of man.”
    About three decades after Jerusalem’s destruction, the apostle John, with reference to a great crowd of persons from all nations, tribes, and peoples, was told: “These are the ones that come out of the great tribulation.” (Re 7:13, 14) Earlier, the apostle John had seen “four angels” holding back destructive winds so that the sealing of the 144,000 slaves of God might be completed. This sealing evidently links up with the ‘gathering of the chosen ones’ that Jesus foretold. (Mt 24:31) Accordingly, the final destructive fury of the “great tribulation” must come after the chosen ones have been gathered and their sealing is completed and when the four angels release the four winds to blow upon the earth, sea, and trees. (Re 7:1-4) The fact that a great crowd ‘comes out of the great tribulation’ shows that they survive it. This is confirmed by a similar expression at Acts 7:9, 10: “God was with [Joseph], and he delivered him out of all his tribulations.” Joseph’s being delivered out of all his tribulations meant not only that he was enabled to endure them but also that he survived the afflictions he experienced.
    It is noteworthy that the apostle Paul referred to the execution of God’s judgment upon the ungodly as tribulation. He wrote: “This takes into account that it is righteous on God’s part to repay tribulation to those who make tribulation for you, but, to you who suffer tribulation, relief along with us at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance upon those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus.” (2Th 1:6-8)
    The book of Revelation shows that “Babylon the Great” and “the wild beast” have brought tribulation upon God’s holy ones. (Re 13:3-10; 17:5, 6) It therefore logically follows that the tribulation to come upon “Babylon the Great” and “the wild beast” is included in the “great tribulation.”—Re 18:20; 19:11-21.
  3. Like
    Alexa reacted to Queen Esther in Daily Text for Sunday, October 1. 2017   
    Those whom he foreordained are the ones he also called.—Rom. 8:30.
    Jehovah began choosing anointed ones after Jesus’ death and resurrection, and it seems that all in the first-century Christian congregation were anointed. From the first century until the beginning of the last days, the vast majority of those who claimed to follow Christ were false Christians; Jesus likened them to “weeds.” Even so, Jehovah continued to anoint some faithful ones throughout that time, and they proved to be like the “wheat” Jesus described. (Matt. 13:24-30) During the last days, Jehovah has continued to select those who will make up the 144,000. If he chooses to wait until late into that period to select some for that privilege, who are we to question his wisdom? (Isa. 45:9; Dan. 4:35; Rom. 9:11, 16) We must be careful not to react like the disgruntled workers who complained about the way their master dealt with the 11th-hour workers.—Matt. 20:8-15. w16.01 4:15
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    Alexa reacted to Queen Esther in Daily Text for September 30, 2017   
    The wind blows where it wants to, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from and where it is going. So it is with everyone who has been born from the spirit.—John 3:8.
    Those who have been invited in such a manner may wonder: ‘Why have I been selected? Why me and not someone else?’ They may even question their own worthiness. But they do not question the fact that they have been invited. Their hearts are bursting with joy and appreciation. They feel much as did Peter when he said under inspiration: “Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for according to his great mercy he gave us a new birth to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an incorruptible and undefiled and unfading inheritance. It is reserved in the heavens for you.” (1 Pet. 1:3, 4) When anointed ones read those words, they know without any doubt that their heavenly Father is speaking to them personally. w16.01 3:11, 12
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    Alexa reacted to Queen Esther in Door-to-Door on Naboo   
    Yes,  I will ask my son !
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    Alexa reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Door-to-Door on Naboo   
    It is very common in America to make fun of EVERYTHING.
    NOTHING is sacred, except the flag, which is worshiped.
    During the World War I trench warfare between France and Germany, the Germans hurled insults across "no man's land" to the Americans, "Your President is a low down BASTARD!"
    The Americans yelled back "YES! He IS!"
    .... ask your son if he understands what is actually being said when Harrison Ford says "I shot first".
    ..... here is the whole story ....
  7. Like
    Alexa reacted to Queen Esther in Door-to-Door on Naboo   
    Thanks for your comment,  @James Thomas Rook Jr.   
    Hey,  I like some of these many  STAR WARS  movies !  I invited my little son and my husband to the first Episode lV  in a cinema  My son is a cool freak of all Episodes.  The newest part maybe comes end of the year to Germany....
    The only one thing is, I not understand, this mix with JW ?  Does it be typical for some Americans?  Thats alot of humor !  I also have alot humor,  I love to laugh   its little different in the details.  Other country,  other humor,  thats normal !   Greetings and best wishes from far Germany in the north... ???
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    Alexa reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Door-to-Door on Naboo   
    Yes, Naboo is a planet in the Star Wars epics.  Every detail of the Star Wars movies serve as humor and cultural references here in the United States.  
    It is "understood" that unless you have been isolated, and living in a cave for the past 40 years, that you instantly understand the cultural references, and sub-references, and nested sub-references.
    If you saw a picture of Star Wars actor Harrison Ford (Hans Solo) holding up a sign saying "I shot first.", somewhere around 75% of people my age who are regular movie-goers, would know EXACTLY why that is funny, and tell you why.
    It's  LONG story, that starts in 1977 or thereabouts.

    Hmmmm... I wonder how many instantly know this reference that come here to the JW-Archive?
  9. Haha
    Alexa reacted to Queen Esther in Door-to-Door on Naboo   
    Sorry,  but  I  don't  understand  that  weird  "Darth Vader"  door to door  walking    NEVER  SEEN....
    Nothings  to  do  with  JW,  I  think  so  -  otherwise,  explain  me  please.  THANKS
    Google  said,  its  from  "STAR - WARS"....
  10. Like
    Alexa reacted to The Librarian in Door-to-Door on Naboo   
    See also:
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    Alexa reacted to The Librarian in Door-to-Door on Naboo   
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    Alexa reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Monday, October 2. 2017   
    Take, please, your son, your only son whom you so love, Isaac, and travel to the land of Moriah and offer him up there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I will designate to you.—Gen. 22:2.
    God does not make such requests of us today. But he does ask us to obey him even when his commands are hard for us to comply with or we cannot comprehend the reasons for them. Can you think of something that God asks of you that you find difficult to do? For some, it may be the preaching work. Perhaps they struggle with shyness, making it hard for them to approach strangers with the good news. For others, it may be the challenge of standing out as different, perhaps at school or in the workplace. (Ex. 23:2; 1 Thess. 2:2) Do you ever feel like Abraham, as if you are trudging up that slope in Moriah, facing a task that seems beyond you? If you do, take courage from Abraham and his faith! Meditating on examples of faithful men and women can move us to imitate them and draw close to Jehovah as our Friend.—Heb. 12:1, 2. w16.02 1:3, 14
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    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in The New Images of the Public Testimony Carts with Unified Signs for all Countries. ???   
    The New Images of the Public Testimony Carts with Unified Signs for all Countries.
    Coming Soon - Unitedly!  ???

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    Alexa reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Las Vegas concert is deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history with at least 50 fatalities   
    Footage with sound of gunshots from music concert at Las Vegas Casino
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    Alexa reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Elon Musk wants to blast you from New York to London in 29 minutes...   
    via TheWorldNewsOrgWorld News
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    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in The End of the World – ???☄️???​​​​​​​   
    The End of the World ???☄️???
    “The world is passing away and so is its desire,” says 1 John 2:17. What is that “world”? How and when will it pass away?
    The end will come in two main stages. First, God will destroy organized false religion, portrayed as a prostitute named “Babylon the Great.” (Revelation 17:1-5; 18:8) While professing loyalty to God, she has consorted with the world’s political leaders. These very rulers, however, will turn on her. “[They] will hate the prostitute and will make her devastated and naked, and they will eat up her flesh [or, riches] and completely burn her with fire.”—Revelation 17:16.
    Next, God will turn his attention to the political rulers themselves—“the kings of the entire inhabited earth.” Along with wicked people in general, these will be destroyed in “the war of the great day of God the Almighty,” also called “Armageddon.”—Revelation 16:14, 16.
    “Seek Jehovah, all you meek ones of the earth . . . Seek righteousness, seek meekness. Probably you will be concealed on the day of Jehovah’s anger.”—Zephaniah 2:3.
    The end will come when mankind has been sufficiently warned by a global proclamation of God’s Kingdom—a world government that will replace human rulership. (Daniel 7:13, 14) Jesus Christ said: “This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14) That preaching work, which reflects God’s justice and mercy, is part of a composite “sign” marking the time of the end. The sign also includes international warfare, earthquakes, famine, and disease.—Matthew 24:3; Luke 21:10, 11.
    Besides foretelling world events, the Bible also gives us a social profile of “the last days.” We read: “Critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, . . . disobedient to parents, . . . without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, . . . lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God.”*—2 Timothy 3:1-5.
    “Keep on the watch, therefore, because you know neither the day nor the hour.”—Matthew 25:13.

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    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in Be Wise—Fear God! –?????   
    Be Wise—Fear God! –?????
    “The fear of Jehovah is the start of wisdom.” (Proverbs 9:10)
    “Do not be afraid on their account. Jehovah the great and the fear-inspiring One keep in your mind.” (Nehemiah 4:14)
  24. Thanks
    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in ARE YOU STRUGGLING TODAY? - ♦️????♦️   
    “Friends, I am aware that many of my readers are feeling lost, whether inactive, living in a divided household, struggling or disfellowshipped. Take courage everyone! 
    At John 16:33, Jesus forewarned us that we would have tribulation in this world, but he has conquered this world. 
    Lately we have been receiving amazing information from the faithful and discreet slave both in the Watchtower and on air, that faithful ones will not need to fear the great tribulation, that there will be instruction given and those who follow just so will be able to raise their head erect and see their salvation. 
    This would seemingly mean that our toughest time is now, leading up to that tribulation. 
    Who among us is not undergoing something monumental and devastating? How many of us feel distanced from the friends? Alone in our struggles? 
    Well we are not alone!!! It is not unexpected! 1 Peter 4:12 Beloved ones, do not be surprised about the fiery trials that you are experiencing, as though something strange were happening to you.
    The time is now to purify our hearts, beg for strength, constantly pray for holy spirit for all of our brothers and sisters, and then act. 
    WE MUST CENTER OURSELVES IN THE CONGREGATION! NOW!!!! Show love for others, even if we aren’t feeling it completely. 
    The more we are in action the greater our momentum will be. If someone were choking and you knew the Heimlich Maneuver, would you just let them choke? 
    Well most of us are choking on the demonic air of this system. Let us perform saving acts in each others behalf, only then can we grow stronger. 
    If you are outside of the congregation , then right now, not later today, right now pray, then reach out to an elder. If you know someone weak, then right now, pray for them and reach out to them. 
    That is what will help us get through this, the love of Jehovah and the love of each other. 
    (James 1:12 says): "Happy is the man who keeps on enduring trial, because on becoming approved he will receive the crown of life, which Jehovah promised to those who continue loving Him.” 
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    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in Australia, 1400 witnesses meeting at the Regional Convention, Don't Give Up! ???   
    Australia, 1400 witnesses meeting at the Regional Convention, Don't Give Up! 
     The Annual Convention was attended by Witnesses of 22 congregations extending from half the north coast to Southern Queensland, and another 2000 of 26 other congregations attending the same Convention this weekend. ???

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