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    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in Don't Give Up Convention - Chesterfield, England ???   
    Don't Give Up Convention - Chesterfield, England ???
    Tap on Video Link mp4 ______Enjoy!
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    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in Piano - Song 135 "Jehovah's Warm Appeal: "Be Wise, My Son" ?????   
    Thank you ???????
    Song 135 "Jehovah's Warm Appeal: "Be Wise, My Son"
    #jw #jwitalia #jwitaly #jwworld #jehovahswitnesses #singtojehovah #jwmusic #jwrome #jwonly #jwfriends #jworg #jwbrasil #jwfamily
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    Tap on Video Link mp4 ____Enjoy! 

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    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in Don't Give Up Regional Convention - 2017 - in Kerala, India. ???   
    Don't Give Up Regional Convention  - 2017  - in Kerala, India. ???

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    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in JEHOVAH FORGIVES IN A LARGE WAY! - HE TRULY IS ONLY GOOD! ???   
    (Psalm 86:5) For you, O Jehovah, are good and ready to forgive; And the loving-kindness to all those calling upon you is abundant."
    GOOD - ?
    (Psalm 25:8) Good and upright is Jehovah. That is why he instructs sinners in the way."
    (Psalm 145:9) Jehovah is good to all, And his mercies are over all his works."
    (Luke 18:19) Jesus said to him: “Why do you call me good? Nobody is good, except one, God."
    FORGIVE - ?
    (Nehemiah 9:17) So they refused to listen, and they did not remember your wonderful acts that you performed with them, but they hardened their neck and appointed a head to return to their servitude in Egypt. But you are a God of acts of forgiveness, gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness, and you did not leave them."
    (Isaiah 55:7) Let the wicked man leave his way, and the harmful man his thoughts; and let him return to Jehovah, who will have mercy upon him, and to our God, for he will forgive in a large way."
    (Daniel 9:9) To Jehovah our God belong the mercies and the acts of forgiveness, for we have rebelled against him."
    (Joel 2:13) And rip apart YOUR hearts, and not YOUR garments; and come back to Jehovah YOUR God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness, and he will certainly feel regret on account of the calamity."
    (Micah 7:18) Who is a God like you, one pardoning error and passing over transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? He will certainly not hold onto his anger forever, for he is delighting in loving-kindness."
    ABUNDANT - ?
    (Psalm 130:7) Let Israel keep waiting for Jehovah. For there is loving-kindness with Jehovah, And abundantly so is there redemption with him."
    (Romans 10:13) For “everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.” 

  8. Thanks
    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in They Sacrificed Their Sons and Daughters To Idol Of Canaan - ???   
    ● “You must not practice magic.”—Leviticus 19:26.
    ● “As for a man or woman in whom there proves to be a mediumistic spirit or spirit of prediction, they should be put to death without fail.”—Leviticus 20:27.
    ● “There should not be found in you . . . a practicer of magic or anyone who looks for omens or a sorcerer, or one who binds others with a spell or anyone who consults a spirit medium.”—Deuteronomy 18:10-14.
    These laws made it clear that God did not want his people to practice magic. Jehovah gave these laws to his people because he loved them and did not want them to become enslaved to fear and superstition. He did not want them to be oppressed by the demons.
    Though the Bible does not go into detail concerning what the demons can and cannot do, it does show that Jehovah God is far more powerful than Satan and his demons. Jehovah had Satan cast out of heaven. (Revelation 12:9) Notice, too, that Satan asked permission to test Job and obeyed God’s warning not to kill Job.—Job 2:4-6.
    Proverbs 18:10 says: “The name of Jehovah is a strong tower. Into it the righteous runs and is given protection.” So we should look to Jehovah for protection. God’s servants do not look to charms or medicines to protect them against the evil deeds of Satan and the demons, nor do they fear the spells of sorcerers. God’s servants believe what the Bible says: “As regards Jehovah, his eyes are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him.”—2 Chronicles 16:9.
    You too can have this confidence if you serve Jehovah. James 4:7 says: “Subject yourselves, therefore, to God; but oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you.” If you serve the true God, subjecting yourself to him, you can be sure that Jehovah will protect you.
    Contributed ???

  9. Sad
    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in Berner Spittal refused to operate on one of Jehovah's WItnesses   
    Berner Spittal refused to operate the Jehovah's witnesses, rightly at a  hospital in Bern and refused to operate a Jehovah's witness.
    The patient wouldn't have accepted the blood transfusion in an emergency. The man filed a complaint for racial discrimination, but was presented in the court.
    "just let us not eat the blood, because blood is the soul, and you will not eat the soul with the flesh".
    There are similar passages in the Bible, which incited the members of Jehovah's witnesses, whom he often refers to as a cult, to give up blood transfusions in medical treatment.
    For Doctors, however, this desire is a dilemma for complications during surgery: on the one hand the salvation of life takes place with a simple measure, on the other, the right to self-determination of the patient.
    A list hospital in the canton of Bern recently completely avoided this problem. He refused to allow Jehovah's witnesses to perform surgery on a disc hernia.
    The patient was subsequently treated in another clinic, but filed a criminal complaint with the prosecution. The allegations are, Inter Alia, attempted to coerce the law on hospital supply and racial discrimination.
    The prosecutor, however, did not take the procedure. On the other hand, Jehovah's witnesses filed a complaint. The Supreme Court also concluded, in a main ruling, that the hospital had not violated any law.
    Emergency situation for the patient?
    The story began in September 2015. at that time, an assistant physician registered Jehovah's witnesses in a first hospital for the functioning of the disc.
    After an interview with the anesthesiologist, the patient refused to sign a declaration of consent specially created for the members of the community of faith. It should be noted that blood transfusions can be carried out in an emergency.
    Because the patient did not want this, the anesthesiologist informed the doctor that the operation could not be performed. For the hospital, he wasn't ready to "let a patient bleed to death".
    The Jehovah's witness, however, felt that " there was no reason to consider a blood transfusion ". it was a " little routine operation ".
    If he had not mentioned that he was a Jehovah's witness, blood transfusion would never have been a problem, which he believes. With the consent, the hospital took him in an emergency situation where he had to decide "very vulnerable" between his religious convictions and his state of health.
    No racial discrimination
    On the other hand, the first treatment hospital argued that discrimination against a particular religious community was not the objective of the declaration of consent.
    The point is that a treatment can also be carried out in the case of a bleeding emergency according to the rules of medical art - called lege artis. Furthermore, the risk of a stronger bleeding "is not simply insignificant".
    Both the public prosecutor and the judges appear in their comments next to the hospital. In particular, the fact of racial discrimination is not applicable.
    Although a list hospital is in principle subject to treatment. In addition, Jehovah's witnesses would meet the prerequisites to be protected as a religious group by the discrimination against racism act.
    The decisive factor is not the size of the group, but is regarded as such by its members and externally.
    Bleeding is always possible
    However, racial discrimination would only be present if a clinic refused to provide services to persons for their race, ethnic origin or religion under the same conditions as those offered to the public. In the present case, this is not true.
    Jehovah's Witnesses demanded a restriction in the form of renunciation of blood transfusions. He also accepted his death in complications. However, Professional Ethics require a doctor to do everything in his power to save a human life.
    For this reason, the health act stipulates that no doctor may be forced to receive treatment that does not correspond to his "ethical or religious beliefs". nor is it relevant, as is likely to be a strong bleeding during an operation. This is always possible and must be taken into account.
    The operation was not an emergency.
    The judges also consider the accusation of coercion to be untenable. It wasn't an emergency or an urgent operation. In the case of planned interventions, a hospital is free to decide whether treatment is acceptable or not under the desired conditions.
    Furthermore, the clinic did not want Jehovah's Witnesses to be removed from his confession. He wanted to prevent medical personnel from being "forced to leave a possible reasonable measure in a treatable emergency".
    Finally, the judges also conclude that the case is purely theoretical. After the cancellation, the doctor could find another hospital where the operation could be carried out under the conditions sought by the patient and even at the scheduled date. Therefore, the contested service had been fully provided. (newspaper)

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    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in School for Kingdom Evangelisers, Ireland Schools Facility. ? ??   
    Thank you for your support! Jehovah   bless you! ???
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    Alexa reacted to The Librarian in Iran Stands Up to the United States   
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    Alexa reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Iran tests two missiles ‘capable of reaching Israel’   
    Courtesy of USA President Johnson, Israel has more than 230 atomic bombs, and the capability, AND THE POLITICAL WILL ...   to deliver them to anyone, anywhere.
    Iran would be MADMEN to attempt to destroy Israel.
    Oh wait ... they ARE madmen.
    .... nevermind.
  14. Upvote
    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in Children Love ❤️ Jehovah! - Handsome young man! ????   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr.
    I had four children! If they Love ❤️ Jehovah it will be with them forever! I am grateful that I have those gifts ? Yes discipline was so important even in a divided Christian family? Grateful I played correctly by example and low to behold they now express that today. You can train a tree, but the roots have their own mind. Never give up! Children imitate their parents. Grateful they saw the good side, the loving side and grateful I'm alive to see them grow up. Grandchildren are so good for the soul. Glad they go home after though!! ?????????
  15. Haha
    Alexa reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Children Love ❤️ Jehovah! - Handsome young man! ????   
    Children Love ❤️ Jehovah! - Handsome young man!
    I remember my adopted son, Amos ... ugly as homemade sin ... we had to chain him to the rafters in the attic when he was naughty.
    We never even once yelled at him or struck him... he REALLY loved to eat ... it was enough to not give him his slop bucket full of fish heads and table scraps.
    His biggest fault was when we had him on a "Timeout" to calm down .... the way he used to scratch the insides of the microwave.
  16. Upvote
    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in Children Love ❤️ Jehovah! - Handsome young man! ????   
    Children Love ?? Jehovah! - Handsome young man! ????
    Keep Your Standards High and Children Will Follow ????????????
    Family Life: Many parents are worried about raising their children in a world filled with unwholesome influences. Considering the following advice can help: “Train up a boy according to the way for him; even when he grows old he will not turn aside from it.”
    1."As children grow older, they need “the way,” a set of standards to meet. More and more specialists have come to realize the importance of providing beneficial rules for children. Wise parental standards give children a feeling of security. In addition: “The rod and reproof are what give wisdom; but a boy let on the loose will be causing his mother shame.”
    2. “The rod” refers to parental authority that must be applied lovingly to prevent children from going astray. Wielding such authority does not involve abusing the child in any way. The counsel to parents is: “Do not be exasperating your children, so that they do not become downhearted.”3

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    Alexa reacted to The Librarian in Iran tests two missiles ‘capable of reaching Israel’   
    Iran test-fired two ballistic missiles on Wednesday morning that it said were designed to be able to hit Israel, Reuters reported. Two Qadr missiles were fired from northern Iran which reportedly hit targets in the southeast of the country 1,400km away. The nearest point in Iran is around 1,000km from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The launches followed the test-firing of several missiles on Tuesday as part of a major military exercise, defying a threat of new sanctions from the US.
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    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in What Is Your Destination? ????⛴?   
    What Is Your Destination?
    Illustration from an Elder who heard          the story from an Overseer:
    The last trip on the bus is not always the best trip you will ever ride. 
    Usually you’ll find all sorts of people here. They want to get to their destination. 
    YOU want to get to your destination—in your peaceful silent home. Get some rest maybe after a long and tiring day. 
    Some probably had a bad day.. some are coping. Some have difficulties in life… some are in trouble. It is not as peaceful as it could seem and the last trip is usually compact. Its not even comfortable to be sitting next to a perspiring or a sleeping passenger.. not to mention their flaws and their temperamental moments. But one thing is for sure, YOU want to get home and get some good rest. 
    Now here’s a situation: How will you cope if a passenger had hit you— whether intentionally or not? Will you get mad, shout at him/her, and get out of the bus knowing that it is the LAST trip? Or would you rather be at peace and ignore the pain that it caused you? 
    We are figuratively on the last trip. Our destination is the promised paradise. The passengers we are with are the brothers and sisters in the congregation. The bus is the Organization. We all wanted to get to our destination. 
    Our journey may not be as pleasant as it seems as we are dealing with imperfect brothers and sisters. 
    Nevertheless, we still want to get to our destination. If a brother or sister hurt our feelings (or vise-versa), will we get out from the LAST trip—-and get out of the Organization? 
    Stumbling is not a choice. Our aim is to get to our destination— the PARADISE. 
    May we always show a forgiving spirit, endurance, and cultivate love for one another as we continue on our difficult journey in Satan’s system. (Col. 3:13) 

  19. Like
    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in The Pagan Catholic Sect, gets into Politics in Spain   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr.
    So much history here! Hitler himself was a Catholic, I have pictures of him a little boy going to Catholic school. Many pictures also of men and chaplains blessing the guns to war and kissing them even to bless them to go kill other Christians in the of Jesus Christ? History is still proof it continues until its Jehovah's time to bring to ruin false religion, political nations that oppose His Rulership!! In the book ? of Revelation it says they are so blood guilty the blood is up to the bridle of horses ? we know it's symbolic of disgusting in God's sight, no matter how much blood is  spilt. 
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    Alexa reacted to Srecko Sostar in The Pagan Catholic Sect, gets into Politics in Spain   
    if I'm freely commenting, I think that link between religion and politics has existed since ancient times and it is not strange or forbidden. If you are reading Bible reports, like events related to Saul, David, and the priests and prophets, you will see that even then there were links and interests between spiritual and secular. There were spiritual leaders of the people and political leaders of the people. (priests and kings) They sometimes worked harmoniously and sometimes were on opposite sides.
    Priests and prophets had the authority to set up a king, but the people could have set the king too, more precisely to say, the elders of the people. That is very clear from 2. Samuel 5:3.
    The duty and obligation of the prophet, the priest is to care for the interests of the people, to be their shepherd. A similar role exists for the king. Therefore, it is not possible to completely separate religion from politics. If some bible verses can be interpreted how god forbid or condemn  relationship, bonds between church and state  other bible reports gave us other view on the same issue.  
    After all, does not the Book of Revelation describe the rulers of the heavenly kingdom with two opposing titles in one - kings and priests?
  21. Like
    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in The Pagan Catholic Sect, gets into Politics in Spain   
    The Pagan Catholic Sect, gets into Politics in Spain
    The Bishops, hundreds of priests and some "Christian" entities ask the central government to respect the self-government of catalonia and to allow the vote

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    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in HOW CAN WE SHOW LOVE LIKE OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN? – ?❤️??❤️?   
    "God is Love." (1John 4:8)
    (Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.) “Love is patient and kind.” Just as God has shown patience and kindness in dealing with imperfect humans, we need to be patient and kind when others make mistakes and are thoughtless, or even rude. “Love is not jealous,” so true love will not allow us to covet another personÂ’s possessions or privileges in the congregation. Moreover, if we have love, we will not brag or get puffed up with pride. After all, “haughty eyes and an arrogant heart—the lamp that guides the wicked is sin.”—Prov. 21:4.
    Love will cause us to behave in a decent way toward our neighbor. We will not lie to him, steal from him, or do anything else that would violate Jehovah’s laws and principles. Love will also prevent us from looking out only for our own interests instead of showing concernfor those of others.—Phil. 2:4.
    Genuine love is not easily provoked and “does not keep account of the injury,” as though we were making entries in a ledger when others do something unloving. (1 Thess. 5:15) 
    Were we to hold a grudge, we would not be pleasing God and would, in effect, be tending a smoldering fire that could flare up, harming us and others. (Lev. 19:18) 
    Love makes us rejoice with the truth, but it will not allow us to “rejoice over unrighteousness,” even if a person who hates us is mistreated or suffers some injustice.—Read Proverbs 24:17, 18.
    Consider Paul’s further definition of love. He said that love “bears all things.” If someone offends us but asksfor forgiveness, love moves us to forgive him. Love “believes all things” in God’s Word and makes us grateful for the spiritual food we receive. Love “hopes all things” recorded in the Bible and prompts us to give others reasons for our hope. (1 Pet. 3:15) 
    We also pray and hope for the best outcome in trying circumstances. Love “endures all things,” whether these are sins committed against us, persecution, or other trials. Moreover, “love never fails.” It will be displayed by obedient humans throughout all eternity. - Bible Speaks 
    Learn many things in God's Word at:
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    Alexa reacted to JW Insider in Psychopath Test   
    Uh oh! He's got a list!
  24. Like
    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in You Got Heart? ❤️ Serve Jehovah ? With Your Whole Heart!   
    You Got Heart? ?? Serve Jehovah ? With Your Whole Heart! 
    Jeremiah 17:1010 I, Jehovah, am searching the heart, Examining the innermost thoughts,
    To give to each one according to his ways,
    According to the fruitage of his works."
    Not mere outward appearances but what a person really is inside is what counts with God, who is an examiner of hearts. (Pr 17:3; 24:12; Ps 17:3; 1Sa 16:7) So the Scriptures counsel: “More than all else that is to be guarded, safeguard your heart [the whole inner man], for out of it are the sources of life.” (Pr 4:23) And Christian wives are urged to give primary attention, not to external adornment, but to “the secret person of the heart in the incorruptible apparel of the quiet and mild spirit, which is of great value in the eyes of God.”—1Pe 3:3, 4.
    In a number of cases in the Bible where the term “heart” occurs, it evidently focuses attention on the thinking faculties, but not in a sense that would isolate such faculties from the rest of what makes up the inner person. Moses urged the Israelites, “You must call back to your heart [“must recall to your mind,” ftn] that Jehovah is the true God.” And later he told them, “Jehovah has not given you a heart [“mind,” ftn] to know.” (De 4:39; 29:4) Showing that at times the heart, as referred to in both the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Greek Scriptures, includes the intellect are instances where it is associated with “thinking” (Mt 9:4), “reasoning” (Mr 2:6), “understanding” (1Ki 3:12; Mr 6:52), and “knowledge” (Pr 15:14).
    Motivation, the impelling force behind our conduct, is a further vital aspect of the inner person, as represented by the “heart.” Thus, those making contributions for the construction of the tabernacle “came, everyone whose heart impelled him.” (Ex 35:21, 26, 29; 36:2) Wicked Haman “emboldened himself” (literally, filled him as to his heart) to scheme against the Jews. (Es 7:5, ftn; Ac 5:3) Hebrews 4:12 explains that God’s word of promise, like a sharp sword, is able to “discern thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Jesus, too, indicated that from the heart springs the motivating force behind our conduct, whether it is good or bad. (Mt 15:19; Lu 6:45) 
    With a view to our cultivating right motivations, the Bible warns us against allowing our dealings with others to be tainted by a desire for selfish gain (Jude 16) or permitting love of money, a craving for riches, to determine our course of life. (1Ti 6:9, 10; Pr 23:4, 5) 
    Rather, it encourages us to cultivate genuine love for God as a basis for our service to him (1Jo 5:3; De 11:13) and self-sacrificing love as a guide in dealing with fellow believers (Joh 15:12, 13); it also encourages us to make a practice of loving others of our fellowmen as we do ourselves (Lu 10:27-37; Ga 6:10). Obviously, the cultivating of such motivations involves use of the thinking faculties.—Ps 119:2, 24, 111.
    The condition of our figurative heart is reflected in our disposition, our attitude, whether proud or humble. (Pr 16:5; Mt 11:29) Our feelings and emotions are also part of that inner man. These include love (De 6:5; 1Pe 1:22), joy (De 28:47; Joh 16:22), pain and sorrow (Ne 2:2; Ro 9:2), hate (Le 19:17). Thus the heart can be “anxious” (Isa 35:4), “pierced” by affliction (Ps 109:22), ‘melted’ by fear of distresses (De 20:8). In the Christian Greek Scriptures, when the mind is mentioned along with the heart, “mind” refers to the intellect while “heart” refers to the emotions, desires, and feelings of the inner person. For example, Jesus said: “You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.” (Mt 22:37) He thus showed that a person’s desires, feelings, and emotions must express his love for God, but he must also express that love by the way he uses his mental faculties, as by taking in knowledge of God and Christ.—Joh 17:3.
    All such functions, capabilities, emotions, and qualities are ascribed, not to the literal heart organ, but to the figurative heart as representing the total inner personality.
    One seeking to please God must be neither halfhearted nor doublehearted but must serve him with a complete heart. (1Ch 28:9) This requires diligent effort in view of the heartÂ’s being desperate and inclined to badness. (Jer 17:9, 10

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    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in Nice Video on Jehovah's Witnesses and the Holy Land ???   
    Nice Video on Jehovah's Witnesses and the Holy Land – Enjoy! ???

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