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    Alexa reacted to Queen Esther in What meal did your family serve you, when you was a kid, that you absolutely hated, and you've never eaten since you grown up ?   
    except  too  spicy,  too  fat  and  McDonald's - Food !    I  LOVE  COOKING
  3. Upvote
    Alexa reacted to Queen Esther in Nestlé Buys Majority Stake in Blue Bottle   
    Looks  inside  a  little  like  lemon - tea ?     YES ?   Enjoy !  @Nicole
    Nestle'  is  a  brand  coming  from  Switzerland,  thats  right !
    I  made  more  than  20 years  holiday  there
  4. Upvote
    Alexa reacted to The Librarian in Nestlé Buys Majority Stake in Blue Bottle   
    Nescafé is a brand of coffee made by Nestlé. It comes in many different forms. The name is a portmanteau of the words "Nestlé" and "café". Nestlé first introduced their flagship coffee brand in Switzerland on 1 April 1938.
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    Alexa reacted to The Librarian in Nestlé Buys Majority Stake in Blue Bottle   
    Nestle must have a few coffee purists on their board 
    Wanna bet they don't drink Nescafe?
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    Alexa reacted to Queen Esther in Coffee 80 times stronger than espresso could keep you up for 18 hours   
    ESPRESSO  IS  ALOT  HEALTHIER  I  READ  -  bec.  the  especially  preparation...
    For  me  the  taste  is  pretty  strong  -  I  like  more  selfmade  drip  coffee,  sometimes  a  quick - coffee....
    Never  too  strong  bec. heart - beating,  not  nice    BUT  I  LOVE  THE  FRESH  COFFEE  SMELL
  7. Upvote
    Alexa reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Kurdistan: Western countries against referendum choose Kurdistan to set up NGOs   
    Kurdistan: Western countries against referendum choose Kurdistan to set up NGOs
  8. Sad
    Alexa reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Violent youth gangs spread terror in Abidjan   
    Violent youth gangs spread terror in Abidjan
  9. Sad
    Alexa reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in The 51 percent: 'Fake abortion clinics' on the rise in the US   
    The 51 percent: 'Fake abortion clinics' on the rise in the US
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    Alexa reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Award-winning photography emerges from the ruins of Mosul   
    Award-winning photography emerges from the ruins of Mosul
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    Alexa reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in London: "Improvised explosive did not detonate fully", manhunt underway for bomber   
    London: "Improvised explosive did not detonate fully", manhunt underway for bomber
  12. Upvote
    Alexa reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Video: How the Haredim, Israel’s ultra-Orthodox, make their own rules   
    Video: How the Haredim, Israel’s ultra-Orthodox, make their own rules
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    Alexa reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in South Africa's rape crisis: Pressure on police to solve sexual assault cases   
    South Africa's rape crisis: Pressure on police to solve sexual assault cases
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    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in Forgive One Another Freely - ???????   
    Forgive One Another Freely ???????
    “Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely.”—COL. 3:13.
    A willingness to forgive those who offend us—whether they are members of the Christian congregation or not—is essential if we are to maintain peaceful relations with family members, friends, fellow humans, and Jehovah. The Scriptures indicate that a willingness to forgive others regardless of how often they offend us is a Christian requirement. In order to illustrate the reasonableness of this requirement, Jesus used an illustration about a slave who was a debtor.
    The slave owed his master the equivalent of a laborer’s wages for 60,000,000 days; yet, his master canceled the debt. Thereafter, the slave went out and found a fellow slave who owed him a sum that amounted to only 100 days’ wages. The debtor pleaded for patience, but the slave who had been forgiven a huge debt had his fellow slave thrown into prison. That attitude angered their master. “Ought you not . . . to have had mercy on your fellow slave, as I also had mercy on you?” the master asked. “With that his master, provoked to wrath, delivered [the unforgiving slave] to the jailers, until he should pay back all that was owing.”—Matt. 18:21-34.
    What point did Jesus make with this illustration? His conclusion was: “In like manner my heavenly Father will also deal with you if you do not forgive each one his brother from your hearts.” (Matt. 18:35) Jesus’ point is clear. The sins we have committed during a lifetime of imperfection give evidence that we are hopelessly unable to meet Jehovah’s standards. Yet, he is willing to forgive us and to wipe the slate clean, as it were. Hence, anyone who desires Jehovah’s friendship is obliged to forgive the shortcomings of his fellow human. Or as Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount: “If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; whereas if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”—Matt. 6:14, 15.
    If you feel that you have been the victim of an injustice and find it difficult to forgive a wrongdoer who has repented, it would be good to realize that the offender too is a victim. He or she also suffers the effects of inherited imperfection. (Rom. 3:23) Jehovah feels compassion toward all imperfect mankind. Therefore, it is appropriate to pray for the offender. It is unlikely that we would continue being angry with someone for whom we are praying. And that we should avoid harboring resentment toward even those who mistreat us is clear from Jesus’ words: “Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those persecuting you.”—Matt. 5:44.
    Mental-health experts recognize the benefits of being willing to forgive. It releases pent-up and even debilitating emotions that cause ill health, and it fosters healthier and happier relationships. Contrast that with the costs of an unwillingness to forgive—poor health, broken relationships, stress, and difficult communication. By far the most important blessing of being willing to forgive is a good relationship with our heavenly Father, Jehovah.—Read Colossians 3:12-14.

  15. Upvote
    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in Are You “Zealous for Fine Works”? ????????????   
    Are You “Zealous for Fine Works”?
    "We recommend ourselves as God’s ministers . . . by sleepless nights, by times without food."—2 Cor. 6:4, 5. - Thank you Jehovah for our faithful brothers! ?
    Your ministry may result in “sleepless nights” and “times without food.” (2 Cor. 6:5) These expressions paint a vivid picture of self-sacrifice and may well remind us of pioneers who give their ministry first place in life while supporting themselves financially. Consider, too, our devoted missionaries ‘who pour themselves out like a drink offering’ to serve people in foreign lands. (Phil. 2:17) 
    What about our hardworking elders who miss meals or lose sleep to care for JehovahÂ’s sheep? We also have our older ones and those in poor health who do their best to attend Christian meetings and participate in the field service. Our hearts swell with appreciation when we think of all these self-sacrificing servants of God. Such efforts affect how others view our ministry.
    Paul pointed out that he had suffered tribulations, difficulties, beatings, and imprisonment. (Read 2 Corinthians 6:4, 5.) When we experience tests of faith, our endurance can help observers to accept the truth. 
    If we are zealous for fine works, we will be richly rewarded with joy and satisfaction now. Moreover, we can look forward to the day when all mankind will display zeal for true worship in honor of our Creator, Jehovah.

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    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in The Truth Brings, “Not Peace, But a Sword” - ??⚖️⚔️⚖️??   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr.
    Yes, Thank you! Men will only learn Truth from Our Maker Jehovah God. Yet, those who speak Truth are hated for Truth hurts. Christ Jesus Our Lord spoke Truth and He lost His Life only to save ours forever. Even though many  do not like God's Word of Truth we speak out boldly just as Our Lord and Christ taught us. Freedom from the True God Jehovah is True Freedom. Man has no freedom but only bondage to other men or governments. Soon Christ Jesus Our Lord will bring True Freedom Worldwide under God's Government. I think we are all ready for that! 
    Thank you for your support!
  17. Upvote
    Alexa reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in The Truth Brings, “Not Peace, But a Sword” - ??⚖️⚔️⚖️??   
    The Truth Brings, “Not Peace, But a Sword”
    This has ALWAYS been the case ... everywhere, all the time, amongst EVERYBODY, always.
    Nothing new.
    HOWEVER ....
    The "sword" comes from the evil people that prefer lies to TRUTH, not the other way around.

  18. Upvote
    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in The Truth Brings, “Not Peace, But a Sword” - ??⚖️⚔️⚖️??   
    The Truth Brings, “Not Peace, But a Sword”
    “Do not think I came to bring peace to the earth; I came to bring, not peace, but a sword.”—MATT. 10:34.
    "Quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner."—1 Cor. 5:11." 
    These critical last days are filled with conflict, and countless people have contentious attitudes. (2 Tim. 3:1-4) As Christians, we must wage a spiritual war against Satan and the false teachings that he promotes. (2 Cor. 10:4, 5) But the greatest threat to our peace may come from unbelieving relatives. Some might ridicule our beliefs, accuse us of dividing the family, or threaten to disown us unless we give up our faith. 
    Even when our relatives oppose our efforts to worship Jehovah, we continue to love them, but we must remember that our love for God and Christ comes first. (Matt. 10:37) We must also realize that Satan will try to use our affection for our family to break our integrity. Let us consider some situations involving family opposition and see how we can successfully face the challenges that these bring.

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    Alexa reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in War in Yemen   
    War in Yemen: Are Western weapons being used against civilians?
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    Alexa reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in US - The perilous mission of hurricane hunters, risking their life to approach the storms'' eye   
    US - The perilous mission of hurricane hunters, risking their life to approach the storms'' eye
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    Alexa reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in US - The perilous mission of hurricane hunters, risking their life to approach the storms'' eye   
    US - The perilous mission of hurricane hunters, risking their life to approach the storms'' eye
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    Alexa reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Russia: Moscow launches the country's largest military exercises since 2013   
    Russia: Moscow launches the country's largest military exercises since 2013
  23. Thanks
    Alexa reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Russia: Moscow launches the country's largest military exercises since 2013   
    Russian military drills stir NATO unease
  24. Sad
    Alexa reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Iraq: At Least 50 killed in suicide attack claimed by Islamic state Group   
    Iraq: At Least 50 killed in suicide attack claimed by Islamic state Group
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    Alexa reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Vote or no vote? Escalating row over Catalan independence   
    Why Catalonia wants independence
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